HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-10-5, Page 44
-Inte`e eeiletwimmeo - ovio
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i• eve/meson
AT TEM 1.11/1111(31:
11 Is a wideettaat itiost=or. deemed
• eseistr 1•01156 sad the tios et este
MATS. Olt 0 aseserress
tx.• 113e. ter six mates, ies. fee
mostla. If the subseripeles ishzgeterld
la advisees. imakeription win he c •I
the rale ot OM • /krar
Ant 110111011bei KATES t
ppriliraole f itit" °"tuani. sat vd 3 centme;iralillene
breach leneequeot iusrrtm05. Measured by
a gesparell male.
Loma 110140110 in omper,e1 type 5c per nee.
Deal mottoes in ordeary mediae type le pet
nesiness wres of six Wes and %Leder Is per
Adveriteresents 4If LON, roW4d,"brayed,
Senottons Tema. hieuettoo Wanted and
neeleses Chester Wanted. sot exceeding 11
noes empariel 11 par smooth.
Homes on Mae and tern,. en Bale. not to
exceed 1 lime, gi ter hest month. 50c per enh-
ances's( Novak Larger ad t't% in properties.
Any special Mace. the object of which se to
promote Me pecuniary beast' of soy won.
Mewl er reespeny, to be comidered an ad
vertionnent and charged accordingly.
These terms will in di cotes be strictly ad-
hered to.
Specs& rates. for larger advertisements, or
advertkeement• for exceeded perio& made
knows at the Once of publiation.
A Dale equipped Jobbing WIllos is carried
ea is °Desertion with tboordioary newspaper
lingema. where ftrat-elaes work turned out
Eigrensonable rates. Everythlag is t he print.
line can be dose on the preetiowe from ea
ansinated poster to a vetting care.
jhll oosnmunications moot, be addressed W
ed.tor of lets libeireb
Telephone Call No. 30. Ooderich Out.
•••.•i"• '
pebble as the eahibidoe tread Waives
bee el elaarge, sad i. pubs gemitially
sosid derive b..& from it, as be bad
N either the power nor osolitaotioa le PM
°says ineecial remoras b takiag gatim
money from those who witnessed flot
The Mayor. after hatenieg to the pre-
seetetwe of the cam by the rmr. easele-
'see, said
1. behoved the &majesties
was ea all fours with aoplioationie
that had been made on behalf of retnlib-
none sad games, and stated that be would
call a meeting uf tbe council, at whisk
tee emitter could be discussed and bodes
taken. la the amiantus* it would be wsl
f,o Rev Father West to place bia appli-
o ation in writing, so that it could come
&email, before the awned.
In die evening the question was
brought &foie the stembers of the men -
oil, in • oconsouniestioe frees Rev Fath -
• West, which was read, and by pee-
s mal application by the rev gootlemes.
0 tbe motion that the amount asked
to be granted, not a ineniber pressen
rate to hie feet and advanoed a maims
wry it .1 mild not be donated. True
11:. rhos Naito' said that hl. churl&
wanted money, and If this 4164 peeled,
ha would advise them to come to the
council ; bet, in reply, Mr Cameros
stated that if they would incur thee: -
penes od briagiog in • rpecial attracties
f..r the pewee of drawls( • large num-
ber of essessiosists, as was the sees in
tin present lesteeek be kr wie-ireelot
favor their 'eating sesistanse.
Then the vote was takes gad it stood
Fur the grant-Maers. Gegieron, Nish-
olion, Snide Beisher. Radcliffe aed
the Mayor -41.- itiedien-lraftel. Raid.
Morton sod Colborne -4. After the
Lite had been taken Mr Nicholson asked
teat the names be placed ma record. Me
C ilb.m.
Father West mid he would like to have
t'is result of the vote made luaown, aid
le pal and nays were taken,
That's the plain, unvarnished story el
:he terrible act which was ooreinitted ty
certain members of the council, whose
heads the Star would have chopped of
at the nest municipal election. The
editor of the Put' was not present at Oa
meeing, and as his fit of hysteria see
broight about by sone second -head
vers in of the affair, trom NOM, pre) Wil-
ed or fanatically disposed person, we
give tie true statement of the case, 110
that he may be in a position to see teat
oi this occasion, as on many others, he
has In hu bigotry run away with his
C0111111110 1114111413.
Now, it is a well-known fact that It
Itas been customary, time out of Mind
for municipal councils, not only of
Goderich but of other towns, to give
donata ins towards attracting features ea
gala days which would be the means of
bringing outsiders in large numbers to
the point of attnation. Goderich has
in times past been particularly liberal is
thm regard, and within the knowledge of
the loiter has time and again made
money expenditures which were &mien-
s I to bring retursa to the town. The
Caledonian Day gmnta, the grants to
the Mechanics' institute, the pereliare
and fencing of grounds for the West
Heron Agricultural society ; the erec-
tion of suitable buildings fur the &Adis(
of a successful fair ; the annus' grant to
the agricuitural teciety ; the grant of
$1,000 during the past few months --
4600 as a gift, and the other $600 as a
tan, if the society he in • position to pay
it back • the erection of awing*, seats,
&c., last year for the English church eT-
cursion from tit Thomas, at as expeedi-
rum of some $25; the entertainment of
, the St Thome. civic excursion a few
year, ence, where "lots of liquor" was
on the table, and the town had to foot
the bill ; special swings arid seats for the
recent L newel excursion, and hack hire
for the town gcesta and some of those
w ho 005 Aect to the present great.
These, and scores of other expenditures
which we could enumerate did specie al:
liw, have been made hy the town ems
c 1 of Goderich, and winked at by the
reit or of the Star, bet wbea it mew be
• question ..f granting $50 towards help
115 to pet the expenses of • potpie of
celebrated ("risen, who are billed 15 1*
attraction to totes in busdrede me -
vi etort to leave money is our mid* t•
mired with hysteria and freatioally
serial', "Reform the Council," "Lee
he voter1,1' the grant be amines root
• id branch.
Why I
Aye. there • the rob TI. nswer is
n ot far tt. met 11.• rev it editstas
who nn.lortrir.1 11. ring in the sane
limos and eh., asked 1., the greet is a
clergyman or the R onan (tholes faille
and bemuse s majority of the neembere
of the snood were toned spirted seoselb
io demi with his appliestios as they
would wit\ that of • private individual,
114 reed se • representative nf a mimed,
owe leen • ' Holy Willie," meet weeds
smite them, hip and thigh.
If the application for a grant to brie.
hitber Mows 0 Contour and Les bed
bees made 11?-tli• secretary of • Or&
Pia aquatic society or reeds, deb*
there "resold am have horn a aismedine
is'oe, and the Nfar afield have beep Ile
mate ass clam Bet &eases the 011110
OM* Mere meted by • rev gemeielefehr
(of good reseed ead above 1111111111.111,
Last week our local contemporary
worked itself lett a atat• of mind over
11. 1.04 that's grant of $50 had been n.ade
toward paying • portion of the expensis
of two celebrated oarsmen who •.,e bid-
ed to give as exhibition of row ing in
Ooderick harbor. Our contemporary
not worked itself with a state of wind
over the matter, but it became hysterical
and called for the crusting of the mayor
and councillors who had favored the
grant. As is usual with hysterical reop'e
our contemporary acted in • were silly
manber, sod did not know what it was
talking about. Tee facts of the case are
simply these :
Rer Father Wye!, the recently
appo.nted incandelit of St Peter's
church, conceived the ides of bringing
in • large excurtion to fiederich, acd a
few weeks ago upend up negotiation'
with the 0. T. R. to:their:ties to give
special rates to this point. As an in-
ducement to the excuse mots, he cor-
responded with Mr Wm O'Connor, of
Toronto, the champion oarsman, of
Amena, to see on shit terms O'Connor
and Oeo. W Lee. the New York Damns's,
could be brought hither to give an cehi
bition of their rowing powers. The
terms were sent foward, and the
rev gentleman, being ,,f opinion
that at least half of the personal ex•
penof the oarsmen would be defray'
ed by business men uf the town, closed
with the offer made by Mr t)Connor.
After the date bad been set, and tha bills
printed, the appeal to the business men
of the town who would he likely to bene-
fit by the influx of excursionists was
made, bet the responee was not in ac-
cordon°s with wpm had been anticipat-
ed, and the •mount subscrined some
$11 - was han,ied back to the dome%
This was on Monday morning of lest
week, the excursion was billed for Wed-
has&sy, and it because • question with
Father West whether he would abandon
tbe attraction of bating the oarsmen
pretest, or make • broad appeal to the
town at large by an application for aid to
tbe municipal repreeentatives in cruacil
smembled. He adopted the latter
seams and waited up tin Mayor
Baseter, and explained the condition
of affairs. He stated that if the weather
wgro propitious he bad no doubt lare•
member of outsiders would be brought
to town : the escurelomate would un-
doubtedly put e. usiderable money in
ctreelation, and the town would thereby
derive hoot fit ; 00 charge for advise -
IMOD to the grimeds would be made, and
ihe poorer- class of residents, • lio had
never had an opportunity of fleeing •
seelliag match between line class pro-
flesioaal oarsmen, would thus be enabied
to me • raos witliont any financial o.0 -
lay. and lastly, that amistance from the
e.ieseil was • neesseity t,,wsrds getting
the oarsmen to come, as the efforts to
°1..m mosey from indiv,tJoaI Gourmet
had failed. The rim gentleman wished
it .to be thatiestly eatieretood that he
wasted at, maistanes from the ceased
ower& defraying the net of onetime sp
the ezeorsios. so for as priutieg. poetieg
Lille, telegraphy, eorresponeleure, *mel-
low mandeaud desontstre sod iineratri
41. grounds 14•14 eonearemed, fee these
Mem espresso of • purely pommel na-
bs" ; bet what he wasted ass the* a*
ilelet one tail of the met .1 bommies the
frames here shield bs defrayed 1, 11.
It is quite tree), bet ed. a semis ds
sees. Wades, every self-coestiteted pietist
la telin. led by the mien( of the Sue is
assiess that the trestmeat that would is
el sooner be satended to a layman
ANN ace he amended to limo. Sack
esulest is the lowest and mealiest kind
WIth 411 411100e.
regard to Mr Mackay's appeal
WW1 the paymest of tie great wit
have pay to goy that that geotleman
eseld be beeeee employed than actin' is
the sees We do sot kaow that he has
Ow legal power to have the great with
16411i bet we de kaow thet if be per -
Meet is his setae. sad is eneessafel,
will shot the deer against 101 public
g ramsla the future. Oor mechanics' in-
ettleheour agricultural socisty,ourannual
imam to and all other public ea-
terpriess of a similar nature are aide by
Inds, so far le legality is coocerned, with
the present grant, and Mr Mec-
ker. or any other man, should think
wen haulm he creams • dangerous pre
eeriest is thie respect. Oes these is
motored, and that is, that if the prompt
Veld to not paid -and fanaticism sad
religious bigotry is the only ground epos
which it can be decree -the door will
be closed against all grants in the future,
or the Cathodic ratepayers will be the
mom tolerant Christians in town
Mines* °Reinder, Clause & Co,
Wieehaes, were socceinfol in their &peli-
sse/on to that town for a bonus of $10,000
to imetiams their manufactory in ibat
town. Bell& Co. sod Kincaid & Go,
who keno also neanufactories in Wiagheas
were eseessefal in receiving boomer
of $6,000 sea. Gilchrist, Green & Co,
was the firm to which Tnt 81011•1 made
editorial referents last week. Would it
set be well foe our town stencil to put
forward stroog efforts to briag in
'manufacturing enterprises to Ouderich.
Annewel Itelabieloas .1*15 Asle•eld and
Waiiramesh Ageleetterel ateelety.
The eassal fall show of the Ashfield
sad Wawanosh Agrioulteral Society was
held in Duitgannon on Friday, Septem-
ber 28th. Notheithatanding the in-
clement weateer there was • good turn
out of visitors and a good exbibit in
n early every department. The follow-
ing is
Ifs Pelee um.
BLATT DRAT!. -Brood mare, harirg
raised foal in 1888, let, Thos. Tudl,
2nd, Andrew Young: 2 year old 611y,
nos Todd, 2.4, P.ul &seltzer ; 2 year
old gsldiog, let, Glenn Bros, 2rid. Wm.
Mallough ; 1 year old filly, lat, David
Ryan, 2od, Wm. Cameron ; 1 year old
gelding, 1st, Thos. Anderson; foal of
1888, let, W. A. Cunningham, 214,
John Malmo ; span heavy draft horses,
1.1 Jas. 0. 840r, 254 Thos. Hamilton.
Chtersee Ptrarose -Brood mare haw -
lag raised foal in 1888, 1st A. R. Ander-
son, 2od Jos. A. Mallough ; 2 year old
611y let Peal 8'110112er, Sad Ches. Dur-
n in; 2 year old gelding. 1 Wm Mc-
Knight; 1 year old filly, 1 Walter
Stewart; foal of 1888, let H. O. Taylor,
203 Glenn Bros; span reneral porpose
horses, lit John McLean, 2nd Frank
Sallows ;
mare having raised foal in 1888 Ist
Hugh (liens, 2.4 Jae A. Wilma • 2
year old ally, las Wm Jones, 2nd 0. V.
Echlin; 1 year old gelding 1 Stephen
Erwin, ; 1 year oki filly let Andrew
Yonog, 2nd R. Armstrong; foal 01 1888,
let Hugh Girvia, 254 Jae A. Wilson ;
span mad and earriago, 1 John Medd;
buggy horse, lat Thom Andiron, 2nd A.
R. Anderson.
THOILOCGMBItiD - Mikh cow having
reseed calf in 1888-1 Thou Anderson, 2
T Anderson ; 2 year old 1.ifer--1 Wet
K ilpstriek, 2 Thos Anderson ; 1 year old
beifer-Thoe Anderson; heifer calf of
1888-1 T Andeteria, 2 T Aaderson; bali
mil of 1888-1 Wm Malloegh, 2 Thos
Anderson; aged boll 2 years and over
-1 T Aadereon, 2 Heigh Rutherford ;
bell ender 2 years-Jait Rose, 2 Wm
Mallough ; herd of three females sod one
Gruen Car= - URA 0011 having
reaped calf in 1888-1 Moen MeBrien, 2
Hugh Oirvie. 3 Jae Lane; 2 you cld
'seder, 1 Jae Laos 2 Pawl Reed, 3 Joke
McLean ; 1 year old heifer, 1 Peel Reed,
2 P Reed; steer calf of 1888, I Walter
&swore 2 W Stewart; boiler calf of
1688, Moses MeRrien ; 2 year nld heifer
rehire calf is 1888, 1 John Molten, 1 J
McLean ; fatted ox or steer. John Mal -
lough ; fatted sow or heifer, 1 Jobs Me -
lose, 2 HI °Lev& ; yoke worlds* oxen,
1 M MeBnes. 2 .1 Mallosgh ; yoke 2
year old steers, Hugh Girvin ; 1 year old
deer. 1 M MeBrise, 2 M Meltrion.
Lore Wooten R.1110-Ageid rem, 1
.10 fitheren, 2 11 Cures; ghoulish'
nag, t. W,a IlleAllieter, 2.1 0 Stewart;
pee sired ewes Meese hush@ in 18148, 1
3 0 &evert, 1 II Omens : Pen ahead -
mg *wee. 1 0 Oerwea, 2 J 0 Stewart ;
pus este limbs, 1 JO Stewart, 2 J 0
lelowert ; real Web, 1 J 0 Stewart, 2
J 0 Siewart
thrower Wooten) &ease -Aged rem, 1
Olean Arne, 2 Jae Lan.; shearlisit rem,
1 Olean Bios, 2 Olean flee,.; pea aged
*wee raising Iambs in 181111, 1 Olman
Woe, 2.1 4) Stewart: pen elteseliag ewes.
101... Bree, 2 Gleeit Bros ; pest *we
wens, I Oleos Brea, 2 Oleos Bees ; VIM
Wok 1 Mese Boa, ! Joe Leas
API Beano - Boar. 1 Jes Lowe ewe
beim' raised Pain In Ink J. Liam
Pelt sew% 11 Mcbtrie, it Melees ;
ebbe, 1 0 Ortiont. 1 0
g:twit/7r Ls, br.int, 1 RMe
Lees. R poir Plywood' me&
saReellterfeeei ; peer Brsh...,. 1 11
, 2(4 ; pair Week Spoo-
l* 1 sad I R Nelms; pale Wiese% 1
It Melees, 2 K Mclean ; pair here
yord, 1 R Nelsen. 2 ; pair
e ases, 1 Jae Lame 2 Paid Rose; pair
Jenks. 1 W. McAllister. Jae IMO&
Single btiggy, 1 illophes Statham,
8 &others ; good sale farm Imams 8
Sactbers. Plows resoomeended, aang
plows, Jae Russ. Hems shoes, 1 John
Ferguson, J Forgeece.
MIN opd varieties winter swiss 4 01
each 1st Cbas Dumas 2nd John liellield;
4 named 'entities fall spplos 4 cf each
1.1 Chas Derain, 2nd Wm Kilpatrick ;
2 named varieties pears 1.1 John
▪ 2nd Chas Dentin ; oullection grapes
La Geo Harris 2nd 0 Grummet ; plate
crab apples let Tbos Woods, 2nd Thin
Harris; Plato quince let 0 Grumasett.
tad David Mallwain ; colleetion garden
lowers 1st Thee Andersen, Oleo oung ;
collection house plants let Arthur Mar-
tin, 2nd Oeu Young
Named varieties of potatoes, peck of
e ach let Thoa Basotho", 2nd Otani"
Brown ; heads .g cabbage let Chas
Robinson 2nd Arthur Mania; 9 blood
beets let John thillteld, 2nd Wel ma-
losib ; 9 mangulds 1st Hoary Cuteren,
2.4 David Ilellwain ; Swede tereip,
let Wee McAllieter, Chas Rubies°. ; 9
L O. earrou let Tbos Hamiltos 2.41
Harry Curette ; E. H. carrots lat Geo
Harris, 214 Henry Curvets ; white
Belgian carrots lit Geo Harris, 2nd
John Salkeld ; peck onions let Geo Har-
ris, 2.d Chas Robinette; peck tomatoes
1st David Sproul, 2i.id Arthur Martin;
12 sass of core lat Geo Harris, 2 Theis
Harris ; pumpkin lat Geo Harris, 2ad
Thos Harris; squash let Andrew Sproul,
2nd D Sproul ; 4 Water Inatome let Geo
Harris, 2nd Tbus Hamilton ; 4 heads of
cauliflower 1st Cleas Robinson, 2d David
Sproul ; 6 heads celery lat David Sproul,
Rod Arthur Martin ; canoes let Chet
Robinson, 2nd Hugh Give& ; euilestioe
of vegetables 1 Andrew flereek---
2 bushels fan wheat, 1 nes nometas.
2 II Currie° ; 2 bosh spins vb.* 1
John Selkeld, 2 Wm McAllister • 2 be&
barley. 1 ThealWailheses ;
2 bush peas, Wee, 1 8 Comes. 2 Jam
Lane ; 2 blurb peas, small, 1 1:1 Car wen,
2 Chaa Durum ; 2 bush oats, 1 11 Cor-
tege, 2 T H•miltuo ; 2 bosh timothy
seed, 1 Wei Jones, 2 John Saikeld.
5 lbs table Nutter, 1 Heigh Girvin. 2.1
A Mallough ;2011. packed butteecrock,
1 H Girvin, 2 T Anderson ; jar honey,
Hubs Mutch.2 Geo Harris ; loaf bread,
hums made, 1 0 Harris, 2 John 1401 -
lough; loaf bread, baker's, P F Hamlin ;
6 lbs honey, comb, 1 R Match, 2 Geo
10 yards union flannel, 1 C Durnin, 2
T Hamilton ; pair wool blanket+, 1 Thee
Hamilton, 2 C Durnin ; collecting) alibi -
net wars, 1 And Sproul, 2 And Sproul ;
reeds pair pants, Geo Young.
Tatting. Mrs Wm Cunitiogbarc: erode
et work, Mn Wm Cunningham, 2 Mies
J Mum& ; embroidery lo linen, Mrs W
Jones ; braiding, 1 MISS L Buchanan, 2
Mn 7i Cunningham ; fancy loittiog, 1
Mrs Wei Cunitinighate, 214*.. J Muteb;
patched grin, in wool, 1 Mies G Harris,
2 Miss Woods ; patched paiIt. in °ultimo,
1 Mrs Vit. McAllister. 2 Mn T Hanel -
100 ; feather fi•,wers, Mrs M McAllister;
hairs flowers, 1 bliss L Buchanan, 214..
Win McAllister ; Berlin wool fiat, 1 Mn
W Jose". 2 Mies J Mutch ; Berlin wool,
raised, 1 Mn T Hamilton, 2 Mrs John
&Amid ; embroidery in worsted or silt,
Mies Woods, 2 Miss L Hachette'); linen
shirt, hand made, unwashed, 1 Mrs T
Hamilton, 2 bliss L Buchanan ; lines
e birt machine made, unwashed, 141.. L
Buchanan ; pair mitts, home made, 1
Mrs II Rutherford.2 Mn H Rutherford;
pair stocaings, 1 Mn T Anderson, 214,.
Rutherford ; pairs socks, 1 Mn H
Rutherford. 2 14.. T Hamilton; sofa
cushion, 1 Mrs T Harris, 4 Miss Jessie
Match; pillow shame, 1 Miss L Ile -
chasm, 2 Mime./ Match ; macrame work,
1 Milo Woods, 2 Mrs 3 8011.14; femme
shirt, 1 141.. L Buchanan, 2 Miss L
Buchanan ; h
crasyipatch work, 1 Mn T
4; r
Disoul oi 71er oil Tor Cut
Dress Goodie in Nielton.e ............. .fic, f,0 20c. per yard
All -Wool Drees Coods....20e. to 50r. Trimmings to match
l'Isterings. hew •per yard up
Flannels, all-wcol, 25 inches wide, ............ iSc per yard
Flannels, all -wool, 28 inches wide, .... per yard
Blankets, all -wool, .......................... 50e. per lb.
Woolen Yarn ............................. 40c. per lb.
Factory Cotton ............................:4( per yard
Factory Cotton, yard wide Ge. and 7e. pr yard
Factory Cotton, extra heavy . 7e- and Me per yard
A special line of Ladies' Hose, all -wool. 20c. ami 23e. per pai
special value. Nancy Wool Shawls. Ireseinateete, Clouds. Line JockeyJock.Cape. T.41111111re.
A Large Stock just received of Tweeds and Coatings for Fall gene aag overcast& newsy,
made to order at exceedingly 1.0. Prices
Al1 Wool Tweed, from 40r. per yard up, at out tree ig
Cnderciethin( very cheap. .A menet es tri aall-woolnhirts aim at *s. worth mc.
Me =rsas_cepserimas st Prkes Writs&
ine 0111.1111, 'Mettler f011114.46111.4.11a.
T per cent. off for Cash, commencing Monday, 1st October, and
continue for one month only.
Jordan s Block. Oode.-lck, Som.. 1811.
Harris, 2 Miss J mutch; Loi:shin finilt,
1 Mies Woods, 2 Mn Thus Hamilton;
crewel work, 1 Thu W -ads, 2 Mr. T
Anderson ; white eounterpans, 1 Miss./ VrImst
Hutch, 2 Mrs El Rutherford ; beet and
greatest assortment of ladies' work use-
ful and ornamental, the work of
pereon, 1 Mule J blotch, 2 Mies Woods.
Codierten nersoto
Gooteutis. Oct. Itb. 1MS1.
Iran old I • busk 0 0 !SO 60
Wb..*. (Fail new " _ ., 1 or • 1 16
Wheat. trod winter) 5 bush. .... i 0 • • IM
wheat. Wpri ngi • bush ........ i oe • t ile
Wheat. iiromo it bush
008 00
none. dale et cwt. 2 0 • 2 0
floor. Waxed) 11 emt .,. . 2 50 0 2 NI
now, sarong hakes% 1111 iwt2 75Q 2 TS
roar, spates,' per. mut 215 0 214
Hones - George Fhoppard, Alen Oats. • busk ........ 0 re t 0 31
Flour. straight 2 es -- 2 SO
Nicholson, John Gowan. rtes., Welt, o• ee ; eel
Cattle-Itobert Fraser, Robert Medd, Potatose II 111110.. co. • ist e is
. .14 515
itjaeorddineireeetablee-Joh• RI"nr1.ilearenttcrteeliglibilisiiiiii. •iliii.::. :II: :111
Beomiller, John M. Bochansii, George Cheerio
II le 8 6 M
Cox. Short; 9 Ise.................... ell m • is se
01111IN/ a 14 10
....... . ........ 1 70 " • 0
--•4 00 ". 4
•-2 M " 2 Ils
1 iWW's ....... 115' *se
•••• sn
Sheep, Swine and Fowl -William An- c
denote Lecknow, John Jchneton.
I implement's W illiam Anderson, Jobe
Johnston, Chores Carrell.
Orain, Manufactures and Dairy- R.
Mellwain, D. E. Munro, William Young
Work-lirs D E. Meant, and
Mies Rana Shipley.
A somber of pies logs are drifting a-
shore in this seighborbood.
Qs to • few docka ani partridges &mt
beam shot in this vicioity daring tb• pest
tee days.
Several deed seems are reported lying
es on the shore thin pleat lied Elated.
Eli Simmons, el &Word is asersting
la Maholley's leseory to *apply the ex -
traordinary, demand of the motives for
apple barrels
Thee Harris of Brantford, it shipping
large qesatities of apples from this
The steamer 8eversign, when abreast
ef Port Albert ea Seterilay, was obleree
to ran batik lloderieb. Bendel the
am& soother attempt, sod had another
rem& time opposite tide pima* Her
cargo was principally for Peet Nita
Leas Sb ?bows% se elles gnaw
Au employes of the Money Moues.
tenet Oe. aimed Heseings from Ham -
dem. Asa his theosat *ahem off ia ma -
meter" hall oft Weesseirlay seamed's by '
bwowl asellett be elm el the issp'smis 64
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Ann en 1111
JAN'Y 1st, 1889
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