HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-10-19, Page 4x
t -I arTLI 1.
s harry. Of .Drum 1%e sluing to be •
*idolise, though Cagle ems i• miry turd
Ally*WO oslly as euoem tuft twang idle Mad
! Bet thio he doses haw
Bad d •
ase gas from She isnot."
"Ueda ti•ta-Yr beeped Dela of
litegiee dieser-je. • large tee Mee-
tags♦hew, ie whisk is wadies • steel. its
three hp poising so wealth. wimeider•'
tier, rad turtle soap unlimited.' said
neat, i• eapiamitioa to the Mejar.
"Jetta if Le .wed ever seta me
as k !"
-"Bot stili Cask SOW les wine mss.
He knows what makes life ouesfectable;
.1 thiak you ought to follow the kip d
the stool l"
"There sow !" is derisive and heel
sours, "that's jam like • girl. Wass
woe knew tans you've always base tak-
es* to me of the brave thasp soldiers
do, sad oily two mouths ago 1 fogad
Tea 007091-"
"Stove, there's pier fritted beaker
leg you. do Bed see what lo waste
Boys do abetter so r" she .aid irritably
000dilto.a body with w to the loBore ut, as Sve dashed off. "or
Fele holly summedwsummedJ
•e ed oar„ else they don't--" with • sodden read -
She was tired. A hem day at the
Mores with a July suu bestial; down op -
ea Ike buddtug, a wearyieg i bat hem
1„ -all baroisang calcnl•tioes es to the
oecess•ry details of a boys oohed°Milt,
}roma woman • petal of view, are added
the necessities from the same boy'• point
„I vise, then s that woman a Id. • her -
den indeed. wet nal
more •'tlh, 1 my, aunt, 1 dont I
ore pocketis et haudk.rebte; bet
can't ge W school without • decent rec-
rtuet. .orae to
Aad when this muse bey
have solved the problem of perpetual
motion, to say nothing of an .b.ymtoes
rence, it s nta
easy to undead It he
o mood and
le Haat sae • Ilam le that sadism it
for h.° 01110 1 not kably reser; I hove a res •
i1 " 1 will her
sb.ui aleerwtd.
ir100 boy YIIMei os Ne foot ; hest his
Wee thwy did sive falter is thou ofd.M
"l wont piremies. says that if
• fellow gives a pm** leo °ogles be
Mato It. Slim kMw ra lellos oho esiaa
did that." He weadw01 why the M. -
jet Meshed** again, ".ad wady Novo
his life to keep it. Bet them she gays;
use cleat Wok well before Fidgets"
"Very well,' acid the N•jet, quietly.
" TIMM it ever. If yea tide it a boat
w et to itim itt tell her all about it. Bet
I wouldn't oak you to do • mean thing.
fleas was aomM►i•g is the olid
ti▪ t d kis fame, is the dead, look
wee, that inspired .00Maroe.
"11 I write &ad let you know, sad eta
tats•, I nay ell her afterward what I
did r
"Toe Okay tell Mr saytbing you like
afterward. Sothis* will make mach
diaereses thea," he added to himself.
meat to the refreshment see the boy
mtuates before she had
deeceoding with t°terested fes he look
he sanely tried to make lordly and almi
-19 the life, ltd had rejoteed ewer
prospect tit some peaceful mumesu over
the coitemplata•iu of woo, with and
dhere be
his weal
was at her elbow •R•
prda...to • new want : with •
"Olt, I say, aunt, sobs t rot
diago.1sd glance at • pile tit hos.e os the
ter. "I call that waste of mono
Ilve leash° which she as hastily pet away.
"Have yea Wee long in Enul•md 1'
"Only tee days. I am leaving spia
to a week."
"Leaving again kea
seemed as if
her bts.th .earths a little. "Have you
beas home much during the last
liftmen years 1" became
Doti. I came this time becae
-" ,He colored and glat.etd down at
his disabled arm.
T ••Uh, yes ! I know," she exclaimed,
It r fen dusk* duskInto such & lowly °sloe
1 shall timerer wear all themthtn4a the 1 14.64he•g°.
Oat •er•• that the shadow of Moon be so much better to apes oars "'awl i from it. end it wee •piss
money Dna little spirit lamb andmdhy { to hem eyes ae the girl-liai tlrlili lad
bee& si fair to his fifteen ort' I
rad .11 about your splendid deeds -
"Seek a defer as that fellow is r ex-
claimed Steve, at her side. "He bas
eaten more cakes than he osis pay for."
She broke into a laugh. It was s
little hysterical, but the Major, ettorly
oonfreed at her allusion to *mythic* so
persueal as hie late pro:mediuma, did Dot
perceive the false ring. and $t.we was
too much bent upon getting his Irked
out of lir unfortunate gaetros.rnieal dif-
ficelty. Her tbueghta had goes bock to
the days when this men -this hero with
his grand simplicity and gestfeoea-
ue.d to come to their house b speed
his lease with bin friend. her elder
brother. ender whose ant she ea& She
was oily in the schoolroom thea, but it
seemed se if, even in those days, he had
not treated kw as a add. so courteous.
so gentle be geed be Tbs. He meld
isms her brother's grasp to ride, *es talk
or walk with her,
She )tad grown to look forward to his
visits, careless and tight -hearted aged
thoughtless as she ease to be is those
school dens. And thaw her thoughts
went beckoned suddenly to the last time
Mae had ever wen him. She was gnaw
up then. It was her aem.Otesetb %lath-
daT, and that day she had been promo -
lewd- are thaw to
"lied. pay, what pert
• Oh, to boil • fellow's kettle or things.
Yue never know-'
"My dear Steve, 1 know nothing. 1
theugbt,! Ltd till 1 casae here. But
now 1 am wdhEg to own my ignorance.
Never wall premed to the kuosledge of
• boy • neoeamittes again. 1 am worn out
-aud hive become • philosopher.We
wear too many clothesought
rater" to the simplicity of our aooheo-
ton, sad clothe ourselves se Mee paint
and • kalicg rod. Let es go to tee
Perhaps a baa might be a reflection of
fume weight to your mind sed body, If
you ova tit still five minutes without
movie, or eying : 'Oh, I say, awe,
you know,' .1 ern give you seven.
He tucked kir arae. with eager, grate-
ful affection law hen, and led her vlf to
the retreabmeut room.
It was crowded, but, after much ins
portant magentas, with some alight pont.
posity as befitted the dignity of his
quest m Ler service, he frond her •
table. The ulster was given to the wait-
er, but seared) had the boy eat down
then be bouueed up.gaca having caught
a glimpse of a 'dello.' at the further
end of the rola._ Hi. aunt leaned
wearily back to Ler chair, as he plunged ed. Major Huddlestow.-only captain
rockl.s.Iy betimes the tables. looking, then -had come with some other friends
after Lam wash eh,nmg, loving eyes, in the afternoon to as of is Der nowt
which suddaly dilated and darkened in- ' drew But in some way t1 happened
to amazesee°t,J mr, anger, and a strange that they two Irund tbersaelsa at last
regretful pain. A man had suddeoly apart from all the rat, and he bad look -
risen from Doe of the tables betweeen 1 ed down at her ie • different way to
bee and the acboulb•,ya. She had not what he had ever done before. He grew
noticed hem as hr .pule, but now when • very pale as he told her how his battery
he nae and slut out the distant prospect I had been ordered to India, and he bad
of her sturdy young nephew greeting hie just begun a.sstmnce when her brusher
friend, she saw nothing but this tall, tame up sod stood women them, ask -
slightly built yooro an, with bis face ing some foolish, trival remark. The
.till pale from ..unit sever. illness. ; sentence bad never been fioiahed. She
His right arm was in a sling. He caught had never naso Major Huddlestone from
eight of her .t the same instant. lie i that day to this. Hs sailed • week later
hesitated for a .ecmd, his pale face I with his battery, and did toot eves mom•
growing paler. Taro lee strode quickly Ito say good-bye.
toward her. She linked down tor • l She had Dever quite forltiv.n her
moment, toying with the parasol on Mr brother for breaking oft that esoNsee
knee When she raised ber eyes again until the day he died, mime tee yeses
they were calm sad cold. !ago. the vas them married to a rid
"M.j•.r Huddlsatone -. she said with i city merchant. This carriage bad been
the s:we cold briihtnew, "what an age her brother' wish.
itis since we met !" Thomas Dale was a good man. god
Major Huddlestcae colored suddenly had been a kind husband to- her. tie
as he took her hand, apologising fur do- had been dead now thew years, and de
ME so with his left. was a rich widow and free again.
"I know," she said hastily, her eyes ' But the man who had begun that sea -
not quite to calm ; but the waiter 'truce so long ego had bown any
brought up the tea and cakes, and at wish to finish it. All these thoughts.
the sante moment young Steve canoe dashing through her brads, hardewed her
plowing back through the tablas, re- heart against him. She would oot ask
gard!gas of the toes and feelings of the hem to call on her.
oecepiers. "M1 nephew; she said to' ••L)o fly to that wretched victim d
Major iladdlest.•0e ; "ani he agoing to buns and tea, Steve," she aid. petting
school in autumn, sod his mother asked her pane in his hood ; "he looks wild
me to Grigg him ben to get has outdt. ' and despairing ; sad them settle our orm
Hie name is Stephen Dale." count. You .mo join me in the dreg de -
"Ye.," eaad the Majnr. panment afterward. Ouod-bye, Maim
It was a nephew of her late hosband'a Huddlestoue."
It made him think of that husband. It was awkward shaking a c.° a left
Perhaps that was what she intended him heed, so she only bowed mil *51°54
to do, he thought, as he tugged at hie away. Th. Ma or Meed pale sled eye
fair mudaehe and looked very grave at' right, looping gift her. se if he °ort
the boy. expected to see her some. She W set
"And a jollity day we have bad too, given him an oppoettmity d te••olhog ler
though aunt is awfully tired. But we amain. Thee he suddenly remembered
shall have to some another day ; we the boy. Stere had just dahhsd ankle
haven: t half finished. I ing his frwod's a sneer, sed wee rapidly
"We Mali h... to come another day, ' returning M diesher.ppting Mair owe. The
ebe said, wiling with . sweetness that Major looked e1 law Tim boy% lege
vas sngehe, considering what she had was hone t, .ed. his eyes were libel*
•Irady germ. through. . and true ; and be seemed food >t
"Aad thea we shell see *brut' that aunt, though be bed does his best to
fishing rod sad things, sod oh, I say,
two, i rally mast have
"A.other bun," said the Motor good
homoredtj. "I wish that 1 could eat
burs !"
The boy looked up at him with scorn
and some res.nuseet. He was nemetomed to *kit form, d ed -
"There's nothing to upset of in three drees when my Melees* sed theeelce
bon& 1 coped polish off a down. ' vrry Owplaaet .will.. we.
b M Mh-
Hie acne sad the se.1•or Warhol ; and ed of kite
the sympathetic baud .4 that 'earthier it loped.," M sail. with a dednte
seemed to draw them nearer each other cev.tive r emery fatuce
Ms W4 lnut eddoem .d her society man. The major pelt.' net a mardieese.
ser .a0i bed• blushing red as a girl
"Sit dove in that chair and talk to "Lona Mere," he eyed awkwerdly,
es," she said geaully. 'y1 you are mot I "ebe self tense yes IMMO bete I west
in' a ►orgy-" yiw to drip tare,. Illw M the ►oat ye•
It wee bard) likely that he would ' asd tell mm day .d
be in s hurry be had Dot awn her • be ben "
for thorn years • bet m he had Dever "Me 1" M espi111s.Ne .sibyls.
been gifted with elogasos .ham hie Was the Major Ies•xc. bim .r lis. b°
deep tomboy were enoeereed he mold mditstieg ammo eeefol "sip" i° shit t°1
ray mrthhrt vow, tied simply .at dime id bait ee Sehiy-teekleI
oe to titled .heir at the little table. , "Tear seats aeon. d erre+.°." seed Ne
He food it gamer ea 18ok .t mad talk to Msjov. wko.sily Mao 1 2....
the fury.
"Aad M ye ere gels/ to *chord 1" ha
aid "Abet ate you rang to leers to
• r
"He dues soot went to buy old ladies'
asps." he said. " Let hos somas w Pith me:
1want tokuk.t& gen •
'.Bow Long will yew be r'
"About • ysartee of as hoar," be
The meal vomiter of .a hear was nae
of osmiucated bliss to Steve As foot
the Major, it way be fairly said that kir
nese is his life be was taut eo°sci004 of
soy di(erseee betimes uoe sad of • gee
and the other. ill. bought s raetb.nt at
ter rather Si.'., who discussed the
matter in its foiled bearings with the
attesdent, bought somethiew for hies.
The Major was only possessed wick ties
idem --tis get back to the milliwwry.
"We must'nt keep year sent wait-
ing," he amid, sinking deeply sod shame -
Wooly into the cult of bypowrisy. "1
will lave you settle. Wait here until 1
cues. back. 1 area's be long."
"All riwht, sit." said the boy. delight-
ed to obey each a man, and still more
delighteu at his obedience being required
in such • spit, where the atmuapberw
was redolent of sport and war.
There was fwd fon ams•r•ment and
contemplation for hours. Besides, it
was something even to pay with mother
MD'. money for such a ewe as he was
.till lovingly handling.
The Major had to wait five minutes at
the eatrame to the =dlitary department
before she frame ant
- W here is Stever she asked sudden-
ly, feeling shy and osmoses withuct his
ionooerit, blusten°Y prwsae.
"1 hove promised bon as am," amid
the Major, unblushingly, w easy "row
ellArT&t 11.
Dar Meier Meddlesme--If I had
kaolin that woe were the V.O. who did
teak splendid :bilge two mouths ago
neat got wowoded, .ad all that, I would
tare Pew my presets* at oma, for I
Wow you wunlde t d•. a mesa thing.
1 a� neat, .sd she said yore mesid■'t,
though >[ Duma., I didn't show her your
ears, sus tell be whet yea asked me Dot
to. Whets 1 rad your same M the and
is a hsasone, sant was looking oat in
frost sad didn't see. I jumped so that
1 trod oe her toga, sad couldn't keep
ay feet sill, sod .he got • little angry,
flet 1 kept your card Malden end didn't
ay • word. 1)o yo. think I shall ever
get in eke army 1 I want to do brays
themes like yea ; bet wet says I shm't
Won I met spell as if.pellin had any -
them to do wail spiking gnu, or going
wtiboet foot' for two days that the other
Mak sew might have more, and carrying
per friend from under Bre. Could you
spin well at my .rte 1 If I lied hard
&sat gall you by year +arse this after-
noon, I dosld loge knows at 000e, and
oaeld heti ark't you how you got lift.
the may. Aged sad I have Mee talk
Mg &host yon ever .i .dew She told me
k wee you that kept taut promise and
saved the gamekeeper's Isfe, sod nearly
lofts per own with the prwcbers. Aud
I tam die had hese crytog for her eyes
wen red when she was deemed for die -
ser, sad I think she coed because you
did .e.b .pleodid things. For she cried
before, that time you got made V C.
Girls are so fenny, they cry when we
"vet to shout Hip, hip hooray.
Yours truly Srsresw DLL
people same sod wept, sad wondered e•
they ale their owe hwasbeon what these
tiro is the aurae" had to eal to emit
*Wee, they talked so Ling nand sareeely
together. The waiter mew tired of Woo
snug .boat to see 1f they mosso W pay
fur their Isms they had au recklessly
It was she who was •eddeoly mooed
to the lapse of slam by the r.. braces
d Yt..o.
"whom, sew the b.ly he r
The Meije's fees was s picture of
guilty deem tv mid oontnuuo. 13s re•
membered his eonamsnd to the boy.
They went oat hurriedly to tied him, the
Kept oyu(eming hes On in makiu$ Lim
an ancorsplroe to their maetiug. They
found the boy when. they bed left bass.
H. bad waited p•tietly there for mark
two hours, .oat .t last, is atter we•ri-
sem from the hest and inaction. had sat
down in a owner and fallen fast asleep.
The attendant..miliog, p010ted bon out
to them
•11. wouldn't go away, sir, as he bed
promised to wait for you here."
"He shall have that gun for bis ow..
I •m his debtor forever'" said the Me -
joy. touching the sleepier; boy on tb.
"Whoa he is old .sough !" .he said
hastily, as the boy sprang up into .55•r,
wakeful life. ••1 loll not have him
sour* himself before he coir become a
V. C , tae make another woman as err
as laved rairaatn rev
And there was no three para•:is so happy
that day is the sores as the beautiful pr. J. C. Ayer k Co.. Lowell. Mass
women, the V. C., and the schoolboy. art t,..: Ar..lsaa hue triol. wt, «.M
the mimeo! the deception whew the first
one *5 taken.
• Will you .rme to the refrealre*t
roma with a f' - -
It was the only place he meld tNd
of. It was not • very private plass. hat
there was always the champs tit • table
ie the earner. Forum* fevon the brava
Thew was • table unoccupied, and, as
if this man were bar particular favorite,
then was no one seated at the table io
the immediate neighborhood. He
would have to make haste. People
womld be trooping in to luncheon._..-_-.-..
But when the major OM. cause M e
diciiion he always set t0 work to carry
it out on the spot. Be bed made up
his mind to spike Moto germ pY_r wore
poortug such • deadly See ew his dying
and wounded comrades, and he buck-
led on his sword and walked out and
did it.
He ordered ice for three as the wait-
er bustled up. The ices were brought
end began tv melt in the heat immediat-
ely. But neii her he nor she noticed that
they were there.
' A ria° feels etrsnre coming b.ek to
England after so many years abeese.."
he said "There have been any
changes "
'Yon should not have stayed away .o
What was there to bring me beck r'
"Were your old friends of .o little .c -
count, then r" she exclaimed, with a
glance of angry detain.
"I had not many friends in England -
you know that I had no relations that 1
eared for. And then one of my beat
died. I shculd have liked to hate sees
your brother again."
"Dar Matthew ! He was •very good
brother to me, and I loved him dearly.
But 1 think he was a little hard -when
girls were conceroed. He did not und-
erstand them." She thought of tie ar-
guments he had used to induce her to
take that rich, elderly merchant for her
husband, and felt bitter, and thea she
remembered the tender kindness of that
hesber.d sad was softened and remorse-
ful. But the vague unease and restless
dissatisfaction which had stirred bee
through •11 that wealthy, comfortable,
tenderly -eared fog married life forced
her into speech again, perhaps became
this memo's presence had made bet so
acutely sensitive to them. "He
thought that • woman had oely to marry
• husband who could give her food and
fine raiment to be happy !"
"But ynu were happy in your married
life ! If I thought otherwise--"
"My husband was tenderness itself to
me," sbe said as he stopped. "And whet
would it have mattered to you, whether gathering them to the belt
"I mast trot forget to eay that we are
going to the army and navy stores the
day after tomorrow at eleven o'clock,
and I shell be glad when 1t is over. for
thought I know it isn't • mean secret,
aunt's eyes always seem to go through a
fellow when be has got one.
The Major could quite understand
the latter sentence. He felt depressed
already at the thought of meeting those
deer :grey eyes, with the guilty cun-
o eiomsaans upon him of haying wrr•pted
her faithful follower to Sat traitor against
It erne difikwlt to say whit& felt most
ashamed Md messy, Major Huddlestone
or the seboulboy, whose they met at
ele.M o'clock .t the entrance of the
.tons. She was then, sad her pleasant-
ly -expressed estosiebeesat at meeting
Major Huddleetos• mole made young
Sure grow as red se a young turkey
ooek, and the Major look anywhere
rather then mat his desperate, remorse -
fel, glowing spa. Cleve had seen how
white she had grown at first cstchisg
e ight tit the Major. and M knew at woe
that be bad dose dresdfnlly wrong. It
was mew dight relief to .m her grating
him without auger • few 'moods later,
and hear Mr saying she was glad to
meet him again before he left Kntlend.
This relief grew as walking behind his
his aunt and the Mayor, he heard 0110 or
two whispers frogs people peeing them,
as enema min here sod there reeognixed
Major foddlesto.e, and pointed hiss
as the an who had. at the head of a
forlorn hope, spiked the enemy's gum
the other day.
In spite of hie remorse. hie heart be-
gan to swell with a brood possession.
He was in fellowship with this splendid
ease •ed soldier. He forgot how .lend.
er end precarious the tisk !stowage them
was. His former °acadsooe in the V.
0. roamed, &•d with the determination
clot he meld tell his aunt "all .hoot
k." directly they left the .toren, when
the the taro of his promise would be
eroded, he gam himself op to the satin
es joygsot of the poritioe. He bad
hewn *Okla* 'lowly and moodily behind
es he revolved the prints of the tittle.
dos. Now he hurried upstairs after
them to meek thugs ep, grad to enjoy
every meaeet d hie hen's company.
His eat had stopped before the mdii-
•erl d&prtuseot.
'('k&y trete wattle( for him apparently.
M dsy both statehood him bounding up
the stairs as if he were the moat interest-
ing thing is emetics. The feet was
that, owing to team tboaehtle..ly ex-
posed reinisuaps ref Mae Date of her
ed a.heoldsyi, the esa.erestion had
ggddosly mote to e sad between
its.•e gong himself like an smikee he
ee them.
Major Ifeddkrimne had left his snag
et begs. that day. He did sot wish to
eller her his left aria again. sow did be
hewed, either, t let her g0 without
Moir limas mestieg. Test light warm
limb of here had • et • ehlitegMir f
eigoidt. *.mor, throughis►
Bet when the oasis 8Mwe--•0eugh.
pt.eee , f.tl of ems" pito .d &dight
_Seng himself .. hiss. sod direst his
Doe era threegh the weaseled nae. the
Mamma d the peke seat the me white
to the hp
•-Ob, Heave, 8te.e I See whoa mai
Arm don& Oh, Maier N&iidle.•.., b
Ms gees yea,
tier. a mode." rash of tare ss bee eyes why
"Bet 1 swat pees M patieleome that pea drowned their hardness and enld..se
wen's tall hat" • 4• i a.,« .. asi eat is the 18.. Nil amen► gmweeiag
"! diet ken". asldtdaMir•+'dgboot.• bseder. pili ' ohm hose.
iww •b is y, 'sdhisig, , he
merry her met of her life.
Will you do w • favor I"1&MMM aak�i
The boy looked ssish
tory, ao.pio sees, 9m ad a mem idea
this might be ieipn.mbia to a wgmmt
t0 rel t nquish Ms beloved prabaelee
f." His eyes answered her.
Want of Sleep
.airbus i,u..sa••I• suu.talty to the
Inas"`' asyt.,o . owl sl. dociu.-. say thele
tr.,ade V 41.,u.,uyly ..e 111. asatels.-
T1.e "full Iseay,lie., while they may
glee n-"' atety relief, ere likely to de
more Lara than ;•Dud. What ia seeded
Is ea A81..* ,,, and Bawd- emitter.
*jet's bas lir a tuowmpar•$7
the I,a•at. Sserreen, three disturbances
iu the'tt'eelttiee which rause sleepless -
nese. gi e• %creased vitality. sad re-
stores *La •.nous system W a asside1u1
1;.•.. T• a. A. Cord, agent of the )teas.
Moue 'lissi..yy goy very, writes that
hje ,;gnu seek .Y out 11 or.ler, hu sleep
u(,ss i and wore
,,..,� Matto
burg• of the hi, .,t tmau:fest , but that
• 1.•rle'-1 coq was obtained by the use
01 tort'► Soleaparil!a
yi..lrtlek W. Pitt, 1'!t Washtattoa
• t1r.•l, it'etq, .rel .•.: " Vy daughter
ea. I,rarate,l with nervous' debility.
A�•.'4 Siatar!lla restored Ler to
W,11:3t. 7. Soaker, Erie. Pa . was
rind , f neraa.aneea and sleepleeeseas
tui"" Ater'• ttar.aparilla for about
too nnnths, during whir% time 1811
is ri,rlit increased o, rr twenty rounds.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
Why suffer with that aching bead - --
when you may be cured with Ayer's Ca- a a..oe litre u Int... sow.
thsrtic Pill. 1 Send • 2 omit stamo to Mdot'ry of Events: This ie ebowa by
Dr J C Ayer A Co., Lowell, glass., tor. • wide full forehead is the noire
est of their attractive album cards. Kos -Ding Power A high, long sod
•ell detailed num arida brood fes slbt-
bit. this hsat Iseutty.
Al„rel 1 !urate: This kinkymasilest
The most elegant winter wrap. are itself by •,de nostrils, .hitt neck. and
•'no.. a Willow "'Itgays •hit ant desemy. *Med • Dash db•a51a hie k k/id IM heat saw
games Awl*
.. a wed -" beak fai miasmas saws We tel *beeldt'. aMt,slb t► oa eat
-Name," seed hes seat with sweet Meerisho mellerm°d: Shu penf1a1- Opted /estere. he wee aomml? eM-
e eeeritr, ''dea't epw•k with gout sr.stb hew Mole dwabek 10'1idt ler a e.Idhr." ares e1 it he the .wgsiset• delight the
fell 1 **Bee 1 snot ems b be e mesib: ' deed fats heart sof arses. At the rear
anedpeiy lotion et heir lose a front seeperati•m
"It ear's ,.• iwditsarttly "7 ower h aril w
wee 706 ir+M me I looked the • til hi . e118luipi ef hllwwe II wee pa tree W Yr. 1r
long cloaks of the Dew cloths, eaatdaaee pea eel &rmo o, in frost.
plash or velvet Lsnnuaer: That faculty is exhibited in
Some of the latest dregs roods shown
are damasks. mauls", finely -powdered
royale, and brocades un great variety.
Milburn'. Aromatic Quinine Wine fee-
ti8ga the system" spinet attack. of ague.
chills. bdioa fever, dumb ague and like
troubles 1 m
Flat fronts in plaits from tie• font.
or loot draperies nearly co. -Ring the
lower skirt, are seen on the new draftee.
Never allow the bowels to remain eon-
stioated lest serious evil ensue. National
Pills are unsurpassed as • remedy for
oon.t ipatson. 1m
Cord psseementeries are the fashion•
able trimmings. They have knotted
cords in loops for epaulets and for dangl-
ing fringes.
Wanes cense much sickness among
children. Freeman • Worm Powder.
prevent ibis. and make the child bright
and healthy. lm
A pretty bat for autumn wear is of
shirred poppy-o,lured tulle. It may be
worn with a e.etume of eigar-brown che-
viot with s good effect.
Victoria Carbolic Salve is • wonderful
healing compound for cots. wounds.
bruises. borne, scalds, boils, pies pm -
plea, fist. lm
For evening decries and mantles there
e re tioy dotted rattle grounds with
stripes like eouta.be work on mode
pomme, talent, rouge, and light brown
g rounds.
many lana al the face, particularly by •
large mouth, and large. fell eyes, opened
is ids
Self-esteem 1 ria fsadty •h., e■ itself
u a long M/ delpmer lip. Large
esteem ono 00aaigss7,..U.control and
perfect ted.pSOdeoce.
Fianna" The preseo ot0f this facial-
ly, when very large, a indicated by a
Meg, loud .hie. Firmness u synosy-
soma wok wilfdoaes, perseverance end
Pbtlereeptr•s o1 Cisred.r: This ie ind -
c•ted byity. • lung, high wooer:
a st the lower
Bpd or tip Thu fae.ky in Twy useful,
i1 not ioduoe°sible, to a delta in the
exercise , f !he foliations of ha nice.
Powers of Observation : Ths situation
or this faculty is to the faceiabove
the top .,t the sn.., 81tinT oat t tore -
had b, • :mrd with the parts each
side of the mo... It is • (fealty which
eatables om to concentrate the eked upon
the subject being discussed.
Cooc.esta•,usnem; This is dome le
the face by a square jaw, • bay chin,
prominent cheek tones, wad a general
Ne•tenw,d the features of the satire
face. Ti be 0011•0410t14)1111 musty that
one has a tense of imams, honesty of
porpn•e. rectitsde of ch•reaet sod
moral courses.
An ape. Letter.
Nov. 25th, 1f38g.
Mean T Milburn .t Co.
I wish I had need BBB ,n on.r. wbiob
wo.eld hale caved « years of s.ffering
with erysipelas', from which I .meld get
no relief until I tried R.B B., which
soon cleared 'away the itching, baring
rash this* had so long distrwed me. Mrs
Kdwwrd Romkey, Erst.rn Peonage. Hall•
fax, N. S. 2
Dresses made in strictly E•nrire style
have the skirts becomingly draped by
catching op the front breadths slightly
on each side joie below the waist and
he were good or not, eonsldenog that 1
you could not even take the trouble to
ay good-bye to me that time when you
went away ' And we had been, I
thoogt, sock good friends "'
"1 could not ! If I had, I should
have broken my promise the your
"My brother ! 11 I had, I should
have broken my promise to your
"My brother ! Your promise "' Her
breath came hard mid fast, and tiere
was something to bre eyes which mate
his fall for a moment before bees, so
foolish, se hearties', iso Deedless, did
that look Is them maks that promise
seem today. "Tell me whet it weer
"I will not soy anything shoat the
promise now. I will only tell you that
it *early broke my heart in the keepi.g
of it. Bot i had given it, and I kept it.
Do you remember that day in the draw-
ing room 1 I was nearly mod with your
'emboss sad beauty. I began to ay
scmdhiog, and thee your brother game
between ea. He was right, for it was
di.bonorshle of tee to speak thee. Yoe
were only just beginning your lit& It
would have been a shame of me to try
sad fetter yea beton you ..is knew
whet lif• wa, sad I woe poor. Veer
brother seer .lei I fell for yea. He
wee eery sorry, bet he made me seeded
1 had no right to try sad win you. He
said trimly that 1 bed esothimg bat my
love to. offer you. Teo weeld set he
happy as a poet man's wife. He said,
too, that if you had grouts in ears for w
a little. it smell osly he a girlish MMMy,
wheeb you would sew berme ie the
pleasant' of the life nprdiet 5. ynu. Se
I promised to lav, you free, .ed 1 west
She drew to • keg Meath.
"Ab 1 hew heed you both wage 1.
eau, el. med.
"But T bye Fes ! Oh, how I levee
you ! I hes levee you UN Ible day. I
mead Uwe acme hash when yes were
free. bit tbogbt yea meet hese for-
gotten .11 nom' to I ausdtsher that
age/.sa 1 bid beim, mad 1 MI tW
that pa would het. tine IleMims esie Ile
pmt hoeing emus beak to ieidl k
May t Vinyl Lit use iWI 1t weer.
I Bee's g• away without yea. Will egg
promise nue day le as my wife r -
!1• hewn malted war is Not Oink
s:/re nein A Mmes.
That is to my, your lungs. Alio all
your breathing machinery. Very won-
derful machinery it is. Not only the
larger sir -passages, hat the thousands of
little tubes and cavities leading from
When these are clogged and chocked
with matter which ought not to he then,
your lungs cannel half do there 05518.
And what they do, they cannot de
Call it oold, Dough, croup, poeumooia,
catarrh, consumption or any of the
family of throat and Does sod head and
loo obstructions, all abad. All
ought re t to be got rid of. There is just
Doe mum way to gat rid of them. that
is take Rcechei • Oennan Syrup, which
say druggist will sell you .1 75 oent •
bottle. Even if ev.rythng elm has
failed you. you easy datiamd upon this
for .emus .Duly
Up to middle life weft a ore care-
less regarding their pima& ensditioo.
hems persona who ought to live long
lime h..e their flay esetailei. The
time to pay .t,er attetion to the bodily
bo•Itb is daring the morose portion tit
Sege Tre0Ms Seg be Stopmed.
f low du ens bsd as toololost• we na-
my wed M saes pay •Noel inn to the
maintain.sa of per Mlta. Hoer often
we wee • pewee put oil hem day to day
the prelims of a medssia& which it pre -
mod at tee .assert eat • disease would
haver aec°died tt sb•M immediately
Now if Jobsi.tee'e Teeie Liver Nil1. hod
been sakes thea the ieek ememnees
made i*s sogesoeaw the Slams meld
have haws Iiiippsd Li rho bed." Jehs-
ma's Tele BNtwm ages Liver mu are
d sidedly 1180 best ardee4M on the mar-
ket lot goswwI tames sod (avig•rtinR
Properties. P. !da per hauls. Bitten
50 ..et. spot $1pelt hash, sold by
Hoods the draggles, Alai" Ned, so4
*VW. Poi
A Rooms- 00 cue Msec "Harest
eiv" to *07 me tmadiiu the bats leer
syea osmmaaa.51, the reemehahk
UIacolhr *M Tooth •ad eet4. ask
rgtA ur dates••
a hareem *Peek.
Miss Bola Elliot. of Postypeol, slut.,
writes -AST brother and I were both
takes ill with a seven attack of d.or-
ibr., ha..s tried other e,easdiss,
tried Dr F ear's Rarest of Wild Ben
berry, which ,ta.e immediate relief.'
'They have a larger sale in my
tract," says s well biotin druggist, "th
soy other pil oft the market, and gi
the best mtal.dies for sick header
bilniousnem. indigestion, ate., sod w
combined ..'h Jobsson's Tonic Bit
Johnston's ?ode Lower Pella will
form . Lu s, :.cher medicine has d
before for coterie[ human/IT." P
25 cents per rumple. Bitten 50 co
and Si per h..ttle. Sold by
Druggist, Albin Nook, Galeria,
Disordered digatio. in Belts se of
the (Mom of being eocpol.d at
dead to es nch feed in ebildbood,
r••n 5i it
wat �
kIr.e. i•; bpmhns.eawttMwg.r5a
siyin,, r.
rewad•t5rlhese. Lwow etke
e tr ro.. M 'my
.soar. ►►"'c w � "Yr
ONI.II' fol plait j tT>M-
Wdresa THE EMPIRE' TofolIIto
Ma It T7 TTn 1S ages'""r_
Tse tower
Betwees t8
u1e tees 5
Mb these
/;eased the
the .Ire. ti
Iao14 the sal
Decor met
Tired and s
Nle bore be
Like ravel
Contest all
la the heti
At b..t. bet
That ureal
-Theme u
Await them
have so
As' therein
geougb w
To be pro
I'd 18.50' 1
181115 eel.
fat basset
And res'
I'd 1a eau
Ad odds
I'd la kta
And look
1'd sell 11
Ate 11/11•
1 guess
Teem ate
You'd bs
What AL
1)o duly
Dirk as,
oat in •
They es;
tee cease
Ther s',
tier tarn
They es,
Awl the
Lieu epee
But yea
glad tee
♦tel etre
ad sip
Why 1
/be gash
sad T
life and
Oat, .xi
the dost
He El
roads tl
wee telt
b ,11+
with as
est, les
sad eta
keel 6 k.
Deet i
the sac
log di
4 enStOPO
go, •
sea I
es w
It u