The Huron Signal, 1888-10-19, Page 89 e..„;•4 ,.... r 11i st, r I ELD ANDGA It DEN. Two USILFUL PtAMTS. 1-: ‘Ct't THE SIGNAL, FB [PAI. OCT. 19,1 ,44 isr • _ ••44. 40 • WW1 _ Als. • wInP0wW1M1r9M1m1.11111011110110110101, • --T--wawes v't • t • edam Wien sosiska. Sod and violet met sword well. • tonawasat weer, 'Tail Assist the Caging* Orange end Toth,. impoimpar. - - an PRACTICAL NOTES ON TOPICS TMAT A World ourrespoudent has the follow- Black prodwee bad 40. e tgs ars Iii,bstearh. aley Idnitrt that. esal ati.1 unitive INTEREST LIVE FARMER& tog to say miscernitig two plants of int- when it to asiessiseed vita two ittaiii•ote portanoe. wbiela are. however. often omit- saw... flee •Itila 14 heady fur tie inerte-The tsd iu the farmers gardea o sier tense. sod W8et• usettu cu-nWegetables . Thew two Wee Ofelete itterealue• the latter • tu- tus P • i' laminae, see ewe ere oesoiy asedkind ...tereee sad hie. redoes an tattifferent Luta. but ere else ...lowed among car raise., but better whets the .1.41..4• are Nevelt.' .1.1kol.. t bursts; 11411 Male% What a Time Napes {ureter', tryteg te &wailer, tha whil4aweiened loath Ma Mina el magnesia dainty aleguialag Us bitter- er**wiwt weitrast to Ayer's Pate, that Woe Wore **ell " twit - kennel aleger-1,1111110'. -- the wily fear Ise - tug that patients ma: tempteil two Inmellity, Bud ,co Wm 'skies too 0". eel end violet. rope Tines dtreetiame are pia..4 and abet Id be Intht, or • Coltv.lostiou pielersb • to hlrictli 1.11"1 ked blue. J. T. Tel I. . of thittesaseeri. it"" aud 6-8 • ,04rd Pveselsle.espletal- N &sprees., elLeIVIly beeliar...4e. ly if the red deems rattier to • al ester leissell. Mo thew • mimosa. Wheii two whoa aere.ord badly to. 'tether it teal ways ad aantinteutio to separ- ate thee. by steins. ‘N tall never szactly produce* • had tfleet sta .csetion tint t .0 !utu Moat colors, 10, wool cilaos its ma &Wineta Ore .1011. lted sod yellow sword prei y well, eeprewily the red be a peril* red. rather titan scarlet, thd yellow rather greenish than 4. saints. at a doom But the !ht. • w. • \ D. CORDON LEADDTO UNDERTAKER • &woe- i very ueeful I from seed wheu grown extensively, tbough Is are eveterane 'skied extra; that niilk should seur before but- tiac roots, ..r.s:,:rledrUl also grow front from divisions of Thu ides still prevails to • considerable toil sasy ee ter cam Le trtle (nun it. This is an er- cieutt„..ortadings Ttoledelat_y ter process. ror N aniberleas t risis have shown that '4111Y:ern:ie. 1 when • few escort milk and sweet avant yield butter plants tor private Me are required. The as much am'. a 4 easilv as rout eresni. I „ed. of eerh ot these plants should he provided these Lave stood for some time at dium Is fresh. or they will not geralluate freely, metemperature. t idifilcul t" I 1.41d disappointment will be tie result. hese taint or from thin cresol that gath- 1 Thde:iest•r. tne'rer, twhellyy e'r:peow ill:ery"wifirre•ee41; life kteitsete if not impossible. to bring butter froze ! ers Upon lettli kept cold fur tweuty-four I climate. The roil must be rich for both Lours. llesdiness for chrl:lug. affirms as good . th.e*e Planta' an authority es Prete/nor S. W. Johnson. imartr";:iti•ten.187..:darsobniassiyi•tin,l:itAslilrilessr .I'Veutt• ebtetlY up 41 the thue that hal drt two and ime half or three feet apart e:..tesed sinew milking and the teuiperature for Geld culture end about two feet apart to which it Lao been expostd in the panl. in the garden patch. These trust be kept The colder it la the longer it must be kept. 1 riser of weeds. aud the early sownig e ill At medium temper44ture--60 dears. W70 bed twice cuttiug, the late rely once. degs. Fehrenheit-it becomes suitable gt1 ls und for the Cburu to twenty-four hours, or be. , Thnegarden sage a perennial er shrub, it is. 1 believe. mostly treated as fore the cream has entirely risen. Access •__ an annual or bienuial, and after vue or of Lir %timers 13) toe"' the P"reas" Tee two crops the pound is Ido-reti up egsio. hole written NO 3 : "" 1 c.• Car hart le rine ere logla a y atplarecaeled,. Tito- are perfect eerie and costing, and their egret, ere ell tiett Site most careful pleptia•bitt was.. desire. They Isa40 sittip:onte Cie Pilla Leedom ly peon la! low«. fount; it awe 1•4, long bet•.., any 4.01.10( • :le be Weenie that sill at all "topes* ri.,1 it them. Those who hay p.,:r ,;t•t. 14111 %sled for their ue.ier.." °Safe.' plemosiit.,, said onstain 41, their at; ion," is tlie of Dr. tweet. E. Wiel.er, et Title, VirgiuSe. " Ayer's i's outsell all similar prep- arations. The pub,w oissi them, .ill have au ut Seta.- - Seery, Veriablc k Collier. Atlanta, Cia. kieuring of the milk or cream has directly The sago family (Osiris) a err?' evocer.igro, little to do with prAtariug them for the , ....., __ ___ _ n..., .., a_.... ___. churn. Its Influence Is. however, other- i Tri ':jrre'"-o.„-!:;::-. ...--....--7,"...7:,....-.77:. , _____ _ tAelt,• iii it ,eah: "s the .,er4h, e, te_Vh 1, dower garden. in of this Claes Onlv the T., se. of &war ...amt. „crow., tust gc,st duels c,,n....t.on • ii - ....- , 1._11,....r,„„A eat , salvia orlithehb),,f,,,hht . d a.e.:n't et; ii colu in the head to slow- --terristter is inclined to foam strongly at . r.`,.`7.01,17 -t.-; .. ' u y run into Catarrh, •Iner the 1 riz,i-te comes toellAperrt.ctuauwIrketulttitf.4:trAllly.aruse„. IT • tie Ca: be cured for 25c. by usittilova. fat 011)httlee l'in`lers iln=ir l'th'iuff in- I Sage is in great neinauci tti ilii.--liall by 04bilwe rill Core- A few *PP • low temperature, and by euveloping getber. On churning crests that is very 1 sausage makene tied in inuny sections (ions cure iucipient witerrh : 1 to boxes 2 if•ttr-then11.4dun "Irsies in n itil.' trilli. i OCIllpiellite ere leads that they ere UMW cum ordinary catarrh ; 2 to is' DO' -see di - --so - woo pews. te to erectus enough for tl4eir purposes. guaranteed tts Cure chrome catarrh. Try ular state that dose not lido wit the - ••gstbering" of the butter. Yellow and green form an agreeatde canabin.tien. The arrengement of yel- low and Vue is more agreeable than than that of the yellow and greets, but is IWO lively. Ayer's Pills, ry.r....„ Dr. J. r. Ayer k I.o as Maim Sabi by all Meters in Meeketwe ry is aliill gdemand for the stalling it. Only libc and Solid br FTTIRa\TITITRE m..., keret Any person wanting a First -C' Job. coon* to me for it. 1 am cound to get you: trade if ()wildly and Price is any con- sideration. ! have an immense stock of Furni- ture now on hand, and carry more Undertaking stock than all others combined. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A !SPECIALTY. HEARBB8 EIZOOND TO NONZ. PICTURE FRAMING AND GILDING DONE. I too.eaaw he. 11 newel' $ertiellg Blind Shade Rollers at 15 Cents Each. com.tus COME -Ala,. WAREROOMS :---Between P.O. and Bank of Montreal. o" rat Mae WIT*. 'i smr- as sae dream of poultry Sage tea is • g'Inmo• • st& ir Dyspepois is dreelfel. Domedere g beer is misery. Indigestion is • foe to and is the custom iu the ;Vein ?Airiest:I woe: uod eniAtilaratiog to the spirits. Charming erases when Ode butter of s peculiar and fine aroma- te a sddorille, aromatic, setriugent Inhere we I news. ttee made from *our cream is destitute antieeptic. Some use it in %lair families of this aroma. aud has the taste which as • substitute for Chinese tea, and 1 one „,onsmer evening. as the sun was Ing some time. Stirring of cream going does, a man was sere trying to theilotstein butter Acquires after kde4erse4 have yet to learn that such a family or not promote muting, but, entner hinders any member of it weirder attacked with chills slid fever, or the iutermittent make his way through the Isom aud it by increasing access of air; it IneY hs called fever and ague. Therefore. 1 bold ciri.siess ur:,:atehouitybrit‘laedi toof hulssiektlieshtioulourtie• advantage"' in t"..a"".1 the nnurtng ulg. that properties are most invaluable. ;hat h •bet home Erni. tt r may Le Yen" will be Oust much time saved '- ' Quite unable to tell where he was, be plants of these can he procuredbed his way henna - • ,i- - it that churaing tbe whet° milk makes mow ' lest uttered a great oath, aud said to a 1115,/,,,ye lost my way. where me 1 go- I repute so healthy I heir meals and he happy. Retnemlaerhappiness without per,son gouts by ; The maa that erldressed was an earn - health. But tatren's Almost Flower nit Chrse. Be hooey the poor drunk- briugs health and happiness to the your drciptist for • ard rery well, mid pitied 111113 greatly. ! When he heard the euquiry, "Where am' dYsPePtic- kik bottle. Severitydive cents seer - I gunner-4st • sad, wisese way he an- I seated.. "Te rain !" The poor, stag,gerieg men stared at • hint wildly for • moment, aud then iner- I mored ilia a groan : "That's= r' "Come with ree,- said the other • kindly. "and I will take you V) yoer home." The next day came. The effect of the drink had peeled away, but those two ittle words lovingly and tenderly spoken to hitn, did not pass away. • To ruin '.- to ruin. he kept whis- pering to himself. "It is to rum I'm to ruin. Oh ! Ood help me, save 1114 i Rhubarb geuerally will not nave at- rth !nom than thirty years, tie was now so e had lived iu • It bas been claimed. with owe manias I glided sufficient strength ti ll 1140 IU° batter than es set the milk and churn tifth/ear from the seed If one or two drunk that it was no good nature. The human dignities appa ore of tn. meg complicetee. and wonderful existence. It is easily put out of order. firessy food, tough food. tioPeY food, bad cookery, mental worry, Into hours, I irregular habits, and niany other tbins 'Iele.for hint the cream N ery good made fri,ni churning whole milk. but 11 is 44*015 waiting for tae crop. Idsuberb may rein diftleitit to make than from the forwarded by u.-tilicial heat Ilke severe- ereani Willard advises. for a cboice artl- 1 s, and if • flour barrel be set over s de of fine color. full of aroma and of Ion/ lill early in the season. with the head keeping qualities, setting the milk an • left in. the plant will blanch ss white es churning the cream. A temperature of , celery or ereksie, or if Lorre!. 14. 001 over bout tI5 deg.. or a little above apposes hills with both ends out its growth will tu he the best ter rhunlind 1.11°/. 1/211"k be forwarded and the -stems will be 1044(11 sweet. but the usual terip.srature env mid wom tender barge plants \ earth will kept growing all winter in any Yield and Weikel& el En* 1 warm place Rhubarb or pie plant is The steeds -es' yield and weight of eggs ; very wholesome and comes in at a time ployed is from 60 to 65 deers. • the fall aod placed In barrels or tube of -. . for the different varieties fowl. according to an English authority, may 14• taken as follows: lAght Brahma. and Partridge Cochins. eggs 7 to the pound; they lay, according to treatment and food. teem 80 to 100 per annum- . if kept well, Dark Brsh- he domestic when fruits are scarce, and both stem and root are inedice tic virtues of the root are little inferior to that imported from Turkey, and an excellent sect wholesome wine may be made by fermenting the expressed juice i.sf the stalks. with the addiOou of • little *re preserve believe the cattier - which ought not to be, hare made the sple a nation of dyspeptics. But Green's August TI,Wer has done 1 in s wonderful work in reforusing this sad 1 Venues. and making the America* theycan enjoy REMOVED I Rees Price 81. Son somas. 8 to the r,ound. and about 70 per an- mm. Jain. jelly as utun. bleck, white end buff Cochin'', 8 to , may also be made from the stalks. Rim - the pound. and 100 is a large yield, P1/6 barb is beet raised in a seed hod and mouth Rocks, 8 to the pound. sad Lay 1 tninsplanted out when large enough, and pw annum; Bondan, 8 to the viand. and out,: the largest species of Polmatuni• lay 150 per suntan, being non -setters. 1* such as the Linnees, should be grown 100 Fleche, 7 to the pound. end pro.duce 180 market,. per annum; Black Npanish. • to the pound, and lay 150 per annum; pond Mister Dairying. niques. 9 to the pound, end lay 190 per One of the most powerful arguments in annum. game fowl. 9 to the po,nnii. and teem ot winter diar yiz eeye Burnt lay 180 Per *mum: Creeee• 4 to the Home, is the fact that it yes the farmer pound, and 150 per annum; Leghorns. 9 nrogteote employment, t entire yene„ to the pound, aud front 150 to DUO per burin( five or six mouths tbsre is a ces- annum; Barnhart., 9 to the pound. mid sation of growth of the farmer's product* 1:0 per annum; Polish, 9 to the pound, end then, if be has no way of profitably 150 per annum; bantams, 16 to the emptoying his labor for the remainder of perund,_ and 60 per annum; turkeys ley the year his remuneration must be mach frem 3° to GO eggs Per eaulinn weighing less than if he could profitably employ sbout 6 to the pound; deckle eggs ,art himself every secular day in the year. *really with the difierent species, but . The value of his products depends largely from 5106 to the pound; pose. 4 upon the amount of labor he can put into ri'riter Pound. lind Per anntun . Liiines them. The forces of nature an- laboring fowls, 11 to the pound, and lay per for him six months°, tile year; then 11 14. annum. can employ the other six months profit- ')." nets 1[111 noeseer ably in manufacturing his „reedrarodncts, In reply to the query so often asked,- converting them Lute more val e forms, bit profits must be greatly sugroented. "Do bots kill horeesr the veterinary edi- Tbe subjert is important stud many sided tor of The World mays: It may be an- and we may refer to it again- swered in this way: a large number Coll' in tbat portion of We find that the beet birds for breediNy the bowel called the duodenum they may erre" ere frOm °10' to thyme Years ("- set up eoough irritation to canoe • thick- ".• do not Prefer Pullets ilietimmuseuring ening of Use wans sufficient to close up t° ill for breedere It is a greet 'mistake the mina. in occurrence ,,,,n to nell off the older dens and breed from tn. lir • •11:4•11411REE 411 basely 11••• • Si waft was ••••44. tor Nee its•• boom. W•••••••• *Wry 0•14111••••• •••• %wain& WWI Is•00••••• Nab boliwfaraonourilwq .048 wwles ar mows 64, wool mesekse soussee Ina* 1•041144 ••• OrglIgt. N.. la 4•1•••••.•••• olllgome-44.. wort ••• er is owl. 1•4•107, •••• theriterer44 s• abr. vim. il. • e•••••••• kir••10.14 ••••••• ••• wsj email 1•41144640:91011.•• Sow ••=.1••••• Oat •• .014114,04 ar-A 400014 Orr rols ba. Maw Is roar Wash • vo•li•• Ow'. •••• ••00 ••••• woo low ••••eseelab., 4.4,4•4•3.4...• Po• •ND 0. St MOW to wok, this plot Joe, ol000tt tos ileum •44 401 Ceara ir rue*. e•-• e, eeee. 4$ ommol•• 4•17144404447. Yospo rando t• • «en 4•••• 1114 w. siker cm- oawiw ••••••••• la • 4•••143 Ur • ...44N 44. W4 4.404 0.4 .11., Wee. Sa4.4.41 P.& 4,44 JO •••• 44 aiweesees neer. me assesee see is see sbot ;444 ••••:•44 ,...4!et.e-,4 Thus he stopped on his we): to rine. '',„=„1::::,„1=1,,,T;„•=r4.-,,,w„.,".:1,`„:7"„arT By earnest prayer to God he sought the , terw=„,0%,1,t7r=r*.,,,,,I=4.1'er:.,e:.= grace that ns*de him a true Christian. 4...4:et se.weersiers. 14esin, es ssezti.wrizi His feet let re established on a true reek. , wereet ewes stem re nee -se rasa se stem, It was a rook mighty enough to reach 1 r....-4g4asmarc,r;.-01-1--,--°"" that pour drunkard, and it hft d him up I "awesome- enssus atm. f111113 his wretchedness, and made a use- ful, happy seen of him. • Bets do not 1.111 amity heiress, but some- nee Teed* fee Ilereedles ~poses times they are the cause of death. When rause the annualecreat suffering, but; rile". hardier "Id derel°Psd eseesereins tomistrvntens. Counterfeits are slimy' dangerous, attire sio that they always closely Tall{ T� OIL1GIN•L •Irritalit&Nra AND 111 &Ka The »markets's success achieved by Nasal Beim as de positive cure foe Catarrh and Cold the Heed has ir - doced unprincipled parties to imitate it. The public are csationed not to he de - 'relived by nostrums imitating Natal Balm bearing such Th woe he follow by tn. death of the irds will he the result if bred from amd of colic ao 8 year old kens. Mote than one-helf of wit le In high festling.-Axmr. e often supposed to 140(100to the presence patient. The o of bots are most commonly caused by some disturbanee of the digestive appara- tus. Bets do sumetimes kill horses. but not nearly so often as is commonly me- owed Bones that have been piustwed ring tbe previous session are always es y teen Agriculttnist. A freer Med, Orefeee On the eximentental farm at Otteerre, at point 1, feet above sea level. ninety- six varieties of grimes were planted six of Ontario fruit SOOTHING, CLEANSING, NEAUNS. IS AWN CATARRH, NAY MEL ones oribbowfm. Naml pmereee ave removed to the mammo store formerly occupied by Wm. Kay, next to Ban. of Commerce, where they will be happy to meet their old customers, and as many new ones. names as Nasal Cream, Nasal Balsam, EASY TO USE. into tbe threat in name sod appes etc. Ask for Nasal Balm and do not . sed eseiedve expootaradea mewl by Ce, - take imitation dealers may and upon tem!. ea by Deeeeeta. sr mit yeeitistd es you. Icor sale hy all druggists or seer I remised wise. as. andel. mans post-paid on reeeipt of price (500 and 51 . Irill01110 & Os.. ereeketlie. lbot. by addrersing F ul ford .& Co. , Brockville benefited by few half pound years ago. a dooeu 01Olauber's salts during the spring months. growers the following varieties were rec- ommended for hardiness. yield and flavor neeserne tie Trawls Mr Tress. after this rather revers test Black - Rural Now Yorker tells of * farmer Wilder. Worden, Moore, Conawd. Harry. who for nearly twenty yews has painted Reci-Dehlwere- Brightem• Unduerike.leY Age the trunks of his apple trees to protect weal. Wbitts-N131'.' 1-wdY. them agsinst the borer with lead and al punt, Me paint is applied from a litUe below the .011 to a [GA abovo. Be finds this entirely effective, wldle the body of red Be Ont. tf W5145.004.4 Ingnorance tbe mother of all evils. Common *snipe ts not • common thew. Constancy in mistake is constant fol- ly. A good character shines by its own Nothing is so good as it seems before- hand. No nein can be wise on an empty stomach. He who has lost his honor can lase nothing more. Irma often am. sip.r•seinic•inibt Col& If • II•arli•arnar ••••IIIPt• f• wIntiT Ida A slim young man in the heieht of sheep without shelter reOugh to kept Mini Cif fir Ptickes Cutoria fashion was violently sneezing in a street not furnish met- hal • companion remarked, "Aw, the tries is not in the leas . t hem dry, though ilea tried other preventives, such sa tar warmth. he will not get a good aa•etit ob;irryer, drab boy, ho. dr, veto t a wire, lime wash. et.e., but prefers the dweadfol aid." "Aw deah Wel, left PsPer- removing and crushing them with says Rural Horne. point simply because it IN entirely effect- Uwe imams of redwing a worn out orchard my sin.i in sucking the ivory banal., se Th. PmaPt.st' eheniest and Inn.t an.- cane in the lower 'hall touter day, Paint" " • rld••TwrY rer in 11147 11•/' them it hesilly with warms, dweadful cold, it chilled me almost to • ive and easily applied. The tzipoi lir* 13, etemelsor to Dr. T 11 Hoskins, to nnleached hardwood aabseirriownda nbcallpee ' death." If Cbariss hag used Dr. liar - A Croy of gerwa4. and the surface and plowed In. y'. Red Pine Gum his wed woold not In ordinary MIMS of garget trouble hie very seek. Fee NU at J with tepid water for a few minutet? Pall *wing. °Ise* e°111 nr P°tat CP" % lao ' mann:Mon dm store. M ilia learning twill he nufficient. An lade' ribber cloth bag that will pretty em bore -sew. on 1 ekes the udder and that ean be 1 wise conde tht„,tteei asp ya„„pb Kw. they are only trenec over the beet and to be kept fiLleS wilsillett drewn up to the body by atraps water till the swellbig le redeem& Is soreetlmen recommended As this nmeedy nay he difernIt to apply In wine mese, bathing the spot vdth rempier. extract of witch hazel or tincture of smiles 411gilljgri with water will web be found T. B. Terry. a weil howl& sod rionoss- Cirri:IL wort. He Inds Oust high glade &Yr/ Conenroptins, Mak Owl . . , 011•111 reetiee. ea using only large, , fel fame" who believes ht suiall farms,. Purtherons are line walkers, foul to break TOM Attacks. Vieille' end NeursilPs says in nenntry Oettlernan: "My famity them it is only newasery to lett* Lbws ; awl all wasiang disestew of the; hums the week for a eft gee awe farm, in et three veers of age and go to Irertn o 11444•11. illellphatbill le sot a l'itee.eute. them Thi fall sone are valuable ,but a Notrisaent, beeanee it contain* no Vegetable or Miseesa Poisons, Opiates aka lIbia neby was dek. we sam bet Castle* Mum she wee • CM& maw erbei far twabsefa, WU. bessow Kiss. Haag to Owlowlk Whew Nis MA Miaow she ewe Mem sc beam me removed. and thorrnigh and I n s P..,..._.............................__ repeated plowing after oats and barley t method', of In lows there are so treatise od pea" A prominent deirymen hada t Love dies of digest and is boried by in Antericen Agyieulturiet. might aline to he kept in a piece where *him"' want to; that it keeps them in good O- 1 T. 8" 1144.05111"111111111".. a" ell "Ilea the cows can get at it wheesever they dition. positively increases the now of i et may emeaes. amg that they will nesse eat more Phos heals*, or Nerve Tood, • Mee - 54114. Scientific Ikea Is good for Mom 10000 PRESENTS MIST AIrLT elelLe Ten LAST t4111 ...oft an op- proprixtc al', to ea.aialen„ ,00thn or cook .ue to • !artily - who .141 try tia• Sauswates Saco Pones y.100 in etrr14- horn the lahel and 'teed it an • letter hoe. -4 oreion attr• fear • trial. IF.itater 15. lo,e test ere oeenre the rift. Ain rmi, stnetkaz= kens wirer In rel .4 44 fm, by re,- A Iikess- CILICEILL 00-.T0101ITO Professor A J. Cook. of Michigan, is re - *ate lenient uPeu ts, Formulated top Preform Amain. FscD of Boston, DINO., mires Putman - which nos young man ay son sad my- , men ean manage quite ..ti,factertly, bet eon be raked st • Peet - 111•007 r.0111111 not tempt me 107 0* illIeellt Apropos of mike min wisest, g 34 to inerame Its aim to 1100 scree. and make , eorreespommemeynono says: ' • ,.1., , (410 bonne and ovie family eliB eamed .rheer rt.!, -Whop ..1 sem a bey, le Cr. tbe war enstana. back ressember promising to love an e In old A I ft was reesmon y Wit& 8114 then 4 etweee 401 11111•Plf fe for fanners to eratter straw Maly reef in a boss gad not stay ka a boarding the pongee% knells of. their wheal dads tft - the lea, end ship with geed remits.' Ems. ,, kr .r.1 VIM le ansotice, and no Slisanbssin ky the Molokai:hi oseisis Biaments found in our daily food- A si bottle is enOtiont to enavinee. All sell it 91.00 per beide. broW el CO sole &genie for Ow Dresinkm, OS Prost Street Bast Toronto 4 ..1!".744/11/4/ff REES PRICE & SO PURE PARISGREEN, HELLEBORE, INSECT POWDER RHYNAS' = =Rw3-GIT. UAYIWO RI- LL FIIINIMILD fai slop ia Umtata' style. pet la Throe Ire Illeclow Omits. twe•I &Awn Um me tweed Roobaster lied • Yeersoymea barber. ws ars is tntrle de Osetrie ebas berme - We. Lift& Children" Hairretise MOW • 60•••Isios all days Bosom aamTdanors IlessaL DR. FOWLERS !EXT: OF • 7WILDZ TWERRY CURES HOLERY olera Mc:Thus 1.4 I C n!‘fP AM PS w 2C-WicalECT, Ott '.115*Susee Mclean east d Olden& IARRIKEA YSEHTERY ASO AU. IbUl4td111. CO...MUM AND ?LUXL$ Of THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE MO RELIABLE _FOR CHILDRIN Oft ADULTS. Ayr' _____••••••11Mr• • NEW ANNOUNCEMENT ! Tbs esdeesigaw vide thaskiag 11,. Wade for their liberal patressee upon 141. Sillee imasiesetas bealases. bop to sate..nace tirt be tow pt de" •"' mites le Reex 1) OTTON 11011115, wens' particularly to all attention to Ins SPLENDID LINES OF TEAS from 10 cts to Tri cts per Ib, Maple Syrup, finest case Prunes pure Spices, Lawry celebrated Bacon, cooked Cont Beef. Cut Myrtle, Cavendish and Club Tobaccos, best American fine cut Chewing Tobacco, fresh salt and canned Fish, best quality. 12 Bars of Soap for 25c. 3 Scrubbing Br ushesfor 25c• I ...meow 0.0", owl e&wily A No. 4 Chemists teem ma. &&e, Cleemml GrOCerieS, Crociery, Masan. F 0011 aLTIZTTNiftri7klaedi3ERTSON SMOCZOISOlt TO O. L. .A•Tieralrig' Blake's Block, the Square lellatieb, Sin* Ink MR •