HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-9-21, Page 7• THE 'I'N k1J. }'R11)A1'. SEPT. 21. 1888 FARM, FIELD AND GARDEN. OBSERVATIONS ANO EXPERIENCES IN AFFAIRS OF COUNTRY LIFE. O/dlew. Expressed by Pfee\laeut sed ••esass(el (i.ewre W Widely U.per.ted '13 11 I ( ss.&ry ea lrp..a rtl J rMMsr (Herr. T. ] , oto+ of Ohio's progressive farmer*, u.ade the statement in hare) New Y : ••1f 1 were asked to tell In tour wthe moot possible So teapot be largest 'closer and ttllltg...r A 1Ls,yftind eulUrator. la the same journal. .dews with hqe -wheat succeeds the oats t ad- vantage." J D. CIA*, Turk. practices the usual rotation In his sat to, letting wheat follow Toru and o.ta. ground is plowed fur cure and the hand is matured with barn manure, either *owed under or put on the autumns before, pre- ference being given to the latter phis An Indiana r iveter expresses the be- lief that "if one-half of oar wheat acreage was Needed to clover. and wheat end clover were rained alternately, in the course of fifteen or twentyyaws the .ggrefate of wheat from out-talf tiro groaW would hemg:wat as hoar the whole of it If cultivated continuossal) for the same length of time is wheat alone." Oen W. O. Leduc. writing from Mimic - sots, says: "Always seed down with clover if you wish to keep up the fertility of tb.e soil. sad plow order tI. duvet In the fall.' ♦ Tirgiala farmer writes that _1 . his motion the great bulk of wheat Is grown on keorn stubble. As regards the proper depth for sowing wheat, the conductor of au rxperimeet in this direction .t tide Cornet! university arrived at the conclusion that "depths of not less than three-fourths or more than one and one-half Loeb are probably the ex- tremes for wheat to secure the boat re- sults. The wheat plant tends to spread its roots peat below the eurfacu of the soil." Mr. Term. Who ham tried different quantities of seed per ace, bas decided that for his .oil -a strong, own dittoed loam- ane bushel and four quarts to the sere brings tie beet yield. Ouo bushel and a trek of seed, drilled ia, to the sen k the r..Ie with some of the south 3lield- gen fanner,. while in bw•alitk•.s when there i • no fear of severe winter.. only one bushel of seem is used. As to the best variety of wheat to sow, no rale ran be evert for gemeral ai.pltrt,. tion. The diameter ref the Buil and the local demand hare mach to e u with i - •ueneiug the .olutsou for each locality. bow 1 had g the sewer Wes rtat Hens. The beating effects of corn aro often a. gravated by peering into the twee loaded etomarh of't o hug • mass of turd water. This often results in a severe purging that debilitates for digestion more thsu anything else. Water should be given loge in Titmltr•d gum:aitics, stud it shonli be warm enough to have the chW tato u from it. By following; this course, there will be less dist urb n.e of di/natio& Ti cravings of an animal suffering from such 'tomer•iniernal he:a, eau..ed by overfeed - tug. sbo.nld rout be I ufe I by situate; perfect freedom to cold water. As an aroma grows fatter there is lets waste of moisture from Ole! svident by evaporation than w•heu the animal L: In thin ti.oh. There is. betide., In a f_tteu- iug aminal • gradual banleuing of the re•h. catsed by substituting' of fat for water in the mode*. so that well ted, fattening anneals do (nut emote, a• int eh water et the stock hogs, and whoa rsr,., and regctablee are ted, Ikt14 water is actually necessary If a fatteui•1;; l:og •'u>ws frelinent MOM of thirst. it 1.:effi- rieat evidence that it has been an oyer - feed, which has brought on fever and canoed • derangement of digv-'tion, ao that care should be used that an aa4imot shall not drink ton mein. Tee instlneta of the animal will not be a prop r golds as to its appetite. Then it is tar better t t prevent all this disorder by giving wester that bas been warmed. These farts tat easily be applied to all animals, for it is knewu that all beasts suffer more or lee. from the Injurious effects ..f taking c lid water Into the system. - Swine Breed .:rs' Joureat Comennevele1 rattiness ':here are now several excellent makes of commercial fertilizers le tho row Let. and it would hardly be deelriLke to try to sav which is beat. Without knowhaa about the oompoeition of one's soil co what element of fertility b larking. only a complete fertiliser ran be advised with rerainty, that is. eine that contains r.1- trogen, phosphoric acid and potash in the proper pruportiosie. along with other sub - e: a-ttes. Manufacturers of mak manures now hurt's), a guaranteed analysis of their rotipo.l' ion and the amount per acre beet for .iitierent crop. They may bt sown bromic -red or strewn along i,.1 ft:r- rows and mixed with the soil by a clubs or brash drawn through the farrow. Special kinds are made for datlWhig ill with wheat. Where a soil is want- ing tin all or any one of the roost itueots meat toned. the use of fertilisers contain, nig them will always be heneleiai. As it cannot, however, he knows is ada-st�� jest whet one 1. goat required t bo agcy sate wayls to us* a eompatud that ten - tarns them all. Dealers In agriatultund Implements (•a0 always site you informa- tion abort the diferest brands earl ,'hew the formula of their onmpeeitios, it should be remembered, however. that no usenet of fertiliser ran restore a worn ont woe. destitute of humus and other ••arbou•reons ratter, to 1t. original fre- t lily. This can tidy be dote by restoring the vegetable mold as far as can 1i•. ales with the use of tho ceAselnial tWtuea The Vallee e( 11.15 tl♦m' t Aerording to the Free* pvemssent e'er mission: 1 Salt ought to be gives to dot^e,tie animals to replace tbo saline patter washed out of their food by boiling, Mak ,t 2. Salt counteracts the 111 *teats of wet pasture and toed era Amp and prevents f\ot rot. a it tscr•sw the tow of saliva. and t :teeefore lissome tattooist. 4 le }Waking atlxterse of .belt. pota- toes, brats. been ail .title. etr.r salt always Dight to boVdsd i, ltMstlorig ',Meso le euth:41 fir t �le.i hi Vattr0 • itee fa tst h "het the . 4,..rld tr. Arkansas event. soltaZ weebest the Want Ines heT Wrh. Bibi 'bedsit' thee thtr}rMte fee b... Mi •er loth - la general My Ike CAUSE RAKING POR soma whet. sew amen armor top D. nod* erlM Inspie Appsralsa Many farmers world like to have a few themes tor their own use, Lads from the milk of titetr own rows. but are deterred because they :o not lire mar my cheese factory and woe• of their bomehuW know just how W make the cheese. Wber, there are from four to six cows very rood sheene mar be mule. Th. things actually needed aro • neee tab to -set the milk eb1a. • good basket and stratum' cloth for draintug the mod. • and hoops. When the uigbt's "Qti 1. brougb. tn. strain immediately into tins tub sod pet in sur ictent rennet extract to briag the curd In from ten to twelve rlluntcs. As soon as thin enough. it should be cut into checks or cubes with • Wooden c !mite. After waiting as Meng, it i• rut finely and left to settle till bis. time, when it is dipped Into the straiuer, .pplead in the haslet and left through the night, to drain. - In the morning. the morning's milk k strained into it, and the same pt ser is await gine through with till it ►s ready to drain, when It is dipped to with the night's curd and then both ere treated to- gether. The whey width runs off lis the morning is a...nfnlly heated over a slow bre. not so hot as toecerrb, but an warm as the hand will bear. Wl1.n the curd has become sufficiently firm to cat lute slices, which condition may be hastened by fro qucttt cutting with s knife. and by a li ht weight laid on it. it is ent In thin slits, Into taw tub. and warmed whey poured over it suEicieet to coyer the steed won, sad the whole is carefully stirred so that all tiro curd shell bevealy ma1td; road '16-fffoilifreenTo t-wenty minutes it will be *:-:Beleatly scalded to be dapped oft into the strainer basket to drain and rood. in short half an honr, py creational tars- i tg and cutting, it will be ru1Briently cool to rctnr•t to the tub. be chopped fins, at e! be soltid with the beet of lido dairy salt. A ter.eupful of malt to turd sufficient for a cheese cf ten or twelve pwnuds is about right and should be evenly stirred and mixed with the curd. which 1. Wen di -.ped into the hoop. having a ncresc cloth r•pread I:t it, and then put to press. I:aideei to a moderate pressure until to- wardoileht, wheat it is turned and an in- formed premium added until the ppress is Went el for the next cheese theduUuwing norf4lr, wlea it b ready to go to thm coring room. A very good prose ran be nude la a fun bours from • twelve foot plank and a sew piecees.1 scantling. About a foot from either roil of the plank set up two short pieces tit .cantliug four mini one -halt Lashes apart. Fasten these firmly to the Ewith belts or pins. Thu lav r may ia. a joist 4 by 4 or 4 by 6 and '14 feet long. One end is %tired by a pint passing threugli the uprights at one end of tLo pla;tk, met it is to move freely up and down between the upright,' at the other en I. a weight hung at one end of the leve•, and you have • loess that will do gore! st•rrk-o. Tl'e hoop cootahling tits e .ctoe 1a placed near the straluing cud of the press beano and Mock.. are put upeau the follower. the press bean let down upon them, and te this way the chive:: La pressed. (.dirt. Itcoeipt fee Reep..z YOM A:1 English journal is authority for the following: In bot weather. when it Is dtDtcult to preserve milk from becoming sour mol spoiiie* the mem, it may be kept p.r•feetly sweet by *raiding the new milk very mealy, without Wittig. Cream already shutned may be kept twenty-four hour+ if .ealded without ringer, a:ttl. by adding t It as touch powdered lump sneer as w ill 1.e kc :t pretty sweet, will be (;oresd for two drys, if kept in • tool pare. Syrup of cream may be preserved as 1iu.Jve in the proportion of one and • quarter prelude of r to . mat of perfectly fresh cream; keep it In a cool 'lace f..r DIM or tbro+e Lours, then put it into one ounce or two ounce bottles, and cork It dose. It will keep good for several weeks, and win be found very useful in travel- ing, ego One Pier. for tespi t stere• Then are nuweroos devices for keeping ms 1:r small quantities for beam use. The following has succeeded so well with ..•...err, tier. Few melt. ba. -.hod , ne 550+5 at♦uurt ..t ...,k atr.1 s'• ., t.. IA.. world •• the oe6.br.l.1 Lir Ca.**. et wilt 610,000 ..f i.a. w... k. hs... hoots r,hi n. (!alae+ al•.u.. We wort wrote l.era•o Limo Wool a lth Lave' (p15.,, Ilya L1r e!sel,., ll.u..r) .4 U. 'ay nwhlw., to Our . erre r , ( Dr l'netes Liver Cure. It will oere you, I/ediut, s and Receril.. Hwa 61. !fold by all CAN'T SLEEP. ansiarrU.td Bestiewe r .1 bruin .(chess.. le Mahal deep brain is being sewed up le orest the nest sde- Bet eawskte theslm " vo.a .y.tam has bele es ever - tasked that it is !said, M Nebel the mind, and at night the minim troubles, sad work are se pre as daring the day. Hesee the brain has not time torroeae- pens* its solid rs�are he ptr ssdati earn tealica, Issativ.st -.3.,. theg!lbso- ad tis.a Cots.Wdonerseedary .r. toed. ' Woks de tiressad.srve ' L madded. aid is / Pas Craerl \ w tis.. anal thesis obtai-- a*sial : tains, Mdii taboo sad is Meson thebort r roidboof the .. torts medi- sefsween and ry • .; ..iUm, briebrief M,pW 1lisis • des ovipEes efilmetedi .whisk has brought sweat rod to ash mai who hissed is desideir =INIketiet to awake mon tired thee ever. All arrows, elsepless, debilitated or tad people bed vigor sod M C� ?Neel �youid. Trios, $1.60. Held by druggists. Circulars tree. VELLS,RIC AI ISHCI. Pry MONTREAL. P. Q. THE KEY T) HEALTH. t Leder. e..,a T na ourylex •nnle only ruudered un- j TE /A s'KI.tty l.y 1'.u.yiee, Ltrrr &.,..0 .ud �.L ■ ■ a �"1 Yollowret s. These it is well kaolin sus 0 were tt.•ue err. toomite iare Liveroursaid 1••d I••Mi lir Cleve • Core b.- iiix(N the Wood ■ur whole system. lee Ile- i sips Hook for tater reuipeci. hunt. sod mice •.I WN on ilea W preserve the (roma Mem' O. by all Uru (gI.t. the chi ep (rocery nuke , ::s ,•aki.•g • big dol a Ir. Tea'. The L.;est an la all S I 'I' AS! TEAS I STURDY ic.PZT CFIZO.::E e''I S 3READMAKER'S YEAST• BREAD weds of Otis Yeast k :is !'4.t Peke. et (Murk Benumbs r the stead 1st deer greet of Huron Hotel. Own delivered to ail p•r•.s st own It antiwar. In trey. Ot Over ao.utko Leen 1..e writtr. IYodwe of all Mee, purchased at beet merle* rates. y epode .ay ya•t • sr uwJ by *Lam. ' notes the lights* whitest, ....shot Ise.d, roll., boas roil rt wheat reocakes akers in seer.s every fawn ( weds are usingh glom s ca hand, and at prices (let cahoot be. leetea. PRICE FIVE CENTIL 1111 NIXON STURDY. GEORGE BARRY, PAINTING �hC Ll'adiob tilldaLAPI' Dc31Pr, DECORATING. ELLIOTT & PRETTY the Roans a: d Deco*store. Nucoesse e N 11. iun.el hal. t..ptr• ilk spr.l•y . sad r* art wow wtert to Z. all otwrrSTi Maar i.g, Minikes ks an...•A.d toad Qrneral be - anew leg Or.:.rs left at rev shop as K ;newt on t 1.. or ret by •w. ' oil, be promptly •atraded toot reasooa' l.• rates. grim ELLIO:'Tk PRETTY. Iles rt moved welt dour to his told stand os IT.mllten 8nT-t. tillers he will be Pleased le noes ail hie old cest.w,era mod a••r new two... The y111.11.• •t 1.t steal er that be keeps the LsssaeT *51111 aariT aa*oetmeat .I Fin -future in at.e (.'Justly. rtsni0T/till• 1a a1i Ile brooches promptly attended to (live Alai a till before buying elsewhere. Ceorne !terry make• • epeula1e3 of PleTt'Itt: i tt.t \I I v.; ■t lowest prices. GOO_ Hamilton -$t, Goodish*. . I AM OFFERING gnVELOPE3 su�iriLF;R MI LLINERY_ B tY ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, LETTER PAPER. BILL BEDS, Illss., bRa, •t THE SIGNAL 'Unlock. alga *me". avenomt1f the roar•'(a, F .'1,u,•'a :.no1 Lever, ea-ry- ingof .•ran.i.:.y *whom. wt* .nirg the eyene'n, r !f Set, i •nparISis sal til homers.' tLt re -r ttor.ay at the same tiro Cerreeting Ad lity of the Berens. O. c. ring billow:lees, Dl/e- F E ssdaelbo. II _ mien.. Con.ttpetton Dryness of :r_e fir_ n, D1 .pt'y Dimness d Vision, .) .(. Balt Rheum, l e.;sslse. nescilibt, ]Buttering of t.bt - .:::1, 2g.trtrotyca.., and 040. c: a2 I'titi.it, ; r!i th..cs and masa other sooLar (oi..id_ L. yicbi to the here, in owes,' of irJBDOC1; BLOOD ITIZ' 3. L un t ;r► t stir- wool -tom. Ta eadb PRICES REASONABLE AT SIGNAL Mercbaats ..en rret hear B:11 Heads, latter Heads. tis-. t.. , ria:ed ae tits office her very little more Oman 'bay aer.eratlr Day ter the paper. and it helm le oder. use their bsl-s. Call and see M+Iplee a,4 yet yr ser G000 WORK IS DOKE AT SIGNAL Samples & Prices on Application. WORK AND PRICES CONSISTENT SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES soaks farmers that they use no other plait: nY gra straight cadge mark of in 2i inch squares; loan.? der N.-.1 t... (Pe.rrow • .If axes r••••Otirety doe lateteuc. together with the eerie; thee wit!, a it writ aw err born a hod: eu,* o M 'coo sloe son. 0..4•.. • Oct. Tas.. awl Casts ah twwr.u• paid 1 BM11 i• (•on► tk .aril h with .harp .I...* .. h..sw.xtmeal Act, (`.p, in It. 8. 0., emceed towel by public Au.:ttor. the v n . f a wa.ywnt under the head of the Wartime of the Corporate= et the Comet! Tile a gond beard an with a square rod of Doom. enure the Sixteenth dry totted,. 1di Csiemswa.se me in Let ups the sande beets : Dago( a eek and a thiel•. er w Iatw•l .rr J n. w1 Sena aeertts.ry to 4 .cbar.�r tl.. ase. at lbs WU1T pocket knife rim the bok. ort the side in- H(iUn4P. to OM'f•ra N •n IwU61tt('If. Tl').PUAY. lbe 7 WINTIrYI4 day til NJV telldrd far the top; baltg 11. a dr?? newly BL'II. tar. al mat tit:v, • i.. t.,e.hmrwu..•. 1 lure with from the joists halt or other place having • coal 'qua -le tent- Tuw1.wM le Or .mins D. wra nm way froctthe Boor. Placa tbo eggs in this as fast as 1r -thawed, , ctall et I down. Owe Wry le tspel Bats. The following tome is gains *herotnldm, and the moody nfgeetwd, beteg very simple, is worthy of • trial : -Souk one or more nee *pavers. knead them lute • pulp. dip the pulp in • suitable solution of oxalic acid. While wet (ores tiro pulp into any crevice or bole aside by tries or rets. knelt --s disg'lsted re- treat, with .or. snouts and feet so the part of tho would be Intruders. Dry rl.r /a 0rleme• feep.. A goal expedient for oereries drynees within the mop le do as of dry earth reattered about ales the woofs and ever the Boor- This set* as an abeortxut of the moult as 'disinfectant. and more- over repays alt the trouble spet.t oe It by tbo better prearteatle t of the 1,eelulIn- gr.dis•ts of the 1�pp1ap and the gnat comfort to the atMoi�tM. Thiess ThM Are geld. Amerie.W Celtic/sear tbisbs there Is inerola noea tine hires whore • see(t[ re trill do the t r y In an apple- t4 pN Olv/1+Td Raere the tesla teeth folie' r>Srrmlag at A correependettt a /bomb mad far.( ser: •'lastend 91 Alitherstog, (IMI father would mew 01 about NS Web of the sad of emelt Meta of the serge, sows. and they would be quiet and weer afterward. W e have st tbs Owe trestRwlat with similar offset. Mirror mod AIm that, r'oetrary to •=stiseselleg MIK *Impw/1 nm0 1d11 war eat wham (they bl them (Mow a1 . i• tlwrfei 1 tm=romout wmMst. se, It :they bbl , will deism/. when ,libtdeee are thy gory het sese *rids es seed blekory 716 whet* 1/6 M epee �1r11tlir iia a !sotMINAS pMlllu000 era 1:=1.116111. oat +04 DhPCRIPTION I..rr u* Paeo rti yarr on Cox- ACRO) .-a Taxs (QTS ?Mlle 4K. resents. v err^D 6 cr. 6 ata { (T0. E p, N d s to W. D. 10 Medt 01 1 2S f is rowaselr or •owleo. West part of le 1 23 Nod ata Td t 17 IgA 32 1 11 les a 71 127 eta 1111.301 or roinwtcn to 10W3r•i. Part of Park 13j Pet's! 1 st 1 30 Part a 11111 Reserve .r..' pert of 0 Alio* P4. South 4 lispt'd 10 w 1 l5 17 54 of i Patrick NL 1 -to P11 4 5 >4 1 s fl M .ILLAOt Or e0*511 1`e BOw74i. f12 IS Fa'd ILLtai Or YaiClaItertl 15 itrLLLTT. 5 i Pala TOwlsalr ..r ]sotl1s tomb Sews 1 7 5 >0 Towttaalr or lrCgn.zAr. S W. cir*er 15 5 North i 9 11 TOwlr/.Ir or aralsi*T. Norah part of a B. it. A M Peed SIU.Aoahr w1*omiu Ip T•allmlgRaT. 1. server Al lel 1t7 71 107 1M 1.14 sot• 2M 32111 Si5111 5s I W 16 It 10111 1 11 x11 cwt 1a n27 010 RIR f to te ,0i 5 85 H I5 34 15 s1s 18 4 S 1194 it 973 1: n :n 12 55 199 *7* w 11 isn 105 A 2IS i11 el t 411 n5 M fb 10 2M 1 11 5 1' 3 lb1 111 s 10 111 1 1l l !il l h4 i 11 all est ind it N'M 1 171 N ear 1 1131 117 1x11 Perth i 2!i *wth i SI :b VS 350 • alts 1711 rs 118 1.1( lady VILLA011 Or 1*SPI1L•. A.■ R • t Jtifd Aa• OIL Rademlaw. 04' „ w. IMILmas Or atT717. /444‘412 'v J.• ..,, If I Orel ,d ; ill ▪ A 1 iltliel.ti. 'rftJ.uri rf weenies,. • - AT -- Greatly Reduced Prices, many articles of which w 1U beet .,.d BLOW COST_ MISS GRAHAM. s fix Sgeare. Ooderieh. SPRING MILLINERY MRS SALKELD'S. i The latest Novelties of the teaso• ea. be found ow toe North skis of tbo Pqw*. MOUNTS, SHAPES, RIBBONS, GAUZES, ■�t4 everything to be found la a drat -dam mlUfoery esta:.hahme•t. A new alae CRAPE AND NUN'S VEILINC3' lyse been added (•511 .ad examine the *si-k std tot pro -s. Agent for Parker's Stem Dye Works. Toronto. 1145-3m 2d Re. 8AL$7iBT.a- CHICAGO E[OUSE I have just returned from the; cities. and am -now receiving the latest lines in SPRING MILLINERY My dressmaking debarment is also in full Work ing order. A cell is resyectfully solicited. A. J. WILKINSON. I rS' 7 5 5It.s1Y . t1. BM1 as. rmeru a flak 1/00.W Pt f Yrs ,y & Ram 40, r..: .( r- 1 ✓ w y . �8U 1 OUliEar AND FANCY crus 2m• Received at IM ](.dint1 l q Irf T. JORUAs/..•d will be sold at Prwmrs:wit Hard Times Cry awl see tbs. More a.altUK your yurchws F. JORDAN, medical 'Eau, Gob:sich. VER 1 4 arta•--1 - t. arb..Aaltoiail .Roller Milli at pan t ,a4 ton BEST MACHI` ERY tio tip about the teeth of rob- es.wiry Farmers ,!?th,�3(-3 amid C*,iiee tlhtwrt a t ; E wrapaRear DAZt Ai=SAHAFng1 so a M Mt, EHIP :role0.-490---' kkit- eke"; !, a . Sr. ;#41,•..e•'