The Huron Signal, 1888-10-26, Page 4.THE SU _ i-�--� - 1 ses xea, sad it isn't the hat time e bet Meer- tte lovas fignas me t `OW Moo bea brei ue a •'bust„ either gam: m.teM.at of thew uliont Doter, sad • Us want% eu "ditsereet a to Os flood old i aM� ttlike wart sod No asst: days glilib]� wme '• the meaner with the intake 1 Ob, it'. .0 tight , uq 7 It euarlect Wilk the domestic tier m rt suat'su EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, ells oils mama: : )WltollljTTRENT.. ptmjtRlt'• H, it le • wlewas tike local wallpaper.setae, er, use- fulouastr setae sad the d�leee sal taws Nye. mane der 1.1101K1•11111 011 pa s year; Iia ler •1■ mots.: tec- le taree merit.. Enloe sebserlallue a nut to &deaa*s. soh eripito• fedi los ..lads'" the rate at 11.11 • Hoar. .a.. B. (tales, Q.C., wise at tbe hot waren tuck the Philo tiie brief. owing to the lawoo deems of J. T. Qsrrow, Q. C., Oak Do t•ohuiosl adv.etegs .4 Jaahnis la the z I1 esaoto•tiet', bet allowed him to saab- Iris fru. ism owe muath sad b bis sWs TaLan/u 000 wtsa. -The Befielo Err- octirme the sisosat of radios lova da wane News repots that the new lung ws- tease telephoto, which is sous te be pet into operation there vies tooted by Ur osmosis and (Weston a the B ell Telephotos Company oil the 14th knot. The connections had been pet is at b D. no, and onaou siestas was at opts upesed bet lime B atton. Springfield, New York. Troy and B.ffal•.. The worm worked well, sad eon.en•tioata between the oust rho net points could be Si .wily carried un es M bort parties were within a block or two of saoh other ie the city. The lite ballotage to the American Telepb000s and Telegraph Company of New York. and is 890 Miles is looted), going through Troy does to New York thence to Boston via Sprisibeld, Mass This test shows that the problem of lung distance tele - planing has been solved and ala interest- ed were ouogtatelated un 1lt' success. A/1rStm•NL •ATMs 1 awed sad other sr.dvertlarment as. per line for fret inert loll, at.d 3 m •mien fur ascii eabssy ueat ta..r1 o . • nemn.reil scale. Loo•l not oo 1..onparlel type Se Per hies. Lepel amines in odtwry readies Inn lla pa wore. auTtEsse cards et dor s hs and w;d,r M per year. Adv•vita of Last. ill lose V . a ea Waling am Strewed. lleelaeer tki•nope Wanted. sot eaee ablg • lasso noeparleJ ill per ,Mata. ea Bowes qnminco exceed P l fur si aoc per gage •equeot month. larger ad. t• in prepsrt . Any special not NY. IS., ub)ett of which let. lt- .Maj}retno:e the p,.ewni.r) brsrnt of say victual or tv,lapser. is �te mesidered Sa r ver'i•rment sad eemsnd •a'n'd/Ott• These terms will fs Al cares be Nide* mat- tered to. Special rates for Iarwer PATeritrek oe ■dvertlsrfor r 'Undo.'seadg kaolin at the olive or potshots... J016116 Of►t1TIfIT. A fully etlnipp••t Jubbint (Mee le carried on la oassectiea a ith 0e onl iwaryt rowspapr bt !•Asa. where Sr.I-rIS' Week ki in. at reasonable rare. ov.ryt Mao t• in. ume Rae call be dose on the wemasee ea tBesslm*ied poster to a v nit isfi lie --AVOadenna IOel mast be O. lrea:II.l.ICLNtf. liditorof Tian SIGNAL eva.,�.s, t1s1{ 1te• s; liodarwt out. HURON SIGNAL • FRIDAY, OCTOBER lath, 1808. A t•JI.L V';l: OP FRONT. WE are pleased to be sbk to stats that it bee been decided by the council that under to circum tmatas will the harbor water be clkored Into the domestic ..r- nte of the totrn. Tbis esooar)Cemeet the plaintif. Is addressee; the pay lbs learned sousasl paid a high tribiee to the ability which Janine had display- ed is &isdeetieg the ease, bet said that though hie ability was .o.eiderable, kis jedtareat wee poor. "Jenkin. r Dae u: tier meet," meed the .miesst lawyer, "who are a danger to the ewsounity where their lot is east -mea of brakes without Wiest." His Ludship reviewed the ease at treat Iembth In a most impar - u.1 manner, remarking to the jary that the queetioaa of law and feat were ea - Only in their heads The jury, after as *benne. of over two hoere, r.10,Thed loth • verdict fur plaintiff for $1 damages. On application of plaintiff's ouuosol, the ezistlsg injunction restralo- tog Jeukie* foes further libelling Great was uohssitetiugly made peritoneal by his Lordship. Duff v. Duff-Aotiun for decbratiosof interest in 1.ud. ; Sager fur plff.; Diek- sun ft r deft. Consent minutes pot is and sighed by awnael for pit and deft. His Lordship directed judgment in ac- oordaocs with the cuaaeut smstas filed. McCann v. Carlin -Action to set amide will of the late Thos. Carlin. Osler, Q.C., and Downey for plff ; Cameron, Q C., and Best fur deft. Judgment iu &Gordan°* with 000aeot minutes tiled aid mimed by counsel for plff. and deft Whitefield v. White et al-Aotioo to set wide • conveyance se fraudulent Proudfoot sad Hays for plff; A. M. Tay- lor for lett Jed/inset in terms of con - east ,uncles filed and aimed by counsel for plff. sod deft. Shea et all v. Tp of MaKillsp-Action for fns � _esd illegal distwn. Wer, C., Campo. and Downey Tiff-eIff ; King and Proodiate for delta. Jury dispensed with. Judgment reserved. Jebuter v. Lang -Action for breath of coatr.ct for non delivery of apples. Cam- eron Jt fifth for geld; R. H. Collins fur deft. J ed,{meot reserved. FALL ABBIZE8. Webster's. G. N. W. Telegraph Co.; an action for damages ,.stained from • boggy by meow of deli's wires being down in the township of Hallett. Judg- ment by consent for plff. for $1.000 with fell costa. °arrow A Pruoditeot for pit ; B. B. Osier and Spencer for deft. A similar ease arisen out of the same eiresmstance, is which one Robertson reoeaved the injury, was settled by • j0dguIent of $250, with °ten. vs j e.nto, an action for elan- , IMO On& to next assizes, costs of the flay to be paid by deft_ Gamow a Pvesdfoot for plff. ; B. B. t)aler and L E. D.ocey for deft Lowrie vs. Mundell, an action en it promissory nuts, was dismissed with costs as against the deft, Wm. Sproat. Gamow it Proudfoot for plff.: F. Holm - .ted fur deft Lawrie vs. Smith et al, an action for pries of goods. By consent adjourned to sett sitting of Chancery Division it Ooderic!1. Gerrow & Prondfout four plff ; F. Helmeted for deft. Stephenson vs. McDoogsll, so action to recover possession cf lands in the township of i'•bortpp Jury dispend with and judrmeotfaeese reed. Mier and 11 V. Eakin for p It. H. Collins for deft. Darling co. Hefferman, an action for breaches of • farm lease. C.meron,Holt rt- Cameron for plff. Osler k Prou.lfont or deft. His Lordship directed judg meet to be sotered for plaintiff on and after the 5th day of Nevsmher sittings of the Divisional Coast for $500, with full costs of suit Grant vs. Jenkins-Thle now some- what celebrated este has attracted con- siderable attention of late sad furniabed material for several mot•oo. at Osgood• Haft, Turonta. The defendant in this action is the publisher of the Raid:ref, Hla L.0 1r MEd N the proses*. mama is wUltsMs tum. H. eusesrred with ibm reading is roto,•sies to iearemd .e.al..udation fee the helpless tied is - omen After aspemeleg his that'll. to them for the hied nterrww to kimeeu he informed tbetiaied Jury tial their defies were sow *t tat' sad sod be had pitmen is beteg able to referee them, boos further ♦slots tilt • puck• nature at this meat, Remiss• before the court 1230 p. a. on Saturday. will be hada] with pleasure by those of our readers wet. contemplated becoming watertakers. It is a vindication of the c �urageons and outspoken course adopted by TIE Si';" some weeks ago, and is a setback to thus* wfa., made such rash and ailed c.p ee to epos our action in tie case. The course which we outlined has born pursued, and we hare the eatisf&c- tion of knotting that oar demanding a "Holt" end a ''itiilit-about-iaee" of the town tet uectl,so far as its fire service poi icy was.oseurned,kea worked bssaficially in the pu1113 iota -est As THE SItIEAL has been in the pato it Sill sootitue to L� iu the futers-the earnest advocate of the ono's s right•. Ni•. man or body of teen sill combos! its utterances when may eff..its are made to ride roughshod over peiba.. Inuion. The change of 1rMt by the town weal' on the waterworks scheme is ose victory wbieh we have aid- ed in winning, and there will be more to follow between thee date and the boain- tling of 1$119. papers in the Province. Mr Jenkins. Heemorrose the sominsteuom for tin I the editor of the new venture, determio- t.o.n of Oodsricb have been held at dir- ed that he would adopt the sensational era times and pleas, and we would litg role in eu effort to cutatiip bit' more etely !mei a:. ifrers. Failing in to nee a by -low pawed at the nett meet- this, the evidence show• that he !,•cane ing ret the council doing away with the tie willing instrument of almost every old order of things. It has been the custom far • body of the sleet/in to meet in the town ball in the forenoon to nom - Maui the mere sad reaves. and at noon an sdjoUvt'm•*t bee usually been med. to the wards b o.wiinate the seuneillora By the new Act municipalities have the pouetot bolding all the Dominations at the es meanie, sod they cam arrange to hold the meeting in the evening, nee g meg at' ('ppoetimity for a thorough dllaat'e•ion of municipal affairs, which is otoed at COLBORNE PALL S1iOW. The P rtae wtaaee. •• O'Mara • Brame Aptcallarwt /seedy'. lair. FALL AND STOCK CO 1N EVERY DEPAR'1'N TER LETE. tom DiscolloltfillrAlliorCisli R. The Colborne breach aviculture! Ex- hibition held here un Oct. 16 sod 17, was by far the beet fair ever held iu this place. The weather beteg uotavurable ova the 17th there was nut • very large crowd of spectMkxa The different °lasses of dock were well repremuled and the inside rood. The following is toe "rise LI. HEIATT DLAUoHT HoaiEs - Brood mare, Alf Carr, 2d Andrew Young; Gle mm foal, Wm Cunningham, 24 All Cart; 1 year old 611y or voiding, Robt Soret, 2nd Wm Yeast; 2 year old filly ur gelding; Alf Corr. 2d Woe luting. Spas D. hones, Was Yenug, 2d Tbus Hamnitoa. AuluwLTtnAL HOP-3118-BroodMare, John MoLsate, 2d D McCury ; *primfoal, Jag Jubseton, 2d H G Ta Taylor; 2 Icor old all), Albert Smith, 24 John Tittle; 1 year old filly, D Ryan; wen agricultural purees, Joan McLean, 2d 1) Lawson. CAwAus Hoasra-Brood man, Wil- ton° Brus,2d Jos Teweley; Fon1,A Green, 24 Wilgus Bios; 1 year old filly, An- drew Young, 2d Jr Row; 2 year old Oda', John Konz, 2d not known; 2 year old filly W J King, 2d Alex Young; span carriage horses, B Medd, 2d Alex Young; boggy horse. Frank Mo- Doeu.gt; 2'I Andrew Yoeng; best lady rider, 1.41; Fisher. CATTLE THOaocuH•arD-Mugh maw. Thos Ross. 14 J Fisher; 2 year 014 heifer, J Fisher; bull calf, J Fisher; heifer Gall, J Fisher. GLADE CATTLE - Milch o.w, Thos Roes, 24 R Medd; 2 year old heifer, Jr Windmill, 2d J 0 Stewart; 1 year old heifer, Tbus Rom, 2d I Fisher; 1 year uid steer, 1st sod 94 Thos Pols; steer calf, R Medd, 24 R G McGowan; heifer calf, J 0 Stewart, 2d R Medd; 2 year old steer. Thus Rhea, 2d Jos Tewslsy; fat of or steer, 1 R Medd,2d Thus Row; fat of or steer, Joe Tew•ley, 2d Jae Windmill, Smear-Loaco Wooirn- Aged ram, J 0 Stewart, 2d H Curwin; shoaling ram, R. McGowan, 2d E Gaunt; ram Iamb, E Gaunt, 2d J 0 Stewart; pair aged ewes, J 0 Stewart. 2d 11 Corwin; pair shoaling ewes, H Corwin, 2d J 0 Stewart; pair ewe lambs, J 0 Stewart, CII11I21AL Casco The Grand Jury returned "true bills" in the following eases : The Qusetts vas James Wilson, three indicnoents for per- jury. The Queen vs. John Henry Lloyd, perjury ; on an application of the Crown • bench wamot fur his ar- rest was issued. In the Queen rs. Jamas Lennon, jr., foe perjury, and also against L. E. Dan. Gey, after the examination of use wet- oeae, the Crown consented to • verdict of not guilty which Hie Lordship direct- ed to be entered. B. B. Oates for deft. Iu the indictments agaiam1 James Wilson for perjury, Elia Lordship, after hearing the evidence of one witness, di- rected the jury to return a verdict of not guilty. B. 13. Osier and L E. Dancey for deft The Queen vs. Neil Murray sod Chas. published is the village of Brussels. The I Meyers -Two indictments each for .- plaintiff is the postmaster in the ease soapier $ constable at Bayfield. After place. Mt Giant had been p: stsaater I the evidences of one witness had been at Drneeeis for nearly 20 yea., sod eon taken, the defendants withdrew their plea of not realty, and pleaded guilty to Ocm- sun assault, and penalty of fr5 was im- posed in each indictment, payable io one month, for in default 30 days in jail. E. N. Lewis fix defence. The Queen vs. Wm. Watson, Van joyeI the reopen and confidence cf bis superior officers as well as his friends mad p.truus of the otiiee, when, about a year ago, an energetic editor launched • new enterprise in the newspaper line NOW IS THE TIME TO BECIIIE BARGAINS! NOTE A )PEW OF OCR PRICES: Dress Goals, in Melton 8c. tp 20c per yard All -Wool Dress Goads .20c. to 30c. Tritua.ings to watch lTIsteringa. from 30c. per yard up loc. per yar asc. per yard ..30c. per Ila doe. per 1b. 3e per yard wide Sc. an tl C.c. per yard 7e and sc. per card Flannels, all -wool, 23 itches wide, Flannels, all -wool, V inches wide, Blankets, all -wool, Woolen Yarn Factory Cotton Factory Cotton, yard FactoryCotton, extra heavy A special line of Ladies' se Ho, all -wool, 20c. and 2..c. per pair o •pri vane la react Wool a1 ole. Faaoloator., Clseda, Uiris Jocks) Papa. T...aei Ro TAILORING. DEPARTMENT I A large Stock jest neared of Tweeds &tid Crow for Fall hatts and t.. ereoiata 4Yog da ardor nada te dor at exeseekerty Low Prices. All Wed Tweeds hem Me. per yard tip cut out tree of charge. l'Mderelo'blag very cheap. A special line of .14waa eei Shirts wen at as. 1111e.Isap.ctlon sad Ccaaparb.a of Prime No trouble to show floods. whether Stn Wish 7 per cent. off for Cash, commencing Monday,het Octcber, and continue for one month only. J. A. REID & BRO. tw Jda.'s Bloc k, Oodertch, lamb Sopt.. 1 2d John Komi; scarlet carrots, 1' Elam. Mon, 2d Jae. Gledhill GaAlrs AND Beane -2 bushels amber wheat, T Hs.tltna, 24 R 0 Meknes/1;2 bushels trine wheat 11 Corwin, 2d W C Potter; 2 bushels barley, T Hamilton. 2d R G McGowan; 2 beanie peas, T Hamilloe, Si Alex Yeast; 2 bushels white nate, 11 Corwin; 24 Sam Barr; 2eaH bhele black oats, Corwin, 2d T Hamilton; 2 bashels timothy, Wm ., Jure LiDttx ' DEPARTMENT - Gents' linen shirt, houseamide, ade, Miss Busbanan, 2d Miss Bonifield; gents' linen shirt, machine made, Mn Anderson, 24 Moa 2d H Corwin, Buchanan; gent. fancy flannel shirt, Beady ss Buchanan, WOOLED -Aired ram, machine made, Miuchanan, 2d Mrs Olean Bros; starling ram, Glenn Bros, Anderson; coma chemise, M. 8w.1- 24 J 0 Stewart; pair ewe lambs, Glean field, 2d Mrs Moderatonight dress, Brom, 2d J 0 Stewart; pair shearing Mia Moteb. 2d Mw llu J Sohotatting, ewes, Glenn bros. 24 J (1 Stewart; pair Miss Match; embroidery in cotton or aged owes, let and 2d Gienn Bros; ram muslin, Mn C Cemphell; emrnidery in Iamb, Glenn Bros, 3d R McGowan. worsted, Miss Swatlield,2d Mrs C Camp - Plus -St- erotic -agedsow,Wm Jesse, bell; embroidery in silk, lace, Mnkir' WM JT o de • 2d A Green; young sow, A Green, 2d 2d Miss Malloegb; genlk Wm Jones. non, 2d Mitis Symingtoe; \o.aito. Phut- Bsaseai*s-Aged bow. Job. lase. Miss Motais, 9d Min Sw•flield; Clark; aged sow, Jos Tewsley, 21 John fancy leather work, Miss Symington, 2d Clark: young boar. JasTabb, 2d Jobn Mn C Campbell; beadwork, Mn H kn(oe:i a. the Brussels P.uoiyet. This Clark; juung sow,Tbo• Haruiltoa,2d Jae Howell, 2d MrsC Campbell; braiding, Tabb. Mw M 8 Green, 2d Mus L Buchanan: peer was started (ostensibly tithe nrgen Renaelasr Vao Norman, Joon Hopper, Pocuar-Frit Houdane, Wm Josr: Kiss 11 os silk, Kies Symington, 2d of the G,nservative party in that local- George Hanna and W. J. Neehulwn, • 1 ht brahma, Jas Munroe, 21 Ju Men Miss Swallield; fancy knitting by hand, illy. and in apposition to the Bruaels 1 •targe u! u,suit with intent to maim ; -dark Brahma, Jaa Munroe; black ?AI M )ilueeb fancy !'ase, an old -established journal. which, after hearing the Crown witnesses, His Speniah, Ju H.rrieon 2d. Jas Munroe: under the control of Mr W. H. Kerr, Lordship d'reeted the jury to se(hit the Dorkints, Jas Barrisoa,2d Jas Harrison: 1 n knitting by machine, Mrs 11 has taken a place amongst the best incl prisoners, 1jich they did. Gams, Munroe, 21 J Monroe; Ham - The Queen v. J. H. Uoydd-At the burgs, J Harrison, 21 J Munroe; Ben- rquest oI M. C. Cameron, Q.0 , for tams, J Munroe. 21 J. Munroe; den., Lis Lia lordship suspended the bench mouth Rocks, J Harruoo. 2.1 J Ram. w arrantagainst the deft, vine die. son- Leghorn, white, 1 Harrison, 2d The Gaud Jury made in the following J Harrison; Leghorn. dark, .1 Munroe, rseRta TNIExT. 24 J Harrison; any other breed, J Mun- roe 23 J Munroe; turkeys, J Harrison 24 Alex Young; geese, J Harrison, 21 A Green, ItirLEKEN •-Fanning mill, A Me- Murebie; gang plow. B Dell & San; iron barrows, A Kirkbride; sulky horse rake. Massey Co.; turnip seed drill, Bel) & Son; turnip cotter, Bell 4 Son; set horse .hes, from hemmer, R Thomp. son, 2d J Ferguson; wooden axle wagon, A Kirkbride, 2d R .bo.npson; Ions beam p.oagb. Bell & Sos; Plough steel mnuldboard,Bell & Son; horse hon, Bell & Son; seed drill, Nicholas Morrish; farm gate, R D Morris, recommended. Hone hlA)•crau •Blit' -Pair blankets, O Young, 2d Wm Jones; pound yarn, G Young, 2d Thos Hamilton: counter- pane, woven Thom Bellows, 24 G Young; 2 bottles wine, grape, Jam Symington; 2 bottles wine, berry, W Jones, 24 J Ketch DAlse P.ODUCII-10 Ib,. butter, W C Potter, 24 Time Hamilt•,n; crock of better (25 ibso T Hsmi)ton, 23 If Mor- rish; c\eew, teetory made, G Young; iL Ib* honey. R Munch; jar honey, R Motel; loaf bawd W C Potter, 24 Thus Sal h ors, FI1LD ROOTS-Manzohls, A Orion, 2d A Robertson; field carrots, H Curwis,2d T Hamilton; Swede turnips, J Tiffin. 23 Alex Yount; white Belgian carrots, Sam Barr, 2s1 H Corwin; peck o1 •nioes.Tbos Hamilton; 12 ears corn. R 0 Mctlnwan, 2d J Tiffin; pumpkin, Jae Gledhill, 2d Robt Sprees Wangs V,uirs.i is -- Parsnips, Thos Hamilton, 2d Wm Swafbeld; Roue pota- toes Jae Johnston, 2d Sem Barr; Ele- &porta' t'Mse11 meeting. A spacial meanie of the c,.uneil was held on Tuesday evening lot to ouosid- er the tertnm of the contract with the Reliance Electric Light 1'••., the pot. chase of the engine to run the dynamos, and the intake pipe. Tat' aRLIA)I''E CO'* coatroom. Mayor 8suger read the teras el the contract, and after .o.ne dua.aioe, it was moved by deputy -reeve ''amwnn, mounded by councillor �li�b h.a, that the oontreC1 be submitted vat of the town solicitor, be signed by the prope Carrttd THE !NEIN! . t' The Mayor explained t infers had come from en supply the necessary power mos, vis.: From Goldie S of Galt ; two from John Dut Chrystal & Black ;fur J. B. Kaden); and t.enuard t He stated that the c.rotuitt rowed the completion down McCullough and Chrystal latter ufferieg a 14 -loci oyli engine at $1,140 and the f toil 12 -inch cylinder engine The cutnmittee ha. not yet fi e d, and asked for inure time t the re.pect.ve menu of the en Moved by deputy -reeve I. apprt- which 1t a:' buntioa, I •tree fin x tine to he dyne- ollough, -uronto I.petoc, London. ad Der - ,oldie d- t, the e Cork. Wheel- ' 01,200- ▪ datid- .,naider ea N, me- at the Cat. Mn W Junes - Moe condod by recur- J.,basum, knitting by mac:Iine, Mn H Howell; 1°"'''on of rte purchase of tb plain be referred ba:k to the commit Howell; patel•ed work, Miss llalluusgh, 24 ilio Match; patched quilt in cotton, Iled. TUE raaaOR INTAKE rt Mies Hamilton, 24 Miss Mellnogh; patched quilt in wool, Miss Mutch. 2n Co -atelier Humber tors to Miss Hamilton; feather flowers, Miss rtplatratio n. At the public -- Buchanan; Roman eaderridery in linen, gently held be had evidently M. C Campbell; paper !keen, Miss understood in regard to the go Mellough, 2d Miss Hamilton; Berlin the Hawley well. It might be wool work, flat, Mime Symington. 2d Miss S.aifieid; Berlin wool work,nised, Mise Hamilton, 2d Miss Svminelon; rag mat, Miss Buchanan, 2d Mrs 14 Howell; oil pointing. Mies M 8 Orals, 24 Miss Ketch; oil painting on paint, Mies Match, 2d Miss SesM.M; water 1101.,n, 14 and 2d M. C Campbell; peecil drawing, 1st and 24 Mrs C Campbell; pencil dowing by child, 011ie Comp - ben, 2d W Weatherald; colons, lel tied 2d Miss M 8 Oreen; pair woollen taroks, Mrs Thos Hamilton. 2d M. (I Young; pair stoekings, Mn T Anderson, 2d Me. G Yang; pair woollen mitts, lilies Ru. °banes, 241 Miss Hamilton; patch tea old garment, Miss Sallow', 2d Miss Buchan- an; darn on sock, Miss Beebe -nen, 24 Mrs Hamilton; fancy knitting. Mrs Howell, 2d Mies Symington; soft° of eardtwsrl, Miss Haoilton, 24 Miss Sw.6ield; sampler work, Mn W Joage, 2.1 1111as Symington; cloth mat, Mn SwaOield, 23 Mn W C Fetter: e..;tnter- pine crnch•-i. Mos Symington. '.•.d Mite Kate Young; cotton tidy, Hiss Syming- ton, 2d Mia Hamilton; woolen tidy, Milo Match. Mit' Hamilton. men who had a rrieranee 'real or msg. 1 They Lase disposed et all the busi- leery) against postmaster Grant, and I nes laid before them by the Crows week after week,and month af•er month Commit!, finding true bills in all the f.r nearly the whole of the past year, the case*, which comprised the (Amoco of too/get bristled with abusive items perjury. against the persecuted postmaster. '2. hey have also visited sod exam - Jenkins ea warned to desist from the toed the County jail, and certain para attacks upon the public and private char. of the Court House to which their el- ector of Brant, but he paid nn heed, tention was invited by those interested and, if pusetbk, .,.t- Heroded his pre. in the proper maintenance of the build - vino. efforts against him, even tiring to ing : we find :he jail clean and 'well the extent of advertising for grievances kept throughout, reflecting credit on the against Grant. and calling upon all and jailor aid matron. No complaint was sundry who had complaints seminal that made by any of those in con6laemest 3. Amongst the inmates of the jail your Orpnd Jurors were very sorry to Gni several insane persons who are de- tained in does custody until proper ea cnntmodatios eon be found for them elsewhere, sod whom it would be es - safe t.. allow at large. Thele is a cnttdi- tino of things which a more or less pre. - * Watt throughout the Provisos, se we have reason to believe. Dud it is very meek w be deplored, ss it shows that, Eels eth•anding the generous trot* whist: leave bee. ode by the (hoarier Legislate... for the proper mire of that nsf.ortun&te class of ust pupelatiou, in- sanity as •pwteetly so Ike inerww, and further .soo..in odati on is still required. W. would respectfully but stronely erre that This deplorahie state of things be taken into serious onn.ideration by the tit rernment stud Legislature of rte lead, official for years back to bring them to riot em,venient as things now exist. t err the editor of the ifudyet. Finally pa- ' motion h.. an opportunity now of Milne thence ess.ed to be a virtue with the per- secuted • on this line, and we hope too see •ecuttd postmaster, and he turned upon a y -law passed at the best meeting at hie swwslisnt by the teethed° of the courts, the result being that Jeakine, the council 'mooning the ease in the hest failing to bow to legd decision*, whist• interests of the electors. Give the oleo- enjoined restraint upon bite. was seer ton wary opp.rteuity to discu"s and n.erile cast into a proton cell in lbe hoar Iieeua••d thw meetcipal affairs of county jail This. however, did not ap- parently tool the ardor ttf the irrepre- title, if sut Irrespdoosible Jenkins. Ho wrote items airtime Grant from behind prison hate No smut was this the case, tb./ when as application was made to enema his term of imprisoftweest. Mr Justice Ofac)lahon, sated th.t he eon1d em ease the sentence. a the emirs. of bat we believe there are salbcitmt nude- the primmer in disobeying the injsnetiam F pendent teen .t the vs to sled by had not heat restrained mew when M vise placed 1. durance. The tried of the the waste of the public is this regard. mew reran nn 'Moseley sfternn m. and tad that tstreased acoummodatlom he -. -r - - lasted all day ..n Fractal. the verdict ref provided for these who are in a anawssle Sorg time mite* a horrible et•eeh , the jury not hint reternod sntil about ; the children of Ito State, and who an the water moose aa Slaw. ' id '--- - solicitor,dependent use the reit of oar popelatime for skillful medical treatment sad ads grate protection. 4. Your rimed Jens* vitae with die mesMre of the legal pro/onion is enw- gvMml&t sf Veer 11sddip es yver ele- vation to the Bratsk ; they are glni a know that roar Iwmdshis the Ow tore. Oely by .nett means an an intelligent conception et the town's af- fairs le plead before the publie. Rise of oer coroncillors who fear to have too strong • light shed upon their 'actions will doubtless .appose the new method, boon *. him ti was alluwr'd ureal I■tato.!. ie ha es bounwet, Tomato The hydrant wee nation of wltnsmea, asd i• t1. oast' of removed. and the hay .of • deesyed Pap tb. pieenttlf too .ehibited a wrest degree was (owed in the pip All the • fleabane- of annauaE i'.ry geotiun that male • law "blowing oat" of the weeerworks could eumet was pr..pneed«I in the pe,pswl had boron ombte to d• aMdra molal insinuating manatee, until travel! ink completely outside .of the ranee* nI }asaswa+ tie iraF„dasseort, wtalil tin \jrdru11t was Ilse ease. M ems atoppm.I Ay hie ii'nl- confidence of the Mr, is\ is the beet 'Lis' When y, WOwe" d the sroncilkwe sl.;p ie the eras eameia•s atk, -los- •sea that are also, held sod will re- w►o have eo teach (oath in the "dashing ' ken. travelled .to err $ wit's eine% Isis Ne.-nada.•• of the pe)lfe at Isrg* •:plats shy it did nut work ie lewd flatmate the pal• .d •.adn eo, l.et in the deoitimga ni pest wgoa•ihlw d11- peOe'ss baud so •n sbli.h•e the •hart..• whin\ lir. *MI they \.eand Wan that with 7tiru.t... I b be f made agitatethe rel• lntsff and then youth on our year jedisial tater I osde avered in ovary way pettish,M , will hes hag .ad tsefel one, awed met- ' Gerrie t i.Irlle oars. eeT1s t ' work op pelades) ayesrmthy for kisosslf r•,in e ep rowwfawail r of ale Orasd O:d the mud• of the jury.wmn. It .as amok Trim sew &doers the esdwstss et of tin deto 4.t that hie o•hjeet was In blot's• a O�deei.► Rrasal." . We daft kwow e1- I disagreement *mowg the jurors .ei the as pelotas sea ant d feet Ise hie t11INy treat !he i'irlrlir m neme 1`f the 1 hd I address Io the pity, wit telt woe el*.x.ei treo 'Ohmmeter 0Osntee.amse," tut wo lone•i able length, he Wil ewdrvored to keep at Eftfa tit Bir Joie Mte aed*esld is r ter prrtiset dt'. d the ase 1. the fore, WO - !dila mostly . B evti feasey to all the adait'tetreties of jsabot' 6. We have ellen to express oar warm thanks to ebe Orswe Olmstead, 11r King. ffor the peat aasirllsee be lee wdered es .ed hes ensetesy is his tats sus.• with se. m J. A. fi asst, ?seas. Facer -Samar apples, Glenn Brothers, 2.1 W Tindall; wiener, Jet Johnston 2d W Jones; beauty of Kent, N Morrish, 2d Jos Beek; any satiety tan, w Jones, 24 John Kowa; any variety winter, A Robertson; N Spy, F Rdlows, 2d John Melloogh; snow, F Bellows, 2d John D ogles; R I greening, Thos Monition. 2d W C Putter; baldwin, John Tian, 9d John Douglass; St Lawson, Joins Douglas; Orevestine, John Douglas; sal, S.. Barr, 24 Joh• Douglas; Hen Davis, Frank Sallow., 2d R O Me Nebrnsa, Sam Ilan; any other vat•iety, Bao Barr: v.geeable marrow, A Smith, 2d W C Puttee; mammas squash, Thom. Ilamtltes; winter quash. *m elwsBeld, 9d T Hamillos; mime, Ther Mellows. fid Mrs 800; witattsr rabbaga, Joh* Noels. 24 T H.Miltoa; 1a11 cabbage, Jou Nagle. 34 T Hamilton; .itroas, Jena Tiffin, 94 T hallow.; bland beets, Sem Harr, 2d J DnasIan; tsrsip blond toots. Mrs. !kilt, mad T Haasitlow; reddish, John Ta*; able turnips, T Hnmiltoe. 24 W C Pot. tog; ln.,g omen earr•a, Jae 0441111,1141 NOM Rehr; early bona molt', H Ctr- wie, 24 T Hassiltm; red (mime, Mem titNtt1a, 2-1 T Ils,s4toes; yellow .onions. Ilse t. 9J T Hamilton water nwloaa. Joe Olecnoil, 24 T Hamilton; wok met toes, 1' Hamilton; mese fah tselr.n. Jos 01e410. red tomatoes, Wm ewaHeld.. Paawlm- Ol.s Bee. Gowen • Spdzenberg, 8 Barr. 2d W C Potter, K of Tomp, Jobe Tiffin, 2d W Howell; Roxbury regent, W Howell; 90 cm pippin. John Demises. 9.) W l: Potter: Ribet..n pipp.n. W Jona Id W C Putter; HabMrdaw' s non stab, Oleo Bot:-poxso brise, Nt.Mda Morrish: Alsatian 0 lt.sset, If Martieh, 4 J Unitas; QeInes, Oise flea. 9d Jos Beek; arab, Jae Gledhill, 241 R G McGowan. Ps•as- F1e...i.h beauty, J Tl(tln, >fd T Hamilton; Vicar Wink6.le, W Joos, 14 Glee Rei; Lanais Ranee De Jersey, W Junto: hisser* tardy, T !tallows; seeker! barely, Jos Best; Olapp s Fav crit., T Hstwi1en; teem. W Jansen soy variety fall re wisest, W Jona O1 APIs - - D.tewew, Olen Bin; any ether .adult, Odes Ern. ke an ng re- mis- on of t be bad nut impressed lomat dearly en that oersios, bet elite be nstendei 14 say ter that itaouln require foot wells of the capacity of the premed Hawley well to forsook the golume of water that could be supplied by the intake pipe. the Mayor stated that the *omelettes did not intend to recommend the (P•n- nection of the intake pipe with the do mettle service. Councillor Proudfoot- Why dor yos west • 10 -itch intake pipe, than 1 Cuoncilk,r Humber -We woad wset • larg. pipe to let tie tester out, to act ea a drain to the system. Mored by reeve Johnnie's, sec,sdmf by deputy -reeve Cemeres, than limn aoonctl do now .diners. At this stage . differesee of ofliaks was expressed by several of the seesesl- lore as to the feasibility of fluehine the the pip. Mr If umt•or oonus idiom tet K was possible, and lir McLean and others t■kin; a contrary view. Tb• nieyor declared th.t the dieesmies was not it. sorter, avid put the s.otios W •ijoern, which was earned. 1 Tb• Tle*ar'. Prows Should adorn the brow of the inreetotef the great corn care, Penmen's Petal. Cori. Retractor. It works quickly, sew manna store spot, and is jest the thin` you wane. H.e thee you get Pates. Painless Cnn, Extractor, the sore, of" sad painless eon for corns. •11011.. vies. Allrties ort tisg ttieir sale mitis prated u a mal° "go. a ••61 gas • fees sense teserted Ma list ..p to Use time et male. Atom; to sol. of farm Meek sod is rlr- seats. the property el Tbns F2hset, Int 6, was 8, &Julbarns, by hobo Rees. aestineeer, .t 1 n'ehrk p. • us 11° - day, Oct. 20, 18N8 Ifo reserves pram. fes farther partirelata ♦esti w sate of vslembta MMMostt, tow properly of Oke BreaAas, int 3. mites- tw C.u.rae, by C. H,teittas asetlos ser, at 11 .o flet p m. , ea i'videy. (1t►L Nth 1iet8 Noeseeets. Bre p•' for list eft animals. tones, he. Auction soles of farms. •soah, jeer waits and 1.omranId Neaten ere s1 - emitted iw this lire froe o1 chars or elate .4 osb, whom gate hats sew P -41 .. Te•• it.. -tai. . Mee. Owed shelf hills ale dame at ever htaMiMW fefee `tt 1