HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-10-5, Page 5d ( AN EPIC IN Mice The oboe a obit/ fir; be err I" meamad e sumo Veal wan &breed. d PNS ape`. M grin• wrote a Meer bee. who wet agate s 4u ark p,R,pkee when h. tuna r tine's The ogres bran youth was be with face at woodsrhl prose, this M lella1 gores be stalled did the other aeons cheeks were batndel with fear: he said: . W., he 'WWII ht stern, bin Up. an se gilts.-- uih mister, your moat= dere Thad .pska thee:toe with pride. to that loss yaotb tiler bo: ••Ob, Abslom, the coward's fear • Meier is to M; why i10 id I u ribr, tboh�► he names to wallow in my 110101 I'n kaki Yes ler hr swanlike a.ek sad wttb bum ,ws'e goon; a. Macbtttb said. what min stip dare, that •ho will 1 dare. sod rhould oil sans but maks • crate, 111 rua.h Wm wile • chair; go, (bad, to where he panting wait' mad Mow !tint In to ,sees and though heti we or dumbly armed, net terror wW h. as." *rapt& Th'* trete/km went the freckled youth, as he'd Warmed been; be led the Bad Man to the duce, and, omelets, *owed him in; 1h' door wm cord Orland Ms the, and Absalom reed mar, that all the soma' of raging war merely b. might Mar; them was a ideate, keg, profound, sad tea W eraser's wise nag oat le 1oed, dttirt (loam that wade kr Mart rejoin.; a soupcon thteegh taeaner door sad echoed dols* the M11; it end, w otiose ear:s acids, aid them • Wavy fall. Holsten. With winged fest young Absalom flew to W m ,sees aide; all sal- mad pale this tear leer thy, es though he jus bad died . but goon be emend wide his aye "bet tell Ills boy woo, they swept the twat to r_ Old Smith, but Smitit, the wretch, was gore "What did be dor at Absalom. "that you rare swotted *way, -Maar, OntTirda UMW that lila bare hada Moe* tray; oh, saa w, did he draw Ins gen, per farm with rad to All "No, no, otr'soy, bedreve no gun; fat worse -be dtex a bill!" -Nebraska Stats Journal THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, OCT. 5. 18I. ANCHOR LINE ►TAILORING 1 In hM silo threngh W golden pen bis nursery~ Pose about. raging sea s how • maiden shas., to will - who 114,111111 1► le him; a ul eceberd on thin M jerked the dot swept the dirty Lotto thu stove and now W freckled rubs was boas Lith, wbo weighs two' ; W fans is tear he's rows for 1 let Wm pas Weds Lew Ifies by Baht. "Iii from Tu. --a o." said the strangr, e lin instal end up :-, a dreamy, long haired gra at the sad of We bar, ".rd I've been looking at the siesta" beanobrad in Tucson myself,.. replied the seamy ase as they Weird glees. "(clad to - • sins front there." "That sof tuuw nasean'r "traow Lbruviki r "No." "Dealt Know Lam Bapkimer "Can't say 1 do. 1 wasn't there • grem whir," sod tee drowsy man pensively drained an gra. "but do you know Racier H,rvidsct- AKeoer Mart Chondrw:tr "Dealt Know old Don Quixote, "No; lees be was the Mexican that kept the sa1oo:a." "New t that won't him. Yon don't mesa very we:I acquainted_ Did you know Donee, BW Nye or Dan Dervlder "N -mo, I ddun't think so." "Look • bare, young teller, you dolt awns b know any prominent cutins I drab be- lieve insieve you've from Torsos. Ill give you one nom slow. 1 never saw • ran from Twos that didn't know ow .as. m' it you don't know him -tale Mer, my friend, take ker. Do you know Clive Newcomer • Tim,- stammered the Wenger from Tetsuo, as bo slid towards u .d.cr; "that is, 1 know Lim by night," and be Ned throu,;b the door. -San Francisco I ` mer. Otr'.et1r r flesebeene lingo Wm a. Old ■daleme. "I mei MlleS te tie Ptiiadelphle amet 1,r the Inds tint Ireoght - ewes" std • to •pvt y of Now York Meetb the ether dew, ••w►s • particularly cidand demaple negro ease and eat down to my Ada when he W gathered 10 ilei rent breath he lasso W ability to answer, l oohed ilea whoa his naw was "Vargo Ma*I.gM., mak,' Is repand "'Oaesp Washington? I eY, la • plastid way, 'the user kneads straws* !arbiter. 1 talions I bore heard 1t before.' "'1 napes 70' hes, hoe,' said tOr old teas, pi 1y, 'I bas bees 'rowed these parr err goad ammo yeah', 1 bra"'-Ilwr York flue. Ibsen !• Sten )1/es Clara -Yes, i sjoyd the oprra last evening very meek, Ethel, and afterwards, the supper at Deitnonwu'a. Mr. Feetb.rly • delightful esourt Ns Ethel to Ip.® trieidl-Do you know, Clara, I think you would make a eery skill- ful violin player. Illi. Clara -Why? Mir Ethel -Toe have such • natural apti- Mb for working a bast[.-Scrtbo.r'. Maga- ebb .ga- Cftese Ooicieg Ms bead ted of • back eras - 001 -lies here, Melo Builue whet me you. doling armed my Irredop at this heir 0 the aleat Uncle Resins (p ompatyl-i was 'whir to hist 7c'. Mist h bait, of yo' den' wan' Mr gds dot bewoop whitewashed_ 1t needs it bad, Mord n do. -Beriberi Mags,fne. An Ira eesm lyra! leas A Rom.rvfUe tion who h afflicted with heater in one oar found hr abi.t1cp • posi- tive advantage daring a recast visit to Now York Having • room in • hotel on Broad- way be ootid not sleep *..wase of the notas at night One night it creurred to bis to 1r with the deaf ear ups The surnlrag atter he we late to breakfast,-Somarvilr JorQsl Was Dalt Be got off at the D. aid IL depot the other day, looked around with soar *misty, amd then Irked the p.on0rsaa_ "Anybody pear to abag Mkt today r "Nobody. sir." "Any leg Arms raging?' "NQ" "Any riots aramtdr lOwMwa "Men" said Bobby, "r pa da getously War "Nothat's all." VWell a only Waffles wee trttle *gen''mead school today that his pa was dangerously sick -Don't you think. lin, that my pa will Bet hang renely sick, toot -The Epoch. s IVWQOa..la QinigOnrrol". SerMa� "CITY OF ROYE-f.•otw \•w York �r son *m►*r, Ove. 1 tbl- tt. Lamer sad Asset p --wirer •kisser east Cable Se. tel and Ills, Mesons '' s1LAasi•W 011111100 ' Sterner, every eatnwlay lees Now Tef te Q.` S017 sail LOVIDOSIDISST. FserjeiztVer 4sw*r. outward r pet , Ls • atenitVte•s O OakenoscuraMW •streduuxdratan - Traventrt' Circular Lettere ut Credit. sod Drafts tee we Amea•M *toed at lowest OUT Mal rats. For Rooks et Tuan. Tietds dw hrth.r lse•eustlus Mild! to HLNDEItStJN BROTHOftS. New York. or tltadm ARGIL DICKSON. oeerrNb. hoe las returned from tae Kosiern inertia and has run 04 *did • FINE ASSORPIENT of tt.• newest pattern. .s F'•ll and Wuter Goode td,aetl.,r w.tt, ;hr We•t ,tyles tin: mat .a, Ca:. mid see th..g. UGBIL DUXTLCP- FIRE! FIRE I FIRE! • 2 am now offering the het HARD COAL 1n tb. Market. for present -AT- delivery for cash, $ PER TON Place your orders at oaceand save m0om.17. WILLIAM LEE Uenera: Dealer sed Forwarder. m. Zravelling *nide. &15MiCkii (,RAND TRUNK I:A1LWAY. Treble arrive end depart at Ooder!rh as foi- bles: Altai vs. •/ .1.f,0 p a SSp.m. ail :.;....TAO a.m. .ad a:p..w..... . • . Lae p. a. iced ...ILO yen. "Haven't heard of any." "Any Iris Agar or harm teasels "No." "No runaways, boiler explosion. of take from fourth story windows!" "There's noon en the programme" "Yigtt be some stabbing affrays or saloon tighter "Yen, but I don't think r." "Bumph! Detroit must be a nice place to Eve la! If that's all a amounts to 111 sit down here and go beck by the (tet train." And, m the policemen solemnly affirm, 1r sat down in the waiting roam for tour r o ugh& boors and took a trate boos without keying lett the building. -Detroit Ikea Pea A r.e.aaee AAfineee.ai It was on an outward bound ocean vent A goodly number of mimes of the Gospel were on hoard, and it win decided to bold an raperiewe rnestl.ig in the 5ban. An aidsr*y rnin1:er presided, and he called open • young preacher, who had been one of the prompters of the niosting, far kr experi- ence The lather began: "Bntdrea, a. I was lyfmg to my berth lest night., Woking of the greet oven on whose bosom we are Nta*ieg, • b.•uteul thought tame to reall- Tben he sopped. His taco began same a pallor often waxed on shipboard, and. placing Lr hand on his watch picket, he eft in great halm to commune with the M�triends," remarked the presiding min- er, "1 think we had bettor let our beauti- ful re uti- ful thoughts diger" Titan the meeting adjourned. -Pittsburg Chn,_t;r. A Ceram. Omar !hoose -Welt, sonny, whet owe Ido ter yea, Nosey -Me muddle. sent M bare wM the butts and wine. She sal she .deed saw Muer .n• old wine •.' eh' *Mks yoatie got W winterise sawed up. -New York fins. Figures Wea't 1i.. Gentleman -What will you whitewash my barn for, Uncle Deems? Uncle Hames ttdjuringl-Lemma eros two s.' three are six and to' and fo' are ribber. DM job, Idrtah Smit, will tort yo' fo`ty dol- lars. Gentleman -That's too much Uncle Ranter -Dees wwt it Aggers. sale; yo: kaa't go lack s Sggrra I los money on or job wunco Lase I didn't Agger on de nos'. -Now York Bin An Tama Iaaerf.red. Agee -!'row, dr, I would like to call your alkalis to** best fountain pea over made. No men who doe • gnat deal at yrttlag can afford to be without • fountain pet. I woaid/et be without one for is hundred del - bra .Weil, write your mom and 1s's es bow K works." "I can't writ., sir. Try K yom.elt. -Ua- oohs Journal The AaMmell ggsee Qp. p Pate famlllan--W111 you be is the neigh- borhood of the gar dies lid serriegt Bcu-Y,•, t. • T in i need me go around there. Just drop in, tell them we haw entered from the country, would like to have the gas turned ci, and get a bill of tin amount cossamd while 1t was turned art" -r •'elphh Rec- ord. Aa Apology •earsrr• - Ostlsase fit at writhe raMi.armsat)-» Pardo me, i, but amt I ad addremeig the Dube et Wynn Wytyys! thentlsmsm wdfrom d Nrwes bwiwtf Wil rift basted► -4t'. I me the owed tsuMr•+- daeparti troth. Ansett Always S.. "Alp tow iiwd ' Implied b a mol Mo sere• .-seer.-.. osseus • lreado paper. 161 - se, w with lis err of a bm who em 6arh d... 4-Dtf.at Pte* aaoclic frog O Specially adapted for Barns. Bridge*, roofs of Dwelling Houses toLefler wood or iron) and agricultural implements of a.: sands. A 11Yteer sat elegies "George," shwa* murmured three nights before the wedding, "thin paper says thetas* New York aqueduct is the eager tunnel In the world, and it • railroad train goer through It, i think we bed betty go by that roues whew we start on . e.1 waddle( trip." George deeply regret ed that te was not (1.t kind at a emml-N,rrYeow. Etna. COLOR 1 RICH BROWN, oo.taleiag by analysis Iffof iron. it is ere proof. water proof, unlading. ererlasring. economical. and possesses twit, the body and strength of any ether oilde ia the marks'. For further ;articular,apply to Odbt of =.wing • Sew Now Yenta -I wppme • batt them he Meet very ebeeply len Tema 'Menu. -That •D f . prda s era+.s.uo.I. +meow. A melee her of mine W to pity pretty high be b•epia' • hos 'glow sol^ "It oast him bin Hi e and he Abet keep the hoes long either. 111 was say bees he was aryls' *hep "-ltir filling% SCOBIE & CAMPBELL, BOX MO. Gadmrich Oat. f7 - Mims& 0. P.R. BOOM TOWN PRO RRYIBS FOR (ALE. $100 AND UPWARDS 1 hi*. • large number of houses lad Lots and oilcan Lands in the utast drlrabie parts of the Town --Meta *ALE Maar. Now is the tame to secure property beton the Big Rush The C. P. R. H coming epre, sod in a short time prime will have ad%&need beyond the reach of new. Can and see list and Prima before purchas- ing elsewhere. R. RADCLIFFE, Real !rotate and General I.nwance Amon. Office west -Bt., third door from Square, C. P. R Ticket and Tokamak Oboe. 31-11. hawk et norm Street Dish.- Paws, mann, .os't pi hr this perp of ate, only Slay ewer/ Indy-Harron? 9sob • stamp of • bill 1coal bear • deg with bis tail ant off. 'Of. that's all r t, euey it wee'( slit (R, It who bel at'`Pbfl•d,lpft• Record. Amass r e.e tr1.... OM Lady be pons boy)-a.aa. I Maga thill Ay gym e f ,ea, yeMig (mon, the OW is the bore ape Maw mer *VON See-�P ]Je'�a don't bay eettgb et I ma'am -The >lpsb Nod I In 110n11b Old i.ay Ito dregghsti bay) -4 oaf 0010 a bele past. bey. IMI-Ymr'ueas; toss err daOO1-Ids TOWN OF GODERICH. TREASURER'S 8.%LE OF L.ANDB FOR TAXES. P.ovtacs or Ow rseuo. I By virtue of • war - Tow! amp tcoitaico, • real ander the hY1 to war : )0f the Mayor of the Town of Ood.rieb, sad the seal of the said Corporatba, bearing dace tae Second day of August. A.D. I10 t, - directed, oos.tlsad- lag me to levy wee the leads in the following hUt .f armors of tame dun therms. notice le hereby elver that ore taxes. the saki taes. to - eat err with .B ora .m sewer ad mid i shall =ppa.� to sell tsaid lands by Public Aso- .r m musk theme se may r wretent ter the ppaayssent of tbe ours and oasts Ome- ga at tks TOWN HALL in the said TOWN OF oOtaRR1CH, o. FRIDAY. Owl % ENT? THiRD day of tit/TIMBER, 11155, .t the boar of TWO o'clock p.m. I The load* are pwleated.l beset or Survey. 11 GODERICH BOILER WORKS Chrystal & Slack Manufacturer,' cl s:1 k.,.d. of STITIMIERT. 1141111, UP*I6hT too 1:iIUL*s BOILERS. ::ALT PANS, SMOKE STACK and all kinds of Sheet Iron wort. *r(!! MID Weill Pier FITIWIGS constantly on band. Os head, ready for delivery : I M 11.1. mew greet Reber. Complete. 111 M.P. feted Rao Miler. 1■ steed .rwrr. Aldo • I9 ts.f . LaMar and Keller saeetd Wad. 'a t...d Aosta i.a. (tail orders will receive prompt attrstios. Weds m app. [w T. S. •lane. P.O. BOX 361 sd.rlcb May Hitt IMM. .j�� Raawtag `f uwbere 14 1 Mi t • 14 110 1 0 o 51 1-4 4 " w 17 7 III 11 l 1 M 711 14 1 NI la 12 Reed's 8e. ~arty 1} 72 N e '2 •. .. 14 I 64 6 7i t. lj 1M atha 70 ID 14 II 36 4th 7le 14 A " 14 alt 153 Tse .. K 71 sel eise 1s is GREAT SALE ! • MISS CAMERON '2'f2E 5.22=TT'RY, has just returned from the cities for the 'wont! time this autumn, and has num at her show rooms one of the MOST COMPLETE awl TI .STEFLTL displays of Millinery ever shown in Uuderidt. For the latest *tyke and shapes and REASONABLE PRICES she can be Burp ,sed 1.y no one in the trade 2171.1.. lel Inn GOJAMI ROW . Good Ns for Farniors and Hoi'senioni Wm. Acheson. the ch*sp Hairston 1/ak,,. hue j1u. oompleted kin so purchase of Rahe. FurOverc•w.s. Ilene Hlanatl., Wbip.. :Melia.- Hen., Surciagles, Trwka, Valvas, a..:., i•nd Sas decerml•od to evil e.erytkts;t Is num': at greatly rod*'ed prime tor l:e.h. .1'••r r.rerawa Clump j.., coal.. Rama of ali Bola, d Reap fur r iJt. florae Bbseketi o!.sl Lode. Chop for ('o.k - IPAtel of all k.u./a. (Aar,, fur (anis. lrw.k. •.w•/ 1'tdaees. ("hap for (lash. _4!w ,t b.rp Mork of visile and 1wuU. Nonvaa, ("kap for (nab. Port i•-• wanting anytblog in my line. would do well to call and see ay Brook hates Per diming Klsewbete. new ia the Him our I1•rgahaa. itcmrwborthe, 8taad. the Cheep Mas moth Harps Sups Hamilton St, Uoderick, N. B.- till Ilunt• Collars Msnutactured on the Itemises and 8atlafaciIo. Guaranteed. e 77711\eZ. .CII SONw Ire an The Cheapest Boost Uadtr the S®. STOYIS I STOVES 1 __ilrfrlied�aM•Uid. ) If you want a Stove do not fail to see them. W. L NORTON. Treasurer Tows of Oodertch. Treasurer. (rine.., Amur 1st, ISM 1114-1* o:e Agents for the .C. Gurney Co.'s STOVES & R.�1GES. SAUNDERS eit 801\7 Fall Goods 1mpoaat To Fariliors The 0ubmeAsr w0dd wa anenee that he t�.ftwe. h IL Nei • w Iely roe eeiM by H•laar. Mfas melee von 1.e given t. u We will have IN mese g . meleesett, times .t the bee varlesl a of wheel ores s. W : AIRFIELD, Ylksl ■sf1Namwt rel IURPRIIL lsere tegm dm awWWL ms seed �Ht.MM twWset":] of s the innem& 1= whores =Hikes .eepertdes keno ae erg . 11 P�1' ted nes reat /w erwr`wpedsa * a lt.ou4 and wlll�t i sed Ass tbtkess my dirt wfaur.w. true to mom WILLIAM BURROWS, CREST YAIIIEff -AND AT - PRICES TO SUIT ALL ! -AT THE - TORONTO CASH STORE. • P. ODEA tibl- MANAGER. Wises, Liquors, etc FOR BALE BY G. H. PARSONS 110 ALBION BLOCK. GOD(RICW' 13RANTFORD, ONT., SUCCBRSORS TO H.W. T RE.THQ'CTR az Co. Direct Importers of British and Foreign Dry Goods, Millinery, Mantles, &c., &c. Our MR CROMPTON has just returned from Europe, where he has spent the summer buying our Fall and Winter Stock. The sante high -clams character as regards the quality and style of stock will be maintained, as wag such a prominent feature with our predecessors, combined at all times with the lowest prices, consistent with First -elates (:Doris. Our prices retail, quality considered,will be found as low as many merchants buy at wholesale. We effect a large saving to all our cus- tomers. We are prepared to meet competition from any source what- ever, and our closely cut cash prices are as low as those of any howls in the Dominion. sir MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT -sir is a specialty with us. Samples sent and goods promptly forwarded as instructed We have a staff accustomed to this department, and where at times selection may be left to us, customers may rely upon being as well served as if present in person. Inspection or correspondence solicited. Crompton, Appellee & Co•,Dry Goods Importers, Colborne-st., Brantford. GEREALINE FOOD OF FOODS. New GROCERIES ( i hive now in oonsectton wttb ray FWUn AND FLED 8TOl:li., u stock of Fresh Groceries TEAS. SUGARS. SPICES, r abort everything in the Grocery dine. I4 the Coots m 0110 Norma. TRY A PACKAGE. CHAS_ A_ NAIRN. .RA TEFUL-UOMFORTfr6. EPPS'S COCOI. 1 CUREBREAItFaze. Pie a 11rwuaf k 01 11. s *ursI late whIN e1. et dlrorlw sad nwitles, yy a tarefs agg�myatie...1� 17:11;r:::: a• en, d wW yelects7 Ceeoa. )/r FITS! t Epp tae- psvdA,d oar ►r••tfast taMw w Hk a dal..ately 1.vesd hsvoramv wA{eb w eye e ao koq d.etels' trial• it r N � the lo�ictetr tries et wet .etlslo. .t arzracpsy sr Taman 1 diet that • esesti otf•a may les 7 boll( rep nntll eiteeg sseu*1 to tendency u drnMe. iftael outs .•ladle w moaelag •roaai it: a at - emery tack wherever there Is • weak We reeelwt.•r vw wda•my l fertilise/.dol r11►shaft =y.. surlebed teams Y Made simply with borne* r Atht�My H � Ida ED DEPARTMENT 1 ket p • full stock. CHOICE FLOUR ALWAYS ON HANDS Also all kinds of SEEDS in their nLeon. i do • Carel Business. poesable. CALL AND A/'0000, delivered to will sell as low eg tat the teStli nal- G EO. E iLim 11.6'T JT T8M1 i'�I Cash Store Filut Glass Fruit Jars at the following prion : 1 doz. qts., old Measure, $1.20 1 don qts., Imperial Measure, L25 1 doz. pts, Imperial Measure, 1.20 1 1.vo . very itrae a-el.s.at of Family Groceries, whale i ese *Alai cheap. TRY OUR TEAS, FROM .5 calms UP. and yell any It Is better than yoft can Ml ter double the messy rtwe peddler,. A OALL SOLICITED. The *espk,' Tie anuses. OateAsh. sill Rk