HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-10-5, Page 8-
• •
BELFAST. esenua, Ryterenes woo made to Hommel TSI IDITOR_S TABUS. I
From oar owe oornspondeat. Rule, Qtsastee
rs„� A County affair, the Tem-
--- We are !Informed that the open lodge O1' ani Cwintaerw.l l aeon, is Trevi CAxauux rseaoua.r M•••.:1xe
11 fwbthpoi
vis. •very successful entertainment. � k to M There ars iso strouM p.p+se
Messrs J ii Mullin, W A Hackett, and to uwu Wavy •a.d
wiliie mum* H, k u the lktuioer uumt»r '•r tins 'itc is ss.
1 hien the el nth b• u'.dertuu y
and riciesoringa from gutters tum ""°• a
EZcb ng s E A McKeasr elteeded the tea^hers SPY s fur stunt
two suers and • half, when thf meeting
c.,uveuttou at Godersch last week 1 -
to dispense. A vote of t
'Miss Addie Longheed, eldest daughter visa milled for
Items from all ever a.
naeea *slits •tatted g the chairmen by the
e logos! Gad a e.de..rd
Pita ..d
rent m Ilea .f ebe etrl.t , married to Mr T Juynt, tri at ens, , wee tendered to the speaker. The memo
rr.m our asra.ssa- oto Tuesday of bat week. We wish the I iag was gown! by giving three abuts for
yuupie couple happiness and success j tic gouge.
through life. I BLYTH.
DU NLOP, i Mn Mutt Rutherford (nee Miss Ir-
win' is i !aging relatives around here_
From our own correspondent.
Quite • comber if our residents were I ASHFIELD.
vtanon at the Laudon fair, and Ott ' 1 From our own correspondent.
week tasny •III of thetas will tete in the The eighth annual Sunday school cun-
Nurtbweatcrn et lioodrnch, •t.d he aob imolai) of the Ashbald circuit. will be
to etre an opinion ■Mich of the shows field at Black's appointment on Friday,
WSW the best. f tkti.ber 19th, 1$88.
BLF'E\'ALE I The Stothen Bros her.+ disposed of
From our own corre.pontent. i their to:ll property co the 9;h con., to
Th a gr..ut.d was covered soh In. w t %Ir. Rob! Fitzgerald.
.,pea i . day this week i Nir J Morrison he. been re enraged
Mr lY Drummond is in Toronto, 'm-
aiming in wdittag the Provincial ao-
Tbs meeting sailed resently to organise
*Fire Compel', , shoesthe following
..&,.r. ;-Chief, J E•righ Captain, Joo
Carter First Lisst,S Oidley8.nd Lieut
R Jose. Seo F Tamest First Magiaeer,
J B Kelly See'Saginaw Joint Bar-
rack. Fireman It Maxwell.
We are Ixoaseesed of two cl•..ppinr , in Sz ott'e school for 1883 at a salary of 1 Mrs Margaret ?defray, of the Looden
Mills now. R 1► .tfy has placed one in i 3,-,t-, I Road,wte
tosbip of Hay, died era the 10th
his mill at the station. Mr D.Iffy had The apples have been a spleadii erop Sept bating reached the good ago of
the misfortune to lot • !O watch 11" I thrn•it h.oit this township and larger `J' 7tnra She was one of the first
through it .one day recently.' settlers of that 'notifies have been wed than tier be- diattiet and was well and
Rev Al* Hartley, of Blueva!e 1'reshy- f.,re, 1 widely known and much and deservedly
tenon Church, preached the aunn.rr,ary esteemed, She !saves behind a large
ion.. icto the % Ingham Foresters, 011 LnCHALSH. l family connection. She woo mother of
Sunday last. Cry Mr Mil.; loris, Wing -From our own eorrespaadeIL I Mr Jam.. Murray, Rodgerville. She
The rummers salutation of late-- had been a resident of Hay fur upwards
►ugly popular utgtauu«. The Doily
tllustrsted !Miele ow Napoleon ie • severe F
indictment of that onmert.pulow. bolboltingof Fostoria The p.per os. "Romeo ;
About &Wg'am' describes, wish Limey
admirable cuts, the stately arscyere
sod historic Gas.c'ta:t. .f Durlaan.
Cathedral, AlnwicL Castle, awl ..tion
places of tetanal is the "Nonb Wait.-
try." A very isistruotln paper as ions
Pen on Jews, in the Peand the Present.
iiluetrated. The K. Dr biathlons Con-
tributes a well-timed au.i well-■ntteta
review of "ltobeet t emery,' the nevi
D owel which t• attracting W 111111.11 ellen
tion, The soul-atutuii4 serel000 toy
Archd..eou Ferrer, iso tae "`'ow ..t the
Nuante," is • trameuduu$ o.atetmoot
of the liquor trathc. Piot %%dunce, w(
Victoria 1'nii entity ,a'utributee • charm-
ing chapter of"Prinoat..ruat.a,' worn Much
pleasant gossip shoat Prtsceinn mow tae
gRr at teachers. The Rev l).rid f3.ev.aice
deribs with loon apprecuboot*ttutboot*townies and our Netiouat Park its theRocky Mloustalus. The patbetie stoy
of "Fuuiu' Jimw> will touch sus y
a heart. Mrs A E Barre effective seri.'
hes oneness( intermit u it approach.' ata
dote. Prow $'2 • year ; $1 fur a•x
mouths ; _) groats pet number. W il.tatu
Briggs, T..ruuto.
w It ak Y.a ` Pi 11111. ATIO`In
We hers received from the publisher,
11-m. Bry..uu
, Torto, • military novel
entitled. "Black Blood," by George
Manville Fenn. eutbor of -Muter .of
Ceremonies,' "This Sloe's Wits,' "One
Maul's bleached," andother popausr
books. '-Black Wood,' as inferior to
none of its predeesors illplot and de -
A petition, signed by Hugh Moreland hosanna. Price 30:.; on sale at the
and 39 others, •skin; for repairs on cin- 1 uooketures.
cession 2 and 3 between lots BS and 20 E;nale Z .1. s novel, ''The Drums, has
hag. preached in the to tui g at blue -
i• a e.
A number of pour readers are wooler-
lag 11 Ajax is so busy talking to the
neighbors that he can never get time for
• drat to Sbtr!rtt nodeea---
put•t..ee are harvested perhaps the old
lady, Mn. Ajax, will rub op his specs,
hunt some waste paper, provide Lim
with a new pen and were :ooh ink. wipe
up • clean sport on the table. and amid
the merry melody of rattling cups
and saucers, let him .an out an .•ecse-
i nal column for the readers of Tits
Jas. E Elliott, Turnberry, was mar-
ried to Miss Loom, Culross: )tioh.
Johnson, Morris, was married to Miss
Fraser, Morris, this week. Rev. A. V.
Hagley succeeded in tying both
in a very graceful ananner, pleasing to all
engaged in both ceremonies. May the
best wishes of all friends he abuntotly
filled in regard to booth pain, is the sin-
ters wish of Toe 14.1.,%•I. c'.rrespondeut
'Good dor, it's a mist day.'II of 54 years.
The new mail service between R piny WEST WAWANOSll
and Lochalsh via Verdun, commences i l'oo!tcIL -A regular meeting of the
today, the e_tttractor is Mr J MoRichie, council was bold tact week; all of the
- Ripiel• w'esabara were weariest axoeptica Mr
Retalation is • political i�� Todd. Theoollectot'e bond woopressnt-
we would judge w from the Minitse of and approved. The clerk was instructed
our citizens who have gone over to Yazoo to notify Wm MiUigan and Thee Belfry
teed -was during the out few weeks. and to have their drain as soon as possible.
the rumored exodus that is yet to take
plass The people of ',oasts b are loyal
Canadians, though by highsr wages they
are attracted (over to upend a low
month's with Uncle Sam; yet world they,
leo -WW-disdain upon- i nose ' and
people who would dare to attempt an
injury upon the land of their nativity.
From our own correeponden'.
Mr Matt Furey rejoices an ago in that
laid eight eggs dunne the month of
September, and is good f r more this
The 11!v. M. McCoy, ..f E, un ,m 1
rile, preached here Last Sunday On
account •of the rain ort se large congre-
;;ation as 'sual was present.
Two social hops in the way of saying
"Goodbye- have paned nif round here,
one to H. Thurlow, who has gone to
Michigan fur the comma wooer, and
...one at Thts. Carney s bidding farewell
to his daughter Lizzie and Mos M. Mc-
Leod, who have gone to reside in De-
Prsrox&L.-our old townsman, A.
(: Horton, is up from the queen City
.•n a furlough from the studies of chem-
iatry, and is seeing old faces and friends
about hen Harry is the same jovial
boy of old times, and will this week take
a run up to Paramount to view odd sur
rnundings, and see old friends made
during his residence of three years when
he superintended the school there.
This week we notice, with regret the
departure of Gavin H. Clutton from this
mention to another sphere of action. The
temperance lodge linea one "f its most
eateamd members ; also the weekly
prayer meeting, which he helped to or-
ganize two years ego, will miss his con-
stant attendance to promote its work of
u.efuin..e in the neighbourhood ; and
the social circle will miss his genial and
It would b)ther the assessor to give an
statement. as to the extent of the
population o! our village at present, as
almost every day people are leaving fur
distant places and lands, while others
are returning. The following are thus*
who have gone abroad during the past
few weeks. Mr F,rqul.ar Matheson to
British Columbia ; Mr 1).n S McKey
to St Paul, Minn ; Mr Dan A Finlay
son and Mrs Ang McKay and family to
Red Jseket, Mich.: Miss Christy Came-
ron, Mia Dottie Steuart, Mi.. Kite
Campbell, MtasCampbell, Miss Bebecat
Finlayson, to Detroit, Mich.; with more
young ladies to follow. No wonder the
boys look blue those days.
AHSIVALr.-Mrs Don McLennan has
returned from London ; Mies Balla Fto-
IAyson is home from Detroit : Mr Alex
C McKenzie arrived home on Saturday,
from a trip up the lake, ; Mr DJn Mc-
aLennan t. home from Port Finlay, when
he has been visiting friends for the past
two weeks , Mr Rod Cameron is home
from the Forest City, and speaks in
glowing terms of the big fair ; Mr John
Murdoch arrived home sick on Monday
loot from west Superior, where he has
been working at bricklaying for the last
few months ; Mr Murdoch Methadon is
home from Calumet, Mich•,where he has
been sojourning for about two years.
From oar own correspondent
on Wednesday • shower of snow fell,
reminding u, that winter is coming in
the near future.
Mr Silas Winters, who received an in-
jury from a fall was time ago, is better,
and able to resume work at painting.
The Wwanosh Insurance Ca. held its
monthly meeting on Tuesday. Quite a
number of the Directors were present,
the society is still prospering.
amiable manner when gathered for so- R'e are pleased to be able to state that
tial amusements We, w:th • host of ( Mrs Itobt. Davidson, who hes been very
friends, wish Gavin every success. I ill for • length of time, is able to be
WrT>t Porteous -A lame number oft •h ria: and attend to her household and
friends enjoyed • pleasant chat and eza ' .cher duties.
changed of one and others welfare in Councillor Todd, of St Helens. has re-
routing Mr R. E. Brown and Mn turned from his trip to England and
Brown, who resided here several years other places in the Old Country. The
ago, Mr Brown being then tbs teacher of homeward voyage was stormy and some
No. 5, school. He now teaches No. 5,
1 Ashfield, which has the second largevt
roll in that town • 'p, without au assis-
tant. He was s..esding the teachers
i Istituto and had the pleasure of meet-
I-ag and seeing tun of hie old scholar
here as teachers P. Stuart and Mi.. M.
J. Linfield, the former of No. 5, here
and the latter of a school rear 7.orieh.
Two popular old members of the I.
0. . O. T., No. 215, R. E. Brown, teach-
er of No. 5, Ashfield, and H. O. Hor-
ton, now • student of pharmacy in To.
rooto were present at the last meeting
of the Lodge no Friday evening of last
week, and gave pleasing addresses to the
members moment, expressing their
pleasure at meeting their friends ones
more at Laeban. They also joined in
wishing goodbye to Bro. G. H. Clinton,
who hag been connected with the lodge
what unpl..eant,as it took about thirteen
days. He u Inuch improved in appear-
ance and general health.
In pursuance of notice the Ashlisld
and At'awanoah Agricultural Society held
its annual show on Friday,28th Inst Al-
lowance being male for unfavorable
weather for some days about and pre-
vious to that day the show was pronouns
d to be successful on the whole. There
was • good exhibition of horsee,catte and
sheep ; fowl fair, fruit good, but not so
large in quantity especially ..all fruits,
as previous years. Roots and vegetables
were excellent, surpassing previous years
in quality. ()rain not • great quantity,
but that which was exhibited was good.
The ladies' department in general was a
good exhibition. Miss Jennie Match's
collection of fancy work, embroidery.
etc., was the centre of •ttrsetien and
fax the put nine years, one of our moat deserved speasl prams. Of batter
frarle.. and active workers in the lodge and honey geite a quantity of the for -
who leaves ben for soother sphere In mer esu exhibited, both were prosouno-
replying to the gond wish.. expressed he ed 10 be good. The officials took great
sold the work in the cause of temperance care and used every legitimate effort to
here wee always • pleasure to him and make the show a seeress, under the air -
when far away he would not forget his esmetanc s, aad in which they to • great
fellow workers in Leebarn and their extent were successful, there being up -
pleasant weekly meetings to promote the wards of $40 realized from sale of tickets
g. od e•u•e tes•peranse. of admittance
Sou Tsai' Cocas.-Tne E;lintt On Monday Oct. let, goite • namber
embers, the king n( the %Vest, from of our prominent ratepayers, yeomen,
neer the gut line, Ooderioh townnhlp, and .then might he seen wending their
did threshing in our midst last week. way into, the hall known as Black's Hall,
The etaof hands consists of E FtIi tt io connect on with the hotel at
teenager, W. Cos, •ssiaaat, and Three conducted by Mr George Irwin C•tiw--
Betties, engineer. Their way of thresh- as announced Mr Robt. Porter, 11. P. for
ing pleased all, sad during a spell of West Heron, was to 'address the electors
rain. assistef by oar 10011 talent gave a of that riding. Abner hall post sorra or
Roodmoo is the (ranary, with eight o'clock the meeting was .Gild to
the tall •reel as chairman, who read an order when Mr Chas Denim, of West
1 important sinew* fro • fair lassie of Wawanash, was chrism to preside over
the bills directed to W. Cot. Wilson the meeting, there being presses about
aad engineer Kettles sive promise of be- nae hundred, of whom nearly one ►elf
coming fortnigthly ,isiton,•ed, when the was Reformers. The chairman .$al.4 tie
sec.Askee an os the earth, teing week- objets of the meting and relied on MI
ly ones, if they do not become permanent Porter to address the audience, deeds(
residents, as each say they will buy a which there was eteelleet order main -
farm here. So pleased are they with tis rained with the excepting of • little noise
land shout here, es also the fair ones mad. hy an natal! -r, who was sos.ewbst
ln -
hothey hey. eso .lee. armies. We the worse of Neer. Th. speaker sof:'
t�satt wine of the maids bars mad. • stewed by .1M$* that be was ppeeenb
deep imtroasine en their ►warn s°'Irani, on the nee•eion to give as .ceount d
was presented. Oo motion the sow. of
$73 was given as a special grant towards
the work asked f.or in the petition. The
treasurer's report for August. .bowleg
balance and receipts. $221 41, and dis-
bursements, $100.77, 1ee.v:n; • bal-
ance on hand of $114 64. Tae sport
was re:eived and 61d. A form of bond
or agreement between the council A.
Row, rein -awed arbitatioe, was presented
by the reeve authorised to loot after the
interests of the minicipality an the pesd-
inz arbitration. The following checks
were issued: Ooderich Ai.er, advertising
Court of Rsrision, $l 68; R Hlaeocks.
work at Dungannon,$t.50; Jam.. Huey,
grading and gravelling opposite 13, con-
cision 12 13, $26; Geo Taylor. rattles
bill opposite 15, concession 8-9, $32.
Council adjourned to meet on Saturday,
October 27th. R K MILLFa, Clerk.
ale, reached es trout Wei. Byes, It te
trcuslatrd from the French Zhu E.
Chase. Zola's "L' A ssommoer, ''lfria
"His Masterpiece,". fico, bare already
made the public acquainted with the pe-
culiar style of tbs greet French novelist.
1'Fa sale- et the boolto s s& ; price 31.ko
Mr Thomas Todd arrised bowie from
Scotland last weak; bringing back viry
valuable horses This is Mr Todd's
second importation and may he colones
to import many such horses.
A farmer in this vicinity has sold over
eighty dollars' worth of eggs this season
A large number of our citizen, took in
the excursion to Oonerich on Wednes-
day, of last week. A good time was
The waterworks committee of the
town council have recently had impor-
tant repairs made cn the waterworks
building and the appliances they are
now in first -clam order.
Mr R. Covenlock has purchased over
ire thousand barrels of "winter apples
within • radius of five miles of Seafurth
this season.
Mr D. D. Wilson, of this place, left on
Wednesday last for Winnipeg when he
ALLEN'S "LlTxxf.Ti'EE.'
Alden', illustrated Weekly Magazine,
Lite rutore, is one .t the har.daumwt as
well as one of the Inuit interesting and l 1 bake this oppor unity of informing the
instructive periodicals of the day. In ire ( ladles of liodcn. h aad «urroondia,t .v.untr►.
plan of giving illustrated biugraphiol that 1 bar. lust returned front Toroato.where
sod critical a:udtes of popular authors, 1 hire bees apipat.•d in one tit the lesdt•g
drermakimr r'ttar,l:ehments. and bare now
r.c.nt loonee base been !soul! to oprped out Duane.s in Atbeson's Bruck,
.Rest at, in the rooms formerly occupied by
4 NTLEMEti,-I aro now in a po...tiop
vice vuu to ogled your Suit or I /eet,'ny,
several huntiretl new pedtt•rna. Tl.ey l
von tIi-lot.•.t designs --•striking li}'ur`'y,
ctm umr*,r iaNl�,�trllrl".('hooks tool nlixtl ,-.
eau :lee 'aeversl huuti-tel pattern?, in Sia orator
minutes, utioi v'•u'l1 have an ra.+y choirs'
sure to please, and are tootle to measure wjA
lo-st of rare. Prices tulrleratt•
$. MacCo
the Psopls's tOIIutaa.
A browacorduroy velveteen Idtee' jacket
between tloderich and Pur' .filbert. The
ander will please leo v_ It at Juni. .i, bseoul
•e-wa. where 'M) will be rewarded. JAMid
caaw -uitn. 71-
r Hoof Safe tta , uasidn ai«, trimmer, and
pigeon butes. has I ,-en thorough)) ns.rhauk•d
aad repaired : also 1 oa.r Platform Scales will
be sold at a bargain. Apply le 11. K.
tiTRAC'H.‘N. 11a:toilet and Blacksmith,
t:uderk h.
:l fm.
The uederaittne'1 tis remoreitoothe
of ylctoru. 06,1 mil, pima et.. where she is pee;
pared tocleem or ret...g.e in the latest style all
kinds of fur woodst., .,der. All kted&of far
i n us. via u.ws N haat!. fa14bst pow pall bar
raw furs. -
Mits.. L 111
Goderic h, /.pt. D, tort. 71-111
Mrs. Mackay, Arse to return thank, to past
eittoott.era, and Intense the Ledo.* of Boder
and vicinity, that .re sus opened a dress-
making establishment. over Mr C. ll. Ntw-
ton s story. aad is prepared to do Mork to the
moot approved style and et reasonable terms.
centras' g•rmeeta a specialty.
L'U%�' SRI) KoKNAg IK BAft
4 Hetet, solleltur in
.neer. tiu4ertcll and � d �_t•>'a. ;1 uf-
NeutrnTh ran at !wr eel.
sstrouty.�to 11en.•. w
_ eta
QICAGER A HARrr, kt �"
F.7 kc..Oouterkh Gad t k10s Tt.R�,
ate epp.wte Sla th Hetet lllsde 11 h 1
�C. HATS, _�--
- OAte. t' enrr .1 WptitQ4 ka
street Oo•t.rirt, os et ta����'" aad tt rA
-'•�"M ace. I'rt
rW %uedr to W at B res At _+ie•
!'!ARROW dt PROCpp(
Lir R1t41i.L Atterasy ►T, It t Ft
duelersh J. T. Garrott:. tt.ItiNdSsntmediem.
- - t -S
Harr 88hrs clto
loderich. N. C. ('ano res, q.t.;
0. came roe. (' C. 1:us.. 1111.
Loans anb 3nsnrance.
4 ,00.000 Tu umi. APPI.ti Tt►
w CAIMANS 1100L.T a •
Gott ,t, the historian sod statesman ;
Paul Hamilton Hayne, the brilliant
southern post; Ralph Waldo Emerson,
philosopher acd transoedentelist; and
Wm M'fbackeray, novelist and homwi,t.
Each subject is well presented to a bio-
graphies' and critical sketch followed by
copious /aiacterlwtic selectman free his
works. $1.00 a year; specimen fns.
John B Alden, Pdbllshsr, New York,
Chicago, Atlanta, and San Francisco.
The eight volume of Alden's Manif.
t `yc.'op,iw extends from Ceylon to Club-
foot, and is fully equal to in prodeees-
sore-its handsome type, numerous illus- and is now second to none in quallt> of ac-
tratioos, handy form, neat, substantial ommotation for the travAhng pnblt.CRAIG, .;nod
binding, and inure than all, its skillful sed ommodstaoa t.0 trsmatent M. ,tueas-
editing which brings within such cunt•en- The Square, Goderarh. Ont. Propr.etor.
tent limits such a vast amount of know- 1
Mie Mackenzie. 1 .eitrit Use paaresaae of
the ladiesand gnsrantee first -close work at
reasonable rates. 71-°t
1` a good driving horse S yeah old. sound
sod quiet. 1 have no further use for them
J. J.W-RiOHr. the Point F'ar'm. lett
/ Park. • pearl and gold sleeve ba•tou
bearing stags head. Pinder will he resented
ty leaving it at this office. - it:
ILL amount or Pellet* reads for latest meyt
u lowest rata os. eras.:lew>Ioeyie• Appy
tOGAltltoW & PRot.oFUUT
Ihd7Ptretafeaa r'.,uuposlaa Represented
/ST Mosey t. Lend us...:night loss., at tb
lowest rate of Interest it hoe. in say way to
twit it. eorrower.
a11oFF1CK-Second doer from Oqusra,
West Street, Ooderkb. tlft-tf
To Met enBerg and town psep.rty• at low
est interest. Mortgage• tokenised. No ros-
miuton c agents for ttaaee?rust aad Loan
Company or Canada. the Canada Laad.•d
credit Company. the London Lean Cotaptmy
of 1'etude. interest. e. is and Tper oast.
N. B. - Borrowers can obtain Mow is
day, if title satlafactor..
15711 Darrute's. de.. Oederleh
This well-known and popular hotel has Moen
refitted aad enlarged during the past ,caa.x,.
ledge, so well adaptedto popular needs, 1` ONEY TO LEND AT ire PER
are • satisfaction and • delight to itis- coat- Straight lows-tnteteat yearly.
dents. Not only in its marvelously low •OGodentcA SEAGEi'- R HARTT, Barristers
price, but in every other respect, this
susses better better than any other Cyclopedia
se.tedfor use in the homes of the Situations Vacant.
moues, and in our public libraries. A . -
specimen volume, to be returned if not IBL I•A11TED•-Th DO Dorm
Royal Cotof Pay '•• mos, Unbent
UM:e es Hoath side of Ilan t 7
(MON. Coroner t.. Office •ad maiden
/truce Street. second door wast a victor'
Street 1761.
Payelciasis Surgeons. Accoaizn, ga.
office at I1r. Shen nous re.:,ie.ee visor the
gaol Godertcb U. C. tiaaNsor. J. Ls....
xu1r, 1731
Executors Notias
wanted, maybe had in cloth binding for week isamean tamely,-Jlppti tolallt ExaOUTOR'S SALE
50 cents, or ►n half Morocco for 03 cents; U. 11cOiLLICUDDY- n,
Intends investing in property Whole in , postage 10c Address John B Aldsu,
Toronto be disposed of his prupetty there
ata profit of over $10.000.
A little lad, son of Mr John Dorsey,
while playing with some other buys on
Monday of last week, fell aad broke his
arm between the wrist and the elbow.
Never before in the history of Set -
forth lure there been, in one motor,
eo many private residences erected as
during the present season. and still there
is scarcely an empty hones in town.
MissAddie McDougall, who hes been
in town for over a year. returned to her
home in Virden. Manitoba. on Wednes
day. She was accompanied hy Mi.. M.
Logan, eldest daughter of Mr Wen. Lu-
isa, who goto Carberry
While at the Industrial Exhibition last
week, Mr D. D. Wilson sold his three-
year-old carriage stallion to two gentle-
men from PaLenbam for 11000 cash.
He was sired by old Clear Orli and took
2nd prise is his claw
Mr Arch. Shanklin, who for many St
pears worked as a blacksmith in Harper -
hey, Worth and Ktnburn, and who.
went to the old country about five years
ago, died in Kirkoonnell, Dumes
lleetlatd, on the 15th of August, at the
age of 63 years. He will be well re-
membered by many of the older resi-
dents in this vicinity.
Along 250 tickets were cold at (lin
ton Nation alone, for London, this weak.'
We understand that emir of the paint-
ings shown by Mw C H Mountcastle, at
the Central Fair last week, was sold for
the sem of $60. Good work always tells.
Mr La Steven hes gone to Minneapo
lis where he eaten on the duties of as -
ebbing -Secretary for the Y M C A.
Dr McLellan, of Toronto, inspect!
the Model Department of the public
.ohool, oa Wednesday.
On Friday evening Rept 21, Mr Steph-
.nOrey, of HuUN, had jest got outside
the town, oe his way home, when, one
e1 his buses took .ick, dropd down and
died. It was worth 5200, and the lone swore ore Se Mr (hey. as 'wend
is the snd
os. that has died this year.
Dir James Irving train despatcher on
on the Sontkern Pacific. with heed -quar-
ters .t Loe Angelo., 0•l. , is home on a
visit. He looks well and .peaks is glow -
tag terms of that phewMr Jim Senn, formerly of this tows, le
now one of tis toadies players is the
BowavW Msaafaeterine Co.
. Mr W Doherty', driving mare wowed
third prise in bet elem. at Toronto lfe-
da.teial- y
OsN+ni .gai..t ra gilMst Lei
.tier tl lentis. , She wasvied! 18 entle•
ei.ifrom Megt''sai, for she vim of
ly t:' i:...:> t:.e t:..g .1 af.aft-ng. the cc u. -ss Celts/ by La daring ti o' rt•M•
eblieher, New York, Chicago, Atlanta,
Is or Sat. Francisco.
!dress, learaaas. aad all Wassong
hers i t.atidrea.
8'oU, Emulsion oy. Pure (b4 Lint- (1i1
with Hypop$osphites, is unequaled. The
rapidity with which children gain flesh
and strength open it is very wonderful.
"I have used Scott's Emulsion an cases
of Rickeas
ta and Marasmus of long stand
ing. in every cane the improvement was
marked." J M Main, M D, New York.
Sold by all Druggists, 50 aad $1.00.
Oelght 11 is" boot
wince It ; eatablleiat tseb•,
ee•oA w.,ea. and ahead•'load..position of a 'load.. s Leede
In order to pare the W !torah!
peFpYeaN oke bawds e( Farmer es Farer r tic
Wm lwnMlte the Pahlisbr. bbat
repana some and LIH-Itka Duet of
181001'.. towers whanner intim
W Ii
/ Palma OMB TRAM .a AI►rAse-a
OletL Y Si P11BSt A T'QKL71ki.
SOW ie TES TiIIZ TO 1171MK111112.
4ddress THE ELIFIRE. Toronto
----•-5 -
For Sate or to Lot
William Harrison, Aucttneoer. BayIU , sae
received instructions from the eteeatsu Of
the Tate James Shaw, to sell by pa Wee amnsa,
r�1pWEDNESDAY, (N7. 10,
L Coutagr. 7 ronin. ; prden. trait, strap.., si 1 o'clock sharp- Shat vel tt y
h. Apply to C. 9F.Ai*ER, Banister. Oede- known u south half e( let
rid'. 11.1- .Comprising acrsa.mreer lar sell cirri
SA IA. -The house has nine rooms, al-
b bath room. pantry. delete. collar. wood-
shed, bard and soft water. The garden ...at-
all 'kinds tar fruit. Also e tures of
land In Manitoba for sale or 1a ezchaage for I
farm property. WM. KNiGHT. Ooderkb.21704217e1
Lot i con. 7. W. U. Colborne township.
100 acres 7e cleared, balance haul wnnd qm- I
bee: frame booze and harn . small or d ;
good water, *c., i mules from odsrieb, 1
mala gravel turd. School lionise. church- P.O.
and blacksmith shop withlu quartered smile.
Oa the la is • brook tease. with a crematory;
aad shed.
Alio at the same time aad Oar, will he son
oke property of the late Jeerph Ttmptateatha
north half of lot 13. con. P. and n.uth 4411 d
ko 14 ammed:ately ad'olaing the first eased
property. There area frame barn aad Garan
orchard os each lot.asd a frame houseomit 1L
On the same day an a.Ictli ode of the mark
aad impswsesta of the late Joreph Temphtee
will eloo be held. For panic niers and !was
see bills.
Terms made known as day of sale.
Jas.. Aalterrnoxu.
Jowx Eoon for
shim. trc
ISAAC BALKS1.D. Administrator for Trmplelm.
Med WM. HARRISON. Auetiewom
l'urchswrstaahare wirings" of'boleti after _
Sept. 13th. Terms easy - - to suit purchasers.
Ap ly at Pt U Milos or to JOSEPH Iilad
ikL 1 &uctioneerng.
The wester pert of a rest Apply at t ellen tarnished �57 to
T° bona ea Smiler street, containing eitOt
roes. hard sad soft water. occupied by Dr
Wolvenes. Apply teaRS. SDI RRTH. tr.
As this easrttatte mag le sold at an early date
1 SalttwprPr/Tared wee gasp1 gas esti thsitars for the e
peas, brick -viers, bulldlsip, dwelling houses,
;machinery. belting. Dairy Salt aad Coops,
Shops. everything. either separateor co1-
lactively. Then 1.311 feet of 31 Ineh tubing
aad working barrel. 011 rest sow t inch tu►-
i•t, 1011 fast Alb Well Poles w111 be sold
cheap ter Cosh. Liberal terms w111 be gyres
.. taro.. Apply to JOS. KIDD. Js. 05-11.
West half of lot fico Arthur Street. will
smell brick moms thereon,
n:'t Lot wo !vire. --1N. 1111. SW 11S. Klein
Streit. St. Androgen Ward.
til. (maw of Huhn aad Britannia Read.
aad f
y4ssa land.
11 stogy bow es Leers ?Unmet, IN
Sewers' lou 1a Reed's barrey, operetta asw
Show (jr«uads, via. :
Nos !t, ft 1r. 1N. Si, 54 11, N K
All the above at W RATdS.
App° 10
ROOK, ter. of mast street sad Susan tog
Opee tree 1 tee p.m.. Gal hem 7 to Opal
ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN Liman
Leads. Mil�tt, 1p'.eldy awl ThusfNaj
Paper., llkw'. eilwa, off., ea Pik
graSU I fres ase of !forgery W ReMI.
Application tow twewebaaMp rs,s'psl y
i t wartaa. 1a room*.
.dsrtek. Mare* vii, 115, [Mw
TiOXSRR aad �d caloator. (celery
Ant. Having had considerable espertenrr F
the auotbaeensg trade. he is in a polite@
d4oharsee wick thorough satisfaction all esu
muni.ne estranged to him. (oder', left of
111•1111101 110401. or sent by mall to my addriri
bage�tF108 P. O.. oarefblly attended to, JOIN
Coasty Atotloseer. ININ4
-A limited acerber of "Teachers- oat
Resnais" cY bepbtaleed at hair rata" st
Trot ROOM ALaloe.
(lobelin Grey, Mose Green,
Peacock Blue, Lyon's Blue,
Sapphire Blue, Heliotrope,
Crushed Strawberry.
Prescription Drug Store.
rlwthlr LUGH (Bottle)
tt111 £b51O.M ILQCE. ppy C`