HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-10-12, Page 2FELICI A. Oe. wary assume in Amigos th nes lupe* peupl♦w ere etaading talkie( in .sa.Ny garden which was es geaut oil uM-1s.buwed as the red -book boos to whirl ►t belothed. Two of theta*. were 'Wooed the third was s tall bro•d- sheelderd young oleo clad 1* a brow telweseen eho><oa* wit. His toe calm pastimes were in erasing drags, surd he was apologiame to them foe le morning attire "The fad tit, he was threat. "1 hod • lot elf letters to turn oat sad beta; sod I tb-oogitt if I did it to -night 1 should he obis to have • good lugs day with too tomorrow before 1 gal." "1 like that old suit of yours, coatis Joh," said the shorter of the two guile "aid, when 705 tutors from Atmtnlis- a millhuosire, sir, or we will not rennin res- you ere to look jest w uu w du no You are to wear those old velveteen clothes. sad you an not on any mama' to grow a beard while you are away. ox 1 for ore wail out speak or even look • you ' '•1.O. ;Mon to her Felicia!" s.ld her coo •u laughing. "Didgo a ever hear soh young 170411 Weil, Deb. 1 cannot pro- m«. not to wear a beard while I ase .way, but I sow solemnly not to Morn el h one, will that please your lady .hill.. . Ys,Jsmk. Remember the riser tion 7110 will meet witb if you 'mak mi word ; and whether you weone whi Ino are sway or not, 1 shall always thin of you 011140oly • mnotaeh. "If ever you take tbs trouble to thin about test all, Jead ack, Towering h smog a little sad beetling bia bead to ••• . re verily e exprressaua of the leach Ube, p:yuant face which was upturned to 1411. Felicia, who had been smiling at theirn noose, sudu'eely turned away, and walked back with unsteady steps up th brood pstbwsy *loch led to the house. She passed slowly through the hell an into the anteing room, then went to th window and looked out. Jack sad les cow janioo were disappearing down one of the parks which led into the orchard ad Felicia could jot drua(oiah t14 outline 4 Deb's noun is her white dein The girl eat down by the window and buried her fans su her kande. "Ali these months," she was thinking, "I never guessed ! How blind I have bees -bo. blind ' He cares for Deb- by dear little Deb -and 1-" She mot have waited hall en hour he - fore she heard f000tatepe coining up the vardeu-path rad the voices of Jack and Deb. "Felton, where are you ?' cred Deb in her clear treble. as they entered the drawing -room. '•H.,w dark It u'' "Here -by the window," answered Felicia : and she was surpnsed to tied that her some sounded .bite calm. We have a piece of pews to tell you, Felicia, ' said Jack, with • laugh, pet- ting Lis arm r oui.J Deb. "Can you roes what it 11 I -I think I r'an, retorted Felicia°, a low voice. "Jac. r. •no;l xi. to be- come toy brother am well as my tousle." "You dear old Frlicu ' cried Deb, kiwis her sister vehemently. How did levieds you guess 1 I /Meer knew leviedtill just now -when J.,;ot told me." n •'L eskers -un tee un at .f the game," deemed Felicia, trying ti, 'pest itch'''. "1 coneratUlste y0� 1",th with all my o heart, sod I Ce t. a will be yery Inyyv " Yem a most lit • give y.11 a brother- ly kiss to seal yvor go .1 washes'" cried Jaek, gsisy. Felice drew bsek. Dale but smiling. "Yom must keep than all fur Deb sow," she enameled, brooking Db.s soft th e eeei•e ere w so peeesptible gnat. t1Mls� Felten Felt.however thews wee a marked alterstio. From$ atm pretty Riri eL. hod developed into ailwawoman,etsit- e1y beautiful woman, sod wait as unlike • Deltas it M resettle for tare serer to he walike soother. Dale was "weal 064 stark, with large bleak eyes Galley a eaey tittle acneani chin ; while relies wee was tall and fan, with a euteplexion like I! a rwelnf, sad soft naves et fair hair alienee( ower • low white brew, from be- neath which bar .yes show* him 100 groat stars. Those woe a faint tame* of meleashd7 a her charsiag smile and height blue eyes, w►ooh seemed to heighten leer booty and to ammo men in • marvellous mower. F.liaa asd Deborah had mol. desd ge through toe w triumphant •ase., sad bed rejected a•toerota offers. Deb was decidedly • 'dirt; bet she bed always told Jack & her cooquesta, alu tied, .o g s ate oould • speak openly elf them, he del not think • there head be much harm duos Feli- cia never flirted. but men pleaded for her hand jot the same, stud io vain, for .he refused every one in her calm sweet t way. so One after000n daring their 'mound •o- - n in tows both the girls happened to a beat home--• rare occurrent**. 0015( to their *sonorous el(a(emeOts-and they n wemaking the rand 4 their leisure. th I Felicia was leaning baidly in s eom- t fortable arm chair by the open window overlookis, the Park, opposite to which.. Mre Brooke's bonwas situated ; her weer our bands were folded listlessly in her lap, le while her thuetgb4 ware miles away from k Leedom and its busy irhabitanta. Deb was lying on the •, pretending k I oda, read. but bee book was upside -doers. wismog' r . he wait vtdeatly nut very deeply in - wrested th wrested in it Presently she broke the • steno, which meet hare lasted for several minutes "•Fe:icta, are you nut glad that we re- fined Lady Lawn's pande0 party this afternoon ? I declare its quite delight- • fol to get • few boors to one's self." "It is indeed," •esented Felicia lan- d gnidly, with half closed eyes. • "Not that 1 has any right to be loose - me bene, for I owe et least half • down letters," continued the younger sister. . I •Dob, have you sasw•nd Jack's ked e I letter r' -"Na" "Aug pen erste est, a sew Is. last titin " "I could not help it -I had so tis. " There .as • rather unc omfortahle si- lence for a tow minutes, and then Feli- cia resumed the conoraativa by say- ing - "Do Ino know that Captain Wyatt has been hen every day this week, and that he is cocain with us to the open Weight 1" "Will r inquired Deb, holding lux hook so that it couceslei her face from Felicia r slew. "He does not come to see me or aunt Csth•rime." "1 oppose you mean that I -that I am fi:rtiac with Captain Wyatt r aid Deb an s str oRel7 unnatural t oea4 "I night rake the sante remark of los e p: too, 4 another person. Colonel Wol- verton has also been ben nearly every day thin week -.'r we have met out --hod he is coming with us to this Opera to- night He certainly dose .ot cease to see me. 11 you din with Colonel Wim) tenon, why should I not flirt with Cap- tain Wren r "Deb, I never thought that you would scram me of flirting. I never flirted with any one 10 m7 life." Felicia posit- ed osed f,r a minute, and than went on. is • low voice, "Last soon Colonel Wolver- ton proposed to no, and I refuted him point blank, I told bite" -with an effort -"that I had leo intention 4 marrying him or any one else. He would not take "No" for an answer ; he said se Tong as I was fres he should hop., and it was no i use for me to tell him, as i did over and over again, that his attention. were sated. I.hould net have mentioned Ithte only 1 did not wast you to thn.k I had behaves on badly. Bat. i after all, Deb, even if I had flirted, you I forget that i am free." "Oh, it is well known that Captain Wyatt i. one 4 the trustee Siete is 1 Landon !" mid Deb, with a mirthless laugh. "Hs is not likely to come to 11 was" ' Captain Wyse', I know," Felicia are o!uiesced, "is acknowledged to he a tre- mendous Art ; but the greatest Buts are o n invulnerable. Captain Wyatt h.. n 4 treated you as he treats other wo- men. He !oyes you ; and, when a man of hu nat]TO nose.-•' "1 retia, cannot so what you shooed know ab:,ut the sate :f Captain W7att's heart,", broke in Deb, in rather at. un- steady voice "Deb, m7 dear, please do not think that I watch you ur try to pry into your atfeirs, for indeed I do nothing of the kind ; but one cau.ot bele seen( whist is going on sometime ; had last night. when sant Catharitie and 1 were shiers( for you to finish that walto, yea pawed rather slowly beagles of the onah. Yes rid so oethi.tg to hiss -I do not know what ; bet it seemed to IN that he leak- ed at you 1n a .ay that I have sever sees him look at any woman -.s a man eater does look •t a woss•a stile08 he Taal!, cares for her. Deb, dear -i batt saying taag to you, bet sl oom else wilt try n -I do But thnsk your ars behaving bimonthly to Jack or Capaie Wyatt 11 you only knew the misery you nay be bringing upon both yourself veal then-. Felicia stopped abruptly, for Deb's book :had Whin to the (nand with a crash. and Dah herself, with her fees hidden In the oh coition's, wee sobbed as if her heart would break The alder meter rushed 1 , the soda, surprised sad swreesed beyond measure. "My dear Deb, whit is the matter r" he •ac4nwed. "oh. don't ory like tb.t never roost k' make yore so miserable. hear cp. my pet ; i dare sal itis all me 'tepid e0is5.e•tio,,." No, It IS moa,' sobbed Deb ; "and I in the moat 'waesnhle girl in the world -for 1 ler. Dia Wyatt with .11 my kis= awl owl -1 de. 1 worship t1.r retied be weskit oro. O►, et wee °reel 10 lar ase .ng.l,.'. !eyed( to Jack whoa 1 was ^vest ' I w.• a were •kir -what id 1 knoe shoat live 1 Jack uti5b wow to Imre les um lard myself te im tele head. "Ws •re 1101 ening to tell any one else, you know, F••lacna, outil Jack has made his fortune," remarked Jeb con- fidentially. '•t;ran*mamma would be sere to object en the *core of my age, for" -turning to J•rk-"1 am only six- teen and* half, Mr Jima Ffnllro'ti-none years younger thee you ' Have you tak- es that into s,underatwn 1 Mr Ffolliott murmured • few word* in • low voice. Felicia tone end left the room hastily -• fact hardly winced by Deb or Jack, who were to' en,rrrresed with •ash other. ' Swiftly Ferici. liol to het room, clavi i and lucked the door, and throwing her window wide open. leaned out, panti:eg for breath, for her beart was besting s' ' violently t1ot.he test abe would be ■u! footed. "Thank Heaven •" she mannered, "that Jack is .Wing 5057 leo s00n ' 1 shall get seed to it in time. (Ib, Jack, J•ok !"-5nd, with • Crest sob, she turn ed and Sung 1erwelf upon the bed, hay- ing her face io the gnue white coverlet. • • • • • • F.lici• and Deborah Polities were left ovens One mere •herr.•, and they bed resided with their grandmother sive soma Three years alter Jack's depart- ure for Australia Mn Gerard, their grandmother, died. heed the two girls w• s• to :the with a rich widowed sad ekil Ire aunt. Mn Brooke was only too happy to chaperon two seeks benstass as her yoane ewes undoubtedly were, for the found that her a oaety wee moth .nteibt after .*nee their •rural ; and Deb sod Felicia, hewing ted rather • **- ended ee nded life with their enowle0oher, were very ogled so nese a little moos of the world, i..14ioh their beauty Raised them • hearty welc..0 a weitbersoever thew went. dash FIAbott met with many spa sad dowse in Australia, and totted that the nese-alked•0f f.weene wee Mot leo early d ttegslred as he had esp••red. At the NMI of dee yeses h...rer thee* came • • iOtee from him to Deb, oaring that •f- 1 fans were taking • torn for the better, C sad protrude* •o favorably that he hop- ed is a few most!.e to rtern to Eng- land. and that he wee howling forward k. • the rimwhew he w't.M hes able to claim hula Doh for his own Tee wrrlar went on to s.mplaio lb4t Deb was getting le hey, teat her leases owe f.er and far 1 hsseest : he •IDposed teat her time mem •n en taken es with hot I4•od•e triwmphe i d that Ow eight not span an hoar or two ne to write erne each loco lettere as she h sod to din. Q.h heel :hanged hot )sole in apnea' to ase* eine the night when Jaek had t.oid hard him Lae. Ih.r here we sere toned.d and she was a little ballet ; w FJi•is atrwmt stip, bewildered, web" mater • wood ' l treed b. tell DOA lest nicht of m1 to ~W k vat," b .mai Deb ; ' . hal wry w wort sleety 10. irk In ink theeti-I mead we bele. thetas. Be Mime Wed me 'kat he eared for m• ; end 1-I let him go )eieelloebbliltilei that 1 war fees to marry *'M7 pow Wlittle D,b ! U vale year k lea hon preyed, ataso.se d• the. as1McyMinh' have bee. saved. authetteYIseat Catharine know. 11 I hod thdttgbl it wetted over here *me, le chit, I would have sold Desk Toa[ •de; bas it has gone on fora day to day, sad it wee only a few d•7e ego that found awed ed fur .soh ether. Oh, m what shall 1 de ?" "Tie meat tell him tuokoht, Deb -or I mot- It Uma' net am os any longer." saswered F sutrrwfslly, "H• will owe forgive ate !" Poet Deli beret into oohs mein, end F.licii s yes 1111.it with syapst►dio tear. Jest nit that moment there was the eased of earring. wheel* slopping et the d1or. wad the male heated a &taboo knock. "That most be sent Catherine, Feli- w�.. mad Deb, getting lip baetdy with el lying dots in my room shall I get tbrcegh t►N'.gg.Meg, Me'1h Cone& Wolverine had Disk are both eciameg to M�, lea know ;" and Deb ren up• - "How is your headache, my dwarf" asked Mrs Bevel's, as her younger mese entered the diens(-room,where they Ind already began dieser. "Do you feel leap eeosd to go out this evening? "Ob. ye•, out C•tseriie-quite well essvtb! ' said Deb hastily, •• she Jep- ped into bet seat aria to Colonel Wul- vatto. after shaking hoods with him and with Captain Wyatt. Deb wee rather quiet during the din- ner, bet only Felons keew the cause, end the others sunbetd it to her head- sets. When the two gentl.mi•o joined the ladies - ia the drawing -room, they found o.ly the two girls there. Felicia are fereniag a creamy yellow rose fa her birdie, .std Deb was putting on a lung pair of gloves that:matched her bee - ceded .ober-eriered dress. "Anat Catherine will be me.iy is short tee miscues," said Mei., used 11140.0.14.le-' "Mean e,"Calomel Woiwetton, who leg a WI dtsti.giaTid- 'tektite man of about forty with hair al- ready tinged with gray, "Miss Ffolliott, yes will 'est kayo tome to sing 'Ear7- dile.' No, I am not Koine to take any referral; •o resign yuur.etf." She treat tato the •djuiaint room with Colosd Wolverton. and Deb was left eke. with her lover, the curtains which divided the two rooms effectually hiding the two denples from each other. Captain W .0 was • tell fair man with • brae: ed gain, a tawny drooping enestwbe, and intensely keen dark grey eyes ; his Agora was slim end up- right, and he looked a modal soldier. He was le•n.ng .gaio.t the mantel-pi/see, twirling hie moustache and looking down with an snu.ed smile at Deb's sedeevore to butte* her *loves. Her hands were trembling au that she could not w meed a f tle.eng a single button yalthough.as bud Ieary the Anona(ga/ uflioer had hese f • e formerly • fee AYow me," said Captain Wyatt, of- gewst gue.L J.ok abe noticed the lariat his services ; and then, under .&.died 5nd pni.teot mancier in which cower of the music, he whispered, "It Wyatt and Deb avoided earth other when was very cruel of you not to Corse to they met by accident. Coupling this Lady Ltwu's garden pari, this sitar- with the fact that the Captain's behavior owe. Yuu knew I should be there -I was rather peculiar .t their first meeting, told 700 ee last night. What haws I and even allowing for his natural eaten - done that you should•be so u•kiad r' element at beholding .n apparent "•Copal• Wyatt," be*ai poor Dub. ell ste.nger claim Mies Ffolliott in so Iami- ber eog0.ry bevies vanished ; and then liar a manner, Jack at last came to the she looked up at bias, and her eyes were titled with tears conclusion that than was something redi- Captaih a set mess owsre,me at the °ally wrong. His own feeing, tooseem- eight of Deb's tear" and hard) us" of ed to bare *with ewe • change, and he 7 telt angry with himself beoutse the whet he was dung, he drew her to his warmth of his old love for Deb seemed breast and kissed bar lips to be cooling down into • Calm cousin) My darling!" be whispered. "Deb, election. He frequently fcnnd himself, do you love mel" tbiokiog how beautiful and charming At'het moment footsteps +are heard !bis cousin Felicia had grown, and he eohwnr hien( tis hall; and be Itad bardly would +ooder whether she was pees( to tiro to let her go before the dour open- I man that tine k.vkieg fellow Wol,er. d and disclosed Deb's affianced lover, t. At this state of his thoughts, poor Jack Ffolliott. Felicia s mesio enc"'"' I Jack would shake himself with • sigh, as with • discordant crash, and with • wild ory, Deb staggered and would have (all- he remembered *04 that be was still seergemed u . en bad not Capt Wyatt caught her in bis to Deb, and that everything seemed up are• mode -down. Jack txo..•J the room. The (1)04004 Reese were close to "Give her to tae!r hequicklyto fid, and Use Logsdon was"' was near- The ly over, wh.n a trifling noournnes coo. Dick Wyatt, "By .hat right)" inquired the NO, hadsg*hti! ' By tot of her future husband! an - steered Jack curtly; and without a word, Dick Wyatt pet her into Jack's arms. "Take her into the library, Jack" said Felicia in an agitated teen "Ask Mh Brooke to mime down at once,' she re- asoned of the astonished servtast whom she had immediately wmmo.d. A few minutes afterwards, who FAti- O& retorned to the drawing ream, the found Colonel Wolverton looking overt &beat and Captain Wyatt starts( snood - eat of the window. Hie brows were knitted in a dark frown and his month was *et asd stern. He turned slightly ae Felicia entered bot it was the C.ilooel who *squired after Miss Deborah. "She is much better, Ism glad to say, answered Policia, rather treasslomily, but we bed sore* dill -realty in bringing her roved. It was • great shook to her -to ea ..11 -tete en0.15's •ppeat.Dmo se suddenly. W. ttho.ght be was in Ass- train." wtrain." i weeder be did not write to an Douse* bis teoUia(," observed the 001. mot.. "He diJ," avewosd Felt.is ; "bet be letter asi.asrried. Deb -.e Dever re- o•ired it. Lent Ostbrive begs that yen will *geese oor g dM to the Opera to- nisbt ; she is very &wry, bat of soiree in the eireemaees.ee we ere compelled to rota at borne." •,air eouree,' agreed Colonel Wolves. - "we quite quits understand. Come, Wyant -we .J1 not detain Mw Ffolliets soy longer. I hope your sister will here toot* reeorered by tomorrow. Good - ►e. she Id mew all thole raaatlts 1 Tell her 1 well bean► tier hem my thatgMe es thnegb she had waver ea idled r Five hog weeks passed awe,. *ad the eneeeteemeat of Deborah Ffulliosee eq.gom•as to her mese Joel' had ems - ed to be a topic of iatetett amus* Meads, segwtwaas•s and .s.mi5s Ther. was • great deal of gossip about her at Ant, old some Yid that, tiadisg she meld nut meets Goleta Wyatt as • b.ab•sd, .he W takes her eosin, who +.a far too risk, too handsome, boo rind for bre to every way. Teere 'rereads/es who watained that they had always know a it was &eking but a flirtation be - neon Desk Wyatt amid Nies Deborah. Bet, whatever was said of Deo. sow aid all reeved her, for Jack had made mon mosey thea he knew whet to do with. He was strikingly handsome, was atiU Foss(, pommelled charming m•e*ers,sasd, oboe* all, .as •ppereutly devoted to ►i' *On After her lover's reture,Deb ,.it into society more than ever. Stu wait hardly •ver alone with Jack ; a►• laughed, task• ed and danced with eatinatg tot. But, although apparently in the beet of spirits, •night newer poised tet that she fried herself et.l.ep Ouoe Felice* went into her bee -room after their return from a ball, and she found her stater, is her ball -dress, lying upon eke bed, her whole frame shaken with subs. Felin. • heart ached for the girl, far she Ind esperi- ed it .11 herself. She drew Deb's head against kir boom, kissed her with sym- pathetic tears, and wooled her as Met she could. "I cannot beer it, Felicia -I onset bear it ! Oh, be .onea aeons to IOU ; and he looks so wore and haggard and miserable ! He has kept his word ! -and he would sooner the than break it. He has never spoken to me since that sight or touched my band ; and, it he looks at me, acorn is expressed so plain- t, 1. his *yea that I writhe beneath their (.vete. He gave me jest etch a look to niebt -I cannot get 17 out of my rat -- wish I were dead !" gegument to sae Toe ams few to many oboes you pisses." D5► amid reetenie her ware do longer, and J•ak drew her head lagoon kw atwelder is quite a brotherly folios sad he her way oe. " ".Yoe poor little Deb !" he said, strok- ing hew keit gently. "Yes knew, ay Amar, that live years egg yea sari I emir • peat shako ; bat 1 waw far more to blame lli5n ye0, tut 1 was older I Iwai have b... mod to fa .. $ c Ink. yon to ••ante• your.el1 k, w ;hill 7410 woe tar too young to how your +we Unlit. 1 west to remedy the emu( laud see yu• look Itse your dear brittle little self again. Give me your eorbdence, my deer, sod tell me. Doi you .411 Wp.it care for each tither 1. "Tee," she whispered faintly. "I am • bunging old fool !" be sad. with a sigh "1 ought to have found out tram your lettere that you bad lasso ed to can 1.•1 me. I shall go away t, winnow and los moat WOO uo time in e000uncag the fans that your engage- ment is at as .ad. Wyatt will wale batt to torte.' "Never !" sobbed Deb; and then she bid hire all that had passel between Capt Wyatt and herself. "8et will not lutist to • ward of *x- pbwtton - he rettind the letter unopened I wrote him He told Felicia that be sever wanted to see or speak to we again- I made her tell m.. "That wee in the excitement of the moment; he will forgive you to time. "Never!!" repeated Deb. hop•Iessly. "Well 1 must be off. )Ens Daure a relative of Wpm's. is she gut', " Yes ; and that 11 partly why 1 not want to go tonight," "At what time shall yea go to bedr "j_thall not go till snot Catherine Foliose return; they std they'd leave early. Brides, of whet ase r it to go to bed when I only In askew' "Well, dear, i hope you will nut bother about me, for, if it n'1 make you asy happier, and it will ease your con- science, 1 will toil you s./methin.-I love you still,bet only as • cousin. (:'",d *15111, taws, . yvureelf fon goad hw�.. "rl nA kw, ' .he rat.rued o•mpoed- ly ; a •d h. did ave k.,... that tier every pule•'0"eas' a 4e held ber l.u.d foe •sew ° este.••We.►.fl hens leis LAI. dog by dos tee a y„u rrt era. '.b* went uu, rel ool beereeVet grant eyes to his, - 'and we afaU Pt'b,bly toe .1 meet Usal•rrtai s tdsc'''0 benotogio w Boat .. U.•1." i have a ,,01 14 4 ,, 1,. Wy.tt'a beet x0.1., '•t 1 Jos, • •.., 1 eh .11 roe t..uk leo ewe t..r the •••Wing -1.11 them, F.lole, .muni bre." h„,., the ..,d arun. "ti•s enol tt Disk W7014 w ask Jack to be ha. be.:.a/aa 1' eke 'bought t0 herself. • . e e e F aur IalwI. h•J plane4 ciao. Dob•. iaslris,le wick C•pt0u 1Vy*et, alta tb.y err. etl.l th r.11ug un the tiVYl ta.u4 Buit•.n Hall •s hill .4 wWtaare, std run,"g them w.. J. Ff..I11..tt- Felscta (mod too widows:id Jeek M sl:; I .r .:ala mei ate he Dieu .l be brim- mla� •" lar Clip ht.;b ,tante, and the next depr'.'.J nr;o.0J 411..'471. That eh• ba. - e 111 14.1 aayt hu,g to do wt. b 1a uneven a t.wprt rhe 1..q 5.R t1. fao'rit *d5a. She atr.buted it solely to hes lues 1 14.1 O w day -leek amid ren s'.,n w14in- :ing, ■pp.re:•tly n, tla bot ..i evarite; nut, •s !ir entered tb5 ball. be .. a Elis.. ear W:ul o'.e 4014 oh Ilse ienarr and t.lk,r.e w C •1„tsod tl'lven. Wail ala, s gavot to la,/ L .u.. 1'i.thuJt a wutd-Jack ,sed kw hal *•d olleu,r4 ih5 ball d,e.. I= •ss ai,,t:, r lard Wu.rw ler. y..5 g.'ln,r i.1 tau. horrid r u weather, J.e:1'' eskes Felicia, t.uniag did around (.nodi. lion,' rvtiaedJerk ber q el w -almost rudely. "A•il sant Cab.nne not to std resit dies.. for vas," had be w guns• - •HeAve as it 14 .s th. orn..me. him e.rag0m*r.t +1514 m7 sitar was brukss utl." sett Fraser, with • si*L By the •rod of the f•dt.wi•g week all • Mr. Brucke twirl ruitors pad departed 51- septinl Jack. One **ening when Feli- cia west in teat library to fetch a hook .he bad left there, she found her cousin stealing with Lls hands in has pickets gaging nn,..dily out el the wiad0w, "1 did nut kuow lou weer hen," abs said, earl..' oroq to spook oompo5edl7. "I eel, came i0 fur Tempi, Bur •, She leek the - line fees the table _ aid-iiiai lois( out -Ie a� mem bat Jack rpok5. "Wait • minute, Fslioi.-I want to tell you somethtnC. I bad a letter from Atwood a Otis .....ruing. My odd schooi- (elluw and chum whom I lived .it► kas written to try t.. punads Ins to go back again." He posed. not daring to look at Feita again feu fear Ice .bo.ld Imo IA control over himself era my some- thing wild-perbelre tell her that he loved her. "And-a.a Too :Limn 0I retersiag 1" ••Yes ; *Int ahead made up my mind to go next smooth. The fact is," be went um, trying to talk cheerfully, "I have been •■ee s.) loos that I leaf lost bore. Tore a. Do one hen who Garen for use •n' ugh to aced whether 1 go or stay." "And do pre think," cried Felicia wildly, "that because Deb was so bhed others are also; tea. Jolt, I love you' ' -tied then the petit -up tear gushed forth, and she toted to rash from Ike room, tut Jack csu2h bee and held lee tightly in his some sr-na, 'Let me go, Jack .he cried. "What have I said? 0h, let me go! I did act know .kat I sae song, Jack; I did vet ...n os* word?' Instead of letting Ler go, however, Jack only tightened his arm about her. "Thank Braise, F.laie, for those words," he whispered. "fox I should have ;one sway without speaking ! I thought, my darling, that you loved Wolverine." "Oh, Jock," .he s..J. as he hired her sweet lips, "I feel .n uiimm ed -I th newer dare to look you In the b» again! Ho. could I -how could I r "Bat you meant it, Felieia ' Yon care whether I go or stay "If you go, .he answered, "min meet tisk. me too !"-and. deer • paw goo really lore me, Jack, or is It, Duly r' "Therapity ieonly one answer to that," he said ; and the mower seemed betels. tar7. About ball past ten Jack returned to Felicia did not know what to say, for, Mrs Brookes home, and this time he was not elope. "She u is the drawing -num, W-7eetr-'- he said to his companion ; "sod I shall gise yue only half an hour, odd fellow;" end with that Jack opened the door, peeped in to nuke sure that Deb was stall then, had thee, giving Wyatt • gentle push, dosed the dour after ham, and *trolled off to the billiard -yard for s smoke. Dank Wyatt stood still for a few• elements, and looked at Deb w nth sur nodal eyes. Ski was lying back in an alto -ebur, where, worn nut wilt crying, she had fallen tut asleep. He saw there were Inc.. of tears on her shoe., as ha crossed the roam and keels down by her aide. Then be took her little hind sod pressed hes lips upon it. 'Debr he said Daftly. She stirred uneasily in her sleep, and. with a long drawn •,gh, murmured - "Han you come bark to reproach met" Then she opened her eyes, and looked at him, half dazed and terror stricken. Her breath came in quick, short comps, and the next moment abe found herself to hes arm., and her face was being cov- ered with kisser "My poor tittle dariieg, .hat a brute I have been to 700 !" "Bat hoe forgive to now. Dick t'' "It is I," he answered, "who ought to ask foravenees." How Jack had rove to Mrs Danvers, bus he bad met Wyatt and insisted on speaking to him, how well he pleaded Deb's cotes, how 'ley left Mrs Dover's and Came straight to Park Lane -all 114ie Deb heard afterwards. At that time ab. was Content with knowledge that Dick still loved her. Nearly leo hour passed when Jack en- tered the dewing-ru.tu with much tato i02 of the dour -banal*. " We:l " he cried ebeerily, "and have you two people GOON to your oases at last r "i do not know what you hove said to Disk, to bring kite t., Eu," said Deb wlm4y. "Put before him the advantages he world lose if he o,nttneed to be a luna- tic," replied Jaek laconically. "Deb, I hear your aunt's voice in the hall. How early they hare retorted ! Are yo0 not frightened, my dear r "Oh, what will Bent Catherine sal 1 Hide m., somebody !" cried D.b. "Lot no bide your fee on my .Itoeld- er." suggested Captain Wyatt. "Shall I go sod *spiels, los little (toward r" salted Jaek, lasghi.g. "Mee do, dear Jack," it Toa do sot laird" "Yes, please di, dear Jack," echod Wyatt, with a obese hal mile. At this they .11 lambed. When Jack did explain, .11 that aunt atherine said was - "Well. r{ •11 the little windmills I ever met-" Aha did Oct finish her son - tome, hot 0501 off to eougratoiate her wayward nice. bitterroot her love for Jack and Deb and her sympathy with Dick Wyatt .he felt utterly powerless. Jack Ffulliott too was restless and dis- satisfied. He was dissatisfied with Deb and himself. She was not looking well and wog not at •l1 like herself ; mud, though •pperently lighter hearted than any tit the other girls he met, there were times when he felt certain that ale Ind been crying, and that .11 the gayety was aewosed ie order to hide an sable; heart. She wee always sweet -tempered ; bot be reunited that she tried to avoid being alone with his, and bed sever ate* sines hie return offered to kiss him of ber o.0 accord. Then was • wbtle change in bee manner which almost oro• winced anima tomes that her bort was .0 better his. One thing Jack became cognisant of was that Captain Wyatt had ceased to be a visitor at Mrs Brooke's vowed Dab's /rawer that then had been more than friendship between his futon wife and Captain Wyatt. As Jack was eosi n,r oat of the Opera -boo one even- ing, with Deb on his arm, Cspatu Wy- att nn .gsmoet them. Turning with • anile, to apologias for hie clomsiee.•, he eaueht sight of Deb, •std the snails at oncd left his hps Jack felt the eel's hand tremble on his arm, and whets he looked at her she was deadly pale. The young fellow instantly formed • remde- tion, winch be afterwards kept. The next seeming Jack received s mss•sgs t•, my that Deb had such • bed headache that she would be notable to to to Mrs Dover's "Al Home," and would Jolt ge w.h Mrs Brake and Felicia, ow would he to by him.elf later on t He gent an answer roving that he would go alone. Mrs Brooke and Felicia had jest tett the house, when Mr Ffolliott's name was eano.00.d to Deb, who who was lying ea • sofa. Don't let me disturb 7oo, Deb," he said. "How li pour head r' "it is rather bad," .he answered, feel bag veg.ae1y ssrpried that he ooly shook heads with her. 'I weal to speak to you shoat some this'. Deb. Do you feel well eao.gh to hear a little edeversmtion tonight ? I should not ask yes, bat 1 so rangy pt a oboes of swing yes slope." "I am well eneagh to hear w7thiag yeti lima to say, Jai " "Do you hoe. we More been engaged Ave years r he beam abruptly. See sleeted, wad het sleeks lashed vividly. "I Meow," she said iu • leo leets. "Do role mot thick k is time we were might 1 ' s ele.nied," he naked, regarding ber le- vfioia shrink hands with them both ; wetly. hot, as aha bode g.wel-bey to °apish 11 ea wish," she faless•d. Watt, the oe fiseasos re Lie fees made a.A,� 1r•• imp sort, ase Irbil. I hes sty I.lpastvely- ham r he west as moeileely. Do ant be 0.0 hard on pour Deb, "Te., "oboe gee like," ssa s reeseol, Ceiesiu Wyatt 1 forgive her, Me t1- se ashy thea be W le steep te take d.d- • bar weed.. need • p ��ym.lamee(tIy lave gad "'Deet h Asa(," M sdd. "I ma are ening In ea! •sty sed saa*vw d gestr even timer ere fee g einietb to sot awes' lanils ; .ad i seems hire one* te .lei it !"----with h wiles "1 An eat sepees yen i t I ranee yes gloat poor ea- 1 s pia y� wow. 1 go' "Do yea Mak,- he interrupted htt- wri %het she seise owe jot whether ease hit- writ; ery luegieoae•• to ant ? Let Ant 041 weenie hes A. tot ewe, ( .ill .it leek epee her fees seam it i ears p le, It i istular*ble tit Ae to ths,k Felieia bad stood silent all the time that Jack was explaining the sate orf .f- fsirs to his tint, and she did sot b. - liege for • moment that hie piety was g•ooin.. "He is simply acting • part," she thought, "to hie hos es there - foto, whew Mrs tt n.ke left tie library, 0114 Jack (eve • mgb, she felt.o.vis•ed that it was s nigh of nerd for Deb. Hat Jack bad eneepletoly feegtttee Deb •t that osns.nt, .d was anxineely w•Mh- nig Felicia enbettoai.g boar glove. 81. was standing beneseh the *banisher, and the Resligbt was anent ammo We hair hair, mle►ise it Josh like banished told, while bar mak. white throat sad arse were sat elf la vivid contrast by the snit th aloe& of Meek nof which does wee composed. Folios shoed hessod Jerk .if1- ed. He was •wi4ar g he. he '.tell bays been as blind, se the teeth •addeeb. lyd•wsd nano him that s. loved her. "l am s• safnrh.5a fellow," be thought "lot it would he scree./ en aa - pen her to w* ler vas after all thele W Rae M hesexppowsd sesb- tm•te than fri•.dlissso se he keened t* ber, bonldlmg o.e bio In.4, had .rid "O.04 b ., F'.lbis 1 •U gviss 4, WEEKLY EMPIRE CANADA'S LEADING PAPZL • Per" eteeNalli snow TI. sow w' he stud •ole inetwou repp dtsga,aal rtnN (.bred, w b weevas with t erre figures. i.g its uws as �.whoWe hs mead as in, sMa*• t- eetge ate P°P' ds► cloth. a a serf dt up•.ai0e qu imputed i0 a •crest weer• -Never elk o etipat�ed lest a Pell• stn out cones ipatwu. Orson pr's ice onion 1iie reeds, which end dark .nd �as be n.uel se•eeal,.tbo silver. Th.e wkicb Ito alai to b. soros a( well u t her Darlblwis' Worms eat chddnn F passant this, sod 14.•111:7. Ribbons a bat*, .hide it is w b voce w u so M tMn jo�evsto . lar tNdtheere forward. Bl with ••7 Ni very fancy, o bons •n tulit ati„rd•d h7 t t.,ld 1M plea handsome ohs of tM wo kyl pore a "big. seas. ' • For Jean I petite and 1060 relief eon!! Its Ij podia. ifs WO. Mese= perfect 'of rd Its See* Brno .1.i. s»ilia sin f time, 7..1. with b►'t'i'li rapider rink du and eased no •'I lensed Soo of Pees sell >v immy' JJ Mi M all DIM id bet oohegogset ' Tar heti NI snag st*IL 11 is as* °sr. y Tell It kr tae of roses toms dues: , am nth Who* /am It is not resat Jk dot $55.50-L • Terre Mn noses Ae stood all the for r ren years. Fa daneety card her .Dean $limo, 814 Wild to slave Wye no Taut M 10 sty, your krestkioR mu detfil man lrhter sirp5 055* 14115 1.14.5 sod Wb"ti these ars 01:1 db matter which year lungs cannel And what 1he7 0511. Gil it told, cnc Seedy of throat • 1 obstrastio' t to bs got ` 5.5005,.7to1 ,s take R,o.ckee s a.y drW"t will bottles =sea faibd you. you 5 fox trrt•te John Thomann ind•I(• in nidal joke at his wadi 105, mach to h elgbt tb7 talk.. .0..0.001. " W mewed Jobn, "1D .•get, oy dear don't love men 1 ciprestt7• my dee info dont Illosc • • neat All poillonow too ought to o thrnl(h the se kidney sed ski °pow and rook !or the removal -711111.11111. rp -� Weleet. 11 tarheao ss1 111111 11011,1111111 sines its 5014• ttiwwtirg'ww..owM '..cwt' '54tt..aetdyl fa fr7tta.i' to.t*M~'t. a.�•,tw'.r,, •�akaai Dt.wJr.fro thlth1e:trhamia 1' ,h�l•� h�",'•r rr•srewl • sevens-. ao1e 1-' "`• �tsit Aar k/fy2R JORN MACDONALD. ~.11 .1 1 flrmriA `lien 1 •�wnm OPffj.Y •1 r>mt 11,24Mp11td_ lddrttss THE EMFIRE, Toronto ;ere late *mal Fee do not he eta and at oat ea•i,taiaance of ere we • pests tbo purchase el t pored at the tisk 1a" tamed sod Nog if Johnnie' bees taken .1 node its appals hese been "nip! sow's Tonic Mite decidedly the b lid for (enteral properties. Pill (0 cents sod Goode the do agent. Tier fie awl Mali•( comps ,14tei.n., ben.e, 7104 e 1f .--.. -.-. �,,.,-...are