HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-10-26, Page 88 1 THE HURON FIAGNAL. FRIDAY, OCT. 26, 1888. COUNTY CURRENCY Divs." Cued ora. h.1 4 be" w s•t- ALBUM. • • day, 30th 'nu before hie Humor Judge From ear ewe Cerreepeoe.a. Dole, He Md not me" l° do, os w• Muter Leek Down's. of ClIsetos, is lases tr.m Oortwpon- of which s•s setsettle'by the ponies aw•the resod of w .vele, Mr Wee I tomes. ad. Items treat Other We carry to have to stats that dourest*. Mn 1Yel.b, d Desgs*Mst, ttsiMd. Julia Rutherford. of Crashes Neck, I Miss Labor Hamilton, daushter of Mr fri•ods bar. Inst week. John Ha.ultuu, West 11'awwush r lass Kortoru'ahire. Their family ouisistes A WeMly mom or fbe t memo zee• arra.1 111 11'• h.,p. she will souo remover. W Mw Khsa Blair ki.dly acted as of ,d 9 children, Iii sow acrd 3 dwewhtsn) ed t gsek ac.Nr..1 ••t be uni•..L. ' •leeply st•upatbiss with Mr Hawiltoo in nein to the •h•.soe d het seedier Mian j of whew •r. dead. The sertiving Sues. was are Joho, who sensed. his father coned of he the good will of aN wAo knew bias The decease was tore i. Marilletd, Roz- bxw►in, 6501Leod, in the year 1894 ani asses to this country is 11184 Is 1$149 he was waited 1u marriage to Mary R.tberfurd, third deugbt.r of the late aM Ireton. Clipped nee r e.. ! his ore e;f1 w-trotu to hu family. !kb ' ma � et [loderldt, ►•d- a from isery*dl.. 11 .iii be ple•siast tris the Hod son yid utters is this School Seotw. to wesssefiead. P� elt • i unit 10 mer Uwe that Mr Geo Woods pnntdpal of wall rise dal lost weak. Dungannon t3ubool, and who has twgbt Ifd Down's, formert= el Ctintun now ASH FI Ei,D. tn.i ■ewe uorreetsoadeni. I in said School fur three yeu'e and some wows are boy nab thole ap i moutbere-omega-4 .s at au advance of pl.e abuse closing.• yluyear for the yes 1689, thereby urine- gli Ws, Bwtben hos old kis tat in 013I ing that hie services as teacher aro duly .ppreouted Mr Woods u au energetie (Aim. to Mrs Memory.I psuutakieg and successful teacher. We IWA1sa Mclean has rented Patrick I approve diteeemeraliug a good teacher. of thus place, rets • few days an fres Turuuto, whose he harmed the cut- ting business in «.esecM o with the tailoring Its. Mr Henry Beadle, ear breccia .OM • cult the other day three months and • half old aired fres hie opo here*, to Mr NotOisr'a farm for a term of rive years. A eery pitta•ot evewing was spud in Robt McAllister of West Wwaooi8 for frwgoent showers of bra have I the hue a of Mr iimic Hamlin, township the immix/.om cam of $110. This 'peaks ease the tail wheat present a I.r.utif..1,,,1 Ashfield iso Tuiia4sy, 18. 23r4 fist, as well o/ "Su amain, app aeamo* ion that cawing (tette • nsmber of raid- HILL'S GREEN. RAW Mr (;redo occupied the pulpits of I tr.en, mends, sad others promoted Mr Join J•rfot has sold we faro S' ' Fite/.ora churches last Dabbed. v� bey. Xi Good, tether of Mn E. Andrews, thilrioesly di, sat we hope to hear of ` weedy recovery. so. Mr Leask preachod his farewell salmon last Sabbath to a large eougrslta- till$ in the Lanes' church. Mite Bella Hackett has returned home Irma Wiarton. where she had been 4.11 a visit roust of the summer. to his sou WllIiaas J., for the sum of $7,100, •ad Mr Jarrst has purchased Mr W. Aseuo's farm acclaim- ing 50 acres, for shish kit paid the neat item of $3,700; be inteods to move there u woo as convenient ; he fell heir to • great legacy le( UP by an uncle is Keg- parposes to mil as t Hu Hill's Green leasaut journey, and be renewed and that safe, improved both themselves to witness the joyous eventod Mining l0U acres of unitise in the bonds ofwatriwouy be- tweee Mr Samuel Peutlend, son of Mr Mr Thos Peptised, %,cad Mie Maas Hamlin, all d Ashfield.. 11'e wish them as .Meand c,ingratulate the yuuug cou- ple is the happy event. C011s1[ti1AL 1„KIOY MgtR17l(:,-. la ' for whicp paeeting to discus the question Of Cw$• goon es prima merei•1 Unicn was held in fhe township Ineuds wish hue k hell, on Friday aftarno on last. Mr i ��h'bhealth Miss M. Hunter of 12th c,,0 . has I Jelimi n Kermytheo, the pres:dsot of the ( sieall and ficulls. eta re-engaged at an tncressed islet) West Huron Farmers' Institute once- Ph y GODERICII TilW:WHIP in business, George odd R illlam, is Ma•itoba. Mr and Mrs Currie hied et Galt for • year ea spaides le 4Mi-Aa sad afterward Made their hoot* at yr. Marta, tiesforeh grid Mosotho twining here shoat 10 years ans. 1'typ hoes.% tool place on Wednesday ffine N iotsrwabong week as Pintos le. where noes of the children are buried. Mrs Currie will oae4inge to peri..• berm. GRIT. L•c8sow Public School. Mr Edward Andrew hu r, turned Manitoba. H. reports :L: s:•wt seriously injured by the $Lasa in • many places. The district Sabbath schen] contrition connection with the Aahidd cn uit, be held in Blake's hal el Fria* at 9.30 The stool Sabbath school conreef*t comseetiuu with the Methodist chug*, field circuit, was held it. Itlake'a on Friday last and was s tomato, although the weather was not ctrl fang- able. avor'.- mer, the lumberman, the fisherman, the Mrs Whitely & Elwsrds, of 0e4miner and the mechanic. Ile showed -$.8, have incommoded a large flambee ; conclusively that in the interest of every .41 the farmers in ibis tuwust,ip by 001 clam unrestricted reciprocity and • wider pied the chair, and explained that in- vitations had been sent to Mr Charlton sad Dr Macdonald M.P. to speak in flavor of the gasoline, and to Mr Robe. Porter sad Hon. James Young to take the negative side. None of these gentle- men were present at the meeting except Dr Macdonald M.P., but he proved to be • host in himself, and delivered an address, extending over two bouts sod • half, which has never been excelled in this section. No summary could do justice to the manner in which the eloquent re- presentative of East Huron dealt with the gnestioo from the stand of the far - taking their winter apples a:ter their meet baying theta. 1 e understand that they stopped pa or apples on *. Friday. A number a lea adios Aug threatened M a nuntl.cr of farmers will loose heavily if they dual summed in getting their apples sway. LEER(' RN. Fees our ops oorreeponden:. Peter Goon, of the Maitlaa+ etonces- p�1 S visited friends on But Row o l'A "MK- ' A Buu,se OSE. --Mr .Joh* Linklate jag • potato which weizhs SI pounds, whisk sakes the one spoken al in Dun- lop items take a stand lack is the shade. Percy Stuart was in Hayfield at the fall fair recently held there, and had the pleasure of meeting a former resident in Mathew Bates, whom he had to answer many question about old friends and they had • strand talk over their boy- hood days on Butternut Row. market was the necessity of the hour. The meeting closed with • vote of thanks to the brilliant speaker, moved by Mr D McQilliouddy,uf Godencb, .cd seconded' by Hr Chas Girvin,.x-warden o[ Huron. PORT ALBERT From cur own Correspondent. Mr William Vr000se has gone W live at Sbepperdtoo, we are sorry to my we are minus of • good neighbor. Mr David Johnston has rented the farm of Mr George Hawkins, Mr Hs tog to Manitoba to live. We don't k there will be many awkioe ihtend wet eyes steer h A very pigment evening was spelt at Mr John McBride's last week though the swoon* was not very pleasant • large crowd assembled sod they tipped the Tight fents•tic until daylight. 18. Grey and Morris cheese fanny closed up for this ss*aio this week after a very semeseful rue Salome. Forbes attended the ahead fair at Listowel ow Thursday of this week ors the leek ••ut to distiu s of the balsam. of the sale 360 Mees& The cbesee•aaker, T. IS. Edgar understands bis weep weiL A few days ego • *erten farmer in this township bought some packing hole. tt... a Brussels warchest for the pus pow of storing apples in her the whiter. To his surprise a fins hours afterward the said werebent appeared on the ac•.te with an accwut fur good* b...ht, sh enk- tog, no doubt, the boxes web a r the purposed • siidei$ht fining. Mrs Wm Stirling hu egld during the season 1.233 dozeus t f ergs. for whica ebb has re✓eived the sum of $90 A BA Lo.w. -Stifling Bros., nt Dev- il's Lake I)sk., (suns of Nr Wm Stkluo, Porter's Hill,) remedy toot with a very bad Ida Their wheat was destroyed by the frost, and they, therefore did pot cut it, sod the other day • mowing lira which started from • thresher two miles away, destroyeli all the oat and barley - about 1200 bushels -together with their hay. This is the second tints they have been burned out and it comes pretty hard on beginners. Communion service will be held on the second Sunday in November. As this is the first service held here sines he undertook the wort of pastor here, we hope to see a rood turnout to partake of the rite. All those who wish to join in it fur the frit time .re requested to see Rev. Mr Anderson on Sunday next after service. An entertainment will be held in the temperance hill ..n Monday evening by the members of the Band of Hope, who .111 give a rod protwem, with au address from Rev. J. A..\rrdpeppin , of Coderich. The proceedings .111 hist at sight sharp. Doors opened at 7 p.m. WI bops to dee a good turnout to bear our jaywalk workers in the good cause of tesperames. Admision l0c. The recent meeting of the District Lode No. 24, L0.0.1.. held at Blytk on the 18th inst., was attended by 8. B, Witham., Geo. Telford, E. Horton and A. Cumming es delegates from the I 0 O.T. No. 213. Addresses were given by the G W.C.T. of the 1.O.0.T., J. Mullane, and F. 8. Speen, of Toron- to, who were t. Aho from Bro. Dawson, d Kincardine, who duns" Chia s year.horganigsd Mveril new lodges in this e000ty,,.,y5i.. ewe thi Many in e r .etioo will regret to oetfs jwth el Davin PARAMOUNT. Freon our owe oorreepsndest. Our old teacher, Harry Horton, wee in our midst List west. Toronto must agree with lung, as he has lust nose of Isis old time cheerfulness. The anniversary service cf Hope church were held on Saoday, Oot. 18th. The pulpit both morning and evening was occupied by lin. J. Gress, Leak - DOW. A pleasing event took place i• our midst Wednesday last, by which Moa Kate McKenzie was united in the bonds of matrimony to Mr Kenneth McLeod, of Leeknow. The ceremony was per- formed by the Rey. Mr IdeQoaen, of Bipi1�, in the meson of a large num- ber of friends and actuaintaood. The *vesting was spent in •musemeots,Mr E. Richards, our well-known comedian, keeping all in the best of humor. The happy bride, who was the rccipieot of numerous handsome presents, takes up her abode in Locknow, followed by the beet wishes of the beat wishes of her many friends. The annual t*imeeting was held in Hope church on Monday evening, Oct 17th. Although the weather • was not favorable, a large caned was present, who, by their granulises showed that the entertainment d the evening IpreciTM speaksn were- Mew Gr. Lockaow, Rev. Mr CagfsCt Whrob, alae J..W.helar, of Met bis dihvered very intermetiog Illi atie $cal part of awiwbl trial* excelled thorned i "rodeo. hoe of the good thing with which the tables were leaded. The proceeds amoeatd to $L:. BLUEVALE Wrest our ewe oorrespoodeat. Too late for last week. Chas. W*lmsley gave the town a dy- ne visit one day bo week. Rev Mr Mo0ibboa it holding pro- tracted meetings is Johnstone church, Morris, this week. As Mrs Agar was carrying apples down e0Mr one day this week, she dipped and badly sprained her ankle. It is hoped that Mn Agar will sono be armed W itt. John Elliott returned from Manitoba on Saturday. Mr Elliott has been visiting there a month and sems to think well of the country. It is his in- timates to raters is the spring. Time. Farrow ex M.P. is shippine apples is this neighborhood. Mr Far- row is s very persist moa moan the farness jest Liao. Every messes M wished him la his *ad.rloketp. Rev 1It Jerees supplied the Blo.vsle PrMbyterile skunk on Sunday MOM - big list. A large emanation listened with deep atteatwa to Mr Jones R.. A. Y. Hartley, pastor, was tweeds* in L..keow. Rn O. 11. Howie, Reaves a, Iselemd is the Ptteshyt ria. ehereh se nossilly of Met week. The leetese r.lrifpi e trip front here to Jopps sad the to Rethlehes. The emigre and saes of the country was de.eribed The Arms sed meaner, of the people were all dusk spec It Less Par, l"atreeafk intensely .mo lag Ad MMttelstilg. Mr John Tedford, of Clinton, hu traded his farm at Saodosky, lttiah. , for the farm of Gee Graham in God wish Townshi ' giving $1000 to boot. • ilii. -Mr T Calder threshed on the of Mr Adam D.ruglaa,d the 16th con ton, rine day last week,h180 bushels grain consisting of wheat,peas, barley at oats. John Gndit and Adein Steins did•1b• feeding.Tho/ threshed 450 bushels of the gi ats ntwo huurs„pud • half. . !s! . to brothIer's William is, we 1psge; • of dammer, and at their home in Muskoka. Mn Rome, their mother, ie very in sod is bttla1 nursed by her daughter, Mn W. 0. Botha, d Shep- p•rdt.os. A large oink of friends here extend their deepest sympathy. Cnsor Rsaml!G.-Oar local agent at Dunlop is now in a position to supply r„pies of the Christmas number of the (1 •uM for Ise. The number this vest promises so outstrip e11 its predecessors in the matter of letterpress and illustra- tions. Ssbeeriber• taking the Christmas (Yobs trite fee an additional 15. receive Tis 81011A I. eros ntw until New Years by Wavieurs their orders with our crest. Tbs WesMo 0(•A• sod the Hrsow 81011*1. will also be mot to any •ddrem is Cana- da or the United States, free ef from wow until Jan let, 1800, (or $f 55. Lorre yews orders with oar ascots or at then nes of Tits SlowAL. DUNG ANNON, ream emir owe correep....t. A mooting d the Fsrmsr's I.etitute was bill here nit Friday. Dr McDonald M. P. for East Home was the minipill speaker. it would be eseoureging to t-.-hss.M well as ehildree were the p.rests to Melt the .ehonle noon frequently and give 5onsrngoisent by their presentee. Pctpalation is increasing In the village another chine has rveratly arrived here ..*d Is likely to teetain for apse flee- me »$rasa 1/r 0 Young, shoemaker, i. the $appy fatherl1and is quit* joyous over the event. Mother and dwarflike, are doing WI empatulate Mr .rid Mee r12 She will len lespored to Roderic. Melgtets Ooo*Rtcd, Ort 23th, tem. Wheat. /it'all •awl •Durk it li N i1 lit Wheat. tree eddied a bl .. " 11 MM • o q Wheat. iSpringl a bush 1 M Il 1 1 Wkeat, teasel • bush a SO 5 001 Hoar. Ifau) a cwt2 es 3 • Flour. Mixed, i ctrl ...... , y2 m 2 111 Flour, nitrous bakers. IP cwt..,3 co 3 {pAp Flour. iseusa l per. cwt."» II L5 5 1 b Flour. straieht...............r3 i .• 3 Ie Oats. lit bush ................._ ew• 031 Pita. i Web . 4....• .....s si5 Oa W Barley. i bush. ........,0 200 0 0 Potatoes. 5 .�• it.'....... ioL !llNNN 0 !e �. fi ttieei ....,. » et.A,1i ! ~. 10 it B�,a�tte,r• Wild ?t • 17 • 0 1a CGeese ........• o f ejl PINE TAILORING OKNTtLKYtx,-I am now in a position vite you to select your Suit or Overcoat, several hundred new patterns. They came cently -latest desist--.*triking figures, 1' colors Plaids,`itripes,Checks and wlltturets. Y can s•»• ,everal hund-ed patterns in as tunny ha minutes, and you'll have au easy choice. They sure to ply, and are trade to measure with test of care. Prices moderate. B. MalcOorma)o. Politeness is the expression or imita- tion of social virtues. Giving advice is many times, only the privilege of saying • foolish thing uoe's self under pretence of hindering another from doing use. -Pope. Shorts. i tea.................... M M tE se Brae i 14 m II 00 cScc .est ail oillt.Wto ............. iso " 1 ton Wood s I*OD " o reH��... • • .......... • cal , t M Dressed Hon. • cwt $ 72 " s 73 sEAFORTH. tor' Mt sad Mrs D McNaug84 lift See - forth or. Monday last for their home in Rapid City, Dicing his vet to Ontario Mr McNaught purchased a thortllegh- brd Hereford bull sed tw., Leiden to put os his rancho In Manttob•. Mr William Logan has purchased the well known dnviog horse owned by the late Mr Georke Case, paying for bis the sum of $200. He intends muds him to his brother Robert in Manitoba. He is one of the beat drivers in them parte. Mr W. M. Morrie., of Mitchell. has lensed a plot of grouted from bur 1) D. Wilson, and int ods starting • market garden and greenhouse. He will remove to Se•forth, ands he thorosghly under- stands the business will no dcubt do well. Mr Wm. J. Tooth, of Stanley, • grad- uate of Seatorth Coliegiate Institute, has been engaged to teach the reboot in Seo - tion No. 1, Morns, for next year at a salary of $400. The trustees of this school will will End Mr Tough a good and painstaking teacher and • very esti- mable yehog man. BINMILLEIL • The following from the Stratford Bee - con, will be of interest to many readers 01 THs SIGNAL in this vicinity, u the parties referred to are well and favorably know here :-A very pleasant event too Oses Wednesday at the borne of Mrs A. beret, Seoringvillo, when her daughter Lucy Ms rd was united in n.strinony to Mr Joseph Lobb of Holsse•ville, ()nt. The beide was ssieted Ly Mies H•noph Libhef Saginaw, Mich., and the groove by J,41le. Dorst, brother of the bride. A neriher of friends from • distance prudent, and the numerous and rite showed the high esteem in 'eh tete bride was held. The bridal pair left on the 6 40 train eget, sod will shortly return to their new home in Oowri.. THIS YEAR'* Dentistry. Xi NICHOLSON, L.D.S. DENTAL R00558. ▪ Moe or below tire Peet OOns. W..tet.. Obn.uecu. 255~7 Auctlanasrtng. TORN KNOT OIIN?&AL AL•O- . v5ad fienwods tout Ua1h amdded Lead mle as .i esh the auntie areartag trade. ticos oo discharge with thorough oil mier. loeeetrwn.d to 8fits. O sr' loft 51 Manias Hotel. er met W mail se v edde,wt Godetich P. O. carefully atbed d M JOH7 1LNOX Comity Awetlasesr. Its'I Moans anb insurance. F J. T. SAFrEL, Uhl, FiRE AND AWED 1)11 S RICHAl1111SON, L QS. SIM Y('B AGENT, MYRTLE SURGEON DENTIST. Ilepres•atrag Nen "BNrti• _ Liverpool. London a: Globe Vomit Dee and Vitalised Air adtolal*ered tern North A.eriran Lee • arta Amid, painlemextraetiogo( teeth. Special attention .nes of 1:urth Americo. gives to the prompnema of the Natural Lou sat Kole& ear rotted Teeth.I 15 Hooey t* Loss ea Perm add Torre 011140-12p stairs. OraadOpera Home Mork. col *eri.cUnr dew. Property Tait, E atrasee on Weet.t•t.. Gudertob. Mil 1) olwc.--Gor. Norte *Lam Square. COT ash PWS SMOKING TOBACCO PTNiIR MAW MAR. 899 DCr LOP. From our owe oorrap ,edrnt. Miss Emily Hillier, of Gcderich, spent 164 week here with Weeds. ON THE NOV.-8oV.e of the staff of the sick committee at the northern end of our Burgh had • bogy Liem lest week looking to the sick in their best. Three sick headaches, • cat foot (which was skillfully dressed by one of the senior nurses) and fire severe eases among the Milk folks, one of them having to send for M. D. So for all are doing well. Mr Horton, whom we mentioned lest Creek, le still 111 but programing favor- ably. A new stable is being built by the architect and his duff for A. A. Williams this week. Daring last week as Willie Tobin, with ow. of his brothers, were choppiest wood for hose sem the axe of his brother glanced of, striking Willie in the calf of the leo above the saki. which made a deep est, the wooed was .kil(alty dress- ed by of the agsim of our ask com- mittee, who promptly a**wered the sesuaM of the semeager, aetd M far he M doing welL BRUSSELS. Lest Saturday • teleersei wee resolved by dept Stretloe, from l zbridne, an- aeeneims the Meese. of Itis father .t the salesmen age of 81 Yawn- Mr Stratton mad (Mn Jobe Moose") weed east nit the none *Ma. The !moral teak pleas ea Tteeedsy. OM Mrs Sbl.a- toe did alga a year ego. Moeday L feet week A•r1w. Carrie, sr., passed away. He Imtl beet beams& r.. meal- with hie .i- b, raid a item d *roe immitigable, rdid tet lobe to his bed este a few wish. p.,1.s§ to hie Ilemmia. R. wes eeagseee, begat visa awe, wbo bad a41 eic Et la Bronze mesa Plug sad Pecked,. 0. 2173-7 Situations vacant. I $500=2 1Logi.cAlta C ENZRAL8It1t�'aliT �Ifafi'�ED- rich. 'LJ Apply .t once to NRS 114.'MiCE1160.73 MONEY 10 LEND. -A L .moue' of Pleats INV ler is She People's Column• tt lewoet rater os aM•c17,0 oGAK1tOK's. PROCUFOIYr Gran Opera EMU ON THURSDAY, NOV. est. ESTRAY PIG - CAME ON THE prmlawrotthe naderaened. about Astg- uat 1st. a wblte row pix, eeltrbt smut I:M lbs. The owner will please claim property. My osmoses and take her away. 74.41 ARTHUR MORTON. THE FAVORITES HI. HENRY'S INSTHELS preeenHeg • Colossi and Unsurpassed Collodion of WANTED -TEACHER 'EITHER seri tor !cheat vection Nat, Colborne. for ill & Apps. stag experi-•oce and eat- ery. h dry. Apel mar to November les. .1 A. ANIDS. Seo.. Seaford. FOR SALE- FORTY SH eRE4 OR islets the Heron 4 Bros* Lo.a d` lavew- meat Commas Terms re•soaable. Address P.O. BOX, 2e. Uodericb. 74 CAME ONI1THE PREMISES OF the ewberrfbee. about the tet et Asauet. II 1-yearetd heifers. The ember is regeewed to prove propertT pdiem tape diemaway. LER D) p Lot i L.R.. AM - field. 71 FURS ! FUR7- Tbe und•niaad bar removed to 18. messes of V ietorla sed$ Kinston R-. where she re pre- mixed re_ mired to etas .r remake 1s the Meet style all kinds of ter Reeds to order. An kinds at fur trimmings§ se head. Highest pry paid for raw fma MRS. R. MAY. GMerleli, Septa laIS 71.01 VOR SALE. -2 1111CH COWS AND A" . geed driving hone 5 ye•n M. magi sad quiet. I have me fu � tar Aka e- .1. J. µ RtOH1. The Palm 30 Ba Ma= 30 embracins:a L•rbb Expend.,_ is the pro- curamest of WHIN! UENIt 1 MELODIC! ARTISTIC 1 and other Prominent Feature& thus dellgbt- tow the ear with HARMONY DIVINE ! while fouling *be eyes on • Osrwesc:n*t of Apparel beautiful beyond .emperlsus sad never equalled in minstrel Idetery. Reserved Beau ea sale at Framed Parte". SPECIAL NOTICE TM solemner would resesottely .- spas t►at be bee opened op a FLOUR and FEED STORE (1n HAMILTON STREET. wham sverytb uswally round le • FirstClemFlour and Sloe w111 be kepi resets/ally on Fair Dealing.sd l'triet Alt tioe to rP 8 he lieges to secure a share tae toddle MN- -deeds delivered sr*sl111 to ass fMet ewe bon. fr>: WM. BURROWS. ANCHOR LINE TO 4.M R RADCLIFFE, GENERAL INsraANCs, PEAL ESTATE Axe MONEY LOANING A P ied -class Cseiy.efes acy to lead ea straight lease. or or IntsrmN gems tosonrrower. orrdoor from es u.c oda West cries. OMine LOST. -ON THE ROAD TO THE Perk.. peerl and pet sleeve button Mortar era's heed. Hadar will be rewarded by der It at One o5os. $100,000 PRIMATE FOND$ t Totem. . es farm sed tows propertl •t act intermit•. Harmed' purchased. 11e mission p�s�saoy. e( l` rged marl& tbefor ke Trust Canada� t�t7o•m at rest. {,a54 and 7 patas set a*e{. N. B. -Borrower. can obtain .rimy to day. it title set efacter) 1117* DAVISON It JOHNSTON. Barriste0 Jtlebical. A444 _ DI- W. RS01 LiCENTIATE Royal of PklNciena. Edtebu 011ie on Meth of Haestliona 1e- 11 DR. McLKA'.(, PHYSICIAN, Sl- OEON. Coroner ft+ Office and residen Mice Street. ed/me west of Tiro Uwoet 1731. i ARS SHANNON & SHANNO 1l PaystcWs 9argews. d eeoaehets. oface st Dr. ghsanos s rceldesoe car gaol Oodore* G. C. 8nLxzox, J. R. OMAN sox. net - - For Sats or to Let. Toa HURON Howl.. AtI.Mi' En•'•m aryl" LI'P :SPOOL TlitTlf Of �lp���11111res . i gemiv. 00. 1. OM. IK. w *ark Carpet ad reed pmeseed ---- r angst Calle gin. Mt sad Mt asse•deiote. elp.tt Bstuwre•F frown flew Tette* rte' ..tr „r, Li,. .14=e n twis � ::a�nser� I■If,�p1lta1.m* RsO : 945ds ARCH pg pet, 0oderk1. are, . lea-* u' r..toot, ,apt This well-known sad popular hotel Las been RICH .►STATE. - matted asd enlarged daring the past season. aid is sow .econd to sone in quality ur •c- 'ALC ABLE PROPERTIES FOR Lem owiseeation for the t'r.velllag public. Good Lou 101. Nt. 151. US. 15*, td, MI sercomtedatiee for trams nt meets. There is a lore brick d well'sg Mese es WM. CRAIG. Ittt IOC. The Square, Godes-eh. Ont. Proprietor. lets t. 2. 1. 1. 7. 5, Il. 10, 11. 12. 13. 14, 15, 14.17, pa s of lot 17 aid M. Casemate. "C,- sao- i PITMAN'S SHORTHAIrD BOOKS. lollies about thr.s-t.th d d uran sere of 1• -A matted emptier et -raa �.ere- ad es+k "M•.aia- can be Obtained at bll arates et lot (5. coecsrioe 'C.- containing sheet M a 701 810115L odoe. Sere& ceeerrloe'C.• For particulars apply to F. W. JOY7►4TON. Bottcu(R for T=it. ed O erlch.111tk October. Ithil 21.8 Legal. EDWARD NORMAN LEWIS, BAR - rider. Solicitor le 1148 Court. Cesvey- • eo•r. Ooderleh and Hayfield. Hayfield or. floe ores Thursdays from 10 to 4. Moseyto leas mat tar nest. RC. HAYS, SOLICITOR, Lc. • Oreo•, cortex et Ilgware sad 31.51 diads O.Mrlek, over tel.gr.pb once. Pr1 vase toads to lead el 6 Per not elm I ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR T MISTERS Atterayu, selisteers. etc Gotten* J. T. Garr.w. W. Pessdl.et. 173 CAMERON, H)LT & CAMERON, .� fl iIsChancerQ.C.; 1'. Holt.1' C. O. 175• °mere& Amusements. GODERIOH MECHANICS' INBTI• TtTE LIBRARY AND READING ROOM. ooe. of Ess street sad Square top stale. opentrete 1 to $ p.m., and trot 7 to M p.m ABOUT 2000 VOL'8 IN LIBRARY Leafing Ikrilyy, Iffeokly end lUudrated Papers, M.-n.i.rs, Ar,, en Fib. MEMBERSHIP T10EirT, ONLY 91 M. g raet.log tree w of Library sa4 Redly Roel. *entireties for tether l 1p received by Librarian. le rests. S. MALCOOtS.M t GEO. STITILICP. Secretary °Modish. Marsh 15.5. Ms. 'Wines, Liquors, &c FOR SALE HY G. H. PARSONS - ALBIO1t BLOCK. OODKRiCH' PATENTS CIN8T , noel esu MM pr1f111111T1 Mee& sad ell bedlam le tbeilMasteat to b•, sed ere ear.it Of- • Pfw 1* 1101 thew d a lasae secrete trA_ $RINCON. seed AIODIIL 01 DSL rr'INri wo sdl visas isaim� U11ILtMR te'R 01t - f PA 1'tp • refer M Lha 9 l�iy/ �re'r '1�r� s fest► i�wt�ofwslErw OMgdt•t Q5ee. latae D. 0 1'OR SALE CHEAP - 40 LOTS IN • different parts of Ooderte• from 1 Mee o0 7 acme is area: sail 3 dw•lltgr�..s� 577 to THOS. Wi*T ERA1.D. MT HOUSE TO RENT -THAT LARGE nose hoes on Gloucester Teased, mem pled Ear some years past by Mn Campol tee. It is two stories befk and oesmls six mess. Besides Covets .adpa Per penholders rs esquire of IL CAMi AAI 73 FARMS FOR SALE - THREE /bra, for tale 4th des.. Ooderlck Tem - elite. Meet three Mlles troa Galardi. Abe a man wWed q eoedwsed. Apply ea the premisesto M . HIKCES. 73.11. TO LET-VRTABLE BRICK L!a ePte A ly My R reset gt eleh. i m- 1[1'01181 AND TWo LOTS FOR • RAL$. -TM bees. hes nine room*. d- M Mak resat pantry. oteed& collar. wed - tam bard sac seawater. The warden am - Mims all 'kinds of fruit. -%leo it. acme sr lead is Manitoba ter sale or le ettcA1,a•ayN. ger term property. WO. K5i011T. O*dMitet !ilii( L'IRST-CLASS FARM FOR SALE - Lot 2, dos. 7, W. D. Telesesa temeMip- 105 acre 7e arise Nimes be dweeondd Utp Mr: frsaro home eid barn : small orchard - Med water. de.. $ ries from 0oderieb c5 es main gravel reed. Helmet home, church. l'.O. a.d blacksmith shop within quarter of a mile. ma a have prevl.ege of ptowi ager Med. �13th. Tartar e my - to.eft tibilirbh P.O. this owes .r to JOSICIRI. I*Jl fr Tot lima. - A COMFORTABLE 1 lima. e. Bsaale sheet edam .�l(�b�,tt rata �sy y l � BM tt• ESTATE OF JOSEPH NIDD. I AA this softie mast M spry este Bah Bepregessd Lha ttirm. er sed w I e r rbc =1.1.1..•=1" akar, (hrtz oesper eel - ON fist I tablet 15 new t tiwfill b t� .111.U. •rid .meshes cheap hr USW en Max Apply se FOR sir► 1•11114111411 Wird Is** 25, ApCMr Street. wit Ilvr: W tarsi - 1►e�r.a� guest let' Andrews Mlird SU. Mariner ner •f Hume ssew�i tRNtmwls /mase t( M.beues es Rays tb� sad Ir11 Mrd.r1 Several lees le Medi, Mq, epassite She. via • IIILs� µ fa *1offs; MLOW ItA TM. eStt i1 A tiOn t J amerO