HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-10-12, Page 3.e�
Wale el Stem• ■aero
The mar gooier for ewes
is /mi i odor*woven la
taen.e moppedstripes aloft
di•gocal snipes, corded Buys,
Ouuned, labile oaten . -
wese,e with borders of *two
mere hgurse. Henriettta;:
ink its own S • wt ���
eae who has esu
of a dress of this (msa mal
her mind as to Ake dewsk,1
investment• Rough coo,
serge aro popular, and tbv:
da► cloth& Drop d
le a very dur..b.e ewe,.
,xpena,v. quahuee . at.
Imported in all the tom «..;,
street wear.
Never alba w the b seek
ano ed lest aen..us
Pills are uueurpaaed L ,
cunei ipstiuu.
Breen pr.•misee to Mao,
its colon for autumn" ee
naedu. which is the me
and dark and bran. 'r.,
elm, be much awn, ..
new o„•zd . the doll dare_,.
B aler. There are u ,r
which an quiet aid a t.i
to be worn again, N Mgp
well as t hu. are unit
Dsrl bow is "oast
Worms cause sad tc
children. Freese.' N,
preterit this, and saints
and healthy.
Ribbon. cad elms
kits, which It a aim
crowns and wider las
is to b• Main spa Ake
hotrec er. • Wei beet! r:
top of the ere., ennui
forward. Bieck km are
with any coined thea
•cry fatty, e.Tet ■ K
bons ars solid euro, t
afforded by te wars
told the pians mrd
bsod.smi am int
of the sear *lie ha
prove a "ukteg' frim
"For yeah 1 tgfid
petite tut iedess las,
relief coil I kips tet
pardl& Tie min
me. ill sepsttt. sea
perfect '-lend C Ildir
at., Sand Beteg,
I Le Wr1a. awmoma.
Star, Zinlaioa
.rttA fie„pl. h fr1, s
*.patsy era slick
and mood gm K
I boomed yew's
of Iknrm.01
int bcese
&Si M ail Diegart.,
Td he gees eon
geWaaat Twice
cavi ad tin
naiad at .b. l►
is Al* sae..
y T.11itIn
1„ ase of rota,
twain that. A
w it sedate
dee. It is not
*it room -L
Ilhated �Pr.v
"1 ha. used Dr Fuwlera Lamer of
cad kayo pso► ie. of • tau trial, a este
e Withu
we, With , my own are and others of
$ . family. " —Laurette Wing, New Dun -
d s, Waterloo Cu , 1),i 1. 2
Straw raw law eseseaer complaint
w ad wooed mer t'Mlairs.
SOS "Deer I tiger !" be said, as be laid
uge dog• Isis paper sod looked arus•d the
'be oar, "but is hoodred mallow doJl•IS u 1451
and much for soy use nous to have."
cud• •• Who agot tt 1'sited the WW1 oe the
it right
inure "Jay Gould.''
th u Thee for a moment ev.rybod• was
't.tw salient. An old woman with a handle ou
the opposite seat began to wave about
uwaslly, enmeti:iag like • bleak Caine 10
her cheeks. and .he fleetly beamed for -
war daod ttusr.ely whispered :-
"Add he isn't • widower, is be r
Ererybo.dy laughed, and she gut buffy
abet lett the car at the nest orusstag.
Look always eons aghast soma people.
f .i ne-
ray wall
in the
te also
ads* as
I. wane
ler i;lht
trim hall
re kiwEr
the bat,
being on
bah year
bbun. etre
the rib -
trust it
We are
be large
the runh
r this will
bine to be
to of sp-
ied to find
hr's Sana•
Iraq, cured
one are now
916 Seventh -
ell Waistline
.1 Liesr r,i:
ruled. The
n tato flock
I,Ion in caaes
lona stand
rovement you
I). New York.
and $1.00.
ung anything in
is too mech by
u worse them
d.if uuderstood,
will generally
firm, medium or
let the gym em
T ali/bt puniab-
Ten at the wound
ucb the seventy
the certainty of it
• Tani eel lean.
loo Tkomaa A of H outlay, Out ,
amid all the t••rtert' ,of liver complaint
t<„a FOWL FotR i ttle. of B. B. B.
manly eared bw,teakwe her like a now
mod vara, alt other medicines had
WW1 to relive tsetse 2
Milbern's Aromatic Quinine Wise for-
tifies the 'Tatem sgaioet attacks o.t ague,
shills. bilious fever, dumb sine ant' lite
troubles. let
te••gee••• tesaaee*ita.
Counterfeits are always dangerous,
more en this they always closely net -
Tarr TIL ORIOIS•L rY Arra•aa ref AID
SOUL The remarkable emcees achieved
by Nasal Balm ae s positive cunt fur
Catarrh and Cold in the Heed las it-
dueed unprincipled sorties to imitate it.
The Roblin are 01ut:oe04 Dot _Mahe de-
ceiv'ed by nostrums imitating Natal Balza'
in name and appearame, besrioe each
name. as Nasal Cream, Nasal Balsam,
etc. Ase for Nasal Balm and do not
take imitation dealers may ur,te upon
you. }'or aide by all druggist* or sea•
fat -paid on receipt of price (50oand $1
by adding/nog Falford.A C.., Brockville
Oct. _If
pooled old !Web, "they
slash abort Iaoysn' free. but I'm think -
in' doaon are jist as bad as lawyers fur
robbin' folk.” "What way dee 7e think
that 1" asked McKenzie. "%eel, oor
doak•r cam dour' to lance oor Jenny's
arm an' forgot his lancet. He geed
back for it, an when the bill (moi is M
charged tws visite.
• Geed Stsgabse.
"Late last f.11 I was laid op in bed
three days with • very .vete attack of
durrh.re and vomiting. Nothing haoe-
fited me until my neighbor, Mr. Des.
niog. recommended Dr Fowler's Extract
of Wild Strawberry, and brought me a
half bottle. which eh* had in her hoop&
In three hours the vomiting was *topped,
and I was able to sit up by night. I
would not now think of using any other
medicine." Columbus Hopkins, Hamil-
ton, Out. 2
tae w Toe admiral.
Don't pillow s cola in the head to slow-
ly and surely rein into Catarrh, when
I Fes can be cured for 25c. by using Dr.
Chase's Catarrh Cure. A few
cin incipient catarrh ; 1 to 2 mea
corm ordinary catarrh ; 2 to 5 boxes ie
guaranteed to core chronic catarrh. Try
it. Only 25c and sure curs. Sold by
all druggists ly
OW *hem • e'ba*es.
That le to my, your lunge. Also e11
your breathing machinery. Very won-
derful machinery it i& Not only the
Irg„ airpeensta, but the thousands of
IOW tubes and cavities leading from
When theart are cogged and chocked
with matter which ought not to be there,
your longe went half do there work.
And what they do, they cannot do
Call it cold, cough, creep, poeemoeia,
(stink, consumption or any of the
family of throat and nose sod head and
obstructions, all are bad. All
lisp.t to be got red of. There u just
es, este way to get rid of them. that
is take Bombes. German Syrup, which
uy amorist will sell you at 75 Dante e
wile sage if e•erythng else lass
wed you. you may depend upon this
fa certain. eowly
Many forget that the hair and scalp
need cleansing. Extensive nee of Ayer e
Hair Vizor has proven that it is the best
cleansing agent for the hair -that it pre-
vents dandruff and stimulates the hair
to renewed growth.
jolts Thomson sad big wife sometime
Middle in madly philosophical dome -
won John, however, makes frequent
jokw.1 has wile's when disewe-
ing, =la to her ist. The other
night they talked of the women's rights
movement. "Women .r. happiest," ob-
w eed John, "in being loved by s mss"
•.Bit, my dear," pot in his wife, "how
do yea elpiain the fact that some women
don i love mee r' "By the law of rs-
ciprcaity. Inv diner, replied Joie "The
men dont Ills some wanes."
M nearly alwa/aisdsNd by neglecting to
keep the bowels rmaalsr. and is akin $
frequent sequel to dyspepsia or indiges-
tion. Regulate the stomach and bowels
by acing Burdock Blood Bitten, which
is eertain to promptly relieve sod ulti-
mately cure the worst Dams of 000agp.-
We regret to lean that Mr tlessel
Baillie, clerk of T.ckenmith, hes been
bid up for WIN time with frsstarsd
ribs, whisk he received . th. result of
a kick frees a eolL
• rano M•MmM&
Ap pcieonoue wast.,snd worn out mat-
ter ought to escape from the system
through the .sorstiooe of the bowels,
kidneys sod skin. B. B B. cleanses,
mpyes sod regulates these natural cadets
!or the removal of dismiss. 2
wen remote law M .1.."."1-
1 you
do not heed the warnings of ea -
um and at wee pay attention to the
g i•istainance of your health. How often
wu s. a perwos put off from day to day
the punkas of s medicine which if pro-
rated at the misted of a disease would
bays remedied it almost immediately.
Now if Johostoe's Tonic Liver I'i1le had
beta taken when the first uneasiness
node its appesreae. the 11145 would
hare been "nipped is the bed." Jolts -
e on's Tonic Bitten mod Liver Pills are
demdedly the beet mediae. os the mar
kit for general tele and invignr.tini
proemial'. Pills !ta per bottle. Bitters
60 caste sod $1 per bottle. sold N
Otsde the druggist, Albion bloat. Bolo
ANAL (hl
Vefrrls O5(hnite Rehm le • wnwderfal
Molise composed for eats, woesd&
tom. berm, scald., torle, Ova. pim-
C._ ermete.s emit Cwee.
To Tea ED/T011. :-Please inform ynar
readers that I loom a positive remedy for
th. above named disease. By its timely
a thousands of hopeless oases have
bee permaaently mired. 1 shall be glad
to seed two bottles of my remedy hue
to any of your resden who have eon -
gumption, they will seed ma their !s-
pew and P. O. address.
Beepeettully, Da. T. A. Stoma. •
lr 37 Yong' SL, Tomato, Oat.
I• ewer* Amami.
Ki. Bala littwt, of 1'uot1 powl, Oat
write, -"My brother and mete bi 0
takes al with • MNre *week 21 diss-
I rhos, litmus tried other eseedd l hw-
tned Or Pow l.r's "Lamm of
bwry, whoh gave tmmdi•te relief." 2
A little mil Ort nutted ass given tis.
album id the f.mlly photographs to look
at while tae h' ere. •Aoudad to other
alfattt ' W..1 dear," asked the latter
0 o returning, "did you look at the a• -
b .m ." "Ob, yes," answered the list
maid brightly ; "and wive got, sae
wetly like u, only the pagan* are
Mw • DsMC•ngM l'elA.
A slim young mac iu the height of
fasbroe wee violently sneering in • street
ear, mhos • compani"u remarked, "Aw,
Cbawlee, deah buy, how d'ye cat:h that
domed' ul cold." •'As, deah fellab, left
my caw in the lower ball turbot day,
and in sucking the ivory handle, ea
dweadful cold, it chilled me almost to
death." If Charles had used Dr. Har-
vey s Red Pine Gum km cold would not
trouble hira eery meek. For .1. at J
W tleou'5 prse nioeioo dreg storm. 11
Beam Ons sant Henry Ward Reecber
on a lac of April an sevelope ineloeing s
*beet of paper, on winch were only the
words . Apnl fool !" "Well," .nod
iseecher, "I have several times kouwa
stupid people to write a letter and omit
to sign .t ; but the is the first time I
mit knew a moan to pet he signature on
the paper and corset to writs Aka letter."
Dual a seal•.
Tisa no ries in buying medioinc, but
try the great I(idu.y and Liver regula-
tor, mad. by Dr. Cha, aa'hor of
Chase's reoeips& Try Chase'. Liver
Cure for all dimmer of tits Liver, Kid-
n eys, Stomach and Bowels. told by all
The distressing paleee..0 often ob-
served w young girls and women. is des
in • great measure to • limit of the red
o.rpacles in the biuol. Tu re,o.3y
this requires a .edieitae whisk produces
theirs necessary little blood constituents,
and the beat yet d,.00vered is Johnson's
Tonic Bitter& Pie• 50 sena, and $1
per tirade at Uooi.'s drug .tore, Albion
block, tlod.rich. Sole agent. (bJ
A rege,tar Cur .
What qualities go to make a popular
gid ! Study the girl everybody lakes, and
a wherein he the reasons of her pupa
laity. Very often she is not pretty, or
e n, is devoid of the clothes wearing
faculty we cell style ; the may not gree
he asoompliabed ; bet we all like her.
The most popular gid we know is always
called pretty, though her feature. are ir-
regular and ebe belongs to no decided
type. Bet the momeot .b. meets one
her whole face lights up with fnendli-
ness and her first speech is either some
marry quip or bit of kindly sympathy.
Sao you see 1t ie not very strange that the
u loved. 8be is eat rich ; her own lively
fancy and nimble fingers must do much
to provide her simple gowns, but some -
bow abs always baa time to do so mach
for other people. Whatsoever her hand
fade to do .he does with all her might.
"They have a larger sale in my ds
trist, says a well knows druggist, "than
any other pill on the market, sod give
the best satisfaction for sick headache,
biloioueaees, indigeetioe, etc., sod when
oombin.d with Johnston's Tonic Bitten,
Jobeeton's Tonic Liver Pills will per-
form what no other medicine has done
before for sufferfog humanity." Pills
25 cents per bottle. Bitten 60 mints
and $1 per bottle. Sold by Goode,
Druggist, Albion block, Goderieh, sole
mint tel
1124•111se• More Cemra.blIg.
"The gwgkest courtship I ever hosed
of," eoatino.d Eli, was when wy Miele
Consider Perking courted the Widow
Jenkins ap in Conncetisut."
"How wades was the ooertebip 1"
"W.11, my Qat. Consider metered
his horse over to the widow's farm be-
fore breakfast one morning, hurtled into
the bones and rasped
"'Sadder Jenkin, Fes a man of busi-
n ess I em worth $10,800, and want
you for a wife. I give you jest three
manatee to aaswee."
"I deet want ten seconds, old man,"
An replied, se she shook out the disk
sloth -'Cm • woman of besiege., worth
$16,000, and I wouldn't marry you if
you were the last mesa oe smelt 1 I give
you four .costa to nit 1"
!The First S
Of all Lung dlseae.11 are much tis,. y,4e
hverbalisms. lima of appetite, aura
thrust. pow la the cheat as.l
headache, etc. la a few days yen may
be well. or, ea the other haat, yon t.;,l,
be down with P•eumoulaor "Raliop;,t
Consumption." nun no risks, bat lava
bu/ne.11ately to take Ayer's Cherry
tieveral years ago. James Bin -bard. of
Darien, Conn., was securely AIL Tim
doctors said be was In Co.umpa„a,
east that they could do lutbtag for Lis,
but advtaal him.. a last resort. to try
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. After taking
this medicine. two or three months. he
w. pronounced • well man. His L;a1th
retoatns good to the present day.
J. 8. Brmlley. )laiden, Myo . Kitt.
•' Three winters ago 1 took • severe , nod•
which rapidly develops.) into Bron. hitht
sad Cosniuptles. I was w weak Oat
1 could not Bit up, was much ems, iale.t.
and coughed tncessently. 1 consulted
several doctors, but they were power -
1.., cool all agreed that I was it. l oa-
sumpttun. At last. • friend brought use
a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
From the fret do., I found relief.
Two bottles cured use. and my health
hue since been perfect.”
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
or. J. C. Ayer r Co., Lowell, Mass.
OW by so Dressier. Prised' , ra bstn.a. M
ImtaNdt ems se tae rotas.
DrapeeM• i dreadfu!. 1:snrdered
liver u mteery\.ladtgaetiw ie a fes to
gu••d nature.
Tb. human dlg.tivS'apparatus is ors
of the most complicated sod woodslfsi
[hinge is umtence. ItaiaamIrpp
of order.
Greasy fool, tough food, gloppy 104
bad cookery, mental worry, Late heats,
irregular habits, and man nth*" tbia
which ought wit to be, hia
hive wade the
American people a nation of dyspeptics.
But Green's Amami Flower has done
• wonderful work in retorining this sad
busisese and making the American
people tau healthy that they ma enjoy
heir meals and be happy.
Remember :—No happiness without
health. But Green's August Flower
brings health and happiness to 0.
dyspeptic. Alk your dre;list for a
bottle. Seventy -fire cent. eowly
fat • riser Lgees
Kr Goode, druggist, is sot a book
agent, but has the spotty in Ordeeich
for JohimWa s Tonic Hitters, which he
can heartily recommend for any cum-
pl. a to which a tonic, medicine m ap
plicable. This valuable medicine has
bear with must estonuhin,ly good re-
sults in cases of general debility, weak-
ness, irreg titanium peculiar W females,
extreme paleuea., impoverishment of the
blood, stomach and liver troubles, loss
of appetite, and for that general worn
oat feeling that nearly every woe is
troubled with at some part of the year.
Dunt forget the mute Johnston's Tonic
Bitten 50e. and 11 per b.ttie at Goode's
drag store, Alban block, Goderich, sole
agent. a
The following are esesllent retires of
beverages for the sick :
Crest coffee -Toast bread, very brows,
but sot beret: pour on boiling water,
strain and ado cream, also nutmeg and
eager, if desired.
S.e.he. Dank -Take the pith of
sassafras boogb, break in small pieces.
mod let soak in add water said the wager
becomes glutinous.
Mere n.sa.rsamb sato.
Toned at last, whet the true piblie
has been looking for these many yeah
and that is a nmdieioe which although
but lately introduced, has made fur
itself a rspetatioe second to none. the
mediame is Juhnaon'e Tonic Bitten
whit& in conjunction with Johnson's
Tonic Liver Pills has performed Sows
most wmaderfal cures impure et im-
poverished blood coos becomes purified
and enriched. Billiemenene, indigestion,
belt headache, liver complaint, kanguer,
weakness, int& , seen disappear when
treated hy the.ey �+dl foals medi-
eines. For Sale riggiat, Al-
bion block. Ooder' a agent. (d
Nay fever w a type e[ estarrh havieg
parodist symptoms. It la attended by as
inflamed 000ditioe of the lining memo
brunet of the wietrils, tear -deists and
throat, sleeting the lanes. As acrid
moc►es I.esented,the diaebargelaacerm-
renied with a barmen ameatinn. Then
are emote spasms of moseise, frequent
attacks of lus isehe, watery and inflam-
ed eyes. ISiy's Crew Balm . a reme-
dy that see be dspanded apes. soots,
et druggists ; by mail, ro%iAsaad, e0e10-
111ly Brothers , Druggists, Owego, New
York. 1,
Cinnamon Tea -To a half pint of
freak milk add steak or ground cinnamon
enough to flavor .ttoeg, sad a Sort's
white sugar. Bring to the boiling pilot
and drink either wean or staid. Excel -
at for di.nbcs&
mes's a'*,
hen no tisk in ►ayiag medicine, hot
try the great Kidney mid Liver resole -
tot, made by Dr Chem, author of Chase's
raeelpeea.. Try Chas's Lives Ogre for
all domes 4 the Liver, Kidner•,
Stomach end Bowels. Sold by Jsmm
Wilson, dragglat.
Lemonade. -Take the joie of two
large lemons and the rid of ass; add to
a quart of boiling water; sweeten mode-
rately god keep is a elms severed jar.
•� De sewer amaled spa■
No "hardly ever" about it. He bad
an attack of what people call "bilious-
neet,"and tc smile was impossible. Yet
• man may •'siaile and smile, and be a
villain .1111• still he was no villain, but a
plain, bloat, honest mac, that needed &
remedy such . Dr Pierces "Pleasant Th
Purgative Pellets," which never fail to
ours billowiness and diseased or torpid '
ver, dyspepsia and chronic constipa-
tion. Of druggist&
Ws bmgsmsis aztraord'vary preparstiou. for • • remst•g 611 ad winter wade. We hem an
le low-priced sonde. as wen as la
We err wetly called the leaden 1.
style. and variety of pool.. Give mea twill aad I will allow you
The Largest Stock of Boots and Shoes of every De-
scription, Rubbers, Overshogs, Felt Boots, Lum-
bermens' Stockings, etc., to be fond in Western
arT!.ey are all nougat at close prices foe rash. and will be sold at a shall ad..... S ,
rabbi Meek. fee. t sat -.L.55 oeseres'---,- as
I beg to inform the public that the Cit Laundry btllsinewt which
s been carried on in Goderich, sinus last February, has been leafed.
management, the fernier Proprietor, although doing a good
-eery--formed to relinquish the work, owing to ill
• Two first-class Laundry hands have been secured, and nat4tbie-
ton in every respect will be Guaranteed.
For rates and quality of work apply to
(*ay' Laundry. Golerich, Sept. Mk. tfihL
1f •
NEW F', A T a �H0777-
and has the latest styles in SHAPES AND TRIMMING&
As usual her rates are most reasonable, and she invites the Ladies
of Goterich and vicinity to call and examine the styles and prices.
Remember the XiUlnery rooms on the Rowe. seat to Acheson t Cor s.
A RalrAtm-Of one doses "Teases
ar" to any me sending the beet four lin-
rhyme on •'T*AslRIT, the remarkable
little gem for the Teeth wet Bat:.. Ask
y .ar drugged or address
T. she —misN pressroom. sae eli wMtlm
II mar eines..
Ph.,.plgtine, or Nerve love, a Phes-
p�1rstt,.m llrwnant based aeon Solent
Pacts, Formulated by Professor Aosta',
M D. of Boston, Yarm, curse Palmrm-
ety Constnnption 8iek Hesdscbe, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vertigo end N.arslgia
and all wasting dimness of OW human
ennui. Phr phatine is not a Mideeiae.
last a Nutriment, iwismas it contains se
Yegetabls or Mineral Poisons, Opiates
Narcotise, sad no fttimnlante, bat ai
IT the Phosphatic and Oartic Zlionagdi
Sonat in oar daily food. A Ni le bottle
is sii eiotlt t» enuvfsew All DrtegKiefs
(sell it. $1 00 per bmllle. bowie
Co.,_ sole agents for the Di ahaiwa,
bb rout ::root Lot Toronto,
A Free CUL
Arnead each beltle M Dr Chase's
Liver Cure is medial /Mile .red rseelp
honk enntainiwg serf el infrwrasttntt, 071112
200 reeeip.., aria ptnnosn wd by doete e
and druggists ea worth tee times the
ensI of the med.ine. Medicine and
ova $1• 344 les ar dt( sl..
Ih gases
rid s Nest
Nasal ps sonans
EAST TO USE. bete an tlswt
gid ermsedve atpedOrallmi mowed by Ca-
tarrh. 8Mt by Dtragdsb. to mat mayesid es
ieseyt of prime& aad 21. Ad item
FOLF01111Da.. MaiaskellIttyO O.
` r aw r�.seM1a'es•1e'r�.�►B
.,eale1rw.r. e�wn�ssm• mese
r.er i••er `r ___ am
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�aarea�. ' •.,r meta msvwa a.r *ebbedeeeeekve eve ober esee.,es wed
mew gbliM tobi awn lb
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saws' www ..e...i�m . �
''se t..rug
re Crib' 'Pi itairteglel •
wise arty eyes deli, me pas her case -
Wire she w • tial ohs mW ear O.tidmt►
Wise tsr beersr Ulm m. daft . oriole,
Vbs. doled cbaaa.m slows dim Oasis im
is ao Mistake About It:
The public verdict is that ALEX. MUNRO has the•
right Goods, right prices and in the right time.
I want to emphasize the fact that I study the re-
quirement. of my customers, and have made a epeeist
effort this season to procure everything New, Useful and
Fashionable that is worth having.
I make no specialty of low line... of Goods, I aim at
keeping *ood articles, and at prices commensurate with
If brevity is the soul of wit, I will not exhaust
patience by particularizing particulars, but will merely
say that in all departments there will be found a choice
20S1- Draper aad Hab.rdtiier.
Where you can get all your old Sewing Machines repaired
and Made as gDod as to w, having obtained a tIrat-clave ma.
charges Moderate. All work warranted. yit Bring along
your old Sewing Machines. Give me a call.
' Ap{tee
OffrOOMUSIS, glr.Z. OO t ' , •
rl� /metes _ J-- et mend wooer •WW cad .oaks Mae easemsse ware glee to
long Neem este.
raveepedgsee sad awe w1Srgr �mttties rutted.
Tdamis fo
Der *ilea sea. ea aseasati.r. Man. IIdaltaMite
Get Your Printing at The Signal. : 4
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