The Huron Signal, 1889-1-4, Page 4is Pr innegge IIFIRRY FRIDAY MORNING, NORTH STRUT, GIODERICH. fit is • winoseke tonal or per. devoted 0 meaty sews end the denim low of ow goonMa. If the ja: AMVERVIlaillei RATIN* Loyal and other casual advertisements. mar fine for drst issertion. ead 3 oases per Use Local Redoes is saipariel type ic per line. vigUal actions in ordinary reading type lc pe Ilinelaese cards of els lines and under $3 per Adverlderipents of Loot. Found, litroyed, 11=11111 Vacant. littneake Wasted and Wasted. sot exceeding $ abuses 00 Bale end Few ea Sales set to WNW 11 hoes, $1 for fret umath. Mk per sub - Any special notice. the object of which is to the pecuubssy helmet of soy tidi- er mamas, . to be considered on ad These tross wIll-teo* coon he strictly ea - bared to. Ilipordlel es for large* advertisement.. or for extended eerie& needs theatre of publication. 111 1 DEPARTMENT. &Mk Jobbing Mice is carried as cessetles with the ordinary sewspopor where first-class work is turned oat Ls:.ble rate*. Everything in ths prima. be done on the premises Dem an poster to • •islt Mg card. rommunicatiss must los addressed to mensougyieNto Editor of Tgla 111111111AL Iniegegne Nate. Illoiedeb Oast HURON SIGNAL-. FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 11229. OUR CLIJB UST FOR IMO. Tem SIMIAL and Weekly Globe 12.25 Trtz Sliernsi. sod Mai/ 11 25. Tit Sioset, London Adrertietr and picture $2.25. THE filawtt and Empire $2 25. TN. &mem. and Family Herald, 12.25 'Inos Smoot and Weekly Witness $2.25 For clubbing rates with other periodi- cals apply at nia Smoot offs. ELEMENTS IN THE CUNTEST The report of the addresses given by the municipal aspirants on Monday evening in the council chamber will re- pay perusal. Perhaps the least bumptious speech • made was that by John Butler, one of the caudidates for the mayoralty. If any rasa is deserving of credit for hav- ing luougurated the wsterworks and electric light scheme in the town it is be, and yet duriog th• °ours of his re- marks he put forward no claim' or made no effort to obtain popularity on that hue. ttia address was a !toed -natured appeal to the public, which wits strcng in that it lett xit the element of self, sod referred only to th• interests of the town. Mr Boiler's manly utterances and unpretentious manner made many Totes for him at ibe srattng. In strong contra= tb• speech of Mr Butler for the mayorahy was the hifalu- tin and self -laudatory addrese of Mr F. W. Jcilinston fur the reeveship. "I, Fred. W. Johnston,- bristled through the stirs remarks, and to hear him apish, one would have thought there was not soother man in town deserving of credit for anything, or possessed of the intelligence to 611 the position which he haa so long oocupiad, we regret to Mote, with iojury to the town. "I, Fred. W. Johnston," did this, did that sad did the other thing, according to his statement. whoa in reality he had done nothiog. Mr Proodloot ably showed not only the sine of omission of Mr F. W. John- ston. bat also some of his sins of com- mis/rico in regard to the poet offioto and other matters, although he did not give the full amount "comcnossion" that Ind beam the pert of Mr Johnston in the various transactions. Mr Proudfoot Mho had trafficked in his °Woos to the detrimeet of the ratepayers. and Mr JOhnston did nut dare deny the im- rwa se fact alone suitht to con- demn MIr JOht100111 In the eyes of all right tbieltinit men, no matter what at- tempt is made by him to draw a herring goroas the went. Now that the post office has hese , heated, the townspeople will in all like- Ilikood bees to abide by it, but the matinee is whieh the job was put throefle by Mr Johnston entitles him to Lisibieg but crontelospt at the hands of vrtitihs Tun BIWA& does ant sere two sirsits mho. Um pest office is located, but be - Bomb sillioeld te lasted be fair means, MS sit by triskstry on the port of a 4 Tom pissisi elostrie light system is "pa stemeemmesly opposed iire Mr Jolts - Allem, sod • mesh higher pined "rims NUTS Tv CRACK. How did it elms that Illr F. W. Jelin - stow, whom shied tu got tato the sweaty soeneil is le seem a peer /weak n either elbowed ear sesueded the resole - Moe to vitae • somemittee to bother the How mush el the $1,000 paid by tie Covers/neat foe the West -8e. post office site was giver, to the seer of the pro- perty by Me Johnets Why did the Osserosseist st Ones n ot reply to the Minot We ell May 18th. 1888, by Mr Johnstso as °halms of the harbor committee ustil 1)**. 21st. 1888 And why was the Deportnisiats1 letter not made paid= anti! it wae 'prose ois the electors at the swigs - Dom meeting Did Mr Johoston connive to have the harbor docks meddled with s bogus claim of 12,277.04, so %het if he were elected rsove, and the demised wee foiled to be illegal, be would claim Hs his irises hod cased th• Government to with- draw it / How much did Mr Johoson roast. we from the Government tor 'sonnies the titles of die other sites that were offered for the post office location, and waa not that sufbiont for his valuable s- wiss 1 If Mr Johnston is anxious to live sad die in Grahorich why has he been seek- ing for years to obtain a Goverseent eppointment elsewhere -se time ..eiog and at another tins, looking as hir away b▪ illet 1 If Mr Johnstoo is so anxious to give kis time and talents to the town, why is ha now straining every nerve to bon shelved in the poet office If the petition for the appointiost of Mr F. W. Johnston to the postmaster ship, which has mos sent to Otero* be successful -and the signatures of the Court House officials, and other promi- nent residents ought to carry weight is his favor -why dos he went to saddle the electors with Use expense sod turmoil of another elstion in the event of his again being elected reeve 1 RIAD our list of election cords smill 11111 - pm your ceniidates. We INffit 11-1181 line in °goober and variety. Evintv elector who does not endorse the wiener in which the post office lora- tioo deal was made should vote for Mr Proudfoot. To vote for Mr Johnston makes you an accomory sher the 1st, and to abstain from voting is compound - As attempt is being made to show that Mr A Smith is not in favor of pro. gression. The feet that Mr Smith has invested more money in endeavoriog Ito further the prosperity of th• town ithen any dozen of his traducers is • full looser to the contemptible statement I made against bras. l• Were sr two Alan Sow Plehlerathees That More teas te fug We have received from the Montreal Star eopy of "A Dictionary of Amon- oan Politicos comprising accounts of poli- tical parties, ineseures and moo, and ex plantations of the political divisions and practical workines of the Government, togetherwith polities! phrases, familiar names of persons and places, noteworthy sayings, &c., &a. It is edited by Everit Brown, author of "The National Stand Hiatorr of the Uoited States," and by Albert Strauss. It is a handy and ono - foal compendium of useful information co American Politics During the past few weeks we bare re- ceived a large number of handsome Christmas editions and amongst them. The Montreal Mar. The Toronto Globe. The London Free Press. The Woodstock Nentirsel-Reriete. The Napans Espresso Th• Brantford Expositor. Our epos will not permit of dilating on the merits of each. Ina workroom' slatmeing rot J•ge•alr. THE EDITOR'S TABLE. This inetrecine begins ita 29th volume with a banchoome dress of new type- specuilly coat for It. Its capacity is glen onus ollastrated articles on Palestine ia given, with a large number of excel- ly illustrated article on "Hellos. and Ballooning," with an account of his own ballooning adventure on Paris. An arti- cle Boat sill ettraot much attention ier ooe on the "Doctrine of Historical Pro- gress," by Pea. Gold wife Smith -se of ths noblest defences of historic Chrie- lenity ever written. Senator Mac- Donald has an excellent such, on"Chrie- ttoan Unity,' nod the Rev P Dotin ributos the first of a brilleant series or papers. styled "Etcloines from Khakis - pears. A seasonable paper is one des- eribine "How Jobhn Woolley Spool Fifty New Voart Days" very instruativa story of Yorkshire Methodism is told try Mrs Amelia E. Herr. New Year s reed- ings and • ample of fell -pas mograiriage enhance the value of the needier. , Mather, who lave delicate children con se Hos daily improve and gain is flash and strength by fri•Ing Hoot per's= fond and medicine, Risott* Emulsion of Cod Lover fel, with lilyprophosphites, "I have need Sest's Essleion in asses • sorofsla sod debility. Remelts meet e rstifying. My Floe patients mho it with *seers." Sold by all dreggiste TAB HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, JAN. 4, 1889 iteerelliffeeer Jades *Ph Thetelley, Des. 26. the boning D D. Wilson's (gables at OS. 1887, was serstosed footles years la the positeoteary. Ws. 'iodine's, Manned with Iasi** Hawse to do the deed, wee feerall set ibises • breed vr Si nos des. My trim Mead, writes Ella Wheeler Wilms. sever susses to nos with the W- hiling sod careless gossip who& he bass about us He sever sepo "I kap, you will net sre-“sod then relates some meilseioss lie isvsoted hy the Sod of savoy. He Dever tolls me anything dis- agreeable mules it is to warn is or put so too geard against my own im- precise* He tolls us the kiod and pleasant words he hears spoken of sad takes as mach pleasure in leassipsr them es I du. And he defilade sas in es obsess trace agsinst on army of He will say things to my face which he would toot say or permit to be amid behiod my beck. Friendship of the highest order should banish all weariness restriction and form- alities. If 1 baptised to drop in upon my nears frieud as she was preparing to go mit with another, the would feel free to go, with no fear that I will be hurt or feel slighted. Ws can bear with tyrannies, &laxities, fears sod turmoils of love, because its joys and raptors repay ors for all it makes us suffer; hot the calmer pleasures of friendship are jeopourdised if we per- mit otisec sonotions to mar them. Love is like the said-oosso, greed, beautiful and tornblcofttil of delight sod dallier; and friendship should be like the calm bay *hers we rest sod do not fear; it man= give ns the exhilaration of love, and it must soot give us the aux- ins We isetneki sod strengthened ohm ea interviste with a real (Fraud, never irritated et worraed TIM worthy sod worth -while friend sever chides as for act loving bine enough nor bews 10 be 101r0d •sue•• b" makes himself so deserving sod so un- obtrusive that ors needs meat giro him gratitude and affection. Tits wise friend Dever weiehs in with bis triroodship-Derver burdens es with the feeling that be Genus live without oer constant dorotion. It is the pi- nk.. oI Ice, alelte to do that. Tiede et Tbi Pain baciabed as tf by magic Poison's Nerviline is a positive and &Imo= instan- taneous remedy for 'eternal. internal. and local pains. The most active remedy hitherto know° falls far short of Noir- viline for potent power on the relief of nerve pain. Good fur external or internal um. Buy • 10e sample bottle. Large bottle* 25s, at all druggists. Mr John Bright has mole further pro- gress to recovery. It is reported that Oenaan has 1,000 moo and lite guns at Han - Kerry, has toes found guilty of con- Eropemr Wilber*, roplyinor Wednes- day to a deputstion,predicted peace dur- ing 1889. The people of Kingston enjoyed • trip among the Thousand Talon& on New Year* day. Stimmonses have been served on MI' Thomas Joseph Gordon, M.P. for Tip- perary, too a charge under the Crimes Act. Legal Notices. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Le that spplicettion will be mode to the Legislature of Ontario. at the next Session thereof. for an Act authoring. aind empower, Mg the Incorporated Synod of trie Mauer of Huron to sell cart of lot number nineteen. Lake }Mora Conosodon. Township of Col. bars. is the Comity of Huron. eiseted by theist, Tliquillia Davies Otani to the church Society of the Dionne of Huroo "for the use of a church of the Caked Church of F.oiglared axed Ironed. to be erected noon the sold par- cel= tract of lend. mind else as • site for a parecome home for the use of • elorgyiren dole. duty st the said church.- And further to apply the proceeds ot such sale together with certain other monies held hy toe said Spred. la trust for the erection tbe told crutch. towards procuring another site in Bee eleiethherbood to be apsroved of by the dot ereetisa thereon et • church. Solicitor* for the -lair. Dated We Mb of December. MIL Strayets Animals. ESTRAY -ON OR ABOUT the Mt of November • ewe end two lambs strayed cm to the Preed 01 lbe sub- scriber. The mower is ray to prove pro- perty. pay charges. and take than away. ?HMO Lain, Con. Collborm. ESTRAY LAMB -CAME ON THE middle of November. a 'prim lamb. The owner is reimported to prove nay ex- penses, aod take It sway. INIMitilet.O. 11834t Lot It Ind Coe- ED. Colborne. CIAME ON THE PREMISES OF finhocriber Mout the *easing of Staci-. four head of year oitt strarre-t wo not mid two red and white. Tin owner is requested to prove propeni. pay Marge* sod take doers easy. X. 11CCHLER. Fees Reserve. M4t Election tar* OODERICFL TO THE ELECTORS or ST. PATRICK'S WA R L•MICM *WO lii.-seeiee bre, St. Patrick's word tali. emir leek end se I may Ns bei able to sere you an persimany Pore election day. I take this opportualty mein. you tor yew rem sad lafinosee. Vetes very null. rmuP MOLT. TO THE ELECTORS Bolted br asealtur of reefer to elbow norself as pot hi serninetton Mayor for the tertheerains year. bars *natty eee- fully he perform the dens •ppertmiet= the seek sod the terthersare um I. bf do myth_ Tour asellebodioat wrest. Election tart*. • TO THE ELECTORS 31T. ANDERWII WARD. Loots •310 0•3111Anni.--111 the reuse 011kwr tur dm ward in which I hunt lived so wee years of my life, Oe two mossiters previorteely I have hod the 00"1•7 Se • rest sit toe mireielpal eind on each onestom was credited lor the oetepayors with dotes doty to the wgsad perverts the town faithfully. beet years et my lite Mee bows owl hes with a view to help aimig the tows_ there/ere are set le a welter le sake a bees. to sous ceases, but if yew term me with war rotes ea electiou day. ask nivel se toe place IN the Commit Bound. I prouseps that Lb@ intoresto of tho town will Mee first Faithfully yours. GEORGE PDX. To THE ELECTORS or ST. DAVID'S WARD, Ladies aud Georgian's :-At the earnest so - payers of M.. floret's Ward. I Love consented idlow toy saner to be brought forward o• Nomination liey as • Councillor for letr. the two previous occosions 1 htive been the reel - Meat of die home st your heady tad deny, my terms ot Mlles. endeavored faithfully find Osseo, to servo you. It win elected, I plumb's to act. es la the past. le the sole in- terest of the adection. mei with that ohject in •iew, I hope to obtain your vote sad in- timemer. I rennin. your obedient servant. 110 THE ELECTORS ow IST. DAVID'S WARD. LASSOS AND Ocertsiesx.-At the @Mato g• large number of the vetoes. 1 Imre led to wank be a coodldate tor the iter the pam eight years I li••• 0•4••••••4 to work tie the • interest of the town. to the lee of my ability. and If I =a sato elected to the position WU osecteationny perform the duds pertalaiag the Mk*. Wishing jou WI the complImente at the mew. and soliciting your rote sad he Yours respectfully, To THE ELECTORS OF Mt TOWN OF OODERICH. LADINO MID MerLESIZX. -In MOON, 10 • numerorady signed requisition. I have cos - sensed to be • candidate for the Xanwelte of your Tows tor the ensuing Tem. From the number of woes end their infleenos. I dash pee Mire more coafidence le me Mon I de - no -re. I tear for toy ability. but promise. U elected. to devote my bon iodises sod all the time possible to the intemets of Goderick I kayo the tumor, Woe and gentlenvon, to JOHN HU TO THE ELECTORS Or rill TOWN of ooDiCRIcH. I See. ot the request of • number of the Retepayem of the Tows. commuted to Os nom- inated ter the position at Reeve for the mow Mg year, and feel ostisilled (roan my know - ledge. as Committer. of the akin of tin town, that 1 eon mootonsilly falai the dot -Moot thot. I know dun there are • nomber of Immo tont matters to be comidered sad disposed of. I will not promise thou MI of them mo oe will be successfully dealt with , bot I do Promise. if elected. to use toy beet redeemers to further the interests a the Tows. Tours itimpectfolly, W. PROUDFOOT. Oodertak Doc. Illth. td TO THE ELECTORS TO TUC TOWN OF RODE RICH. la eccordance with al Profane made host year. vim : Thin I would on • future scission accept the rensel tben nada end non recited. to allow IItymelt to be nominated the *Moe of mayer of the town. ood Nr Seeger hada. stand that he would not be • friale for 1111* I now offer myna( as • east Moto fee Urn honorable position. During the poet year so councillor for St Aimee.* ward sod weranter of the water works committee. I have Sys that intention to the practical wonting el MS the roost hoportaitt matter hedges the public which will enoble ins. Ultemened with year confidence and seems% so carry as this work now so sonny completed he • asesse leg your vote sad lulhirme. 1 sal 7.176 ItADCUTITE. TO THE ELECTORS Or rug TOWNSHIP 011 COLBORNE, As I nave been ormniamed for the peettles of Coescillor for the present year, if yam think I con successfully die duties of that positios. give me your support. sod I proniioe. if elected. to devote Mr best Judg- ment all the time noesible to the interests of the rate payers. Yowl% renerelf•!17, coition& issuary 1st um. ss. TO THE ELECTORS or COLBORNE TOWNSHIP. Ogicrtestget.-Hertnit bees Dominated ma a atedidate for the Mace of Reeve of the Towin ship, I take this opportunity of addressing you • few words. The assoinor. when he was alinessing tor Met year. returned roe tor acne and 145 acres. which Is right entomb- inecribed Ole few IS oe the roll, which in as my deed for the Hebei farm car- wrireillegoray MI arrest., and the Jacob Wilson 44 acres that would amount to acre*. which reduces my rate materially. Besides. I wee asseesed for $73$ of pew& property. which wasp= as lots Seed 7. Maitleued eaorossloa. but are sew ea dee roll oe lots a. T.1.5 sad le. New. as I have ooly sad 7 oa the Beastlier as. which Is rated at 4 sill% whereas en 8. a. No. 7 the rate Mil milks. wkleh mums roe more of taxes. I Luedely WM the electors to considor the manor. mod apses= mem who will sot impartially amil do jostioe to every. body. AIM ma to deo salary rub. I believe It to be illegal. and I monk. st ear Rese beteg Ode resolution to be entered on tho books of the towashno. Walt You sso Wist hare lato other mums to perme to protest my property but the or 1 INNIWNet I de not know lbw. there ia a lam to prevent web asoandrsi- Sae In entering cos the roll • Wee statesmen. and not delivering It m* on the allsoltilnonit slips. think ;be best remedy Is to Mire the old mason off. snd pet seen pledged to yogi to do all that is L fee me. pU•dge esyssit them that romans" Isereseing the coseell- Ion' salary shall be repeated. tom the silleions in the moan bowel Mail be good and Went omen. as far it nes hi lee Power. 80. reatbe sea. se tor or it lay in my power. I have NOS to get good and liOnipetant awn. as you WO withal.. I have come te the conefunkni to ogee sornitf for the tionties of Reeve of tab towirldp. Thor= known bur by Iowa yew tog the we Ine you. Se. hoplu. yoe moo. sea wishing you the emisplitnionts of tie seesaw est hoping e shall sem en Maeda, es freemen. I wilt new tote bare a yes. Xhosa fiblobtabilt JOHN R0111151ZIL MST WAWANOSH. To TEE IHINICIPAL aucrrofte Mr TON At the request et • ism member set ths sersor&tereseimee my loteatios of bine tbb litoehmedp We year. Illeetece I sae soda before the mad will with the expertame gamed so hie the dotes MI the sees durieg the 1.I. ”wo the whet*. seasiolowing the wear dienc*Iso we bolhe: eseteed with. oar settee le dealing with &Mire of the township daring taw IMO latotto pow approlcolish. I shell bc *Mimed terzzweepport sad ler lisone at the aseenal Team I& .1 rallatKIVEL JANUARY BARCAINS. Dress Goods at Cost. Ulsterings at Cost. Tweeds at Cost. Blankets at Cost. Flannels at Cost. Hosiery at Cost. A swial line of Ladies Wool Hose in Black and Od- ors, 20c. per pair. WANTBD.---Good home-made Wool flocks and Woolen Yarn. J. A. REID & BRO I Dentistry. DIINT•L ROOMS. Eighth door below dm Pion Oilles, Weetnt.. timeworn 3110 -le Special polaleementsettagel seek sumo ion to the Netuirsi given peweervatiose of the Odlos-Up stairs. Greed Opera House Block. Situations Uscant. ersoclaso go= wanted at scat st the Ile - rem Rossi Apply m MRS. CitA.0 Wit She People's Column. C1AUTION TO THE PUBLIC.- TUE V hereby 'ebbe are noodesood a= giving credit to my anoshers a raj is my same without my written order. JOHN HARRY. Askillsia. I edit. WEST HURON AGRICULTURAL The Ismael mostbsiiklef the West Bores Agricultural Society w be held le the Court Hew. nottorich, Jam IOW en odeords,y. I for akar, at p.m. tie isineitioin of sad other buolocie. Mr W. IL Shaw of Iderniltory on the Lire Stork Joorleak be will I to od- dment the 111. Y EN. smonag. Ili. eeareses7. ANNUAL MEETING. The manual nesting of tho Wen Wow nosh Illisteni line liummoos Company he will beild ot the Cann Room Disagaseen. en Tuesday. die tied January, ISM of A.D. Whos Me assalrepoons he Mid before wal the fer the Semis three a- sod et rson% to the smacks Scoffed bT the Messrs. John Bollentyeallert- reUrsonent of word, Achim& mid Ailey Stewart. whose term et lenses raise ea woo then az= all ot wise ere *Umbel ler reelection. i Dneaseass. Ds. W. VIM MA. 1108T. -ON THURSDAY, A BLACK nos scarf, bet wee. Signal Mao and Whitelyli Meat Marken. Finder ' will toms leers it at Sumo office. Teeders be 'rib received by the underlies- „edi for marmet of hirAttrill. until the lath of rJaausty ink for tbe harrowing I plaything. sod seeding of four deka orperstely on Rids- 4 wood Farm, fie the township of Cotherm. mil i :rad wort to be performed ma each field ma a be sees at my Sire of touvissos iuttil the MIA J of January sett. at nous. at which seethe 4 work will be awarded. but the unde=liall l may me accept the Moen or my . lf . sot satisfactory io him. Koch field will hare to he tendered for sop- sestely. mod MO two ands will be awarded to say oat opal:actor ir. JORDAN. Medical Hall. 1 W ANTED. -100 CORDS GREEN •, l I wood. Tenders wili be received by the , asitersigned tonsil Jim. 4111. MM. for the do. 1 ivory to the Godatch Public Schools of IIIII reeds 4 feet, greets wood. Roach mid miglis. Ms from hobs aad Meek logs. To be go. leered caer before the bet et Mares. isa. tes4ers 111 be ter set tree than IA mega . or my neraer bet • ...west 1.T rille 00011.11. rim HURON HOTM. L Tits well -him.. aod popular betel has best eased aed ealartred duties tie past saes. ., sid is now wood to mos le isanty of so amanadatioa for die unrolling public. tend coos.sasideties for transoms s. 1 -A limited weber of -Teachers- ood "MitsualW* can be obtedoed bait num at Tug liessitt oats. Tor Sale or to Let. s acres et lead with • select orchard of Moto, zarseA cosenertehte biome sod 414(11.46L 1134 aro. 4.41011 SAL -LOTS 174 AND 223 Oederleh. Apply to M. C. CAMERON. t.IGUSE AND GROUNDS P'OR LI SALE - That valuable hoes and 'MIMS st present accepted by the subscriber is fet- tered tor esteem reassable term. Apply to RICH ESTATE VALUABLX PROPERTIES roR BALE Them is s tante Mick d how ea lot 1411 tinning about thrsw Mae se et Sod Let M. coomonew "C." esstalsdisg shwa Let 1111. conorestes For partisolewo am* Ito ritSALE OHEAP -40 ion IN tillibreat ps!to et NON dim abr.* Zoe 15:12. 171Z A"tr sib feet UMW AND TWO L01111 FOR 1.1- SALL- The house boo airgre. hi• With. rhatiesza:=1.1.elooPta owe& els kirk ?molt Ati Gant g DR. W. K. ROSS, LICENTIATE OF Royal Conine of .3? Arians, Zdisiburth. tabor vs South side of Limiliteinet. IMArtio 21cLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR A! OWN, CNoresier Re. Moe mad firs. oust. essed door west ellittdtari 8;471RS. SHANNON & SHANNON, PDWARD NORMAN LEV/18, BAR lj rioter, SolicItor Court, Owe. es eyes Thursdays from le to luso N mesas. D C. RATS, souctron. as. 1.4. Met. await et Square tied West ses Fluids to nod et 0 emceed. WI& O. Cansonsa C C. NI° or VALUABLE FARM PRoPERTY IN TIER used is a Ceder suideerwavinse oia power of sole row win be spill by public maim. boy floss will be messed Illosettreday el asii.elielq swoosh see, at one Welsch 16m.. on tleo Fifth day !wary A.D. 111111. Um lap& sell via samber also la Se Rees. otootaralsor slaty scree mere or Ma Terms Ten nor met of the petehese uttesp e he id doom sad the belascs le tade17 without interest. The MO- sterty.wili bit sold soldeset to the tams for tho wor UNA The percher., well be required le an agressest co the day of sae tor the of the porchsee. Further emit - trill he rondo timers ore rior ot mob of von application to tie tumerslimed. Clinton 3 Dec. ISM Tenders' &fficiters, OS. II. CARLING. • 'TORN KNOX, GENERAL 4170. TIONISILIR sad Loud Valuator. Oistiesish Ischarge with thorough sothefuotkoi mai leciese entrusted to him. Ordees kat id is Hoerr& er soot by moil IOW with P. O.. enroludy attsodod NOX Cost, •settemear. MEM TUTS LISE•RY AND RIAADIM M. coo of Rs street anal Nouse MP tress to g sod trove I te le leas UT 2 000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY Leediat Doi* Weekly mid Histarettsd Papers, Manatineo, eke. , on ride. tree us of Library sad Roadie • Appliestiso inessborship received Is to rows Presteleat. Secretary Osterleb. Mash Link 101. Loans anb insurance. LI1PE FIRE AND ieCIDENT Is. SURA Nes AGENT, Liverpool. Lemke et Globe, Norwich U Ropronentlas North griffin & Menus North Amoricen Life and Accideut Anse of North Americo - Money to Less eel Pins sad Tows Lowest Rates. Lewes snood poly. ri00,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO rick lUONEY TO LEND. -A L• ROI lowest rates so IVA assest et Private reads tor la R. RADCLIFF'S, GENERAL INSURANCE, REAL MATZ Aim loWrotaittertemafro Represented lowest rate of Wefts* ohm is soy tray $1100,000 PRITATI MGM lb Issi_ oft is mod sews Inarn011 ,pt NW No etellit• atiorost. end tre: suet. eetwitneit Ilw,41•11 • sew la 4,4,.en. omit is. NA Rash stFOit 11A3:11L id let rilt-Attftme *rem with longs ikar km. .134 f Wow err