The Huron Signal, 1889-1-4, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, JAN. 4. 1889. The OuemNsad the Sew. ,; JOHN TIIE BAPTIST. Twenty dos peau. silo. writes a earn. - _ pu*)eut of the Brook 11.• Eagle. I rade Lesson 1, FIRST QUARTER, INTER • hagAtguwu-oses Iu • tb+ tudort.r tnan t►ee : i took . pNtice of lase•sillea .i d NATIONAL BERIE8, JAN. 6. shaped it iu the forty of a lanae e.rvel- - ops. The entire edge nae braided. Anil lana ..t tie tiro. Harr h 1 -11 -Hater curers were also loudest (o • but de anent Teem,K-lsaa.te. Teat, tiara {, also The enure edge saw flouted with • uauJ ••1 small red .id white Dutton S - Eimen wellon be Um rev. A a baffle, and, as the brad used wee red. ftls•s.r• the Allah was vary pretty Doting the tVbatpnad inn. lama netpir ylllliday the gown wee folded rad slipped d II. t! Hcdt.eri s pelaYw�ifr mid' rase, 'bleb rain usually left on tool,the tuut of the b., tut ming a pretty as - beginning of the Gospel of Jena c„eu,y to the dreaa/tsg of the mime. But, Grit. ilio clue of Ood." We .hill .ow he cob my I Iota tut,ameo of itself that sane pairtiege.l fur 'Ls months to tidy again the"tree would d rt laved today, and was earthly hie,ar rather the n.e.rtbly U1. c. Shim earth, of our Lord Jams ('hrat; fur al- tbough He was a perfect man, yrs 11e wusaa amsartbly roan, at beim auerog miee aym- patLitstg with all mem, sad yet ever speak- ing of and pointing trier to • hour from wash lie bad torte and L, which Ue was re- tora/ng. Ur thirty-three or curt years us Anita as a mats anions men was bet nn event in o sit.. . bad no befit/min at d shall have no end, fbr He was res the be^.anlD$ bMtuos. Another one is in red satin, with t)otl, .1l things were nude by Ulm mad hand -painted 111 pretty design, the edges tnr iiga, and Result wt.Jae all "ling. rata bombed with red elk oorl and the case llame.dt. Lkhnua;h tt Iroverei,Thtevro bun• clotted with rd sato, ribbon bows AP Flamed beet OD the magnificent owe, of eagle, 'imported Ica the holiday trade. Hoch • gets mould be &pones/0td by .ay ,sw..d lady, and doubty w because they am 11011 co41111.00. A charring specimen is in blue satin, hand-pau.ted &meal design, aid lined with white silk, wadded, pin fumed and quilted, the edges tiuehed with Nue sok curd and dreg years swop lie was lei oath. yr: 110 is • real man today, uencbna•1-ell and unu o-ro aloe, ashd as we teed of leu in tlu Oooepel.. so we :roes to t;1rti .-t 'Lou, savtug. beal.n; . eya.,a'ILlaing. cartturttt4; calling us to fol- low ti►m, serve Hint, watt anal look fur li.m /dale re y:teld our bodge Onto alum that Ile, by 1: is : teat:, clay live His ids over is7.aiti iu Obeli of His t• :+►.rata to the 011 Tr tarnse& Ili 31.16 foretu:J eta not only the trod of the Minoan wh••.bould brutes the serpent`.. bald, ha: ...hop ea tho sued '4 Abraiani to • bona .11 nations should be bared, the Son of Wood wbo .husid sit o:l D*vid'j throe.), the sorTaot of God. 11S4iwg all He pbasnrs. the tion sat Han el:teluia, all t1.op;' eel., Ilitoio.f and /astortog the doneuioa kat I,v Adam, end the Sou of old, equal witli tical and re .l - log Clod to neon lu Matthew`* gospel we learn of Bins as tion of David, flee a Aber. bats, Kin3 c f tee Jews; whfiw fn tins gospel by d.0 Him rather as the servant spoken of to Isa. slit, I, "Seibold tg rsernat:' alto leo. tails, 6; lit, 11; Salt = eti, M, M. Zech. Uta b, etc. There *. eP toed la IW gospel which pec.iharfy nobleell1 Ile tbe servant. it is need &boat eighty lbw m the New Testament, and halt that sayer of times at le foznnd In tow gu.pu tan oreieven times it is found at the Arlt okapis" and 1. translated 'immediately,- -straightway,* •'iorthwlth," "anon," but in the Revised Version it is always •'sttatghtwa'?." While each gospel has its drtino ive fattens, we also Amt more or Ma tie each in them a11, and thus Ant etre brings Dilor, w Jesus, :tie Saviour, who parse not cooly Acca the wrath to eyrie, but alms from oar sins; Christ, the Neenah, the anointed Sing of Israel. and the Son of Clod, quad wkb God, ono with the Father. The begtnbtng of the gospel or glad tidings in my soul was when I roosted Him as my own t4vtour, and biassed be Ood while tberw woo a Is gu$lnj tats .ball he no end. :. "As it is erratum an sue Prophe s" The whole history at His humiliation, sufferings, dash, resurrection aid future glory is all errttren f. the Prophets, for they all maker of Him, eke limy Spirit ,psagnng through them ' "Behold 1 send my memenger before Thy face who shall prepareThy way " This 1s a quotation from Malachi iii, 1, and teftww to John the Batt int meth* herald of Jeno t .''hrost Oberree carefully (iabrbl's announcement concerning him in Lake i, 13-1: , and Lis father's utterance by the Holy »punt ' I.rk. i, Ai -M. & ••Thr voice of cam eryta3 In the wilder- ness." Tbis is a goowttuo from Leith zl, 3, mid carries ns beyond the first coming of Christ, when He time to suffer. to His mooed ottm.ug, when Hu shall comfort Jerusalem, ,&molting her Iniquity atxl came all 6enh to gee the glory of the lewd; when He shall ap- pear in lits glory taboo', op Zees (Pa cn, 1111; when He shall appear tae aenund time with- out sin onto salvation i }lob. Ix, :iii ; the *Alva - tion Wady to be revoelei at the revels:me of Jaen.. C'brt't. (1 Pet i, :., . , 13 , 4. •'Tbe ir•ntteen of rtp.e0taucs for, or ar.:0. the remise. Asa a amt- Kat•k wee toe preach- ing of John. and such was the cwmlm►oa to and the im acting of the apostles dude, xxiv. 4:: Ae:-s nes, it,; v, 11•. with din dif- ference, tint Joan pointed to • besmear about to ,come, while toe spinier pointed to k Saviour who had coins. kWh red. woe cruet - fel. rano, nac.-sdcd, and won:d c me nimbi to resrure ail Vince 1 o f whim QS• pro- J.1. had smites l.tcts (1i, h:-tII-. Ills ff.'et rtantt d to resent hmp_linesa nm 1 f'.tur., gi..ry U the fie . yr e.. tai our alas, c.r,d :bat vizi Cer14411 bgvo wit.moa: re - ,canoe -fust is, • ttoo turoing (ions sit) to tial, t:. Ci our atec:usa bas it, ••a c.canze of mind tow .tip IMI, the effect of the em- elt-atm of Oa wroC:b: by the Holy (i1 isL' A "There went out auto bin all Judea." Greet mc::trtud.r canto to him eneremfng thew sins rad deei in; barstUrn, fiat tw'stl- E:ate of t;:rir sincerity Wel trt.e nprutanc. we nay rather L -'m his pr0ocbiag (Luke fir, i-nti. Nu un:rand term or mere any so is worth anything wbotuv.r in the matter of repentance. or faith, or mercies, nothing but re.tlpotr•t heart work 1s of any avail. and Johns gave them to understand that unless theta, lives proved tapir sincerity they wash' Mailbag! tone to the unga.aehable Ara i"Clothed with camel. heir." John wee no fashionable preacher, shier es to person era style; food and named wee* maths of smell Importance to him, and as to bis pe neWng he aright not to pima tura, bel trod. (ieabriel had said that he would comp a toe apiris and power of Elijah (Lap 1.11), dead although b(p was not Eltash (Joie i, fu, big was y like him. i . "()tie mightier tags L" Aa( John did bot enns der ilio self worthy to be privileged to unloose HM shoes. (Martel himself would covet such an honor. end what angel In Heaves would not rejoice to (k/ Him the lowliest servicel Bras the I M so mighty to antes of to that John's “mightier than 1," whom he eo deIghted to honor. tads o hot poor witnesses. He is "Tbe Mighty lied, the kv.rlamttng Father, the Prince of Yea..;" and N we only twin►ed what we profess to believe, that we an inlet hats with 111m who is Heir Of all things, and are Neu en - shad through HM mafMtnga, our devotiat to His would be mica that a thnngbt of self woad oath* tolerated We woakl my with Pant, ' • Yoe me to live le Christ and to die le Pts; let Rho he g10't$e either by my 111 or death" (t'111. 5, 111. Mt s. "Ho sash baptise yon with the Holy Ghost • lintels we have tib bvtima we a never amount to anything to samba ��tt "Imes wee bsptind 0Jobs 1. Jordan.' )list► thle,e Ude tweet ht hitt• Jcia 1Mul Issas had as Ma to contain �tsSmAri we Ile said to J "mer M 50 .D sow, Nr this R tis Within all Hawser. fe" ta•The Hsay.a ops.sd, and the= Lis a dove, daeeseding upon Neat" Oi }tb eons different occasions do es red In Bertp- Wm of Heaven ��k1�g °pardtin , and trite e 115.10 stew • Jen e11het bt ►tasslitNlor ar Wise tis t eeme tie waste of me en earth, es It wa1 �Is the erase el all ate le thin veshove Mere on sortie IL " Votes. fvoi Heaves. Tars* thole Meist itsIlltiIIll. M MIB this stoke .gswwt%,e 0110 lin Arent riqusta caw that would tern. • lovely gift to • bides in white sats. with • lore roes painted on the top, lined with quilted a.tiu, perfumed, white silk curd edges and chinos with .i1k curd hoops and buttons. Another style in white satin It.. one side catered with geld soli tba opposite sibs •ith • triune of tip. gold net in brocaded effects, the centre l.1 sato ,n hue band paiuung, par• famed, the ecte;ea bombed with small acid cord and is very beautiful It is rather smaller than the tint described, bet lama. eaogih fax a time meets. sod ovoid be lovely for the berme fur laces or flee handkerchiefs a T.l.aher hesreveey. i P Ta.uer, of 'Noisome, Ont, says be has not only toad b 0.B. • tun euro for Dyspepsia, but he also frond 1t to be t11e best medicine for regulating and iheettestlno the ejstew that he bas ever taken. 11.15.11. is the great sys- tem oreestatue - 2 Wit ails/. Every oma We hes treed fe sows boa & is h tie sea di-ilitiR word. of &motor% for the bereaved and desolate, wstbcot ben formal and offensive, as veil as It may be hypocritical and fau- tlatic. There Is often mon sympathy is silence than in speech, while the new words, and btly spoken, are as auotbsug sad satisfactory as the cummoo saw., heekrseyd quutauous, and dull, dreary mwalu.og are tottering and Intolerable. The meagre chaff, welt meant for grails, is r.mettotes absolutely terribi.. Awk- ward bluuderera, though well o:eauwg, often tear open nearly clued wounds sad lay than clumsy hands upon the generous heart i. • n.y teat cannot be dcaenbed, The foiluwwg remark by a well known writer hos the u,ark very entirely :-- Do sot think me flippsat if I venture to say last in a Dote of sympathy one should not be too plow. By this I mean that then s a dialect of grief --a repertoire of Scripture phis'.*. rad bots of hymn. --which comes reedi'y to the pea, yet which often mute.). no mom fort, became it sounds stereotyped, and °ernes D0 raeesage from the heart It is like is aloe% to thane packaged pbraise which fall front some people in their public prayers, until we retch in apprehension fur the exact moment whets they are to be uttered. Whatever .lie may be excused in the fellowship of suffering, imuncerity has no put nor lot there. Any thing at such tim.s rather than ioanoenty and prides oft -repeated com- mon plate. r Pewees et *1.d. Preesoce of naiad is good in ase of eactdents and emergencies, and when coupled with Hsgyrd a Yellow mil will °flee• save life. Yellow OiI curse all painful injuries, burns, scalls, bruiser, frost bites, rheumatic and neuralgic pains pains sad is in fact a handy reliable sur goad sad. 2 THE POET'S CORNER. w.s.tltre e.d Cera. Seed-bye,oki uuw, yeti ve got to g,. 04 course 'Us herd to ten you sot rot your foref•Ihere •.d IS own Y., cars this old fano have known. You're lank sail dobby ..te be 101.4. You're 01 for ...s.be-r silk Isar beet. Yon yle.d but little at your ben and thee godry its souls* t.. rest. Yo.r horse aro load- /OW -bonne thalamus. Too little meat for suua . frame, With stomach large Aad u Were s.nsll, The different parts dont snatch et all. 1 looked yen with end regret. AAA atovaed to think we ever sae.. For every wrinkle In yosr Mara Proclaims of wetted hay and cora. Me neighbor farmers live with ease, W ►L's I wear patches tai my knees. The Irliantia, .tmpM, plus ail tress. They've kept gaud stock while 1 kept yeti. much common scrubs: no more ru feed. Hetwetwtb 111 try to better breed, 1 plated! ten my emir sow You've got to go; good-bye, old sow. Mark Lane haprses, ahead et all.. I hew used il•gy.rd'. Pectoral' Hal• sows in my (uutly (.r years an.1 have luund it ahead of any preparation of the B•,ummult'd' new dramatic s b«►1 ind rac kali cuing colds, eta fit. Dale- teaches the pupils how t.. walk. If it eal,y e-wwend it fur abliaeeoAlai t , Moffett, 34illor►ok, Ou . 2 cau teach them how to walk from Osh- kosh to New York without getting either I tired or hungry, it will not here beet. RELIGIOUS NOTES. opened in tele. latereNlag Paragraph. telatlag to theta. A severe a/taeb. tram 111 *irks )Lias Bels Elliot, of YontJpotd, Ont., Rev A. C. Crews, pastor of atteeth wants -"My brother and I were both street Meth•.diet church, Hamilton, has takes ill with a (severe attack -4 d.ae- sooepted the tall linen the 'Lieu church, sAts+, baring tried other remedies, we Wiwiipeg, which is the second Melba- `imed Ili Filler's Ettreet of Wild Straw - den church in the city. The stipend to 1 homy, which gave immediate relief." 2 $1.500• year said a free p•rwroaee. [If ( "They have a larger (sale in my din Mar Crewe* i• Dot • intim of G..derica, trite,- says • well knowc druggist, "than he at least resided there fur is time I any other pili on the market, and give several years ago ] i the beet satisfaction for sick headache, Mics Forster, has resigned bey p►.i- biloiouunees, indigestion, etc , and when Dna as teacher its Georgetown public combated with Johnston's Toole Bitten, .ebuol and stared feet Iodm w become ' J"b'tat..0 s Tonic Ltver Pills will ten- th. site of liar W P, Igen. of the 11e'rm .hat nu other medicine has done Bengal Conterence, a former Stratft rd be "re (or sullen" humanity.' Pills hue erne warned tis Lisa. sat B FtiNrt. 25 cents per bottle. Buten 50 cents 3 ODDS ANO ENDS. , &n KRICR MOILER T01111 arrow to ail Siesta elf Isitm.sat /. avers Chrystal & Blade 1 ISb. -1 must sh or you ay new cloak before poi go. H• 'hustle ioudyl-Souse 1 of ay friends tell not 1 aha homey • etluah to *Pip • ojoek. She -- Oh, 'het wuu't matter ! It easi be started anus. ( 0. elle Te.. et tsl.rve.Ma. "For three months 1 .mak) not eat • full meal or do a days wort. 1 bought • bottle of Burdock Hit .d Hitters, beige° , using it, and in three days my appetite returnee, in • weak 1 felt like • new man. It was wonderful what that nits bottle did fur me,' writes Arthur All - chin. of Ilaaavills Muskoka, wk•i sof- ! fined trots Dyspepsia 2 '•I can't imagine how you can dislike work ; a, ire It a reel enjoyment r' said 1 the father to hie I.sy sun. •'Yes, pa,' was the gus te-sa response, ' but 1 dou't want to gibe myself whvl.y up to planers. ( i National Pills are a mild purgative, acting .w the Stoonec , Liver and Boa- ' ala, removing all ut.tructona lm in Mwaid and $1 per bottle. Sold by Goode, Druggist, Album block, Coast -Leh, sole IMO [e] Thera ia. proposal on toot to erect a Methethat Gospel taber.ac.e io Turouto similar to the Guy Pearce tabernacle in Loodon. The buildin4 is intended priucipelly for missionary work, Matt if guns on with will probably be erected to seat 3,000 people clue of the princi- pal movers m the scheme is Rev J. M. Wilkinson, of Agues street church, who !dog is rename attar here. ' wiIl ruttishly bring it forward et the - aeeit ministers' meetthg is the Metro- I New Sour award. pubtau church. Don't 'snow a colts in the heats to .low- Gea.rie Chauncey, of Boston, began 1 IT and aunty run into Catarrh, when his career as au urthudoz Christian mon- Jou can be cured tsar 25c. by using Dr. Teter. Thou hs became 1n tarn a tatter- Chase's Catarrh Cure. A few apphca- lions cure incipient catarrh ; 1 to 2 boles cures ordinary catarrh ; 2 to 5 be:xes is guaranteed to cure chronic catarrh. Try it. Only 2:,a and sure cure. Sold by an infidel lecturer. He has now hued . 811 drtrpggete ly the reimpose c,tapasa by ague becoming all orthodox suntster, and announced' hs A pretty little gel was watching Her intention of confessing the truth on the mother arrange her toilet prepantuty to same undone in B-'ston from which • shopping tour. •'Mamtna, when I def he so long taught error. big Ink. 'ou, will I wear a bustle and pot A methodist church in New -Haven is pr ',der on my fan y. "Yea my der." hartopg a goud deal t.f trouble with • ten Dcaeious ! won't 1 be tell enthusiastic member. For tears he has been to the habit of getting up in the sl.w • mode comsat fre1.L service and yelling like a salvation Army A slim young man in the height of shouter, only louder Every effort has fasher^ was violeutlp meeting in a street been made to induce him to stop, bot in vain, as he says that be is the 'pees) lipoid le of the Alunehty. Bct as hu out- breaks have seriously dimiahed the at - A Boston boy was telling his father one day .•f • school -mate's attempt t. sing. "And time !" said the ten -year- old. in darp do.gnst ; "why, ne didn't keep any better time (heti • cow when • Weekdays Mama. sad refits. Clever housekeepers accustomed to *oohing, often speak strongly in favor of flannels and prints being washed at the eoomeocemeet of the washing day's pro- euediogs ; and they find the plan cos - rennin, biases' they say that colored things can be washed in the same water as flannels, and the water used for rinsing 6aoois will serve so "tinting ' the beet whites. All this is true, and Tat when w0 come to practice we And it is best to let the state of the weather de- termine for as when flannels are to tae wanted. We have to remember that aeon!) linea and calico may lie for a while after bang washed without injury, 70 flannel sad °stored goods meat be quietly dried or they will spoil. To dry &noels slowly massa them to shrink ; to dry colored prints, chintzes, eta, slowly, is apt to make the colon run. Flannels and colored things, there/ors, .hold not be touched until there is a preseect that they ma be dried off and be done with, and thin is why we abortd easeider the weather in deciding whet they shall be washed. Flannels should he pet into a good, warm lather -that is, into atopy water, only a hale warm, bot oe so amount into cold water. As swab se possible, rubbing ehoeld Ise avoided with them, bemuse to rib Sac - eel makes it thick. Wringing also is harmful to them, and it is batter to ageeeea and press the water Det of them thea to wring them. Soda also should Dever be seed for flannels, and tf they are 10 be kept in good 'condition they ioeld act be ironed. Colored ,,Dads, tno, should not be pat into very Lot Mari Der ironed with a hot iron. After wane they ehoeld be rHoaad le Grad water, is shish a little slam has bees diseeleed. They iueld aol ae dried te the ems. Neither Sammie Dor colored pods oust b• boiled. Nosy Leedr se. es pet IN4.1S1 heedful' of ee.mne salt allso the water le white adored things ate nosed. This helps to make them leek lose sad bright, het it also tends to make them tare kmp speedily. Vieteris Qirbelie Salve M a great aid Ie Weasel laedbfta ie the treetast of wageless gess, alone sad abeam*, at Ftp Ittilt. to • ... un, an Agnostic, • tpantusli.t, • Tomo sophist , a It..ucrocian, • Hermetic Philosopher, and • believer in esoteric Culture. He also became prominent as ar, when a companion remarked, "Air, Chawles, desh buy. how d'ye stab that dweadful cold." ••Aw, deah fellate, left my sane an the lower lull tt.ther day, tendance of the church, the pastor has and in sucking the ivory handle, an at last decided that either he or the dweadful cold, it chilled me almost to church must shut up. death." If Charles had used Dr. Har - Emma Abbott sang "Nearer, My rey's Red Pine Gum bis cold would nes God to Thee- in Trinity Ceurcb, San trouble him very much. For sale at J F rntraado, oa Suaday recenoy, and N ilpou's pre•crwtwu drug stun. tf electrified the oongregation. The Er- ato.'wr'm musical editor de.cnbes it in Minister -Yat don't look at all well this way: "Suddenly, like the notes of this morning, Uncle Rutu•. Uncle • startled bird, rang Mie !lobott•s sweet Heins -No salt, I'.. fwlo de want ob voice upon Um fashionable stillema sleep. Wes Ryles ter hab cbickeu to - People Docked their ears and sat motion- a•y ter dinner. It w5. nigh :,n to two less as the me:ody rolled along among o'clock dat dem chickens eras delibered. the golden etas in the ceiling. It w5. . 'Nearer. M God, to Thee,' bat it w5. out the well-known melody of the o.d log cabin church among the fragrant pines. Then wes mon operatic bun and ribbon to the air It a:premed tender, trustful feeling in the piano passages, while is the oresesados mrd fortissimos the sentiment was of joy mingled with the paesionete Dries of love triumphant. A meal solo with so much feeling in it is wry rarely heard is cherishes from the regular choir, and a glow of delighted surprise overspread the faces of the is teems The hyme 11.1.hecl with a joyous bunt, ands murmur arose from the oua- gregalion.'' A Cane gar *e.faes•. Them have been many remarkable cores for deafness made by the use of Heigysrd's Yellow 011, the greet hoes. - hold remedy for pain, isdammatiOO and sonnies. Yellow Oil sures Rheumatism, Fiore Thrust and Creep, and is useful in- ternally and 'eternally for all pains and injetlea. 2 nog • Mak A eat Yr Goode, dragging, is not a book agent. but has the agency in Goderioh for John•teu's Tonic Bitters, which he can heartily raeommeed for say coat - Ostia to which a tonic rsedioine to ap• pliable. This valuable medicine has Leen with yeast Istonthingl good re- sults in uses of general debility, wetk- nese, irregularities peculiar to feaelea, extreme paleness, impoverishment of tits blood, atotsatseb and hese troubles, lass at appetite, sad for that general eorn out hulk* that nearly every one is troobled with at someof theDon't &inlet the name Jo�hsstes'a Toole Hatters 60e. and $1 per bottle et Goode's drug stove. Albite% block, °.darn►, sole Moot. a Th.... who speedo most of his days in giving advice to his Meade bee Ira .Aad at all to lits awake eights wieder* why lie le't pewter. Tn IDt4 .sate beth the beady sad the Was, ow the reliable teal*, Milban'. Aaaostfe gentile Wine. lea • Maas* A Rawaito-Of one dosed "Taegu ET" to any one sending the bed four lin- etime on • Tgasalt*T. ' the remarkable little {+� for the Teeth and Batt.. Ash y .%r est or address "Reform," says • writer, "should al - way go forever:." A wise observation. Tbe retorts that sought to do sway with the beetle soot behind, gra it hailed. d. P. R.3300264 Masufaeturen ..f all kinds of TOWN PROERTI61 FOR SRL $TITINEaf, sltlst. smolt ASA ream BOILERS. 8100 AND UPWARDS I h...• a i.rge comber of Musses and ease SALT PANG, SMOIES STAG •ad Vacant Inside la I!e tnost Aralraute parte sad a►1 kinds of »beet !roe wort. of the Testa- -1105WALE satar. Now ►s the time to sa'urc prup''rty before ATKA]. Ails w ITEM r,rt rflwi. the Mg Runk. The t'. P. It. iv o.nu144 wr. Anil In • short thee pnc.r will have advanced 1 constantly un 1s•i.d. beyond the reach et many. ('.11 ansa see ldei Mad Prktm fiat•'- perebae- lag elsewhere. R. RADCLIFFE, Real Estate •.4 Olegasl taserente Ages..°e •e We.t .$t., third ewer from Square, ( . P. R Ticket and 'l- 5b Otho., al-tt. DU Li) PILLS A sunt CURE Fos 11111.100814 ESL CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION. DIZZINESS. INCE HLADACN*. AND a104A•t• or Tae STO.ACH. LIVEN AND 4Owtt.*. THAW MAC rt.O,tHO50V4N AND r•ONPT 1N ACTION. AND CONN A VAI.UA•ta Ala TO a0.0OC4 BLOOD SITTtas 1N Tee TTTTTNA1T ANA 0054 or CHRONIC *ND OBSTINATE DI$EASS$. 0. hand, ready for denier, . l is ■.r. Sew 5µ,0l Netter, Compares. 1 hi S.r. seesaw RANO Waller. Na Hs.f err, r. Abe • is ■.r. E.gl.. ■rad Wolter aesemf bawl. t. Med feawlllea. Mail orders 0111 revel we pr•.unpt amenities. Wert* t epti. a:. T. W. Mallen. P.O. BOX 381 eeMrleb star 31.1 h. iiau. 10000 FEESENTS Tu ttllaT AlrLT_•tu. T L Lt Taal tam W. eon rend len wail... a* mire . gik, 10 .. 6•i(a. n M.+ et t,A11,-. Oa to • lsauy-.1e TIM try eke I BUN111gtri linin Imam Cie the , d'tieele Iron the label and mrd .:. in ■ letter Nuri•. h•:'.e it 'ep,nISO fairtat*1. 1.i:ver a 6.10er end rife win secure the teaAny grav sr e nus where to set it it by you.-,Afe6w•r- CIVIiCITLL s (fo•.t1o111o11s TAILORINGe 1 LITT LL's LIYIBG AGB. In is*THE AGE ►: crer, upon Be tory-sizth year. Approved in the outset big Judge Myon% Chancellor Kent. !Teak's." Adams. historians sparks I'reev,tt, Ticaser. 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Published R -code at alibi • year,lree 4i poeaegt. ar TO NEW 111; B3C'RIRERS for the year 4055. remitting before Jan. 1s?. the ntimbere of 1154 issued after the receipt of their sab- e rrlptions. will be sent gratis. Web Rates for beat Howe and Forsst- LITILIR�TURE_ V1"Po•sessed of Tug LIVING AGE said one sr of .r of our vivacious American montbue. a ,, --- - subscriber will find himself fol roma/mai ef Ira(raolr sif.afioa.--Philadelphia Ere.1a& Bultetln.-1 Mrrclsas era cat heir Bill fiends Letter For =141'50. Tag Ltvtxu Jog and teals ode tit tt's e American SI monthlies for llarper Heads km. kc. painted a, this oaks' for very Meekly Meekly or Ratan wilt be seat for • year, little more than then generally for the i>en ; o. tor WO. Toe Lrvtru Aoc and sod it held. to advertise chair b••1aeea I the Rt. A'iekoleu or 8,-rfANrr s .Yapar(ur. Casa said nee samples and get prima eh Address, LI7TELL k CO.. Roston "THE FREE Pte" 1.the OSIR MU�ibd teeMe1eM.siW.se is* it M tmrw•rad en fairly tubs ye•elhlns pie*TNsbla�atideasJPT�.(i.sMs aD1i lg00•000.6llik6 ev.IywMtr' AeMeetv fist Petit PIMITI a Cg.. Loewe, Calm 64 b N144 ral CAN USE ANY WRITING INN EVERY $ e e S-1 . 2 w s? Y, a c it 30 o Jxr ' i a I. it 1 9 L ieo s a 0 o a e E o f 't a k b O 'a :g i i ; 4 a i 3. s 6 11 1 I a 01 O id - I d J 0 z oc dg -3 J t I j�°p.n t g 3 add T 8 e0 ]3 1 O 2 S 0. 3 11 3a E M d b 11 e �_i i� u Ott ss l2 tilt 15. $ 0 y a 1 II: el I u z e 33 a .3 z .s3 a k I; a 2 ee1 Q 11 ' ! h k.2j;/i 1 x ai 3 s 1 MISS GRAHAM HAS OPIIVID Oil? RIR Z�T�W r��, 0=06477e' I and has the latest styles In SHAPES AND TRIMMINOA. A, nom] her titan aro moat sea+ llkt, an,) she invites the Wile. of 0alwrtch and vicinity to call and examine the styles and ,cions. Remember tea I salla ri mom, o. tis agleam east as 1thee e• A cies L .'1 i