The Huron Signal, 1888-10-19, Page 6y ,. m .,._ •..,.. .illi Ito r •,. THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, 00T, 19, 181te be lutea Cignal 1e rt'SLUmae VERY FRIDAY MORNING, AT Tse OnnOta : NUHTH -t T)t WT. 0O0111t.K It la • is Ideawake level •swapper. devoted • comity sew* and the dusemtaatlea se wee- tat wtat lase begs - RATIO OF OegollillIriM1 I 11.117 • year ; 7k- fur sin mouths ; tee. fur three afo.1b. If the oubsariplets is sot paid is edvaaee..strcripeute will be chervil at Winn* al ILO a year. A.TRCTaal\ti it,TO t L.mtland other espial advertisements, se. per Use u�+ lest insertion 7 mints .. per ired1 b e scale. t,,.s.lawtkes Is aespariel typek per (tae, Local satires is ordinary reading type lc pe N n.iress cards of sin lines sad •wider gS per pear. Ate of Loaf. Found. strayed fatuatl.•s Vacant. Situation Wanted .id yenta••• Chances Wanted. wit eie.edIng i Ila•..osp.rtel 111 per month. j{e.pe,ea'Joie and t arms on thee, not to espied Daaa dl for ant math. Ise per soh - aerie= larger advts is properties. Any ep•cial police. the otticct of which le to =p.l,�teeattOo tie pecu�n�iary fitment of ear Mill - or mer •chart°toe ved socasidaried r.wl .a ad vertisemeThese teams will in all ossa. be strictly ad- hered to. epeeist tutee fur hover ad vet'tleemeeta..r pdvertierwtenu for extended period+. made brows et t s ttAce of p. W iostias. J00tlgi DEPAITRE$T. A rally equipped Jobbing Office is carried a to conee.-tloe wittt the ordinary newspaper beernes, where Bret -tiles work is turned out at reaaooable rate.. Everything In tits poet- log lite can be done ea the premise. from as illuminated paster to a visiting card. All oommumcatteas mint be addressed to D. ire4ILWTNT. Mlitsref Tug Swear. ?Wsehoss all No. ye. Oaderich Oat woe the eowsail, their seugsMh0se meld have reeefeed all dee eoeideratios." That wee s wise way to talk when he bawd at the foot ul the hill 0e. Tway slight, bet it was out a kook with what he said whew ha NO at the too of the iii es the preseediag Friday. Then Le said. "I object le holding a publis meal. Mg, became 1 would not allow the opia- ioas of possibly 100 of the ratepayers who m,1ht be present to Rovers my ee- tioue." II he would sot listen to an is dirtied protest from 100 rsteps:rem, what vales would he attach to hall-a- dusee, even if they •ppreached his aug- ust person in a "respectful manner r' Mr Johuatou would Katie told the ball- doaso drawlers to the scheme, "If you don't like what we hart dune, Is. se net at New Y..Mn," bat we don't believe he world my so to 100 or 200 imtepayees In meeting .ss.mbl«. At any rate, lee did not repeat the expressive at the Tuesday events' wasting. It required a volcanic amok to crow the public and the .osnail to • eases of tie situation, and that sea the resern the article which has attracted so much discussion appeared. It shook things up; it called incompetency by its right name ; it showed that if the mad scheme of the ist.ks pipe is connection with the town mains were carried out the shadow of the graveyard would bang over every hearthstone in town ; it told the public that the scheme ooetemplated would not .teed inteUigeet diseeezeus, and Teeday's meeting proved that we were right- We had r o desire to injure the town by keeping people from oomiag to reside in our midst, as was measly is - 'intuited by town clerk Campbell- We wish to see Goderich grow and prosper, ire ib_Frowth will be our growth, aed fllr prosperity will be our prosperity. Prosperity carom be obtained by foul water. want.W• in the family eros and crape on the docr, which would have inevitably resulted bad the original plan been adhered to. But we can sow loth for increased prosperity when it is known that the town will possess a per- fect system of thejpure•t water; an in- telligent public that can freely disease and openly interfere with any attempt to injure the system ; • council that has Row Adeardanlss,/I tlMs west• RI4¢a Tt.. hae liseaseerigssd.Jesstrlss. AMdb MoidsM eb te..dq Mq•Iae►a Mise. Mweet1BRosrr-Sieves Kyrle► Baer a blet -..Ilet.. wrM-.A. Retch i -T. W—bsealL l(rr 8sle -Res fl, Me0F +ter-•laes'+s relmalkadd• toed. P. J. T.14tsi HURON SIGNAL. SAY, Ye--1g111gI. THE INTAKE PIPE. The articles ln the local popes last week, pointing oat the injury that would be auetained by the residents of Goderich, if the flan of polluting the water system were persisted in, hes borne fruit, and the course of the prose has been sustain- the good sense to change its course whets tel by public opinion. the facts are shown to be against its pew - At the regular meeting of the Council viols action ; and a faithful and ooarag- on Friday evening lust. the matter came sous pre which will extenuate nothing, up fur discussion fwd tem papers were neither will at set down aught in nialioa, taken severely to task by the toy:.: end be the temptation never so strong or the councillor Humber, each of these gentle provocation never so great then using stronger language egainat the articles published there was contained is the articles originally, It was finally decided to hold a special meeting of the council on Tuesday even• ing, where an opportunity would be given all objectors to the intake pipe to state their objections, the mayor vouch- safing the alatemeot, "It is only neces- sary to have the matter ventilated to convince those who are now opposed to the scheme that they have no case Au effort was made to make the Tues- day erelong meeting a public one, but the Mayor said,he fur one would not be goy brood by the result of • discussion before 100 or 150 ratepayers, and have John- ston remarked, that "the council had taken the action, and if the public did not like it, they could turn them. out at New hears." We want our readers to make a note of there two statements, for we intend to rater to them later un. But the special meeting of the rnnncil was held on Tuesday evening, and a fair ly full report of it appears elsewhere in this issue. lo the discussion which en. sued, it will be seen that the carefully prepared statement ..f the case niade by Mayor Seeger did not meet the ergo - meets advanced by the objectors to the imtske pipe, and that the speeches of Messrs. Humber, C*.npbell and Rad- cliffe did not attempt to deal with the addresses of Mears. Williams, Strang, Dr Holmes and others, who took the op- posite aide. When driven into the tor• ver os argement, the mayor, clerk and ccuocdlors t.w.k refuge behind the mato men!, 'The engineer says SO,- forgetful rf the fact that the engineer was engaged to Odell* • gwatity and Out • quality ..f d water. The result of the discussion was • ems - pieta et.tdication of the press. and Mr. (leo Acheson voiced public sentiment when he said dot "ineteed of censure, the n.•papers deserved the thanks of the people ; they had come out boldly on the 1motion, and deserted .1l the credit for this inRueotial meeting and the t horo.gh .satilatioe of the y ueati.s. " Tea ftn+wai. did not expect 10 be patted on the bort by the father and mother of tie intake' pipe scheme, but we knew that the intelligent pnblie esu a court ef appeal to which we could .poly 'pith eos- editor* ; and our a..,h,lwea was not mit plead We have no desire to gl▪ oat neer the defeat ..f tie prelesb rs of the a.heme, altbo•.eh were we so willad,ample npp.r- ta.ny is sow afforded es, but we doors to reply le one eh/ement that wee sad. by Mayer Reeser He mid "they were', willeng to do what was right en far ae their J. iga west led them. sisd If the eone.eil had been approached in • r•- gfi"► .pastel answer 1. iesl.sd of being stashed is the way they had hymn by the prem. or it the 'endows who poke at H. stssII lad ..Ned se a de1galiw Ms►- �� rresi�deae• e1the lekt•lisdR. er Iteoa", el I. ee Rt. Theme. teIa- st the late S. EXPLANATORY, As artktle tied a t.Msniestien us the earemes'o great, and a quantity of Iasi *ad other knerestiag matter le "- avoidably crowded oat this week, owing to the pressure on our space gassed by the heigthy report of the diseassion ow the intake pipe. The gasoline of pore water is an ell -important ons, sod for this amens we give it first place in tem lases Oer readers will ktedly bear with us seder the emssmstaness. Complaiute are twstiisualiy beim[ made by the residents of Sherbour e street that the water they are supplied with has an unpleasant st.gnant Geeta. The main has been blown out regularly, but despite this there has been but little improvement in the water. The water- works officials are themselves pushed and can only account for it by theorsisg that there is a thick deposit of mud is the bottom of the pipe. This nand may have been there for the past ten years, ever since the filtering Wain was estab- lished at the Island, when large quanti- ties of mud were pumped up for the reason that the pompe were too fast for the filterer and emptied the basin down to the dregs in short order. Th. Fiber - bourne street main will be blown as fre- quently as is deemed expedient in the future. and if this does sot improve the water • new main will have to be put in. Toronto World. TOWN TOPICS. 'I e1Kao.•e'pg pr, lotto' a.t.., Ai faith kelp peril it. - Par mood pr'ooag, is every !tyle! r lowest isles, leave Fest order et ill .� s TOCK Co IDIRTCTa--The mass wee es'etssti en Teeday 'vetoing wish sa Meendsses of Mesas, wh tt •as the frost herieniag the Mass hes yet had. Dr II Nieh.oeos, the w'e't -.t de.ti.t. 'sakes the proesrvtios of the natural teeth • specialty. Oh admism$.red from fl a. m. foe the *elms oarsman of belt. At • meeting of the Sodality held in eoasection with 8t Peter's Church are •venag this week,Mue Minnie O'Reilly was elected pr*sideet, .ad Miss China' vice-presidest. The Sodality is swag good work, and is proepertug sa lava' berolnp. a a- berwhep. FALL AND This weak toe harlt•lae t las teas. spices. eta, see Mammon. ray, the $sen. Do.'t Mil to eco ea Oen Stewart it yea wont 1.41.14.at peewee. ee. simples or getApe. Hill e.lt you to •dot A 000o Pwreaae.-Tbe mss! .redid gift yes east make Is to give . Wirt Pia Ap- Nr to D. ¥ nienYy. talent 0edmrla . Fres Tutnatws.-It. Maeaormse has the apsst .eiepfmmt =needs l.rf .land wtater e on., Ober yes him and yes will he pleased whit et amid prise. New is she time M series sae tall overcoats and g..t) '. uederwear .f beet q.a1My, ..d .t . that swam be seen outside of Mitebeaten the Mqa LI F.1111- Prtdhems'. ` 14. Taa.-Tee eau s +hmrT. tea ae � deist crater Tn. Weaors0111111MILISTis-.-swce Untun will meet vi.gelaill[raplal�.mMa[ba ▪ o� o'clock. a Ka•arah. *Zin- terested la the wort Y invite to attend. if yea are la seed eta sew er Mewl hand Thsealey arsire[reelegowaringve, 'emsal mea ggrrweaatt Masalharpa• ! sowta a�ie•sd second hied reel stom ve.. eet as goad are ro .slag .binge. an lism w▪ ith extra help to serve everybody. cheapest brass tinder the sea. The (heli docket was very I.re., although them woes a .aineetdaWe seareicy of criminal masa *[ Lh• fan assizes. and mush lateno.t was m•-Ussied by theme preeeat la the result et the cause. The number of whoever toad jurors wont a picture as they moved amend the square by mule= and sutellislatoess bat their wam't ate la the whole party that Sal• law. the photographer could sot bare taken ea sdv.a-rya II they had salted sl Ms studio, career of MeatneFst sad mare. nle.Oo cod Rave IL" The wendashl i.esUaw sad ae.tkig pro parties d Lassies! Wilma'. Royal Myemr- •1a1 RRs)s.C,ed Fir are the Meng of moons. mag Cough end pe m Oo ae[Mn eebtly , Mare Threat Asthma. W eve way is lis weave powersNothing bet Ne superiority over ether rem•dlss her crested the detttaad for it host an parte el Use Prett- ier. which has even extended to Rha L sitar Matra. Wbyf Because every person who hos used 1t *peatls well d it. Drwegieb ml it Prior so cu. per bottle. limo atIIYLLT A few enemas of old papers on hand. 3c per Ib., at Tag Swum.. Mrs Magna Swanson and ebilires are visiting relatives is Kiswardioe. Mr and Mn J. E. Notion, left fat their home in 8t Thomas, Tuesday lest The Misses Yates ask the attention of the ladies of their millinery display at their store on Ncrth-st Mr and Mrs Payne have opened out a new laundry on the corner of Hamilton and tit. Andrew's street, See adv., 'the schooner Jane McLeod, Capt John McLean. arrived yesterday forum Wind River with lumber, for Joreph William*. 0 The steamer Ontario arrived in port only yesterdaymorning and took on 5 carloads of apples, 1 ter cf salt and 1 tar of furniture. Whenever you see a man going around with his hands io his pockets, you can Mrs R. Headsssoo left ole Tuesday by trails for Windham, to juin ker eater, Mrs Welter Gran, of that place, and on Wednesday they will ismer dour old home .ud friends is the county of Bow. OUR Callexaa Mi,wtoxasr-The Globe of Arid.y last has the followistt tefere see to Rev 1) McGillivray, flu Chinese tem Mowry: - A large marina gathered in 8t James square Presbyteriaa church last sight to witsese'tbe ordure' .s and oort.ecration to miasior work of Rev Donald Ma.Oiltivray. 1a the abseuoe of Rev Alex. Gilroy, Moderator of the Presbytery, the chair wee occupied by Rev D. J. Maedoenell. The young Wa- ts • sun of Rev D. Maa(iillivmy, lei( Ooderiab, and beaker et Rev John M.cOillivmy, d Moores!. He a an M.A. from Toronto University, and a gold medalist in classics. He pulsated from Koos College last sprint, highly dlatioguishing himself is hes theological comm. He was one of the mieaion.ry hand from Knox College, of which Messrs Goforth, Webster Amid McKeeszie were the other members, that visited any congregations last year in behalf of mi.aions. He bas joist completed the averse prescribed for B. D., scouring flan degree with comparative ease. During the preliminary service of loot night he est with his father and brother to the gust of the polptt. Is impotence be is vary prepossessing, bang 1,1 good height and athletic bald. He has a smooth - shaved, seho1Orly foes, with kindly eyes half ooeesaled by spectacle& He is said to be a .rood speaker, but of this the sachems did not lad evening have an opportunity to Moire This opportunity will be given, however, on Monday night in Knox College, when the stu- dents will bold • public farewell meeting. Mr MaeGillivray expects to leave the city immediately after the Monday night meeting. He will join Mr Goforth .t Hannan, China, nod intimd& to adopt natt:e habit and customs in order that he may live cheaply and win favor with the Chines. The tit. James congrega- tion have generously undertaken hie support. AN�rr1L RruvaT.-The Ynoag Wo - ma's Christian T.mperan3. Union of Gnderich held their anou.l meeting on September 17th, and re-elected Mrs R. Henderu.s president, let viae president Mies Ma Wilson; 2nd Tice president, Mise L. Gibson; tor. sec., Mts Lizzie Stewart; Ree Sec., Mies Jessie Sands; Treasurer, Miss Bella Murray. Number of active members, 28; honorary mem- bers. 13; receipt $411 37; expenditure, $40.98. The Union has decided to held their meetings monthly instead of fort- nightly ea heretofore, and that all meet- ings be held at the house of Me. IL Henderson. The Union has done what it could for the cause of Temperance, lov- ing held two neteetints before the repeal t.f the Scott Act that were addressed by Rev. D. G. Cameron and P.ev. A. Mc- Millan, o- Millan, sad assisted the W.C.T U. is holding prayer meeting., shoo the Scott Act by giving them $20 and the w.C.T.r. of Milton, county of Hsltyn P. They have visited the jail ind homes of Ilio poor and destitute, given relief and distributed temperance lite►•• ton. They also had petitions pricted sod circulated to tech Union in the county, and et the Convention of tb. TABLE. y Scott Act held io Clintoc on May ."2nd, asked the ratepayers to sign aid poli- - tions to lay before the county council at the June sitting, asking that steps be taken whereby a hoose of ref3_,t may b* pat him down as one who don't advertise rrovided for the poor and homeless of *1 Z awass. his business in Test SIItIAL. the county; but they did not present mid The October Wide A,aJr opens with Hu+aLv CREP ABL*. -Mn C. Camp petitions t •fell council, because HastheyBan44 Canap- e delightful story..f some . rhinal bell, West-st, took 19 prises in fine arts of "Shut ins" by MEls Pattie, which and ladle. w,wt st the Nutria show, Hope wttb 121 members on roll, which i• we hope may be read by all Invalids held at Blyth, last week, inoluding first self-sustaining. That' held three cuter- sterywhere. Another weeny page from fax bast commotion d oil pai.tisgs. tuomwnt. this Jut year, one bring fees. life, recording the stood human beings Th Distrtbated'2884 pages of tract?, 40 atto- rney at♦ my io to one another, -- Mrs Kate Gan - THE EDITOR'S A Word .r ewe *east New rehlte.tioae That Nave f= to Raad. e Young P la's Society of "ie- chums, 108 badges. Following are the nett Wells's readable article shout the receipts from July 18th, 1887. since its Massachusetts Society for the Payee- organization, until May 12th, 1888: tion of Cruelty to Childress. entitled donations, 54.28; two coneerte, $6 67; "Soros Children of the M f4 P. C. C," ' f $8 23• $^1 18 Er - "A Uugcency-- by Miss Risley Seward Coria -let church [rill gine • social to the basement on Teasley, (Id 30th. En- tertainment to commence at 7.30 p. m., Admission only 15c. Everybody wel- come. member ere. - . pended, 516 25. Balance, 54 93. Total amount raised, 561 49. Lusts SrsoAKT, Cor. See. describes the emirs esomoeoomani- Nelson it Butcher, the hero of the ties of Constantinople, where the dons overland ride leo the C P R sow -t ate -her, 'separate tbemwlr.a into words and duowasin town during the week m his ofii- ci.l position as court stenographer. He looked none the worse for his ruugbrid- ing experience. TAKRw Hottoaa-At the special ex- amination in Hebrew. held at the pre - !net& "Puck and Pupp*puht. by the° Parson. Lathrop, is a dog story too, o droll one, .hiremor • fauny aide .d • doe's character. This somber publishes a remarkably hue historical paper, with ouwee twenty liiu.tratwsa; it is Ir..m the sent session of Koenx College, D. M pee of Mies Harris,• sad 1. entitled Rechanen. formerly a otsdent of the 'reale! Webster is hie New Hampshire Vomit.' It deal. with the hosts. •red life and the heart -traits ..f theigreat America. statesman, and tells the small homely thingn about him that our raw folks Temperance H.Ii, net Tuesdayeveningwomld like to know. Edward Everett 23x,1 Sele•etion% d music, will be gives Hof, ennead., his intorrseting "Beaton (ioderieh High School, woe the Bayes scholarship of 950. An open meeting seder the awpises of the WO, T.11' , will be held in the Common" articles, Mrs Leonowens has by sone of our beat vne+aliats also .d a paper .Mont the secret and m. darn ;Areas.. by Rev Messrs Richardson sod J•pa nese, sever Fay AA.ens writes ahwrut "ter' Chair will be taken at 8 ("al*LMone room, the molar o f I ,olive by A J. Moore 8, A. Collection will Loans. St•oehi.ei to Is shout • emote, • he taken. s'Hsns.-keeper's 'Table" •h,ch home A lint Stow RULL. One Of the WT. rang girl. organ Mimi .t • for to try for "1 "1st of thoro.ghbred stock. and I! - a seems Slam church window which ow Qleine.ta will be heed no the a etali.es el d them had hr..k.nt; and there are see. ■r Thew Bo.tL log 12, cols. 4 .mishitedi • oral peons. This nem her gives the Paw sowzahep. nn cloak i the th"c elms• will he orae d year. 1 Vona and farad Craw," and another by old t»11, with pedigree ; S regelemee wy, Margaret Sdesoth..r of the tonne, east in calf ; two R-j►.ar-aid tbor.gtt. "Fire 1. is i' Ind T heed Waco* in calf ; sad the ms;rictusaher d •��u• for Mo.ash iert ennouctng a y by I 111141"i" at 10 ". 6'1"i/belle" AmNfo T►nwhrider Tin Adventure .of Dewed ug t =IA. re, •ntit h serials alai, 1n boson C..rlidge and I1h•w I Fite men. .wi ten — areal "Is R Talbot. N-idr .1 neral, a $2 40 • yya•ae, will alae tea offered. ether with a A great deal for • little m• o.y U re . simber .4 eke 1.5.01 rad heat rtwleo 149 C•espeer, Bates. Saud Ewe wets � � 11 MpItsr11 marred seri &A1 . lialiehlwill and eoe- (w • o.pwsim•e —*erase will inset all peruse sesames b I train to .feed the sate. Me Maty hal Owe• more we two Illed •p our rested ins fans fora WWI of root. sad .hales ._ilk eta U..toery sod envop.w 1i0 rostra' helm Meiww in that liar. Peppers Midway. There are Iwoother high gasses is .len •y.speims•Ily latTla Dot, or The Avengeroge.th. The M initial Ihrnl.l ..f the 14th inst say :-The company of which the viva- cious little totems. Miss Florence J Hindley, is the leading character, open- ed for a week's en,iagen,ent i• the Theatre Royal yesterday- afternoon, is the eeoasuionel drama, "Dot; or the Avenger'. Oath" Miss Bond ley will be favorably remembered by Montrealer§ when ate appeared in the sea role Iasi ersaos- ' rt" is without a doubt one of the meet bewitching little .ou)wettee that visit Montreal, and her inimitable danwsg is always popular with the patrons of the Royal. At both perfor- meeem yesterday the theatre was peek- ed reading room even being at a pre- mium. The plot is s anaational one, of border life, mad the wanes along the gold diggings are vary thrilling. "Dot" proves barbell to he an adept in the ase d the rigs, by .hooting down the tele- graph win, Mr Otis Turner se Jaenti thelnot, an irrepressible Dutchtsae, toads to keep the audience ire good homer, while Mr J J. Macnndy se Hank Sayers., else heartless villian, does hie pen in the weal bristling manner, Mr Jamar Horse. es Ned Oerely, a refired miner in esarsb led hie twin brother Jeek, proves himself to he • prophetic and feeling mote t. hi• wayward twin hrither while the supporting oumpaey .re el ew- celtemt merit The shove enmany, as .nnnenaid In .or advert/Meg enleeem, will appose is this (creed Opera Wiens M. 'day *ono 11 vw- LETE. 61,5= .` i=ATa + : rt to " IN EVERY DWPAIt Di�u�1 CipopleiR. NOW 15 THE TIME Tit MORE BARGAINS NOTE A FEW OF OUII PRICE.: Dress Goole, in Melton' to !Oce per yanl All -Wool Dress Goods. ...21k. to 50e. Tntumings to mafdh Ulsterings floss SOc. dery yard up flannels, all -etch, 25 inches wide, ........... . l$c. per Far 1 Flannels, ell -wool, 28 inches wide, ..... • • • ....23e. per yard Blankets, all -wool, ..........................50c. per Ib. Woolen Yarn 441. per lit Factory Cotton :ie. per yard 5-e.• ►c antlithe. f3c lest yard Factory Cotton, extra heavy • 7e. and hc. per %aril A special line of Ladies' Howe, all -wool20c. and 25e. per pair Special vales la Farcy Wool Shawn. Faseisaaora. !'bud' 01rb Jockey ape. Talus. TAILORING DEPARTMENT I Factory Cotton, yard wide • to A IeggeWeek jest received of Tweeds toad Coulwp for yell noes sed Overo••ta Clothing wade to order at eaos•dl.aty Lew Moot. All Wool Tweeds from We. per yard rep, o ut lee' Irse.f Mame. Usiardi hlat very cheap. A special hoe of all-weel Shirts and Drawers at Mc.. werib Tie. Inspection and CamparMas of Prices tavltd. No trouble to show Goode. whetter Tor pun: WM or oat. 7 per cent off for Cash, commencing Monday, 1st October, and Continue for one month only JAREID&BRO. jpjRlis Week. Goderick, lltb Bops., MIL 7. LL ik88IZ1118. Worming e1 them geese as Calertet. -nesse et ere hese. INsp. ed et. III Mr Ju aloe Falceabrtdgc pr siding. The Fall Assizes opened on Mowed.lr Sept- 16, sod was presided over be Mr Justice Faloonbridge. His Lordship was in Goderich Inst year to try the West orsisHuron election ��p.titiun,sbortly .iter bis op- potutment to the Bench, but f tb;s was the I6rst occasion us which he had presided at as assize ken. After the trend I Jury lied been u,peoell.J, Mr j J 1 M. C Cameron, %�J� cm behalf of the 'f bar of the coup• fir_ ty, heartily wed - mined his lordship to the county, con- gratulated him upon Rha hills position t which he had deservedly attained, std wished him • long and useful mrmr On the Ohoadi•o Bench, the lustre of which had rerer been dimmed by so unwcrtby appointment. His lordship. in reply, thanked Mr Cameron and the bar of Huron for their congratulations and kind ereetitic. Dur- ing his short btu active corner he had had hie hands strengthened sod had been Loyally supported by the bar in the dif• fermi places where he had been. It was sot given to every man to bean •misset jurist ; out he would endeavor w to act that when his work was ended it could truthfully be said of b•m, H. did his beet. In addressing the grand jury, kis Lordship congratulated the ooanty epos the apparent shoetree of crime, there be- ing no penin in j.il awaiting trial Yin- bsematial ref the purity of the county, the sheriff had pretested him with the white kid gloves. There were, however, a maple of cases of pere.u.s out as hail that would require attention. The reit business is very heavy, rano posing a docket of some twenty -Stn area. There were two actions egaisat the Creat Ncrih-Weatern Tesgrepb Company f.o dsus.ges, one of which promises to b. lengthy. HisLordship has expressed • det.rmtnatics to clear the do:ket, and will hold evening ono 5100.. The esae of Denney v. Grand Trask• railway was by coiaent denuweed with Dost.. it was an adios breerht against the r•ulwsp for ejecting a pet.on froes o car henaseof ba alleged r.l.esJ to rtu. duce a ticket. The case was up n the list last sizes. Te Grand Trunk rail- way .olieitor and railway officials were is attendance nearly a week, and again at this assize they were all or hand, where - wp'.n the pt.intiff oonsesee that the ac- tion .hall be disgorged with eats. Mr. Older, Q C., appeared for the railway; Mr Holt for the pleiats& Mo[)oasld v. O'\eII was meds • rema- set by weasel. Herr v. lichen, an aetinn to bratty 4055e.aios n1 toed Judgrt»nt by e••n- sent for the plaintiff, declaring hiss to be ow nM. The case of Mn.tard v, Palmieri has been settled out of snort. Horton v. Bousett, nodefeeded ; ver• dirt for the plaintiff for $.128 with en.b. Ferran r. Cray. nndef.nddd ; resist for plaintiff for $722 with eats. Bodging v. Rrndetielr, undefended is- ; metal to set mode will ; j udtmest for the violator M.PMr v, Gloms, stonier ease, Moo - pied the greater Ort e( the la Mr O)aler, (1 C .and Mr Pr sdl«t � tM plaintiff Mr C.m•prm and Mr (welt ter she defeed.ne•. verdeta foe plaintiff k - 1f Feist f.11 trees to slob a. M roe would like it to ►. md.mraitf '? Sleet An parties Ie seed of lir Det. 22nd, end will no dnnbt be sett biter papers. atesee All welteiss and pima .jell sod ase I The hemmer will be wi.N.d by lbs pis- largely patronised by the th.atve gylaj eon se tog mai". ire pew= to printed smplea, at TIRO 18•011•L.sia's •wtitlM.r, Jsio ![oro. Ilebl,a t salt Fee. mumr.zinitiliiimMa- ."-or "eta 'i;1; ^s 'etssmle -.,.� etir4r;"dig anatlss flats•. Al part{., goners Meer sale tells priated at .. til.m,•e will get a tee este* *sorted is this list u1' to the time of flab. Auction .ale of farm Nock and kepi. - Matti, the property of Mr Robt. Doug- lass, at Car4,e, by John Kota, suction. ser, at 1 p. m .harp. on Tuesday, Oct. 23rd, lb&i. sets porters foe list, terms, At Aeoti in sale .f farm stock and imple- ments, the property of Thos. Nihon, lot 6. sins 8, Whereas, by Jobe Ewe. auctioneer. at I o'elock p.m., Ole Igoe dy, Oct. 29, 11A8. No reserve. $ee pesters for further particulars. Auction gale .1 valuable stock, the property ..f Glee Rrotben, la 3, pow. 9, Colborne, by C. Marathon, &uaise- w, at 10 0 clock p.m., w Friday, Oat 26th 1888. No reserve. flare paters fur list of animals, tarots. &c. Asetion s:e of farm stock and iis��ae-- emote, the pulmo, of Michael Di1ss, lot 11, eon. 10, W. D , Ashfield, nos mile from Kistail, by Jno. Griffin, auctioneer, at 1 o'clock, p, m. , on Wed oesday, Oct. 24'h 1888. No ts..rvt Sas posters for full particulars. Auetaou sales of farms, stock, Imple- mMta end household furnitureare ad- vertised iu ibis Jut free of charge up to date of sal., Moo sale idle are print- ed at Tint sre ..L , f8ee. Good &bray bills are done at very reesonable rotas. If the nae,ren Ir.m t:ss.empte.. &r'dule and General Debility will try Soott'a Iim'al.loo of Cod Liver Oil, with Hyptiphoephire, they will fiod imme- diate rehcf a permanent benefit Dr H V Mutt, Brentwood, Cal, writes : "1 have used tioutt't Kwulaion with greet advantage in trues . 4 Phthisis, Berates end Wasting Disease.. It is very pals: table bold ley druggists, at 56 mots ar.d 51. shrwoa..le Pos. Require no deecrtpuon, Mae, with rare exception, .11 at rose time have espe- risoced their terns Rheumatism ie not easily dislodged. oilythe must pow- erfully penetrating ro•melt.s reach to i1Mt very foundations. The meat sesse.rfel tre•tru.nt known, mai it i• mow fre- quently resorted to by medie•1 mea, is the application of that sow famous remedy for pain-- P"letm'.I(erviline. it is safe to!het nothing yet dieeoversd has afford eyu.l tui.f:ctioe lo the w B.riig. A trial tai be seeds at • small ono, ea sample b• ttlee oof Narvi- lie. can be bad at the drug stores for 10 caths, large bottles 2:, rent& Roiled Iamb elope_- Hero them fat and tender from the rink of the fore g•nrt.v, tries Rha twat ,.H tie atoll egad of tM home •bout ae inch. as s beadle, bl*il over a clear ir., .seri watt pep per, Salt and hitter, and tmsv., laying them one orar the other, with a dice n( lemon on the t, p one. Fried mw p.4ato.0-Pere Ord ttliea Ihinly into nnld water son. a,.itmm wed pootat.e•, drain in a enIuwi.,r.ei pat ie• to • frying pan in whish r tee table' spoon. melted Muer; e+,eer ...11y be minutes, removing fluty to stir them from the tuitions token, fres Mroise; 'wank another ten minstairt.., stair anti' lightly bmwned. Paeakea Ih.t to.rokAK, Asti I asaudh, six eggs end • half fvoeed /oar, molt font "Utes. Letter, end add to tot ter, with ounce .agar .red hull //���_ye�i..lk ; heat .ntil em000:h; pat • t. Prww'1 st • him. Into a pie, dightf7 :71 . pomading the batter evenly nvelr fano by tipping the pe about; light Itm'p,,, apr.ed with jelly, dirt with powdered segnr and ergo TeaKme.it. ihsolve oe• orsmb4 .►iso.. u/ boos fn . pmt .1 M to ohne lukewarm our in owe gs•A•f touters; beaten egg. • little ast •sett aslil n":17. II is wieter ear on a wane plot o summer a enni poses, to rise. 1' wineeine week softly. sad full ad' high thick. suet let.. blown sad sew res• 30 ea ea e r . es they will is veil tO kik.