HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-9-21, Page 2T Whiwrin TogAct
"John Mtmford, 1 oeght to tie 700
up and wimp you half to de•tb.you good -
for -not Meg thing Yoe promised me
that you •outdo'* drink .•ythieg today,
amid here you are halt drunk."
Thew wools were uddreusud to me by
my wife Mand, as abs stood lint
ort. She ',dont took as it she would
some woo 1IN pads*, unless it might be
that she wee looking fur • been pole with
which to belabor my heed. My concep- .ub.T •leu 1 return."
tea •-1 Maud Iles • creature of bright j toss uu i tor work. My hood
eyes, whose hair in ringlets toyed with • ,rambled sad my thuugb" were mm.
.be11•1.ke ser. Well, my Maud had, pre tweed. I took up an article which 1 Me
row to ver s .rriage, bean sumetbing written the day bettor, whitat I sou un -
THE HURON SIGNAL. //Jill),, BKPT. 41, 1880.
Every time I build op s hope
you tear it duets."
•'Is it mut better to hope, thostth the
hope may be to rale, thee soot to hope at
all r'
"It ie serer beteer to be demeieed,
•••pry n» today. 1 swear k7 all that
is sacrad, by the lure 1 bear pre-"
"Pottage. The love you bear esti Il
y'it lured me, you wouldn't drink."
'That m ou argument. Viand."
"It as the truth, sod the troth woods
no argentite"
"1 dont want any brsoktaar. 1'11 go
down town now, but mind you, Ill be
lik• this, but no• -well, pour girl, I
suppose she has had trouble enough to
*Lon so great • change I was • tome -
paper scribbler, and st was my •kettles
of domestic happen. -written while I
rowel over • beer sakon-that first
stud her to feel an interest in as. My
Ilegibi s wire 0.4 ab i. reproach, but I
doss the 101 Wieldy light pun tie
withered 1,aweg 1 I dost k.uw.
Whss • Mead asked mo to take •
drink ; I said "amu," I didn't say "1 be
lave sot." I mid "a.•," tionteu.mes
the "hoofed" tempter wield whaper iu
My ear, hot wbem 1 teased epos hies,
he week' amitosis* sod Mire. The
etesu drel : Th. weld is kW of sew•,
but thew was so trews of Masi. She
mem have bed d my book, shad kww-
iing tMt ssab a hook mold have oily
hen writte• by • aee man. Why
site not mime busk to ase 1 1 wsodered
aimlessly ; I caroti•' without perinea
1 took no delight iu the attentions .hick
literary people paid me. How oosN fait
•moiety smile op to mash • wretch 1 A
magazine said that 1 bee once been a
drunkard, and to eowwragsmewt to
other men, held me up as .n exeimpla.
Qua day is • section of reentry which
I had newer before risited,l strolled iu an
almost pathless format. 1 .u4denly come
upon s little log school boosts 1 would
hese passed on but s one held ma
"Chiidreo ;" said the voice, "I am
glad that you love use, bet 1 must gt•
beck to my husband who boa become a
noble man. We have lone kuown each
other and the ae aaration will be painful.
but I must go. 1 told )on of the
author of the hook which I read to you.
That man is my bushed -Henry's
father. H. et.. mot know that Henry
and I pray for bees-."
"Maud !" I exclaimed, flinging open
the door and spritsgiug tutu the ruow.
der the influence of liquor. At the time
1 wrote it, I thought it was a gem of
sentiment. but stow the maudlin Itaw
were re,tulsire. Mood'a face came up
before me. Surely she was • lovable
. moan. No tempter needs come today.
i mused I roll go hums 'ober. 1 will
limo:. while she cuts the leaves of the
would have been indignant had •try one , no mawams ►n1 then 1 will read to
soled use • drunkard. I brat met Maud
• t • church fair. When she learned that
I use the man who wrute •'w charming•
ly" tee warmed toward me, and smiled
au swaely that I surrendered at once.
"Mead, did I urumise you that 1
would tut dn..k anything today !"
"Yes. you did, end mow you are half
"Well, if I hadn't promised you, 1
might have been whole drunk,
BM glared at ,n . "1f you could me
yourself you newer would drink seine.
Sitting there blinking your eyes."
"Of course. l;du't bbnk anything
Mae. D tu't expo K me to blink my ears,
do von. '
• t)h, shut your mouth,"
"Maud, that's iso way to treat • man.
Draw him Into • duscussi on, and then
tell him to shut hts mouth. You are
getting to t s _e. 'sept mold. When
Hopkins gum hems after taking • few
inspiring drinks, his wife spanks kindly
to him.
"Shen, • fool i1 she does." 'Hem mom
"Oh, no, she's w,t a f...l. Graduated
w;th high h•.uurs,1 understand. Writes •
good Mod. and Caine very nearly having
one of her trews printed tut • semi-
weekly paper."
"8110 lets that drunken brute lead her
by th" rose."
"lib, u•., it'. n•.t ro laid u flue.
"Yee it is I'd like to. see a mat run
o r0r ins -"
"OM, well, there's no danger of any
man trying to run 4,001 et u. I'd like to
have a snatch to rat if you bion any-
thing handy."
'You know stere the kitchen i.
"Yee, my knowes:de of location is
very f.ir. "
1 took ■p • hale lamp autl went int.
the kitchen. A eu-t .4 wind extinguish-
ed the light, and not ba*int r m.tch, 1
decided that rather than return to the
butane -room, I w. ul•I est in darkness.
Whew I retorted to the nem where est
wile sat, I Napped •ruui.d with such
agility that I though' it might he a tttod
ides to ontivinee her • f n.y wberu*i.
"D1d y..• rind ■a) 1 hii.g r
"Yea, fs i.4 aeeipttuw'e. thank
yor. 8*', there!' w.sNhiot the
tsauer with Dar well T."•k • drink of should drunk meth hum. I asked for
water jest ro • dud it altuu.t.gagged
"where did you get it t '
' From the bucket In. the kitchen."
She lanvh.d.
•- What are you leoehing st me for
"Whys Joh., tls.t u a bucaet of
brise ' arms.
"Hello. John, exclaimed • friend
opening the door and thrusting s ensil-
ing f.tm into the room. "Hard at work.
eh 1'
"Hard at w..r!:, trying to work,'. I re-
plied. "Took a little too ouch of the
merry demon yesterday.
"{setter come nut sed meta goad cock-
tail ("
"No, I'm obliged to yen."
"It's the best thing you an do. I
tilled myself up pretty well yesterday
and felt horrid this aa•rnirg, but mow,
after taking a cocktoil or two, I'm all
tithe. I tell you what's • fest, John. en-
tering the room and shutting the dour,
there'. no use sot a man gettitog drunk.
The tenable u, that • fellow who swears
off takes a drink and then says to him-
self, well, tire broken my vow Ila' I'd
just ea well stet druuk. This is ri 'Mis-
take. 1f, after taking too Oft lists
drinks. he would go t.. work, he wosil
keep up ha end in a business seine, and
would retain his *elf respect. Curve OS
let's get • drink or two and then yor
osn sok. Coofonid it you are not so
w eak as that, you are afraid .d the stuff
aro you 1►n• drink now would fall .d)
you like • shower of selvetson.
1 know that ht. utterance+ were the
u•tersi:ces of zits[ hisiry ; I knew that •
child c.•u'd see through the dome) sex•
tare 11 his pretend.:' ariument. yet I
went with him. As I shut the door of
my norm. I sa. Maud'. face -i sew the
arms 4,f my little boy stretched out to-
ward me.
"We'll only take one round, Jake,"
I mid to my friend.
"lbw's •I!. Then we 11 go back to
Jake &ower- was an insurance agent
ar.d occupied a r-o..m to the nine build
iug there I did toy work of desultory
literst ut e
We drank, Jake told ate an amusing
si.•ry. I glanced at the clock. lake
..r.e snore and then we'll ,,o, said he.
We drank again. Let's sit down, said
he We sat down. A minuet friend -
that great •!,otter .of the teuipte0. that
men who always drinks.. but never gets
drunk -can.' in and declared that we
s da water, h'. with the pr~. h •. 4d
g0 d fellowship, he exclaimed : Bring
us three stony straights.
1 went home at dinner time. i was
n drunk, but i was far front Beene
sober My I:rtl. h..y ran out to the
porch to meet me. I took hint in my
"11.01. fie the hrd ltrcton 1 am s "John," said my wife, "do yep think
lei[• td." that you are steady *hough to miry
1111Mit le Vasa M Hasa"
"Good awmaais(, my little mat ; sad
whom •111 you ruts toe today 1"
So w1 a neighbor to little Jimmie
Lambert, • lease lire year old. It was
.silage elements day and the ueitbbur
mord s.Ns«a I Ths.First Sympims
The ossa' -Word 13ueieti«' flat haAa
roprsel( up lately lis the New Zee lied
wheels me by so mean to be ii u i
at. They may d" • gnat gnat dal • austere
sod that good le gnu 7
was uu hie way lis the pulls. Jimmie that lice ber.md the power of teat
etraMlhtnel bianself IBC, and was Funded Then are few playgrounds attached to
but fur • tt•soeat; • height thought buy's &shoots it this country •bore bit
stnmk him ' [sage w not a.wutly mad that •.old
'•1-1'm Vim' to rote for sir p. ' he prier' bud astound the m•'thers .f those
said, as if there mule be no doubt about 1 she utter awl of thin who hear team.
the propriety of that "1 guess you are hardly big u' b. rel«' of tM iia' N mrd 3 etety
implied the Mau, Laughiug, "but you
an wu•Uy not w`his`t dust, but they i
are something like this : "tire cwt hue
for et toy bad • rd .look's; .very bay t
spurt his own bed wont' to the treader-
or, sad pay up; mo telling of at.y
boy's bed words ; the moue, to g, to
the *ghoul library.
Teas is simple and practical. 1', r -
bp', the "theme might he enlarged s ,
littde so as to meted* the grunter for nal
of bad grammar, such as, "1 done i:.
'them cabbages," and "you can It
is highly anent that the boys who have
boon going to • grammar school for years
should violate the most ruduneot•I laws
of grammar every time they *peak ten
consecutive words.
But the main pont is to destroy the
halt of polluuug the mouth and c0r-
rep.iue the heart by the use of words
which tlety call "Md.'. Eery boy
knows shat they are, for ro one can
keep Mooed the wood of them.
They pollute the or of every street
and are heard, moire or less, ebers•et
there is • company of buys playing tu-
They (curtly cause the dread that
mothers feel when they see their little
sous going fur the brat tame to • boys
sc tool. The mothers watch their boys
departure with • stature of pride, plea-
sure and appreh.eston, and torn away
from the tondo* at last with • sigh, be-
lt that few older boys yet
realise west *duty they oars to younger
uvea in the way of good example.
There ie one reason for the 'impres-
sion u( tool words which no boy n'•
know anything about. It is rho : we
seldom forget eke evil things we learn iu
oar school -Lt.'s They cling to the mem-
ory, in spite of 141 se can do t . f..rret
them They return tc It. someumrs in
"Oh, Jobat'" .-____
Her tears mad Miall bel on Henry's
head. "Thauk God," I said ; "Thank
(hod," )laud cried.
s e e • e e
luto the room where I sit, the sun-
beams fall. Fran, the window, I see
Henry, riding • stick horse. I have just
told him a story, how the calf and the
old dog west to a picnic. He incredul
ously sbetk hie heed, but accepted the
recital without verbal disapproval. I am
in constant dread, Zest he be notched
from me, bet why should het Fete.
after all, ii -east iii cruel. Above my
head hangs • pietas of a wan whose
hands see damped in the hands of woman.
sst�tat try.
J1.unw's old plays soddenly grew
Oahe Harm wits • few thing that emu
were doing •ori he wanted to du the
same ; for all play m bet at imitatwt of
teal life, whether it be ply of Hidden
in the nsrsery, ..r of grows up people
us the stage. But 1.e Sal ruiely pea -
rood how to du it, sad after trying
several things, sod emlliug them voting,
be said to his little .ester, fuurtew
months roomier thio Women a.en :
"Mamie, let's go an' vetedown town,
and off they wean. But mawm• saw
throe. Now lin Lambert was ennui -
what out of temper that day; for Mr
Lambert, while fuddled with beer et the
Nikon, bad just suede a peculiarly un-
fortunate bargain. He bad traded his
ouw, one mein support .d hu family, for
a washout -machine, which sons smxtle
tuegued guzzler assured him would do
their washes[ beton breakfast, mean-
ing, of course. if they oummeuoed early
e•uuth. Mre Lambert was kneadtug
bread and broodiest over the matter,
when she spied bet two children just
1010ing into the street.
"Jimmie !' she cried ; "James Hen-
ry ! 1)o you hear me 1 Come into the
house "
James Henry obeyed, but reluctantly.
•'1'm grin' to iota for pa," he mid, by
way of apology.
1 .ielt you would vote for him," re-
torted Mrs Lambert, .s she •cut int.,
the pantry, after tome dour, "that he
wouldn't have auy saloon to go to. '
This wee taken .t use by Jimmy, as
his mother's permission to do the voting
The picture of the man teats e,.nto re- furth•ith, and slipping out of the door
s.mbknoe to me but the fair artist has M was anon on hie wsy to the hall, mre-
not done credit to the women. Mated
painted the picture. Many people noose
to look it it. Art critics say that it is a
master piece, but Mead declares that she
deserves no credit for its productuni-
that bee soul instead of her bard, guided
the delicate tracings of the brush. We
are besieged, by the attention of distin-
guished visitors, but when they are gone
we chief' swab other iu • loving embrace
dud thank the Originator of all earthly
and heavenly happiness.
• efespirg Mug
is meat appreciated where it is most
needed. sod tem it is that Borduek
Blood Bitters 'suns more favor yearly by
lauding the weakened .)stem valuable
asetat$I0 111 reWOriog ail impurities
sod buildwg up $ strong, healthy
body. 2
omelets sae Selby N 0.4.
IAN spree[ I spent a might with a
friend Thera twochildren in the
fully leading Mamie by the hood.
1'.e eswl question of license or n.•
Iicente was before the people, and as
the contest was expected to be eery
chute, the exatemeut tan bigh Each
sada bad onaputsd 1i furors, and was
seeing abet thea` lest mass was brought
in. The l.rgo room was fell ..f men
looking sae. passing tickets, keeping tally
of `..tors, ..r discussing the situation to
loud tastes. Jimmy, still holding 51.-
wie's band, timidly twitched • meu'.
oast, and looked up its hie fees.
•'I want to vote fur my pa," be said.
"You're too email, my little risen,
'•Wbo is it 1" cried a *snood.
'Sans Lambert's children," responded
Of all Lugg disarms are much edam:
lever Liberal, hiss of appettta,essw
throat, inn In the chest sad bask,
headache. etc. In a few days pee may
be well, ors hits the other hand, you may
be down with Pneumonia or '• plloptaq
t'oneumpti.n." Run so risks, but hsgtr
isatuedtatelr op take Ayer's Cherry
Several years ago. Jamas Btrebard, .1
Darien, Cone., wee severe') W. The
doctors said be was ti Commitment.
and that they could do nothing fee ham,
but estiue.t bias. ea • haat resort, te try
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. After tails[
this uamdlcine, two or three swathe, N
we, pronounced a well MM. Hits bealtb
remakes good to the present dal.
J 8. Bradley, Malde., Mass.. writes :
"Three winters ago 1 took a seven told,
which rapidly developed into ltroaebita
sad t oosumpttos. I was so weak that
I could not sit up, was mach emaciated,
and coughed lstw5sst4• I nomadic'
several doctors. but they were power-
ing. and all agreed that 1 was 10 Cos -
gumption. Al last, a friend brought tae
a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
From the Ant dams, I toned relief.
Two bottles cured me, mad my Malik
ha, since been perfect."
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
• ranrampw OT •
Dr. J. C. Ayer & O64 L•wol, Mass.
OW by all Dregar•' 1bi�1; lTabiwii►f•
T.ke .t. w'. ria.rtmmutm*ii .
cry i, s uo•td we.•y t.r •teniae the es/ae-
ln is o 1 bo i y NMI mi• 1, amid br habit-
ual c. n.'rpet••n•. A msdmaiti*,t,�� est
Arai'. Puts soli benelably T+te di*
dose they huaels
R►rsai K1*1ai-Fisz or His -A
rte. •t, r.•,-T:...l 0.5', mbar;ed with
•ba.w:ra.yr. ha elle by throe mg • pot of
).m a• her head. u,f..nued the mama -
trate mi.a: •1•e go •d 'lady had • temper
th.t rnlu to: eweemoing when he cam'
m law at tea. " 1 meet preserve your
oar dreams, in our moat sacred momenta, wife fr ..0 your way of mwi•tsriog the
it sickness, in wensa the must remote !sweets • f watiwe••t:y by binding you
from the horrid retainiesease. over too kwp 51.. ,serw, and to acme
It is this awful foot that makes it so home r•t'il•r'y t • toe for six mentbt."
important to keep the yuu00 memory " 1••e uu h••I•)ecti•.n, purwided i hews
free from every rood and thought that i rieit. rt.•.u;b, .,.d to span. Ter wort -
savors of the impute. Victor Hag° MO ship,' reiu.,ked the primmer. "(lh,
thinking of this when he wrote his little you shall her s'nmps enough, and to
poem upon the subject, urging children spare, y••', r•tateo•..1," exclaimed hes
to "guard their purity," sones "the spouse. • •1•.t west till 1 get ye: hack
mightiest force w an inuocetl heart.' - agin, .rad h eon.' bony be inane, bet
Youth's Companion. elks, and re4t.It w, and winkles, and
euckl:s, and all the luxuries as tea Mao
J ataslwr) s..... Op Nookr.cy gets.'. Here the good lady
Make downoyed sats led out of court. -
cella vividly to mind the appalling spec gsctuu�s.
in of death, and yet no thought is taken _
a,f the thonasids anun.lty dying the •ugh •.r. Trent's.- Mea rte i]rpeesed.
uow►e loose *.used by +nog actiom ..f the If you d., not !stied the warnings of so
"G,boing for a new candidate t" •tuuu_h, fiver, ku4uey. •.r bowels, mid un and rat .00 9,7 attentuw to the
"Give hiii • rote which might bs remedied by the on of m.tntatn•nc...f year health. How ohm
'1 ;Iv. the bray • ohatee '" B. B. 11 , natore'5 great restorative tunic •t see a person put sad from doe, to day
bo esu the eaolamations around the ane blood pander. 2 the purchase of a mrtriiro which i/ pen -
nom. - cured et the .,.otat.trt .1 b ttesaee *meld
"'Give w • speech," said • brawny Tra-Tai`s tastier. hire r. oi.wine l it .:wa.t immediately.
Nor if .1 ,'trtston's Tonic Lome Pills had
Pearl and sever whuttes fo r catling been iakeu •hoe :M bre uswtnem
fess'• dog, if you mars ouch • "vim 0w, I made its •:gryraoee the illness would
Rale gunsmith. "•'het of ce dote Foie pa
family -the �t restless
the typical Ameriatn child aptly defined "tie ones side by side for
a "needle et uervea '' A lady zits' taOle. AU were bushed fora moment it
yuooge • bright,
want r' And so saying. he stood the
buy, leer yuan. old, who might ste'o3 ler s the «
gestkw.o with their two ebildrsu ware expect•ttui °f •""411sng to Calms freeb
naerrtitn4Mt Smote who had yet acme in
Mrs Brown, s ueigbbor, left her little •feud with their balk" le tiles` bands,
.o m•• the diversion with the rest
;ieitors at t6 h the Dose, and after supper
bay and girl iu my friend's Dare shit* ) y ^
wen o m• a eympubetie whisper, es if w esglee%
The crewing wore eye. The children flat file la had tone tar
t t • is cl • "1'uotr little things mid one, in a
shek sell theIla[
enough. Jun.
payed hard, and tette Frank'. eyes play
.opened wider and wider with the intoxi-
cation .of the unusual ex(ite'mN.t. After sal ' -
his bedtime en long put, his mother I im too rule fur my pa.
Iris.. the Herm whet, Mu husband 'blowout.) s de • i•' to tis" for our p•,"
repotted Mamie, in • prompt...4mm worm,
•'w 'e urea t go to i loon
The merriirei: use over. An shame
painful awe crept ower the •seembly 01
sure, as if in the voice of helpless wild.
hood they bad heard the votes of God.
•'Wait none of jos help these ba-
bies r cried an Irishman. "Sure an'
I're • «wind to help 'res oneself "
'Give 'ams some tickets r .hooted a
.nice, It was • happy thought, and no
wooer ..d :ban dune.
"1'11 aunt for yes, me little ma.."
aiitInurd the Irishmen, auu he took •
ballot fro.a Jimmie's hand. folded .Id
voted it. Then what a wild hurrah sent
sop from that crowd ! Au officer rap-
ped for order.
"rue boy bas toted now ; *he'll vote
for the little girl 1" cried, the gunsmith.
"That, tee . '
"In another 1"
'"I'... your meso, little one !"ant three
band• wets outstretched fist ballots,
deviate* them fen Mamie's chased Bd.
Another cheer weal up
CHAPTEitIT. i L"•ked .t her reprhfnlly M 1 and I oat. not staked. anxiously. What
bJ r».to rook:k J.•*n tilenostops 1140 tfie shall i dr 1 I told Frsuk he could situp
The net s.ornn.g Its I before Marilee yard. I stumbled an,l fell. Merciful until lin Broom came after bet r:hild-
d.»n limn, i Limed )fife' UMnderl). ti d ' she Ii'tle !ellow's.rni was br.•ken ren, aupp.wng she would he roue only a
B 'te d d hut etc t••<s my gar.eees, but I rete to 5dmnw00 $ surveil'. After cell few ...mutes. How, obeli ! break my
she .11....J tear h•e i t.. re vt on toy u'og at the .40:e of the surgeon and Isar- promise t.. hem, .r rink bis being crass
mud iiI by .11 this excitement !"
Her hu.irnd raised hi. voice . little,
and .aid, "Where is Freak f I waist to
. • ben
The chi'd immediately left his play la
in the dining -room and ran to his tether,
who lifted hi.0 in his arum and held him
oh„, 1 tae. •Tafel, 1 ,.sant Jliuk anything I int my tall on tale slate. I we:.t to a
today. ' twit/him tins .al.r•n to Mealy my 1.010011.
' To..t's what you mod yesterday 1 I. at auy rsc,ii•ctiun. 1 r"maiul.er a
1.1).a.1 rem oA me o.1 hr•.kr • pr.mi, /ark night .roll • twiny Aly -1 ren.emher
M H Ip or t• keep the one 1 iso• dnuhuot wish a •Me, I. -vied man -hut
maim. 1 will oars 'nook a..ythuag today. u•.tlau>; was tantNe. Whew 1 become
Howe faith w um .,..w, just data um- s'•her, • hen c••,:.rwt.soees came ups
WS. lanae." me with w dull, paa•ful awal.mng, 1 Into hour for • moment, then, cla.png
•iii ibis •i.p. J ales," gwttit.g her +as in • dur..putaMe part of the city. i him I•.viugly, ..keJ,in the jovial way of
arm. sr r i•nf o.ay 'is.:k "O s, if you hat al.t, up auy ah..l. iu a en rd ref- ro
comndeshq, no child .,old ust :-
knew how 1 lore t..,. - 6.na I ask you-ynu wti dread thea- «h ,.. boy •re you f"
"Teen., Maud. d••i. t crv. i can Maud hould n. t death hy hanging have ban Of course the answer come, pettedly,
nr moldier Inter th41 you: tears." t.•• tt "od for me 1 1 (noed to pry. est "Pap... troy "
I •oa•d.r f there zits h. .n .ctn.I *hat rt:ht hso' I to csU uta •n the grit "My 11.) '"-5 little surprised -"hue
d,vd •h•• et.uds at ah••.I:ow, soil who Inter "f ..de ? None i nut home. you More f'
"ampere u. the ear of frail m..rtatny ! The home was deserted. 1 fiend the The child laughingly reasserted his
1 had n.4 been to seek more then halt following owe ownership
ss h. sr tofil-t••oluwt.nly, it seemed "My Dear 1. .t Hushend : 1 an no ••Well,' aontinwt the fsth.r, "my
-i seem, rooked t4, ■ 'ahem, and fork k.mgrr endure rhe thought of firing with boy always does just what hoe mother
• anti. 1 had wart that bitn•"g norm • dr.ne.rtl. i do not leave you in mkt- thinks hest -goes to bed just when she
of when •a.p..s..n iectur.i• rasa; 1 er, 1 here our pr.ye-1 for ye.. 1 do thanks it's taw.."
you'd not hive acknowledged that m)
fleeter •• •'n..k .., W yood my noire)
1 don't knew sty 1 drank. 1 w.. not
ronr0•.us-1 was soot etch --bet I drank
Time i *dieted .nother. The work .4
the el s.pering t.mptrr was sort now re-
q `feel. Moon he tinned bie pernion.es
b two ipso the be ath of go. d es tn.el he
• mad on hove prevented me. 1 did sw
S. b an`. 1 sept • note t..
, tell•rty her 1 was tau. huay. 1
was dimwit. ', with • ler bruwel fellow
who woes eM.as Irnwrt*. the adr..hl-
ky of hnldiog • a•mmitSLItrrl e n•eu-
tiea. 1 414 not ge bouts until (a" .t
might. Maori was 1n bed. rile said
msthing hot 1 herd her soh "W••teh," termin.ti•,n horn of 40011 despair. 1 ten woo per s•, venni of this iwcident
Rhwoht, "why does not stens one hill ad pm Ivo k nr•.n er. re, teuptariwn. 1 where the fathers and soothers of thine
me 1Iie.d in 'h. hope that my ..le w.r'td re- •storm s•s•.ti.te e, -, um, wth • evokes.
1 yam very mirk 11e rival 11101K1•tw. turn tt hen .r.•.iiw anise, 1 wield to .4 M••1,s, two and .psahing., or barter
White 1 woe he.viog, and wattle the par• t...•., bone -1 uoowid .. 't cell it Room- .4 root, sod seem her nbeeline*, may
rpfreMt • of .� y wm ot.uding ea my •oart .t unite r the •ire, the 011.5 ' nod sod profit by it if they will."
P .tl hr. w, Maud remarked. •h.eh Maisel 1,.d trained •tth week toe -
or ►
.4 suppose that wmum.e shall ever mast mum. r"Ar. youea Wre yre 57
hot/ 1' 1M, )e., he was peps. holt
messes•," said the wise father,
"you (1111.(1111. undress this fellow just as fast
se sou take
The child vote put into his little had is.
Y •nn, Maud."
wen 10
I weaway from the tows where 1
had diegrserd etyma -whore I had
tramp'.A up n the affections ••f my ode.
it wneld be i•nr, sunble t.. d.•cnbe my
010 "e
1.1) des. /contemplated omelette :
but i nein mord anhr. i *SS late to
e.r•yi. g out • ,rind r,..lro. and i feted
hat little t.on.Iation in the u1J adept."stetter late than never,' het with • de.
are fur sale.
Undressed to' glooes rettrnideried m,
the bock have taken the ".oat etc nine
turn of late.
Fashionable eztraraganoe has • fine
field in the hatter of the beaded wraps
of this aaawnt.
A 16 yeas -old girl's hat on a woman of
even 40 is ooc of the saddest who, of
the menu. on
Some saw commits in oorr.wpondeses
minis end fashi..nab!e st•tictary ars al-
ready eshthuted.
The beaded sunshades in the twilight
have • dazzling effect, and ware not
crested IU rain.
It 11 • safe ptedictinn that gentlemn
will be glad to discard the "eirdiruu"
shirt before hog.
Now is the time when we take up our
once wild animal ruga dud put them care- -
fttlly away.
A lar[a piaua chair, with desk on the;
mon, m
right m, is introduced auog the n•.
mattes 44 the season
(redua►ly Beau Bromine's Orates.,pa
SOW setting beck to the "g top" style ;
of twenty years Mpg.
Sunshades are seen trimmed with
feathers sow, and the old ladies my they
aprepared for seething.
Ferniture to •`bermnoiae" with the
archsteorure of your country home is the
n ewest habiosable idiocy.
have .r•.rt '•oippnt 1.1 the bud." Juha-
s.tl's '1' .rale Boasts so 1 1...er Pills are
imodicum,d'.id.ail the hest modicon the mar
bet for vauerat took; and sairigoretisg
propert e*. 1' II. ,3 •. per bottle. Bitten
50 soot, sod (1 per tootle, add h
Goode take diu,:Kist, Albion block, sok
agent. (bj '
11r. V.r:..•n. wife .4 » Verson, of
Hann of, meta ternhon te death Moe-
lley ,lsmuttingra. surtng the bath
risme is. err re•in.nce, she stumbled.
rite Lase fell and was broken. TM
.u)lteut.'-'ezel and caught the ekthieg
f Mn V,,rn•ou who had fellow moots
the hoose. She was unable to du me-
t14,1g t . were Ismaeland wee fatally
Mused. She died yesterday from the
eaten of her injuries in great nosy.
Fiera McFlitssey's hat is renter/0.1e"You most remove t;ec children, gen- ertrst•rdt.mry, wonderful, attimog, i..
Oman, sad stand block a little," tom prsseire .rad all the rest.
mewled of the judges, rum*, Ad Tulle bonne" seem to be on every
dole's they were lifted dosoother cheer f•ei4
hm.hl* head, and It toes Wi,h•,at
arose, with con "Gond !"re of
saying then are "all the nee."
and all .yeawrs
ele turned to The bast gekatura tor the at i n*ch
w (porno the rnband te•ch.t's black and b,.etls, the hest core for hiliou.
.aed ate which • lend ertset sou .keeeh' sick headset... indigestion, and a 1 ■Oho...
w adjownint na.n..hsnca he e•w:d bear its[ in outline the two children with ell
toterineription toter and r like this :
the merry chatter of the other children
end the oak .d the people older pple sod ser
th• bright lights. There was nolam? in
his moos, but er orebody lay down c,s,the
km n d with hue for • few minutes, whose all
At 4005 he turned hie face to the well,
and hi. closing eyelids almost caught the
happy laugh .•n ha lips as he dropped offin dreamland. i sail t. myself "I
oil'. tare 11 you .re sick. 1.'. der cara t1 h ill' .nee1 Ho face toes '
✓ eel el wee few fr. r " ever before ase. 1 f.... d ..w. •4 his
1 al mouse* to my All is.y ergo sOroea 0. • •net 1 kissed a Mosey
• a. Mrd up with bass .ormats. whore ' es orbs Crept .Toone ,n tonne. •er..r.•h
• deed aw., *timer 1 eusIJ but re..11 1 had •r'tts.0 •sso, maters to eis.y des.
1 bee f 'sod.. yet aro row s.. ld ..N saw .haus
"Mier, • ill aoont le bre s'o`wn to I .null 1i.A e.v wale. Croon nod that
t'* the es•uq't...4 bus tooter, ' ah• a.} work bad bee � �owe m.lswsb•.ly L i
sa.d. e*ismrr..•• •••• a• '',• •• •dry. esus the leaf ~kook. y when the fns
f[e.1 c 't e0/ thee," i `*pied. falls ogre, it t TM penei••w. meason 01
•� .Ont a y ., • . '. the Mut .. iflife• had hen stronger" from we, s.4,
fade e.'s Nom•,• et.tnlutt.! a .0. taro .e 1 1'hose ...Nil arida 1 premed that i might*
pep •l n rh b •e.•. •i. t., - t.. 11 „r 1 h.•Md s oleo. .M. dna now
J • bete 4...s. 1 .e. s as.g t" 'tool' •hot 1 sae rarer, say that i •a. 1
saw 1 Mee M. taint He ea• wru5 1 Ind
•• wiw r. t n mart. .4 woe woos' i •nit. • book i
"Fear• 1:0• toe- f.rsrtd I will 1. • 1 ... • •' ere, tither than • ''•ire M
p dart ow. 1. .. hot Ike penola h..•ebt k-
ill 5. o.srlsr • y,•• ' i How buttered I were Why do say pee
•'(;omni y u Itwt are ease men 1' pia ilk* to roved Sous al m dem% *by
14. ',SW
C. -'hew hymns, of me* deeriprie fit;
whether ie the s.o.th,d,esimf,er atemi
ere .1I.411141 fent the syr.... by •11. IMO
.4 Avier '• ••maipsri.ls 11.. Mbar `wee
d• eon seminars. with this, se a mare for An
dis_e`a•-..e •rt•.wstmt rn 11111,11•111eM fester•
•Heed blood.
(tote .4 ,he reserve Why flash tllawf-
miam lee ow* • sena. ods i<
• rat M+t_ fhr W p H 1
fre.. says1
fr.". [w»litie offi 011. 040
Hppapli d.., ter the gist two' rally
.ud f.wn..l it Nov* sgreosbls to IM 0.45
sett end hove home rerw t. /rues Ns me
,hen any Mier y...4.4,4 0.41 .4 to. kind
I Mve.0•, es d," Soy by rlt4•,,.Mti
Mia. sod !IL
"regatta 0001 PO. Olio Pa, NO '111 wox'r
0o vw `'teen."
ie 'outdid the ether aide try to damp-
en the entheamam. Tbe (Address ,n.
e mphed, end efts probibtwow b'mrd on
elected by thirty -on. esej.tvity. And •o
Anon did vote fur hie pa, owl own.
sank` esemef•
"Lod sseteim oar ehildnet were eery
bad loth .smnms eompleirt ed the us-
lreedy tl at did them any good. was
Fowler', Esteem rat W,Id Strawber-
i We weed 11 hu.itl.. Aerias the
sorra .e•th•v awl weak' net be without
it as lite times the arae.
M harm iso for diarrhoea."
Jam Haley, •• IYnt►w•gh. Amb, i
There will ••e be any lime apps
mew ue ste,t,ssg le lea.. -hese tow
fell, and Minto it the time for pails
dolliot is lonisinM - .- - __ _ ____ ---
♦ wmm•eAra SNOW
. [somas s_eesss_ Th• Oremrt ennui. and ems that'Ism
aero se oak ni y' e A • q `serifs ttf
s,s rig . • 7..ahs ►s. u, are M
erthr,rel fJllhse'a the whore .�.�,. imsemes dimmed. 's •oar mw•. ;r r....r •
Lo 0•r f D► psora• Ll«It Cts. ia,.ads spe�� 'oar. •T.
dspaees d the Love, Kidarym, , kw liver awl Kadtmy diesaaa.. erZ
sad + arw 4 James rmodisise $L� tits'' y dregiyhdlt sem Remiss hash ..d , Bac�ana�Ilituon 3 Blob
tiutae arising loom a dw.nier.d li..r, are
without etoeptosn Johnson s Tonic Li•er
Pula Small in use. sugar acted, mild,
yet ofistive. 20 eta, per bottle sole by
Goode, druggist. Alton bleak, God*
riot, eon •tent. N
Fingal elver hair -wires mew seer* for
bangles, and the gain 1r see bow
many sea be wore Inget.lter et
A eiugle.crass► may casae • fe>Aa1L4
sere Vieenna Carbolic Breve rapist,
le•l. esu, sonde, braises, burrs gad
e ll torn 1m
Bamboo ferwitero hoc its torn again
suw, awl tle/aw say then m au unusual
demead for it ter eos.try homes
Afl sees sad enwdtitms .•f penis* ma,
s.. P•tinwss Pills ','floe injury and
With treat b.neit.
4se•e mom. all ares d ..ver with
Haiti% give to snow womam the appear i
Memel ea .ttelbesdanary met .4 sedate[
Wogs with ottsk•,
0.re Itemaotlt.bse 5115.
Four' .: sat, what the tree pebble
hen i.ow•t I .nils, Mr theme mase, yeses
and tars ue a medicine which although
but l.trly oluodue•d, Ina mate for
itself a rrputahon a.eoud to nam. tM
medicine a J. baso n's Tusie Bitters
whish to c•.ujanct,un with Johnsom's
Tome L.vrr POI. has performed some
moor w..:.det fel curse impure fir Imo
p,tt.n•he.l 11•"sa1 54.011 bee.imee purified
and ennchrl. K,lhouseess, indtg'etiem,
sick Med..ohe. lir*` compiaiott, howler,
sea i4 hnna, e c o eon d iseppe•r whim
tooted 1, these tontine bulb made'
e ine, For Kale by Good, dnaggist, 111 -
term block, (lotto Nth. Mole e(At. (d
1. Drier. .m NODS hill&
Di•t••n,ia le dreedfn!. Disordered
herr .• ..••.r'v. In li gestion r a foe to
g • •1 ...t nn,.
The home.. Jiv*etire apparatus a est
.d the most o•n.pll0tad and wonierfel
things in .seeester. 11 a only pet out
d ord.r.
tough food, sloppy food.
boil e'.nh,ry, .ne:,Ltl worst' tat. bow`s,
irregular hent., and many doings
▪ ..otgp 1..4 t.. he, buss's tb•
Ans.no•.n g✓near a nation of d
ltd/( (;1..11 a lingual Flower
• w,n..l.,lul .,..k uu ``formas[ Ib..ad
b setuess ■ owl making the Americo'
pn•role r. healthy that they mum tmjoy
h.'r In,at..ild eta b*pg.
Reteeoer.yr . - No b.ppimMm wiibu.t
health. flet (iresit's Awfa•t bees
tuu.gs h*zits+• eta' Mppinees M the
d).1w'vtw A it druggist tone .•
halo Yere..Iv gee rents'. ee'f
P. b esedhL.. list m omkoIIing port es the health of the r
m ales•sod Liter mow. hely to the aces` if word « ,na.Aave 0i 1•• E► , ; . '��y
mal uwy x re.e.eee•
pit Try OMs' • •ug 1, e