HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-10-26, Page 7) THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, OCT- 26. 1888- FAH FIE ?ID GARDEN STONES OF MEMORIAL pwtpRyAT10►v NTAININp TO A VMIE1 12/11JLCT3. Qwrlad on by forty PN..sta 1 tits ss aane.l Way toe toms made from a varier! et in a country abouodIng appears no reaseu for it for du.esutie purposes froto tett this fruit. rbc making L- eonthan aro en.n�gi o w ied %W to furnish • supple. .4 aro aro ground la the mill se for cider, and the laloe may be preened oat at care; but arge orchardist,' keep the pumaIn open veto or rash ■'toll ls* l bis uud rsotte Ior- m•ntetiou and become quite sour. It is tb.nand the Jules hi mere pomaceesathan 11 a y sad thoroughly p es .d ted from the p:'sased .i the ante of grinding. The gtiadlag beteg dont and Oho press - fug over, the rrnr liquor is pat lido open (oaks 1.) stand until thoroughly wt and thou drawn of into barrels tot quite full. lesyl0g the sediment is the bottom of the casks lb set ciao basalt of the warm fall weather tine bomb should to kept out in the sun. but covered with boards as a protection to the the= When old weather sets in they abos-]d be removed luta the vinegar house. which should have . stove or some other ar- r>.ttgem•mt foe keepieg ups mtd,eveu tem peratue. through the winter. Through oat the o -bole proems, until the •!Hegar is fully mads sad no greater acidity is desired, the iserele should remain we banged. A small pled of mosquito net- ting 'Mould be tacked over the bungholes to exclude (na.ete. The Laredo ought to be iron hooped and painted. and white a large producer should bays a vinegar house adapted to the porpoise, many persons who make renderable quantities store it in collars it' barns through the winter and roll it out in the spring for better exposure to the sun. Al haat • year will be required to asks Meow merchantable vinegar by the process bed. but, unlike many other products, it will continuo to grow stronger and better the loner It !a kept. While meet large pro tle:ere m the coun- try pr•fer to wait on the astern process. the tasking of the vinegar may be has- tened st tend by occasionally turning the eider tom oue barrel into another. exposing it more freely to the air, and also by the ad- dition of a gallon or more of strong viae - a a little mother to each barrel. 1�cklisg it down through beech chips, s.h$Tiags or ourn cobs, saturated with old voiegar, is another method sometimes used for gaining time 18 the pronrs When farmers have no eider mills and batt few apples. says The New York World, from which the above 1s quoted, tity easy make their own vinegar by mustang apples in ss tub with a The pomace should then be put u s lull barrel with boles in the bot - Iota, and be placed ever another tub as a Waiver. A follower can be placed uu the pomace and be pissed down Iry a lever or stationary weights. The juice should be kept in a keg. bong open. and is s warm plate until the vinegar it. gado. By 'request ly replenishing am It is drawn out. any farmer's family can easily keep up :heir stork. A few apples mawhed end put 1e s stone jar, arrowed with water .odd the juke of .tame soared fruits and berries. can be used far tuts purpose. Vinegar will stain quite a low teaip•ra. tare. but it Is better not to allow it to fret e. Vinegar from ether sub.tanees is some- times made. Wine vinegar is from mored wines and the juke of grapes. Wino vinegars are extensively counterfeited by chemicals. For sorghum vinegar, to one gallon of sorghum syrupadd Ave or e gallon. of water• with a ft ttle yeast. or to a barrel of vbe strained juice of the cane, • pint of yeast and a little syrup. Large quantities of vinegar an made fpm whisky and acids that have a good ap- pearance andsbarp acidit but are unit fur family use. 1'ur ne laws vinegar, take one gallou of New Orleans (molasses and Ave gallons of water, pat is s little old vinegar to sour it. or start it to fer- menting with a little yeast. F eep 1a a warm plane and cover the bunghole of the keit with netting, to keep out the Odea. line honey vinegar is made 1n the lirortions of one pot:nd of hottey to a CI;of water, thorough] mizei. For harlllfulness and postal utility apple Urider M. vinegar stands at the head of the Fall Plemtag. Then appears to be Do very settled a�eemcet among fanners about fall piowtng. Its detirab(UtJ depends asci un circumstances Wien [waters is spread in and the gTesad is plowed In the fall it becomes more thoroughly larorpo- rated with [lm soil and is mock more available to the crop tbaa when duos just before the planting. Se soder most cir- cumstances it would seem that fall plow- ing will he beneficial for sptin3 planted mpg. The lay of the land, however, should be token Into cssalderatiot. If it lies so that 1t will wash badly tram rains sod melted snows. then the )!se the sedate Is disturbed by plowing unit it ahanhtely neweary the better. Also. It it is of a gravelly est sandy nature that will lsaeb manure down beyond the roots of the pinata. then it will be better to wait until opting. A sandy [toll should be treated entirely different fruso ono of clay. Being loose 1n 1t:t texture it may be easily plowed at any due. bat the sow- ing or planting should follow quits soon. The.. are some of the things every one must consider for himself, and regulate his thso of plowing es be has found it bast salted to his own fors. The Cas. hrkssrw The naivetes pti:are.. M ass .1 our plants that rennet boar . to kayo water Mend shed its crown. If kept too wet, ways a ' orreapoodsut in Vick', Magadfs in arae asses .et of ten rot will set h• and the plant will et..tnsll die. h trouble, it is chained. comes from 'Ms pot .E too Mw The 'teeth is drawn tiparagaj the basica the plant. and often an blfh a. to Moe in eoutact with the Saves' Thh is nil Twits. The e•vovra of the plant wbnn$i br- en bleb Or two above the matrfere of the soil. end onto out of rash of water. o.o one bra UMI coww, If.reetl m{l.Sag GIP With ease twho heenealves vis►bsetle ore pont.d of eayesme MI101111� wit h one potted h.M. the rdxtun to tee own* taste ttt knit ( wipe tis touts Maio VW 00 rent se its calf abent toe was. R trill entre the WIN. .e, a �r br04 teloot t5 the skit with s ta*noaa4 atlfir D tt rr iwcepa epa the esttstry f. it ow the accrues INN daises LEMON 111, FOURTH QUARTER, Nt- TERNATIONAL S i*S, OCT. 21. iv r Inas of oho Lomas, Jai i.. /0.1141-08r. MU Teras 500!-0.4.. Toss. Jos` I. r-Gsamememy by Dov. D. M. tttwr.a. 1Oo04ameed from Leena wdperM panniestioa at H. a D.dt..aa. coli W, In the first chapter of this book wo sew Joshua encouraged; tu the wound, the two spies reotieed and protected by Rehab, end Staging to Joshua further seceurwgiewIA: in W thlyd. Ute preparet,ues tuftthe crate bag of the Jordan .0d the mothel tussis( over, and uow in W fourth we baVe a more fu account of the poen; over, with Wo d.tadls cowering; the twee o awes. In some .t oar hymns we dog about Jordan s U it were. symbol of death, and as if Queen reprteonted be.ven; bat a very little thongbt would shower AO 'he tact that to ea aa.lp there were .racy enemies Co be subdued an4 Bauch fighting to be done, proves that k was net a symbol of hens -co, nor the Jord_u a speabol of death. 10. "The priests wbbit bons the ark r..00d 1n the midst of Jodi., until evarryt leg was bfsbed Wet tbo l..wd commanded Joshua." Ad unflniehe.l Is impossible with Gal. and all Ytat he has mimed shall in des thus be fully occo:splitdrd. .(ants said Wore be are eracill_ci • •'f haw Limbed the work wbieli thou gavel: tuts to do," and one of his last [tor, on tate eros wee: "It Y lneb•d.w (Jo!ot aril, 4; zt,, 10.) All that tote Father has given Mai shall come to Him :all brad .boll be saved; all the meth shall be ODed wtthlikidory; the works of rho devil abet( all be .lastrvye4; the kingdom shall ones and the will ut God Le dune uu earth se in btu vol. "T- • lei• bested and pined over." The ecatra acts of Oat ouebt to be obeyed cheer- ful:y and veru promptly: it is nut for us to say to-atorrow, or tune enough, bat today is the word bolt.i fur sinter and sand. 11. "Ali the people were Aeon poised over.* Tone time.. do we Orel the hat three worts er ti•os ex --union ova 1, 11, std eh. tit, 11), sad tau r or 1 ••-:era" is precisely Clematises the wen! ••ftr..nad" in veno 10, .SAtrt the thought"( a wa.pl et* 0.r: M kept aaataatly t *for - 1... '. lu.: net It . iotkl give on souls .bra we renter_Ler that though now .o La- parf.rt Ile w111 perfect that whlcb coneernoth ail Ile people add preset; m ftaultl.s before the ptsree:tce of His glory wtebexreeding joy, atd not use thine shall fail of all He has tido rtal;c:i to too; all shat' be accomplished. E. 1 . -'.'•otythousand trep.red fur car ppec��__J over lefora the Lord unto ba'.t1a.' Tbaec were a tho two and a half tribes who received Choir inheritance in the days 4 Motes or the tett of Jr.d .n; but they had agreed not tore joy their laheritatwp till they had he;p>i t'aeir brethren to east out the energies on the west side (Nat. :midi, 24, and only when the land wan ponnemed sad tae c :o::ty subdued did they near i to enjoy Weir posasmor.. (Josh. x -_ii, 1.4.) As believers to aro eroected to bu o:to with all oar l othoon i3 Christ, armed with thew hole ennor cf Cod. resisting and moquoriex our ex 31Den .-tr_• irio, the world, the leer 0:x1 rho devil. 1L "T:.^ L ::d na;nilyd Jobes in the sight of all 1 .-..tL" I*.. was oke LorrEs repre- sentative, and es tib people* moved forwent at his c(iu and and saw the migity power of t:. Loot t:t o-agh hies, they had to coo - fez tea: :II Gaal of Roes woe with Joshua, cad so .r feared or rcvereueel btm ws they did Yutee.t.-al tb:, l.xd migutflrl Joshua by pa-ktne tLrx:gb l.ig.. Oral has atagneed His s 17 J..: ; a .•J will mkpilfy Him beton .11 11 -"Mar, for "all kitten shall tall doou be- fore Now, all cants scall serve Him" If roe t:.tt::..1te- f.:_i C;.:.st :.'s-.!1 Ica magat0.d in to aux! l i^!!,1 c •:.+clvs to Rim accordingly, Ho WI suom,:l'y its :.-re IT working is us Pis [a'1, -:y work", and ..t life coating by cskds, t'.: j.::t L.» IIhaseii. 13, :0..:ttnaa.1 1::e prieda that Day' emu,. :.? oat• . Jordan," and this at the ooa- m-::.d.1 1...,e L. .l t.o J.._:.a. Luer *range i* st_:.te .:n: t:.-: -.:ro not kit to the's' own jud„xr.'. :. t . e '. xt a::d how t i co sone th;n:-t, but to. everything most be at the ass..- ___J of t.:e Lid 0..e of the strangest duras t , m- Le tell the Coil.:e )s that the Lord Jas !,imsr:f -:a. co.utaaolcd Ly the Furber . h.:t 1r r., tied the Father w4•o dwelt in L•!;., .::d :::a our:;, iio::.i zit, '7; civ. 10.) 1; C. '•-a, r. -tire .1 lentil returned 1:a: , 1'.•tir )aro, and Sowed over all bis ss: lector"." ':., ac..x•e." i:ot until the feet of the pe... t ass: o r;n of the dry land.:id the waters rtrtcr:i t., I:i mfr pliers. Yost t:wWw -ui s turd pat•(: _ ly than God do .!1 : Sl: -L•, and et the r1z,,;t::,.nc rad 10 the best way; It is just akr:ot-s to trues cod obey Hits 1.. elle. pen* came up ont at Jordan oe the teeth e',ny of the first month." This was the clay on wb'ch tbs pamover Lamb ram Alarm E. xf;, a. and as they keptthe pass - ort r uu is fourteenth day iv. 1th, they must irate e.lettwl the lamb. on tise toy day ea which they came up out of Jardera, Meir Orsi day lu the maned land. • This h the Laird p:moverof which ws bowsaw amount. Nose the Strobe for the believer: Beder.ptloa from bondage by 0. Lab *0*. xif), the o;.ly joy 1., ths wederness is In the Iamb (::ma. Leo noel the nista the pptt''oottnnfeed land is in the Lamb; nil t15... to Ck:i`, ambit; opert from Rim: Jeer, ono artedem, Pieta a(x-rrsess• ss:ic:i*atioo and ndamptfou. 23. 'Three twelve stones* These stones shall haler a ne111arfal sato the catk:nn et Uarac1 fo•orer (v. T.) A vane ethane to stake God n trim., cheese to b. Ills people forever if Cllr. evil, fie, t'l. flat through U,em Ha. name may be taage fled. They were in tb.mst•ee weak sad s.inftl and tm. (swat of all people,bet Ood ruder:tt Own, led them. fed then.edenied there, toughs ter t hern, forgave thus when they.h*sd.gilmt Sans, tura gave thus able had Ikea they n ight host,.- Him end napery His nano. keeping ut memory all His dealings with them. la odditlos to the hewn, froom *b. tot'. Nie sttteass, to which we ham already re- UrtMl, the faithful among [bent wnn,M often irtink of "the Shepherd, the Mom of *erase ISM. 7d1s, 20: .ad the metre preelogs tunes ever horse upon the shoulders end brief .rt Ihe Mligh Pried world eimattptd ▪ t 1 Beet of their sorrow to God, tad His lie•e for, and ealw of them. 21_8: "fat your eiiLlmw kanw " Theme weneiete of the kreeend power of the Lad their flutist the Jgrdetf end etbe NW oak r well r :.Il the wonders of the wtldarma, the n on-u. the Boob, We sweetaded waters. Or water from the rock, tlbe givtng of tieIw�r Lb. [lad Noe 11111814.tie that n•esg. merino YalI wens M M tonstane 410011012v with their children..' pure he ON et all Me wnkieas .,ors iwo *5.. am* - 11 Is abAs•de WIMP iris for ss; it we 1 bower Mobil it >•! mi all t I5* 1s1ek IS 1s prayer; it oil _L.% * IIWO Nis NA call Rea.iitbi1/21 N AO* an ear Adkins M l•gd1. tllb• Mot tbrobl here sever 0s Wintry me my sheet ear Bowe; tar- -Pri.see :.vr=:.fes the ow" I3READMAKER'S YEAST. ammo of work [tad amid t u tie world - on et n D wade .f We greet woe e r u.a Primo. at ...,. r.11 b1W..tam .or;. (Mi .o•.. w.... [odic. ken *rine. w .ey Oat .t ... p...0 .07 ,cuss •.r Lard 77 deem. It ..,nos tic.Imilimet, whits. wortoe. Iwy.d, rich, Lan. and mock..* p..nak•.. X.*. ,, .. creel . tows hi 1006.1 PRICE FIVE CENTS. as 110 eeiohfatsd l). Cham. 0..r A00,S00 of his works have l.ae.s told u. I Moeda sloes. We w.ut carry pose troubled with Liver CusepLiso, Dys- pepsia, Headsets*, Kidney ..r (idny Tru.b1ee, w be. • bottle of Dr Chasse Giver Cu., it .ill earl you. Me dieted sad Seempe brach 111. &dd by ell druggists. 18 THE BEST Per Y.uuts lallem,s it le a papa .+masts ermrti raise cuss west is tame Iwe.M •f•se0aie d a el tica geMmt whs. i Y THE FINEST EASY FOOD. TME BUT INVALID FOOD, Tag MOI1T PALATASLE V000, THE MOST NUTRITIOUS P000. THE MOST ECONOMICAL P000. IM Memo tar an Waft l.N. A OMhstPOW er etss. Deatri kastrad radius ss tis esstk.r d w woo amswait spar Abe awtensahs --- 001 Iem•eia OM kr 17rs ntaa 1E... Boa.. st.eo. WELLENICIIARORON • CO, 110111 EEAL.p a EWCOMDE GHICAG HOTISE F1'JR 30 D. .FALL M '•r E'V • As 1 intend retiring from lot to Toronto, I will have a clearin a days. .or' -[rich and removing 1111ir ry for the next 3I Ladies wishing to get the Lett.- end Lest Fall Milli at Lowest Rates, should a%ar th. n Nies , f the opportunity here offered. PIANOFORTES A. J. w [[soli 0 R!! ant ki_ ss n $Od In Co i*truon Ill�c�i TOnoQt� 11000111101111 ay ARTISTS TO 0E TME F511611 OA871;6; NI �lulp d fYa1gM Y fsW�t . E, MRS. SALKELD ,til 1T SON FALL MILLINERY 41M IMM E10 s1a•Es•111 In tilt IMINASTOOt OCTAVOS/6 NEINCOMNE • CO. NNW NW STOIrW. WHOM DUNN'S BAKING POWDER j'rEas ! DOTE OPES has 00.0(4 oat • mo.' nt.raalve Pock of rail YUllnery in RIBBONS, PLUSHES, SHAPES, sad everything rise perta.fag to th. rade. The Ribbons are exceptional in selection and value. Crazy Patches of first-class material on sale at reasonable rates. PARKER DYg WORKS, Toaaxr,,. I noalsethe cal, agent in U..• section foe (Mayr bested Parker Lye Work., Termini. ()rte.- ..i1/e1tN sad satlsIaation guaranteed. AIC- aro AdCRB. I B LZ). ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, LETTER PAPER. Biu HEADS, Eta- Ito, at 1 THB SIGAAL M'STI1S RMMMCE. WiLL CURE OR RELIEVE CfL OLISN::3, OIZZ,NER. DYSF_P51A, DaoPSY, 17DIR.f8T?01I, FLUTTER/RS JAUNDICE. OF THE HART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIOIT,' OF SALT RMEUI1, IYHE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRi VF88 HEADACHE. OF THE 8214 Awd species eif Dames sem Oiserd� 1 K.D.rY/, •T dOw[l� OR alp0p, T. ■ILBURN II CC.. n PRICES REASONABLE AT SIGNAL Merchants can set heir AM Heads. Letter Heads. kc.. A:c. printed at this adios ter very little sere than they generally pay for the papand _generally aIt helm to advertise is their Maths& Call and sae saspis a.a Eat prices GOOD WORK IS DONE AT SiGNAL Samples & Prices on Application. WORK AND PRICES CONSISTENT SALE OF LANDS FOR TA3tES. B7 virtue at a warrant ander the Mud of the W of the Corporation M tin Connty of H urea. dated tae Sixtent h day of J Ws. 171& Com mete Levy upon the Niels hero - Matter de.rib.d for the arrears d tats respectively des together with the mate: Sodic Is hereby gleam that esteem suck Taxer and Coots are .ssoer paid 1 shall 1. Caro *Saw with the Ase...ment Act. 1.:11. NS R. 8. O.. proceed to MU by public itemise the data hada, or ea moat theme? u ss mbe neeeary t . dbg. rkartise same. et the COURT HOUSK. in the TOWN of tse,UKR1.aa TUESDAY. the TWENTIETH day of XpVRM• BER. IW et ono o'clock is the afternoon. TONE/OUP or AsarIELD. PAT() DESCRIPTION Lor an Parer •r.tssr on Cox- ACItl ( rte Tara. ("era Torr_ .alar. C10111011. retrt-0 $ era $ (7a $ cew E.ptNd$ 1a W. D. ff Para /et lis 1s r. TOWNSHIP Or mown's. Wait part of M 11 1a Para 11 46 1 ST t r y VILLAGE er eOEpwte7 IN wowpt. Portal Park 13 Pat's s I • 1 50 Part of 1 Patrick et. t -NMN Part sf 71!1 Reserve odd pert off Alice fit.. South 1 L'npt'd Is • I 46 17 SI Pard s b 1 71 f if VILLAGE or uo111411 IN Rown•%. CT 14 Peed Al 1 • 147 TILLkaa or oaxcnernot Ix ■ru.ary. E. Survey Antreilialiarryy 1 I Puma 71 1 le 1 114 TOw1MBIP r•r .Oust Mo,1b Rata l 7 . 1/ Pala M s 1 N d• T0Waas1P Or NCt1LLOP. E. W. corner 71 f Paled6 • 110 7 • North 1 f li 114 '• 1s 10 1 es s 17 TOwwswfr Or STANLEY. Jur pert of S 12 E. 8. • Para aft 1 a 11 71 VILLAGE OF ImmmoAM IN mainstay. 1*. 151 Wee woo j 176 101 /17 Nardi ma Notts 11• fs/ 7.6 14 MIAMI OOr $AT91ELn. t no Ann lm74 E•Neeml.•t. 7776 3114 Aan D. N6 cast! seri $ 80.11161.1 Cos. ;4 `t Rolan 1. 11 • k**.. it Range Y. 111 TILLAGE 07 SMITE. Part e(1 • foo' j k r. j • Mat': 1 •1LLAOE or sattaatu. fedi • Eseve turtle lir wootorsa. 1 Para Pati • ft . tN 7/6 •11 5 PI 5 It 571 sty * A 6Y 1 71 • /1 M 11 11 M 11 as t 11 II l 11.6 iiS 3 le aM le M N • 4 66 s 61 f 75 f 71 f 71 I� T EAS .A -S I the erkeelpOeerki n►seas 'a making a b.: ,e is Tees. The latest lines int• efireh .PZIE C7 EOCERIES •47kyson hand. &nd .1 pre,-. not cannot be beaten. 0smesber the stand_4st door west of Huron 11.,trl. Goods delivered to dl parte: • ft Produce of all kinds pvebaeed at ►est market rata. 2171 NIXON STURDY. GEORGE BARRY, The Leading and foroi1tirc Dcalet, Has remoyed nett door to his Oki stsed ee le abaft all his ldeestotran many any awe 00e,. Theon me p bjlewoushould remember *member will 1m test be keep the LAIMIMIT IVO Barr sesortmest of lenrelture in the Comely. a IDIDEDTAiiuc in au Its besool.s erosive, attended to Wire his a call herore buying elsewhere. George Barry makes • specialty of PICTURE "RANI NO at lowest pries, CPEO_ 13.4"4-RRY', Hamilton -8t.. GodeTich. Se A 0 43 0 0 • • , 4 t I e .0 timiYp 14.,• en T m Pawl 1 M 1 11 a N 13N 14 17Y i 1•f 1 4 111 1401 111 NOM efts* Of IMMO *40