HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-10-19, Page 2staa
-- --- What Was awe* and semi. by sae
Nm4.1F tt•r. from Correepon- treed Essence.,
d"'„e and Items from Other
Sources A well represented •seu,g of tb.I
Nest Hurun Tewhere Ae,uct•twu, met
as the Tetra of Uuderish on Thursday
and Friday, Sept. 37th amid 38th. Be-
low are the minutes of the meeting dee
eribtug the different heathen tretgaded.
The West HaruttTeaob.re' Association
met in the Model School, at 11 a. m -
The president au the chair. Owing to
Ave. the small arteadance, the only Maumee
▪ Froour et.n eurrest�' transacted was the appointment of the
\Amg our juseotle friends lien we
,.[fulluwatog m>wmittee., vu :-Order
Moot to notice the departure of )lis. Mebuetuees, ssrsDrlg•ty, Muh amid
gsnary lyHl
belputw6tuanhujanro, ednd wno 1fu1r1 I MMeasw r'BA. EShabrmae
ury, ; OreSolheuptpaiuord,coin.
this week to make her home in Detroit. T Elliott.
Thos. Hamilton, of Soda, Perth Co. , Auditors, Messrs W S Lunette* and
lot week, T J Wren. O° mottos of Mr T Mardi,
Raw our num r parsing visit
et rutile to the paieotal home at Pur% sea,add by Mr G Sheppard, the As.
A meekly Ise1 .f the I'ewr gtar•M
ed ■p 1. •sea, Braider. of "Tat Sigma'
rite rod rages. 1 lipped sad eso.
dr..rd Burry err Mflats.
A.bert. Thoma as the same jovial bey 'Rotation adjourned to meet at 1 30 p.m.
as of old tames. On n-asssinWang at 1.30 p m.,
NILE. minutes of last session at Slitter, and
From our own corrreput.deei. 1the morning se551oa were read and con -
our farmers are shipmate and have .
shipped • large amount of fail and sou- I Moved by Mr Brown, eeeooded byMr
ter apples Delgaty, that Mears Kilty and evin
Rev David R.Nigers\irre*C Sunday itot Secretary appointed preparing report to &...i the
S. S cbald,ren et the 1 • r7 P W
morning. The rev gentleman I.rtacheld poceedi`g��the Association for the
m the ...t ng also. I
press. The roll was then called by inspector
The weather n very cold, but so far I Tom and t;•: teachers answered to their
the Inns have done n., damage. caao.ee
C('LBORNE• I The business committee then report -
From our own correspondent. I ed that uwiug to the fact that Dr Mc-
C'.loorne branch Aitricultoral show Lilian has to leave early in the morn -
will be held at Carlow on Tuesday next, I loge it •u deemd advisable to allow him
Get- 11-1111, End ebuuld the .rather t ; the whole afternoon for the discussion of
prupltiva, bids fair to be very success" I his subject•. This sea Wen' to, sad
(al, Colborne Agricultural Society ha the Dr then took cat. the subject of
a particularly strong membership, and ' Psychology, and Its relation to teaching,
thea year secured one .1 the largest dealing particularly with the law ma-
Goveromeot grants in Huron county. ' tonal* of intellectual development under
Mr Gurdon Young, the veteran agricul• 1 three heads viz : senstion, Interest and
tur.sut the president, and Mr William impulseshowing that thew an their
Young, jr., is the secretary. 1 order forty the base of intellect, emotion
D(tNGAN•NON, and will. The lecture which was con-
ducted in the conversational style, was
full of terse and pcinted remarks, and
wee highly appreciated by the teachers.
The President then gave hie address
_on "t_it. towhee se a public savant."
The &ddr.m was eaef.U7 prepew-i and
dwelt chiefly with the followiag state-
ments, viz :
let. -The teacher is • more efficient
O. msutluo of Q W Reba r, we'd byI risk for their 'Madams au womanise the
lilt J WNW. N Ess desided toed joins amoeietiun the use of the model whoa
at It o dm* esti, to most agate u 1 IS is 'dins, w ssutien of lir Hallo, seooad-
P m, end W oljogrs at 3 p ta.
0. W. Hamm then gave a verbs! re -
of the primeediegis of the last P. T.
Associative* to obis► he wee the "post.
ed delegate Attar rioting a rwvtrt of
the ;matter disosseed, he proceeded
to give hs
Ate a to t var-
ious Unties -s- the whole he reported
tb•t le ht• imwos eetstios the •. tis. was
tinpruviag bo the dfeetatuu of ssefulaese.
Mowed by Mr A. Em bury, .e000ded
by P J Nevis. that the report of the
delegate to the Prwinetel Assuciettoa be
adopted sad lain expense. be paid.
The roll was then called end 99
teachers answered to their names.
The election of alone was pro-
ceeded with dead melted as fellows via :
President, A Embary ; Visa -President,
Miss M 0 Robins* ; Seg -Trees., 0
W Holmium ; Zemstlwe Committees
Messrs H Y Straw, R M Brown, Thos.
0t.gory, acid Misses Murray and Hales.
Mr Dd>Ztty tetrnduoed the sub-
tict of Arithmetic in Public Ssbools.
e stow* advetmtid the ptineipie
teaching instead of rales. Toe mach
lineation M irequeSNy paid to rule. and
n ot enough to principle.. He held tb•t
arithmetic should be taught in the
rooming end from black -board not from
the boob.
The discussion became general,
sone talking grammar sod oompcsition,
and others eunfioine their remarks to
The following took part in the discos -
dos :-Mee.n, Ktity, Johnston, i:m-
bttry, Strang, Nevis, Brown and In-
e asctor To...
Most of whom agreed in the attain
with what Mr Delgaty bad said upon
tate subject of &rithmetic.
Mr Strang thought that arithmetic
was generally made too prominent • sub-
ject is our schools, that it was rather
overrated aad not sufficiently practical.
In teaching compoeitios. Mr Strang
thought it batter to haves good deal of
oral drill, that the giving of abstract
subjects to young pupils to write a com-
position upon, should be &voided. The
reproduction of the same thought in as
many different ways as possible would
produce the beet remelts in language les-
sons. Rote work should be civ,lded as
much se possible in grammar, and the
memorizi.g of cumbersome defieitioa
was a noncom error in teaching this sub-
ject. The discussion on thio theme
was then concluded, and Miss Iturritt il-
lustrated her method of teaching and
conducting exercise in simple sone sing-
ing, by presenting to the a.uciatian a
ekes of small girls and boys, ranging
from sinters to ten, who stag some besu-
tifsl seleetioas. The Withers were well
pleased with the.zertiiso and spoke to
mach favor of Mies Burrett'• method.
It was moved by Mr 8. P. Halle,
* eel by IayseWt Tom. that the usual
fel be paid is the caretaker of Godericb
Modal Sohod-Carried.
The association adjourned to meet
.t 1.15 p.m.
Ow reassembling at 1 15 p.m. the
minutes of the previous sensios were
read amid 'Wolfed.
Mr R E. Brown iotrodioed •
dismission on "Reltwious Exercise and
Good Maas.es." The discussion was
further carried nn by Messrs. Duff,
Tom, J. Groot, Embery and Strang.
The general opinion pessailing among
those who took part in the discussion.
that too mask responsibility u thrown
spon et• teacher in this respect, and
that where a lank of morel train's* wdk
maeifeet, the home influents and goner -
al scrrosndings were in a great swan
responsible. Still it was the duty of
the teachers to exercise all due vigilance
in the respect, and as far as possible,
check all improprieties in speech or ac
Mr C. Seeger, Mayor of the town of
Ooierioh, being present, was invited to
addreen the teacher.. Mr Seeger, in a
oast speech, expree..d himself M thor-
oughly in sympathy with the objects the
amebas have io view in thus assembling
together for their mutual benefit and a1 -
es with a view of improving the means of
education, and concluded by inviting
the teachers of the neighboring amain -
Witte. to bring their pupils on a Riven
day to join with the children of Gods -
rich is vaitieg the fair during the com-
ing week.
The Inspector called the roll and 70
teachers answered to their names.
The Auditors presented their re-
port which was as follows :-We, the
snd.rsiseed &editors beg leave to report
that we have audited the Troesur r'e
books and compared the expenditures
with the vouchers held, ad
same to be correct.
W. S. Lawrence
J. T. Wreu, 1 Auditors.
Prom ear own corrcapaadvot•
on Tuesday eight Jack Frost toads
his appearance in pretty severe terms.
We are sorry to state that the Rev D
G Cameron is suffrr:ng from an atfectloa
of the throat, brooght on by means of
Bold. We hope he wall soon recover.
Quite a number of our ciIIze°. took
advantage of seeing the big exhlbitL,n at ofbtxr :hag an other public servant.
Goderich, and expressed themselves j•
well pleased with the different exhibits :oda-His work as important as the
TheCounei! visited Port Albert nu of- life cf a nation depends upon its intel-
ictal business and had an opportunity of ligence, as obedience to laws is carefully
seeing the improvements put no the bar- inculcated.
br:r during thio season, sod consider the :.rd. -The teacher's tenure of office,
breakwater and epilin,; substantial and especially in rural districts, is too ie-
st•t. Mr A L Hawkins. the a'•verca:neat secure, and the present law regarding
iaepectnr, is deserving of credit. superannuates,' very unaatufact..ry.
Mrs Vaughan, formerly a resident of The address was listened to very at-
thu locality, sod now of Dakota. is visit- tentirely and well received.
mil h.r parents. Mr •cad Mrs win Milli- The Secretary then drew attention to
gen, and friends, and 1 .rmer as•ocates the lecture and entertainment, to be
of this vicinity. She seems to be pleased elven in the open hones in the *venial',
with her adopted home in Umale Sams and the following committees were ap-
d.main painted to carry out the arrangements
The Rem W F Campbell and D G Messrs H 1 Strang and Alton to sell
Cameron exchanged pulpits or. last Sab- tacktts at the door.
bath. It is pleasing and also worthy of Messrs Sheppard and Elliott to collect
note that Christian fellowah.os ,.f the tickets Messrs Allio, Green and Stalk -
different sections of the churches is be. er to act as ushers.
souring more and more wide -spread than Dr McLellan then took up phonic
hitherto. reading. This subject proved very le -
iter village is ;still further improviog .tractive. sod wasvery fully discussed,
in appearance, Wlst with liberal ap- all the teacher' being very anxious 10
plications of paint, and extended sub- pursue the beat methods of getting the
ed by Iuapeo:ur Tum.
Oo moons of H 1 litrang, B. A , w-
ooded by 11 P Halla. B A., tbe assuct•-
tlun ad jo(sr0.d to moot at call of the
*semi ve.
dentia! side -walk. it began. to assume a
city -like appearance. Toe next in order
will be a railroad, tire -engine, Caressed
.ocommodatesn in the pwet-offce, and
young pupils to recognise in the quicken
time sound signs. This being reoogois
et one u of the moat datlicu't things in
school work consicenble cross -firing was
ether mucor requirements. indulged in, and no doubt much good
The apple crop in this and I will result from the diac.ssioo. At 5.30
ing locality is abundant, there being an I p.m. the association adjourned to meet
immense quantity shipped at differentin the evening at the appointed hoar,
points. It would seem that Providence I and in the morning at 8.30 a.m.
has liberally and bountifully made up The.we. held evening te Grand Opera ion fthe Hosea institute
the deficiency rat the cmp of fall wheat
in ch. abundant supply of potatoes and McLellan delivered a lecture on "Eng•
apples lash Literature and its value in educe -
Since our last, death has been in our tion." Among the many grand and in -
midst and taker its victim. Mrs David -
so., relict of the Tate John Dorados°. of
West Wawaoumh, after • short illness,
died on Wednesday last, and was in•
Marred on Friday in Dungannon ceme-
tery. Her funeral was not large, owing
to having died unexpectedly, and the
event not being widely circulated. Rev
W F Campbell, cf the Methodist church
here, conducted the funeral service in a
very impressive manner ; taking as his
subject the parable of the Ten Virgin..
AaHrzaLJ) COvpc1L.-Cooncil set
pursuant to adjournment. Sept 1; 1888. and Tennyson. Teachers were parscu-
AlI members present. Minutes, of pr.- larly urged to avoid anything like me-
nus. meeting read and signed. Tb.. chanioat teaching of the subject, which
eollector was instructed to have an tithes if properly taught was calculated to stir
collected and paid over to the Tres.mrsr up and create in every mind • love for
by 31st of December. The clerk We. the grand and sublime. Then should
ordered to wet Thos. Pentland, Samuel be mon meetorizi.g of the bs•.tilul
gems to bs found *utile lJ among our
even mon ordinary authors. That
teacher were ton apt to eomplaie of the
reeognizsd etattding of the profession.
and that they should remember that the
profanity.' would never rise higher than
the individuals composing it. The Mo-
tor' was very iaetreetive sed impiri.g,
and was highly appreciated by the Mach -
era. In addition to the lecture • splen-
did mann] program consisting of dates,
solos, .kc, was carried nut under the able
euperiat ode.. of Mr 8. P. Halls B.
$9, G. Hall, fo culvert, t12, gums In addition to the President who on-
insparino thoughts that the Dr gave ex-
pression to, we have only apace to men-
tion • few. Literature wM defined as a
perfect expression of a perfect human
mind, and tkhe English literature was
the grandest literature of the grandest
people a the world. That no educatiom
was worthy of the name that didot
cultisate the sympathetic part of man an
well as the intellectual, That we are liv-
ing in a flat age when there seamed to be re
too much of s tendency to ad trashy
and sensational novels, instead of culti-
vating a closer acquaintance with sock
immortals as Milton, Shakespeare, Byron
Pentland, Thee, O'Risl, and George
Dermas") to move off obstructions to the
public highway. Decided that Colborne
street from Ashfield street to Harvey
street, be opened up to its toll width,
and that a by-law be made to confir
the sena, !loved by McKenzie, seed
by Stotben that the clerk prepare a by-
law confirming the decision of the arbri-
tr•tors in reference to th. paw school
seams.ssoa. Account. paid -Mrs Orerli ld,
charity 110; D. McDonald for gravelling
and Samoa
atoning 14; D. McKay, tor grad-
ing 110; Jas. repmrimJculvert,
r • J. ui ee
for repainnd culvert, $1,60; T. Clair
repurieg culvert, $10,06; J. Morph',
gravelling, plank sod °°heti1, /9; J.
Spindler for repsiriog road. $1,50; F
McInnis, repairing gravel pit 18, gravell-
log 1ti, calvort 12,60; repairing maven
and under drain =3.37; culvert 112,211;'
repairing culvert $6,60; D. Mega, re-
puting culvert $2; inspecting gravelling Mr Halla amid those who assisted film
$1; T. Lochend for bel sof Rnvelllog were heartily giro.
$17, Gad gn"litti g 13; P. Mclotyr. n- The Madill, of the National Aeth m
pairing culvert, 91,50; D MkIntyra, closed a very socesmful entertai.oteet
swimming gravelling 11,50; K. McIver, 1
(median, 110; A. Joh.oci. grading, I Remnant' 28th, 1898.
gravelling ..d culvert, 198; D. M. The •ometo n met in the Modal
for gravel 14; T. Leieadgvavell-' m8rkool pursuant to adjoerwment, toe
log $3; J. Webster terrine/ bridge prssideot in the chair.
$2 50; Mrs Oban for gravel 113,10;.i Devotional 'mercies. were enedsabd
McWbInney repalri rood ft; J. by Mr Embury
Titu't, rapot'nog rood *1; Ed. Hannah, The secreta.y than read the master'
week n. Dmmgs..c. bbl ON (lot psy); el yesterday afternoon trod *waling ease
T. Olen. grovelling $30; J. M.Whiasery io.s.whieh oe me, toe •.4 Mr .1 1) .11serf'd
invents, r1,18; T. Glum clearing of by Mr W S Iwerre•.es wart, Oa.
f•esvd pet. 1110; O. Westbrook repairing
Hannah's hill 11,60; /til was peed for
materiel for hoose for family of John
Melneie• The Conseil onset scale (a
16th de/ eft November.
Diad the chair, the following gantlemu
by special Invitation occupied seats os
the platform', and made short addresses
viz , Inspector Toes, Messrs. H. 1. Strang
B.A. and A. Rebury.
Me attendance wee gond eoneid.ri.g
the unfavorable state of de weather.
Votes of thanks to Dr McLellee sod
G W Hote•e,
Prem our own cornrow:mien'.
Mr Jas. Horton has resumed to his
old home, Letdown, after an• absence of
states months at Kash 8t. Marie. '
The young folks in our midst eujoyed
• racial d•ooe and • genial time at Jss.
Kennedy's oz Tuesday night of lest
Mn Thom Thompro, one of the
earliest settlers on COmmorcul list
bet now of Goderieb, was the guest of
Mn Henderson last week.
Mu. Mary Mscklanua has undertake°
the clean formerly taught by 111tss Mc-
Quarrae an the Sunday school.
The rough weather of last week
brought forth the bag overcoats and t. to
of underwear into use again.
The recent arrival of • little stranger
in our butyl prevents him becoming
*owe day the president of the United
State., but does out debar ham of the
honor of becoming Prowler of Ontario or
of the Dominion, if he eaten the
political arena.
The big fill show at (ioderich last
week drew forth a large number of our
residents to see it Resides this, thaw
who entered the lists as competitors car-
ried away some of the bright red tack•
Wedneeday morning the boomewives
who were late with their washing the
week ked to break about half an inch
ice before they could obtain the cleans-
ing fluid from the rain water barrels.
It's •Iw•Is best to take time by the fore-
lock. so far as wash -day is concerned.
A number of the members of the con-
gregation of Leeburn church attended
the farewell roosting in Knox church on
Tuesfav evening to bid good-bye to Re•
Daua'd McGillivray. They didn't oosie
empty banded either, bot brought with
then* • snug donation to help defray his
expenses to the tar East.
PL1KON•L-Mrs Crummett, with her
two daughters, itrs John and Fred
Horton. were in Hallett last week, the
guest of blr and Mn John R apron who
entertained a number of relatives and
friends to a social gathering at their
Anne in memory of their wedding day
20 yuan ag
Sanaa Goo.
oo-Bia. - As noted in the
Tag Snow. last week, Rev D. McGilli-
vray, M.A., recently appointed as a
missionary to Chios, preached his fare-
well sermon here last Sunday ; the isle
prevented a large turnout of the coon" -
cation. He has been preaching here
at times for the past ax mouths- With
the aid of a chart he pointed out the
part of the vast Chinese empire where
his field of labor was before him for the
nitz: ten years. In cluing, he spoke of
the early years of his life and his educa-
tional course in Godoncb. Io life what
had seemed to him to be the darkest
cloneda before him had at the eleventh
hour broken into a brightness for his
future, so that today one of the wishes
of hls life to be chosen as • miesionary
had been auswersd by the Higbee
Power. During the service Heber's
well-known missionary hymn was sung.
end seven voices of the choir sang
"Herald. of 'Lion," and the closing
hymn "Onward Chi Wan Soldiers,"
ended the last service that he hu
preached here. Bet eight years ago
when from this church he preached
his first sermon he was entering the
early years of his manhood, sod now in
the flower of life, full of strength, with a
determised will, be with an ardent
spirit goes forth to a tar off land to
teach God's ways and point the heathen
to • brighter and happier home above.
We hope his labor' may gun many
shaves for his Master -s garner After
the service was ended be personally mid
goodbye at the church door to all pre-
sent, wko wished him every sosew.
He also addressed the Sabbath school
children au • few farewell remarks.
Fres oar own correspondent
Oartt•asv. -Mr Patrick Long, who
had been a widest of Ashfield for the
past forty years, did at hu residence on
Wednesday, Oct. 3rd, in his eightieth
year. He had previously enjoyed ro-
bust health, and had only a few days'
illness before his death. He was a
native of Kerry, and left Ireland in
1836 Prior to coming to Canada he
had spent several year. in the States,
five of them being in Richmond, Va.
Hie funeral which took plow on Satur-
day wee largely attended. Hie widow,
and four moms and • daughter survive to
moors his loss, and they have the deep-
est sympathy of the satin oommusily.
On mntioe of Mr R E Brown, mooed -
ed by Mr H I Strang, B.A., the audi-
tors' report was received and adopted.
• Mr Embury introdteeed the dle-
sssstoe on School Management and Dim -
define, davitse more particularly with
the requisite qualiiestiuns of • .eeesse-
hl teacher. He said that each a teacher
should posse., tact in the maoegement of
n ot a,e1y the school a a whole bot in
order to deal with individual pupils, for
all pupils did not require the application
e f the sass prsacipies of discipline. A
properly gealiled timber should alio bs
• vireos of culture, have • Targe ar.osnt
of syspatby and needed constant prepar-
Mr J P Nevin, 1a continuing the die-
eoeeioe dealt chiefly with the organir,a-
tion and order of .carols. He held that
Ie rural mixed scls000l@ moxa difficulties
presented themselves than could possibly
appear ia graded schools in cities and
tows. ; by • ).diel°se application of the
pri.tlipfes laid down by the prevloes
speaker there ditllewltian could be over -
mime The time of adjournment hewing
arrived the disoession on this *abject wail
Imposter Tom tiee addressed the
teaches. ler • few ..swot. aegis( upon
than theslwseslty of making their half -
yearly reissue promptly as the law au-
thorised hiss to deprive say school of its
frust' eboald the hest yearly raped he
decaped heyned 15 days froom toe dome
e.1 ah. sehnoI teem.
The 855111,55 Committee 1he rat bed Oo ...Iles °1 0 W Beim••. s•enwdd
the nyder of the he oriels of th.. .1 ,.. 8 P Ralb. B A., rotes of tks•pka
be the subject nn the gars•,r.. h • . -'0 t•""4"14 an Ell the sstiring nffleera
following order vie L. 11 11 O. h ' t waahi.woses robe ef thanks w toad-
, It, 10 and 8 whisks wee sensed s,, tor ae the Pettis 8e►osl Beard of Gede-
(}ENTLtTtitttt,-I ant Invw in * po.itie•
vile you to ?select your :snit or Vti'''r f^wp
several hundred new pattern,. They c':.u,e r�
cvlttly-latest ,itesigne-etrikii„(' �nK
eolorq,Plai(h,Itripes,Checkg'an•1 ns. -;tare"
can Kee several hut111:ut1 pattern" in t,+Il q'tjj'l.�
uriuutes, and you'll have tut eai•�' choice. 1. "'Ire
Kure W plera'(e, anal are rrk:re to In.lavur•.' with
butt of care. Prk'e. malt oak.
$. MacCormice
ws'..soma... hr tea Lases •11 NUNtN I
.Joc ssepsesee
L sold all over the world, It is fru sep-
eriur to plain Cod Liver Oil, pa/stales
and seedy digested. Dr Martin Mlles
Sao ntoo, Bury Bucks. London England,
mays, "I have prescribed Scott's Fmwl-
sion,and taken it myself. It ia palatable,
efficient, and can be tolerated by ali/laat
anyone, especially where and laver oil
itself ammo be b .roe. Sold by all,
druggists, boo sad 11.00.
D E X T x -F-1 t1'
Etgiith door below 11.e Post Odom. Weseeto
`- -- UoL•HU'H. 154347
_ -tee= -_
I/ Lister, Solicitor le i%1*1 e. i ( cps el.
a e:. U'wleric-h mod Its,liti �.ld
a r ores Thuredar• fetch 10 la 1 m0aty to
of -
loan at Si per rent. ��
`(LAGER.1 HARTT.BAjt>jyyr s
A7 tit_ Oodcr cb amid a riffs ,
lite opuNu Metria'. Nati 1 t
'D C. BAT$. tiOUC 1 `�•t .
�i11 cesssr .l '+iw.e .ad R C.
Mtalry( '�l�k. KK fetegrwpt
vW rtraMta Y ererculta.' 1111
(1ARRO1t' R PROf•DFffejT BAH
T ItiSTk:RA AttarneI% ltalct,e,a Mens
gederu. h J. T_Oatruw. R Ptryt
Ga. and Vitalizer kir admInirtered for
patalesextract/alt of (yet It. Special attention
given to the preservation of the Natural
office -Up stairs. Grand Open Houde Rh„ k.
Entrance on Wetn-41., tioderich. 1161 -ay
the People's Column.
4C..W. ANDREWS. Lessee.)
TIE:3E r.AM0178
16 nz 14173LBER
The Largest Musical Family In
the world. ooructati of Psth-
•r,Mother,12 Children and
2 Daughter. -in -Law
01.11111 Orehestr. ! Pell Read .' Fal MO-
MS! 10 dadaists ! Ladies,' Lab, Nulty
.ed Double gemost.
The razor travel la their porn Palace R .
tel Use -ase of the drier std hem .gwtpprd
Poises Cars ea the Rased, Ths.r Sr* mimed
q glue 4we.melWwwswt at ow amuse creme
Hew. ile�eete� ea
AMU/MON, - 25 and 50c.
Reawred Neve. le ls0 M Els eau&, at
sr fwd elan• -tor a P. Its. P. Colborne.
Applications will be rec. 'wed uv to Now. iStb
11161, Address. ANI)RSW I11LL1UV. An -
der P.O. 73.51.
I oST.
A brown oorduroy velveteen ladies' jacket
between Dederick and Port Albert. Th.
ander will please ieev: it at Jaw Acheson".
sore. when they will be rewarded. JAMES
CR A W rUitD.
1L' Proof Safe 18171 inside. also Drawers and
pigeon boles. has been thoroughly overbauled
and repaired : also 1 pair Platform Scales will
be sold at • bargain. Apply to D. K.
MTRAI'RAN. Ida:tuuist and Blacksmith.
71 len.
F1 -RS ! FURS !
Thee undersigned last removed to the corner
of Victoria aad Kingetoa et.. where the u Pre-
pared to slime or remake 1. the ,aces style all
kiwis of for woods to order. AU klads of fur
trimmings on band. Highest prce paid for
raw fora.
3188. R. 31 AY
Goda'teh, Sept. !.. 11114. 7141
Mrs. Mackay. hep
to return thanks to put
eweera and informs the ladies of 6odench
a11"vlelaity. that she has mewed • drem-
taakhg establishment. over Mr C. 1.. New -
tai's Mors, and is prepared to do work in the
most approved style and at reasonable terms.
Children,' garments • specialty.
i take this opportunity of informing the
ladles of Gnderch and surroandirur..ountry.
that 1 have jus returned from Toro.towMrre
I lave been engaged in one of the I.adlag
drwamaklag estate isbmenta. aad have now
gpeeed out businew 1n Acheson's Block.
We.t-et. In the rooms formerly occupied by
Mies Mackenzie. 1 solicit tae ppaatron•,s of
the ladies, and guarantee dr,t-clams work at
reasonable rates. :1Jt
barristers.fdeli-fsers le Chao.RriN,,
3oderieh. 111. C. iters B•(.'.: P t, Y.
G. C'amnae, ( C. l R
Loan$ area 3nsurailt -
s,'s6o0.O00 T() LOAN. APpjj 'ro
AM EROS MOLT tChM atop Ikea
not.. int
1 amount of Private rude ter tmse,m,mt
tt I., a e t ratty os. "re:. lar YerlRmg„ Apply
MONEY WANTS() j4girt
Ova'y Fir•st<fces r`nm peal„ ti
MI Money to Lend oc caught at the
1 ..cat rate of latereet sows la lay w&y to
!Rio rt, narrower.
sr OFFIC i - Seeoad ds,: from swan.
went Street- Osfameteb. 1rlS- f
$209,000 PRIVATE Ft NM
To 1ent en farm and toes property at low
est interest. Mortgage, D :+'asN- No coa
m scion charged agents for tt.e Trust sad Leos
Company of Canada. the c.pmds Lada
Credit o'ompeny• the Lendor. loan Cowesay
of Canada. Interest. 6. 6s gad 1 per teat.
N. B.--Rerrowere can obtain msmq la
day, if tole satisfactory.
1f0F Harr.s'en. d+e.. 0.deefeh
DR. W. K- ROSS, LiCElr&?J< OF
Royal College of Pbrenaaei
...o& Heath side og Hs.itfesirelear
(EON. Coroner tc. ( .-. ad rosier
Bruce Street. somod door west e[ Vinton
Street 1761.
Al Payslel&ao sturgeons. Aceoeobme, ate.
°doe at IN. Shauon a re..".e...• air the
pool Ooderleb O. C. SUM:.as J. R flaax-
KOM. 1761
For Sale or to Let.
l stone house os. Gtousasr Twoeeee-
piad for eomx rears past mby Mn t'amrt, p.t se.
It is two stories high and coeml.rs mlz roemm,
besides closets and pantries. Ow pkrtisders
eneulre of iL CAMPAKGNI 78
Iship. about three miles from Geter,,:L Also
• ease wanted to chop cordwood• only ea
the prtsmlass to Mit4 H. Hi\CE...
FOR SALE. -2 MILCH COWS AND ( 714f.• driving horse S years old, mond
amid • i have no farther use for them - LE r- CO)lFt )RTA BLE BRICK
J. J. WRIGHT. The Pohl Fan.. Nit 1 Canape .
Farms for sale 4th roe . O.aw.ot Town -
Park a pearl and geld Neave lentos
beating stales bead Finder will be rewarded
by learlag it st this otos. 1t67
Tbls well-known and popular hotel has been
netted sad during the pant mum
sad is now esessid to nose In quality of ac-
commodation fir the travelling pantie. (food
acoosaeaodatla ter traaieat gooses.
sex. CRMO.
The Square, pedertab, Oat. Proprietor.
cent. etraLrbt Incas-Isterew yearly.
Apply to PRAOER t HARTT. Barristers
Situations Uacant.
‘-7Appty at MOM to MRS McNiCK I NO. 73
Parties deNrlsg a tab weed trove we
most leave their tram at oeoe. Wore It is .)f
tapped for the made...
Orden will his otiesdal to if left at the
fellbel.g nate-bs•ssa:
uETIIOII and Junta i.rny.
rat. Reeerwe,
Per fls1. LIGBB
roam.. p1.ten. he •.,raga. -
I de. Apply to C. SF:AG R. Bartter, pale.
I 140178 AND Two urn; FOR
La SA LK. -The house has aim reome, al-
so bath room. pantry. closets. cslarweed-
abed. hard and @attester. The pots ees.
WW1 all 'kinds 10 fruit. Also .1 .on et
had ha Manitoba for sale or is eschews ter
1 Amen property. W1f. KNIGHT. Qe.artah.
Lot r. awe. 7, W. D. CNberes
I1./ acres- 70 cleared, balasc hardwood
her: haute house and horn . smsi: .tuned;
toed water. /lc- 6 mitre from
mala �gttwavel word. School bottse.eodarie
hweb. .Q
dad daack.wiith shop wuhia quasar If a=
I'eri:me m can here poi visite or
emit 15th. Term• easy - to reit
A y at this osos or to J(N51. 1! N
Thee mister pan of • furnished
rest- Apple at this ogles. keine »
X110hyme ea LET. -teyA COMFORTABLE
meas. hard •s4 soft water, oe uppi�
Woltoo. APT.tr to Mit& in SETH.ys
A. dile estate moo be soli at as early dual
I a zyep•fwd to scoriae Were for the pacm
rah works. mot law Klt1 1 shall sell the
twee, brick work. battalions, dwelling
eaahiser. ybatting. Dain Salt rod CasperC,NT,reM f.l1 UNI
tleeltelor °N
sod erertase h•n'si. IN feet new 1 loch tee
Ing. MO fest Ad Well Poke wall he sed
ekem teroo Aim, Cash. Liberal terms will heaver
Apply lo JOt. KIDD. ,It 11141.
meet halt of lot >M. Amber direst Ishii
an.a1I Mirk cottager thereon
rLD.we L ora. 11e. If1 as sat .
Street. St Andrew. Ward. meta
easter of Hansa and Britannia
sed''Zi leadd. Maes os. Kays Mss lot
1 hue la Reed's Iherv.y, memits sew
e. .. N *i. elk . 51
Au taw above at LOW RATE&
Mstf - y e.
• ortie • R 1
w Et
�w.w• !es hItWs •-��
'JOAN ef°' O�
deearpe wasswM,M•wmeG. H. PARSON
Fra. t , ALR10rROCB- 0081lutB,