HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-10-12, Page 41' fi"`
uron fignal
lo wesd local aeweipaper. fo ►r sewsadt d:asaoaatia et et.
fete tads..
Wale Or newt 'taran*.1
PAI • year ; Toa for u ■ mouth, ; Nn. fee
ihmesaostba If the eubocriptio• te ant
la Women, eaba nptwin • ill be shamed el
abs mete et P.m s year.
•s•CtTtletlit: PATINI
and other casual advertnements, ao
per (Lr
for Ira insert.un, and 3 orals per Ices
ter saeL .0 Mee tied t usertton. Memeuted hr
a nonpareil scale.
Local maces in .onpartel type k per tun
Legal maims in ord.sar7 reading type Ie ps
B.sinome cards of six Ones and under 113 per
Adverti.tmesls of Lest, bead, Slowed,
mantas C �Vacant. Wanted. usot en Wanted eediag t
Uses as.parlel NI per month.
Hesen on tide and Farms ea Bale• sot to
seed t Hasa tel for first mos' b. 30c per sub-
sequent sostb. Larger advt. in properties_
Any special notice. the otyeet of which is to
presto:e the pecuniary benefit of any indi-
vidual or /ompa•y, to be considered an ad
ventiemeat sad chanted accordingly.
These terms will r .1! canes he wholly .s-
limed to.
Special mole for larger ad vert isem..lt, or
sdv.rtiseme.0 for extended period, made
'mown at the once of publication_
Jo11111flt DEPARTMENT.
A tally equipped Jobbing Mee is carried
ea le eenaectioe with the ordinary newspaper
benisons, where first-class work is turned out
at reasonable rates. Everything la the Rieg-
le, rise can be done 0• the premises from as
lemmineted poster to • stating card.
AL oommuntcationv must, be addressed to
. rectutluft'a.T.
1•,ditorof THE Smf*L
TWpboae Carl Ns. 30. YMerieb Oat.
1�M1':1.�"� M YAhAia.Y'�
feud so **lush" the pipes mid alma tart
ten bad water, so that good water for
dented. purposes oats be ubttti.ed from
the artesian wells I
O.s'i int of thittionsoil,that kited d
talk won't dm. Alter the pipes have
been uses defiled all the water its Lake
Heron "flushed" tkruyh them would
toot make them dean The piping is
sot east so pMbdly that reetisg-plasms
fee migieb.e and other diseased particles
woe b. found, sad filth amino. be
thoroughly ol.sno.d by • men discharge
of pan eater. What ane amosest yea
would take • ouliaery utensil foe sham -
her nee, and then, be the cleansing
never so great, would oars to use 15 for
its original purpose I Some of ten noun.
oil members may think this soalogy
strong, but the best medioil authority
in town -nay, to the Proven. --will
sot fail to 'odor's our placing of it is
the present oats
The °outraet for the work in connec-
tion with the taking of water from the
harbor has been let at a cost of about
$660, but it would be bettor that the
contractors were made a present a the
pries of the job, rather than have the
work proceed. Heretofore God.risk bee
been noted for its healtbful's., and W
gained • continental celebrity sea nein
mar resort and .aniteriu., and no treat-
er joist, to the town's good name and
future prospects on this line could be
don. than to premed with a.ork which
will beyond question unfit the water
for domestic use by banging it in menet
with potlatioes from the harbor cesspool.
To the members of the town council
we woold now say it le time to call
''Halt !" The people have put sp with
the botching of an undertaking that was
originally believed to be in the amino
interest ; the reckless ezp aditure .'-
tailed by theorizing and ezpsri..utiog
on this great publis work has also bees
"'Mlle* or no complaint ; but
the tams has sew come to pot a stop to
the policy of imbecility which appears
to have taken ptssesmoa of ear palette
stn wards.
If the scheme isfurtberproceeded with,
the large amount expended will be worse
than throws away, for no householder
would dare to take to his home pestilen-
tial water that most inevitably breed
disease and 3eath amo.g.t those who
parro anal his hearth. Watertaken have
been advertised fur by the council, but
1 we believe the number will be very
limited, if the mad project of running
deadly poison thro,tgh the pipes is per -
listed in.
As we write the *hole coaotry is hot-
ri!td by the news that poisoned candy
has been mot to • number of families
thorough the public maik ; some time
sgn it was discovered that an attempt
was being made to introduce disease -la -
(acted clothing into the city of New
York ; but neither 1d thus efforts out
compare in criminality with the attempt
that is now being mad. to introdeo
wholesale into the howebolds of Gods -
rich disease and death, through the me-
dium of what was originally intended to
vk a pure water supply.
The infamous scheme mast be stopped
at -ince and forever.
From the day of its inception to the
present taem gross incapacity and need-
less waste of the public 6nsuces have
characterized the waterworks committee,
sod the ooancil whisk basks it op Er
von of judgment bare been made (cos
time to titre, and additional rats hays
been incurred in almost every branch of
the work. The upshot will be that be-
fore the spit.g is ci mpleted tc5 amount
voted by the people for the .chase
originally proposed will not only have
been frittered away, but • supplemen-
tary vote of.many tbousendsof dollars will
have to be obtained. Time and again
has the absurd action of the eooncil
been shown up in the columns of Tae
litor.L, but the ii-tenizod poblic have
been billed to rest by the specious ez-
plaaations of the individuals who have
been at fault, and the council has con
tinted, through the waterworks atm
sitter, to make ducks and drakes of the
poblic funds, by incurring expenditures
which would nut have been necessary
had a proper course been adopted at the
beginning. The work was commenced
without any well-defined scheme, and es
is invariably the cam raider such condi-
tions, blonder has followed blander, and
needles expense has been entailed.
We have so desire at present to go
into details of the items by which the
public treasury baa been depleted, and
to many of our readers, whn have kept
track of the progress of the work, • de-
tailed Mates.nt would nut be necessary.
On another °maato• we may feel im-
pelled to deal with this phase of the
question more fully. Our desire ..
to let the people of (odericb know that
the Crotch has now esnctiuned • scheme.
in connection with the waterworks sup-
ply which, if p•rsieted in, will add to lex
already ineo.p.tmnt action the element
of criminality.
As is already knows, sD effort is being
made to obtain water by means of a ser-
ies of artesian well* st the harbor. but
sten the members of the council and the
engineer are now eonvmeed that the
supply will be insumeiest to meat the
demands for ire and domestic purposes.
They drum that s s.ieteot gnamuty fur
domestic use ass be obtained from the
wells me Lored, and to ensure a simply
for fire purposes ober have bit upon the
plan of running • pipe int., the harbor,
and thee placing themselves in mimeo
tics with the inezbauetible resources of
Lake Huron.
Now, it is • wet! -known fact that the
harbor is the redept•cie of 6 th from a
thoosand different s.urtea, and so analy-
sis made of • sample obtained at the
head ;of the peen- where it would of
a•ewity be purer then inside the har-
bor --showed that it was of the foulest
aster, and utterly unfit for domestic
ese. Every boat that lies at our desks
adds 1. the footnote of the water, •ad,
them of our readers who have barn at
the harlots when the Beatty boats have
lemma here, and who have noticed the
sastineees snerspt discharges into ib
barter will be at note etoarineed Chet
eves issdirect mutest teeth the harbor
water urease sonte.is.atios Bet oar
I•obl wiewsrss swab -pooh weje.inue era
two live. Why, say they, don't you
hum that we oily homed b w harbor
ween for fire purposes. sad that whew
Nth teeenaty we min it le glad, ,. he -
le the hurry of l=etting 1p the article
us "The Grant to the Osmosis- last
•eek we had not time to thoroughly ex-
amine the authorities on Mechanics' In-
stitute and Agricultural and Arta grants
In looking into the matter we End that
these grants are statutory, but nose of
the other donations to which we drew the
attention of our readers come under that
Ha SiAmke aT Homs Rots. -This
week's inose sl' --ilii London ( st4efk Re -
root has the toiletries/ :-Tho Hon Ed-
ward l:iake has contributed one hun•
deed dollars towards the Parnell in-
demnity fund. Coming fresh from the
scenes of the gnat oonfliet bsi.g waged
by the Irish people for freedom. this
1lunle hearted Irish Canadian, true to his
same and to the land of kis forefathers,
steps forward ma/dolly and voetribetes
his share to aid the meso who are flying
the standard of Homs Rale As already
anhouaced Mr J. C. Patterson, M.P. ,
bas likewise cum* to the frost in the
busy of need and donated a like am ouat-
Botb are deserving tbm thenke of every
troth:nen in Canada fur thus platting oo
record evideuas of their warm attach-
ment -to tLs ..on of teemed.
asrs.a W tab nommen.
Neatly describes the position of s hard
or grit encs wbee P.tsa.'s Ponies,
Corn Extractor , applied. It does its
work so quickly and without pain that it
moose inauws1 is swoon. Try it. Re-
adlmet the nes•-- remain* Peiekos
Ones Extractor, Sold by all draggiste
and dealers everywhere.
aae,t.. eases.
All part Ws abet' sale We printed •r
the aloe willies a free wake las,rle4 le
Ike list up to tke time of sale
Al eloa sale of farm stook end impse
monis. the property of Mr lea Craw- I
ford. lot 2. 1. R , A•hIdd, by .lohn
Rritie, Manias..►. at 1 p.m. sharp, as
Wsdeesdsy, Oat. 17tb. 1868 Be. poster
for list, term, eta.
Aseths sale of far. Maek sad imple-
meats, ten pespetty of Mr Roi t. Doug -
ham, st Oarfi*te, by John Kane, almtin t
ear, .t t p.m. mbar', on Tuesday. Cel
I� , 1b84. Bea toms,
{eaten for tuna, to.,
osorIsrgs MON In rams
ii Asa meed. t.... aalhdd, 241 J IWksM,
m,, 3d W Janes; bast sad largest oulieo-
da• d pgrsuuw to the ear displayed in the
WNW tiatfaaim maser, B Fare•,3d H Cer-
Tb judo. rseum.oaded that apes./
week be gives to Mr Wm Burrows, of
Oedema, for his extensive and warted
smll,stiese of grata i• the ser. Alec that
the C. P. R. exhibit, be kiu►ly re,ot-
e sesded fur the display of grain,
fruit and miserels whit► was displayed
with asci eicellest taste by the repre-
obatmtive, Mr J J Hashes., and that a
dtpi ons be given.
Eine uaagold worts/As, H Corwin, !d
Geo Oveen; mise Swede turnips, 8 Furse,
Rd Thee Carroll; sine 6e1d carrots, long
red. Shoe Carroll, 2d Robt Gibbons;
sins white Belgian carrots, H Corwin,
M Issas beheld; peck onions, less*
asikeld, 2d Geo Sheppard; twelve Gan
geld eons, Jas Aihe.beed, id John Por-
ter; largest pampkis, Wei 8.st&eid. 2d
jos A kewMd; largest egemb, Isom
Rolkdd, 2d Juba Salkeld, sr.
Peek of Rtes potatoes, 8 Forme, 2d
Joe Andrews; peck Early Ohio potatoes,
8 Funs, 2d Jos Gledhill; peek of White
Elephmst paitatose, J W Salkeld, 2d 8
Justis; pee& of Beauty of Hebron pota-
toes. A Smith, 3d 8 For.; peek of po-
tato.. say variety named, W J Hayden,
!i loom Westbersld; three Vegetable
amerow,W C Futter, 2d HarveyHowell;
three summer squash for table, Alex
Smatters, 2d Isaac Salkeld; three winter
squash for table, Wm SwaSeld, 24 1$
Bingham; three loots white Celery, E
Bingham, 2d A Kirkbride; three roots
red ester', A Kirkbride; three bead.
winter .•bb.ge named, let and 2d E
Biagbsm; three heads fall cabbage nam
ed, Z Bingham, 2d W J. Hayden; three
heads Savoy cabbage, E Bingham, 2d
Geo Sb • three citrons, Jag Aiken -
bead, 2d David Cox; three heads red
cabbage, Alex Saunders, 2d E Bingham;
mix lose blood beets,-tablo, H Corwin,
2d 8 Prays; six turnip blood beete,table,
H Carets, 2d E Bingham; twelve rad -
disbar, Alex Kirkbride, 2d Tbos Westh
Braid; twelve table turnips, Thom Hamil-
ton, 9d P Kelly; nine long orange car-
rots, Thee H.miltoo, 2d 8 Potter; nine
early horn carrots, E Bisgbam, 2d; H
Corwin; sine scarlet carrots, Nude, D
A Penis, 2d Wm Wright; nine parsnips
for table, Wm Steadied, 2d Robt Gib-
bons; twelve red onions, Geo Sheppard,
2d Alex Kirkbride; twelve yellow enjoin,
Alex Kirkbride, 2d Geo Sheppard;
twelve elver Skin onions, G Sheppard;
collection sweet rorn, 3 sen of each. for
table, .tamed, E Bingham, 2d Alez
Saunders; nine ears of corn for table,
any variety owned, .John Porter, 2d J
H Willismm; three water melons, Jas
Gledhill, 24 John Ai deems; three green
flesh melees, John Stewart. 23 Alex
Weems; these hoiden( cauliflower, John
A Nahml, 2d E Bingham; twelve red
tomatoes, John Stewart, Id Geo Church;
collection garden produos, distinct from
other entries, E Keaeham.
Ten poaods table butter, salted for
tee. in r,lle or in pante, J 0 Stewart,
W m Howell, Tbs Hats►ltoo. b ib. do,
Jus Wilson, Mies Jack, Thee Hamilton.
Tub or creek of salt better, not less than
25 lbs. Thee Hamilton, 8 L Scott, Nicht
oleo Morritdt_ Tet, 1be do, Sam'1 Potter,
N Morrish, Mary Bogie. Cheese, sot
lege than 50 Itis, factory rade, Gordo*
Young. Cheese, not lees than 12 lbs,
home made, Gordon Young.
Arrow. -Ten varieties named, 4 of
each, Thee Carroll, John Andrews,Jubn
Stewart Six varieties named, 4 of
each, winter, Woe Elliott, J T Salkeld,
J W Salkeld. Six varieties named, 4 of
Ieach, cooking, Willie Bell, Abraham
Smith, C .1 Nagel Six varieties named,
4 of each. dessert, C J Neltel, Willis
Bell. John T Dickson. Northern Spy,
Thos Beattie, Jos Whitely. Rhode Is-
land Greening. Thom Bettie Joe Wbite-
ly. Baldwin, John Porter, Jae Gledhill.
Ktetg of Tompkins county. David Cox,
J T Salkeld 8 itzenberg Aeenpus,
Wm Jones, The Westbereld. Fdb-
watmr, 8 Andrews, Robert Gibbons.
Roxbury Russet, Thum Carroll, Joke
Stewart. Habbardmon's Nonsuch, J T
Salkeld, J W Hester. Americium Gold•
en Russett, N Morrish, A Smith. Rib -
Mon Pippin, John Andrews, Jae Gled
hill. Waging. John Salkeld, sr..
Willie Bell. Blenheim Pippin, W J
Hayden, Willis Bell. Bea Davis, A
Smith, Thee Carroll. Swear, John Por-
ter. Hawtbernden, John Stewart.
Swazi* Panne Grime, D Cox, Semi
Forte, Pomme Grime, W J Hayden,
John Stewart. Mann, Thee Beattie,
Wm Elliott. Ontario. C J Nalco', J W
Hunter. Snow, Jas Gledhill, 'Moe
flew tie. Gravenstein, Them Carrell, C
J Nate). St Lawrence, C J Naftel,
JsaOordne. 20 -oz. Pipptn,Jnhn Portmr,
Wm Wright. Beauty of Kent, John
Andrews, Jot o Bdk.ld, er. Fall Pip-
pin, Junin Salkeld, sr., C J Sate'.
Duchess of Oldsaberg, Sara, Furze, 8 L
Loots. Chs sawn Strawberry, John T
Diekmne An, other kind mated, win-
ter, D Cnx, Thom WeatbenId. Any other
kind earned, fall, h L Soot', Wm
Elliott. Plate orb applesThea Nef-
trl, Joe Beek. Qoi•em, A M Rum•
Wm Stewart Beet Seedling •ppe, id
J Heyday.
PLASM -Mix venoms named, 4 of
mob, J W Hunter. Joh, Stuart, A M
!Ines. Three varieties named, 4 aeach,
Areit Dickson, E Bingham, J W Ha*
few. Bartlett, John Helkeld, sr, J W
Heater. Flemish Beauty, Jobe Por-
ter, fes.8e1ke13. Vicar o/ Wink6,Id,
Wei !ones, A MeD Allow. Duchess
D'Asfneleme, Thee Weatb.r.k, J W
Heater. Leets Bootee De Jemmy) Her -
see Hort, J W Hunter.
WAsjoe, Bono Hnrtne, Sisal Ferns.
When Doyenne, Jobe Bnikoid, r, Joh*
A.dnws. Barn Hardy, Ake Wat-
e rer Beerre Del, J W� Heater, 1 H
Willi•.w. Bee''. BoerE Nu.bam.
Mewl Ferns 8heldoa. Morse, Horn's,
Jas Geedne. /UMW OI•irgeee. P. A4-
a.tn•, Thee W eather.)d. Rewoil, Wm
M:Lsts, Jas Diskao*. Bosco , This
Weetherald, J W Homer C'spp's
Favorite, W J Hayden. C J NOW. i
Iauresse, E Btcghas, Cgs Ws...
_".m.,„„, ,�`T,�f-�.� ,.ties-. ' 1 -
i alai;, r. 3.ti)j,•,... 9•
,• ems:.. aaisazzt. -r, ••••-
•• • ••..•-
balm, aka Waters, Wm Jusea
Any other .arsety, named, Was Stewart,
D Sias.
Pm: no --13radebasr, C A Humber.
Lombard, Was Stewart, Mrs R..bt Mc
Kends. Any tither verity, named,
Ws Stewart
Guerin. -ilia variates, named, use
chaster of each, grows wader slam, A M
Rosa Best cad beavtset, two olu.tsee.
Meek, ander gleet, A M Bees. Twelve
yaristise, grown in open sir, two dusters
of seek, ourreetly somal, A M Rum.
Eight varieties. named, epee sir,
two dusters of sash, Wei Stewart, Jae
Dtsksos. Fuer varieties, armed, open
Mr, sn
-two Mestere of ob. Capt Gibson,
J try Hooter. Delaware, Wm Stewart,
A M Boa Co.00ed, A M Rum, Wei
Stewart. Hertford, Wm Stewart, A M
Rom. Eumelan, J H Williams, A M
Ross. Rogers No 3, A M Roes, J W
Hunter. loos. A M Rom. I H Wtlllame,
Salem. Capt Gibson, A M hues. Roa-
ms' Nu 4, Copt Gibson. Tartan No 9,
Capt Gibson. Rumors' No 16, Jos Dick
sun. Rogers' Nu 19, A M Ras', Arm
Stewart Creveliug, A M Rum, Jae
Dichotic. Any other kind. named, Wm
Burruea, Arch Duck.os. 3..dliu, J H
Colleetion d eat flowers, Aloe Wats
son. Three varieties Dahlias, 1 bloom of
each. Arch Dickson, 1 Bentham, A M
Roes. Four varieties Dahlias, 1 bloom
of each, 1 Bingham, sink Dick•oe.
Twelve varieties Verbenas, 1 bloom a
each, E Bingham, Alex Watson Eight
varieties Verbose'. 1 bloom cf each, 1
Bingham, Alex Wanes. Four varieties
Verbenas, 1 bloom of sash, E Bingham,
Al.. Wath[-itid gigsia; ilex Wat-
eon, E Bingham. Table boquet,E Biegbam.
Cdlestior Carastiona, Alex Watson. Cd -
lection Diastbes, doable, Will Stewart,
Ale: Watson. Collection Dianthus,
single, Alex Watson. Collection Eia-
nise double, Arch Dickson, John Stow-
ert. Collection trove Geraniums, single
flower, John Stewart, Alex Wel-
ma. Collection tram Geraniums,
doubie flower, John Stewart, Alex Wat-
son, Collection Perennial Pbluxer, not
leve than 4 varieties, 1 spike of sack.
Alex Wagon. Collection Phloxes, an-
neal, Was Stewart. Eight varieties
Gladiolus named, E Bingham. Four
varieties Gladiolas, Arab Dickson, E.
Bingham. Collection Attars, Wm
Stewart, Mrs Colin Campbell. Culke-
tion Pansies, Wm Stewart, E. Bingham.
Collection Balsam Spikes, is bloom, Arob
Dickson. Collectuoa Stock Spikes, Arta
tliekmon Collection Pitmen single,
Ale. Watson, (John Stewart. Collec-
tion Petunias, double, John Siewert.
Twelve Cohan, John Stewart, Alex
Nelson. Four Begonias Rex, Wm
Barrows. Poor Fuchsias, varieties, in
flower, E Bluebells. Specimen Fuchsias,
in bloom, E Bingham. Eight Ger-
aniums single, in bloom, John Stewart,
Alex Watson. Four Geraniums, single,
in bloom, John Stewart Eirht Ger-
Milne, dt.able, in bloom, John Stewart.
Five (hnotums, double. in bloom, John
Stewart, Atex Watson. Nine geese -
house plants, Wm McLssa, 1 Bingham,
A M Russ. Nine toliage ideate. differ-
ent varieties, Alex Watson. Two bang-
ing flower baskets, Alex Watson. Ow
hangings flower basket, Win Stewart,
Alex Watson.
$reuse_ -Collection of plants in pots,
vases oobasket*-open only to amateurs,
Wm Stewart_
Policeman -Open co amateurs only. -
Two Geraniums, double scarlet, is bloom,
Mier Allen. Two Geraniums, double
pink, in bloom, Mies Allen. Two Ger.
animus, single marled, in bloom, Win
Stewart. Twn Geraniums, single pink,
in bloom. Wm Stewart Two Ger-
aniums, sine's white. in bloom, Wm
Stewart Two haegiug barkets, MIs
Sre uu.v RIOCOYVreHID ---A collec-
tion of Dahlias by J. H. Wtltiame and
display of flowers and plants by Knox
Church Band of Hope.
Woven quilt, hoots made, Gordon
Young, F. Sallow*. Patchwork quil•,
woollen, These Hamilton. Patchwork
quilt. c-tton, Thos Hamilton, F Sallow's.
Knitted quilt, cotton, Mn Atb.nhead.
;Quilt, other thea the above, 'Phos Ham -
j ilton, Mrs Romp. Smyrna rug. Robe
'Gibbose. Twelve yards home goads rag
carpet, l.ianie Beckman, Mrs Cohn
Campbell Home made rag mat, Lime
Boebanen, W Swaffield. Pair woollen
stockings, from homy spat yarn, Gordon
Young, Thos Hamilton. Two pairs
woollen seeks, from home spun yarn,
Gordon Young, Thee Hamilton. Two
pun woollen gloves, from home spun
yarn. Lizzie Bochanan. Two pain
wuullen mita, from borne spun yarn,
Lizzie Buchanan, Wm Wright. Woollen
yarn, home mer:,, Gordon Young, Geo
Orem. Patch on an old garment, Thee
Hamilton. Link Buchanan. Dara on a
sock or *tucking, Harvey Howell, Thee
Hsmiltoo. Cloth mu. F Bellows,
Samuel Potter. Crotchet worked quilt,
Jennie Mutch, Gordon Young.
Gent's shirt, linen front, band aide,
Thos Hamilton Gude Buchaoau. Gent's
shirt. Bows frost machine made, Mrs
W Elliott, Lia.ie Buchanan. Gent',
fumy flannel shirt, machine made, Mrs
W Elliott, tame Buehanan. Gent's
fancy Ammo' shirt, hand made, Littsie
Buchanan, Mn W Eli.•tt Night dime,
Mn W Ellwtt, Mn McMichael Tatting,
Mrs C.nneigha.. C A Humber. Crochet
work modern C A Humber Manua,
Jab work, JD
Dickers, (Jordon Young.
Mignetdise lave. Harvey Howell, Rm-
brodiery in linen, Mn McMichael, Wm
Jones. Honitoa lace, Wm Jessie Wm
BwaI8eld Facey leather work, Mrs
McMiehui, Mies Payee. Stalk em-
broidery, Mrs Hutchinson. Facey
braiding, any materiel, Limes tteehsei.n,
Wei Cowaieghem. Ribber' work, Wee
Ounningkam. Forney knitting by hand,
H Howell, W Cessisgbr.. Fancy
knittIag by machine, 8s.oel Potter, H
Howell. Plata knitting by .aebine, H
Howell. Foamy pabelmW work, W
8weffleld. Miss Payne. Outline em-
lwnidry , W Oeanisgha., Mrs Me-
MiebsM. Remaa .wab„sdery, in linos,
C A Member. Darned ma, apeman.
of. Mn McMichael, Wim Jon.. Bertin
word work fat, John fl.lkrld, 'r ,
3.1%o,. Mellen Harlan w.r.l week,
raised. John Salkeld, r , Tho. Howell
tee. Mir reek, Jeanne Mouth, Mrs
Ai1E00111 ol 7 per
°ilk Cis
NOTE A FEW 01' out( PItICES:
Dress Goals, in $1eltons ..............&. to 20.. per yartl
All -Wool Dress Goods....''Or. w .;0c- Triuitaing. to match
Ulsterings_ from ?0c. per yard up
Flannels, all -wool, 25 inches wide,...... , • • • . , I sc. per yard
Flannels, all -wool, 28 inches will....... , , • • • • • 25c. per yard
Blankets, all -wool, ........3(k. per Ib,
Woolen Yarn ................. ... ........40e. per lb.
Factory Cotton ................ -...........:k. per yard
Factory Cotton, yard wide Sc. and Cc. per yard
Factory Cotton, extra heavy 7c. and etc. TAT yard
A special line of Ladies' Hose, all -wool, 20c. and Y.Sc. per lair
Special value is Fancy Wool Shawls. Fascinators. Coude, hires Jockey ('..pr- T..ques !o
A Large Stock joie received of Tweeds and Coatifor Fal Bulls and Overcome. Clothing
made to order at exceed ago Low Prk,.
All Wool Tweed. from tar. per yard 111,. • at out free of
Uadercdo(klag vary ebony. A special Inc,of .fl-w.ui 1.1.5,1. aur twav,en7$1 5OC., wenn 7k.
lownettus and Ccrsparl.an of !'news in* 11,.4.
No trocble to .tow. Goods, whether t ou pers./ am or not
7 per cent. off for Cash, commen ing Monday, Ist Otober , a nd
continue for one month only.
Jordan's Block, Oodericb, Shah .opt.. INS.
McMichael. Hairpin netting, H Howell.
Thee Hamilton. Fancy netting, H
Howell. Jennie Mutat. Motto on card-
board, H Howell, Wm Jones Sampler
work, Wm Jones. Paiotie:: oe silk or
satin, oils famatsltr', Wm Mclean. P
Adamso0 Fancy tidy, Thos Hemiltite,
Jeanie Mooch. Crewel work, Wm
Jones Crochet linen Iso•, 6nc, Wfa
McLean, Mee Payne. Crochet lines
Ion. entree, Itobt Gibbons, Isaac
Salkeld. Creche( cotton Ince, tier, Mies
Jack. Imam Salkeld. Crochet eutwtt
lace, coarse, Wm James, Wm Connive -
ham. Novelty braid lace, C A Humber.
Crochet work in wool, Mas Colin Camp-
bell, John Ssalkold. Silk embroidery on
felt, John W Salkeld, Wm Jones. Silk
embroidery on satin. aloe ,rack, B L
Doyle. Silk embroidery on plush, Mum
Payne. Silk embroidery oo bolting
cloth, Mn Hutchison. Etching on any
material, fine, Wm Joists, L'me Buch-
anan. Etohing los any materiel, costae,
Wm Swaine:d, Lzue Buchanan Ar -
seine on plush, Mies Jack. Wm Jones.
Armies on Felt, Wm McLean, MIs C
Campbell. Crizy work is wool. Jennie
Match. Crazy work in elk, Wm Mc-
Lean, Mn Hutchison
SPE.'IALLY RE1 «uYE'1D&D. - Hurn
album Ward, J B SweL:ell.
Professional refent to, there who have
given ',septet or sold pictures se a matter
of profit. Amateur refers to those who
have never gives levans ur sold pictures
as a matter of profit.
PRortoatoxAL L!.T, OIL (original.) -
Any subject, R Cr. ckstt. Marine view,
R Crockett. Ftnwers or fruit,R Crockett
A f1ATEre. Lear copies.- Landseape,
8 M Lloyd. Mies Nafte. Marine view,
S M Lloyd, Joe hold, jr. Amends,
Crooned or mingle, Miss Neftel. Flowers
tit twit, 8 M Lloyd, Jos Williams. Ori-
ginal paantawgA., any subi.t, Jos W.i-
liams, .los Kidd, }jr�.
Paore.Io,L L,AT, WATsa COLOR..
original). -Any *object, 1st and god R
Crochett. Marone view, R Crockett.
Flowers or fruit, 2nd R Crockett. Septa.
2nd R Crockett. Pencil, crayon or pen
and ink drawing. R Crockett Cnyna
portrait, Mies Breekenridg., Ells Platt.
-Any subject, Jos Wilbi•ss., Mrs
Aik.nhead. Landscape, Miss Allen,
Mn Colin Campbell. Marine view. Mies
Allen, Mn Colin Campbell. Animals,
Joe Williams. Mime Allen. Flowers or
fruit, Mie AIImn. Orimnal, any subject,
8 M Lloyd. Sepia, Mier Allen. Peoetl
or crayon drswisg, Mie, Allem, Jos
Williams. Pen and ink sketch, Jos
Hast and largest displsv of honey in
marketable *baps. Ro't Metall. Honey
in comb, 10 lbs. James Aikesbe•d,Robt
Moteh. Jar of honey, C A Humber,
Jos Mei:bosky.
Home make millectios of pronery e,
'oaeistier d strawberries, raspberres,
currants, gnossberries, cherries, pleas --
nee jar of each, for family use, C A
Heather, Jos Beek, Mn Robert Me -
Keene, Peaches, three jars. 0A Rem
bar. Pears, three jus, Joe Beek, John
Salkeld, or. Oeeom'ter, three jam, C A
Humber. Jellies, three jars or pots, 3
hied*, Mary Bogie, C A Humber Loaf
of home -mei. bread, J W Penne. John
Stewart. Ten hi.eurt,, one plate, Wm
Stewart, John Potter. *,
ova. 3 UDoaa 46,
Aeau m3'raAL Paonvsna -1E Eoleh-
lstn, B...el Nome, Paul* Gnat,
Dater Pinot ,p - Joha Ramesh.
Sualortk; Uasi McCartney. Brwesfmld;
Wm M rblsnw, Clinton
Faun. --0,o Leslie, Leslie; A Reedit
<Grra; J Beehsn.n, titratford.
Fuiwst., W H Bereshas, Attatfead;
R im.i., (indevieh.
Hews MAtrv►A. refire awn Lamm'
Wrote,- C g Roes, Mn W T Hale• Mos
B L Doyle, Onderiek
FINE MM.- Mt Chilies (American
Coned .
Betio Atte *Warn. - D Cnnteloo,
Jos Wawa. Oedema.
LI.: HT Hoarse. - J L Cowen, (lel t ;
T (Y \ail, lireseels; P McGregor, Brtnoe
Wary Homan.- Wei A Grant, Clin-
ton: L Hooter; Exeter; Jo* Kennedy,
lldert, a.
Cents -Rooert Gibbon., Detroit;
Joe MMt:len. Mullett ; .1s. Honoree,
Sitter AAP ParrAsdraw Wbit4w,
Guelph: Jo., Salkeld, Stretford; Jae
Bro.dfoi.t. Brimfield.
PorLTRT - A Bt1Rae, London; W
Saoder.uo. S'ratford.
!I ELI. Room •tau VLczetatz.-T
C Neftel, 5; 'd,xh; JneGokkhop, Salt -
ford. Jus Wilkinson, Ooderich.
T115'l..Sit PtrETEts PAT..; e
We have to ths.k Mr Jos. Aiken -
bead fur a tint perp metros, a gquentny
of fins potato', and a number of mssi-
leat red taros. from Mr W., Stewart
we received a nese lot of Arte plums sod
grapes : sad Ila C. A. Humber ands
as the te-tenet of some of her prim
honey. Truly the editor's lut u Asa
Cott to • pleasant place.
A 820,00) Pdu.-r Coats. -The Me-
Gibeny Family ell arc.' in (lodens*
on Saturday, 11et. 20, by pri.•te
omen T'be4.ollowiag, from the li•kDs
G.a:-tte will prove of interest to ow
readers :-Nothing succeeds iIke macaw
and the McG)beny family bane mere as
*cr.dly succeeded beyond their feednt
anticipations- And the new privets
palms coach which they have jest w
built for their sceiniation st u In
panes of 1.10,000 is bet one of Um maty
striking Signe of their prosperity. TM
"McOibsnv Family" a the largest tet
well as the 6oset sad best egsppsd
palace oar in the country, being .3.5517'
lour feet is length, exceedieg the lseelk
of the regular passenger witches by ear
thirty feet, snaking it aserh twigs m
long as an ordinary ear. As a ease
queues it rides easter sod forties'
ample room for a th. oeaad and cies sse-
veoienoee. In the frost is loaded t►s
i kitchen, with ranee, water halters, lade
ere and SII sppurtenaneea most dertred
in U. culinary department Neat to
the kitchen, molted by • bell which ex-
tends to the drains, mote b.yoed, .
the pantry white, while .ssmerilt mot
large, bas bees placed with a view •5Wy
for eowveeieoce. The manes ie ghee
the builders could arrange so meal
shelves, drawers end nooks f• •r Men w
purpose in snob a moil; spots is • my-
stery. Above the pantry ars located the
water hulks by white rite ear it *WNW
with running water. flack of the pasttf
is the drawing 'rout in •tech is a cert
piano, manuf•ctwwd t., their Mewl
order. together with sash Amin sed
other articles of laxer, sod esemeinw
Immediately adjoining, in their anal'
are the library, sitting mom mad W
room- CofilowadiOsIll sitar, ems mmol
Ii.en closets a d ladies and
toilet rooms nes convent.** digital
throughout, while •djuii.ing the Marl
a 'test burglar and bre pr,onf eh is pee'
.d •., as to be satirelt hidden finis rite.
In addition to threes soneaotin , tem
*re sixteen berth, sod two stats arms
This splendid traveling s. 1. p'F
ceded throw/hoes with electricrIst,
ani flee ',resists in attendees, q.1514
sepplp every went At M14t, y seem
ed rim Image, the ear i. awes N%
es day, and se it i• heated 67 tense bb
temperature is the oboe .t as tfsaa
Unser the ear ere Ms kicker', in wknf
maw 1e trenepe'teA enough pp,viro
for a month ., . ton of .atareia
g eol. half s tae ids and amyl,
ether amide they may desire. TM e'
e..ble et the wwsy, is lame as le A
treat the adnintien of *very bagels,
As • epssimss o4 ehm sets.,, ogled
railroad ear biddies has remelted. N ep
tate equal reek with, if it Steam Id r
eel. the 4s...t of pens. nese of Jr
g eat .uirw,l a.a swiss
We do set Mid
opulent* of or
tem w Oils wq, dui
Nelms M puwoe sad be
M Some* oft_at tree'
To the Sauer ef The 3eresi.
flea -D... Renu, tells the
Mary d an old Scotch minister,
very wet 558100 Has praying
for dry wether Mote, beat
rats rattling os ibo roof, he 1
rain ••s, rets •• gash Lord, apo
pet' folk', out rs, .s' 7.11 La't
...mot 0' ?on Mod t work N
sent we sot pm* abs elan
hement of our wee niters, (for
boot • ween Veer fur Cuderieh
wet mason meld ears bete) io 1
"Gess o., gang us god* lords ;
by bat to 14. pu,li;, *sponsor
mind wharf the veers to be, die
lab ten purr people, p-,oshs* 5
/out d January, tad than rill
pat tseckle credit for quer k•n1
A Tower
1818 TEAT,
PINgg THAN Evert $SJ
e Bream as seek flea sad Pack,
eeaer me'brass.
Gooaaurn, Oet. nth
Wbsat, !Fal oldl • husk sass , Is. .e
Wheats ,Fajta,.-
Wheat, .red wiateri s boo . 1 M
Wheat tepirfaei • busk ........ I M
Whew. bases► • busts • es
Flours ,'A 1• It ewt...-- • t ea
flour .'mixed)• cwt .-•
7 se
impair. aura*trkesw t-.s.t.,216
Maar. 'passim per. cwt e
0105?. an!gk1 w,
Pees., bbash ..........,...• ,ee
ran . ou 1
te_Kv u i
�•'enass.atu wMrkid • i Ass
Nhsrrs. •Iran tea 1 00 i
(�sprpid stag a etre»........•..-. 1 t
g.wt ift
leased Rms, s cwt .'
73 '
0? NF -W COiORS.
(lobelin Grey, Moss Gr
Peacock Blue, Lyon's Bl
Sapphire Blue, Heliotrop
Crushed Strawberry.
Prescription Drug Star
A t.w:ted number ad
-Hannon' me be•obsatned •, !ate tat
TML 8k+'l5L
Ai niiements.
X11, nor. of fast street ..d sip ito
Open hes 1 to d p.n.. and tragi 7 to le
Leerhey Ihifv, Weelkty and Meer
Papers, A/i:maims, Ate, eat File.
posting fres use 1 Library and Re
Appllotton for mo.beruhlp melee
1llrarian. in roo.re.
a M4LCOMION. 080, 811VENP
President Seen
Yederiet, Meek *Mk. aha.
-.► a+hn�.mag3-.
JAN'Y Ist, 188E
Will Ned to any Address
OsaMda, United Stags. O
Oren& Britain ibr 26c.
Subsribe at Onc
25c. 1
Send alpwg the money a
don't and edam with it. t
Pell ism obit to man �.mtine
iinterasf 1Ml
s '•w'" ... . -.;.-- "U : ..,. -.. •a.1P.n•. �.a;.. - 7tsass.' m •."�.. .-g-:'.wt Sr��.'iii,. .r,# -;-•• era_ss.'ass. ..i.'uaiS'�y�sass.
,.. ___ ._.�..'.+-`^t-w-,.-�....�•,.,.�... �. ,_.�.�,...; ..-....�� _•�. a■irl�iliiN■�Ii11Ar "- ""�" -.....�. �•._.
r ..... %wog r so..il w. r. 0e, , m,ee,,.r.�, - +yssl5a.nmwM.++rwfs.as.wwra.wsess,r-imAaleP.MM+.R
' .:11t.•sass.�"Trig"Trsss -�c7Fmtd{.t 4 3xtmxt►Y.'
rs�e�d■llp�r �sast
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111.41111111101~EMIWOP” OWNS.