HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-9-21, Page 8Mae wagers ail►a in Mrd • eye pal- lor's tiro is the looms of Fra..s to pre . paranoia fur melt mason's wear. The [•r.meat.re explaioi of • bleat car curred u the south fats of the Wicks tunnel oa the aloi.tana l'eeitr.l railroad south of Helena recently killed 10 men Said sriowly wounded 5. Who accident I was caused by the tunausaion of a giant SSP. LAST HARVEST EICURSION, OF 1898 TO TOE teh&peas %ONTO- Ili ally. TO IDELORA INE And Return, Colonist Class, for $28.00 Tu isms sold at all Nation on the Eastern Ih rIsaias of the Canadua Pacific. Ktension .t Pembroke and Greed Trunk Hail way,. Pres .o:t- Ottawa and west tbereof.and all Stations en the Northers it North wastrel hallway. The Excursion will leave Toronto at 11.00 p. s au Sept.:MD..vw Carleton Place Junoticn al I,IOs.ro. dept• yah, will run .le North day sad the Canadian 1'ectic Railway. Pattie* x►outd arrange to arrive at Uttar J u aette■s i• Pax air t o take these Oates. Tickets will be good to return at any time up till IIW, Nuremlr,r. and allow the holder to to liver at may station Wien ipt•S or west there. of. Striate an "Poor, unit, of . Suiting trends, e.si•ig harried operations. the root crops. etc. Tickets will be gine' to o•olouwt tars oni, .and will entitle holder to Ire, herrn. n Arose Return Tick els si 11•1401/. sold from IV inn, pegt say stati..n between Winnipeg and Cal Rary or laagenburgat • 8IrsT FARE Or for those Abu drive &cr,w the t •.,entrryy one-half rote will br charged tuck to %Vioni- pee or d'ort.g+e 1a Prairie. The 'Kennings will he accompanied by Hr, J. 9. Crawford, of Birth% wbu will elk.: . Ale able information es to the the resources of the oouatry. tf The tee will be road! up of Colonist __�Selere. Maturee*r*. Cartalra. etc-. mull be re shed by the eompanv. Toronto, North May and larletoe Ju.etion, et the following }rices : Mattresses 7.1c, each . Blanket& ale- _.._ darn : Ptftowa, Pga•. each : ( urtains. 7:oc. per Bair. e'er rockets end flit they Information. apply tosnv Canadian Pacific ltailwa) Agent. l.l•I;JU$ Tl'TTLF. PeeneagerTrafc Manager. Montreal. W. It. CA LLE' A Y. District Passenger Agent. Toronto. 1►, M, NtCOL l.. It. RAIL FI Agent. Montreal. Alett. Oodertcb. rt:out 1ST 111 SPRING- 1,. THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, SEPT. 21, 1888. 1,044 FINE TAILORING ! OxsirtEMEr1,-I ant now in a position to in- vite you to select your Suit or Overcoat, from several hundred new patterns. They came re- cently - latest designs -striking figures, quiet colors,Plaule,Stri[.cs,Ohecka and mixtures You can see several hundred patterns in as man • half minutes, and you'll have an easy choice. They're sure to please, and are made to measure with the best of care. Prices moderate. B. MA.cOoxma4. e DAILY ARRIVING. tt� AV?Y'.L Dt THE TAILOR, ta- • large apnrtme•nt of neat goo.1. fur flENTLEMEN'S SUITS on baud. at the old and reliable stand. %Vest- al., near the Bank of Montreal. Seth- $V438 DVNX.,.OP_ Liver Complaint. Bi fouwnr wipe.. tia Fick Headache, Kidne, Troubles. Rl.ruroet Ism. Skin Diseases, and all impurities of the mood 'rem 0' hal Vet CAI Wenris Female Weak. sad a:ese a1 aMan.wtl. t.ty Vegetable. Mighty ,o.os.trated. pleasant. effectual, safe AMIE FOR DR. HODDER'S CMPOUND . Dress Take .e take. sold rrerywkere. /,sew, t 7e rests pee battle. DR_ HOIDIDER'S MOM/MU TO =1. W. :=3n=71=07,71Z Co. Direct Importers of British and Foreign Dry Goods, Millinery' Mantles, &c., &c. Our MR. CROMPTON has just returned from Europe, where he has spent the awutuer buying our Fall and Winter Stock. - The salty-10-eIaao character as regar 1. t1lo quaTick and style of stock will be maintained, as was such a prominent feature with our predecessors. combined at all times with the lowest prices, consistent with First -clads floods. Our prices retail, quality considered,will be found a+ low as many merchants buy at wholesale. We effect a large saving to all our cus- tomers. We are prepared to mutt competition from any source what- ever, and our closely cut cash prices are as low as those of any house in the Dotninion. sir MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT -tea is a specialty with us. Samples sent and goods promptly forwarded as instructed We have a staff accustomed to this departincnt, and where at times selection may be left to us, customers may rely upon being as well served as if present in person. Inspection or correspondence solicited. Cro®ptoe, Appelhe & Co•,Dry Goods Importers, Coles-tt., Braatford. FALL GOODS 1 COUGH AND LUNG CORE. NEW ST"Jr LE8 OW Goods, Dress Trimmings, &c. Hold everywhere. Price. t: eta and se ct i SPF.(%IAL- Tweed per bottle. Proprietors and manufacturers, THE UNION MEDICINE CO.. fill Toronto Ont. TEN CENT PACKAGE DYES Or NI. W t'tl1.UR'. Gobelia Grey, Moss Green, Peacock Blue, Lyon's Blue, Sapphire Blue, Heliotrope, Crushed Strawberry Dress Goods at 10 c., worth 13. A great bargain. J. C. DETLOR & CO. THE LATEST NEWS OF WAR Wh A. B. CORNELL'S • ere you can get all your old Sewing Machines repaired and Made as good as new, having obtained a first-class ma- ( .111. AND -kF. M.t3(Pt J:i. chanist. JSWILSON ! Charges Moderate. All w• your old Sewing Machines. Givekme a call. Bring along Prescription Drug Store. I AIN riga I A- B_ OORNELL. c. P- R. BOom CHICAGO HOUSE 1100 AND UPWARDS FOR 30 �A�p O� 1 I a,! a large number of flosses and LetsLetsV.osnt leads of the Town ION MALS ruse r. TOWN PRO ERTIES POR SALE. 1k ar is the.toat desirable parts New is the time to attar, property before sad In Mush The lt. P. R. to orientate sere. As I intend retiring from business in Goderich and removing �yelsnd re ch of teenyprleve wul barr.d.a.cto Toronto, I will have a clearing sale of Millinery for the next 3U urn an rt and Pries before parches. days. ,rnR RADCLrFFE, Ladies wishing to get the Latest and Best Fall Millin! t sad .s blyd doer from Square. C. r FALL MILLINERY. and Goltrionstate eneral Iss1eence Meat. at Lowest Rates, should avail themselves of the opportunity h ffe Ittereao Office 54-0.I ere O red. ICURE FITS! /muG °'r t '` ':. erpa0p A. J. WILKINSON. VISITORS to G. QDERICH FAIR I a51'ZZS,VZX/ R TL. rwwat weuL.rs e wttt etLA f.t aaa aa/N%aa. rue eMlrnn b. ma■ car .w•...wl with tor. N•.uLar ad.aatase to beginners, oeotk wmpl..•e. Including many I&(..elliag rpeu{al. tics. 11,1 tlt free. Adaresaat wit. Wars tits pepgfr 'Rt(lw'N BRUTHEIta. $.eglimeenta. .. Rnt-nlbolla )f. Should not fail to see the Mhg titleient Display of Musical Intru,nents and Sewing; Mactiues, I.y Uk.(h. W THOMS(N in the (:entre of the Main Buil•iluic. Itelwemhti Lite 4 N s. W. W. W. W. the "WHIT!' the ••N-AN/FR,' the ''WILWA1d!t" the test in the WORLD, and are with- out doubt the Favorite among the wetly mans' First Class Operators and Mechanic% through the Continent. Intending Purchasers tit. not fail to see the Exhibit, leave your Order which will be tilled with great care 1.y the Agent and wi;: [ nduubte,lly he a Source of laskisto pleasure o• the Happy Possessor. Best Brands of Needles and OIL alwava w, hand. Buy the WANZER LAMP, 40 Candle Power. per- fectly &i.' GEO. W. TEOMPSON, Agent. OodoNch, Srpt. IL Cod Ass Fniriiss and llOI'sOIl1011. ANCHOR LINE A:lauitc Express Serra•, LIV*>tlCOL via Q W>K. Bteanskts• eITY or nosurtroal N,w Teri, tnsnestm b . Ott. OM. til. Largest and ease p..*e.Aer eeaerer deet Cabin kVA 110. art 1* dacondcIW, Vb. k WHAM 11411111BVIL ittran.en every laturnay from New Verb to GLASGOW and LOMDCEDZ32T. Cabin Pamege Mi.d to O•gew Loowterry. LI. ewpout.»tand 1113.00. ,e.ond.:haa, 3*0p. deeer.gr. outward er peepptl1tt!. either service lkikorelcureIantickets al reduced rate-, Traveller. l'lrsular Letters et Credit. sad Drain for re-! Amounts bred at lowest car Win, Acbc..a. the cheap Harems INN' w Iia, i nal completed kis fall pnrcheae of Robed rest rte.. Por Itouke of Tours. Tlo5N. (.ether l tortWsUon apply to HBVURRMfi\ Fur Oterc•ut.. Harsh Itlimeete. le t, ': Inl,tl g-tfetly red tsummoed Tr Lira Valles. hi.. BRCTHCRS. New fork, or has determined 1. seOl everythle* i• !,toe': at greatly redo ee yr: et cur Cash. •Btf� A11(11. DICKSON. Oede►lo0. Fur 1. •ruts ('il.up ler iamb. /G.i.r• ;i cal Acute. I;beitp rare CIA. 111. p. oI' els o f off .i Us.Ip ftX ( 414. Spring II ie-'. k. toil k., d,, C:t Ciwor f cat(. 7vxe4a aro! valises. C:JitWfr �K ('gait Alga a tars .*o4 of Plit.f'. must 1S.,bf. Huni•tt, Pheap fir fyy}I, Part 1.0 wa•:tiaganytbing i■ my tine. wolild du well to call and see my hock Acton Per chaste(( Elms hem. clow Is the time fer Bargains. R-meni'trr the Sand, the Cheap Maui moth Har .toe .iurb, s& .10 aufeett. rlskJ G�ods N. B. -.Ut linins l'e1ja:, xsastaogu:el on the Ihrroisn and 'laudsctton Ouarantet.A. °V•77.,A.CH=SON. 21:3•3io FIRE! RE !.FIRE! cEREAL1NE I sa now offering the best HARD COAL in the marks:. fer present delivery for cash, -AT- $ P R FOOD OF FOODS. 1•:arc ya.:r orders et once and have needy. WILLIAM LEE, General Dealer and Forwarder. CARLING'S 'Cooks ill 011e hill, ALE & PORTER I CARLING'S BAVARIAN 1 LAGER (Botttle1) For sale by CI. H. PARSONS n17 ALBION BLOCK, GODERICH. TOWN of 0ODBRUCH. TREASURii1131 MALI Or (ANDS lOts TAXES. PsovnrcrorOlrfatuo.By vietneo Oaf a war - Tows or ooacs. t rant under the bawl TO w IT: I of the Mayor of the Town of Godrieb. Sad the seal at the said Corporatloa. hearten date the Second day of Anga•t. A.D. IA to at. directed, coassmad- int tete to levy epee the lands la the following UM of arrears elbeast r dee thereon, notice Is hereby given that molses the said taxes. to- gether with ail eget are sooner paid. I shalt pe.oeerd u enmesh thereof as may he otialcieet to sell the said ,cads by PlankAnt- ler Roper/neat el the axee and oasts t here- eean,, at the TOWN HALL. In the .aid Town OFomission, on1RIDA1',tWlWENTY THIRD dej of NOVCMBEIt. MX at tie \par ed TS O *Week p.m. f The land• an stented./ ifStreet or Survey, taf sees' Running Numbers 1414 ! M 11e 1.1 IS 1157 e- IM w li e st f M 14 7 1 II SI IMP 1 s 4 tlel t fie 1175 •• tR 1! w 1177 •• 01 1414 M 5541* 133<;224 II 2Id 21 Reed's LIMB 14 re :44 M. �" 1i l N as % e e1 mei ' a•' 14 e 34 a' ti e 5 e N w l3 a li a Is a L s53 Tu It 1313 U 011 16 II 171 6 71 i72 (ares 7 7 N z W. 4 HORTow, Tr.ae■rer Tow■ of paMrleh• Treasurer's (t3e.. August lot. lfee. 514-131 ELLJAII}ER A BARRT, MOUNT HOPE NURBKKIE$.ROCHLSTER N.Y. I take this sU.. srtlle beesay�poofns infur' t►. maim that I nert isa a U.t *Pe lawsuits?. wui-keens its of lawsuits? Barrythe prouder .uglar reemas of Arle& They have carried ea b.siaess .000e.s1Nly for the feet M y said hare 130 awes of memorylustero tgentMa Haar what the Onager C atp of New York State says at um.: `Our visit was .stably a neat pasassat.we ailided oo 4O oftt.a W. Two ti oaese.de the areal acs or to atm eite ikM is muted be l Hee ft is piaai..t to know that we may order It with the elev.aee that we MINI we It at fair prime aN Mat it will to tree to .ase. They are MUM* la every VOWS et tie w.td eu�(.WB their daatl.p w ohae.eterYed b bforMl- aS I.,, rtty. Orden sonsited and sausta.- tis gesaat.od. 0 R. L WALTON, Agent. FALL MILLINERY 1IillpOn11E To Farioers MRS. SALKELD thZ •• hsp..sd pat • seal attractive Meek of Fall M It5or .y, 1. RIBBONS, PLUSHES, SHAPES «w►.a..l..f Wawa iARPii�lO, ■qnl ■ PRK iiRB, 1 See the ea - s w1B have a lerg ,.e1t. Iha.e cad evevyllileg Nor pee melehig to do rode- _ = k.am st ERS . BpM11M i The Ribbons are exceptional in selection and values, �p lies �';e Crazy Patches of first -dais material on sale at reasonable ^�„�"�� • rtes. _Si,itlerl1>�"r•� PA= t:ruZg a 71 Sheep, ezalpe ef• Aly yet le this •tutee M the tire' ,it.t •ro 71re..Ro r^.w..8111ed said StMTaetlea �Y'��W� 13. len /dna- •JLZIQLD. Sal SiEitatti� TRY A PACKAGE. CHAS_ A_ NAIRN. Mgnic Iron Ore Pmol Apec Wly adapted for Barns. Bridges, reefs of Dwelling Houses •wbotbee wood er final and agricultural implements stall kinds. COLOR A RICH BROVII a lby analysis IK' a( leen. It is are pivot pros(, untaellag. merlesl.g. •oe.oeloal, and poesessee twice the body and Ipg res. h of any other oxide i. , the ease Ter further partic■iarsspply co SCONE a CAMPBELL, BOX 330. Goderieb Oat. (7- GOBERICK BOILER VORIS Yuutaot rentilde e lirskv RATIwwww. Sa11NE. ti�T Iter Ttuetalt BOILERS. SALT PANS, SMOIILII STACKS and all ki.d. of Sheet Ire. week. STRAW ASO WATER Nrm F/TTINGS c..ta.tty ea bead. O. head. ready for QATM / SO Mr. Mew seed Se11 .. ronepNee. 3 M M.J. Sense Shaul Meter. la Geed Seder. Akre a It S. E-SINe and Seiler seem.. arid. Ss Seed teemnii... Mail seders will reeehe pei.,pt attesters. Worts r M. G. T. M. SlWskrl.. .oderMb Mar OW P.O.IetaBOX 381 WESTERN Itl�atrial iN Arts Libllitiee, LONDON, CANADA, 40th to 49th Sept, 18881 NLNE D."TB_ p5 Apw.,riated tot Adam aur.et;gy skeet Feiss .f New ar•eund@ sad aldd- Was MMar df Agrtedttsre said .150 Dtae 7. $wages u.sOs..t Etrbfwtr (matt 'international' Bench Show of a.SIAS Doe &REAP VARIETY- -AND AT - PRICES TO SUIT ALL --AT TUE-_ -- TORONTO CASH STORE P. ODEA 2131- MANA4a8. CLE SIX SAUNDERS etc SON have decided to clear oat their nitre stock of • NOTIONS ! JEWELLERY ! FANCY GOODS ! PLATED WARE !_ OMD WILL 01.te se Special Bargains in these lines until alt is s■W. Call and nee us at ?le Ckeapest House Nits tie Su. �r Ts�p Cash Store res oaa buy - tGlasthiijJarg at the blIswl.g price 1 dos. qts, Old Measure, $1.20 1 dos. qts., Imperial Measure, 1.11 1 dos pia., Imperial Memorex 1.80 1 hate a ,err tars• sweetmeat er Family Groceries, which t ata sallies cheap, TRY OUR #'E PROM >a catwra art . i asid f sr d.ow 15. hotter time Tem tlw hey peddl.,a A OALL soma/Tarr' G. H. OLD TheIspat. GalerieW The (boor.SRI aMize 8142( FOR SALE BY W y� etc etb.r •a tam RTIC u�0a1. G. H . PARSONS aesewi I VVyarlte