HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-10-12, Page 6••••••••w 4T-•-•••••uemirreir • -*-....e.eearereee
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ft;41! k•,$'• :44 **4 "41'. • 'u.e.a •"' ,1$4 40, '
•,10 ZInnt Ain' ii*Att nt. .414 t , • - e
;',7ht.P rat, ,v•44,
'AW 7,-,
Wer 1 IOW Leessa. Josh. 111. 0-1 7-Cosesan
Weems IS 11--tletree Test. I. 'UM IL
4 Oemesessees7 by Res. D. 1111. Innewa
Irbodosseed from Lamm Reaper Quarterly, by
• peruiisdon of IL S. Boffurs Ptularsiptia.
After the L.wd bed eccouraged Joshua. ea
to our last lemon, the ropes also encouraged
edits by promising freedom* and by praying
the Lord to be with him 6. 16-11e. Than
Mellows the record of the two gigs vent to
,Jeritho, their reception and protection by
3Rahab, their promise of deliverance to bar
And all baionginit or related to her and the
'true token of the scarlet line to be bound in
her winkle..
6. 'Sanctify yourselves. for tomorrow the
Lord will do wooden anima you. • if we
Mere mwe separate front sin and unbelief,
we would en more of the wonderful works
at God In one place Jesus could eat do
many reilitbty storks because of their unbe-
lief and there is oto doubt but the unbelief
ad vorkiliness of Christians today Mars
His &nig wonders among us.
& "Take up the ark of tb% covenant and
psis oeer before the people." Te the people
he had mid: "Sanctify yourselves," and now
then are his orders to the priests, wbo ewe
&lee! s supposed to be asurtieed. iTsassouch
sr they were set apart for We special arrvice
of the sanctuary. All true believers are
priests unte led dee. e 5; v, lib and should
ever consider themselves an apart to His
7. el will begin to magnify thee In the
sight of -all • .tervirt• God always Moore
those who honor Him, and yet the honor is
ell He own sad sbews forth His glory, for
this is tle grost end of our exixtence, to
glorify tiod. When the apost:A. filled wltb
the spirit. spoke and wrought in the name ot
J esus, the peorie wondered, and took knowl-
edge of theca that they had been with Jenne.
& "Stand still in Jordan With their
feet in the water, they were to stand ea the
brink of Jordan and see (be wonders ot the
Lord. They were to march r.ght into the
river ere the sr aters wet/1edinde. we are to
go right forward, even theitzb it seem impor
Mbla, and He will et tbe right time open the
way, not an hour or a day too some but some
times as it mean only when we base gone to
the bat es4.itut. and cannot tate another --
10. "The living God is among you." Jere.
mint calls Him the true Ood, the living
God and an everlasting king." iJer.
Darius rens Him "the living Gild end stead-
fast forever.' (Dan. so, St) Jesus Ifintialli
appearing to John in Patinas, says, "I am the
Tint and tin Last and tbe Loring One, alive
forevermore.(Rev. 1, 17, R. V.) 1.1 we lived
near to God as Jeremiah or Daniel or John,
OW HIV* would testify that the God whom
we serve Is • hiring Gal, • Me giving God,
ever present and working In and through i.
"lie will without tail drive out from be-
fore you the Cansanitee." It *thiptied bare
that He will do this through them as His
sermon and erildiers, they being obedient to
Him and He fighting with them and In them
grime their enendea Now we find they
went not obedient, and consequently Jebusites
and Canaanite and others were not own-
pletely driven out, but became thorn@ and
mane to them. {Judges', II. ill.)
1L "Tb. ark of the covenant of the Lori
01 .11 the earth.• This is the first time that
we find this title in fall; it reminds es of the
w ords of Melchisedek, "the mon high God,
ponmeor of heaven and earth• Cron. My.
'791; and the orpresion In the prophets, "the
Lord of tbe wbole earth" (1a& Irv. 3; Mich.
iv, 13; Zech. iv, 14; vi. 5), and tbe thought
the ear
rase our Redeemer la the Lord of .11oath ars offered. The must of moat
grapes contains an excises of
Iv. 131 should make it *ere Joyful la aims acids and many are deficient in sugar. To
sad ready to trust Him und.t .11 dream -I bring It to the condition of • peefect mustneit, memos UMW! obey Him at all and love Him for wine the addition of sugar or water,
with the were, here extolling Hun 10 me" I rest aornmonly both, is required. Misr -
parable way. ent varieties of grape. will require differ -
12. "Take twelve men out of the tribes ot ent amounts, that can only be only 401-
Tb. reams for choosing the twelve irately determined by the use of the sec -
ti found in the next chapter! Tbey were to eharometer. For the convenience of par-
take melee on from the midst a Jordan. eons making wine without the neesamary
where tin prima' feet stood who bOrill the instruments. proems" Human= gjege
ark. *ad set thorn rep for • memorial en the the follow/lug formula for • pleasant wine
other side of Jordan, so that they could in from Coward grape* gathered when` well
der to cone point their children to tbose mimed
moues and tell them bow their fathers had To forty gallops of pure edam add
sees over Jordan on dry land; Joshua also twenty gallons of wise and ilfty-flive
as up twelve stones in the midst of Jordaa pone& of sugar, making sixty gallons of
where OH Prises bad otoOli The two must of the proper proportions. To make
amenorials testified 10 111. mighty band of the a sweet wine add tiddler/cal sugar to suit
Lard, that Israel might fear the Lord their the tarts. The longer eh. mast le fere
Ood forever, and that all the earth might merited on the hturas the more
know the hand 01 1115 Lord Iv. ete• • the wine. and the sooner It le piwueed the
1.3. "It shall come to peas." How could more delicate and smooth 11 will 1*-
Joinum meek so positively about this very us After fermentation has taken pipes, the
likely (este Why die be not speak more can- juke should In put into sweet, clean
y and say, Intrust or hope that it will ranks or kegs, with the bungholes
thus comet° pale or we will try mdse. what slightly covered. After fermentation ham
can be done) He believed Clod; be knew Hie reamed bung tightly until the wine is
power; 11. 11.4 not a shame of it doubt but clear. when it may be racked.
'at it would be jun as Ood had told him. The following general r�ip. for wine
"As soon as the sone of the feet of the =eking is that of an Wise
prints shall net 10 111. waters.' Not in they =aka': Dissolve three and one -11U
!sem nigh. nor before they canasta the -river, pounds of best white suer in one quart
nee water. Wbo art tell how many 'larder of grape uks. When fermentation sale
but only when their feet actually stood in of hollinif water and add to three Purees
lire loss by being afraid, by bolding back be- sides sae in four weeks. fill maks and
Min of Mettles, heeled of going debt bung kende to Permit further ellesP• elf
etoeward into the &amity tn the name of the rale Keel/ eon so that the bottom of tall
ier& We have only to be sure that we are Dung will always be wet. When wine 10
gegen Hegsnmetue doing His will, gisb. clear, ha Dessembee, reek off into clean
ihm His glory end eat oar own, and then let make UM, fen- Neck off in
March end again in September or
when whale should be St to bottle at ship:
1St this is amity the A, 1. C of wile
The ries Mee Mame Mess
The following paragraph occurred in an
article on roadsters in a recent ramie of
imam diso winnows" oe wo thing, The National Live /noels Journal:
hew ee bow tee jeer& Hewed, wee ei ewe The first elan road horse IS 111 COaltlitlii-
17ourd feel tuts,. or will try tweeeolio„, tion of thoroughbred stereos and trotting
:As to the former, remersher the ward es M."-Tbs.. tem elaante Wed
en:ing, nom.; eab000d lin they awe for • few generations will
ve not seen, beed
yet have liev.* As to the lel", whieb "nduranos nee 11
remember tees eww„ bathe leading characteristic of tryle:he
sepal to owing oboe Goa to sot „ewe et It is a 1 tenet* seclusion that tbe two
futon hs.d. coupled together would
redeem the seer speed and Metes hi
their tit. It would b. • natural roe-
seqemes that the two feats& sane oeu-
vre'd into trotting lactase throb re -
/earths wonid transmit the (rift
105.4 and sadnesses to their oftring.
hbreda are noted for troa
potent power and swift footed a
111111 trotter is celebrated for entelealer
power, untaltesing roarer and treat
lerretle energy. nin these two breeds
are craned for nowt/dere/in, their mite
would naturally inherit time speed and
Asinine of their prormiters.
Prefemor A 1 flank merle diet the
reek borer JIM been vanquiehel hi the
Septermber and erly Mo. Thia,
holt" of blielderan by the wee,
Mem" et ding ont the barns
10 bit. be mark is sot herd task, as teseellielf
rum quietly tells whore the eifteder is
eimmeine virrosteterynrosIn itimaieht eeerabled blyikeZairw4efebkr-
Sliklar among Or ream igglegge-ea en -
=1'4the serterminatiem ether Ws
that might enuesse eiseekeele
The Illewsnen ref Orme Liseeht--Dabeese
hialkee Peeennee 10 Dellswein Ilenions
et everkee the geed ea earatibia with
Wtafier Gana me Alrein
When the s seam is favorable sowing
grass seed la the fall is practiced by
erioi fanners. In some sectious fairly
results are gained by sowing the
seed cm wheat or oaf, stubble This
plan is not, however, advised. for a much
more satisfactory growth may be gained
on well prepared son. A very usual
race**, especially in the northern states,
Is to sow the greases in autumn with a
crop of winter wheat or rye, ur to sow
after these crops have been growing for
ammo wealth At the south. September
and October are favorite months 10 which
to sow the seeds of grasses. Spilug row
Ing serves best in sone cases. The clo-
ven are mewls in early spring. w bore the
young plants are likely to win.or kill, if
autumn sowing le practiced.
The most rapid way of obtaining a
grass crop Ls, of course, to sow the grams
mei alone, without any grain It will
also make a big differenoellit het her one
sews pleuty of seed or only • email quern
city. Anotber important factor. where
best results are looked for, is evenly dis-
tributing the seed in good. clean soil that
has been put Le • fine. mellow state The
objection to sowing Usealone la
that the farmer is compel tro prepare
the soil for a single crop, whereas. when
sown witheerran. two crops are gained in-
A good pasture contains a variety of
grams. A !single grate will not grow
stock as fast nor fatten them re quickly
as will a nixed turf that islands by It.
variety more nutritive as well as palat-
able food. For pasture select grasses that
are adapted to wet and to dry maisons;
that dower early and late, ur as cantina.
onsly over the season as poseible; that
afford a good mixed diet; that will spring
Lp quietly after grazing and that will till
the ortl, giving a close, dense mat of
The amount of seed to sow depends on
tbe size arid vitality of the seed. the num-
ber of seeds to the bushel, the condition
of the land, whether distributed evenly
and the nature of the season that is to
follow Profesoor Sanborn. of Missotui.
sues: eThe amount of seed will vary from
six quarts to es many bushels. The
poorer the farming and the tare dishonest
the seed dealer, the more seed wW be re-
quired." William 0. Is. Duc, of Minne-
sota. says: "His pounds of timothy and
eight pounds of clover, If good sound
seed, evenly distributed on err1 prepared
soil, will give • good stand and lay tbe
foundation for • good meadow." Profes-
sor Shelton, of Kansas, mays: "If far pas-
turage. use one bushel each. to the acre,
of orchard grass and Kentucky bine gram,
to which add al.i or eight quarts of red
Southern Cultivator calls attention to
the fact that barley and rye. though usu-
ally Sown for their grain, when treated as
grazing plants, answer all reasonable de-
mands. In fact. there is no better winter
erase than either barley or rye. except
that these must be soini annnally.
Mae teaktaa alt Ranee.
For the benefit of readers who may
have • surplus of grapes for their own
use. the followtng suggestions for making
wile froze the various sorts of American
=are rose nor water terrify saw Army us.
nor ils, nor welled
14-15. "And it came to pea" Tam God
"peaks it must came to pan; 5meet always
jest as He soya, eve& es when in the be-
ginning Ood said "Let than be Wen and
Mien wee Hem. He only mule to meek end
It le dome Biwa are races erbo believe, he
err confidence; mad Noe ask yourself epees
eery you would mobs es oas wbo said to
yo'., "I win try .04 1141.,. yore" 11 0. are
m Chrkehe .04 11.,, not joy and piece ender
/ea CiPettln 40001 my. le all eirenes.
411imoia, for scene it, anytideg bet joyous -
thee joy and pees 10 111. Lar& weelever your
surroundings be; If you hem sot *see le
is became you do sot Miler Clod, end yew
seed is eel stayed co Hint neve art, le
nil iv, 4-2{1 Timm v, IfiL
R. "no priests sood Inn ea dee gored
la the male cie &edam." Tbe maim et a
4. 001 • piste to look tor dry groyne,
sae Is a wail of seek seeable mistrial as
water likely to meow -age one to stand arm)
bet the One when mar b Woaderfel was
with there and wee silehereemeronaly. 1Phfe,
eerth or water ere the amps to 01
se der ea heir or Madreases me ow emelt
Me walks threiegb ties Are unhorsed ea em
Milos serer men M do lbe seam; tie war
ow tee sea and sprees Pe to do libewlem
sonetes tbrosigb the 40 Irfth 817IPsiv=
sod sees Neigh mad Wean U*
'.sly bdime timing te ewer tn oar midst we
would aged it1 ce firm forting ender
oh tor Hie preemem Mrs
. rear elle TIMM? eine .1 emeraa none Marta.
lemerettae inebeemeteee se Wen eade
Wise ems This LasellansWTeIL
The orange is at pereneee the most hoe
pelmet fruit of the lower south. It ie
toltivated with snore or leas stieeses shag
the gulf asid Atlantis, meets from the
Rio Oran& to the sea beans* et South
Crolina. Inulatena and Florida ass the
ouly states that have nerd more then
moues for home ouesumptien
The_ great femme of Jarman'. tem w.•
probably the graferat shock to tho
iteluatry rear experienced in the
states. and did away with 110 54..
orange culture is an eery and agreeable
way to make ass Imnieusse tarter an
racrelibly street tinier By the (nose ot
1846 the orange tree* In ovary part of the
south. easter thee below meddle Florida.
suffered seriously. In LouLeiena tbsy
were mostly killed to the grouud. and se
crop of cny elanent ren be expected for
several years. This was &lab case in
parts of month.rn Texas. Mississippi ane
elattanta• in extreme mirth Florida, and
along the coast of Georgia and South
Carolina, where • tow trees 'Tem occa-
sionally .grown. Last winter. though se-
vere, din 1101 Melt in venous damage to
bowleg tree. in Florida. The crop Last
year for the gulf states, except • very
little fruit in atstana, was confined to
Florida, where the yield was unusually
V; the crop marketed reachlag about
1. .000 hors.
The crop of oranges this year, It la esti-
mated. will be lighter even than that of
last year, oonaidering the increased num-
ber of trees that have come into bearing.
It is believed that not over 1.000,000 boles
may be expected from Florida. while a
oeiele for this jeer would have beers
S.000.000 boxes. The mew in trees
increasing very feat. But ecraperativ
a small account oe the choicest Lamm
lands yet remain uncleared, though there
aro many thousands of INTIM of high pine
salted to the orange and lenion..yet
in a state of nature over the mouth. The ;
above facts have been recently reported
bylte chief of division of poctology 10
lasioner Colman.
It is Absurd
Par 1101111411 50 sespert a rilt. for 1 retires
ties, saline lit. 7 n :re.111 .41111•111i;
what le irisrhelewles • hot If an) t•etiig
wideilasupen il,, app. t :e aud e,,,,
so see iiiIestit • in ,Pidn.. 11 A3 er's
1".,Jouestle. 4 *II use,r!Le Insfl
kaaily 1.. the 1114.: :011 Of t :re immix:no.
Mtn R..ab Itii7roli,;11% el 114
street, her h lemon. wrtfroi : Nly lee-
riest has take 3 A:,-tills9 for
linernie mil eerie 11,rar, &ad liar
bora geeee•
A Confamed Dyspeptic
C. l'aitterbury. of 111 lianklin ,t
Deers Mame weirs.. Mae, esteem in
60 esus 11%444 laillgisittirs, he tit 1A at
lett inlooed to My Ay.4's
&set. by its non, wise entirely enreo.
Yoe. • Joee:*'i et H.,;;I alrestr.
ITufyole. Mni...„ mit reel for sr 1, • et
fi.Mt I 1:capers:a. 10 that She cotti41 ant
eat seleita:/;n1 food, totis4111.0 eery -went,
es4-ert.* latsinsks tarsen for lev .hiresee.
:ere% e time reelleiteri flPrerolible41 t•y.
reye earn, sate iuty of *lie rree......
solve tee eel 1,.r tee ,.*U 1.1 11)••••••wiur
!• !!,••1 Ler. stIttll *L. c4oill1..11C•ut 1'.•
c: Sartipart!lit. ••7sosts
I. i••:eg -.t mi..- she writes.
••••,• o.n.."'"
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
rki 1 In I no RI
J. C. Ayer ea Co , Lcwel, 11*Asa
011.1 41. as bolsi...N*1. Worth laa rata..
DIeselebrat asses tor reventsen
Following 10 1. substance what Profes-
sor W. C. Stubbs, of the Louisiana Experi-
ment station. has to say about dissolving
bones to be used asa fertilizer:
The following method of the treatment
of bones has been suormsful in my hands
and isan easy to perform and the chem-
icals needed are **accessible to every ons,
that I recommend its use to every fi=
who has a few hundred pounds of
on hand. Break 100 pounds of bones into
small fragments and pack them in • light
cask. with 100 pounds of good wood
mime which have been previously mixed
with twenty•five pounds of dry water
sleeked lime and twelve pounds of pow-
dered "sal soda" (wasking soda). 'Twenty
ganons of water will maturate the mem
and more may be added as required. In
two or three weeks the bones will be soft
vi? teem phient.
Kick Headache.
Kidney Troubtos
t_tkin Inmeese.
and .1)
impurities or the
!Coed from Whit
yer cause see
reunite 1l,.11.
awe awe 0.a,-
'.1 loses 1411114.
'urely Vegetable,
Hgbl remenirai ed. pkemuit. effectual. safe
.A81C VC0Ft
Take Pm ether. sold [very wirer. Prier.
LI reels pre hinny.
3D1R.- 1.-10DIDMR'S
Sold everywhere. Price. V, eta. and 10 ot
per bottle. Proprartore am; nissulsotarers.
2121- Toronto 0
=a„t r. t=t 00 $ 6001.04NASAL BALM
NOW to Make a a.s.,. Tilton
A common and very good plan for a cis-
tern filter is to filter through a four Inch
implestered brick wall soft enough to let
the water soak through the Nick. Wall
off one-third of the cistern as high as the
water la to come, 'anew an opening at
the top for cleaning it out when neces-
sary. lot the water into the smaller
apartment and pomp out of the larger
till another and oven a better plan for
a kegs cistern 1. 10 Meld a circular brick
Alter In the center of it, my three feet in
diameter and as high se you want it. The
water that is let into tbe main cistern
rusvenzesses equally on all parts of this
filter, and percolates through it
tact enough to furnish a supply of clear
water to be pumped out of the alter in-
stead of out of the main cistern. The
aticUon pipe of the pump should go down
atm the bottom of the filter.
The Animism
The Ancenes. which haere pdaed cen-
Adorable popularity in Zng. are at-
tracting some attention here. The Ate
comas are • variety of the Spanish family
of fowls. and are non-oetters. They re-
semble in all points -except plumage --
the Ilinorces their plumage is mottled
black and whits The anthers of this'
breed of fowls claim that the birds are
quite free from disease. hardy and easy to
rear. The leading feature. however. ap-
pears to be their egg producing quality. t
The eggs are white in color. large in she
and produced in great numbers.
Marine Sheep.
"Undoubtedly the Merino is the sheep
Ile begin with; above an others he
Meows the greatest vigo of constitute"'
e nd adaptety to &mate, food. era.,
and by crowing on the Cotswold or South-
down you have both wool and mattes
the latter preferable for tartan. but fee
ell purposes I prefer the Cotswoid. I
feed my sheep la winter. two or three
months only, on turnips. cotton seed sad
a little bran. keeping them always fat. I
try to have a good bite of rye for the
lambs trout abort Jennie./to
a . when Iambi should drep. Tbe
aTrEeirhe bombs appear the better. I
✓ ears readers that, in my humble
meat. a January lamb is worth two
001111." The above tormented the .est) -
tents of a Georgian, se expressed 11 11.
Seutbern Cultivator.
Pewee Neal&
No son prances useful creprwhiss ler-
manently saturated with water.
tholemet with knife or tetra Is ran
:Irby reimedy for the borer raters
.1. H. Hale reennuelentis washing wttk
OAK soapsuds to keep down too es os
pier trees.
No remedy for cumuli° hes ss yet grate
Wien les Oro et the old ftelderieff one
a jarring the trees.
.10104 Use, limekiln she. and nee
eue ether khan of thee refuse are consid-
arm! Minable on gram hada
Grais plenty of green fodder to pigs kepi
Omild advocates umphiened On%
tar die.
Whoopee sheep feed sew meet ream
Serials and Ives& are dereroyete ewe
Western Aviculturist. Te farmer sk
="dhow great a bandit sheep are le
beywadi raise mere of theft..
As • remedy tar white specks fa the
butter try shrift the mesa ever, Mess
kag benne ehandag.
Towns lefts ere fond of petting- LW
healing makes them retie and IMO
5.57 10 manage later ow
Where wee& ham nrense ep the
Ca"to seek= that Limy rennet
rplenwed or insider, cut them
&ewe .04 01 them dry. After they have
=10:elsal ted "WY ar. !1.1 IMSrar
; 171)
•,t1 114.• •
4'.4*.! ,eVtlit .•‘* *
- - et r•••;- •A`
••• , 40.
• •
0631•111tVellt. ilisone l'.0„ Oft.
May 11111, 1.
My wife sneered fee live years with
that distrinsise disease. catarrh. Her
case was me of the worst kaown in these
parts. She tried all of Ole catarrh reme-
dies I ever saw advertises,. het they were
of ao um. 1 finally procured • bottle, et
Nasal Balm. She bas used only one half
of it. and new feels like • new person. I
feel it my duty to my that Nasal balm
cannot be TOO HIGHLY recommended
for catarrh troubles. ..d am pillared to
hare all such sufferers know throegh its
use they will receive instant relief and
TO ititaT itTPLYTNG, vane easy um.
W. will mid bt mail an sp.
ijwiatefik 10 itt, rnaiuer.
rusk, tuor or cook-ure
- *he will try the
ISIA3SUAllfS $m*1 FIR1024
t'ut the rod cird. fe.ren
Levi anJ send it in a hue4
stuth,g booms Opinion attar
fair :ea:. Either a a, 10 .e
eau it will 'mum the gift.
Any gm,' or Nordic -Ter
Imr"-• uflr-re toirrtitif asked
/or 6) yuu.--Address-
* •
• otrtz.. k":.t• 4!••1
-;• )
ete, WI** *IT
-.t D
Mac of this ti.oin k.4 ur 1.. 5' )elara aid haat
Any person wanting a First -Class Job, Coate
to ree fcr it.
1 am cound to get you. trade if .Quality and -Drice is any con -
I have an immense stock
ture now on hand, and carrymore Undertaking stock than
all others combined.
Milli Made Rollers at 15 Cents Ears,.
Nutt your llfl,E (-4 14,1 h/.&i r : re.
WAREROOMS :---Betweeb P.O. and Bark of Montreal.
Rees Price & Son
have removed to the mammoth store
formerly occupied by Wm. Kay,
next to Bank of Commerce,
where they will be happy .,
to meet their old
customers, and
as many new
ones. Ty,
2016 -
C= =)12ZT.7C31-3-IST..
t.r. stootook.
, eiders assi
11.4. II.
Awe Meet
eel he
litirfor WOO
11141 rates
et ger 1*111. kora
▪ p it is "Moe
sew Surber mow
two et theme Merle-
braied itechest•r
noire, &ad
lured s 2 porneyerin
Barber. we are lis
P500.. to et asset.
w •• thae Mere -
.._.L•drsk Clindrene
..helot/mg made •
g lieelale ea all air*
enable ett
Razors andrtgeore
West attest. two Awesome of P.0 eseleish
The endenigned. while 'Making de media ser their lateral *Orme" teetowed
Imee him sthee onnineaciag busman. beer 6,0 saart■00 1610 be put gems Ms
Pekes le
$a wishes eartimearte M attetene te Ilk
from 10 cts to 75 cts per Ib, Maple Syrup, finest case Prune,
pure Spices, Lawry celebrated Bacon, cooked Corn Beet,
Cut Myrtle, Cavendish and Club Tobaccos, best
'Vr't American fine cut chewing Tobacco, fresh
salt and canned Fish, best quality.
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12 Bari of Soap for 25c. 25c.
Lessen OMSK Mixed Candy. • Its I Ohr.61111111e as, oftelit
Groceries, Crockery, Glassware. 011r, F
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