HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-9-28, Page 6,,,,Itil ' 7
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LESSONS REVIEWED. A Illemeing le Moguls&
"Ott merodull laseivener .Jai -d Wm.
ilbseiweil, looking up from the newspaper
es sie mid lb startling birdlimes. "Amebas
Theatre Romer r "What be itf" saximaly
immured Mr husteal "Amber traeatre
boned," she mkt -and • some* painter 'lad
tares wawa were hurt, end ••hill ef
Insimeript pays oral all Ole wardrobe
herned ap." "Thum empty beaded Ian of
tera" growled kr ShriskeieU; "they
might to be prosecuted for ginner, mideed-
lieg heed hues C.fl Meta horror! I thought
aanebudy lied brought out mother Friar
tonsor V. tee Sept IS I$$$-T.ple.
Sew Yeses Tore Wasiderhig la the
111111m...s of Mord -GriJoo Teat. Jobs
TM Bowed Quarter clamed tbr missies 01
Claret with sin expreatiom 01 Hui inset ors -
10 His disciples, to "Clo and tear all
mations," an bjencma which peered to their
elleltemore sod mate upon Ma Christian world
today. fl.Third Quarter's tem relate to 1:4,
001'i dealings with Israel and the settlemesit
ot the Moms people to the Holy Land-lio
maim which propered the scene end laid the
tuundeUon fur the establishment of Christ's
earthly kingdom.
The lemon for July 1 turns upon the
awfully sublime promos, as crime' in Hein
still, 10: "I will 10 10 then • GM mil they
Mall be to BIM • people." This is, indeed, •
"'Geddes Text." Then follows (from Ex.
axle', 1-121 the somosiocuneat and formal
ratification of God's covenant with the chil-
dren of 1,,.& at the foot of Mount ritruat.
From Ego pt to Bine the mope had been
taught God's power; in the giving of thsm
they were shown His sokisery es law giver;
they now received a (limps of His character
le Me dispessation of gram 11 was hut •
ghmpes lt wee the "drst comment." the
last was 10 10 manifest in JIM/ Christ. The 8PedwY trail" -1'm b"red 11 1
kneeled yer, Mika Bess Pepeder racist
people accepted the dna covenant; therm was
Mike --No Koss phiyire dot bag, house
a universal caufeasion of faith, and in the
erection o1 the twelve pillars and the eacritice while der ihok's in der wider.
offerings the oovenatit was radio& Most 8P64""Y-4-;umm " go to ea &tale Yellin.
tity's better den inine.-Judge.
appropriately the ratificsUon closed with an
awfully sublime vasitatema Moses and Arron„
Hudeb and Abase, a semety ot the eldift
Mot So Ploaate--
al Israel weal up into the mountain wad1 In one of our district courts, not keg Mo..,
Mere had • vision of the "God of Israel," r•thi°1" f"rnb'bi'd NI° Plain" and defend.
certain by a symbolic vision. a Mow of kind- ant, and thew -anemia on eneb aide abo oonld
nera, unlike ttaut of terror at !bee+. This trcro their ancestors to "Afrir's burning
done. /logy keg probstion begun. the ten., nuel." One of the witnesses was a ratta.r
of events to terminate in the incerustion of Err° lina ealY aat °I a Penuna2°, wb')
Christ. to the stand and underwent the Ire of the
The mord 'Sunday of the quarter brings opfehing roumel. After the witness bad
ue to the great apostasy, only forty days (11•01, tOginnonY. the tone of which showed a
decided bans against the principal on We
other aide, the latter's attorpey took hint in
Mad. "You do not bite Mr. Jones very
much, I seer ••Nat, j d.sran't," was the candid
reply. "Why is ft that you so dislike
hinir "Can't 1115, hes, union 'M bVs
too much CO derW me' i lasif to snit do
child" Here his Lem turned to the witness
to inquire whet he meant by referring to the
other as • darky an' a half, whereupon the
witness etched: "You ere, ledge, I rail him
a dorky •L' • half, roz he puts on too many
airs for one nigger. an' not quite enough for
Iwo "-licatou Budget
after the comae/it. And in that apostasy
Aaron wee a participant; he took their
golden oruammte and fashioned the golds.
calf, and they danced around it wire the
foolish notion that they were worshiping
their God. It was • result of the force of
ambit For OM years they bad been slave. to
an idoiatrons people, • people wbo worshiped
the "Sacred Bull, Ap" and when blows
gra long absent the ohl idolatrous toeltng ro-
ta/Sal Many generations teased before tbe
Hebrews wens entirely purged of this idols -
tram Wilt Again and again were they
anourzed, again and agar did God bring
them auto bondage to their enecom; yet their
rulers again led them into idoiatry, , and
iferobosta finally completed the division of
Stair nation by wetting up • golden calf.
But the care was thorough .4 110 lam Idol-
atry was en thoroughly driven from the
Jewish naiad that all the power of lianas
could not mama them to admit the Magee
of brathen gods into their public p1ose
Mown at God's command, no doubt, indicted
on them a terrible punishment
In tbe third I..nn Mom receives a ra
omarkable tueuraece 01 tho renswial of God's
favor and • promise of His continued pree-
mies The next lemon gives* ple-saing illus-
tration of ties people's willingu-se to serm
Ood. They give their claimer ponessions as
free gifts for the taherearle. Of this giving
the text of Ex. sexy, 90-3h, in! or:na us that
it was prompt, willing, area erithusreCic;
*10*11 was abundant and direoritog to each
owe* ability. The rig lesson for July (EL
nl, 1-10 gives the final arrangement a the
tabernacle and directions 10 110 priests. Just
a year had elapsed since the braelitee lett
Mgypt, and their first anniversary was coke -
Mated by the setting up or the tabernacle
11 was their national day, their day of de-
liverance, Ibelr religious festival and their
day of prayer and reconeecration. It was
mot °sly all to them that the Fourth of July "I had • "Iron pull" -Texas Siftings.
1010 ue, bat all tb*t Thankagiving, Christ-
mas and Hew Year's are end all that the Tmetragiam.
memorial days of various orders and dm-
ondratione are to their membra It was all
Ale. became fa Israel government and rie
ISOM Irene in ona patriotism and piety
Sowed in the rums channel, sad God
W e their Kin. Hence idolatry was acet t mg to dimmer also.
aserety • sia as with iss-it was the deadliest I Teactier--Go up bead. -Time.
treason, and like other forme of creams was
saga justly punished with death. In the firers et Hanne.
Boly ot bus. was placed the "Ark of the Mr. °image -you maw to the wine
71stinensy," an oblong char which Iseld the every mason, dont you, Mr Bulliosi I
Aarianse rod Illeg budded- Tim cover oosi There is • One, homelike diphtheria flavor
overlaid with pure gold, and in the ends war about Len .priap 112.1 recalls the old well
Um MO wonderful cherubim with winds red^ liehind the row abed at my former home in
spread towards each other over the Milroy verrnout-The Id...
Meat, the top at the ark. The symbolic force
and beauty of all thie is =blame. Over this A Semi= impossible.
ark. over the Motet gook the glary est "Am you esperisocing • droutb where you
the Lord; bra was His visible prime, as liver
gar am Re deigned 10 111.1tikal HirDaalf' •°4 "No; the downpour of lister is ahead cos-
hes. be communicated with the High Prime amt..
who entered the Holy of Holies mos • year ..Yor --a fernier, I believer
with the blood of atonement sad tits gold= dNo, dr; run a street sprinuer.„_Lia.
gem The Lord had before spoken out at wit joureal
Ike mount; heoc•forth fie "called nate
Mem and spike unto Mai out of the Taber-
nacle of the congregation" Henceforth Be
Inn to speak oftener as tie Gado: gram mil-
ls, 110 tir Mem Seat
la the next imo• 1, I-0 ere Med the
iikertions tor burnt offerings: esd in ties
Mkt an exposition of the eyndeol.-the gee=
terse gime "whim* the shedding at blood
10 no remimica.° A sinful priest cons=
pow aketaneett fr. a dated pea*: •o the
idenemeat wee for the bit priest
li& meAfber Me ettassme, k=
Mitlestipt the peketbotal semi the removal
gt maul and ereasoidal inciseenem, smear -
Alk comae Om Peast of Tabernanien, which
sue stelae! la the Maim ter Angie= 11 dor.
=On, 21-116 ; and harielag oompleied the sock.
1 regaideaties the aarrative at
Mk poke suddenly changes, and through
leek fit lfuntime is bletericai .01shelhaisal. Four 1.....am occupied
with account, of the cowardly mdse.
Met of tile peopb la the soatbeer of the
igloo tbeir awful einisene dear fa Ms
usilbewees, sad Ibe trey years' wenderimg
pins was to make a truly heave and faithful
=la bike depend finally the appointanest rived of the privilege et
SelegIng thine hie Bo penneked hust Ia
Ike matt hems VII part with the greet Nu
11111.4 law giver. Denearesteney auk, Chem= Mr . Shrew einrease.
1-1S, we ere told el Me death sad woaderfal A inestodon's tusk has hem found naer
burial Mr sernesidem dr Jabot eat Lae Bismarck. M. T. Me owner =a he= she
eqpialag at • row ass ha Ehe eloo• ammo by proving pr t7---- p
=wee Clisana is aeon to bigs Ito Is litsproa,
sushine leave bola wild and purified by hard -
dips 10 dos wildness= They are mow 1. 10
'Meg la a terrible war, sad Oho that ammo,
Citillre'w they ere serve Hui la putty est
the greethil trial al allo the MN es
isainhain the estinsal end religions spirit
A Mars Cure.
Fire Crook -I've got • soft snap nem;
wife, too, rigid within the law. Did you no-
tico those "bow to gst thin" edvertieseassits
fa the peperil
Second Crook -By jinks! Is them yours?
What do you roil in return for the ball
Hem& Crook -Country board circulars.-
Tee Cartoon.
A Great rawer.
Dunaley-1 nay. Brown, es a grant favor,
would you mind putting your name on the
beck 0( my 11063, for thirty days?
Brown I lu hams! r -Why, I spore so,
Dumhey. Where will you make the note
Dumley-Aeywhere you lib, old men;
that's your t41114110119., not mine -New York
Hew lie Got There.
Friend (to (MUM -Now that you've got
the custom bane job you were alter I epos.
you'll give up pulling teeth'
Dentist -Yes, indesdy.
"How dad you manage to get that job,
Teacher -What is tautology?
Roy -Repetition
Teacher-01re me ea =asap=
Hoy -Wee are going to have sheep's bead
for diaper, and wirer Elsee's beau is com-
10o tables of Monk • Pot of manna and Mr. Bullion -1'se I feel at home bare.
Trying to Illeppert 1111mselt.
Voter -Weil, Uwe Rastas, whom are you
supporting this year.
Hare Hastio-I te7ia' to mappol
*0b, am' I called to see it yo' ineddent ant
yo' good lady if she habit got r wears
wedeln' fro' my ole 'omen to do. -Now York
0.. Way Owe 01 IL
Her Pareat-Do you think, Mr. rendes'.
tha* yes can support my daughter in the
style in which .6. 1. eiscusesumil
Bright Ycuraff Nam -1-1 nark I meld If you
would let us board with you.M.
nem= Ets W
Wen 1. awfully mart In some Wags, led
nobody hes yet drovered one Met could
„jam • hat pin char through kis head a01make at comas out no the other aide, se the
women do -Chicago Herald.
A laweinses *hew of lb -
"Are you engaged to lithe Saar
not exactly. But wises I asked ter
bee bend she gave me ihe retinal rd it "-De-
Vs* Pres Pres.
She seuiriabthe That It temp Years
Tem s14.. oh periodical sierm-1 weed •
& Campeism.
DWI 1.r04 -How would I dedesTsmia
rem et Pith* IQ • 11•1101 011147, Shea They would a. sum
at Om lientlisas oessi•
eileass Sam There le Wry eulogy it Peke Oterma
Wok They weld to rivet a Iliamebsaidas
'Lag' I mid raise Mass -Barna.= Pres Pima
Oasaikee 1111=Bariess
SICismatta 1. 10 am Sot
Ail vt horn frAISAIMit
Velrsesid yell while
10 4 New
1105dillef 111BARVAI
• 1
°Heft ef Pib Obeellea •
Them it noially so area01 Ner
alma 6 Nem kook --/kiseireidt 1:111a)
Baseelles of Item
Aoselew eery above kith Menektu.
the wag le Worthy of retakes. It imerioms
that a lead rheum mos empeamed all IMP
Aeliaant ray Mae Floonese pmpla
satend heartily tato the amerprim
the ailawthen was a ansveltag eakommt.
whine hunieeme chased le Mks Min tis the
awaLo wise= 10 10 peurehamed his lot. De-
siring to =prima. the aced senorion
lendlord, he detanained re survey ids prop -
,.e plans were got out, end to 10
horror he knead that the lir be had
istrdistoil see eitsdnell erne hominid
yards fro= the shore, oad that no. ?nettle
ocean was at premed 1. 1.11 pomace of his
MIMS Tilde was toe mere *0 1.. barna Hie
great back to Ban Pranceo sad sought Me
Sleet who had so badly kicked lainThat
edictal received him with Muni urbanity
and lifIteised tie las explanation with en
annued au: ila "My dear boy," said the
agiou., miter he had finusised the recital of his
wrens, "your iand is all right. At present,
it is nue, the coma covers your very mura-
l= lot ; but cowed's, sir, the Paolo ocean is
reoedkag from the moue at the rate of two
incise • year, and ha about FOB years your
property will be the Saint 10 10. gab Good
moredng." The age= is berg yet
Cady lihnswidird.
Amen the thearical propirune ram a lig-
ament a gelloseel edeplhant. In each kg was
Pineed • boy. where movements were care
full/ ollatrived te Imitate the action of the
real enigma Imeediately after de intro -
duos ea the mese, and while the Blue -
beard, ungallant Sayer of female beauty,
was fretting and mating on his beck. the
under prompter nue into the green room.
seeking the 'manager, with ernsternation us
exclaimed; "Oh.' LankW, the right led .1
the elephasit has got blind drunk and is box-
es face. On finding hien, tbo poor prompter
ing Da the Msge with the left, which is fest
asleep all the while, drumming about nothing
at all, and Mr. Aboatilique dom.% know
what to do with the baset."
"Return instantly., was the mimic mos
arch's cullunemd. -Mecham* the two fore
kgs and put the hind once in their plaoe."-
Detroit Free Pram
A Fireman% Pieria
Jobeon-Halloo, Dobson. Bee the piano
factory are bast night.
Dobson -Yea Fireenen worked like been-
"Did n't Know 't was
Way de tor a Mama boy's ems..
whet ram be mid for the preen who
sem 84e child lengtosidag daily and fails
to recognise the west et a ionic mid
blood-purider? Formerly, • course of
boners. at salphur and moimers. was the
rule in vi ell -regulated families . but now
ell intelligent households kmp Ayer's
Sersaparilla, which is at once pleasant
to the tinge. and the tricot snatching and
elect t ye blood medicine ever disco. sired.
Nathan B. Cal -eland, ?7 Caut at..
Boston. write, . "147 delete; now 21
years old, was in perteet ealth until a
:c no ego whoa she began to coeillibsin
fatigue, headache, delulay. /haziness.
111111t10111, and bee of appeCte. I eon-
cl ed 101 .11 kir econploinis originated
in inIrlITe 11100d, and iselu.•ed her to take
A) s Sarsaparilla. Tins nosh. :ne soon
restored her blood-enaltiag ammo to
healthy action. and in Joe taste recatala.
!baled her forgoer health. I flod
lia.-saparilla a mom valuable remedy La
dn. laseitildr sad debility ini.shimt to
so tug ilune..'
J. Caserta -lit. Brook!yn Power Co..
Ilrtetk!ii. N. Y.. : "As a Spring
Mc.b..ine. I And a splendid substitute
Ir the olil-tInie compounds la Ayer's
atiorparilla, with a few doses of Ayes s
Pals. After their WM', 1 feel fresher and
stronger to tk 'ough the summer '
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
PMILrAit/LI, 111
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.. Loveell, Mau.
yens ; re Lades. at. Worth e bottle.
Iwitop..0. REMOVED!
Rees Price 84 Son
have removed to the mamrnoth store
‘tt ster to meet their old,,
where they will be happy
customers, and
formerly occupied by Wm. Kay,
, next to Bank of Commerce,
as many new
MA.33crar.A.sta-irp s Fort
it OnNte I -
Cold Rud,
IAY Fria The oti! Est:skier= 41.01 a04 ere 11001 Onelench1081., Melte= with greet the ieggre
frocks 4. 16. Illesnieura. comp -Wag
• l'*hoc
EAS y TO Wing•
tsr picnict into tbe thant.
obson--"No, they didn't; they had a nics• and exceedre expectoration caused by Ca -
Dobson -I dont see how you
tank. Bold by Druggists, or sent pre-palil ca
ont. receipt of price. Wu and 51. Addison
rilLFORD & Brookville, One.
Jobson - Weren't dry playing
planost-New York Ben.
A Nice Legal emetiom
on the
TO :MOT Asmara.. t.11.e TILT Lit
We wiltornzt 6.smileasee
poimisseg -i on ....mbrult.tr",
war, inosivr conk-.o1to
• h..nity- vd.o will try the
IthellathIft SAXON Pans
ut the red r& free, tIte
tart aa. d i: in iI.
?rating hervss oputi-ot
fair vial. Fluter•5.10,-r 26
• wee sec,e the g'".
Any maser et, shr,iker._rer
kr ,s whIrw tafirm it salami
i•or I.y prw -
I giv' Rastl naOWDER
unfortesate againi-Your me, primmer/
1:fache ue-Igustnino, WO
Sagistrato (b3 Uncle Rastas, who has been p
trigagistrate-Ceriataloa° R•otes-W•11•Yn°1r• , Y°Imikii, I am° THE COMBFST FRIEND
andenem' hum de lawyer dat nobody..
compelled 10 007 malls not rim sir tendeacy
Mr Omni= likeelf. --Lite.
0 It t rsrut-costrowrirso,
would you like to eat oe my knee and have
Youpg Featherly (indulgently)-Cobby,
wEs cocoi
Br Chore of a Wary. pps /
me ten you • Meryl
Bobby (wbo imet stuck on Fmatherifs
etcrie0-11r-ye'ea, plea=
Young reatherly-And what kind of a
story 1011 1* be, Bobby!
Bobby -A skirt story. please -The Epoch.
See Complete Tot.
A (edits Mu fevered • Satiron which, by
the expansion of beat, rings • bele bell when
it is bot enough for use. It will not give
complete aturactiort nnlem the bell atm
rings a few seem& before • man site on it,
when his wife dement, sly places it on •
chair for • minute or two. -Norristown
Manna Befsboey.
Gorgonson-1i tires ins dwesdfully to
come me board with the man woper. Mr.
Spray.. Gime% you invent erns essiali
Shippir of Gorgoneoe's new yacht -Cer-
tainly, Mr; we'll hoist you aboard with the
donkey engine hereafter, dr. -time.
Two of a BMA.
Buyer -How emelt are Mese emirs, gr.
Mr. IL mein hound, are mi. yuet
glirla' &One pants
Meyer IsBonrelp-Tbenke-i10ks: 111
1.10 110 pair.
Mit rapidly with troneers.)-Lite.
A Dail neetaka.
Bilial-Dit yen have • pleasant time
at the Wabash party Met night. Clara,
Miss Clara -Not eery, Ethel; 1 wasn't teal -
leg ese WI Ube -thy usual a& I deem! hat
hew MOM., amid sm west 10 10 nipper own
-The Ikeda
Why Net Ath thee so Pate Anes
(Urine writer "What .10 10 kissing
ea the liper
Kirin cen the lips has • very pleasant
elk* Clarkin, we mare yam If Mare le
asylking elm Clarissa waste to know die
deseeld not Mahar to ea. -Lowell Miss=
Inky Ike We= ilema.
Vim 0.101a1 miasma health rthort)-Teo
are optic home early tide seems, Mee. Cam
Swath 0o10 -tut, 11.... to go, fee sy
A T'sellM Inred.
• .0, 4
ita rams= =Adam tees Nova eigthe a
deg Will garpir • family with mot The
ethoothist bee evidently got Ids farts Was&
the theue eablogra-ftighmthea Reveise.
Iksegesells* • Oro:
IWO 0.0 W10s lbemotkr. Jemint
41mme-Tot gat the inedadan
lemith (mime mirlahes 11 10' the thelltheihil
-Why &A yea hem II Illelle-Areela Mon
elid ,
ithfAal.P.1lbe"ethrike, ll ...,,
else k., o,
Get YTohuer Pigrinntil.ngmthtaa
10 ,jioo
•Vopass•oss To 0.
p, 11410641111,1614 116*.
DZT ea() r"
4,11, .W
ti, 'tr-4
"t4 .
'By • thalami% knewleare of the Mind
laws which govern theater/rations of digest 600
and nutrition. and by • careful application of
The fine properties of well-selerted Cocoa. Mr
Sp= has provided our breaking table with •
delicately flavored beverage which may save
um many heavy doctors' bills. It to br
the Judicious use Of such articles ef
diet that • anissitistre veal he leedual
built up until stroog enough to re* et entre
tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle
maladies are floatingaround us ready to at-
tack wherever there is • week point, n e
was escape noon, • fatal shaft by keeping
ourselves well fortified with pure blood and*
properly aeuriehed frame." -"C•inif Seerice
Gazette -
Mole simply with bonier water or milk.
Sold only in packets by grocers. labelled tam
J All ati BPI'S & Cu.. Homeopathic an-
ima. Leedom. England.
.EXT: OF •
holes • us
Atommeh, 1.4v-
Idwors and
114e5 mhos
ma A eplesat
evemoies 1
Par taiMirr aVir beerska. Dna
Ladies' Fine Goods
In Buttes &left belethrids. Congress. Oxford Ti... VMS difleree' ' of Kid Slippers
fru a 10c. up toiler price_yua like. Frit. Piss* ftepp. Prostate. t *rest
Wienvate est Genoa& Sine. • In Itleufneine-
get every Mtgeriliesoth of Caasediez And Amerieen mama. 1 weird sato rail the airrafter
to that part of my Mock especially maitable for themmob am
Long Boots in Calf, Zip and Cowhide,
I have • !Ire of rm. Booto. my' own make, acknewelited to be the Hest Vet Boot made In
Cenotia. Pr.tmor and .are':.: attention riven to
SO'Please bear three facts in mind :--1 .*i.i Sy tr.:- the largest stock of Hoots aad Shoes la
town They are of the very best quality procursii.eer•mg made by the be.: simaracturere in
Canada. And 1 will sell at prices as low or lower than •••Y00.. else.
Soliciting • coainuance of your rallied cis:ona. so liberally accorded me dunes the pest
fourteen years, 1 remain, yours faithfully.
Block. Coe. Bast st. fear
R YN A 1'4
Ain :TO as-
. N
Mlle. pet in Three
mew Beireer Masa
two el them toteele•
bested Rochester
Tilting Chat raeol
hired a joararans
Herber. we are ia •
pearl= 1. 4. aerie
w ••1. them Won
Leds'e St Childtsa•
Haircutting nage •
spa/2MHz oe all dale
eeneet natereat.
Radler, asel Semen
.3rett fill VMS' 23:=0.
West Street. two ilaeoNthift et P.
The nediereigani. while thwacks the pinkie fer their Intend patreeas• breonted
Rom Mu tace eeneseenciag haramos huge to sassruies that be bee oat ile-m by
prices to
• •
. 1
IfOCX ROTTON livIerAfiZo's
aa wishes particularly to eall aigrettes te his
frdln O cts to 75 ct's per Ib, Maple Syrup, finest case Prunes -A**
pure Spices, Lawry celebrated Bacon, cooked Corn Asef,
Cut Myrtle, Cavendish and Club Tobaccos, b•st
American fine cut chewing toilliec,•• frail!
sat? and canned Fhb, best iiiustfty.
12 Bars of Soap for 25c. 3 Scrubbing Brushes for 286.
Ithithaet Orme to. Mined Csegy. wa, 1 °wealth, Deeps, the.. eta. Othemal
Grocehes, Cretin', Glasse Flour, Feed
*„.; ,,,!,..f44• la 'eft ,,.. 0 . jat ir ,
..... _4^.
.- .',.."' .., • < 14 A A 4 E tE" I - - ' is. At 445( *W ,.
ett •
;4' tol
' A
„r 1;47:4 eertf7Att tr:
111.• •
•,,• • ••• • Ws.
arrarroisist, 4
sboll4ssr*. Godselik