The Huron Signal, 1888-10-26, Page 31 ,e tie is but • ea se octant of the ▪ tws- er to If ap.de leg of ith in tat u MAW !sec, m !tem some h iater a in much leash y skin d en- • e7. - to sc o•sible ip and to use l enon ie ; towel gay be ✓ and brush sins tbt et ;street that m, left day, 1e, co rat to Bar- k not a! J M -flan e. s wan flair ie. .body se for- ego*. id like at an table Add raised I weekeery - b• • het • led • mee•at Pail to brad mama imam M wee N suers wen ate gilt We 1. t .,slot «deo pat to ▪ Ire swot ▪ M It woo N'Ms Ase 1.010 AN.M • .Ira aettuq lanes Thshows W wee 1t w hesto • ss A ratoodee s.slat; Ageism • low w AM toIt was 1 a areas ad AL. etre .w E. la hie st • bei Ir its palo.% init w ber to •t' ern. • were dre.Le' ith barging ;.o.. wow r at tni•L �ra warner saki. witIss toy rtet wW tread p el K 48104 straw y bear, ..g darted' ids astaa" as to bis eked' her arty nut. ,d "ot ea early woe d••'ll,a bowl s• ou . shier reskod .nal ue.'YN merchant .mid. .t ter be W l bio head: .o iib Jo tare end trot. ;.mew tame sad int. ,t to has when over the wire .use Swat • limbers' tilts ,,,: uetar had wrecked a trete. gropi bs were amuse Ute artb tar ) oats 1000 cried: ,,. WO of .corn and pride- dmodpg things you tell' ,,.dt, !brow toll wall." •tem Les 1O ISM ales 1* die prison eriai lite AMR( away : ,t of be wreeebwd child and wife owning wreck of Ms wasted lite. 10 meth* voter Mid. . wet ter greatest dread.' re hatler the Uquor trade, • ere enrb.d sod draak- sesito lr woo duga luta to atter 100. Whim r, ,Lvebtsr bererne a dreakasdti sur. And her honey children cried ter bread. And trembled to hear their titter's treed. It Is serum to or wk. idly skim Whin tt.e cu11orleofdeath their olefin keep Alirosel,.e young sad thoughtless in - Aad mold In oar midst • grief 4 elm 1 It isso0$Ln yes alt for o. a "ad' Aad ciao by fat* our gar iota's load - Te learn to :shot. live, and fight GIs the e:de ot Lied and cltaapelea. debt. 'Ire sus "1b. Thebe The experts." of years furnished the most csricmrevidence that themeemi• of lives are •usually saved by the tut of Ayer. Cherry Pectoral. It speedily cue a'I alleaioes of the throat, bron- chial robes sod leas. A SKETCH FROM LIFE. Ease bt. say Joss►/► I gained muesli 1/Buds. Manisa's 1rieada are all is the Es" sod W .re must of yoga's. Mama. died last1t was . dreeY+l blew," .ad, drawing out • very blaet- edged ha.keruniet, Mss Edna wiped Mise $eW100 tears from her04 *a ye "Yee, to be sure," said her hbue, trying w look sympathetic. "I have no doebt. But we ..ch one asset mane to it, you avow. Ah, now I wish you amid here omssibleg. Its very Baso sas ,i„ you haw. Let me gave yogi sow .1 lbw ale," and he shook the aquas e mutt w, aad thea poured out • imitates g kiss "J don't care it I do have some of your .1.," said this beauty, and, drawing s silver cup from her travelling- bag, allowed 11 to be tilled. Convertstion became* wimatd after this refresh- ment, end Jack Lo :dater. who had re- turuw1 fruta the smoking -car, drew hu het low over his brow, Gamma that his big beard and the bronze Luso be had acquired in his trop from Parts were out suttioieot disguise. •'1 think the trust is perfectly sp1•s- did,.. went on Miss Edith. "But 1 woeldu't like w live there it is so poky: I mean, the folks are poky and slow. ' ''Now, you are hurting my feelings. I lave in Boston," and the elderly young man twirled his mouotaches "I like th. West for business and that sort- of thing. But Breton is the place W liem lm your place • lain gets 10 dirty. Can't WW1 aanythu.g .itnuut getting grimy." "Well, that's so. I reckon clothes last longer where it's dean. Seem like nothing wore out at Nantucket. Bet I get tired of my things, and like to have em ttuos r 1 cyst buy new. Peps aures DM a goon allowaaos. " "Did you have a pleasant a,eetMr i Nantucket i'• 'I like the bathing, bet I don't like My Aunt Jaw -she's Uncle John's wife. She ed'tes en mesh for ter family. 1)wt is. you'd think the t, ueeu of England would feel Food to be related to her '.» "Have yen ever been sold that yea resemble Mrs Benk (!fn Blank was feet then very much hmtore the public) 1 I have Dover armee hut, only her photo- graphs, but you look like them res ark - ably. "Why. ves, people have said so, but I dont approve of her exactly." "She is mighty copular though." "Yes, to be sure, My brothers travel ter a firm In Chimeo, and we Bever know when they are to b. home. My! I wouldn't marry a iravelhug man for any- thing." It'. not .0 bid, .04 travelling isn't." said the elderly young emu, nursing his kit mud looking the young lady over cooly. "Kut probably w handsome • young parson as you can choose what she wants... Mrs Disaster was »turning, week.nd Mies Edith blushed and bridled, ani i11, fru0 Demon W her home pr Cleve- boor tbbu t continued. oung nh re no I..nd. After being helped to her bertb 7 ou iP- in the�aaping-car, she was glad to lie !rk dans as Nantucket.; .till, 4itd wits very grateful to the 'Yea -I lett Wt a dozen. elderly young man who had changed his Ad the elderly young man laughed. lower berth for the upper 0w Ja:k, her Deadly chills ran down Jock Duxm- eteps•n had bean oompelld to take for teres b.ek. He had paid Mum Edith her, sad which was in the .motion serum particular attention the brief time he was the aide Jack would be in the neat with her. Could this be the girl he had section. and her maid would be in the compared to a goddess, and wham he birth .bore her. Mn Doxtster was had Amsted to Iola for • wi1.1 His hip. easy ite her mind, She hoped to fall grew mid- Hr borers •book. He ..Le is won as twilight net in. In the longed to fall upon that elderly young 3ie her curtains Ion desire bask masa and pitch him out of the window, su, sad she manned the elderly (bough reason told him he was out to trim O blame. His eyes were a blae. hies. There was • bare -looking "I could live in any city of any .; the top of his bead, be won • eswegwce in the Uuttd States if I coag .trrt-pin, and on one of bis had hese • mind to," said the girl, or r us a conspiresw. ring. Hi. lips gardlea of olearnw of eopreusioa. "1 ed, and his whiskers weedy. ' always have lots of attention." i clothes were blue flannel He was The elderly yosog man etretehed oat ev" fly • quiet and kind-hearted little his legs and yawned. He was tired. "I ma of not what Mn Dortster called wish you'd eons* to Boston and live,' a g Isms& be said. "1'd like to show you round e afield • WI and vary ►mutt- the 8. wife. .0, so world i ci wits. ack- fel ling lady .stared the car, end was w 7 Pry yo she •.est with the elderly yews, vasa. Yes, I wire her every *repine, $ old the porter several these u e know* just when I am, aad that I'm all keyed but plsecant voice that elms sofa This is ray card" -be beat forward hooked for 'No 7. The isyslie offing the p•stecaed-8•m'l 11 Jackson ed at the row owner wish eauesel .gent for Fuller St Feller, wholesale to- tt, flee ache was quite sere she had baasa "lt'e a good bminess. Every. awe that lass eern.where. In a sum- body aasoksa, to matter what the times meat the young hilly observed nresienely are. and I only meet yenta. That's what to her vis -s -vie that it was a enol even- 1 Me sbuet the buainw. I oouhdu't ing, ar.4 displayed it. dealing eat of enders a business in which I ooulda't teeth. Doubt rave way *certainty. It Yds � eh removed the card some - tire's leada Warren, ow gilt Mrsoe Dtuta- what Boldly, bat lir Jamk.nn did not trt'e daeghter's vied friugda den `'4uwaroes, avid en sanity, mess.," sweat* observe that, sad contissed:-tt Clare had said. "Mod ba father is rich woo a 1u0ky aloideot tut give a slag a r• her •e she wants. pleasant evening. A sick lady had the e e's j to give lhisg of this section, sed. as sh. She'. jest a little bed, but k dew't mean upper solitaire. She has ber anthers who eseldn't get up the steps, I took this .d doh miler, and so she thinks the mea let ber have lel berth.' must be all of them Jack "I sill it cheatto ••k say one to give had met this Imeinatieg Edith whim he up • lower berth said Miss Edith, foc- iw.at to Jamie for kis Meter the Ise! ems- getting to he sold in the pleasure of mmW ~wilyes0eent, and he ..pond- giving her opiab, and quite regardless ed the plea tines by Mrs, that eh. of the bat Haat the invalid was within .boald be *Thai ta speed portd the "I wceldo't do such • thing." condo* enmities at O%.vefawd. bowleg. Dostater's face crimsoned ander Sash 0 lovely fa* would win Wal- lies from a seamy, The iszueismt brows hair swept away from the deli - robe eheekm in emelt heavy waves, the bluish -grey eyes vers shaded by sleek lose lashes, se see meld blame the elderlyyoung a for looking at her over the parr of the Aderrf ierr. It was, too, difficult to rend in seek a light se that given by the ill ling lamps. Moreover, the young lady was wee disposed to Wk, mod aguoeneed her dislike of a lose journey. 'De you iso r' said the elderly yams sow, with .mfeigeed intermit. "I should think se, replied the rout hilly, is that Maar vets which sou be hoard sr far that people at the ,ws.otm WO of the Mr basal •boat to look .t WO "I go to Bt Lona Bet I.. used to !reveilles." Jest thea a lamehees wee k.teght la to the elderly Imam !mea. This obse- quious waiter tet p the tide table, speed arm M a Cagy tend, and net • est eta tardy Yard, phklc i sad • bot- tle ob tle of Wm What •odds the eldnty paean ,Iter de bel •gib ht. Itis adgtabee to Awe W tired,► "Ie. the,ehs.• lee 044. "Creels Jan sed lobe a ma -.ptein. • ei he ask am . tabs • squire easel et the duties. 8e rid M i• • pea piss he leave pert with- billergreentiliseali Ilia Ow t 01 fit i sheet y�tt UtM• /tae sad h ''Hs lives le ►Late end ger every ,runnier to Neat ek i, ware be sur lots. Papa wee bars too, bat 1 1“.111..1...!!1!LA =blot VA� I*pit•1 THE IIUROlf SINAL. FRIDAY, OCT. 26, 1888. foam Besks NM mooettwt se lru* diem. t will surely ootue to esu you this anima when you set the time." Judge Domeier and fondly sent to Oald.rnia that summer ad, antes bow, (Iles Warta never quite understood how, her aego•iotanoe seabed itch her old trteod. Clara shed • good many tears over it, end Mrs Master made noisy ('cases forhood. heirl' to Jack, tett alhos ways .hook soy, •1 w111 out have fey outer know • manatee r a a girl too tr .l this settledthe u tobacco drummer."e matter.-Cbtri•tim Union. Oft s, ilree.a- Public speakers and s1nrers are often troubled with sore throat and hoarseness and aro liable w severe bronchial attacks which might be prevented and cured toy the of Ha yard'. Pectoral Balsam --dee beet throat and lung remedy iia use 3 advereldaa .susses► mon me teamm. This arousing advertisement fres the North C0..w Herold is • specimen of a class of advertlrm eat& yutte common its Chute* newspapers. Advertising must he cheap there, judgiug from their length : - "I married my wife is 1878, with nisch feasting, and reepeetful oedemas to pa- rents. She u twenty-seven years old Wu year. I followed to July, 1883, the K ebtng (courteous and tranquil) BM - tenor', under the ever -valorous Ytxroy, Tau-clung-tsa g. As my son sou *leo nn his duty, nay wife and I removed our re- .idenie to Shanghai. In the fifth moos of th,s present year we removed w the Hui -fang -Lou, where my wife, Ku ai- ebing, aim affecticuste cabbage), went Irequently to drink tea at Ti oboe, of bat I bear sot. Later on, co the Sites th fay of the eighth moon, a He - chow man, whose name and surmise, and whose graadt.tber s name end ear- name r tame J know not, went with any wife to burn payers and incense w the temple. He had the .scriligious utyroetery to wear the little blue button and the m•- dalhon and beads of • great MIAMI. This went on until of the ninth nines, when my wife indiscreetly sod secretly vanish- ed from my house, carryial • bundle, but leaving • one -year-old little dttagh- ter, who, without cueing weeps sad wails from sunrise to sunset and from .ousel to unwise. 1 cannot, therefore, control my wrath and tnitierum.a How, I wonder, mould this ever to -be -execrat- ed tailor's block without a same auntie Ku-ai-ch'ing from her hwbaad, who eased this ink with salt tears 1 Sarey he has no law or justice bolas his yes Of os bis forehead. Should any kind hearted one give me information by let- ter, I will reward him with twenty dol - len ; should he bring bar back, I will gratefully give him forty dollars, sad for • myriad of gra rufous, to all .ter• city, the oldest .on of my sooee.aon shall burn income for bias. Should this res- eal witho.t • seen. obstinately retain my wits, not only to all eternity .hall he be infamous, ooh only .half he be out of the line ot his ancestors, and be discard- ed by hie grandparents, bot we three, father, son and little daughter, will at all times risk our lives to punish him. I bops he will think three tunes, and .o avoid an atter repentance. Letters shall he r•cived for nu .t No. 4, Hai- fsag-Loa, or .t the house of my wife'. beaked, Heis-Iso-ssn, at the Yung boa" As the ezharted reporter sometimes put it, "Comment u median." 41/•16461111411•111.111 stn..... rw..a»a. 8:11oe buybod the writer baa never cause arose aayooe who could make chicken put -pie that was not a dump. poistntent. Low his mother bad not abroad the art ; hie wife was • dismal failure, •id nearly ewer, female ac- quaintance who hes entered the lieu Pails when the cruets! teat is applied. 111 course 1 praise the pi• -it seeds a- but one plateful always ataswere. I need not to be advised when to quit, an ni dear old gr ndmutbeer wad to do. It was her put pies that were so juicy and deliciously devoured that .he mutt needs eland by to save me. It a .11 nonsense that "I have kat my seat f re food" J law. better. 1 have tried pot pies made by my mother's shares. I have even gone tar the Catskill Moontaiss is the State of New York in search of the lust secret -for then in Duchess County was my darline grandmother born. Now I know it was neither peejudice nor my boyish appetite ; for I could not o the ure her baked pork and bens to lust, unless i can conjure it from memory as I was tau heedless and shift- less to set it down in a book. itot the lesson has made a mon careful since that day. But let me go back in memory and describe her method. It was my port to catch the chicken, and 1 became expert an m7 part as time went 0o I selected une'or two young male fowls, according to the number who were to share the treat. After scalding, pluclinv and dressing the fowls abs washed them seterel times, after cutting them up she left them in salt and water. allowing them to remain in it • half hour or so ; about one hour before the meal was to he served she put their. over the tiro in • deep kettle covering, with sufficient c.tld water to allow for evapor- ating-airing vapor- sit0* dims* the boar. This was allow- ed •w ed to Mme slowly to a boil and not honied. Meantime a rich pastry or mist was made with sour cream, and • little soda, rolled out into thin 'beets and cut into squares -not perform!, square, you know, but .quare enough. When ready, and about fifteen or twenty minutes before dinner was to be served, she roneoved the chicken from the broth or liquor, then thickened this liquor with dour and plenty of melted butter seasonal with salt and pepper reduced to a thin batter by stirring in to the broth, of which there was plenty to cover the whole, es she returned the chicken and .quare of crust in alter- nate layers, topping off as she began with • layer of crust, for I always hang around and conjured her to pot in "lots of cruet." That was a lung quarter of an h:ur, always, from the tine she ocvored it with a tin until served in a large platter. baptized in the delicious gravy. P.rba .s this is nota sufficient guide to produce as good • pot pie as she made-eud she never failed -but try it, and see. He ammo was equalled w hen she tried Iamb, veal or pigeons. The secret is in the crust and the juici- ness eud pleotifulsess 0f the gravy. It is melees to attempt the euro of any disorder, if the blood is allowed to re main impure. N.mrelgi• and rheomat ism are traceable to • disordered condi non of the blood, and in numarlees eases have been cured by taking • few bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla - Teale t• tis fmrmwaebl.li. Taste u one thing. Display is anoth- er. It u not pheasant to right thinking BOOTS&SHOES E. DOWNING'S; ----- We have made extraordta.ry prep•ratioas for . a rename tall and winter trade. re have dl THE LATEST STYLES is low •priedgaud,. simian m THE FINEST GOODS MANUFACTURED I We are }wile railed Im la here 1d' L01`' PRICES style. and variety of Kuoda 05' a mu a call sad i will show you The Largest Stock of Boots and Shoes of every De- scription, Rubbers, Overshoes, Felt Boort. Lum- bermens' Stockings, etc., to be found in Western Ontario. 'They ar•atl t,ouj0t at close Woes tor coati, aeu•will be M •Rall adv -...am en cost. For beet IBMs. There is no better remedy for frost bites, chilblains and similar troubles, than, than Hagyrd'u Yellow Oil. It also euro. rheumatism, lumbago sore throat, deafness, .ad lameness and pain generally. Yellow Oil s seed internally and externally. people to have a man continually telling his Neighbors how rich and lucky ho is, either by his way of droving his house, or himself, or his family. The need of greater simplicity is apparent in meal of the belongings of the nommen rice, not, of necessity, to the way of smaller expenditure, but through harmonizing the annotated and discordant elements who a his decorations. Thor peon put everything that they pongee on show in their parlors sensed in making thou apartments look like shops, and the eye tires with the jumble of objects and con- fusion of tints. Taste should be restful .paces of comparative arenas nr of sub- duieg shadow la every room that is much oocup�, for it is better that there should be too little decoration then too moth. One would oot wi.b to sero his wife always attired in her most axpen dry sod uncomfortable ensiles», and wearing all her jewels at once, yet there is a similar imp»e.ion of unrelieved dim iMhoarthatch. "p apo you have rower had the Iplay in not • esu domestic interiors. ri.bortaw to M obliged to meal obits { m wiser for the householder to entrust a fon were ill." •0111wlited Mr Jadtsoe, ptofwionsl deoorator with the test of HOUSEHOLD HINTS. E. DOWNING, csNbs Mick. Car. Rant kasd 1.0.re, THE CITY LAUNDRY 1 beg to inform the pabriirthai i?te ,! p-tstmdry business which has leen carried on in Goderich, sines: last I'.•1n nary, }.. been leased to a new management, the former Proprietor, ialthou h doing a goal business having been forced to si�+h .th. wort;,. owing to ill health. Two first-class Laundry hands have been . sural ,. and tory in every respect will be Guaranteed. For rotes and quality of wolf: apply to. Doughnuts -Ons quart of floor, one cup of sugar, one cup of sweet milk, one rag, a pinch of salt, one teaspoon of eel. orates and two of cream tartar. Fry in lard. Raisin Cake-- One half cup of butter one cup of auger, eo• cep of sour milk, two eggs, one cup of raisin., one half teaspoonful of soda, one teaspoon seek of cloves, ciaamon tied nutmeg. Doughnuts -Four eggs, ooe cup each of .our milk and buttermilk. two cups of brown sugar, 00. teaspoon of soda, oue- belf teaspoonful of salt, flour enough to roll, Cut in shape and fry in hot lard. J. S. VIDEAN City Lawry. Ooderich. Sept. 42ith. 110r. idly. "Of pour.., forts 0011 W to ask mother to give up the pleat he hae telegraphed for woeld be obeeky,bet for • sick lady tt ie gots different. Then I like as upper," gad, rising. be went to the porter sad ordered him "to put ep No 7, lively.' MovswN,t of acme sort was necessary to Jack Dostater, and le went to the water•000ler.' "Toe mired s good deal, 7oe know," rade Yr Jed**, who woe lounging wear.%Tiler rattler, tet yogis; bdy. Band.ome as s picture, but 1 Ilk* the shy ease bat myself. Jolt knew that lir Janine Ad tea distecpaeihI thoughts of Miss rdith.Sed that mmihom had invited .red .ueo.ratsd the .onvonutiew, but be *old not restrain a sol "She ta sot seneettmmed to the attiring his hoose then for him M undertake that work himself when ha has not the spitted. or training for it. Speaking to this point, Ed/wed Rel, the artist and lecturer says - "Don't emblaoun your front door with armored knights ani Tempest hoes, 0. - mem they doe" b*MtK or grow here. Deg'! put 7nor initials or your sae* over everything you posses, ado that peo- plewho pink up • fork or tong at • pillow sham will red "John Rmith,propertasy 1t'. all right to snake things 010.. ie ease end • way, hat suet ty, sad if meet se m�. t` make the letters smell and pet them me Om heat of the front The lady wileweaveher ini- tials ie diamonds oa a brooch is miler. f� The man who prints hie asem4Rwm on wage of the world." hie chins does a .sole diem for s.lxidy .M , ""so," Mr Jsekmoe. blithely. is going to ran away wish hie dishes. ed *t Moe this Amato* 0517 raj t amen too mash et the tab* st "She's as froes a cabbage. A IiWe I .t be ton showy sod deuplee„ Dom% 1atisfac- 1 Manager. . 4171 At. Lemon Saooe-this teacup fullof au- ger. one•half teacup better, one table- spoonful door, all well mixed together. Add also grated rind of lemon and pint boiling water. Boil live linetes ; when read to serve squeeze into settee just of one lemon. Jumbles -Ona cop of sugar, one-half rep of butter, two mg., one cup of sour milk, one half-teasp•nnfol of soda, ours teaspoon of caraway seeds, flour enough to roll ; form into small round cakes and bake a light brown. Crsllen-One and one-half coda of roger, one-half oup of sour cream, nue- half cup of buttermilk, two egg.,one and zee -halt tempoo.s of bakibg powder, Amer to make a snfl dough ; roll out ; cot in shape and fry in hot lard ; drain end sprinkle with auger. O=Mec Plant Fritters -Maks • batter el two egge,a half cop of milk aid • little alt, pepper and doer enoegb for is this batter ; serape the roots and throw .4 ogee Seto oold water. Whew a8 w mope grate with a soave grebar : droped the grated root at once lees the hector Dry by the epeoafel *to bol fat ; fry brows and drain in a collaoder. MISS GRAHAM BAB t111PENED OCT HER. INT=W IQenv~ --OF`— r I IJLI N RY"; and has the latest tyles in SHAPE:EtAND TRIMIIISNGS• As usual her rates are most reasonable, and she invites the Iadiett. of Goderich and vicinity to call and examine the styles anal prices. Remember the Millinery rooms on the Square, next to Aohelse t Cox t. 1171 411111111111111111111. There is iso Fatale About It toe free. theugb, fag as] sills A week Wer Olen Dootatov nemived) • letter trete ber oil friend. "Whoa 1 wee reternieg hosts from tis Lit 1 maw two people on the ion who *MA he tweak lite your feather sod ▪ brother 1 tborght i .neat .peak to Welts i have *MIT ONO goer *other, oily list paters, bet the eta btdr Ina Ilse the phots that eyed to hem N year male seer *phis risme awl obtrusive. Pat fleweatM the Wilk bet plea them loosely or he glens, for Y yet pet them le ease er soy new opal* eollshs•m yea *emml MN their beauty _-namely their .tem. Dna% esu OM,when soler yoorhave w*1� m deal when lm h old �.aa S dos shopkeeper kill with a big Iffeta% Try nano.,, or ensetbisg that win Wates Oood feeling helps senility to wake liars of moat of we --nes absolute liars ; bet such careless beadier, of the uth that R. sharp easee% Rat y retied- ed. n d. -Oliver Wooden Holmes Never allow the bowels to raisin ma- atipeted lent serious evil •same. National Pills are oosurpaseed es • remedy for mesedipatkrn Nothing is snore dangerous than a Riad ',Meet dies etioe. -Ise Fontaine. 71. We !Oedema Pretenses. aer W terms Y mow wave.. ids., er Nerve food, a Phos awerat hoed upon SlatentiBC Forsealatod by Protases Austin. K. A of ►►whim, Mr., mires Pultaan- 8iek .adaabNer- ve* Na � �H er1�e and Newralgis cod ti westing dieners e1 the: henna slateta PheepheM0w i. seta Modwaimm. het a diwttiseasrt, bemoan it eeotaise no Opiates pe;N•W er YimII Poisema� mailbP_MiWr. sad ie t ss. fare is ear eddy bed. £I.ittg • k ottp teitiiont to Navarra 1 AU1Awee t all N. $1.00 per Ott ser egemir fie the Dominion, p hist Wast )ter► Teats. The public verdict is that ALEX. M U N RO has the right Goods, right prices and tits the right time. I want to emphasize the fact that I study the re- quirements of my customers, and have made, a special effort this season to procure everything New, Useful and Fashionable that is worth having. I make no specialty of Ion lines of Goods, I aim al keeping food articles, and at prices commensurate with quality. If brevity is the soul of wit, I will not exhanst patience by particularizing particulars, but will merely say that in all departments there will be found a choice assortment, ALL GOODS NARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES, 00 STRICTLY ONE PRICE. ALEX. MUNRO, 1004- Draper and Haberdaehar. THE LATEST NEWS OF WAR �T� A. B. CORNELL'S, teen, sell eider ed s.iinw. I *pair lte the Dieter* ere the end ant sew ands bnetkty tram r iM7 wrtwo it stool mer 1Rm • May spot of solar *Milt J. .>iP4!I g sur .Mt iinS Where you can get all your old Sewing Machines repaired and Made as good as new, having obtained a first-class ma- chinist. .bargee Moderate. All work warranted. 11 Bring along your old Sewing Machines. (live me a ca11. A B_ CJORNEL7.. APPLES! 2USSRSV P'IT'T BROTH & CO., altOomine, 81LL COV>RT, - LONDON, EN we renews aserimr- - et mead whs1•r es and .ears liberal adman* swish Ise Awrvvs�a�e� �tg�g�law�myerwwewta 7M�sa ••sea raosrms dein a awsmaawua. uties ssw� . Cable-immet LOSS Get Your Printing at The Signal, 1