The Huron Signal, 1888-9-28, Page 34 rtft#tC'%'', ot.fr THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, SEPT. 28. 1888. 1ga POSTS Xki Da.. 4, Wee And Btre r lathe read ere 4'«11 Patience rail lila nit bu .die ter lithos en Is. All .'t r aMrht tweets ttt- °^,St T u. • bid... wee. • 4 ans. The clouds bate ri%wet 411.. b1„•itore! ; And *!,bough hs'e blade. 01.N Phial ere : Cosr•ae ! t•ats.d el leers sea v.h 1044 ,,,dr .. sew en 1 dins. 11' 1 r h toll and ries neme.:44, Art bort ItethI•* ib... bow the 114.111;, *nee lire era tett. bet •paret:,.. 1114. -t,,4 11.1c • we. sad dinoa a,I,•(;Art,-r Miele del b burp rrf...0 rote. i, ••••••11..i .h414,:, Itel ye.t.r"ea. Unlit 04 for tQe seemed *edit, b..1. nese wee e Aro ager anriOU. broo. A host of rear -stud hath.:.,,I. Then brulber. r•N tlwx 1u,.., -.r Joel e, -re • wee and dens. are le ale.. beeves . bead - e5 nil .:.nredlnY 1 railer, 't..••.s Calle viviJly to aso.d rhe try 01 drab.and 1st 110 ref th. 04.401148 .ua,ueay 4 Pt••su-n, liver, kit -Heys ,.r Which e+•••:hi be ro'iueduJ * or the Utet ft. 14 l) .lure. treat nalleratlre tome •u.- bi.wl punnet. fling spec ht is taken 114 tilt aogh disraoe 4,4"" d by *roar lion of the eels, •ted AN IlXICTING SCENE. *bas 60 I■ 411 5..414541 g„bre../ tear wllb • irarlata•. . h, nay way free Ways to bonder., I mei it nine of the rout eecittn4 some* 1 sr •ouev4ee. W e were in • newsy nun mpg at • terrific Tela. ity. There AMP! 4Qr them 10fuu•ttlV44 w .Stteliod celebrated ter spend, t 1 ,e they earl the t'!ytndtDutcbm.n. And tier they naw the Yorkshire Geol. We erre dying txhoud one .d these I .ano••tSwo tit) elle* an hour. There were hes of us -four geotleueeu awl a lady - in an English car, 11141•:41 is • different thing, as most people know, (non the Amoneso w- are English oar holding &,.tunably may r',tht persons, four cf them occupying ,.i,. asst (.eine tour on the other. Ne halted u the depot. A gentleman casae to the door, said stood a moment as if not kiereing whether to carne in .or toy Att. The oondoetnr compelling him to door). Ieledi&lely, he gm in. H, was 5aely gloved and every way domed. Seated, he took out his knife sod begin the attempt of splitting • sheet of paper , some down, they talked They were �h� woe appeared larger and nearer to e.:gewsys, and et this est intently wear- i friends of her school -girl -days, and one it than when sethrough one glass only. to cook. Take a tablesp • n and drop d f K perhepe •n blur. The suspicion 10( them had not seen her for several The fathre er was called to ..e the eight, 1 the whites ca top of the cream, Inc SPECIAL—Tweed Dress Goods at 10 c., worth 154 A great. bargain. of all in the car was aroused in regard to years. They talked in kw toes, but 1 hoe, when suddenly he *row "id harked Johnny could hear leery word they most SDI, struck with the singular fact, enough apart eta that the "little white remived to tura it to advantage islands.' wi,l not tomb tach other. By *rased at his fellow•pstasellen, and the On. lady said w the otbmr : His first plan was to fie two glasses oft a dropping tittle •specks of bright jelly oa 1 Day TM JAI In, Foot e4 IT 5/11W/TIL It was a bri4ki Sauter wurutug, and It was Saturday. It was early yet -only he'f-past six -teat Jubooy 111)1.11 was up sad doors - Ile went down stain es fast &sh..,..ld to In the dining room wife miner Nellie, was MaudIag by the grate wormier( her heads. Johnny marred bold of nue if her hong braids and gave it suck a 111441 that the blue ribbon that tied it came liar falling Int, the bre. Thou Job1uy lanuhrd, cud Nellie mid, impatiently, as she twitched et the knot to the ribbon : "It's err, bed ! Whoa 1 had my bait all ready tar break teat," "Rua for breakfast ! Bo ! he !" *boat- ed Jobuny, dauciug teasingly about her. Wboever beard tell of such • thing ' Then did Nellie's outmost., vani.b en- tirely, and elle ,prang up to give J,.homy a good shake, but he darted away, &ere ' nn out of doors, appearing woo to the kitchen, much to the dismay of Budget, who was hurrying about trying to dish up the breakfast. If there wall anybody to the world that Bridget didn't want to see in the kitchen tt was Johuny ; so as eon as he h.,unc,4 iu she said : "Nnw get out of this, Johnny Blynn, this very minute !" but Juhaoy beis•,d the epoou that was in ch. hatter cakes, soutlug, "I'll bike cakes for you;" then tried to put • mike on the griddle. He plunged the spoon deep into the batter, and o.rried it dripping serums the table and door arid store, a"tl splashed it on to the griddle ; Theo Brideet mixed both the spool' and the boy, and put the ,poor to the duh and the buy through the open dome, then .hat sad locked It, gay - sot wrathfully au she put him oat, "You- 're the vary wont 1 oy in this world !" Tba was a speciates) of those whole day. He could out ge .,ut to skate, be- cause his mother sal 1 he wai too boorte to play out at doors such a Dolt day, sad such a day as they bad .14.1114 Johnny's buaiu.s had been to torment everybody, n uke them lose their tempers, and upset nerves generally, he would have been :muter hand at the business, for he went from one thing to another as tot as pos- sible, never once stopping to rest him - self. From the window he taw two ladies coming t.. tall upon his mother, and tin mediately he ran into the parlor and bud behind the foldiog dor rem, where, as they stood open, were num little tur- ners behind them. "It will be such 1 fen,” he aatd to himself, "to bear whet they say whim 'bey think they are all . lose. " So while they waited for his mother to The aro e:ernew.• The tiers a "wereenew' a mat t1 ' when he *tarts 1r • new such err • new bald- gooummgees at doss not secaeed without it. Torre are a. hypetites c 'reparable M the amen who sake aro effort to men Oust, and tell ea that if the Ceuta were better they would ]uio it. Aa Iowa mon poured home oral oil a his trouser. and applwd • lighted ncatch to them le 014.1 to show tele fatuity "bow to act when • person • dullsm take tiro In &trout two, Y+la1ies E4 wee acting $a If he wee In interim puu, sod his physician sees his legs ally be covered situ a mow crop of cuticle 111 *boot leu months. We suspect the experiment wee • failure. I'erbap. he Jelo.t use the right ksud of match. 11 ether rte four-year-nld! : "If your dullie has been au ns. ighty as y w say, Flossie, why don't you give her a good whipping Floris rhoughtfolly.:- "Cases 1 duet Wheys is that sort of thing." The supeno city of man to nature is continual!/ Illustrated. Nature needs an :mmetsae quantity of quills to mike a goose with, but • roan eon make s gores of himself with one. There u always trouble whenever the red deg is run up. It ooruus auctiuu, am.11p.s, or anarchy. Says a prufemor ir. one of our theolo- gical seminaries : "The mestere test to *birth a book can be subjected i. that .1 trend*tinig it into other lar 4oages than the one In which it was written. The L .ran is not much sf • book in say language but the Arabic. Even Shake- speare u no loaner Shakespeare i* French. The bible is Largely Seruitic and proviucial, and yet in every Ian game its voice is clear, rioglug and ma- jestic. It is the only boort that has ever made the circuit of the globe, holding its own in every important Language or dialect of men." .I.e:. *dame. "Inst summer our children were very bad with wormer complaint and tbe tea - 1 remedy that did them any good was 1 Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawber- ry. We seed 12 bottles during the wenn weather aa{ would not be without Wet "lice Beni the cost, te•.n.idenng it 10 has. no superior for diarrh•r'." Mrs Joe Healey, New Edu,burgb, Oct. 2 *wade of the Telr.repe And rree.Iwm. It seems scarcely credible that that wonderful, far-seeing instrument whtch brines the wort distant worlds under our curious ken, should have Lad Oa origin in child M piny ; yet so it ie. Toe child - ret of • apeet•de maker an Middleborgt. wars allowed at tiwes-probably on wet days -to play in their father's workabnp. On one of those occasions, as they were amulets% themselres with some spectacle- *laeses. sew of there plesed two together, one before the other, and looked through them at a weather -cock oe a neighboring Tu the chad'. estoctahment, 3 HOUSEHOLD MINTS. Satire what neelliati. -Fur • d..•e" medium there will be required • cupful sed • half of entire wheat d .ur, a cupful of milk, one-third tet • cupful ..f water, as egg, a te..pw.afui of cream of tarter, kelt • teasp.oafal tet suds, half • tee - episode' of ash trod two table epooutele of surer. Mit the dry iugtedieute and oft them tofu a bowl. Beat the egg until it 1• Ii•ht, a4rd old the 1411k and water l., it. Por tl.... wl1ture up. it the dry io4redisots, &ted beat thele quickly *red vigorously. Pour the batter into buttered media paw and bake Ger m . luomit twm- Tt -tire 1I.Ure In • rather lck V he batter will he thin ate' will gave a hoist media, but that le as at shoold be, Barter puddieg.-lilt smoothly one ublu.pu.wlul mita, of d our sod smear, with • pint of .:alk cud a puree of eslt. Pour into • well-buttere•i use ansa sad leave I1 is • low oven till set. It meet not br1. Cornstarch cake. -Two cape of white sugar, sae of butter, the white* :1 five egos beaten to • truth, one cup of wet milk, titres teaepuos.futa .1 biking pow- der, two cups of duwr a0J ouu tet wni- uaech ; flavor t0 tants. Amouretten.--Steep some neatly shap- ed slices of bread, wallow. crust. to a cuatarJ of I'42, w.ik and • little sugar. well better together. Fry y golden browu and serve very hot, with a •queese of lemon and sifted auger over them. Pe.,l barley puJeiau . - Sommer a tableauw.oful of pearl bat ey tiU thoroughly swelled in milk. Lsy it in a pis dish, pur •n the milk rind s little sugar ; place some tiny pieced ,f dnp- pime , weal c1arteL / .•u tl.y tor and bake Tape os and appiea.-Core the apples and stew tne,n, we't ...leered with water, ,ether whole or to quarters, with sugar t, taau toll tender. 13:4 three or four Wb... sent ream. Ores summer seining, v the sum wadi goes down, • man was sem trying to Take kis way through the lames sad .toss roads rbst led to his vales. home. Moe 44st4ady way its walking showed Shot he had been dria►.op, and though he bad lived 1n that village house more then de ey years, he was now or drunk Gat it wee iespussib:e fur him to bud his way hum. Quits unable to tell where he vas, be at lest uttered • great oath, and said to a pore,* porn" by : .. �. !'ve kat my way. Wb.re ase I going r' The man lbw addressed was as ear- nest Christian. He knew Sim poor Jruukard retry well, and pitied kits greatly. When he heard the immeiry, ••'\'here aro I going r -in a sad, edema way h. answered :- To rein !" The poise sta(g•nUg mall stared at wildly for • 4Oment, and then mur- mured with • groan : "That's .o .' '+(:oma with tae," said the other kind- ly, "end I will take you to your home.'' The nest day cam. The effect of the Jriuk bad poised •way, but those two little words lovingly and tenderly spok- en to him. did not pea away, "Tu ruin! to rum !" be kept whispering to himself. "It is to ruin I'm gores, to ruin. Oh ! God help me, save 1110 Thus he stopped on his way to ruin. By earnest prayer to God he snught the grace that made bout a tree Christian. His fat were eetabli*hed on a true rock. It was a rock mighty enough to reach that poor, misguided drunkard, and it lifted him up from his wret:hdnees, and made a useful, happy man of Ws= - Children's paper. ounces of opium till Ilquld, .pour it of %Lr apple. sof bake hal/ an hour. sero• Purity at imaradi..ts and accuracy of w ith • jug of wile. a omp,onding, maks Milburn's Aromatic Cuppoddin1i -Mix c.reful:y one cup Quinine 11'ia5 the ariteriop of exie!- oa.h of door, groan* rice, hue:y chopped avow. *net, milk sod raisins, with s tableep no • rims es t41e came. w :.rues 14141 nasi fel of arida, the save cf ,,r .and ginger Brew reveler the Tran. (if liked) and • t&blestromful of vilegar. There are many erases in the furniture Buil four hours and serve with sweet , benne. in respect to dt*erent .reds and sane • int it is very good without. their imitations, *aye the New York Msrwetade FuJdinst.-Fire ounces of (;,,,f,l,i,. For many years walnut wee a brad crunch', four rattle* of suet, two. wood that bead absolute prdumination uUtlee. u ,, em.n, 0:,e egg. tbree tahle.pout.fuls cf marmalade. Chop the suet 7417 finely, shed the can died peal, grids rind of the (angio ; put FAL these uogredawoq with the counts into • Weir, and sat: with teem the marma- lade and egg. Well grease a basin, turn in the mature, corer with ;tressed paper sad steam four hours. Floating ialatr. - Brat the yeikt of three eggs atolll eery light : sweeten and demur to taste ; stir into a eluant of boil- ing mirk, oleic till it thickens ; when Doul pour into a 1:,w alas, dtsb ; wbip the whites of the egg to • sot froth ; sweet- en, and pour over a dish of boiling water f candied • 01i! one ! o.ee ell ether wood lir (genitor*. iso while other wools hove haat a eery popular sled walnut es •pp.r.'ttl re the dachas, yet, really. walnut WsU 4!1147* be a f.ebi r..Ne wowed. Ti. pts will g radual,' Stour.., for the Wag .'• sand a tam eearmeme the sips pry. ler many States ntteeu years ,t. the farms were euol.»ed eat► .•assnt call leoose. se the w. -ed •s 11..1 s.. r•.wbl. ,e those day& Bot 1e those SWUM whore w alnut mom the lewber'net weld bale been furttlsrly a,•t aside with the "cal •' a today sold for hug's prices. !Saes. the mall limbs of wales' trimmers now await up tato material ler rungs a...l were If parlor chairs. The old snarled blebs snd knots of lb. walout tress are suweet LAW •ith avidity by hw"les throw/hi he anon - try districts, who sell then►to kms. that' wauulactuw term tow uru.weu'e 1. r aotwlue'holt ea, tansy 41&eeoke and .•Ib. 1 simper fureitur.. !tail (emcee in these districts are 4011 • rarity its the WI' Metes But. as to the various roods that era used in the emirofacture ..f Neuman , maple, ash, popoler, gum mid dm y aowprise the lee. What is known ♦• quarter oak is the latest cress. (trawler, wk is maks by first saviimg s log /MS end to end thr..u,tn the middle. The., each half es■ed from cud to sod tlrooth the middle, thea leaving tour .10.1111', Each quarter hoe reify three aides, eta the bugle part of the 1..e, rod tie nth. e two sides be no dot and ono ing to a sharp edit*. The boards are sawed off the the sharp edge and 'tech sawnue, there- fore, throws off a board wider than t tan the nue b.f..re It. Sawing Ill. quarters ..f the log in this manner tLe lumber is bewtlfulty crw.-gratned. The crow -grained lumber is worked it.to the finest parlor furniture at present. The wood Is susceptible of a very hi • polish, and the encs -grain piodcogel en effect, matte by bob *store nod tea saw, that is far soper1ur to the art d die swat experienced ,trainer But owe • the prof Itinant restores still in the feral tura business is the staioing of woods. There are tricks in all trades, end this 4 the greatest one in the furuiture elate- factones A very simple nropostbw, oowpteed of crude oil and lampblack, I rubbed tie the hlehly-p.l'.he.l surface of oak, and when it soaks into the pores of the wood the woof them takes en a dark hu. The varnish is then applied, whish gives a twat !iamb to the wood, and this is thee a foir imitatim d antiq•ae oak. L GOODS 1 1N1 -111W ObTZL..1138 Oa' Dress Goods, . Dress Trimmings, &ei J. C. DLTLOR & CO revealed y fur and manner o C, 1' b 1 t arranaing art end the stand adds to the • car ioohs ser uhf and ,mnied)to ib. free Bt might be brought meter to each other duoed. Aho he tilting wine glasses and - 1 t el with fright and rushed to the door as if abet to rush .4t Planless lay feet against the doorl ands that death leap imposibe. A of horror was on all the feces, and tie trauma with sack was. "What will tie adman do next r' A nit/roan unarmed alarming. but a ma:lmae with an knife a terrific. in 'be demonise gth that o mas In such a one be migst eke sad havoc is that flying roiling rain, or he might sprung out of the , u ones or twice he attempted. i as • q.sstius be- tween ret.inine manioc fury is our company Of kalif to dash bis Ids oat on the rock& A it might be a .res - tion of hu lute to life of o*1 or more in the trail'. Our sun safety rid "let him go.- Ow w.i1y mid "Keep 1 bob 6 f theroot •l'4 1414541 gee Ole Knew 45• pe S*0 that he was • maoiac. Tb. lady in the "Yes," the other answered ; "and Mr f bard by ems" of braes rings, which ynh 11 a eery nice mea." tor further off at plessor. He was thus She has two diadem, you said. A14 r enabled to see distant objects better and they hy, yech s,t they I more distinct than before. The pest "Why, yea, they ars very .mart and ' im rovement was the glass tube. which handsome, Nellie u • sweet sbild, bot j 1•11Y be termed the tint telescope. Gal - Johnny a a perfect little torment- His �' mother *pmt the day with nee whop I deo soon heard of it, and applied it to lived out at Riverdale, and she brought astronomical purposes. him •long He kept ety no1ra ea the The mention of Shu nose recalls to stretch all day. Thera wsan't a thaw on I mood We accidental di.oee.ry of the pen. the mantle but he must have bold of. I datum. A correct time measure had eapeeted everything wosld go to shivers long bees a destderatsm In the world. that he touched, he was so Megh. " Water -clock. had been tried and found "What • pity that she should have .aatiO4 ; Alfred's candles would not do MAI a burden to carry ; you .ted her for the world at large. Another Welty keelth wee frail r' accident must supply the went, ted it "Yes, very ; I should not be surprie- cause u futbws . The 401014 gnat &atro- d if she did not live long." tomer, though then only • young man, Jost then the door opened, and Mrs y" In tit• Catbederal of Pisa. One of myna mine in the room. Johnny peer- the vergers had been supplying • lamp each island • pleasing r'f.ct will be prn- appearance of the table. A desirable dessert. - Sponge cream 1urnl,hes a very delicate and easily made dessert. The iugrdients are : One pint —bT— .f fresh milk, three tablespoonfuls of gelatine, three tablespoonful* of *agar. three eggs.Put the gelatine into add THE LATEST NEWS OF WAR mitt, let 41 stand for a little wh+le ; put on the stove and bong the teak to a Where you can get all your old Sewing Machines repaired boiling paint : then add the sugar and and Made as goal as new, having obtained a first-class ma- y.La cf the 5445, which have been well g bate* together. Remove from the fire Chanist. and stir in the whites, which have ale been bated stiff. Add a little salt, dsvur to suit and pour into moulds wet tine so the cream wi!1 turn out easily. Velvet cram. -Two tablespoonfuls of strawberry jelly, two tablesp000fula of bias from • t death," and ho- ed through the Druck at her -his sweet, with M • w erg ewes • currant jelly, two tablespoon pc. - inanity tritrm The bell -rope reach- beautified mother • how= she look- het it .wingi"g to std fro. Thia caught citnrwd sugar, .'sites of t.., megRs begun y English b ratl.ay ed .btu with pink mr6asbs and bright d careful! stiff then whip the cream Rl, a win. 'no is oe the ids of ear and *ser pa ! What a dreadful thing was this he 104 it, he oM*rdvhm that "void the ides elms one-half full of the phippeo cream, A. B. CORNELL'S fol. of ve in ng ie in epi f311•leo a attention leo tet sot- b&rted Ing 10the l era It to reach. I gave 1t bad ))est bard ; his mamma die ; haw .gat times, se tint ooresi and fill the glees with the ab ve the roof and seedrdiebet then was amid it he 1 he had "weer thought of of applyug it to the newurement Sof tan beaten to $cream. two or three Moet pulls, I time. It cost him fifty years to complete no sleekening of speed. Another par aitch a thing to hu life. sautes repeated ahs &tumult/ without get- Jed them whet did lees Blynn say but ting any reeIPttloul. We might at well "1s not this draught too 4teasg for yon, have tried testop • whirlwind be Pull- Mn Graham I.' and rising, dosed the in, a ms's $t.-stnn4. When •n So- folding -doors when, behold ' curled In e gush engineer Marts his train he steps keep in the a,rner was Johnny. for nothing sort of a cotton et, and the "Why !'' said mimosa, bat Johnny Dell -ropy as the outside dw of the oar waited to hear so mor. A dart end te only works pesesnger. feel condor- bound took him through the door, wad table at the ids that they eon stop the en be went op to his own room, where train if Sher •sot to, end ale it is not he cried mimeo( almost sick. row in a two and times 4BT5.e is trill- "Nobody shall ever a1l me a tossing i to rink he arm .td reek est of the .gain," he said with a long -dove gob. 0,-;410o beg enough to work the tope D,n't suppose that Johnny grew to be the d&Itsas•. 1, seldom beetles. To rid a wonderful boy all at ones after that big °•naives 01 our den4erow 4diaeci•!e rawly. De tried to keep it, bet he etWelod impomible Then there ase a kept forgetting sod doisg the same draggy* •M to which shoold lave wpm- naughty things day after day was told Baal�t gm car, tight restos e gas or demes- it all to mamma se night- w it w tpl, 1b• demonise moved around the of wine for him to try and be good ; ver to bf B b1bag.d to hill sod all the he "just 000ldo't ! ' and then mamma rot d ea were intruders. Then he said : dropped is wevaWous Demme the lap of "Jobmny, deer, dost you know you ose of the passsogere At this mome*t, whom we tbootht the horror bad climes• proud, the weevily was intensified. We plowed Pito the midnight d.rkwses of sae of them Wog tunnels for which Se - 0,4, railway travel is tntlebrsted. Min- utes wend boars. Oen yoe imeei*e • won• ponos* than tc be famished into • eeil.ay cWlfsag*, eight fest by sir, i. a In,„.1 n( eoasplete darknees, with • mpie4l Kay the oseerrISeS never be cry lbws • ltha.so. ,,,plated We ksew not whet moment most pray jest as lea play -with all your Wart, and Totems* run to Jesus whim yea feel that vol' an tempted to be weghty ]nM as yon sall me when you era in any danger.' That Bede the way plainer,end eeserr7y body betas to ay, "Johnny is eert.isly growing to he a better boy. -114 Pas n• ►* waist cloak on ns sr whet way. We „sited forlight, sad wetted while Jt d the hair silos the s.1[P sad the Meed tea e4d. When, at lost, the light looked in through the windows, WI heed the *piloted man Iybot Widow wogs one of the pace g.,5. When the twos baited i1 did not tab ea lest. •ft•' heeding over the poor enforteMu for ybodaeal trestmset, to disembark sod mo,eiato another ear. he ea TOW..411r Deo'' alley a esti to the head M slew. h Sad *rely gee inn OM1r *, vim you ean he eland far Pia b7 seine Dr.- dpp•s Catarrh Owe. 1 few b+t Sian curs itteipier1 Wank ; 1 to 1111178 k sod+* moo Aeed4 oaoakrrh. !try lttas� sod tow wenn Pell* That is M nay, your 155(4. AI.o all your breathing B•ehtnerl. Very won. dacha nmebi5ery it is. Not osy the huger air-p•anages, hot the tb.54asda of little tubes and avities loathe; frees !Plea thew aro elryrged and ehoaked with Batter whir& ought sotto be thee, 105115 m outset half do there work. And whet they do, they anaot do w.0. 0111 d eolit 505441, ero.p. parmesans, otter*, eo545sption or any of the family of threat rosemad rmand heed mod are bed. All Ioot t to be t1M Yid St Thew is jest nee ours way to Ret rid of lbws. Chet say> whir& wiU magi you at 71estate • beetleyyee�+ISven If 5w•.vag doe ytbthoe idlestOar 7... 7a1 any fie. ilii his peodul*a Ba44erees t.w"terfelas. Counterfeits pre always daneernea. It can do oto harm to try Freeman'* mom so that they always closely nit • TATO re Worm Powders if your child is &ilieg, g oarotxat tr, arrsaR. tc AND feverish or fntluL la Stage. The remarkable roomer r sachieved by Nasal Balm as a positive cure for A lr�sq of Thar"eeay Catarrh and Cold in the Head has is • diced enpriOce pled parties to imitate it. Tete Armenian school, •plain building public are cautioned not to be de - with a commodious balcony, is the birth- I rived by iwitati* N&,al Bain plan. of Thack•ray. The structure u old i is natio &nintistl •ppearaneernms , hs•rint snob and somewhat dilapidated. As I parsed 'names w Neal Cram, Nam! Balsam. here I 000td rot holy 144;4 back, ip etc. Asst for Nasal Balm and do not memory, to S44 Somber, 1857, .ben I nw I hk. imi10lioon dales gray UF,I• upon Thaokeray for the first and only time. It I rOe rt,r ale by all drsggista or sen wee ata railway station, in Para, and I post-paid ow receipt of pri4 (wwchod $1 was going oat to pend the day among the royal tombs of old St Denis, the Weemitister Abbey of France. As my eompsnios sod 1 were taking i" that world of ooetrwte a"d contradictions which oos wee to ptrfcction in a Paris station, • pas woe horse is upon a litter by friendly hands. He woe n English- man taken suddenly and seriously i11, and was m his way to his home in Loa - dos. Charges Moderate. All work warranted./ Bring along your old Sewing Machines. Give me a call. by addressing F.lford-1;Co., Brockville Oat. t1 Tomah, Savory -Four pounds of tomatoes. one prat of vinegar, two pounds of sugar, einnamdn. doves and mace. Peel and slice tomatoes. adding the vinegar sugar and spices. Boil half on hear and bottle. c.rkng tightly to esciods the air. If not exposed to mole this will keep for yuan in • dry closet. A tall, grey-haired, rgoar•-faced Zs- - l*hos&n bed - - - 'bt bis ticket, and a -- ]wt Doug was about t0 ester the oars. Jest then he +taught eight of this poor, he1pess brother saw He went to him, t over him, made i.quiries as to his dimes and where he was *ainR, and did set lave hies wail be had ..as.raged the gentlemen by kindly weeds, hod Rives hies a slip of piper emitat.ing the editions of • London p►7wien who had tiered him of the sante disease end had bidden him a brotherly good-bye. Who meld witness etch • saws of sympathy and real tesdeeweaa, and afteresrde yell- ed Thwkeny s hetet Bold std ey.ie.l 1 - Bishop Stunt. A 0811.118,s MAN Is meet sppr.stat.d tube* it i4 meet needed. sad thin it i1 thea Burdock Brod (titters notes mel. fairer yearly by Wading the weakened eyelets vateahle oseid wee is wm•*i.g ell imporitie• and bedding ftp • stems, batty body. 1 A single errata may asem a festering ewe. Vii.ev'• Oerholse Melee rapidly heals este, wounds, bruises, burns and all save. les Th. beet restulaGxs for the et twtoeh and bowels, the hest core for biliousness, sick headache. indigestion. and all affec- tions &tieing from s Aiaord. sd liver. arra without exo.ption Johnson's Tonic firer Pi11. Small in Site. sugar emoted. mild. yet effective 211 eta. per bottle self by Goode, druggist, Albion block, (rode; risk, eels went. [•1 • A B_ OO74.1sTEI.X4. D. CORDON THE LEADING UNDERTAKER —AND— PITAlfD-- F-U R1 IT U RE ' " Ilan of Oils town ter the last M years, sad ',yet. Any person wanting a First -Class Job, come to me for it. 1 am bound to get your trade if Quality and Price is any con- sideration. I have an immense stock of Furni- ture now on hand, and carry more Undertaking stock than all others combined. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A SPECIALTY; HEARSES SECOND TO NONE. 1r the W1441 1ress4.aa�as* all .0414 it may or Nerve Pood, a Phns- �k.le Matt: based upon Ruientifie ]ken, Foemehted by Professor Aatin, i1. D. of Boston, Maas , cures Pulmon- ary sOik Bnddaehe, eer• vow14414‘411s 4, atiRo .red Neuralgia and all westing diseases of the' human system. Pbospb*tin• 4 sot a Mid sioo. bel • Notrimeat, heoamsu it enftion5 go Vegetable ur Mineral Poison, Opiates Narcotize, and no Stimulants, but sispOJ ly the Phosphatic and (3srtric Elements (mad in our daily food. A singIe bottle is eedloioot to ennvine& All Drtsgj4h will l it. ILO) per bottle Towels a Os, sole agar ta to the Dnm[*io5, Of trait /MINI Lit Toroato- PICTURE FRAMING AND GILDING DONE. I hare now en band • rash of • mese of Blind Shade Rollers at 15 Cents Eaoh. Ne. I. your Mee If you west cheat blind renes. COME ONE_ COME A1.I.._ WAREROOMS :—Between P.O. and Bank of Montreal. 4 APPLES ! MESSRS. PITT BROTHERS & CO, GPI0021::Ml, BJLL 001J , LONDON, ENO., will remise eoasissavonss seems" wiser aeelee sad maks Mims* .4...... awed the glee se r *..04Asete ed ekes er a 4$i..' ee1N•NM. eighbo Pt _ 5.71111101‘ lyygram eels ter ankh cent oa lata rtTiaRtlgt, ir.