HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-10-12, Page 8e a COUNTY CURRENCY• WHEIT HURON INSTITUTE. --- Wast Was Mad .ad .emu kg tae NevtlW, ttere !Torn Correepon- bard T..peaers. dupe -s and Items troim Other Sourced Ammer A well represented mo.tto4 of the N'eet Huron Tea.hsr■ Asauctatws, Wet at the Town of tluderiels us Tkvr.dey A weed) IMar•s e11b* 41"eeae6 kwaaers• and Friday, Sept. 27th and 28th. Be - r• .p ,...0 leader .1 The st,n•l Iuw are tb. 'minutes of the meaning dee- ✓ ite .■d r••■I. slipped sad see' enbiug the different busieess transacted erased Irmo tern ••Mee. The West Huron Teachers' Aseoci•tioa mot In the Model School, at 11 a.m. The president In the chair. O.1.4 to the small attendance, the only Weimer trpnsected ase the appointment of the DUNLOP. From our use n goriest Among our jureotle friends here we fullusltig cowWttteea, vex :-Order o/ regret to souse the departure nl Hies I busiusss, Mews Delgaty, March tied Emla Healy who has resided here for MIu B. Sharman ; resolution ens. ea prly the Insan, t tjars, and who left eese A. Erubury, G. tibeppard, and this week to wake her house in Detroit. I M T Elliott. Thos. Hamilton, ..f Staffs, Perth Co.' 1 Auditun, Messrs \C 8 Lswreooe and nut week, . T J Wren. On motion of Mr T Murch, pro ..lir bur¢ a pwi68g visit er. route to the vacant home at I .,it , seconded by Mr G Sheppard, the As- A:irrt. Phomas is time lime jovial boy soolatton adjourned to meet at 1.30 p.m. as of old owes. on re -assembling at 1 90 p m., NILE. minutes of hut session at Exeter, and t. the wuriling swswu were read and con - gnat our own torre.pon dcr Our farmers are shipping and have tirmrd. shipped • large amount of fail •u1 bile 3lored by Mr Brown, eeoonded by Mr ter apples. ' Delgaty, that Messrs kitty and Nevin Rev David Roggen press ted to the be appointed • committee to assist the S. S children at the Nile lot Sunray Secretary in preparing • report of the morning. The rev gentleman preached I proceedings of the Association for the in the evening also. press. Carried. The weather is very cold, but so far , The roll was then called by Inspector the frosts here dune no damage. I Tom and Co.: teachers anewered to their The business committee then report- Fromour own oorrespooden:. ! ed that owlig to the fact ttiat Dr Mc- colourne branch Agricultural show Lellao has to leave early in the mom - will be field it tiele eott Tuesday *ext, ing, it deemedd-sdeisable to allow him On. 16th, and should the weather be ; the whole afternoon fur the discussion of propitious, bids fair to be very mums- I his subjects. This was agreed to, and (u!, Colborne Agricultural Sudety has i the Dr then took ue the eubieet of a particularly strong membership, and ( Psychology, and as relation to teaching, et ,vernment grants to Huron county. r tussis of intellectual development under THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, ()GT. 12, 1888. Us mottos of O W ,Hoimem, •ee'd by Mr J De[iatr, it wee deeded to .djoe a at 12 o'eiuek sena, tibws..t agate at 1 15 , amid ag p mWU. W. Hulme Gm saveai vera ro- of thedf the WetP. T. Art>.ietiw lrullatit wee the epi mat- ed dasliste Atter swims a rep en of the .•.iter discussed, be ,proceeded to give br1 lmMeivaa W __ ious topiM Opes the whYole he14reportedvar- that is Lip estimation the aaa..otattuu was impprovtag in the direction of eee1ulnems. Mowed by Mr A. Eabury, a.cuuded by P J Nevin, that the report lit site delgpts to the Prt.vinsial Association be adup� and his *opossum be paid. CarrThe roll was then called and 0 teachers answered to their mates. The electees elf allows was pro- ceeded with and merited as fellows via : President, A Embery ; Vioe-Preaideot, Mies 1K ti Robertson ; Sea -Tress-, 0 W Holism ; Zxeo.tivs Committee, Messrs H I !Stress, R IS Brows, Tbte. Gregory, and Menses Murray and Halle - Mr Delgaty intmduced the sub- ject of Arithoebe in Public tiehorla He strongly advocated the principes teaching instead of rules. Too mach atteetioa is 1regmently paid to rules and sot enough to principles. He held that arithmetic should be aught is the moral and from black -board Dot from the book. The dirwssios became -general, some talking grammar and composition, and others weenier their remarks to arithmetic. The following took part in the discus- sion :-Meson, Kitty, Johnston, Lao bury, Strang, Devin, Brown and Io - selector Tom. Moot of whom agreed in the main with what Mr Delgaty had said upon the subject of arithmetic. Mr Strang thoesiht that arithmetic was generally mode ton prominent a sub- ject in our schools, that it was rather overrated and not sufficiently practical. In teachinit cuimpoeition. Mr Strang thought it better to have a good �dnd mot mei drill, that the giving e1 were•• to young pupils to write a men - upon, upon, shosld be avoided. The rsprodection of the same thought in as aany different ways as possible would produce the best melte in language les- sons. Rote work should be avaided as mach s possible in grammar, and the meuuorizine of cumbersome definitions wee • serious error in teaching this sub- ject. The discussion on this theme was then concluded, and Mem Burrett il- lustrated her method of teaching and conducting exercise is si.pl3 song minc- ing, by presenting to the •sauoiateon • class of small girls and boys, ranging from seven to top, who meg mane beau- tiful selections. The teachers were well pleased with the exercise and spoke to much favor of Miss Barrett's method. It was moved b Mr 8. P. Hells, seed by Inspector Tom, that the usual fete be paid to the caretaker of Goderich Model School -Carried. The association adjourned to meet et 1.15 p.m. On reassembling at 1 13 p.m. the minutes of the previous session were read and adopted. Mr R. E. Browo introduced • discussion on "Relr,ious Exercise and God Illanoets The discussion was further cerri.d nn by Meson. Duff, Tom, J. Grant, Embery and Strang. The general opinion pressiling among those who took part in the discussion, that too ouch responsibility u thrown upon the teacher in this respect, and that where a lack of moral training sed manifest, the home influence and gener- al =mending* were in • groat mean responsible. Still it was the duty 04 the teachers to exercise all due vigilance in this respect, and as far as possible, *beck all improprieties in speech or &c• tion. Mr C. Seager, Mayor et the town of Goderich, being present, was invited to address the teachers. Mr Seager, in a mat speech, expressed himself as thor- oughly in sympathy with the objects the bombers have in view in thus assembling together for their mutual benefit and al- ms with a view of improving the means of education, and concluded by inviting the teachers of the neighboring munici- palilke to bring their pupil on a given day to join with the children of (lode - rich is visiting the fair daring the com- ing week. The Inspector called the roll and 70 tembers answered to their masa The Auditors presented their no pert which was as follows :-We, the u ndersigned auditors beg leave to report that we have audited the Treasurer's books and compered the expenditures wttb the vouches held, and find the same to be oorrect. W. S. Lvwrence 1 J. T. Wes, J Auditors. nausea. CULBORN E.nausea. tl•.•s year secured use • f the largest dealing particularly with the law ma - Mr Gordon Young, the veteran agricul- i tare. head/ viz : sensation, interest and tor:suit the president, and Mr Wileac)impulse, showing that these In their Young, jr., is the secretary. order tons the base of intellect, emotion DU'NGANNON, and will. The lecture which was con - 14.m our own corrcap,nd,ct. ducted in the conversational Nyle, wee 0. Teasley Dight Jack Frost made full of terse and pointed remarks, and bis sppalsnce in pretty seven terms. was highly appreciated by the teachers. min sorry to state that the Rev D The President then gars his address (; Cameron is cuffer.ng from an affection on "the teacher as a public sunset. of the threat, brought on by means of The address was carefully prepared and cold. V.e hope he will soon recover. dealt chiefly with the folios/tag sate - Quite a number of our citizens took wants, viz dvanta;• of seeing the big exbibitr,n at 1st. -The teacher is • more efficient Goderich, and expressed themselves (Ohne than any other public servant. well-pteased with the different ee.hibits. 2'od. His work is important as the The Council tufted Port Albert nu of. life of a nation depends upon its intel- ligence, u uttedisnce to laws t* carefully seeing the imprerements put on the her- enculcated. bi r during this season. acid consider the :.rd.-- The teacher's tenure of olbes, breakwater and rl.mu: soestsntie: and especially in rural distracts, is too in - neat. Mr A L Heekane. the :r ventti,mA secure, and the present law regarding inepeclnr, is dssert:Lt it stela. superannuation very unsatisfactory. V aughsn, boated, • resident of The address was listened to very at- Mrsthie locality, and now of Doketa. is visit- tentively and well received. The Secretary then drew attention to the lecture and entertainment, te be given in the opera hoose in the @venae, and the following committees were ap- pointed to carry oat the arrangements Meese H 1 Strang and Alton to sell tick tto at the door. Moser, Sheppard and Elliott to collect tickets. .Besse Alin, Green and Stalk - • fur their ktr,dsees is permitting the atsow•two the use of the model seised to 'dos, o..utioa of Mr Halle, mooed - ed by luapee:ur Tu.. On 'notion .d H I Stress, B. A , see - aided by 8 P Halls. B.A., the assoc.- tem •djouru.d to meet at cell of the •&.CUtire. G W Hours, bee-Treas. Ing her parents. Mr aid Mtn tV nt Jhlh g•n, and friends, and 1-rrmer associates of this vicinity. She seems to be pleased with her adopted home in Uncle Ssm•s dome's. The Cees W F Campbell and D G Cameron eiceanzed pulpits of last Sab- bath. It is pleasing and also worthy of note that Christian fellowsl,:;: o1 the to act u ashen. different sections of the shushes is per be. Dr McLellan thea tack up phonic coming more and mere wide -spread than hitherto. ud reading. This subject proved very io- strucve. aced was'very fully discussed, oar village is ;mill further improviog to appearance, What with liberal sip- all the teachers being very anxious to plications •d paint, and extended sub- pursue the beat methods of getting the stential side -walks it begins to resume • young pupil- to recognise in the quicken cit like appearance. Tne next in order time sound sign* This being tea,goez y P el one as of the most dttticu't things in will be • railn,ad, tire -ergine, increased e ceommodation in the post-otfica, and school work conluerable crow -firing was other minor requirements. indulged in, and no doubt much gond The apple crop in this and surround- will result from the diectss•ion. At 5.30 ing locality u abundant, there being an' p.m. the association adjourned to meet immense quantity shipped at different in the availing at the appointed hoar, points. It would seem that Providence and in the morning at 8.30 ace. h as liberally and bountifully made up i The evening e•wion of the institute the deficiency et the crop of fall wheat' was hold in the Grand Open Hoose Dr in the abundant supply of putatoee and McLellan delivered • lecture on "Eng - apples. i Iish Literature and its value in *dues - Since our last, death has been in our I tion." Among the many grand and in - midst and taker. its victim. Mrs David- inspiring thoughts that the Dr gore ex - son, relict of the late Jahn Davids,o. of I Pr oo to, we have only *pane to awe - West Wawanosh, altar • short illness, iron a few. Literature was defined as a died on Wednesday last, anti was in- perfect expression of • perfect human torrd on Friday in Ddopnoon come- mind, and •the English literature was tory. Her funeral was root large, owing the grandest literature of the grandest to haring died unexpectedly, and the' prole is the world. That no edoatioo *wept 0)1 being widely circulated. Rev was worthy of the name that did sot W F Campbell. of the Methodist church cultivate the eympathstic part of alas as V here, conducted the funeral service to • well u the intellectual. That we are liv- ing in • famt age when there seemed to be too much of • tendency to read trashy and sensational novels, insisted of eulti- eating • closer aoge•iatance with eoeh A+H►taLw COUNCIL-Coaneil met immortal..a Milton, fneheepearm, Bytron pursuant to adjournment. Sept. 1; 1888. and Tampon. Teachers wereu All members present. Mimicof pro- larly aid to avoid anything lib ene- mas meeting reed and signed. The chanio•1 teaching of the •ubjeet, which eoll.ctor was instructed to have all axes if properly aught was calculated te stir oollected and paid over to the Treasurer up and create in every mind • lova for by 31st of December. The clerk was the grand and sublime. There should ordered to write Tho* Pentland, Spatted be mum mwiorinog of the beautiful Peptised, Thos. f)'Riely and Goo rgs peas to be found plentifa ly among oar even aloe ordinary stetors. That teachers were too apt to tempi/Me of the re.oinissd standing of the profession, and tied they should remember that the profeasioa would never ties higher them the imdivideas composing it. The 1.. - ton was very instructive and isapirimg, and was highly •pproeisted by the teach- er, In addition to the lettere • splen- did musical program consisting of duetts, solos. &c, was esrried out under the able superintendence of Mr S. P. Halls B, A. In addition to the President wbo oats - Pied the chair, the following gentlemen by special invitation occupied seats on the platform, and made short addresses viz , Inspector To., Messrs. H. I. Strata, B.A. and A. !lathery. The attendance was good considering the unfavorable state 4 th. weather. Votes of thanks to Dr McLellan and Mr Halls and those who assisted them were heartily given. $17, pad gavelling $3; P. Mclon n- j The aiming of the National Asthma partog culvert, $1,50; D tyAlcoa/re eloped a very tieasswfal eatertaiameat isepeetinI gravelling $1,60: K. McIver, gravelling $10; A. Johnston, grading, ssrrrws,a 28111, 1888. grovelling and culvert, $2$, D Me J The sssaee.tirn met in the Model Gregor foegravel $4; T Lscbedn gvell- , School puniest to adjournment, the rat 3; J. Webster repairing bridge ptesidmet in the chair. $2 500; Mrs 014.10 for gravel 113,00, J. Devotional ezereisee were goad/set*d McWhinney repair' road $2, J. i by Mr Rebury. Tweet, Hag road $l; Ed. Neenah, , The simmer►yy than sed the miaow@ work on mon hill +80 'part pay'.;' of yesterday attention and oveairtg sees. T. Oleos truvelltm4 $30; J. M.Whiensy I iettts,whieh on moo los •4 Mr .1 D••et seAd LEEBL RN. From our own curre.pualrut. Mr Jae. Horton has returned to hie old home, L.eburn, after an absence of eixtmeu mouths at result 8t. Marir. The youog folks In our amulet .ujuyed • 5001.1 deuce and • genial time at Jas. Kennedy's oo Tuesday night of last week. Mrs Thee Thompson, one of the earliest settlers .i* Commercial 1Lrsd, but new a lioderieh, was the gesso a Mrs Henderson last week. blur M.ry MaellIanus has undertaken the class foneerly taught by Mis. Mc- Quarri. to the Sunday school. The rough weather of last week brought forth the big uverouats sine 1. ts a underwear into use again. The recent arrival of • little stranger in oar burvh prevents him becoming rime day the president of the United States, but dues not debar bum of the honor of becotniug Premier of Ontario or of the Do.luwn, if be enters the political arena. The big tall show at Goderich last week drew forth • large number of our residents to see it Besides this, thou who entered the lists ss competitors car- ried away some of the bright red ttek- eta. We lemedeg w.orning the housewives iv ko •ire LTi With their washing this week had to break about half an inch of ice before they could ubtua the eleaue- ing slued froze the sin water turrets. It's always beet to take time by the fore- lock. so far as wash -day is concerned. A number of the members of th• eregatium of Leeburn church attended the farewell meeting in Knox church nn Tue.iav ereoing to bid good-bye to Rev Dona'd McGillivray. They didn't conic empty handed either, bot bruogbt with them a snug donation to help defray his expenses to the far East. Pes-w,su.-Mrs Gru.mett, with has. two daughters, Mrs John and Fred Horton, were in Hallett last week, the guest of Mr and Mn John R .p.nn who entertained a number of relatives and friends to a &octal gathering at their home in memory of their wadding day 20 years ago. SATING GOOD-BYn - As noted in the Tag Steeee last week, Rev D. McGiili- vr.y, M.A., recently appointee as a missionary to China, preached his fare- well sermon here last Sunday ; the run prevented • large turnout of the cnngr-t- canon. H. hu been preaching here at times for the past six mouth& With the aid of • chart he pointed out the part of the vast Chinese empire when bis Geld of labor was before him for the nett: ten yews. In cluing, he ,puke of the early years of bis life and his loca- tional course in Goderich. In life what had seemed to him to be the darkest clouds before him had .t the eleveoth hour broken into • brightness for his future, so that today one of the wishes of lata life to be cbueen as • mivionary had been answered by the Higher Power. During the service Heber's well-known .u.sionary hymn was sung. end seven voices of the choir ung "Heralds of 'Lion," and the closing hymn "Onward Chiistmn Soldiers," ended the last service that be has preached here. Bet eight years ago when from this church he (.reached bis first sermou he was entering the early years of his manhood, and now in the dower of life, lull of .treogth, with • determined will, he with an ardent spirit goes forth to • far off land to teach God's ways and point the heathen to • brighter and happier home above. We hope his labors may gam many sheaves for his Master's garner After the service was ended he personally said goodbye at the church door to all pre- sent, wko wished bim every memos. He elm addressed the Sabbath school children in • few farewell remarks. ASH FIELD. Front our ewe correspondent. OBITrAtY.-Mr. Patrick Ling, who had been • resident of Aah1»ld for the past forty years, did at his residence on Wednesday, a Ict. 3rd, in his siahtieth year. Hs had previously soj..yd ro- bust health, and had only a few days illness before his death. He was a native of Kerry, and left Ireland in 1836 Prior to coming to Canada he had spent several years in the State., five of them being in Richmond, Va. His funeral which took place on Satur- day was lamely attended. His widow, and four sons and a daughter survive to mourn hie lose, and they have the deep- est sympathy of the satire community. very impressive manner , taking u his subject the parable of the Ten Virgins, ASHFIELD. Drennan to mote of obstructions to t public highway. Decided that Colborne street from Ashfield street to Harvey street, be opened up to its full width, ma sod that • by-law be de to confirm the same, Moved by McKenzie, awl by Stothers that the clerk prepare • by - Lore w confirming the decision of the arbri- tratin reference to the sew school section Aoco.nnta paid-bIrs Orerfield, (literacy $10; D. McDonald for gravelling and .toning $4: D. McKay, for grad- ing $10; Jas. tiennott rep•in.g culvert, $9; 0. Hall, for culvert, 12; J. Quina for repairing culvert, $1,60; T. Clair repairing culvert, $10,05; J. Merphy, gravelling, plank sad culvert, $9; J. Spindler for repuriag road, $1,60; F McInnis. repairing gravel pit $8, graved - lag $6, culvert $2,60; repairing culvert amid under drain $3,37; sslvert $12,25•,McRae,repairing calved $6,60; D. McRae, re- pairing culvert 12; iaspseti0g revelling $1; T. Loched for of gravelling FINE TAILORING! GEitii,EatE16,-I asst taw in a pOsitiOS rs vice TINT tit twleCt v our tiers or Wit, ' 1'p�t Several hundred new putty rft% Tile' yaws cantly -latest d�imY-itrii:iptl fl;urcA. - color'I, Plaid's, Mtriltr'.,Chs ek i lesson_ iii:Mpg's•'+. can See t everi►I hu16.17ml puttrrnn IN f:+u:a'tJ I winuta., anal yowl have an eaoy choice- 11le;-,, ttUI ! to pitta's•, Anil art Tern? W hirer till: witjt t!,. ben of care. 1'rIet a Inulr rate. 8. MacCormk,i •ee4t's *.susso peer lM {Ives ea WWI ty n.Ns.patrew Is sold all over the world, It is fel sup- erior to plain Cod Liver Oil, palatable and easily digested. Dr Martin Mlles Stonton, Bury Buc'is. London England, says, "I have prescribed Scott's Emul- sion,and taken it myself. It is palatable, efficient, and can be tolerated by almost anyone, especially •here sand liver cit itself cannot be b •m e. sold by all druggists, 50c and 81.00. Dentistqt IICH0uiol Dt. DENTAL R0 Eighth doer beldw the Pet doDLwtcn. Legal. _. 1IJ-D-DWARD Nt►RMANLkUiri J<I ri►t'r....baiter it 'tint ran ,, a•r:er. 1...4.rr:en and lo•MNE slur oyes Thnrwlay. frau. to to, 71: loanr x 'eau at S, per rear. \t EAGER A HAC fl•. BAIt>ILyT�, 1J Le..Oed,-re-b amid , .1 tie.- Joey-. 51114110 ice opposite }:onto'. 11.:•-1. �,ckmr R. C. H Al A, ►Lllttutt, e101.e. Corner sl 'Vora .1d R. arrow, t; ,drsch. os -.'r tet.arapt se ru:.dhu s to ,end at d ler evil alv.. CARROW 1 PROI DFtlt)I BAS T RIIITgR, AtMne►A Adctee, eie Goderich 1.1. tweets yrsMyst., , �l►ssseR., 11R, E. RICHARDlSON, LD SURGEON DENTIST. Ga. and Vitalism sir adminirtered for pion teems tooling orleetb. Npec:a:attention herrn to the preservation of the Natural T ()Mee t' ptt1Grand Opera Hauge Beek. ttetERt I\ , -HILT IIT-CAHEgo jE ! Barristers. eiettefters to Chests• f 30.rmet. M. C. tenurroa. a.c.; p 41,1 G• cameras. C C. Row Loan site insurance, rich 000 TO Lud,.N. APPLE- TO MlON MOLT R CAMRMI)x, Oede 1131 Entrance ore eM.,9ebncn. t6>i-ty ,-- mama Os tootles of Mr R E Brown, second- ed by Mr H I Strang, B.A., the audi- tors' report was r.esived and adopted.mm Mn Embury introduced the dis- suasion on School Magement avid D- ajpline, dealing more particularly with the requisite ualifieatiune of • eeeesse- folac towhee. He said that such a teacher should poems, Wet in the management of n ot only the school as a whole bot in order to deal with individual pupils, for all pupils did not require the application of the same priaeiples of discipline. A properly Tallied timelier should also bem a person of culture, have • large aount et sympathy and needed constant peeper- stios. Mr J P Nevin, la eontinuing the dig - mimeos deals chiefly with. the organiza- tion •6841 order d school* He held that in rural mixed schools more difficulties presented themselves than eoold possibly appear an graded schools in cities and towns ; by • )edieioss application of these hpreviews prisoipleti down by the previe speaker these dile Miss sound be over - erne* The tame of adjournment heelsg arrived the dissension om this *chime wearmedaodnap Ieetor Tom thea addressed the teachers for a few wpw.tte urging epos them rhe..seedty of waking their hall s...Hy rewires promptly ea the law as - thorniest! him to dsp.4ve any wheel of its re /rent should the bel( yearly m acme be delayer ►e�pmd p 4vellim4 $2,111;$2,111;T. Gleam Blearing of by Mr W 14 iAIrm'o' wog. a4.p.. f tM feta gravel pit, $,40; 0. We0beenk ninn pas The Busie. sCo•emet.« eh. ,.t test , 0u .neimis of 0 W Heiw*n, emended Hannah's hill $1,60; gee was paid for the order of the be :Imes .4 th.. .I t.. • A r Has. B A., votes d ks material tog house for family of Jobe be the soiled on the mores. h. ' ear. tendeeed s. 10 all the retiring oIlem Maf nail i1te Council meet again oa j following order tis New 11 13 18 M J t .waili.enes "110 01 Ira 01 the." "ad' lbtb day d gp, November- , 12, 10 sad 6 whisk was ssd e.. « - inre.l lie the Patine Sdheel heard d Gede- • ' GRAND OPERA HOUSE. IC. W. ANDREWS. Iawe.1 TRIE10 1Pl}4(OU8 Mc GIBENY F'AM2ZlY 05 PORTLAND. OREGON. !(DEET JIIL td +t lowest rate, on "r.. She People's Column. totiARP.0W a: ['Y.t•C • u r RA�t`LiFF1� LESS, --.A Li Re E are roses be I.ssms•.a i.vo ASlrtpi„ y� 16 IN OBER The Largest Mntdoal Family in the world, ooneieting of Fath- .r,Mother,12 children and 2 Daughters -in -Law 0n111r41 OrtAesfro ! Puff Band! fel Mo- rns! 10 &Weds ! Lelia,' Me[., Shin weed Details (roweled. The Pa.uy travel la their ewe Palsies He - lel Czar- nes st Me asoet ad bast equipped Peens Cass ea the Red. They are eyyi tp rite *M easerealaasset at the Grand opera ea OCTOBER 20th 00 AHDKEAR ren 1 WONDMRFLL FAM II LT ADMISSION, - 25 and 50c. 11(ALE TEACHER WANTED -2nd 1 1 . 1171 or ]rd Class -Por 8. S. No. 9, t'olt/erne. ADpliiatIona wiII herrn-• awed up to Nov. Co,L IM'., Address. ANDREW MiLLION. Au burs P.O. 73.21. 1 OST. A brown corduroy velveteen Ladies' jacket bet wren Goderich and Port Albert. Tho- ander ailtptease Inv • It ►t Joo. Acheson'• sore. where they win be rewarded- .14 t.ENERAL INSL'RA1:CS, REAL ESTATE SSD MONEY Li IANINO AGENT. I)tt'rj FYYretelase ooiapt"l., Itegreseided Mt Mosey to Lend ea .'-wtht 6s•., a' tar 1• west rale .1 Worst gou.i is say way to suit tt. oorrower. worries -+erred do.: too. Millan, Nest Street-Ooderleh. YEt_ - CRA W rDRD. "= VOR SALE CHEAP - 1 FIRE P !'roof Sore 16x71 inside. also Drawers and pigeon hole*. has been thoroughly orerhaui.d and repaired : also I pair Platform Araks will be sold at a bargain. Apply to 1t. K. HTRAI'HAN, Ma:Moist and Blacksatb, e todencb. 71 lin. FURS! FURS The undersigned has removed to the corner of victoria and Kingston or.. where she ispn•- pared to clean or remake In the latest .erlr all kinds of tur goods to order. All kinds of sur trimmings on hand. Highest price paid for $200,000 PRIVATE Ft N1* To len, on farm and 'rat property •t low rat , me reef. MOrtvares p : ' ! seed. N0 cow, mission charred semi. (Or :Le Trussed Loss Company or( Canada. the Ceases Leaded credit company. the Leona lona Compel of Canada. Interest. 6. 61 and " pea Cwt. N. H. - Rorrowerw can obum. sew in dal,tf tole satisfactorJ. DAVISON • JCHN+TO!1, 1970- Barr.' eh d c., OWerteb ,_ 3eaicat. f 1 R W. H. ROSS, LICE'Ii0 11 raw fun. 1� Royal C.:L'ge of Pbysgaae, Mics. R. M kV. 0417e on South Indy o! Hands ndL Goderich, Sept. t6, IBM Ili DR. MaLEAN, PHYoleleN, fiUR DRESSMAKING. Mrs. Mackay. begs to return thaaka to past customers, and informs the ladies otUuderich and vicinity. that she has oweaed a dream- =shirts re .- taskinw establishment, over Mr C. t:. New- ton's store, ad U prepared ta do work in the most approved styt. rad at rwo.able terms Childress' garments • specialty. 2171-1m. 14ISS IDA VANSTONE. i/ PRACTICAL DRESSMAK81:. i take this opportunity of Informing the ladles of Goderich and surrounding •euntr•y. that I have just returned from Torosto.wbere I hare been engaged in one or the leading de.amakiag e+tabiubme to sed bare now epeead out business In Acheson'. Block, bleat -at. In the rooms formerly orrupied by Mt. Mackenzie. 1 solicit ttve patrons.* of eke ladiek sed ruareotee arstclso wort at r..*onable rate* 71-s SUR SALE. -2 MILCH COWS AND 1. alined driving hone 5 yeas old, .orad ••d quiet 1 have no further Ise for theta J. J. WRIGHT. Ter Point rare- 0.11 TOST. -ON THE ROAD Ti) THE J Park. • pearl and geld sleeve button bearneg Mag'. heed- Stader sew be rewarded by loather it at this *Moe. 2107 THE HURON HOTEL, This well known and popular hotel hasbeen rained and enlarged during the pas season and is now snood to some in quality of so- oom.odatlon for the travelling public. Good acco..odatles for traasieet guests. WX. CRAIG. no amaan, Dederick, Oat, Proprietor. MONEY TO LEND AT 5} PER cent. 8tr•feet loans -latero. yearly. Apply to IMAGER t HARTT, Barristers Ooderic►- Situations Uacant. !`IKNRAL SERVANT WANTED - kJ Ap{lyM ORMteMR8McM[CKIN°.71 WOOD. WOOD. Parties d.elrias to tale wood from me .est leave their orders at ease. beton It is ail shipped for the season. Orders will be atteeled to If left N tie foOerrls. slope*-ka.pays G. H. OLD, R PRIME, JOHN ROB- IIMTwOIi and JADIEN XAVIER B/ECHLER, knee ran. Reawvs, (mamma's .ALE & PORTER CARLINGf1''S BAYAO Fw Bale LIGU Bstlle) PARSONS Pewees. RM red pear* 13 Mit eat:., et lnwmr. t ALwox BLocM. ooDERICii4 tt EON, Coroner &t. Oen sad reeidos Bruce Street. eecoad doer vest et Tieseri `'treet 17S1- ! DRS. SHANNON d SHANNON, Pnysitiaae Surgeons. Areo5Oters, toe. once at or. ttbasootia reslonsi near the • po l Ooderieh 0. C. Saran%J. R. ifaaa- arov. 1761 For Sale or to Let. H0t SE TO RENT -THAT LARGE • one henry on GloucesterTerr•ae, mom. pied for some 'tan pope: by I6rs t'ampei .e, it is two.to►iws high and -.,alas, ill! row. 1 besides clotela and plaint" Sur partiealeas esquire of E CAMPAION.. 73 FARMS FOR SALE - THREE Parse for .Me 4th cos . /edor,o\ Tewa- ehip. about three mile. train Ooder,ck, A.. • w• wanted to chop cordwood. Apply ea the promisee to MKS . MINCE+ 71.11. 1 TO LEr- COMFORTABLE BRICK 1 Cottage. - room.. garden, hn grape. Gs. Apply to C. SEAM; ER. Bar. unrGads rick. • tin- ' HOUSE ANL TWo LOS FOR 1L SAL& -The horses has odm rooms, el - so bath room. pantry. aorta nor mod abed. hard and s liw•ter. The ard.p aan tains all !Inds sof troll. Also len .rine a Lad in Manitoba for .le or In et..haoae ter farm property. WM. KNIGHT. ()aerial. tilted FIRST-CLASS FARM FOR 811.111-- Let L eon. 7. W. D. Colhsrea y IM aerie -TO cleared, bataace hardwood trams house and barn : loud; wkad good water. ao-, 6 miles from Gedaric ILOmain rreaavml recd. &hoot Lours, ehwyh.r.o. sad trlseksetlth shop watLis quarter of a mgr Parckoarrs have pet roam of posetog spar Ary- et Ude oleo or Mk. reems r to to snit Ppettily**. H RLIo iaeweetoa P.O. ma TO RENT. TO greater pan of • famished house te rent App:yatrhls ogles. LET• - A COMFORTABLEnem* hard •doat house ea Steak/ street. eoaWp ed ing wolvortoc Appllyb RI. S)414 H. `y - t , ESTATE OF JOSEPH KIDD. As thio mutate asst be n.0 at an early date [ am prepared to accept eOfll for the Iran NR or and law Mill. [ shall syn rhe ~ brick h[a.ry, belting. �nairy edit sins everything. either separately o.eoW esti t,. There Is 310 hat N A Inch *nag v' sed werides barrel. el feat now r lack tub nor. we feat Ash well Pslss wW be .o *heap `A•4 Literal terms will beeves ea Pp17 to,705 KIDD. ala 114 )(,AOR BALE- West half er Int tot, Archer Street, with lr nA 'a, Mk brick mosso st Itiee*. 116. 945. rime �t}}LL. ewser of Horn and Rritan• UPPo,, la! iea.e le story house on Kay. ars Yhaallt lase. I tor• d is Re's Survey, emote. pow Mew ads, . 11, 1lt 11 M. N. 0, 14, el li.t to above u LOW RAT[SA. ....A DAVISON It JORNSTOR, Auctioneertel in1'TO NRM(RNOE1�E1rRERAL ADO. T sad Harlan hod o.aoadsrrahlo peetinwe.rlwrrr trade. he is In mottos fil"e"s h oikmawrws atee 1 aatkeseti,n„ all imtsolo.e entreated In him 0,i 0,., seal ieartla's Hetet er rby sluff to my smell M ids 0ndoe'ah P. O e rehuy skit ded to. KN•Y, Cent, Agetlemeer, wit 1 '1 • 1" M a M t, r ■ 8 a b 8 f e s 11