HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-10-19, Page 10w
• t, t,
t •- ?Amit'i r" 150, >td►r.t;is• t i
,. UBQN 81GI 'A J, FRIDAY, OeT. 19, 1888.
Tem.d -day to say sad sat 'AaMM- COUNTY CURRENCY.
tog to env missies work at an. There
is mesh I might do H able. Take bet ---
eo. scampi.: -1 •tgfet ge i.W aha Newsletters Trout Oorreg.oa-
A Position that Requires Pluok, eooutry teem chapel to atria to W'oaoh dents snd Items from Other
Perseverance snd Abihty. and wahines but whet A. Chinese I 80,i
speak u so eery bad that nations taon,d rces•
- .uderstaod see, and I would only be
ap.reetas tae Liam le • elsataea Yet- lmpu.iag on thew by preteadins to
wear Or Hasan ba. Home and r. De- oMi, Besides 1 lieu. that Ian. lack -
sae a 11.adrrf■t s ewbt.atten ing in qualities of mind sod beset news -
et esamhte.. asry to win them Therefore I judge it
better for me to remain ben, because
wrangle .re very hardly wui,and I have
by ea nese• learned that failing to do
good i du harm. F .r more then 1 ,or
The tame of (..•arse balm Mackay is years though often told I ebuuld just be
well-knuwu to many of your readers. He myself and labor a000rdie' to my own
landed in North Fortnum, sod be- ability, instead of atteodiag to every -day
Year must h she' in
.leditor thearchurch. language, ••fid itis oaly ibi. yeare1athave
As abs result ot tits labor there are crew come to know myself, what 1 amid not
in 1d844: 2,630 b.ptia.d converts living. do, .ad the wrong I was doing in wit
69 churches, 51 maths ro aaiunaries, 2 of making known to all how tittle that
the 51 are ordained pastors, 1:4 elders, wait
and ii0 lessees. Tho people hold too- I have never helped Dr Mackay or the
aciously to their own customs and ways, mission in any way, .ed have greatly
sad convert* are very hardly won. This tried hie patience as well as that of
work has boon accomplished by an others. At sur regular peator's inset -
animist of labor and sunwrise acrd by ing, of which records are beet, and by
.,reaai- d p.lir trir.l •f.fer,nfi e4 ed,rt, Dr Mackay per.00aUy, i hare been vo-
latile to be ut'dersto'd in • Christian vited, even pressed to take up any one
couutry, slid certainly very dltf.r.nt part ut than work, but have repeatedly
from a young made ides and ordinary refused being quite unable to du it, deo
cases) of the work as tie starts out, Bible I have been asked to make augtedione
in hand, from his Western home. for improvements it. the mode of oarry-
Though bore or. the ground already ing ou the work. But seeing the euocee•
ncarll ties years, on sceount of the deli -,1 that has attend t�� methods
u amus
culty of the language and the knowledge to mat ole
and toot necessary u dealing with natives effect of cnnnaual change in some other
I am unable to take up and carry on miesions, I think the lean change of well -
any one department of mission work. tried. and to my mind comsNesimmoe-
But 1 pnz• the priv0ege 1 enjoy of sense methods the better.
seeing no much that others would like to it I can uoly eosins the truth, I hats
see and will there( are try to make known treated Dr Mackay most unjustly in the
to you more that' I have hitherto. With- 1 face of all he has done for me by not
out referring to Ur *ar'ray's pay, years , sooner making facto known, Many may
of travellingand suffering, homeless and supP'.ee I have been helping him, not so,
per.ecut.d,leerie gara you an idea of , he has helped me to snob an extent that
his present daily work from January to I I owe him a debt I can never pay. Dr
Dewmber. Dr Mackey plans the whole Mackay has treated me with patience
held and places preacher, in suitable , and kindness in every respect far beyond
stations, be merit ea and answers thou- 1 what could be expected, and I will Dever
sande of Chinese letters, conducts the remain admit if •ay one dere to loan -
studies of preachers and examines their nate that either Mrs J. or I have bees
essay and other exercises, lie personally , hindered
redfrom to ont work. de, and I hats myere is
plans builds and repairs chapels, with plenty for
the preachers r,.•.ms m coanectIou with I choice and free will, and use my own
each. Ile prepares and distributes Judgment in the matter. If I am not
medicine and himself attends tc patients; doing work it is simply and t•nly becalm*
he aggegblies cases of dispute between I 1 am not able to do it. I have also to
LaillYbefn eland often between whole; Dodoes my great neglect in not making
dens • be Mathes preachers and eta- known the hard work I saw Dr Mackay
dents, sod often preaches every night and others doing. I will try to future at
fm'wemla. and sometimes tive times in a best tl remedy this, and let you know
day. Natives tell us in sateen year. more about the Lord's work hen. and
Dr Mackay never preached twice the thus be even of a little on to the church
mm.. The burden of thou -At, the daily of Christ.
anxiety in caring for su:h a church Seeing I have referred above to the
among heathen cannot be comprehended laborious work in which Dr Mackay is
in a Christian land. I have seen Dr engaged, this fact should be carefully
Mannar days and nights at a time with- noted. Not any number of foreign mar
out af*p The "care of all the .ionaries could possibly relieve him ; he
churches' here, and as it comes on him, is to all the converts in North Formosa,
as indeed a reality. t nder pressure of this ( what no other ever could be, namely,
burden I have sew him suffer from their "spiritual father " The truth is,
sleeplessness and consequent fever, re- Dr Mackay, beloved by all around ham,
suiting at last in agony of mind and , is different from all, and from the thou -
body that several times within five years sands throughout the world who preach
nearly ended bis life. Exposure in a I the Gospel. Hs is, by rare gifts of mind
malarial country like this, under barn- and physical strength, able to do what
ing sun or chilling rains, entails much ( others cannot do. He lives with God,
suffering, Circumstances at s chapel and • mighty power works through blab
sometimes call for Dr Jlscsey s imme- with him and for bim.
dots presence, and be cannot choose Jour JAiIIISON.
1\1 good weather. Lee: year, in the very
hottest season, he went t:, Kap-ton-Ian,
fire day'. j. ernes away ; he was nearly
eun.truck and suffered mush on return.
Within tiro years. several time in
the country Dr Mackay bus narrowly
escaped drowning. twice was nearly shot,
once nearly .trick with a bombshell,
ones found • venomous serpent under Lis
bed. Many many, times his own
prompt efforts have been the means of
roving the lines of others. He knows
what it is to suffer, and is hiuuelf coo -
'tautly surrounded by sufferers. During To the Editor of THE Sweat.
this hot weather he has every day, of
those in his own house and the ooll.gss
alone, from two to of:ern patients, some stallion trot at thh Northwestern
of them ..oten requiring very close atter- Exhibition was conduced. In the
than. Dr Mackay dispenses medicine to tires place, I and the general public
more patients than any doctor I ever understood that the trot was bed two -fn -
heard of in Canada. In controlling fifty three, and when, owing to a flziag pro-
miwol dations, he manages more de- i cem, my hors* wee left in the fiat best.
talk than any mission superintendent the rate wee declared finished be the
then. He does more paattral work !single d..h, I had no opportunity to
than say pastor, and preaches oftener change my driver. I have alwayo hese
than any minister. He teaches from' on the best of teems with Jahn Knox,
January to December, without stopping, I who drove for me, but eirestsstances
a greater variety of subjects than any pniot that my home was not handled
profeseor in • Western cellers. Holi- satisfactorily on that day. The day et
days in this trying climate ars fax more the race, beton the race carie off, Kase
needed than in the bracing atmosphere wanted me to have my horse "oorted "
of the Wed, get I have never known bet I would not allow that, as it weed
Dr Mackay to take soy such. He does have had the effect of *bonging the
more of lawyer's work than any lawyer I horse's gait, and I did not treat to take
know of is full practice to Canada. He any each risks To musty a capriee 0n
dietates and writes more letters than any the pact of my driver, I had es he
newspaper correspondent. He does the "Archie Bourbon," shod that
work ..f an architect ; no two Robert Thompson, who ddadthe-
chapels in this field are alike, and
permanent ones are very carefully de -
melted for convenience and economy of
*pen, each also indedes the preacher s
dwelling. Dr Mackay keeps a000.nte
toe all fifty churches, and hundreds of
iseclsess documents pass through hie
hands. Hew u he able to do so much 1
i do not know, except that he has great
meatal power and physical endorsee',
and works night and day. I know he
ower sleep more than four hoofs in a
night, and often not at all. Keay times I
have hosed him say, "oh, how sweet it
meet be to get a whole niight'e sleep."
The sooner the truth is recognised the
better. Why should the absurd attempt
be made to clam men who cress the
nein se all alike 1 To my knowledge
Dr Mackay aeeompliebss or. work in
*barter time and with better s(oet than
several ordinary ment'sarim On ex-
ample is quits enough to new this
Miasinn•nee hen fa China generally
tete at (east two years in etody of the
language, before they make say attempt
at dome work. Natives, hsathee and the hands of a stakeholder
caimans, tell es that within three months i who will not hold R r I sky and gM sp
after landinagg hen Dr Mackay wee going if the ether fellows ems est siOd
.boat prase Mg, speaking the native Now, then, pat op er diet R
dilen freely s epistases. Ilk beim. in the free for all seat day "Anile"
the Chinese know Dr Masks mad what also mitered, but was 'spored to death"
be is, and because Ober have seen him by the Iodine The time is this aloe
ton and catering for their sakes that be was 2:50, and all the hones trent the
1e4N. to nonage age M mesh ialeenee eor wbw• in is.. ties three simile*,
the Wen. dr s.
Validities to 1M harden whish fell. Jay J•y N Arehw wasee osjy taias.
epos Ih Meeker of oaring for the whole was forced to dries myself oa this blit
Mi faion, ever MOMS I cams b Iformnaa salsa, owing to ___Yee._ fm Les.
To the t. liter of The vtaoal.
ruby', Aug. 9th, 1388.
A Weekly H+sees er t*. reamer !kw■ ser..
ed .p Mash m:aMer. et •• (be tuet.at.-
a.d tilos. riaimpee salt row
1s..N freak aeon Softie!. 1
Frets oar ewe
tar sad
nett, visitedweek.
The MIS est Moeda, of this
week, carded Y. s. Berton to his
duties in Turunte. Harry had a good
taus during the his vitt here any at
A Geos BaLL.-Om the *eh of Imo
mooch J. J. 8tewatt, of flow feat
Farei.loild hs troll year oW Malhua soh
that weighed 1,610 !has to • Mteblges.
farmer for $400.
LEnPI• RA . 4.4 1"
ones with Mr Van Murat. He thooa►t
that the biasses of the U. J. R dsrec-
koes might have a certain amount of
weight with that gentleman. It wee
Vat Afore Ise the menu g to enabler
wbtch of Hasse roads would be mom ad-
vantageous to the city, and n,me 10 the
wuclusion weigh it should advise. They
had the biggest my whether they sec -
nailed or nee. Oudrrich and Listowel
wen &ermined t. born of the uweeb-
ern route, the Chalon people for the
southern route, while Van Horne's id..
was that the straightest Its to liude-
t -h would hone haat.
The Meyer, in newer le a geeetjs*
said there was a guarantee en the tart
of the C. P. R., that they should bald
the road west. The three lines ap:ken
of were mon in the minds of the people
than the C. P. R. The e.mpasy had
only rue trial Nees to Minnow On
Ib. entre line there were hardly any
villages or tows. It would run half way -
between Hawk.ville and Lrlatira.
A map was procured and the carious
routes talked over. No one in particu-
lar was decided on, but the feeling ap-
peared to he ,alightly in favor of the
central one.
It was tinelly moved by Mr Gowdy,
seconded by Mr Bond, that Mayor Mc-
Donald, AId. Mussell, Chairman of the
Railway Committee, Mr William Bell,
president of the G. J. R. Co., be s com-
mittee to wait co Mr Van Horne fur
the purpose cf impnesan) on him the
necessity of taking action in relation to
surveys, sad •.eeraioiag what his views
nor tow wmas Juke Horton, mttead-
ed the court to (ioo*rich aa • jerymea
Ibis week-
Oommsoion asrvies will be held hen
shortly, and on Sunday Rev 1)r Moffatt
of Toronto, will preach hen at the
areal hoer. •,,
From ora own oerreepe.deat.
J Jardine, who has been on the staff
of Lorside Fans this aemmpr, lee this
week to make his home for a time at
Hammering', County Haldimaad.
For his Th•akagiviog dinner. - A
mammoth potato weighing 2j lbs, grown
by W Clark, in his garden at Sheppard -
tun, Hoes given to mase host of the Ei•
clang.. The callers in take a good luck
at it, bet w far ssso can being one to
beat it.
Tbeash a bachelor, we notes by the
prima eat that the jovial reeve of the
township bus studied a little the secret
of- household duties, as he hes captured
the first pries for making pear preserves,
ahead of all other competitors. If there
are any of the single brethren of discoun-
ts waned who know hos to make a jar
of this kind they should bring it is to the
county council at the January mastieg,
to show aggainet him, and by gutting Um
genial Clerk of the P.a'sa to act as judge
in the matter by tatting it and giving ids
decision open them.
Wrrw Ruiner. -Many bete lest Satur-
day learned ot tbi death cf Mr A Ivsw,
n ear Dangwoon, who often same to
Dunlop to an bis dangbter, Mrs Haled,
and was a popular favorite with all he
met hers From his wkbad at Dus-
gaalss Kra Horses was called back to
nurse her hothead, nee esteemed towns -
n um, H Horton, who was takso serious-
ly ill in her absence, and from nursing
him was noshed to Dengannos to be
mat her father's deathbed. Mr
Hotton, al time of writing, (T.ssd.y,) is
still ill. Mn Horton bee the sympathy
of a large circle of friends.
From our ow. correspondent.
The municipal council of West Wawa -
nod will meet in the town hall oo
Saturday, the 27th lost.
[Another page of the above letter same Mr Jae Harlow, of Ashfield, is grade -
to hand, but in some unaccountable man- ally recovering from his recent illness
nor has been mislaid. -Eu. SIGNAL J and is able to be:scaled.
Rev D G Cameron hes been appoint- CiOE ERIOH,
d to conduct ch c wise t St Helene and s A- era 'louse
beth,t the church vacant oo Dell Fab. Wii L_Jr� V bh
bath, the 21st
We are informed that Mr John Wil- ONB NIGHT ONLY!
son, who taught for several years in
Sprung's sobotl house, be.. line, Hul-
lett,has bass engaged for the year 1888.9,
in 8. 8. No 3, West Wawanosb,•
Rey R Leask is to prssch in Erskine
Sta, -- I take this opportunity to ebarab. Duogennos, os mart Sabbath,
object to the manner la which the slat inst. As he is about leaving St
Helens, it will probably b. his Int time
to c,nduct service here.
It it pleasing to note that Mn Walker,
wife of Kr Jas Walker, of this village,
who has bean very ill for a length of
time, is gradually reo,v.riog. We hope
to see bee able to attend to bei house-
hold ditties shortly.
As the cemetery here, in parts, is
becoming somewhat forbidding and
u nattractive iu appearance by mesas .1
ueelem shrubbery, would it not be wail
if the ooapamy eonnrned would sen to
to it and Mese to be removed all super -
noose nebbish, bombes, etc 1
The loners! of the late Mr Anthony
Nees, of the township of West Wewa-
mod, (6th ooa.), took place em lata Sab-
bath aftermon, sad was largely attended
by relatives, friends, neighbors sed
acgsaintanose He was a j:iodeer of the
township, consequently an old settler,
and throegb dict of industry and good
e conomy made for himself and family a
comfortable hos*, besides • I•r ge
amount of real and costal estate. He
moans hi
leaves to moans lHos a large family of
messed daughters.
aeder•sek Marlines
Oonulc m. Oct. 1& b. IBIa
Wheat. (Fail aid) {.bash •I 12 ,' $1 18
Wheat. Wall new 1 .0 1 As
Wheal. (red wiate l t1 bash .... 1 0 N 000
Wheat. ll r hash . • - 1 10 0 1 12
W heat, isenee1 r had u W et 0 to
Flour. Ilan) newt. ! so 0 : 50
!lour, Isstred> 18 cwt ..... 1 s0 0 1 50
Flour, sarong bakers. U cwt.... 1 75 as 1 75
Flour. (ltateetl�_!!•:,s,. 1 63 0 1 1g
Flour. straight 1as•• 1SI
Oats. i/ boob 0 mm a 11 31
Pi a•,1 bash • SNt m0
Barley. i blase 0 30 R 0 7s
Potatoes. a beak 0 Me 0 es
Hay.etae dM des
Rutter ,e b • 10 t 0 10
Cheese tmpeeked P ass 0 13 0 o 16
Shorts. II tmi..................•100001860
Rnn 1 ton 11 00 9 11 00
Chopped Stuff. • cwt 00 0 •• 000
$creeniegs, P est 0 70 •' • e0
Wood 300 " 350
Hides. ...........................
Pbeeoskias . ......
Dressed norm a gust............ 0 TS ' a 90
CU? sad PLCO
nr adz 121
la Brom oo each Ping and Package.
1173-17 •
1 Great Dramatic fret !
We do not hold ourselves reepoesihle for the
opinions of our (:errespondeata. Contribu-
tors tc this department mutat condos them
melees to public questions. ad be brief,.
TW es.Mtee Tref.
stated that then was no seaaaity far
Jest before the rose ray driver wanted to
feed the annual a couple of leaves of
breed, although the hors eel neva' )n
better condition, sad whoa 1 *mkt let
allow of that,he failed to gens"A
at the dart sad monkeyed sail n
the eoarsa I ago dimoveeed that A.
Pulley sad Jack Doddridgs bad
bots to the extent of $30 shah any driver,
and gave the moon back es ebsditieee
in their own interest. After the heat I
found another driver and would have
willingly faced the other hisses, but the
jodge• decided that the trot was only e
single dash, contrary to this general
opinion of the horseman and pubis me -
I am prepared to trot Archie Raerbos
against Jay Gould or Goderich Chief at
any time when aha heroes an in enadf-
diti,n, fax say sem from $100 to $600 ea
th• same track, bast three -in -live to
harness, as I have every resile to be-
lieve "Arabia' did an get a fair chases
on show daylimey to be Osumi M
Imes M a TMeye Trees se TerUMs.
The Myer sailed a meeting for Mee -
day ereabt of the Board of Trade, Rail-
way sosemittee of the Couecil and dins•
toes 01 the Otnlph Joaetioo Railwa
Then wore present Mayor Mardotsid.
Mesar. (howdy, Remelt, Kennedy, 0ef-
fee Husband, Menne, Davidson, Mc -
K W 841. W (i Sesitb,
Chas ymsee4 E R Rollers, J M Bead,
cal Hygtebstbsm, Kiospfer, and (1 Ber-
The sneyer was moved to the shah.
O. takieg it be intimated that the ment-
ioagg was far the parrot, of on.eidrrhe
what *nem dwelt! be tattoo to ergs the
ctteietioe of the Guelph Junks. Rail-
way to Oede.ieh, and whin. of the
testes should he adopted as hest seise -
Sated to gait the int reap of Owelpb.
There wee. these been spoke. of by tie
0, ?. L The earthen este wnwld ewes
owed. Med Lidwwed, Rremels,
jl1 N Wser+ta ; the entre nee sed/
�ilt.as•tngalfi fMrifitJeno et
>Zgtsil� R•-b..flle sad aetretd,
would jos direst te Milvertes, stead frog
esy theses te f tlethi The earelhsrs reale
1.. hag spent mei time sad takes genet heing 'ons, snd haw tNgperisesed, viola be math eti& J.onb. tad Metro•
pass to help Mrs J. sad me, sad tell s. Jack Dodd the llo0•resl driver vial Iii" and okng te Gilds
giksm thieIle leaded to bare shoot and Bin Ste + �y esu.Ess d thaw Neo yd 1ltt.lr .d -
t work As. Lai me hrlair .esu se Gob ke1r • ed► e, p a , sew WI ebb Mactbt their mese !�
what 1 NO doting, Ism Wise bels is .dvt, "Dew" Rastp,, hat ab lis dies.l•fa to tea Omar mile.
(tai:. .'. `err �rk;,;a �, �
MONDAY, Oct. 22
The Greatest Acttrets Lrseters� i. bar Lift of
Mrs. Y.aeka to return thanks to
1 cuawmers,andinform%tbeladies orUoderich rOR YALE 10s-rIpI'I 1N
and "-wittily. at dee has opened a dram- diebre■t parte$s of eedertm._(r.m i ao
mamas.stabtliment. over Mr C. O. rem- 10 7 aorta la area: ad 3 dwe,li.pWHIM. A�p-
toesboa's mom and U pr. pare to de work la tie PIT to THOS. WIC41'1I[RALD. tl7fl
moot approved style and at removable tonna
mo .' garments a specialty.
t1:1 -lm. !1 i done keens on O)ouceMerTerrace, sago
Ne for come years put by 1171 tempo se.
MD38 IDA '1'ANI�ITONE, t M t
eateries trait and co.tua% «x teems
h idden closets andppasatna sot psrifosilsrs
GENTLEMEN, --I am now in a position
vile you to select your Suit or Overcoat
several hundred new patterns. They caul ` re-
cently -latest desigtla-striking figuree, gibe
colors, Plaids, Stripea,Checku and mixtures. iso
can see several hundred patterns in nil IIi&1y 44
' minutes, and you'll have an easy choice. They're
sure to please, and ue made to nteaeure with t1s
beat of care. Prices moderate.
$. Ma,cOormaoe
Soft the rs.pMev.
Stranger (tc shabby individual) -Are
you the janitor of this building 1
"No Sir ; that well-dressed geotlem•a
with the plug hat is the janitor."
••Who are you 1"
"1 am the proprietv.r here."
L7DWARD Ntllttl.tN LR
Ae rtu�r
..sub-itor.a tiIs1
racer. Uodrricb and 11.' ieYw
dor arta Thursdays frogs Id W t
luau .t St per mal.
y to
C. HAYS, DOL*Clbg, Ae
R. t e,er. ,•eraet .t *.oars Hoa w ter
labors tc subdue htmaslt. -truer- Uuh-rta•4, .lits• tile., I,rt
!'1 A RRt1W a rWWDPfl y, K
Dentistry. ud IttttTKRy .*rtormos
Ooderiob J. T. °arrow. W
IIIOHOLSON, L.D.a ■! 3LKIlux, HAT a Candi;
�fJl. 3o N•rrtaters. Nonetraea f■ ..
D �odericb. X. C. '. am.:r... Q.t,c .1'.
0. Camera C C. Rom
No engirt a. sou severe u his who
Elgbtb tliosr b lgsir tie Past t>5wo., Wsatet.,
1u0Ytu i. 1y
Goa and .italln-•t Air administered for
psinleaez:nu tit.% ,.f teeth. Sees ial attrmlea
Tuveto the prseervattun of the See
eel h.
/Mice- Up .rata. °read Open House Block.
Entrance on Weet4 .. Oed•ricb. 1961 1> 1 Representing North ■Hash a Macro nue
Liverpool. l.uodoo a sushi Morsuli Cabo-
._ North Anrrican Lite. sad Asoidwt ( .
Loans aria insurance.
F J. T. x, res.,
. -Plitt . A ND A+o!'IDBY' y'-
f1URANCg .4611Jr,
Stittitions tint.
•nee of Nor•S Ameri.a.
_ Lowest hates. lacune. *Wed peat
-- C" - Money b Loan on Farm ►+! Tows tP v.y 7.
lir gVANT 11 COIVirya•ciae donetc.
. I'rorwtr valued, e
Apply at eaasisM its 77 Oece-Cor. Northat. awSolara.0
- a-
She People's ltolumn. oz5O0,000 TO LOAN. APPLY PO
mit for school snouts. Kot. commies. \ i O N EY TO LEND - A LA R G
tor 1181. ANA!. statute a*Perlefoe and W J1 amount .f Private Fonds Sir b?atneset
ary. •pplitattoteestv.d le st November la. low rates on arat•ehts.Yortsasss Anis
71 A. yANDS. Sac., 4altbrd. UARROW & PROUI>►ts,T
lea to the Huron ! Bruce Loan A Invest-
ment Company. Termsreaseaable. Addre•e
P.O. BOY. H. (1eKieh. 7/
the wah.taiber. about the hat of Am./mt. 3
1 -year-old heifers. The owaer is regmreted to
prove ptwpert pat e:ven•m ami take them
wjj. LEWIS lt)L1LY, Loti L K. Ash-
or tot Class -For 8. 9. Mo. 0 Ostleraa
A icattoas will be receive to Nov. ISth
A r
Only FTrsrafees Gwurpreir. lepresestted
Mellow to lead ea strught Maas, at the
lowest rate of imam' awns. L say way b
salt ft. norrower.
W OFF ICS - Saoesd dew Rem Square.
Wein Street. Ooderteb. larb•tf
ppb op $200,000 PRIVATE FINDS
155'1 Addram NDRZ lr1W0Ib A To len. tea fans sad tow. prapsrp at Iaw
bar P O 711. est interest. MW itis lir ta.M. to eats.
m.etoo ch os�aM aawto !mike Trusteed Less
IUST. Company r Cangsf it Maeda L mlel
A4 Credit ('omp•np. the iartdea Ip. CoawJ
A brews corduroy v.lvelara ladies Jacket of Cao. -H Intaeeet, d. t� sad' par eeat-
betwen Oedema sed Port Albert. The K. B-tlerrewertesa inoaeJ b
coder will please leave 1t at Jao. Achese.'s �• i! teas
store, where they will be rewarded. J AMIE D• Cl erftON•
('NAWf ORD. T2- i01� ors, lb.. tiederleb
FOR SALE CHEAP. - 1 FIRE 3leaiCit.
Proof Safe l3Ytt inside. also Drawers sad
p ( . be.. barnroughly ovtrb.uied - - ---- --- -- -- -
ud repaolired ako 1 pair Plat cask 9eelea .tis DR W. K. d088. LICENTIATE OF
1>e sold at a bargain.beenthoApply to U. K. 1J Rom-
S(lodeHcb1tTACNwN, )(.,;bisiet hod -sl were
Blacksmith. omwiaa'memsiisetneet:lwnchae
FURS ! FURS ! OKOit. Coroner A,•. Oatr.n reedea
L1' 8r.oe isiosi. aeeosd door .eat gt Tietori
The undersigned Ira. removed 10 the deur M^K 1TS1.
of Yietorta and Kingston a_ where ohs s pre-
pared to clean or remake in the latest style W
kiwis of fur'roods to elder. All kind. d far
tiamla*s on hand. litglest price paid fornus tan.
Oedertch. Sept. FL Mt M. R MAY.7i
JJ Pay5Mlana Bergman. As wer
eb., w,
Met at lir. Shanooal. ear . .firthee
opolli Godwin G. C. POAasu, J. E, knei-
weer. 1701
DRESSMAKING_ Tor Bale of to Let
Halsted by MR9. EMMA FRANK's briniest
commie) of Metropalut.n Ayti.t.,�..�q�
Chea. P. Brown 08 Aids Tarae�s�
sensations) Comet'-Snider-xlvaa.a,
Great Fire Scene.
SSE Great Knife Duel,
Russian Wolf Hounds
Great Rifle Shot.
THE Great Explosion Scene.
GreAttewt Modern Play.
Admission, - 25, 35 and 50c.
Res.rve Sesta es mak witbeut extra chaetae.
IC. W. ANDREWI . tams•.)
The Largest Minioml Family in
tits world. oonsisli ing of Fath-
sr,Motier,12 Ohildten and
2 1]aughtars-in-Law
base OrriAwsbe ! Pu Bawd ! Perri Mo-
rs. t JO Marto ! Ladies,' Mel., Aria,
east 1bew51. Quartet.
Th. Fuiily towel �hr.�thteiirr /ewe
PH Coe-oall Of bass
MaMesOau ea ti• Resd. Thor ere
tetlre ONO 111110111111111owtae.t at the 0
tfM,'fi ARAB TN14 WO1r0RRr trL iAlf
AaDMI88ION, - 96 sad 6Oc.
tate ukase opportunity of iarewai tea FARMS FOR SALE -TRREE
or °ode Dr di Fortes for sale /th ora.,
rl b sol .urronndl■a .-ou .try. 4lederiob Tuwa-
tbat 1 have >tut recur -.ed from Turoetawsxre P. •boat throe clip from os4, eh Aha
i have toren engaged in oar of aloe Iwtlet a man soared tq chop , U1 C y •pay e1
drassm■kiag a Idmeete sad hart now tb. mremfes. to Mita , tlIVCiCK.
eat besinw In Aobesm's Illodt, 71tf.
t/ep�t la tke moon tortaerly oecapted b roes LEY_ COMFORTABLE MY Masteaege. T edl.it the ppaattrouses et 1 LE BRICK
11. ladies and guan■tee Ont -class wort..t Cottage - :Dome ; e., trait
rsams.aMr entew 71.11 AD91 m C ste°gR Svymr
BALL -The heves Mania* roam.,
as bath room pantry. closes•, sonar.
.had. a a Siliw■te:. The eu est
MIM At trait. .41se &Sri 4f
1■.1b forakorI. etc ik
Our. prop.ety. WM. K!t10NT, (coder ,
L Ilial.0LA88 1ARM FOR RALi-
�•L et111 70 tt.ae7, .1 ■CiteNMM
ir: f Mw tiers : :rra1`wOAdh, ea:
eweii. v w i re i Sdboll hheo nacho ce P.O.
e.i Weh.mltb dem within' oaner of a
iupzka, sobs am u.e Intrt.ege ofplo:froz
MIX t err t t �attt un,k su.
1 A limited
e SHORTHAND BOOKS. e gad ►ro LET. - A COOoltTAsz:
A limped ■t.nber of T gad brass ea dn.t, eagl■I.�
"Maetek' tea b.•akeala.d at Wf noses at ���ce.emr� Mri ■adi vstar. orcnQpl1e�b•, U[
Tee 8enat. ewes. 1Ie1 .rt.u. A te MRS. PLeRF.Tx. tf,
.a.: iga *Arise 5 rears el& mead irer ter them.
k pearl sad pad sMen baps.
taffareaogM't1 at Missiles.win he retwortied
ssrlt10 e.dwegrwrap•dell dvlirtl lielisisi lambs=
paint east of ow
a a a Mei on itot �e'iwk�wHtalgf QN
te awe In •tsar 0..4
Ifs Snare. 0etlerbb.Oat. spree tats.
mei 7.e.ter, Glotheeitt
hakioetM trade, j
t with
sle •
� OeisA
4 ssgR
.�. 1.
as this •0010 sonot ..d be .old a an sells date
ts•s �.eeitl.gels
�nw JIW. g don ..n tM
pe•ti 1pt.b. fort, 7". Dr , n 7,'"Z !rosea
a�ao�y wbalits f to � 1, .....
ea bra Apply MWO. be
LU L; Sulasze l)) h ♦ D111r0Y
ops. ben 1 tee p ss,.atig hest W M em
ABOUT 964• VOL* I!l Li1*ART
Leather flatly, We.* end Metefeebit
Nana, trecesiews, de., en /We.
It•i r..elvs.d I!!
A Ieation for
I/hrarlaa. M ,..■sae
Agri fNalll, 1e flat intimi est 'hem t ~ M ■
a two. 806 06 r._g
sad Wf Hiss oars b"'twr.rd.Mt
IN seats Arne somata saw '
lut • above
-1, &A .. k
DAv Ieas l 11111111111111.
Anne ass.
%cis. sift
26 OTS. -
Bot Foll Bildt of Ihil Otey