HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-10-12, Page 1. syrsfaNBttIrt natio .i • 0 41r roe. EIs NEWS rat `TI • c .ar.ae.m w... f_ sees.. -sees AN° CENERFtL INTELLICENC GODERICH. ONT.. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 12, 1858. u11.511 Qi YKAR INNAbVANCk` Nem p,em.wse Tia, 0. r meed T t H Tobaocu. dear-li Camp+t.tfe- nd Oyer* Maim - SIOti l'Arey h, „04 - X svier bier. *Dial -Mrs McMicking. aotwl-Andrew Million, At*. or date-Mrs. H. Hincks. 111101411. ,I -At Tfoweeta.dep' *li,ttt* 1.731. Of a sea' Mclm0ALD -tD IM1•h,p w ti the wife of 1I: trait. of s out, Emend. . • 31 nn thn eat; ler . lb. 'Wed p, r ,rerun. ut 11yndansoaf.;e to Asara tlAttamnrwN _1. aT,s ftI i 4. sirels,_.11 Iliallotkna hri . rt'e+•••04. 0e101tr Kav Owcr mu_ re y gte liaise of Vans, t.es-N 3-A' Chase& deolife. (gad (.ug„ ,e mit . L R.IL aUar t. Nemo ckNo 3ltl. samba y,uu _'widen!, a, St ..• lief .on. W raw t, e. TAroatu .used.. )tiller r . y,a:Aasucs' la. Suit ,ear.. TOWN TOP ••4 Airframe mamba Ala' feel We ear at. Do not tall u ages Bead! t,luca. fur solid mash Look here ' /Or rill velar spires. ac..saf1.lkOglirtar. The ►:It (:seta It its b sed a big Imam `.airier* .t sooty. Ihroma uouo PawW.-Tis roc ca:, mar a M rise a 't Ir to D. M4ilime 1r. Mat riga Tauaras.--1 Coast Memo afmai tir .t S. arms» tam Prat • Hoerr tri sed so the free a par teeaL rlsp Ura L.C. aresteik sad hU yes 0awl ic sed hsr cell lemmas 111 as Nei maMu pa lbota - bear lldydlete Osman ee The Band of Hope win meet on Sat- Ismer the aiming Roods, bet op to the 1 today ret three o'clock, is the basement , peewit all attempt* here proved us 1 ut Koos church. + aved:a m. The mislaid cords comprise J. C. Detlor A Co. era making a hie! 1 larxe buz. tope handles, 1 small box, dive for the fall tied.. bee their advt. 1 1 boodle, 3 camp shun with mattresses io another ml'ao. wrapped around them, 1 table -belong The Young WWinans Christian Tem- I ureeto w 1 r ori.., and amtrunk sod the s'snce upon will meet un Monde, at g R p pruparty of Mr Seager. The goods are kknowo to have been loaded on to a waggon at the camp groinds, but were newer seen afterwards. A mystery en- shrouds the whole affair, and as bat- talions from Easel, Kent, Lambt.ws Waterloo, as well es Huron and Bruce Remember Rev A Potter's lecture on were represented, it is hoped that the "Itemineacences of American War" in papers throughout the aactiooe owned Victoria St. church or the 181h. Ad- will make a note of the matter so that aisaio0, Malts 20 cts, child's. 10 sesta the widest possible publicity be given to the loss sustained by Memo Jordan and Seeger, in the hope th.t thereby some trace of the moving half waggon load of stuff may. homestead. mfrs R Heneersons at 7.3(1. All are is. on voted. The W. C T. 1'. will hold an open i,,.: m..ucg in the temperance hall Tu.eday, t lot. 23, at which a good pro - •l. gram will tie presented. f the Dr n A. te.l- ). ucUd of .1 the Y ,. C rabbs t teas, b. block. u. order 1n,1 dear useful gift AF eruct. . has the and winter • swill be • at the .a4 prises or uterine - or emend ere ! don. sad serve the sea. wade trate. The Literary Society of thiT islaeli St. church will meet beat Monday evening, when there will be reoitatiose, readings and singing. The people are limited to attend. Strias GOODITI-T'uera was a large Rev G. F. Balton, of Waterloo, who turnout at the westing in Knox church has been so ill in town dtriaq the past I lectors room ou Tuesday eveniog Oast to two weeks, we w pleased to leers hes bid • formal farewell tG Rev Donald Mc - paired the critical Period* sod high Gilltvey. previous to his departure for hopes are now entertained of his re- China The chair was taken by Mr covery. Spence Allan, who called upon Rev J. Rev A. Potter is delivering a swiss of A Anderson to toad a chapter and open sermons in the Victoria -St church os with prayer. Addresses were then given the T.o (',omesanda.ntd, be wilt preach by Capt. Gibson, Capt. Baxter, Mr. next Sunday evening on "Thou .halt Allan, Mr Strang Rev Mr Anderson not take the name of the Lord thy God and others. and key D. McGillivray sl - in vain.' So gave a farewell address, in which he The ladies of Knox March congregs• showed how he bad been led step by tion intend having an entertainment in step to prepare himself for missionary the ooauctl chamber on Nov. fat. It labor in the tar Kest. Rev John M. - will open by a 5 o'clock tea, with a table Gillivray, of Monorail, brother of the of fancy articles for este, and a concert young .iesiooary, was else Present, fad daring the evening. The particular, will unman with kiss until kis departure will be given later. from T.roato per C. P R. A pleasing Tam M•Oiscxy FastiLY.-ontied- feature of the gathering was the fact nods, last the G,nowiee telegrass was that a monetary donation from his many received from Mr Behenna, Toronto :. friends in this ..scion was tendered the "Fuftew hundred people heard the Mo- missionary, more than sofbetentpto de- Gibesy Family here lot night. Se. To. fray Gia expenses to hu sew sphere of lam mato .es.' The McGibeny family At the close of the meeting shoes Ames.' will be in C.oderiob on Saturday even- present premed forward to shake Mr Mg, Oct McGillivray by the hand, and wish his OODI1ICH CL -&u to CUM. -At the Godspeed on his Journey. anneal meeting of the Goderish Carling Goss To Hos MtxigloxasT Wonc.- Club, held on Wednesday evening the Rey Dusald McGillivray, an old (rode - 10th inst., the following officers were rich boy, who has aocepted senors as a elected for the onsaing : Captain maesioftery to China, 0000pted Knox church pulpit os Sunday evening. There was a large attendance. Placed before the pulpit was a chart Memo( the rela- tive popalatiuns of Canada, Great Bnt Mia, the United States, Fran.., Ger- many, the old Roman Empire, and Chia. The pres'ther did out pres:b a sermon, in the ordinary aeeeptsooe of the term. bat delivered a strong mission- ary dimmer" that was very effective. He gave mote ten or twelve ramose whish had actuated bine is becoming • miesooao7 to the Chines., and thea went on to say, in reference to himself, that be sought no particular sympathy from his audience. He wee goiag out to the healthiest part of China, without any incombraeoss, to do the work of tae best of Masters. Living wee very .heap. Has limited salary would enable him to live in good working condition, jest as b.sdreds of young men had dose is that part before. Missiusaries in othee parte were not receiving too high salaries. Health demanded them in other eh - mates, sad besides a aisaonary .sold make as good see of money .e any other man. He did net believe is begging his living from the Mathes. That was mot the Scriptural plan. They who psewh the Gospel should live of the Gospel aid not of the heaths.. All the reasose the weaker Rave for seldom the Gospel to Chinaware rets.s i.spelliog him to go. God had opted up his way in a remark- able way. He trusted that this same God would be with and bl.sa him to do His wort. In closing the .pater asked the prayers of the people, not for himself bot for the Chinese, urging especially prayer for two more misuusaries needed sorely in Hosts. iep,ers wren* *ad . rood ter McGregor. President ; E. R. Watson, oche, doe sad morel et Cheaper yamiaataswmdfewrea det. Bead by Fier -President ; C. A. Humber, Seely. retoslstts.dtnvrs$. Tress ; E. Martin, J. Yale, T. B. Petry and P. Adamson committee of ilanego- eOmcsmo or W. C. T. U. -At the annual meeting of the W. C. 1'. U. had Sept 18th, the following officers wens elected : President, Mrs Wm Camp- bell ; Vios•Presidente, Mrs Gibson, Ms Rev)) Potter, Mrs R. W. McKenzie ; Cor -Secretary, Mn Alex Morton ; nac- os* wok tks Tawwg wan or the tows as Secretary, Miss Trainman • Treasurer, what enwel' ser. that Woo t'e .tor... sa.Wwdt. N W hest Mee a tura to buy ..,.tfeak iw. sir take dose bear cub, a home );ileasereem ay.d, ehrered Uwe. ih -DUt%U the rreest owl men w1yN„dwee.ta`t to beteMan beees ble to do with r,,,gme, to ;Mir winter Itao.et.. Tly tiryf.ieyrdeetOee. Reyna. a .,, .tg r{ f alta••• amid taking poison d,Ythii.es W bees the rave all the mod the r rE s j dente' ardhh- Miss Stokes ; Mn Wm. Campbell, Mn Leech, and Mn Jobe Nattel were ap- pointed delegates to the Provineiel W. C. T. U. convention now is e.ssios is Smola. fee arememem at tm tremor's CtlLUIT1 * w TRsrr.utres Slew will met recalarly Tsedgfar the tra•a.cties ▪ i,m,_1 ehermiooe at 271 ,MO• W le ttthee week is eoedWyvery votted I OWL lswtssq, arl: (what ser he; d'„ know. eel: heat nes be ; tM place.1 : w here s e ; ' e do de 1.what. se she ; the beet. w r. sem be to L of (Orethe highly ass (out es he : mrd speciosa' of. am 1 et f w►at. ,etre ; M: ,. y; MO ort. res 1. in islet seaws : Poem seai wase,, res lie : u BSinews'S se. 1. /w right. neswise wishes t3 asseeeee to the tthat d Alai at ;be corad after m e meetly by Trager ! Porter. where he is - teem bra thr krt and sears turslrbt•g wad, mere exterdvdf c6an ewer. T'hsnktsg Ale awes raloolstsr Morli.ea a.Maglaasss.e ins dt Me esswmas1 b5 5.w stem. where he trill bet a r acts le esppb tisk wamit*. •.r...'. WM Move ta" Msenaxice• INNTITvre. -The beard of directors of the Mechanics Institute have appointed Mr W. R. Robertson as teacher for the Commercial Coarse - writing, arithmetic and book-keeping for the ensuing term. The nteetiog to organise will be held oo Friday, 'Kitt oast., ret 7.30, is the Class -Room of the Institnts, Mt which the hoop and the evenings of the class will be decided upon, also all information regarding the subjects to be studied, tonne, eta, will be given. Tb. sorting will be open to the peblic sad all who are interested ere sepsmally requested to be pretreat. HEBIGFitIR rood, Barn; sallies dray age, Study -I 0 Stewart, 2d H Corwin; sheaths. RoagetRp-Stallion 4 years old sod i nm, 1st and '2 i H ioel+; ram I*mb, .1 0 upwards, not lea than 15 hands, nor 1 St.wart, 24 H (!urwin; parr ewes, _ over 11;; hand, high. Jonathan Malnor, shears and ,.ver, 1.t sod 21 H 8elet ,. 3d 2d Alex Bogie 3d N'm Entail ; etaCiom J O Stewart: poor •i shewrinn41 ewes, let 'R land 24 H Keel!, 3d H Correia ; pear of soy ace, Junatban Miller ; till, or geld- iswe leets., J t) Stewart, td H Smell; ing. 3 years fid, .bows it baro.", speed pen of L-tce.ten, c nota Ing of 1 ram, 2 A Big Turnout on School Mild- and style considered, Dr Whitely, 2d T item. or., ehrars and ser, 2.11rullag ren's Day. O'Neil, 3.1 John Knox ; filly or gelding, i ewes and 2 ewe lamb., 11suell 2 years old, A M Polley, 24 Alex Cbi.- , Bros. bulot ; yearling or; gelding, A A Moat Successful Yyrotechric' 1.001141, 2d Thus Tuplifillyngbruud flare 16 Display. hands high and wader with foal by her eV., A M P.4107,24 C Morris,3d Duncan McCurole; foal a 1848, D McLaren, 2.1 A M P.,flay; pair of matched horses, mares or geldings, 16 hands high sod col- der, .1 Ward; single horse, mars or geld - Some of the Special Fea;;t:res-otins. ltibar.de high and nude', speed and the Fair. etyle considered, Win McLean, 2d T u':geill, 3d Wm Smith; stallion with Soar of bu props Susi$ a a 18/!t The Full blot of Prise Takers at Ym Elliot.. the Fair. Sat.DLL Hossee-(Osldiage or Starts) -Saddle hurae,mare or gelding, P Cook, The Om; Northwestern Exhibition 2d latae Salkeld, 3.1 Robt McLean; pony in saddle ander 14 hands high, doled a4 Ovdgrich on Friday afternoon, redden by boy ander 14 years old, Beat- smd was beyond all question the great- tie Bros, 2d P Cook, 3.1 A M Pulley. est fall show ever held in the county of L*ter Rtosos AND Dstvs.•-Mi. Mc - Huron, Notwithstanding the uof*tor Lear, 2d Mrs Beattie, 3d Mrs Wilson: able weather the Fair was a success from lady driver, single, buggy, Mies May every standpoint, and it hu now been Bay, fid Miss Clark., 3d Mias Gardiner; demonstrated that Godertch an out- lady dnbler, double, roadsters, Miss May Bay, 2d Mrs Elliott. C.RRt*oc Hoass+-Stallion 4 years old and upwards, 161 hands and over, shown in harness, A M Polley ; brood An Earlier Date Should be Set for Holding the Show. etnp all other towns in this district as a place for the holding of a large exbibi two. The directors will need to see to it next year that the Fair is held earlier in the season so as to avoid the onfavor• ware „vet lei hands hyth, with foal by able weather which has been exponeoced her side, Cha. N•ftel, 2d John Roomer; for the two exhibitions now put. Tb*. foal of 1888. Jobs Ruis.ier, 2d Chas Nat - it a matter which we have every reason to believe will be attended to nem year, std with the advent of good weather, phenomenal success must result. Thursday, whoa children's day, was undoubtedly the lei,( day of the fair. 1301 little ones took part in the proces- sion, and it was a grand sight to ase the "rising generation.' stepping lightly and joyfully W the band music. Iodepend- estly of the children over 3000 adults attended the Fair on that day. Fire- works in the evening. exhibited by Prof. Hand, were ezosedingly tine and gave greet satisfaction. Our space will not allow of • mon extended introduction Tie wesdartal heath • et aeetbiU tiro COrr1ITTID roll Twat. - Ilamael La*mdea! wades. horst BIysR est m c ryr wrr tLe escrst a euoe..r tie, livery stable keeper, Brussels, syr, t•.W, sen Threat Aethasa Wtwep- and W m. Hester, blacksmith, of the bwsaay ow uC P*P0I 1ea.amRtbntw trma. Disse, were on Wednesday ane- w wse smotive ative pewees. Nothing r eapfrtoritewer ether remedies has created milted to stand their trial for rewiring we &me d free li Om' all para .t t e Pre'- Maes goods knowing them to be stoles, sow wep►yt esewaaeaaes tdpbdes.s• ustt"who sod were brought to jail on Thsreday rsesa„d it woes moat It. OragglstessY tt morning by constables Seat sad Ainley. R„ M ea. Mr..ale. O.. It appears [roar the .irideses that they gnttlT,IT had induced s yosug lad who was .lark• yrs dee W Vanatt r is viwti.g refs- ing in Adam Good's store to give them tires i. Wingham articles without eateries them sft the go, (bogie Jamieson, of Bayfield, boot. The .elation. *fomentation had till preach is Knox church wit fish bees got ea ler some time sad were both morning. ',tooted by Mr Good on Wednesday ggi,,, Sarah Corbett, of Dunlop, was taorsing, whenwd.Mid dt too Resit of Maes Amnia Lathy of the eases taken x the as Hero, rood dorm* leek weak. Kiei. *mind tt'ileo., of this Lamm hie sofa severed to take charge of the dress M,d mfstle department of Messrs Me - Coll 8too O.hewa Kr J 8 Macdougall, had a eseo... growth of resph.rnes to his gardes IgM week. We tared thaw, sad Posed them tootbse.e- Miss Bella J. Stewart, of Saltford, if spending • few months visiti.g friends in Tomato, Wood.took, Listowel sad other Foist. Mr Thos Deans, prod's' .eswhad, W10ghase. aeeneopasted by Mrs Deans and ane. Went pare of left week in tows, the g.swofbmsister, Mrs Jno. W. Van- atter. Dr. M Nicholson., the West -et dentist. shakos the preservation of the natural teeth •'/.snit,. Gas Jari•twessd hoes 9 a m. Mr the peisbm .xtnetion of teeth. New Mn.uxsav Draw -The Miess i o.r sr ams Svaa*eta' GUM -Tae Yaws. Tomer resident. of Ooderieb, per - Stratford swap broke asp o. J'.' 304, posoep.eing 051 • REM sill Mere odd the mimes e'spa.ies rinsed Os i■ buss. Aebeass's block North -et. tan p.ida hem whim. they dM ed for Their `'d •enf i.•a.'t .in es- .pilnazi the whisk asap theta weremed ee elle ei took with i1ke A Bio Rsir.iwt.--Mese s 11.. d ! Puked ay era rwasid is Shako +au- Wbh.I,, of this town• are reported to makes, 11.1 ewe W .f geed., M. pre seipp.4 10 000 l arvele of apples PM/ of Q"rtararaabr jeweils sad Mm/- *..1kroner. Me the pWm/i . et10. Ms war maw its dew. tial damaged with oasts. The soar. Iaa.kw". y teei 1 M the OM LIZ Several attempts have bees ie wvidwtll d **aka tit Jostles' Me- wed. by Mr Jordan Sail Oben to yf- pow is le is% SPECIAL FEATURES. THm 1. O. 0. r. PHOTOGRAPH esu a collection of pictures At 92 uem- ben of the I. O. 0. F., Guderi:h, and was mach admired by everyone who saw it. It was one of the contributions of " MARRA-IMPOITID LIM Rsalense:Its- Mr R. R. Sallows, and redacted credit tel; hlly,.2 years old, Robt Beacom; gelding, 2 years old, John Porter, 2d A M Polley; yearling filly or gelding, Jahn Roissier 1st and 2d; single carriage horse, mare or gelding, over 16 bands Mich. Chas Morris, 24 Dr Whitely, 3d E Belcher; female of any age, diploma, Robt Beacom. GENERAL PUrPoSe Horses.-suitable for farm, road and saddle -Brood mare with foal by her side, D MoCorvie, 2d Geo Green, 3d Joe McClusky; filly or gelding 2 years old, S Cox, 2d Wm Clark. HlavY DRAUGHT Rosary* -Stallion, 4 years old and upwards, J P Fisher, 2d F McDonagh, 3d J P Fisher; stallion, 3 years old, W J Biggins; stallion, 2 yew old, A Allen, 24 Wm Clunk; stallion, yearling, A Allen, 2d R Meteb; stallion with four of his progeny Nand in 1888, alike os the photographer and the lodge Brood sure, with foal by her side, Alf that ,mold number so many good look - Cal n Cunningham; foal of 1888, ing repeeeept•tiv.a W Conningtam, 2d Alf C.err. MARai CA.NADtAN BRIO - Brood 0H. Al•HI1ON'a TmtOE DISPLAY mare with foal by her aide, H Taylor, 2d and show of harness was also a good one, John Churchill, filly, 2 yew old, Geo and proved that Mr Acheson lets no op- Carroll, 2d Was Clark: gelding, 2 yeses portanity pea of letting the public, old, Glen Bros; yearly gelding or filly, know that he hoes first -.lass stock. r Ds: id Ryan, 2d Thome. Campbell, 3d A Glen; foal of 1888, John McCartney, 24 A Yoaoq; span of heavy draught horses, mares or soldier, to waggon, Jae Reynolds, 2d J 0 Stewart, 31 E Butt SHEEP -SHORT WOOLED. SorrHD,wris-RenO2 sheen and over. Glen Br.,.: eh...rtong ram, Glen Bros. 2d J O Stewart,31 (Oen line; nm Lomb. 1st and 24 Glen Bros; pair ewes 2 shams end over, G:eo Bre, 21 J (1 Stewart, 3d (ilea Brd»; p•:r ohearling ewes, J U Se.wart. 24 and 31 Olen Bros; pair .f ewe lambs, 14 and 24 Glen Sure; pre of Soethdowns, cot.sisting of 1 tat* 11 Nes, two' shears and over, 2 shouting *wee and 2 ewe lambs, Gleo Bros. 01' mosales Duo:as-Ram 2 shears and over, Js. Tabb ; ram lamb 1st mad 24 Jas Tmbb ; pair of ewes 2 shears •ad over, Jas Tabb ; pair of ahearling ewes, 1st and 2nd Jia Tabb; pair of ewe bamboo let and 2d Jam Tabb. Stiaorsetea Dowse- Ras 2 attars and over, Jia Gaper ; Sl m:ling ram, Jas McFartsn, 9d H Snell, 3d John Salkeld, er ; Ram Web, Jobs 41181kead, sr., 24 Jae McFarlane ; pair of ewes 2 shears and over, Jae McFarlane, 24 H Snell, 3d Js. McFarlane ; pair of sheer lino ewes, H Snell, 24 J•. Cooper. 3d E Butt ; pair of ewe lambs, Jas McFar- lane, 2d H Snell ; pen of Shropshire Dowo., consisting of 1 ram, 2 ewes two shears end over, 2 shearling ewes and 2 ewe lambs, Jia MaFarlem. FAT bnssr-Best pair of fat sheep, ewes or wethers, J 0 Stewart, 2.1 and 3d Wm Bowden PIGS -SMALL BREEDS. 11PRO. ID Bsacsa mea -Baler over 1 Feer and ander 2 7years, Ju Tabb, 24 John Clark. 3d Geo Trott ; boar littered in 1888, John Clarke, 24 Geo Trott • boar of any age, diploma, H Corwin, 2d Goo Trott • sow over 1 year and nailer 2 years, Robt Fitzsimmons, 2d Wm An- drews, 3d J T Salkeld ; sow littered in 1888, Robt Fitzsimmons, 2d Jas Tabb, 3d Robt Fitzsimmons Surrocss-Bou littered in 1888, Jen Bogie, 2d Samuel Potter ; sow 2 years and over, Jas Bogie, 2d S Potter ; sow over 1 year and ander 2 yeas, John McDonald ; sow tittered in 1888, Jas- Bogie 2D, 2d S Potter ;an. of any age, diploma, John McDonald. PIGS -LARGE BREED& WHITS R*ONZI molt•ros!tT. Mr W. M. Griffin of Clinton, repre- senting the Kt Thomas W. B. Mosament Co., showed a very handsome white bronze mooument whi3b is to be erected in Maitland cemetery to the memory of the late Peter Murray of the firm of Williams L Murray, of Shu tows. It is 4 ft square at the base, Moot 17 ft high, weighs nearly two toes, and pre- meds a very fine appearance'. The a.osumeot is made of pure zinc, which Dr Baker Edwards, of llfontrsel, and B. F. Cesig of Washington, U.S., the Gov- ernment anyli ts;ltor the two o,ontries, say is far more durable than *tune. The emblems are very appropriate and the lettertnh s very pia in and nest. Hs Wools To Gsr OPT. -The Yell of Saturday thee refers to a persas named Jenkins, who is sow iseereerated is Goderieh jail: "The edam of the Breese& Budget,• W apparently grows emery of the dell monotony of life is pole sad is seeking to be Mimed. He was committed to prison fur oomtem pt of mart loy Mr Justice MacMahon w the 19th September last for thirty days. The offence for which he was subjected to this penalty 'assisted in his dwregaed- isg an order of the ooert prohibiting tae publication of certain libellous matter referred to in a suit of Grant v. Jeskins. Mr Jenkins took no soiree d the order of the court, sod eae0 weekly Is..e of hie paper eostaiud fresh ettesd woe Mr Grant, with the result sssetiened, that IIfr Jostens W 'pest the lost two weeks is solitude and eon1nemet. The Mal of this setae. toms o on the lith 1Na.t, and Mr JosNa. desires his re- lease, amoapt other rameaa, in orde to prepare his aefesee. The motion to shorten taw time d kis en.fineeseat some on yesterday bole's Chief Jar ties Armour, sad was by hem el- ia red until reds to be hoard y Yr Jttsliss lgaelff ihen, who .54. the edified cedar fee .els.iMaL" Os Meeday the Neil had the following :- Massa v. Joshing. -R. P. Echlin, for tan defend --t is ea seers of libel. moved Mr se order for the release ret the defendant from su iody ender as .sin for his eot.inittel for thirty days far di sbediosw be ren ieje-Miea ender OM bibiuug the p. -'--'es if l____s mailer eanmraisg the pisbtifL D A Boo Siocs BALI. -One of ths largest ea.. of thoroaekbrad stook, and iapleieita will be held ns the premis- es remix es of Mr Tho. Beaty, lot 12, ens. 4, 0oderich township, on Thursday, 0.1. lfith, do.meoieisg at 10 o'eleek as. Aaoagat the thorooghbndd will b. os' 4 -year-old bill, with pdigreo ; 3 regis- tered egio tered own. i. calf ; two !- thoroughbred heifers i• two tboroegbbr.d heifers cakes ; mad the number of high-grade is also eseeptaoo- ally large. Fie. amens sad two flee spriatt oohs will elan be .%red. to- got6.r with s member of the West seed b..1 rtisbm el esrissihnl .sti.ery. Iw.aheos will be mend daring the .act ..d eeneeymm..s will most pants. eoihit by train to attend the ala Mr IMO, lee rested hie farm kr a Mom d 7emea, .red is retiring Irma Molar 1. that low- The Mame' w he wield by the p.opis's ..diosser. Job. Kaes. 0. W. THo..0x'e DISPLAY. On entering the main building the first object that to catch these on the cen- tre platform, .as the fie* display by Geo W Thomson art pianos, organs and sawing .•chine., whish woad hare done credit to soy city exhibit. Here was the Stevenson piano, • perfect gem of beauty, which for .r,eltence of workmanship, delicacy of touch, bril- liancy mod parity of tone r represented to bean instrument to be desired by all bven of good music the organs were from the .ataafaob►ry of Mears Wm Doherty & Ota., which for artistic finish .ad virility of tone require to be sees and heard to be appreciated. The dis- play of sewing machines are from three sssul.otoriss the White, the Warmer and the Williams. These machines are mid to have token the highest sward ever bestowed oa any sawing machines. Mr Thomees beim a practical. man is the bovine., having an experience of twenty-two years Rives all his costcmen the beestit of each experience, and thousands of families are now the happy •- posaeestxs of these beautiful maobises, Fisher; heifer r alf Funder 1 year 44. Wm whieh will lest a lifetime. Hen stool McLean, 24 was a fine display of Witmer lamps Best pair of 2 year old .teen. 1. W. whish *made a rood shoring evens* the I McDonald, 2d J 0 Stewart : Beet peer .ore powr4u l.mdmiary, the .'..tris 1 d ]'•fling steers, Wm Cunning►•., 1d Ilight T0.se 1eil9a are cueing men J O Rfewsrt; Mat herd, eondieting of oma 0 4 snoreInas Sas aver, day and eta G f If sed • 2 tamed to 20 diff.ssst sass. !AIDING IN THE Ri110 Man or /iodine owned or driven by farmers only, C Morris, 2d John Cex sad 2 Grey -ties: gentlemen't trot, R McLean, 2d A Smith, 3d Dr Whitely; .t.U,00 rasa, Ike Groff, 24 Jay Gould, 3d Archie Bo.rbon: team coos, E Bow .osbury, 2d T Mclean, 3d J Ward. CATTLE. Dt-ztsus -Bull, three yew old and upwards, W J Rtggia& 2d Alex Glee; 2 year old ball, H Spell, 24 D A Purvis; 1 year old ball, Isaac 8.10.1d, 24 Nape Fisher; ball calf ander 1 year, W J Big. gins, 2d H Beall; ball of any age, W J Biggios; row in calf or giving milk, 14 end 24 W J Biggins, 3d Isms Fisher; 2 mar old heifer, W J Biggins, 1J Isaac Bruno Cs tislni-Bnbsu, light, i tuber; 1 year old heifer, W J Biggins; Mauro, 2d Robt McLean; Bedtime. boiler calf under one year, H Shall, !d dark, Robt Melissa, 24 JIM'S Meaw; Isaac Fisher: heat female of ..y age, Cochin'. white, let sada 9d Jas Memos; diploma. W .1 Biggiee; bast herd, toe- Cochin., black, 1.t and 2d W m Weida, fisting of 1 hull end 4 females, W J Bag- Hambargs, spangled gulden sad silver. mg. Jas Mere, 2d J A Natal; binet Span - Anisette. -Cow in eon or giving ash, white faced, Jas Macro, to em milt, J P Fisher. Wright; Leghorn., white, J A Nmftal; Potion A.RRusaxw--Ball, 3 years old Leghorn., brown, single and rem combo cod upwards, Jam McFarlane; bull coif Gee Morrow, 24 itobt McLean; 101, - ander one year, Ju M.Ferlane; ones in mouth Rocks, 1.t and id Jae Dtukew; reIf or cawing milk, 1M sad 24 Ju Mo- Wyandott.s, 1st and !d R.L. Walesa_•! Fares", 3d J Andrews; heifer calf on- pmt, blies* brea.tpd red. Jas Mauro. I I der 1 year, Jae McFarlane, 2d John Ad- Geo Morrow; game. pile, MBA Adams: drew*. gas*, d.ckwine fns Rod Adams; amen Gagne Camas -Cow giving milk or im tame, black brs•Med red, Jas Meso, toff, oolong and beefing qualities eon. M Immo Salk(sld; game bantams, cloak - metered, Hy Corwin. td John Andrews. wing, let sad lid Gregor McLean: paw 3d Jes Mcfardy: 2 year old heafer,Iasse beatnms, any other b.sed. Robe lb - Fisher. 2d and 31 J (1 Stewart; 1 year lean; mew. sal vsriel , Joke 8.lk.14, 1d heifer, John W McDonald. 9d Isom. sr.; les fowls, 2d lame Salkehl; polo♦ Um of barnyard fowls. e.euistimg of fives pair of any kiwi., J ! SaleekL NAMID-ANT Klan -Boar 2 years. and over, Win Andrews ; boar over ! year and ander 2 years, Wm Andrews; mw two years and over, Wm Andrews;. best pen of icy breed, consisting of 1 boar and 3 sows of any age, Geo Trott. POULTRY. Brahma.. li,tht, 1st sad 2d Robt Ma} - Leas; Brahman, dark, let and 2d, Jas Mauro; Cochin., white, J Munro; Each - ins. black, Wen Wright, 24 Sod *Jaseai: Cochin., buff, H Rinse; Ham ba spangled golden and silver, fat eons Jas Munro; Hambartp, black and .hieo. Rod Adams, 24 Jas Kanto; Leghorn.. whit., John A Mattel; Bogdan*, Wad Wright; Polish spangled, 1st and M 8. Rin..; Plymouth Rocks, Jas Diskette; Wyandotte., R L Walton; Rails. blank breasted red, 1st and 2d Jae Mang, game, clockwise, Rost McLean; Rasa. bantams, black breasted red, Robt Mar Lean, Jd Ju Munro,; pm., bantam.* d.okwing, Gregor McLean, 3d Bob% McLean; turkeys, bronze, 24 8 L 8aett: geese, any 'amity. John Sa1k4W, eg.; decks, Pekin. H tines; docid,sall'gels. Jt , John Salkeld, sr ; pea (owls, Guise% ohn Salkeld, er. t0. year from the Mahal Ori pal M•! m.rkNs. - • courtroom ! was had m essisg Maws ea um ground, in the shape of a Gra-ekes restaurant, Where geed seals "revs moved at all bolus, to all who wonted them. This was psetiooiarly o ennvwiece to the' SHEEP -LONG WOOL. s3sIkm.o and others ebo wen oo.pelled 1 crrewoI.m-Ra. 2 .bees sad ever, b Mayos the grounds during the time Joie Commie,. •li.srllng net. Jebs of the fair, and ft is needling to my they ('emming 1st. Zd sad 3rd; no Is.0, Pee the iaNiNlios • Wort/ support- IM rod.J,t .ICem.ing; pair ttreay1 eh•alar1s. .red neer 1r and Zd Joe Ottbieg; Pi.• y;t ,toorling ewes, lm sad !d Job. Deno rte ,ala, TSH Feast .seat, t it ewe Iambs, 1st sad 1d Jabs mint: Pa 11014888. (gosomine. Tioos,vnwaaaps - t ;1* 1313 ster.:s, Ltug.aote.n Ra. 2 shin mai Merl .ow, 3 ears old or over, one heifer, 9 years old, a h.i .r esyear old Meer, S Ferree, 24 J Clark. FAT CetTLI -Any breed -Pat oz or ,tear Robert McLean , bas enw or heifer, Robert McL.sn, 24 Isaac Fiber, 34 W. Bawdes. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCT'S. Two bushel. Olew.ns fall .Leat, Ssm'1 ]ere., 2d Ju McManus, 3d John Plot- ter; two tombola Sonat or red fall whelk H Corwin; two Mabel. say either fall whet, S Cox, 24 Thos Hamilton ""] S COx ; two beg►'- Last Nation oe white Russian, H Curwin, two bushels spring; wheat, any other variety, 8 7.rsa, !i John Salkeld, sr., !d WW C Potter:tam '-Jaebusk-rya, JWilms; two be... barley, .bite, That Haailto., !i Jar Marquis, 3d R Thompson; two bride large peas, 8 ream. 14 H Owrw/n, 3i Lass' tksM: two bedlam mall pe*. • gym, so W. S..fwd 34 H Corwin - two beads wbtte noise 11 Oorwim, 1M Thee Ba.ilena, an W 11waelald ; two beebele Beek .»b, Three Haariltos, !d R Owrwin, 3rd Jeb. Marquis; ere boa . limon. u an o1 era MANS . .`* r:. '.l A•ir. t.t.r.. «_ a ," 7. y: .: ..c-w`: ( eyes. .el .. w'd .' n . - aa. 110•11111111,...- lot: s • t r: -