HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-9-28, Page 2i
Grey, ellerteloukiag aloud• obsoleted
the him sky, s add east weed Wm ung
panicles of mow Intl the faros of ib...
perea... who *aro m a.lurWMt0 Oa to
be exposed to the settles blast A warm
bre and o..a.furts�U�JeJeasy chair .let.
%hims to be epprestated, and se tb.ght
the L.ereocs (easily, as they stead or
sat arotaud the blesseg logs ot hickory
to the urea fireplace .f the luzurtoes
sitttlyt-r e•m at Pleasant Park, the mid
buo.estead of the Luereoesa.
Harry, the eldest boy, a tall, bright-
eyed lad of fourteen, went to the win -
dew that looked out upuu the highway.
It was nearly schooultu.e, and troops of
boys std girls were paws* swiftly tamer
in the direction of the hags buck edi-
fice, the pride of Fairmount.
Lissa, Johnloy, mime hen," cried
deny, and hie hasldse m countenance
b.uneI with werrime t as he gaged
upon the scene without. A lady not
much taller than Laine, the twelve year
old sister .1 the nerey youth at the
window, ear walking, ur ether upset
to, for the dight figure swayed from oma
side ..f the road to the ether, bootee
sod blown by the high woods; and the
umbrella she carried 0s. turned Inside
Nut, while her Ione grey hair was tloat•
ant like a banner In the • amy breeze.
TM girl and bay ran to t1. pretty J-
ame, with Its snowy lam ..stains loop-
ed back, Moment the Mated of planta,
bright with hto.•.rn, and jot/sing in the
laughter. caused Mr and Mee Laurence
to la.k lip from their reading, to ea-
w rat•.
r t
.-- •
ledge, sled goodness sad week d Mbit
best tris .00tastrow ; and although eh. ed
sot tote them at the table, hoeing bar
infests met iota the sewkg-reen, eh.
teas invited int. the sitgtig-roots what
the family trot t.0eaher for the pteoaaat
tat beton bedtime. sad la her lwdeet
Wows dress. with moor, miler and oe(i,
her ...beet, pale hes, OA v0100 sad
dimming .mile, lues Chou; did nos
teak oat el pleat eves in the parlor of
the high bore L.eretos fatally.
'Mise Chatty, 1 with you would tall
.. • .tory. I du w like to hear them '
This from Master Johnny, who wee
basking w the snow-white rug of bear-
earakin. the glow inns the lire lighting up
his curls uutil they looked hke • maw
dhis reund, dimpled
rosy as theaessy side of•tate as
'Oh. do, dear Mw Perm. tell us sums -
thing neat,' ezd•i..ed Lwtaie..hutling ep
the entertaining fairy book, and co.nimg
forward W the awl cheer, wherein sat
the tiny lady, her small hands busy with
some tatting she wished to lnish for Mn
'I Dever told a story in all my lite, my
d•... Thee, 1 w afraid even if I could
tell ycu •oythine that would iotereet
yea, I should disturb Jusr father and
mother in their reading.'
'Not at all,' they both cried, wt'.h ail
the ouertsy they could hive show •
lady leo wealth, and punto, away the
paper sod book, they begged her, if she
felt w disposed, to entertain the chil-
'I will go to the smoking -nam fur an
hour or so,' said Mr [Amend, and put -
ung leu hi. .ilk•wbroided jacket and
006 left the rocs. 'I w1l finish this
Titre the alms of mu mask math. piece of ruffling,' Mrs Laurence amiliug-
"Oh, mother, yep might to me the Iy answered as she turned the gm high
repels little Miss Prem is ..snag ; old er, end *mei her white jewelled 6ugen
Bet00.....ke. bet 'buys lining.' mid were plying the shining needle, while
Master Harry and even hi. parents Mor frim with • thought(el counts
d th. Mimi .1 the little dr, ssa tker, 11114 S..+sns est Teems .bsakdeae. , So tteilkr.. (beens
Mee Lemmata piled her wetly oe the ' 1(o., Wye. 7u6 meet 1441* °pun , Wheo sywptuets of • Ir -lent •ppmr, I
de.Net. mytem to low Woes. . .rib bee ye.reeleea tha .esus wpooesbility of I prompt ...reds.° *Weld ne resorted to '
tat...seer* q•wit eamrwt beat' getting to mewl is .oust 1 will see idles Wrp 1 D,srl•, u[ Lwhville, Dot.,
that ser brrakf.st r reedy un bete ; say°-' T brother w w bad with ch 1 re
sambas a.d alter eats; ole biotite orf
Fowler'. Retract of Wad tStrowb.n,, it
muted him ..sleety."
TN ter. right, .ad I am eery foolish
V ye, mid naive. rhea Oud halt been
atm Il104 to ore let ad those years,' sod
Uryt�� he Mita, Mies Chatty mattered bet
'Is six trusties alias William sailed
father died. He wee sever well after
the tsarist night el the atom I gave
ep the ligbtleot..., and with dm few boo -
tired &Uwe ay pate.t* had saved, end
my mean mesh of [arta.., I owe to
Fslr..e..t, having know. Widow Osseo
what the lived oa the island with k.1
busb..d. I left word with the fisher -
Mai where I had gone, so that nay let-
ter. fro.. Willie a.uld be set, but alas !
•o monger cants, and pr,betily 107
lover sleeps beuestb the waves
Jose, with her satiny skis and wealth
of beds and blossoms, had uuu.e. The
Lauremis (easily had g,.ne t.. L •og
Branch to their tosser ,..state floss
Prim was with them, for Mrs L.ureuoo,
roIwq tato a greet deal of society, had to
have ouch sewing dons. One day Har-
ry, wh.o had a pretty boat wined the
Starlu,bt, wanted Jubnny and Lome to
t o with ham sailing Mn Laurance gave
her consent, but said Pias Print molt
O 000mpeny them. They had a merry
time, and, crossing to a smell •land, ate
their lunch on the rooks and hunted for
•bells. Returoine, • oddsa squall mase
up, and if little Miss Prim had not beat
well named in the art of sailing .11 would
have mese W the bottom After that
event the dressmaker was doubly dear
to all, and Mn Laurence would not hear
of her leaving her. So she stayed and
was treated el one of the family.
September, with herorgeuus sonnets,
her ripened fruits and soft numelight
e ights, came. It was Miss Chatty'.
birthday. Dressed in white, with ^le
pink bluas-rme in her Over hair and ..0
her bosom, the little dressmaker hooked
as pretty and smiling as a girl. She had
reosived rich eta from the L.urenom
and many other friends, for eve•yn11
loved the geode woman. Sitting in the
twsltght, sloe in the groat garden at
P1.msut bark, f..r the family had callers,
Geri rte littie woman, thinking over the
iii i, las glad to be in the eolitude of the
c.°ld hardly aupprw• • toile -aa the; naive commenced the story of her lits
mw the ludicrous figure the poen dross
tnsker made in her vain .nde.eors to
keep her feet and avoid tae rod.1m-
bracr of the northeast gale 'iimioy.
but she was • screcro*,' aid IittleJ,.bo
ny. 'Wonder whet she goes out such a
etc rely day for 1'
'Nhy, nay owe, Mies Prim is pour, and
is obliged too earn her own (trine. She
has no kird pap.. to Rove her nice warm
elethse, oar provide her testis food, se you
have. It a tee 11011• •m laugh at the lit•
'le seinen, for .he has • hard life .4 it,
and u eo patient mod k'nd is. every
trial,' and *1re L.uretwe patted the oft
'A true story, B:.wons, and I bops 11
will interest you, but it is the tint time
1 have ever spoken .d any past, so you
will forgive ..•, -turning to the 1•d, of
the mansion -'if I shed a few teats over
pm.* joys and and sorrows.'
'Indeed, Mise Chatty. I c.rtai.ly
would overlook anything in obi at ami-
able as you are, but do nae_ftp
memories that will mum yuu 1
will tell the children • fairy tale, and
you von go on with your work.'
•Oh. no, indeed, not for the world
would 1 disappoint the dear little lambs,
arta It will do me good to relate to kind -
curia of the sia•year-old boy, mentallyhsrted ones the .tory 01 4,7 rather dull
tnanks.,g Good that she .nit her deer life
ones wen free from the curse of per- 'bey father kept the lighthouse. 1
art?, had nes brothers .'r sisters, and whoa .t
'It is nearly eine o'clock,' cried Lizzie, t•turlexe I lust my dear mother, yuu can
Rlaneing at oho ha_• ted-fuhnoned tour- 'waxier how lousily I was. 1t was she
piece that ticked a.ay w murscally in *M. taught sue to sew and to cit my
the reinter of the rens. 'I will tate mess clothes and dresses, she who taught
Johnny with me, mother and thee one 441..111 anew. Mother We/ a gore:nos
umbrella .i11 shelter us ; Harry is litre before marriage and was finely educated.
etrnn*h w take carr .•f hin.. If. Mi• my- so i Imeassis. intereetd in basks and
nt L 7.111 ■rrayed hermit in her warm
cloak, hoed one fun, lowokint like pie
toree of little Red Riding Hood, with
brown etc shalom/ end cheeks r...y *oh
neal•b. Jost a. the three children de-
cended the steps to the car.ien, the haler
ornu gate claimed t... and Miss Prim met
them ow the broad gnvelkd walk.
'Mamas& at h.•...e. Blossom I' said the
little .4. in • cheerful tome to Lhtzia.
study. I loved the .tce•n, loved it in all
its .0 eels When the sky w.• storm.,
and angry ways. *ere creettel with
creaser foam I would sit on the rocks
and .Jain. or 'Own the blue woven
wets serene and nese oto I would take
my little lent and sail mn its minor -like
hororn for Lure. Titen I loved to wea-
rieron the heath and gather ma weed
.•,d tiny shells. After mother did I
and st the amus•• stns. Irunbitag. as she w s hou.e':eeper, and helped father io
saw the half-aw.ceued .011141 on the faces the care .•t the lamps, asst when he was
of tie cbildree. 'Yon names 7-n sick many and man) a night h■.e l set
might iota as well eb.•-.t and health st the .loue tending the gnat glow in/ light that
funny *inure I mut. I •Iw11 not feel at shone like a Wood red rohy far out on
all hurt. I home 1 ..t a perfect .carr- the glut. g waters. I grieved over
crow, hot no metier. 1.47 beauty will not in •lhet's derte but fath.r wee w kind,
✓ etro.' A..d moth • wail and a 'C.o>,1-ht. •• trodrr, i.e t•...k her place in snotty
dairies,' lout wetse tor an simmer to respects. S. we :lied until I ea. 'even -
her guest -'.a. Mgr Prem rauuhed within rel,,,,_
the span dnr►way, aim :he chlldteu lend tele tight in J.. °,r• -ahs•! I ever
sled 4'.chuul. forget toot f:artul oi_b I -tether hid
Mem Chanty Prion -or .1.ss Chatty, the light horning rri,h'ly, We were in
00 ebe *a. .*tool --*.e * ho tillage dreg- the che.rf..1 kite! en • ith a great
fire or fo-t ran of sacra aasall end nr- i h d water' bleu-
; 7 I k.ts, and char t1 inion m readiness.
tnsker `he wa.. a modrn lady th'rty- the stove, pirnty
licit* in app.an..oe. tat* ..1 -at. nnoil.yg. for seething that m;/ht happen, 1 was
her wit, Ido eyes u.i d sed pato s. I darning stockings. father was dozing in
11',a..d • child ; t• • •''',"Jaut has*, 10111hu'.•..y-o L•.,, when the sullen boom,
• silken. crowned her head a, 01111 a p.,•m, ni eon's ata• heard. The wind
coronet .4 alv«t. ahiet. ! 'n1 howl. 1, rw•king the Iieht-
( th..nttr/ i •nmlA come end limasI honer like • cradle. The wawa. dashed
that drees.4 entre, lin I:.prroor,ni•1 their spray at•iod *h. win lois-panes.
Mies ('Many, se rhe enteral the fire and snow hlind.d and blurred the *6'•4
lighted more the warmth and glee mak
int/ wnh a contras to the "hem loth trade ow Father neon! from his oM1
sot, 'I w... little hte. lent 1 1":4,_. 1 •n1 wide awake in a n• meet. I. ton, al
taws of it. fi,htint the wind •11 eway thnnth 11.de andnit• trembling from frith!.
Irvin the coffee... My umbrella Is . (•r I (rood • L.nol•e.l d•ngrrs in soap
wreck, and i ww.k .•'h .ugh i lad been • tr.$ e, rredy to sri.t f1, 18*.
in a gate. and was flying the flag of di.• 11...:4 • forte, etr.•eot man, and T. i11
trees.' laug6,nq mrrn:y end shown./ rhoovh .melt an.f en, lir, hal errtaidersble
firm. white :emit 'het hall known
the torture of • des.tiat'. all ; 'however.
ail'. .ell that end. ere l,' and, with .
sigh of content, 1 ... Chatty folloertl
the s.•►wing hot kosi.-h.•.rt•d moister. of
P1466611t I'a.k t. the ...wing-ronr,wh.re.
in a New taker, with a here p of
work bee re her, the Intl. dnteswaker
woo slaw tory a. a IVO
'qts t't,gtry.' 'rid a .ere•n , M.trrint'
with a tray ..n whieh ware mesh o., •'••.►
en: • .tealnrttg cep of core., 'here 1.
...1•44b141g seers• for V•-0
"W. 11, 1 decline. all rhe. ,T•• .lit« .n,
my ...sunt 1r i. t..•. toed tet 1 •1••
bel'.• • L stn hunger,' ...d petting het
strength and a visor fief of (.trete,
'('•.ate, my girt,' erkir! father, petting
in 1.i. ant'r.rter std wr•poing himself
writ an. 'Come, •e meet ane what e•-
sis•nce we ran render. Some p.«,r sail-
or wig vete his fits. tr.-night, i Iran, f•4
no host ran lire in the. tele.' and hid-
d•ne me (, IM. him. went 'down 1n the
M..•h 1 pot on w.te-prnnf and ',nod
sea with • him rn a ,n4 jninM father
•nA • newel..., • 1 ti•t,rr-n.•n who• tired eel
th• isisee hot we ..•e 1106606M N.
swan ennli r:.4 A:. ':r...,p reel. • nlyht.
n•, lrwt r•,n1.1 n,,....' . rn.h a ►lase... an
h...,, h ,.m. •ant rile mine thee ill
t,.A •Ain •4,•• w•• /•.ase get^+ to her
weak etoble. the l.ttle *ot0•n ne.4, .ad. A•00, •,n Rhe her••* 'mike. I cried to
sad havoc watt the dimities helm. lar. Goa to her,. m••..•v .•n thane p- w, ill -
She was pr•n•I in M -r way, wee this poor re" '..s. R.;rlrr and (Ante, rye.
hard-*4wkine m*inv women title ..•.Id 11*e 4'i' 1 .ra „ 1.,t reaM.el. We wait.
not own that on th • e .Id mei drr,.ry t ei end w.lrh..f to oo, ,f any 1,4'w (lest
en.4trtiig a:1r had deemed in h. -t• chu Iy mho r., tl:.ly leue same, s ..an lathed to
omen, raid *drat .p.t.u*ly mf M.od emit a nether
01110•••1, with a soya I rung of ,.illi to wit- ']other sed .-Id .i-. • ishrrrrorn, ewe
i.fy h*► th..al, het elver • eienplsint, ►i.d the 10.01 w.te f•,rm to nor Men'. 1
nn hrf..r. Th• •••■•• •.• .1. •e1 t.•.ty•
111• t • ' ' n ' tt'.0 1 (1 '•1t F.th.r eta)
.1.. .'n11I.. , h;,,, poo tem in b ante..
ear. him Is •'lo• 1-. .nA .e hone M
n ever • era I.w.k free.., the no,wl. woman
who had 110 In1nr;.• ...A few crnfn.t•
bud who ea.r l..•►rJ on the bri;(he stye
. J life.
111.1...e owlet the .t•.••* ti505me se fe-
rias, mai the .Maw o. il.•wf., the d.*•.•
lawhev aas ere. d M•,..wain .,111,1 the n.st
day, and •. re11 tM 1.,•th •he ase molt-
ing 1.16/6 l.* h. r h•. obie room in the
COOOOW of the sal •4 (1.rr., ... a .r sn
ar trail.. one, •Nh••meli sleet..mal '..it
yet • not 0 tial. 0.11.4 .1.04.. • ens hod
and • •14.11 sees.. •, h .rent! fond 1-•r •
11st4.e •ew,4i••. .,.r all oh. drop m•14*
e0M ..6111 011. h.rtw•Ii .n th..mdt 0llteam
el Tessa I•
lirrsl s ' elhlh A•► • .1411i ea.rtmiae,
t d 411••..1 • ►•h The w111111
. •fled lel «t o'•) sr writ eta. woos y
ki ' a16A0a. •d P moss.
feu., ••t• wealthy .nit hark
be m fn'rw .wee o f the .•.tort met 1 r •.1.1 -
eat [osteitis. i•. R.1 si. owl his wife, the
h.e 10es0. K... Grist... 14.1• re mer-
rier. was of English Meth, with ..said.
Yowl is her veins, yet they ..ksew-
r.v•".-4, 11•• •,•.n.... Willi..'.. Mnt+M.
se..•0d Peet. • (el.. It.f•1./ .hip llnm.
arch. it •.. •p.t. hrinry 14• ge•e was
0 .1. se 1.... n• r 1 -I.1A 14-.ge tt'hew.
♦Pert two, ,u,..,,,h• Nay. h• crier at to
1.. else. .* •.r► h. toeless* lee era
}.Nkat h.A ►•..n n• the ea -moo e1 the
mewl •..4 thee h. 1 ?•..n w•',iare •,1M
a1 the 1,.»t .here -ten. i. eeeob.t
tamale Willie-. sone .n hi4 to.nd•ter.
r. • *Y Iter.. 1n ort•^. a. 0••' mitt•.
II *one veer d.elin. ' N. ..;d, N IMO
eM t••v.•1as.• he tire 1t;rrh.« Ar. '•+s'.
.,.rho*$ ?tee .4..., .• •:1' w••./ pit t
swan 1 •I'.[1 ter tars.,,. thrw owl v •w
.1 wt ••n e;•' rte nos rv. r* veep,. ' We
rr.r$M TA•• ores te.w.t ewes e.n 1144•
.amw'h. s••d . her. ....•• h• mrd irv... •.•
a.r, •. Pat. •.dl.» •iw.•e ' owl !'ey14v *401
t.. 14.. ort( grout, Chatty fee • rn.wM.
..seed taking. All three ..f the Atta-
rs. wiped limit ayes oke. they passer
bet I shall sot bed Jeer books 0r year
hate for you, or t.mlad you that It ..
thumb iters- It Jos go through collage,
it will *sae you seven para -thew for par
privation ,wit four fur the soilage asses.
1 will provide o'otlisg, books, all ex-
poses, but you most ..e b, 41 that yt
are every slay puuctusl in your deleted -
aims I minim a/Ot.e that burden in
addition tyy all the rest."
T,tue.pfidte • .weber to her two eoes,
who were just startled sun their prep•es-
t.xy etudes for ceiling .,ours.. lithe had
• double reason tsar thus throwing upoo
them the burden a responsibility for
puawteal atteudabee spun their school
steams. It wits uooe.aary that they, be-
teg fatherless, should early Imre to spur
tbetwe.rse to duty, us bold themselves
to account for their 11000016 and failures ;
and she had already assumed J1 the bur-
dens .he a old bear. !from that hour
she never to • instance remanded them
that they were likely to be late. She
dad with greet eon go Over the sennthly
report.' their teacher item home, and her
ezprwaed gratilimou i' when thea mend -
mg Ilea bog:. She kept •dvuid of their
duly progress. uretIUoktnt their atudis
su the *?song, sympslh,tu4g with their
enthuelaom, sod bayou( in the solution
of their duties ; but all the responsibility
of their progrose .he mete them fol
rested In thetn.elvs. By the striking
of the clock in their room they knew
eh.n it ata. time to ,tan to bed, wbeo the
hour of breakfast arrived. 1f they can
timely laid duwo their het. sad oats wt
of place, she did not i.tmest halaslf is
the least to help to iodise tht.r.. It
was unnecessary avec to remark : "11
you bad hung them in pleat, you would
easily put your hand on them ; for they
had bawd from earliest intattcy, "A
place fur everything, and everything ie
its pias.. ' "A time for everything, mud
everythiug in its peace.'
As the result of this enure* on the
mother's pan the two boys, thougb
eall.ug two miles to school io all wrath
ors, were rarely if error late ; and when
they tutored college, to which they went
deify hy the eels, they were 1.04(1 rtal7
the shadooy park, with nothing t.. die- mud easily .m time. Punctuality had
turb her relociat but the sighing of woad boco,ue • habit, and they needed no orat-
or the twitter of a sleepy bird, suddenly aide prodding in keeping. their engage-
s step approached, then a man appeared, meets. This ..rose '1 rv.ponsibihty con-
e-aadint before her, repeated her name_ uuseliy enlarged until it embraced an
increasingly wide area and when they
reached full manhood they were entirely
aoeuetomed to bearing the burdens man-
During all this tiers, td .sure., the
oonfnooted her. but when she telt the school gave the law to the (Amity life.
clasp of the warm hand, and heard the Boer, arrangement was
almost forgutt,tn woos, the knew leer vast psrfurmatooe of school duties Soeh innate revere..., the child, frkerou,
long het lover was before her and nearly diversions :es would eugtost lee demand
feinted with joy. He t.1d her of his late hours at Dight •ere avoided. The (*4 tido youth and tl.anh00J, r• • t
vs.ya4e tr. Africa, of the ship being taken evening rami wan served at each an hoar .rates the idol on • shrine to the f.., Ire
lin a his being. Ib the beautiful word.
of Sir Henry Wotton :
"This tnaa is freed from servile bottle
Of h to rine or fears to tall
Lord btm.etr, if net of land..
Aid having nothing, yet each ad."
There is hardly • .ectal or . puh 1r
evil that would wt shrivel to 11s went
mum before this raui,k: term. 1t'a:,
such hair splatlitt over the niceties .4 io-
telleetual training, with the to b•u'.-It
mon iap.r:ant need erring t.. u•
Train the child, all children up to min
hood, to be undanchn.g truth t.li.•r•
Then will the p.. st.. haste bees. ("mei
and the milennium be .ear •t Itar.i
Truth -:ellen are twtivanvely iruti.
seekers. lutellectual educate n, sill I.
q°tckened to encs utad reau..d . f u....
Mephtstophilee, the Gotham, drnomn.,
w ho is the spirit of dissent, de.o.I, skep-
ticism, the deification of the •o -,r, be.
I0nes to the small fry of hell :.•.fate his
t reat Sex n n• the Father nl L .r - d
T. Ferris, in the North Am. is • ,.-w.
!b. rvat.toaae 1.wssbllatarea.
The •0sient Persian, to the day when
he was hero mid oouqusrur, summed up
the edee.tion of youth to th. uipw .
teas►i.1L to speak the truth, to be leer- !
Ito, sod to be a skilful arub.r. In uoe
tense only du we muderua hususr the -x•
ample, and the. only metaphoric. y.
We are •Jepls en dna tug the turd bow
Cat tats; of the fairest french of teethe. -
We open, and yuu .its bed the is
coiled like . worm •t the core. S•..ue•
times, 'gelded, it ha. helped tee 05.110. - desire. They hate euppla.ted all s
lag, for leapt. hes • function to some . 1 Filo formerly popular here, and 1 think
the ghttrnlog and attn.tie..ides of cul- 11 must 1N long before soy other .aa
tore. Toe ao•,slled assists of Isle be made that will at all compare with
cling to the Its as • uu0nuseut lubnc est them. These wbo buy your pUlt gst
Oriudiug wnupeuttoo III all lits if (.11 slue *their mosey."
Ir.de and oownierw tempts the a wMsut wt;.tin, 11,1te.tenl, .ad .steal. 4
manipulation of the lie un w w of its mcor active. • I6 the oo.ciee tettimo.7
furies. The hoof the lawyer u simmer a d Dr. Georg, E. Walker, of Idartl.e-
oeossaty of pro(ee.touel .thus. Toe I T01.. Virgisois.
bora.. of the politician and dilrl..,1n+• .. AJe> . Ptlh outsell all similar prep•
would gall abet grteruwly 0nh0ut the arato. Ths public havltog o•ea uteri
padthes. Two journalist, when .'e..1 ahem. will bare leo nth...."-liNrrJ,
let, Its, because be buds b1. vomit... Venable l Cather, Atlanta, Ga.
and profit 10 amusing the public, food -a
saying very softly :
'Charity, hill. darting Chatty ! D, you
know me r
For • moment the .tinted *.sass
thought • visit.. from the other world
What a Time
Teg14 temmerly had. trying to swallow
the eldinhbeed pill with its ells d
magmata vainly dfegaMtog 11. Maw -
emir ; and whet a miedn st to *pod% \
Pills, that have bat wosil called •• rd.
leat«1 asp. -plume" - the oily tear he.
log [tut deals may be templed lute
MUNI leo marry at a dose. I1.4 t1.
directie°s are plata sad
strictly Wowed.
J. T. Teller, M. D.. d ChIMa. 1
N. Y., .'presses ezacily what linttidM
wive written as greater length. Ms
o rs: " AM's Cathartic P111. re Idadd7
appr•cta.sd. They are 140164s ta
snJ tvntlag. and their effects ane
that the most careful physics'/1 seal
wade for the
extravagant and *ea.auuual stories. The
A y e r. S Pills,
man of suowty-but why ..ultiply ex -
dimples 1 Of ,cures the self - rearm, iI,t ,.e by pr. JC. Amoco..L...n,lee...
ler sugarooate the fact with sophism I bbl b 00 Ds.ises 1• arw1�. I
am, and a prompt to reeset the chariot
Dugnee consists not in the lie, but , . __ .
the simmers. Naked veracity 1a Me Ail .1e„ and arodai4.ne .• , r . , ..sty
moot wdasbionabla lirtttifiiat. Genet- a e Nat-en.l 1I1. with. °• • •iu -. au l
ally the liar and the coward are [round w•.6lrea bees6t I•u
together in the self-asme calfskin. It
00441540 0116th, It 1. more apt le be the
lower form of physical cours(;e. T••
habit of truth 1* always conjoined web
moral courege, even if sot always c•.u-
caitant with fighting "grit ' In *4.7
Gees it raises ventral courage to its 4•h
power, be It great ur email Toe rr-
dee..awg feature of the English /mast
schools, brutal M they are. na and a list
is iarbetiy teamed old exiled by w.tre
�14 Was Pei.[. H. met taetbi in •
lie is promptly and pere...eotly cut by
hie cam Truth .ted courage are that
recognized se Siamese tons, each neo•••
vary to the other. Montaigne rec•wn'r '
d this in his celebrated definition .rf the
1'* as courage toward G.d, sud cowardice
toward man
Untruthfulness with its sequence of
mural eowardtce is the ..net pr..ldbc
saute.. 11 the c,rrupttou ot the ane. 1•
should be strangled where Hercules[
stranerled the oerpeuts, in the metros
1'retned *1 hum. W l.,vd truth with •
by pirates, how he was se'd to a chit( of e* would gars time for study when tt
• tribe to the interior of Africa, of the was over 1t an early hour for retiring
long years of bondage, of his mv:ng the wee insisted on, that au hots: for study
life of the principal wife of his master. before breakfast might be secured with -
and wben the dusky warrior died, A.ekla, I out rubbing the time for sleep.
the grateful widow, gave her dive hie'
freedom, also • bag of diamonds, aid Tae 0esbbe x1.Mgtl•
after twenty years he had reterned to A weak and low constitution, im 1*r.
the love .:t his youth. He own found blood, .to,, 100.04 a double liability 10
out when his gentle bethrothed was, o'..irsci disease, purify the blood and re-
etend the one. humble little sewing w"ln in to ore all worn out matter and dome.
bio•..e Mrs Wslli•m Morris, the wife mf breeding impurities from the body sty
one .1 the richest men in Fairmount. and ming Burdock Blood fatten which
the future will he bright for little Miss th..rluohly cleansee regulates and team
Prim. the entire .yste... '2
rte 1 surae .t Muds.
A levy of children were telling their
father what they got at school, The
eldest trot gra»mar, geography, arith-
metic, eta The nest get reading,
spelling any definitions. "And what do
you ret, my little anlJier 1' said the
father to a rose-ehm<ed little fellow,
w ho .r at that moment slyly driving e
When symptoms of restarts sr pear, in
any form, take Ayer. Ague Cite. It
will prevent • dinelo•preent of the
germs of diaease,•nd erodent t then, from
the system. A cure is warranted in
every intim..
It is pecans .1 the spa -slot a,nnrction
of meekaese with contentment, that it
is promised that the meek shall "inherit
the earth." Neither f ovet.eun men. n•4
the entre can inherit anything; they esti
but om.uwe. Only o,nteu:.oer.t can
The most veered and helpful work,
there( .r•, whish can at present tr..p .n•
fur huma1tty M to teach people 'chiely
by example, se ell beet teaching must he
dnoe), out hew "to better therneel.te,'
but maw to '•Misty themselves." It ie
the cute of *Very evil nation, and every
evil 04004.1* to est and *0d net be set -
oiled. The words of blessing are the
'key 811.11 eat and be satisfied. And
as then 16 nnly owe kind of water which
10eneliese ■11 thine, so then is null One
kind .4 bread which ..1.Ie..l1 hunger
-the breed .4 justice or righteousness,
w hich, hunapxtsad after, mew shall always
be fi..•d, that being toe bread o/ hasten;
trot I,•,neenng after the breed 0r wages
of unrtehte .n•nw shall not be tiled.
t6.t brine the hread e( Sedum.
And to under to teach men how to be
e ste.iad, it is necessary fully to under-
stood the ant end joy of humid* life,
this, at present, of •11 arts or s,:.mess,
hem, the ism wort I.eediug study
Ha..hie Itf.--the Is to eel, prop..one
to itself so. (enure exaltation. but .wily •
sweet a..•insea0m : not excluding the
idea .1 fnrmight, bet wholly 14 fere-aur
row, and providence. or pro-
viso..., hot *leafy it/ •eeumelatinn ; the
life .4 d,•nweatie affection and detnemie
yeses,. full .4 sen.itiv.n.sch to all elements
.4 c..time and ki..d ple.a'I►* ; therefore,
oho fly to the lovelorn' e( the r.terel
When the eye•e.w is debilitate.* by
teeprnay nail int. • dour t•snel. )Ie ?
4)'i, 1 gets read,', 'Delle' and 'pack- "We have used Dr Feeler's tarns
Intr. ••f Wi.d Strawberry, and i,.1: •hat 1.0
- _ --_ diarrn , a it cannot to ainst'I..l. Wr
Its Meter. nae lathe reset. cannot .Desk too highly .4 it. ' B, n.M
-- Clare Cross and Rol Nei: Cress, Jarp.r,
Oat., April Wth, 18411. 2
Dv.peroia is dreadf.•:. D'.ordered
liver a misery. IuJytwtiva tch a fat to There is no fuundallou for the stair
1uod 110th.. sent that Cardinal ltl.nni,g is ...rim...
The human di4mtireapparatus is one ill. H. preach." at Clapham on too.
of the most compile -4.Z and wunder, el : day.
things to existence. It is wily put out - -_ _ _.
Mee. tieeaarkAbO 01,44.
Foetid .t ..•t, what the .r or r• iblie
has been 1, oscine for thew. -.1
and that is ...dist.. eh..: • 41•11,.ngh
hilt lately wt..duoed, ha. ..,..I for
Itself a 1eirete'11., e40'I 1 t• u. ,••, the
Ise.l.cia• a J•,b,•.es'. 1-. Raters
Which in c.n.j uveal e. •slat J.•:.:.r•u'a
Tunto irrrr I''lla ba/1 seta r uI' 0.111e
tao.t wulo•Ierlul ewes rnr. Ire • r un-
p.ssari.bwl 1.... i arm !....... a ,,.titled
•red eu.nchel. 11.11tomeew. nob /motion,
sick h -..dobe, :ser v.'. •tai it, leeetior,
wekner, e'r , 1.4) dunpp•er when
[rested a y the..• vac 1,.*•i ,aedi-
mum. F..r Ss • •' Uo. :. .11 .iia•, A'-
biuu block, G..1.,.1., role ..g" 1. (d
T .'• North * ..r .,.n e.o:Rt ileums
that 1'r.w. • 14amarek .nt..n.l• w rm.tgn
l .e US x . f Miner er of Cor.ore .c.
l double t.ves.•e.datt.a
.l .ardor.
Greasy food, tough f•. -.d. sloppy food,
bed e ...leery, metal worry, late hos.,
irrez0ler tabic•, end many .•that thi.zs
giblets ••oohs not to he, have made the
A nerisua people a neti .n mf dyspeptics.
B -t Green's Angus[ FIo001, has done
a wontlrrf.tl work in reforming this ..d
baseness and making the Ataerisen
peed(' so healthy that they call enjoy
heir meals and he hippy.
I:erneluber :-Ne. hemp nee. "litho'',
health. But Green's Aut:ost Flower
brittle health and happiness to the
dyspeptic Ask ',stir drudpgac for a
bottle betentytire sesta. tiow1J
A .•ease .trey of N hosier, the Amen- I
00„ gooier pose. is n.41 ey Mr Samuel
Janis. Capper ,u the L•i•a,r• H., tr. 1u
the curse of a conversation, the pewit
etpreseed astmnshment that Mr Capper
should kale* so much of his verse by
heart. "Why," he mid, "1 can't r°-
megieer any of it. i mice went to hoer
a wortd.rfol orator, mid he wound op his
speech with s poetteel gootatien. and T
clapped with all my might. Some one
toeehed me ..n the shoulder, and said,
y •• know who woo* that I' 1 seed,
' No, 1 dre t : het it'. fond.' It veems 1
d -via. it should b. atrwnrth.n.a end i had ..rola.* le tars "
renewed .nth Ayer's Rsnepan'la This
medicine invariably pr.vee rtaelf worthy
.4 •11 Char Ons be s.te ill no (arts. 8 old
by ere..; „iota aged dealers to medicines.
l'ncr 41 8.a bottles, $5.
Ilrel.n 1••e fell skew forntim:.M•0ld Im
5001 to at one. to *void the veldt
Mew • ewe. ('s.Or r•s.a.
A slim eon., man in the b10144 n/
t„alateee wee ei.I.i.t1J sneering is • areal
Pc *hew a e.wrs.rio.n remarked- "Awa
(1bawt.e, dash Noy, h.•w d'ye eat -b that
dasmelfcl sold " "Ase. de.h (.d/eh, Irh
..y ease in the lower hall tether day,
s,..1 in •..Mint the ivory Mnd'., en
doted/111 o.Ld, it "hilted n.. .law..• en
emits " 7? Charles had 'w.ri Dr N..•
ray • R.1( pew. (tem his seta .•...•d e• t
treats). In.s ow" wmeh F.e rho M J
1� iboe's pr°mriptnu drag stem fol
tlaa•am..tete newel Cared.
To Twit El.fTr•* •- Plasm inform omit
ree.lere teat I has • p.ritive nsm*4y f.hr
Ore ala.'. named diatom By its timely
nm AA00140411 •4 b0p.e1aea Oaam Mee
leper prrman•ntly eared. 1 shall he glad
to erd two bottles .4 m7 remedy free
i.• 6117 of year readers who 14e.. arts.
.•,,,aloe'... it they will mead Dat their Em-
press mid P II address.
k.ep.edolle. Da. T. A. Stotts.
III Yonne Oh, Teruel*, qct.
lien Ile
try the *nest Kidney sed lienar meta -
t•.• , mole tel Dr Aaw, Nether al Ohe av .
a..int** Try Clime.* laser Own fat
el, ,t,e„m..e of the beer, Rideey..
Mit ,•a•,h mid B•swirls Hold by Jen ..
Wilts., dreggist.
slew's etresesiMn
risk iw ki.tiet
seed irl°oL hie
Mothers who have d.lie•te cheeks.
040 we them daily Improve and gam no
flesh Brad etren,th by invent teem rut
perfect food •.d medicine, •Intl'. K.o,J-
um. f f t,1rf Liar 4),!, Hyptipluerkte.
Dr 11' A Hebert, of Salisbury, U.,
"I have used Montt. h ...labia In mem
4 bererun' and Debility Results .wet
gratifying. My little Datieute take I.
with plaea.ure " Sold by all Drugp.t..
50.:, and 11 U).
1g -re Tr.eael. 11.t, be t'tlrerted.
the •ar..loe/. ..e get.
'Wss a' ,nc. Day •ttenti..,. to the
maiethif410' •.( your health. 11••. .Pari1
rte. u. proem I at .g (tm•.. 4,4 1.. day
tie pureb*s..4 • u .!i ins t fi !1 i'
(0.ull a. 1i,...•.rt.I.srt of ., do•.em w.wW
11 *VIP re so.•iir' ,e .....eat' i neer sassing.
Noe if J -Lost.., • Tones L'.• r 1'.111 had
too.., tike. •hoes :h.. eta, ,r1,.•eenem
,,*.ie Ian abrner..,rvw : •1e Ilt*+•+ would
1. -en ''ani• e• a I.� t.t n 1 i." John•
• n's Tonic 11lst.w• .94 L rr' I'. :s are
t. -..drolly t'we fleet .uel.ct.w vas tee Mev
Lit' 1.•r gm win I.w.ic w.. 1 inri4or.tine
or••p•o toga. Pt11s 23' pet iseldso. Bitten
c• u . •sad tem h.A,4, Bold hy
4..N4r .he dl ' 1, Alb,«a Meek, o.:•
.1 ,I.•ar.•a has h,an i .-sed hr the r
nen.. .4 Aua'n. •-r4At $ the r 'nu .+ -
.If fi1•rer f ••• l••b-air art /..r nos
05.11*,• Mors of R ..01104
AU leasee.°, tt..w pias.
''(hie of the meet em oteal them:. 1
Term beard *as told me eu the C.0 -to r•'
said Dddley Wtwtou, the yunmR .ase
*6c accompanied hes father uu dee net.
. ion to Ponta. "1t 5a. 1.1 Pitt s, tat • 1.
capital of (1*wgi• Yee know, teem'.
w Aereno•r, store there -a leg o.ce ••m
beMnw .bete alo «,ran .d 'Ya..k a ,.• -
tion' are dealt eat at slimiess lo. h••
to the aures. I dropped ,u there. ll.,.
of the objeete .4 interest b. 'Oben tet.
K44stat sateee.ao dteotd ..y sl.e.i...o i:MENfo. TllOt aims &hi (fMTRIMIT$
mention was • patient pout.. I. U. .
'Dat tcsb
lruest,' Ike .aid, e*. m.) In ' ulwwt0M, MO aft h*.dn• •. le the f•r Psteat
n foram.'os..d Pat Aug.' 1 w.a m• o1 :e..• e:rrnd•.1 MN 1/re/,tN. pi. Mha1R
•g• saner ufu.16,. .ea.(a•wit•l:. w. 1'.ta•nl Of -
welshed. 'What home dd 1vw1 .r, , . n.. , aawe we ter obids 1`0irwn In Ise stela
'Z. fy..o ne •tate d Pat Awe ' 'fir... 'non 'tow? ee4lo0. trwa. N'.t,t//LY1/TOY
histol of tt,' 1 mod'1 w.,rw,.iL.t:rri!1„ r��t I'M.1 tV/lt7J sera al"
takes. I ••••rtr'.1J•l'/• '.ItRNT. Kar, 1. ROB
udtan heard .d &. 'mw, and i hove •h.•.f N'. r./4r.1»rr. •n.,. t•'.•n,ee,,.,4, Ap.l.
mesa se mme of we Ws.. 1 rill show 1 « 1/.'...' 01414? N r.. Med to s..ei.t. M ole
tum to yens now. OV "1 a a lira .hat Ii. rt, p••ea4t obit•-". .',. a'Ih911a-, a.lviee,
false• ail P•Fn .4 • ,e .., wt e1M•U b leer
e 4iuta gest telae Aero' A•.J •ual,ra otiose ar•maynl. ,.tett,..
that het kooks for • sp.mat.n potato p • rr r a. a1.w .41 *.
st and brings ala out 'Zags, sae.' ;n«' (e�aplrw f`e1! Ott c,.h,e N'am�{;KM P.
Bays, 'resat .Duns ru.►sV.ed in se na.o. 1 j 1 • t ._ .... � � ..flee!' I horst out lau/iuie serii1 . .wi.' (�'�{.*� �T��} . aehed. 1 here was the-•taww1, ' 1'.' NE 1�iV LES
part d ► had 1•k. be 0, � iw �`( Q �a
Im.., 110004 that this piesee-p.t.l.t , SHINGLES
was (est.• wader the mese .4 1'N.
Aeg.' .n o..t do CAworaa '
.wY.•Weee warr0w
.i•. saute rid aim d
.•6• •+.r sees opt me
rats rwaw6.gielle e
10.11 'b•r assemata
sur ww-w su001.0.
J.W V ere
110 tea•.
aarMM •4 • tamer, • rte
a.a torr web
4 er.MltNaw
169 61116,,e• met leneed
►.N 05 r Tat •+rr M • agar. .w
5 ..a. es. l.10'..year e..... sate.•
pw•4r r ,..••r ..1 flaw Ile
a.Y era retawry y. w•.w ar 44111V
•rlelig rrr went. rw,e.w.i.le•towr,lr
•,.er *•rrsae;•d.w ie.48• 1..•Iwr e• • a..wnr► ve
w. writ eat Mr as•..ee r at te Inns are 0s
ser•rtre senora Yale lee ern •.e.•,w i .ere
tr..,r..40 raw 1«.601.0.. t iplen4 ale
eat• ear ••a borne, de •••e 114/014. w 666,4.0
r1.•r0edetre....•n,r a eel raerd�ra��1aw�yaeMaea
=LT. et0i eml• ION r+14 .11ee 664 orr..0*.81.+
r .•• sur• 6•0114111.4, war w are a a... 6011
row ,Yard4Mrme rat resat.. tea. OW
ewers iii iow.eay.Y 'z. e.►'iile•
Wbsa baby nos Oa. we pee bar a7est.rie,
'Moab wee sad* she old be cu e*
Whse et16 beee..m:1i, me Any •a..trl1.
WM. 6116 had (Mew daibblei lwtahlliele.
t t .� •T \ '1 •r
eA slit t.
, ,ley,
; ems w • vier a• Io *evn,.*Ii . err. .1 rho ntr;aad
M.rrtskM f No .are or \Re.'ifd 1(a• ti i'A•L -
Asg. 171h, 11173.' And the 'Kt. A••
K • . to tees 1), O..
11m ,
Are.iS UM' W - D, Obese'.
Lime Otte re alft. ION sad rest' ;
brisk areekiadeg ligharveatwwe, •eew
1100 eweiiges, .end 'mob ,.s..4 by slat..••
Ind drargisse as wurtb 1 .4 toe.. •h
oat .4 the ..•44044. 11•dra,•w ...ti
kwb Sl. Bead by en druggists.
t _
A sweet d d,.t oars lie ww1.Y�
atsa thbtsres, sr • M
4/1 tM fares,
• (01*'ae eetl*Ir, pa ekwef eM
4141Weral,LaTBoi]] obinaon