The Huron Signal, 1888-10-19, Page 5t
TM aided
1 1t r,asr
..d for i
Netwesa the •►e Yd lot
Mls ens ruddy
Hle them „calm b,yelw a'
Coaaed the IVs el • Piot.°,
His wile, the Pride tit Yin
Naked the bitoslt eau o�ywy.
Laid Ie table eat4 �r
Deftly •work. mime I7:
,Ted a5d reran'. weak mil,
Ohs bore bar trials widow
Wu was: trite, weer boo a,
Commas all IMAM Mese.,
a the petioli mister, er,
At Wt. b etwees LIMP elwl
TWO wess&Md hi. lift a
•There'. tetras 1. telae to a
And U there abseil nut,
'repaid be mighty berm r
1- tare menet bung M y.
Ai there's general hat
Knougb to swamp • rat
To be provided ler vie..
1'd be aortae et weir,,•
sister eras deal deo
I'd tie aside' oyse•am.e
wed mss 5p SOWS ansa
I d b• rather sputa ear
Per /sm.
An• n,4 nim.
Amid eider N roti ern
1•d be kid o' cantaMaet
And lout out .lune•.
t:eweaws I. setbamer
nista susu-
It thi ev e
I'd cell the here • r
An•alga la..eeso
sad as to toe mgrs )es
i gums we setae!. to
Arial War elle an
Them Smoetbeapst a.
You'd better/law
What do 1 be/ tea leu
Do they oseameraas
to M.
ad foamy,
Sulks meat
vestiges* to
Ed ex
• while;
for me;
money toes --
s. miss, ;
o' reachtse.
ao pesky mean
and clean.
all work 1
made a shirk !
Dick and Me 'led Joe
tial la • awa.a.tew
They saw eat meat
Oa cameleer wenn to
They ate *abates
tier tataefe5•f. br
They mw IY Ism of
And diem n:! wrath
thus rest. abs
Air -
eat yesrawtd k d
Every water
sherd kese fir
Saran* a
gm toes, kik,
vial emir
asi mai
lam ted old re
eV go
Mat and tole,
• seek In .
and rain.
uld set smother,
telt tlasSMr ;
,us wood u' W
all the width -
I t:em, / N, we ran I ie t up many
ager•, het they are more is. the tine if
smss.bility thsnwjt im els. We Mee
se woaa7 Wends sloeg the read that tory
e re always drug something of the kiwi.
I bans was day 1 tete:mode book lG r
out gewiww who had lett it le hie eget
u be slummed cam ; he olfere•1 toe a
dollar, which I re/tued. He them
me .env gratefully, stub • marked Eng-
lisb .°seat. 1 lut;ud out altvr.ard he
eras Herbert themes/. I was glad thee
I'rimed the 'tip
in the country
.alae of Ayer's
purifier. It
strength, to the
all irregularities.
from the system.
Price $1.
• $YL'en *'0001. our.
' • I can give you souther urians.,•' he
a•ed, after soothes .trnagle with kis
sear, “and that happened betwemo herr
and Syr.ou.. We pulled Gut tine night,
and w 1 walked lhroufb the car 1 ••• •
young girl with pinched lane, dark sad
sad • hashing cough. 1 raw • ou4suntp
tis. sod I made up my miud that .he
was hurryiug house to dna I was all
eymp.tby at once and made up my mind
that I would keep track of her .nil vee
that het journey was as pleassut as pots -
Noble W. whirled stool( end as 1 west
by her I sew that she was .uflenug. I
proffered my services and she said she
waisted • cup tit water. 1 got It and
then I find the seat and made her •
bed. 1 gave her all the help 1 could and
she finally told we her story. She acid
she had been • student et the Normal
School at Albany, but .he had broken
down duneg the course of study.
Now, I bad • cousin there and 1 told her
r,, and .be knew her. She boo no more
onulideousl and told me she was going
home to die, and that the doctor
b•dtuld her she mould litre •ix
months. When we parted I turned her
over to the conductor au the next run
who bad at two time been • initiation
with me. libelist saw her again.
Why �m Stick to a Hard
and Dangerous Lifts.
fp. taememeen hr• tar all--II/rtaelee•
ass up, a Stas ,rb••g a:trt- terra
seri Issav+v •,se•.
"Ws we ay strange things in our
kb .ed sassy .range people. But for
That, rimer would be • burden, and
ye. eo.Id not find a man to run on the
mad at ail, for the pays not greet and
the danger se not a hula
He was • trainman on onset the many
roads that ran out of Buffalo, and had
jest 'finished his supper and was Quietly
enjoy* • cigar. The giri nest dor
eggs erytag to strike up • flirtation with
bet ie re Nur did she slow poor
taste He was young, tall, fair-luokieg,
with an athletic frame and a pair cf bos-
sd, fearless blue eyes that °repelled re
ghat from see and wen the hearts of
worn. He was in • talkative mend
gad west on, pausing now and then to
egg, kis cigar ging.
"'1 don't know why it is, bet I am
mtrut uosteoted except when I am on,
the riser. I say be dell .d depressed
wire down town, bat the taomeet the
conductor stills met 'A11 •brood !' end the
Impose pulls cwt 1 forget everything, es -
cg t►a bustle, rumble, roar and ser-
ial train The rapid motion has es
eshiktrating effect, end u the tease std whiz by my bloid bogies to HMIs
Ty • man makes friends at evert
doppi g pias, and there u alwayssome
gook) eay 'good day' mad ' by' at
every statics. '1 .r an always os the
go sod there are sways old friends sad
sew frees at every tura. I like the life,
g ad it is the excitement in it that keeps
as las n7 men tied d own to it. Yoe
mgst not think we .weld not do better.
why, 1 have quit two or three times,
red I did well, too, bat I weld not stand
11, es I returned to the hie again. Pro-
mos is slow bet sure, and sack of as
egg, that a soed.etor•s reek will
giggly ens. in limo if we do oar duty.
it n rill eery well to talk of speller torr
bat a ruined appreciates an
�iit employe just all eineh, if sat
ogee, 1baa a hank President dor se
easiest dirk."
Y1.RT•TION% alto Ran Tale..
'•I deal knew why It is," he went o.,
err a few vigorous puffs, "bet the
Mgkesntx—or tenure, es he is now
pled e • grester te.eber dime the sem-
geese The shy country hes, the any
Ars masa and the arlMosestie dty lady
gU take to ea. One reason 15 ere are
awe obliging. We have few d the
cases that annoy the eomdrrker ; peep!•
ate are trying to bent ee, .tad we hate
go watching et 1 suppose it is neeli-
leo to pot spies ea the eond•doss, bat
1 think as • clam they tum hottest. Now
gad thou one yields to a pitiful tale, bet
es is tee good • judge of bomee eater.
WMdenised often. I often think tett
If re Isiah had to be tried and tootle-
•• the oosdseten are they teweld
tea. as !any retakes of toy bead o
heart. 1 will give you oma Outer
Toe wish to gilt a ride melte year talk b
the enedeetor bsfnre lou board the
kr. He will do just as ...b for yes
Mw es he will what yes spike him es
hemi. A man whe is bomnst never rd•
*head end tries to heat his way, .M ee
nn* noire this better thee des
"It was a good mix months afterward,"
he said, as be lighted hie cigar, whueb-
had gone out, "when I heard that there
WS/ . reward offered to the trainmen
who had been kind to a sick lady on his
train. 1 thought of my adventure, but I
war not the lucky min. Now, all the
boys had • sick passenger, but none got
OW reward. One day, is Syracuse, •
man came up to me and began to talk
with me about my sick raseenger. and
w attled a description. I am a good hand
at remembering names and faces, and
I told bum shout her ptnbed face and bee
eyes and amok, ea I have told you. He
told me dist I was the man he was look-
fur,bet welted me to tell how she wi s
, and I did not miss that. Then
he informed see that she had requested
on her death -bed that I should be well
rewarded for my kindness. He told
that she had a lade mosey, but that her
mother was in rather poor circumstances.
I am not very ss sng anyway, hoot I have
✓ oes* for ordinary express. I thought
of my own mother, and thee I made up
my mind that I did nut want any reward,
tied I told them so. I knew ebe was
grateful, and 1 told them I did not rains
the reward half as much as I did bee
rememberance of tae. I newer got the re-
ward," se added, with an attempt at •
moil., ".ad these are the only tip. that I
ever received. But I moist report for
this train, so that if the ober scan ain't
go I may take his run. If you ever take
a run down nee fwd eo on nor trait. I
will try and make it pleasant for you."
The ereeig may, OODER10H TOWNSHIP
The anstwr•tM Cruse lady. writ.. e
New Odessa eurrewIet, is often •
treed.& 101 the minium, of bee ass. She
1 aU;obed eat end Terre ted da•.ghter, a
hath!.t wile sad devoted mother. hh
is auk of speech, tied has • grate uI was -
ser wbi. b gives a charm to aU the
—Canted. The treasuees'a
wit► I �e•w4ed
Well d..mted sed wn+atoltsbed,
keen wit, she make. • brilliant figure in Yhroomdd sues ea.mised. Moved 644 ase -
society, but s nevertheless, ea .seal- traded that the trrsserer a sureties he
leer ieeuegee .d her buuwhold, end 1 Zanii dem eatssfaetur7 --Carried Mr
idmud Qertu .eked fur great to vole$•
teem Kurd by Thus Churchill, second-
ed by Jere f! E.buu, that Ito be pines
to No 7 Oosepasy, to be sad ea primes
for • shooting mouth for avid Comi'wy.
—Oorrled. Moved b7 John Rearms,
seconded by Thus Churchill, that the
eooeideratioe of the b311 of damages to
Cleo C Laithwait'• steam *nom from
laths' throughla hridge be laid over :to
nest seeYog of mooed, and that the
reeve get legal dvise on the matter. --
Carried. The ouuoeillw• were en•mim-
otis in their °potion that "rhea the town-
ship rads are in • sufficient state of re-
pair fur ordinary travel, parties driving
over them with tradition engine or steam
threshing engines, do so at their own
risk. Moved by Thos. Churchill, sec-
onded by James H Elliott, that the
plans for holding the numn.antn for
sounoellors, etc. for 1888, the pulling
plow for township elections aid the die
pry returning officer. b. .nae ea hist
year.—berried. 1'h• follow lox accounts
were paid : Registry office, Coderic.b, fur
regietestag bylaw, road deed and search
es, g;,,50; Was Fuller, mint" tug gate st
Mrs Roes' gravel pit, two days, fl; Tbts
Cottle, P.M., for shoveller. for gravel,
eta., $6; Clement Newton. work on cut
Rae, 75e; Win C•i11iw, indigent, $18 75;
Chas Lovett, outlet for under drum, $2.
Moved by J Beacom, seconded by J H
Elliott, that the members of this noun. 1
wish to give espre•aion to their sympa-
thy with the family of late Beery Feed,
Ooe.ual user at H.rleiesv Ills, t ►e1 1.1
line, miscast to.dl.eireeot; membesn
all promo.... Miertos of last weetieg
read and pawed. The eulleotur ear pprrwo--
•eot with bi. «wuritisa Moved by Jeri.
Beare, .eo.ed.d by James ti
that the collector and his .,etses h.
'ter • rot careful .uper•41un to etre
tail that will where the comfort of
her tori She 1.",le (Warily after the
phyate.l and eute•Ileotual welfare of leer
children ; especially are her daughters
trained under her usn eyes, in ell that
g,w to mal. w ,1551110•11Y in mind and
person, Their tasks for school ars comb-
ed by her sole, their music !tamers are
prnetu,ed within bar hearing, that she
may detect the least false note. She
shares in ail their emuaemeots ; she is
ikon companion, their oonbdamt, their
friend. They entre to her with all their
little hopes and fears, sure of bur ym-
W thy.
When the daughter le growl- th.
Crede matron blooms again into a rich
second youth ; 1.r own girlhood is re•
uteri in ib.t of her child ; they aro
e caroely mother cud daughter any lunger.
but a pall' of loving asters. The young
gmrl is educated t• • ounreat, and leads
• aeclt;ded emuteuoe until she s Laurie
d into society, .aid then in the joyous
life that borate upon her she ie always
surrounded by the same watchful care
that guarded her childhood. Yorelt
g irle are not allowed to go into twei47
without being accompanied by their
mothers or sow other married lady ee
chaperon—use of the Emmy Creole cus-
toms which have been generally accept-
ed by the Agnomen residents of New
These young girls are often wonder -
fatly beautiful. Good features,error
�s_r-suave to the township, is their
tum. *yea, and Hearth! hireeeriest-110.110 .Ud and ebe k54
to make them very altraesi'o, their emteioed in brag depnved by des* d
beauty being nut mfre.geeotl7 llrNoal • kind and adectienate parent. Dsaaee•
d not only enjoyed the esteem of hit
colleagues, but likewise the respect of
all who know bim.—Corned. Council
adjourned to meet agein un the second
Mobday of Noveesber.
to type, though the vivacity of their
manner marks team as essentially
French in character. Many Creole wo-
men are very accomplished. They have
a skiff in music and passtieg that s. often
In the litetary club* which society wo-
rsen have inaugurated of late years in
New Orleans the American (dies have
been astonished to find the Creole laduee
gotta as well posted as themralves in
English literature, while possessing •
much greater knowledge of the literature
of other countries.
"Leet eemre I was entirely laid up
with liver eomplaist A frieea advised
me to ase Burdock Blood Bitters; I did
so, and foe, bottles cared ate. I eau -
net peas t ss remedy too mech." John
H Rivers, Orr Lake, Out. 1
ee uadwr res.
Politic speakers and singers are often
troubled with sore throat and hoarseness
and are liable to severe beoschial attacks
which might be prevented and cured by
the of Hagyrd'a Pectoral Balsam—the
beat throat and lung remedy in use. 2
For those who harry to and from their
meal soup is recommended as • prepara-
tory agent for the reception of gelid food
For • man to horridly rush to his meals
and golp down meat, vegetables and pie,
without a sheet pare of net fur the
stomach, is nearly akin to seicide.
me wascemtreldeto4 Wish Dieear7.
A good tory years ago • Sootchts•n
and an Eogliehsae fell into • warm die -
put* about the privileges resulting tc1
each country from the Union, each of
them divesting We owe co0stry entirely
of a.y share of thea At feegth the
Soot safely observed that if the English
bad se advantage by the (-Dino why
were try u forward in promoting it,
sad why were the Soots so backward to
agree to it i "Why, sir, as to the for-
mer, hearse it heed them from the de-
,istatior committed by teen Pleader
ieg parties ; sad, as to the latter, b -
eases it deprived them of the rich
booties whisk they received fres Est -
land at the separation of every tempo-
rary trees." Ay, •y, was .het the
way i I did sot know—I'm ea..gosiat-
.d with history ; ben, what the d-1 bd
the English 1040 bit to keel them bbeart
Why, sir ata fair engagemrs., is opus
war, they sewer weld stand ea ; bit,
having their owe renter and forests
so near foe a safe retreat, i1 was impos-
sible to prover their plundering parties
from committing frequent
"Ay, ay, I did not kaow tire these
thieve, said the Soot, "sad were the
English too bard for them at a fair "Indeed,
sCont r "Inde, sir, they were.
bat rad the breerat of the Scots .f-
lowed of that" "Ay, .y, I'm ere
quainter with itietorv, bet it is believed
to bare her otherwise where 1 by
"Where." rid the Esgliahmaat
von live i" "At Basseekbare I" "Hem
Not asotber weed eased. Tie
*ablest mainly semi the shrewd
Carders .t retro is the flee se it
ee meant nothing W the answer:
W have rite sxtrowdl.ary fl.sgs•rattenser a amt `e hll rail winter uvula. Website!!
t• few -pined need* aro wrU es bt
The bot pastry and iced drinks of this
eoentry has much to do ► the tbin-
.era of in, people.
ler Wrest Mie..
There u no better remedy for frost
bites, chilblains and similar troubles,
than, ,than Hagyard'. Yellow Oil. k
also ores rheumatism, l•mbego, sore
throat, deafness. and lameness and pais
generally. Yellow Oil is red internally
and externally.
AN About Y.
How intereetin( it u to hear •n at-
s.wont of • wedding from the lips of the
happy, chattering little bride herself, .s
•he r ooenta the whole seam to one of
her intimate friends, who listens eaierly
while the bride say
"And, uh, everything went off perfect
ly lovely. Then wast • single hitch
from beginning to end, although] was
dreadfully nervosa, and Will was so
nervous himself that I was in mortal tier
roe all the time fur fear he'd drop the
ring or make some horrible mistake
when be some to saying, "I, Willem,
take the., Annabelle, eta.," bet he
didn't, although his voice trembled and
•o did his bead wow be leek mine.
It's a rimy we didn't drop the ring be-
times w ! What if we had 1 What if
we had f Td has did ! But we got
through the ceremony without • single
mistake. Ad, oh, the church was lors-
thersasptlon sod all
We are Justly called the leaders to
wile. sad variety et goals. Ole me a wall and I will .Mw you
The Largest Stock of Boots and Shoes of every i»
scription, Rubbers, Overshoes, Felt Boots. Lurn-
bermens' Stockings, etc., to be found in Western
illTbet are all bought at clave prices fur Dash. and will be sold at a small advance e. coat.
Croatia Nook. Cat. ase. e. tad Sewer
I beg to inform lbs public that the OtItyLaindry issri ass hili►
has been carriet1 on in doderich, since last February, !tae been. 1wef1
to a new manage•nseut, the former Proprietor, although doing a /00111
business having been forced to relinquish the work, owing to i11
Two fkot•eleas Lseadry beads• lave lbM assie d• wi a.•
tory in every re+peet will be Guaranteed.
For rates and quality_oI wutk a1►Ply els`
Cemeneswt/N sera Cawed.
To Tits Kenos :—Please inform your
readers .bat I have a positive remedy forwe
the above sad disease By its timely
see %horreeds of hopeless cases have
been perm.msetl served. I shall be OW
to seed two of my remedy free
to any of jour readers who hese eon-
sureption, if they will seed me their Ex-
press sod P. 0. adders.
SimoneRespectfully, Ds. T. A.Simone
37 Yoage St., Toronto, Out
True merit is like • riser—the deeper
it is the lees striae it makes.
City Laundry. Dederick. ee/t. tub, i1 .
tgte Tmtsmmetsat etre.
"During three years' seUeriog with
dyspepsia I tried alma every every
known remedy bat kept getting wens
until I tried B A. B. I had o.Iy read it
three days when I felt better ; three pot-
ties completely curd me." W Nichols,
d Keedal, Out. 2
1 t Tow aime
sad the enogratulattone And it
did sound too fanny to hear Win syieg
'm7 wife' at first—he'd give my band •
little squeeze every time he mid it, and
1'dcome awful near giggling right oat,
and whI had 1 Then the supper !
Oh, it was elegant ! Everything went off
pettedly beautiful ! And as for the pre-
seats—oh, oh, o -ole! They--'
The short time allotted to our reader
for their sojourn on the terrestrial
IN vv
It is quite a oommoe prance to does globe moves us to tut this story short
infanta with teas,oils aid sweetened wet- —Time
era what any or imaginary ill is upon
them. Is some cases it is necessary to
reisfoe** the natural supply of nourish -
meet. but when possible, nature's front
ehoeld be relied on chiefly.
Fs ) S=0177
and bas the latest styles in SHAPES AND TRIMMINOS.
As maul her rates are most reasonable, and she invites the Ladies
of Godesich and vicinity to call and examine the styles and prices
Rernembr, is bWUinmy rooms co tM Severs. soot to Lebow 4 Gs a 1171
There is no Xistake About it
The sly and the elegem.
14. L*blache, the famous Mager, has
just Riven another ittatance of the pro-
verbial .besot -madness of greet seen.
While be was saying at Naples, King
Kay fever r a type of catarrh bving Humbert expressed • desire to make the
peculiar symptoms. It a stteaded ky an artist's personal .c,1uaunanee. On en-
tering the antechamber of the palace the
latter found that the gentlemen present
were all personal .egosintanoes of los,
and asked them to be allowed to keep
his hat on, as he was suffering from a
severe cold. A lively conversation was
sat short by the entrance of a chamber-
lain announcing that the King would n-
erve 11( Lsbleche at ons. In the mo-
mentary oonfesion the singer forgot that
be was wearing hie het, took hold of m -
on a chair
other which had been placed
sear bins, gad went before his Majesty,
who at the sight of dim burst into • It
of ooecntrollable laughter. Utterly one -
fused, Id. Wilier asked humbly to be
informed of the iron of the King's
merriment "Let mo ask you
R goes -
lice first," replied the King, ' •
eh is
your hat --the one you ere wearing on,
poor head, or the, nee Toe carry in your
hand r ' "Confound it all !" ezclamed
Lablache, ionise in the l•oghter, "trs-
ly, two hatsllow
who has l at his head !"are too many -PallfeMall
initiated °ondition of the lining mem-
branes of the nostrils, tear -ducts and
throat, affecting the longs. An acrid
m000m leseersted,the dischargeisaee,m-
ponied with a boning sensation. Then
eat severe "prase of seeeeiog, frequent
attacks of headache, watery and inflam-
ed eyes. Ely. Cream Bales es a rema
dy that can tie dep.aded upon. beets.
at dr.ggiMs ; by moil, registered, Wer
Ely Brothers , Demptiets, Owego, New
York. lv
ammesernr Se warners tees.
Artisan., meohsales sad Mborisg mat
are liable to eoddse .eeidemts end *Os-
age, se well se painful tends. stiff joints
end lameness, To all thea troubled we
would reeramemd Hagyard's Yellow OU,
the handy red reliable pun it ire fur out-
ward or lateens! use 1
Faur of every kind are always
doallled wham they are speedily ere
"1155' alp /ATOM
"No, we .•Nous get Ups. be .NfiiM-
ed. "ad a Brat many tet st WWWM 1k=
A nerd ee[egeard for deiag right is
to hate all that is wrosg.
Ree . Met • eat
Iter Owed., amorist, ie sot a book
west. but hes the agency in Oodericb
for Jobanise'e Toole Bitters, whieb he
see heartily resew seed for any ere-
ple'a to which a tonie sedieiee is ap
plieable. This nimble .edition has
bgge with art astonishingly good re-
sults is oases of general debility, wesk-
er, irsvgelenties psoali.r to feneelea,
extreme pawner iwepo•erisbment of the
Wood, store* and liver troubles, lees
d e, end for that generai were
oat Wks( that pearly wwy or is
troubled with at some part of tN�'s=r.
se Jrcb
Dost forest the nese Thais
Bitters 60e. and $1 per bottle st Oogdeb
dreg store, Albino bleak,neaeriah, sofe
spot a
!ere elaasertabas OM.
Fogad at het, wbat the tree public
hog been looking for the many years
.•d that is s moraine which although
bet lately imtrodueed, has made for
itself a repatatioo rood to 110115, the
mmdieir. 1• Jokers's Tosie Bitters
whisk is eat satires with Johnson's
Tore Liver � has performed some
rest reaerfel were inspire our im-
poverished bawd egos herr. purified
gee ser;ehd. Hair ie r's, indiemitien,
yk ydaebe, liver eomh
at, etes,,
votk., eta. , soon disappear when
motel by these realest twit sedi-
ogre For Selo by Geed, d�r�agQgist, Al.
Uodes.eb, sole egsest. Id
The public verdict is that ALEX. MUNRO has the
right Goods, right prices and in the right time.
I want to emphasise the fact that I study the re-
quirement^ of my customers, and have made a special
effort this ..resat to procure everything New, Useful and
Fashionable that is worth having.
I make no specialty of low lines of Goods, I aim at
keeping food articles, and at prices commensurate with
If brevity is the soul of wit, I will not exhaust
patience by particularizing particulars, but will merely
say that in all departments there will be found a choles
2064 -
Draper anti!: Haberdasher.
OW/AMUCK. Dire.' r.o., Oat.
May lttk. Im/.
My will, mere ter eve yet.s with
that dlrrnmtatr Owes, eataerb. Her
ease wail sea of ebe ~et kaisers In these
parte She tried all et the estarrb neer
dim I ever raw advertised. hat they
et .e use 1 rally reeved • beetle
Nasal tale Mee Ws used only tea ball
at tt, aM snow hogs tikereser a sow reser
feel It my duty ee My that Nasal Dam
.wast le TOO WIOH1.Y e.eemmer'dd
fir starts treehiea. see a .bard to
harp all such reopen know threes,' Iss
ewe they .Ul rs•f•+ WOW relief sad
CURS cites. 1Mc01u. Fa -ser
" Me Hever droded •ails r
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se attack of what people WI "Wiese-
✓ ne,"end
rne,"•nd to smile was impressible. Yet
• time may ''•mile and seat!., and he a
villein Mill, .till he was ser villain, het a
phis, blest, honest me, that seeded s
remedy such as Dr Pierer. "Pieria
Pargriee Pellets," whisk nater fail to
.tee. bihourmem and arra or bored
ver, Cyr tsp.ia atad *kraals ernet[p•
riga if
Where you gooan d as nell w, having obtaur old ined a first-clMachines aw ma•
and Made as g
urges Moderate. All work warranted. Bring along
your old Sowing Machines. Give me a call.
A_ B_ OO12t,1\TIE3241...
Q1tOO�Re, 13ZL7t. OOQztT,
s,M smeelve ng.r{tame.te.r wised wlasar asglea •M swabs Ybmel eiewmeee start that
Moog dismissals.
Wee gwaNtaes ralialtei. Care-AMg it
Tamer �a,t sorsas esa»j{cetlon Mika !f7'ra
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