HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-10-5, Page 7FAILM, FIELD ANI)G COMMON sena TALKS JECTB p[RTMNI*3 'TO r i eass..ea.s some ue..r ateo o.sserl'• b ra. mosietstir .f Lb. psetaw..1.1 Awn. The season M. bees ea Dora Them w scree Ing in the ourthern Felt, Mate, or destruction of M maoy oisessvie., .arhr ...w(root ru tet later on favortag miss, rains pushed the crop that by Aug- I the the own crop averaged ee The great cora belt st has improved emit*g west Las well whale, Eves Tessa, which drought. hes gained a ooulitlutt in July u t elate Is very bears Might dra'p lis Kaon., d to hot winds wad local drottgle, let the average of rounty "'Porta :e ani reduced to 91. There hes been a debt decline In New York, with some iaprovement in Penn- sylvania and New Jcery. in Maryland and Virginia &tenets Lave bellh rude - mined. Itire (-tradition, prevails In Ala beam- Mtrs/ssippi. Loutd:wa and Arkan- sas. The high stae averages are: Ken- tucky, 98. Ohio. l o; Italians, 99; Illinois, 96: lowa. 96; lfissour., L'4; Kansan, 91, sod Nebraska. on the border of the pro- verbial roverbial 'arid regime- )G. Spring wheat has fallen from Its high postilion of • month ago. The chinch bug mends at the brad of the disasters re- involvin; arae 44 less Wisconsin.. lnaeeota, Iowa and Nebraska. Dakota leads the northwest with an overage of 9f, a loss of 7 pointe. The redaction of tbs ta0e la Minnesota is from 94 to to Wi*cac.in, from 91 to 83; in lows, front 97 to M: In Nebraska. from 96 to 84. The crop of Washington. Colorado. and other territories, and of New Eng- land. is good. and fair in northern Illinois. northern New York, and In the higher latitudes or attitudes of winter wheat states The general condition hes been reduced from 93.9 to t.'7 3. There are no einem:tee of winter wheat after threshing as yet. but voluntary remarks of reporters melte ills yield abetter than the early prem- ise to ell the states tLat p.'vdr.ee entre of a crop. Reports Indicate that the oat crop w.11 be one of the largest ever grown. A small reduction is appar'eut in the rmditlon of niton in tin) Carolinas• Ala- bama and Louisiana• and an advance in Florida, Texas. Arkansas and Tennessee. The average+ of Georgia and Mississippi are to chtanged The general average's ti,& Thee tato crop 1 satisfac- tory. acrregteg !�J bV ,r : he generally country. la the New England sod middle states the condition is shone this general aver- age except is New Jersey. Of the south- ern states only Virginia. South -Cm -aline, Kentnd-y and Wet Virginia rate below 90, while most of the tillers have nearly a full crop. which le many localities Las been harvested and marketed. Amoug the western and Parini states and terri- tories, Kansas ted l olorado aro the only mos that avvra re hes. than 93 in condi- tion of crops, while Michigan, Indiana, Nebraska end California are the only oth- ers that fall below the general average of the whole co'sat-y. Recent returns on the condition of •be apple crop leave the averages of condi- tion comparatioly Ligh in most of the heeding states. though from local MOON the prospect is porn in Connecticut, New York and Virginia Excepting in these last mentir'ttcrl states, eondltiva is every- where higher than last year. The condition of the peach amp remains high ht tate r coo of commereiaJ p"rluc- tion, except in New Jersey, where the re- ports throughout the season have inducted a eompwstively mann crop. New York rind Pennsylvania give small promise. while the states north of the O'.;.- rivet, with the melee:ion of Mir:Aigate promise alarger than the average. I :aware end Marland hare mainteirt1 their high averages. and t;.e trop now leinj Licked I is prorxounced ly cerrrtpondeets ono of 1 the largest ever grown. The Virginia crops, while tetter than last year. see M small as to) be of little Importance eetatds .f the localities which are favored by par tis! crops. - +-linaLLIOlmas • -a 11 slimposim. en, ece TIIE HURON SIGNAL, .FRIDAY. OCT ►. Mk, TSU♦ LIFE. tee 04041. 1-urttl.s.d tiro' favorable y in plant- a . re to germ. cutworms web M the not. But. seartonabls rapidly. so condition of antral west y. The south - its average. sullen from upon Its high crop In that has been a 1.1. The custom of miningor eve cern for home use dur.nthe whiter X10 mewing among our farmers. and house. wives are inquiring about reripes. The following plan is suggested in Country Gentleman. Cat and scrape the corn from the eob while still in the stalk; fill glass ease full ard place the gleam rover over each can; Men plane the cans in a waahboiler with a narrow strip of board at the bottom, not letting the eons toueb each other. Now, turn into the boiler sufficient told water to nearly reach the tops of the cans; Orem on the stove and boil without Inter. =lesion for four hours. Remove the cans to a table and All rounding full with hon- ing water; then seal up in the usual way and piece then in a cool. dark place. Evaporated Born is quite equal to canned eche. lout if you cannot sysll yourself of this process, the next best way is to cut It from the cob, place it on ~them plates. and carefully dry it in the oven stove, Pati 61 Mill Reserve being retry tntful not to discolor it by too hot an oven. When used, soak over night in sufficient eold water to just cover It, and let it boil half an hour just before dinner time; then meson and serve. w THE QAMY. Moo About Halsor. Toed M... T. mow .s tae Q.■essew •lt Treat W 10.0 Tad cid time rale of bevlag all the d•Irf mows crave !s the swiss leas tress �4 4 to war radium of tbe country, and eatirdy ebaaged in sow ahem wbtwe progressive dairymen approve of flesh oowa every month of the year. Quite • cumber of dairymen claim that O�rrbbse fur dairy products ars equalised tbrougboat the twelve months and prof- its of the year thereby Increased, by lar. tag • part of Here's lend at least ales during the fall and tsriy winter moates. Advocates of this Ogug glee the rssaraocu that they have fewer sick calves in winter than in sum- mer; that the supply of milk sad butter IS extended throughout the year instead of being ccwtlned to shorter seasons. and thee there 1s mora leisure to handle the stock in trimer than In .amsscr Tho important point in raising calves, at whatever mem these may Imre been drop V to ;rive the animals s fair start Its li e. fur which purpose nothing equals milk as it is taken from the cow. Thouee sono praetke separating the calf from the cow the day alter it is dropped, it 1s glut wally preferable to let it nut with the cow for four or Ove days, taking all the tall(-.. At ioust this period ought to elapse after a calf is clopped. before the ",ilk will be lit for use as bunion food. After separating Ute calf from the cow new milk should be llberslly fed for twu weeks. and U this ran be continued even longer, it is advisable. No atbstitttte for new reilk should be given ander two weeks. After that. however, more economical fool may be oompouauied. 1f desired. and the tall will still thrice. If skim milk an now bo afforded, the calf wail thrive oa liberal feedbag. Willard saes that it whey and ell meal .-b*. properly {:.•upsred it can beniede to -. serve as s very reel anbtttltute for milk. The whey rbould are dipped elf when sweet from the eat, then brlrg It to the boiling point and turn it upon the oil meal. Let the reixtnre stand tlfl night, then feed. In the morning rhe] sweet from the vat may be fed. At the eoin- mettterteut a litre less than s pint of oil ureal per day will be sufficient lent for four calves. This may bo geadualiy increased Watch calf Lisa daily ration of half a pint. At first it is better not to feed ulama cd! thw whey they will drink at a time. A large reed of whey cluys the ap- petite and deranges flee health. A halt pail of whey at ttrwt is some for a fee& which may be Increased to three-fourths of a pall and a pall ea the calf increases in age. Two nx'als n day, if the calf rugs In a good pasture. is snSc1ent. Calves fed in this way ought not to be weaned I until they can get +good biteof after feed ; from the ec-rly rut meadows. it is Ito - portant to keep than in agrowing. terifty eoodition with to cheek. When weaned earner their growth is often checked by reason of abort, dry or Inrtutritious feed in postures. When whey in not to be had for feeding young calves the following is sometimes used: Take threat creams of linseed meal and forr quarts of bean meal and nix with thirty quartz of boiling water, when K is left to digest for twenty-four hours toad 14 then poured into a boiler en the Ere having thirty-one quarts of boiling water. It is hent boiled for hall an hour, being stirred with a perforated paddle to prevent hemp, and produce perfect ineor- poration. it is then net aside to cool and is „Even Llood warm. When first used it Is mined with milk M small quantity. The milk is gradually decreased till they get the mucilage ca,ly. Indian meal may be need in place of bean meal. Buckwheat meal- embed into porridge and added to whey is reported to have been resod with good results. It is considered a desirable point to hasten the maturity of the young animal by good feeding and care so that it will come into milk at two yea --a, cos such heifers make better milkers than those that cense In at three years. besides the proLt pf mil't fa: an extra season. . p........ L1 . Few men have .rousip Meed time Me amount of work sod g•'•rd PI this world as the eelebrst.l De Chase. Over 600,0(10 M Lis weeks lb,e Leel. sold to Canada saccus- We went aeons person trouttled with liver Cutincla'.i, 1)y.' 1»w►s. Headach., K'dewy or Us lay Troubles, to be, . bottle tt Dr Cheese Liver Cur., 1t wall cure yeas. )Irditrwe and !lemma,. Hook 11. U.dd by .11 drt gents. Direetiosa for 1 analog Cern. ().-tearer (Palm State and independent fairs Isere been announced le open duriag tee month en October as follows: Alsbams, state falx at )ILcotgamere. Oct. 22-27. Ameriean inatltut., New York mita. Oct. S-llrt•. R. Bay state. Spring6.ld, Oct. 4-11. Colored". Peeblo, Oct. 2--6. Osorgia, Augusta exposition. Ort. 10- Nov. 1 state fair. Mama, Oct. 10-19. Mary leo d . llagerstown. Oet. 16-19. Mississippi, Jackson, Oct. 8 -IL. Missouri. tit. Louis fair, Oct. 1-0. Texas. Dallas, Ott. 11-91. Virginia. Rlehntasd, Oct. $-Fov. 11; 9ob•ree erpe+ition, liishaosd, Oaf. Ii - Nov. 11. 01►. World's iNareest .f wheat rad Bye. Aeeording to the official report of the estimated world's harvest Of cereals, te- eentle issued by the Vienna mangree& Ream appears to be the only European nation with, a surplus of wheat. Aceord- ing to the report alluded to, the wheat envoi' the Cnited Kingdom slows • de- leieney of 96 per east_ that of !Mase S per eat and that of lady 90 per ant. It 1s estiTMtaed that the European wheat cep will be bushels es teen pared with 1.161,0110,000 Net year. The rye crop is reported to be the sheeteet in amend ysars- I Bow Tamer, Mar rre.ses 4oro feet Everybody where oeenpaHou keeps than oe,theee men a risel troubled wills cleated. sore blistered feet. )4speraally to brut weather, no matter how eonifort.Wy their shoes may it. Finely pulverised enspsioae sifted Mels the shoee or atoekings Is a ample sad tb V^''m'dy. hat a powder veld by aa sresy is better. nee Minable of Um* 01.111 , sallrylle • sMardi opedeariesed I parte s9atoos It keepstthe feel dry. pro - rests abaft ally ss/idly Wilma" Vial tllelt air A fanner ed mase.* w.twa btiees to ase Wiveow t }wee.11 M Ndr to .int alttlW m the Wiest 'PR Ma 1* whit- weevil ,Ileo,Melt ever lime Jae k x et Bas. wester' sts0 be made M • t1Mt hi W Muv. W the wheat .hadd he impeded to the hilt ma Nkled up a little otweelemely. w es lob. Tele 40uepll.a4..0 le t'nly ►e:,lierrt slight!) by Ptut Vies, Li,, sr,,,.e e,.,, Ywl.uwu.s.. Those it ie .r.l li...wei .tr mussel 1 eau .•t lhacIl, a L+, nt .t..' bee bit ud. Ur Chloe's lover Cur. terries Ilee bl.wi an.i shot* eyste;o. Any its ape B.n.k ter 'mist recipe., tears .1 .1 a.speeativns .en bow 10 paws". Ills son•• p*s;..u. Setif by all drupe.,t. .11.5"."."1"111011.4 .-"991Faimmaletsenateege IREADMAKERIS YEAST. IS THE BEST IFor Vowels ..*, . tm moss NM. poems 40011101 l.fie w Oyseeptis 11 sed las pasha .dera w THE FINEST BABY FOOD, THE SEPT INVALID FOOD, THE MOOT PALATABLE FOOD, THE MOST NUTRITIOUS FOOD, THE MOST ECONOMICAL FOOD. - Nstle far M Mean ter 01.0f!. MEAD m , ( U.ia Yeaal took rAs F'ir.t 11',, u O sL,n,. Fall SJ.ow. in ,nn. Own ioaco so say that kskp, ..~sp*n rira lls+ yew vied by Nem. ) twM It makes the huh[c.t, whist . wariest bn -,4, nal., hen. .u4 buckwheat pant eta.. 11wIter. h meth crwy tows is Its oaks PIM* 11111E CENTS. EWOOMBE PIANOFORTES InigOnt In Desltq scald in Construction Rxeeilent in Tones I20110UNCEO 9Y ARTISTS TO RE THE FINEST NAGE IN CANADA. andmeal t. th. Wet Limited Stater I stemmata, .t (wb.e duty tad 6sigit 4 paid) 25 Per CM. Less Expose •Mat 11100 011 OSM•iaAn OT1 Tal aANIA•leete• OCTAVIUS NEWCOMSE & CO. ' NW MUM STREET, THOUS Et4vgLopES 09006964001•491e uTlsam-4600 bmeldal da`.. -..et We t . rwbw .r .q local bore weans a sew Aa. • 00 064 formal-• m nae 41104 .1 labor 44.1 0000. IMO to aroNtsa 1195.. 500.. 91.09. Multi, RICHARORON d CO., SORTNEAI,P.Q. THE KEY TO fEAI.TM. 8'bZ; ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, LETTER PAPER. BILL HEADS, '0•1 tot,. Etc . at THE SIGNAL P..iTIl6 OFF.CE. ' 'Unlocks *lithe clogged avenues s of the Bowels. Kidneys and Liver, mem ingot( gradually witho.ii +rcakeoir_g the system. all the impurities aLd foci Burners of the seereestem at the sagas Lr-. Correcting ecting �ttg or the pStomach. curing B[L�ess. Dye- opsies. es. Disdains, of ibm �OoostiDrti D na. me of Vision. Joacmclito. Silt Rheum. Eirrelthe N and Gam- ma• all than cod awry BLOOD indiums ANIet L ID1aCi! 9 011. Peeedeter3, T1r.a10. 'PRICES REASONkBLE AT SIGNAL Merchants can r• : Leir Bill Meanie• Littler Heads. &c.. A.:. prtt.ted at this .,Ilea tar very hale more than they generally pay ten the paper. and it Leine to advent... their hearten Call and see maniples and got pr,.:oa G000 WORN IS DONE AT SIGNAL Samples & Prices on Application. WORK AND PRICES CONSISTENT SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES. By virtue of • warrant ander :he heed orf the Warder of the Corporation of the County of Hurondated the Sixteenth day of July. 1RB. Commending me to Levy upon the lands here-• leafier deecribe.d for the arrears of taxes respectively due th.•reon. together with the .tri.; Necks V hereby gqi.en that unless rich Taxes and Carts are sooner paid i maria in tom - Misses with the Arrrmment Act. o'ap. 19e, R. 8. 0.. proceed tosell by public Auction. the kW Made. or so such thero•f as nes be ne.,escery to discharge the same. at the COI• RT HOU$li, is the TOWN of RODKltU'll. oft Tl E-iIL)AV, the TAN LNT1ETH day of NJVEll-' BUR , at saeoclock fu the afternoon. DESCRIPTION tae is:e-'--1 rain show. T .International Dairy show to be held at Chicago, at the time of the Fat show, Nov. 18_23, promises to be one of the *nest and most comprehensive displays of dairy products ever made. The committee regnest dairymen everywhere to be meo- wed compete for the premiums offered. Premium lista an be secured by applica- tion to R. secretary of com- mittee. No. 19 1Behigan avenue. Chicago or Cot Charles T. Mills. secretary state hood of agriculture, Springfield, Ills. Hose sod There. Peri, is to have an iateraational hears above Haat year, and NANO w 11 be diis- trlbetted- Tne llensian Ay is making itself tit M some parts of Ragland. Ono -third of the students of the Kamm Agrieniturel college are girls. The system of ussliage Msteg gains eenvett5 barb norm among the formes of the austere .edea. A late estimate makes the dip of wool .par yegyown ,000 d Vetted Stems foot 1t {s tams i� wie )Pear dues 1. 010 beams tits Tear. apiaw 0 - 7111112. • mo�tse*eil_ mals 16 that the Ems peeve sae� �llege h�inN Iles_s paha is • e mplete Mho" three is mope. titian with Aseeietw pawn kat Tne Neer ifs& Ara as 41111- F1e *Mag. E/ 11w Se a eieas www la OsYdmsl• 4=z Adams fill t0r amber& mil 1n glass st aimslabel. C Survey 0R A*4,eweSure4 fon: server Screw see, TOWttt 1r OT ASHFIELD. I'S.: Lor OR PART STREET OR ('ore- ACIIE8 OR TAxr* Ctmt Torr r_ or torr. t .sal0N, cxrrt••o $ t -r. $ tie $ t TR. E. pe N 16 10 W. L. 97 Pat'd 8 01 1 35 9 111 TOwRAHir OF IOW II i. West part of 111 1 7S. Pat'd 17! an 5 R7 194 52 1 11 tae • 872 1 27 991 VILLAOR W ronew1Ca IN HUwtt'[. Part of Park 22 i Peed and part of 9 Alb. 81. South t Cagt'd Part of 2 Patriot. St. 1-10 Pat d ILLA0i OF OORSIR Ix HOW'IC[. 1e3 1.5 Pat'd 51 191 1 57 VILLAO[ OF MAXCH[.TEI IN 5t LLLTT. t i Pat'd 75 197 1 a Towson,. '.r Y011lit tooth Letl7 1 40 Pod 100 !01 4!e TOwx*HiP or N('[ILLOP. 14 . l corner ss North 14 Oris Towt*Ulr Or RTAXLIT. tortb pert in 0 B. IL 8. • Pst'd 10 16 1 31 11 5; 53 1 16 to 143 e 13 1 1/ I 9 1- M 919 Yfrd , e 1 I0 7 n 3io 1m 11117 'VILLAGE Or w131011111111X TClttR9l&T. West 1-11 Peed West 4173 1:28147 North 1 261 04 155 200 Om tri Tit viLLAos OF RAI meta Asa RS. Asa 8t. Rapist/sale 0t. Peet e1 11 79 es 3 Ceweel tr erer's Ogee, Bayfield Cls. Renee 1.. RsrRve M. M. md.&ei or [iTlw. 11 81 f••N� • Nook R. 9100 Y. mum* or aayseata. 7111.301 OW • wenn man. 60:124 91. Korth Poed Pard Pat`4 9 a 1 10 7 K 4.33 0 11 R RI P >< s 40 11 11ip P IS 1 71 11 w se N el 11 11 01 11 3 IS Pp t N 4 • 13111 9 75 2 IP R 91 5 49 N M NOP II ell 1M 0 75 975 9 73 9 75 4M I 72 2 41 !M !M 0 M ! 19 III 4 19 a1I 1443 !a 111 151 13 01 1 45 17 41 3M 114 4w 1M I• 0f• (?M. 19 • i M 9 91 I 4 74 1 IT A rmtM 11119.1110W • LMR(- (}rorty of Flares. MAR >a11 111' 1 M a 147 17 fie NU 1 4 TM r 7 CHICAGO HOUSE XafOR 30 =-44.4. Z" OT'• FALL MILLINEV. As I intend retiring from business in Goderich and removing to Toronto, I will have a clearing sale of Millinery for the next 3t► days. Ladies wishing to get the Latest and Best Fall Millinery, at Lowest Rates, should avail themselves of the opportunity here offered. A. J. WILKINSON. FALL N.ILLINERY MRS. SALKELD tae opened out a matt attractive stick of Yal; millinery. in RIBBONS, PLUSHES, SHAPES, tied everything else pertaining to the rade. The Ribbons are exceptional in se'ecticn and value, Crazy Patches of first-class material on sale at reasonable r tes. P 11: IC 1..I1 DI' F. tt't l It h: rt, Tuau v m. -1 a m 111,11 the ..n'' 'onto' In VII. r-ct tom for the odeP heated Parker Dye tt'.e►s. Tunesto. Orders solicited and rt isf■c on Kwraateed. I1L' Sm M:UI. BAI.SMILD. r2'EAS t T EAs TE A.S NIXON STU 1( - the akar Oreoery ass. M reskisg alitM &ire Is Te.... The Latest hues him 1 ►ET A.or3I a: wa3r cn kand, and at prisee tort rennet ter bear, •b. Remember the stand Id door wait of Huron Hotel. Good. delivered ,o Mt parts of Produce of s!1 kinds perebared at best market rates. 2126 NIXON STURDY. GEORGE BABRY, • The bag Cokialori acid filliitire Dealer, HMI rammed (-.ext door to his old stand on Hamilton Street. vi herr be w111 be p to twee all his old vestrymen; and many new one... The public- should remember 11a{ keeps the 1.111116134T4111111 SCOT amortment Of Furniture in the County. be tT111tag1 r,Ik1NC in all its branches promptly attended to. Give him a call before Laying elsewhere. George Bury sakes a specialty of PICTURE FR-iSI!NG: a• lowest primal. k44 Pia GEO_ 3:3.E.RRy, Hamilton -8t., Goderie 1, CAN USE ANY WRITING INK EVERY PEN GUARANTEED. --t • • • �►' lent ••�► .; '...� � �J� ♦ '� taF-tfc'31r7itiritkr ens. ten D8UGS, PEJIV1JIERY AND FANCY COORS Jus! Rt•edv.4 at T14 e. tun ��■si rheas "Won tArly pwskasm�e�a%ult Y. JORDAN, Medical Hall, Goderiolb„