HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-9-14, Page 7• *:" ".•-• •-• • ). A RM, FIELD AND GARDEN. 01.4 AbOuT CELERY. I RU,STWORTHY MATTER PERTAIN- ING TO A VARIETY OF SUBJ:CTIL saiting Owa Rem nereberelle - Pirmailbral am* 01 eh* Wildtss• ea Oseesetbne with ib. stanspeesses OF Tp... Inerabeir net is Aisteana or la Ose The situatioa of an oreherd, with re- gard to expense ur aspect. requires in many seetises saints consideration, while tn others it does sot so much matter. For iustance. tu sections where hate and fatal 'prier ferrite prevail. ss to L. lois. MO- .ouri and some ether western atette. ae eastern sad seuthern exposure and low groats& ere to be avoided; while tuwest.. ere New York, where the winters are comparatively unlfurm. this main dis ties to guard %mint are the provail!ez high st its& hem the west and the north. la all localities where fruit cuittre has made say °Leakier -ebb, progress there is generally experience enough to be foam:. if sought for, to guide begierna:• iu lung sites fur orchards. and all who are wise will avail themselves of the experkaor of seamiest al neighbors. Following are some timely suggestions on the subject of setting new orchards. g:ted the sin keof condeneed rules, Inbany Cultivator: 1. Thy main portion of the new orchard should lo platen:1 with well tasted end approved varieties. If practicable betel such as have done well in yonr partieu!ar Locality, and plant very few, by way of experiment, Of new. lauded an.: untried aorta, &mot of which will eventually prove of little value. 2. Select young and thrifty trees, in. stead of large omen the young trees being tria:twin Man. tray taLLet ewe and aidtt latter rend, Gusting km on the starting soarer with vi=s graiwthe than large trees with mu - • Make it a eendision with the nurelier man that be Wall give ample and wits Jared ruins, which will bold the tree when transpbuited without !ening or staking. 4. Autumn transplanting should be per- formed only ou quite hardy kind., and in pineal ta here the trees are not exposed to sharp wintry winds. The heads of tbe trees should be shortened In and made lighter by cutting hack Co seaman, growt h. or !•.,,e cutting of the longer shouts at a fora. Mit 410 11141141 Of more tliam Qui sestion'. emelt should be taken off, as c large to:ousels make the trees teutlerer v more liable to injury by winter. 5. Tiers not eutirely hardy, like the peach. sleould not be set out it :autocue (unless under new banally firroraide eon- w ditionst. but it is well to procure them in autumn, heel them in and en them out ia spring. The same treatment will w ower for a,ll ktode, and they will be ICI hand for early setting. Rut nodal OM will be required to Lepel them in properly. -- Park the fine earth solid bet even the mots: mire delight to oreup, such eaves with roots at hand for fuod, A smooth ridge of earth summering the tress will resent the mire from approaching them to G. After being rot out the earth about tic 11.. trees must be kept clean and mellow 1 hrough the snow. and the crust wLkb which fornis after s.ntumn trans Meting thorough' broken .ad crted. i flow to Raterli are Mew is w Osessmaptiesa • 111P qP:VAI.. PRIDAY, SEPT. 14. 1888- • 0 • 414. SatillA. L Miro EMMY wow, onotiiii vrolt ami osk. 4.• •orld • 4eittly by routidee, lever spot. oho h *tete, ehei • :".• seq.. ins coutplexion is may reader.si use 1 TIIMA...s S ! a '/'" rwl•i"e'• I IP- s • 01 er ' Yelitemese Than it is well liatorwu sae or it MO a hie leech. o ate heath wAd Iti ctused nom aft inactive Liver and taw 0, 0 1. The directions hens given for blaneht peinme if duets ur rimy tape Rook for todet recipes. buil* •od ap C... tato*. We ri -et every perna blunt 1)r Chon's Liter Cu,. i.unties NIX 01\ trouble enh Lir- ensisint, Dye- ' t'oe blond root whole sister:. See Re and ntortnit celery for winter ase proved rottenly in Couutry Gentleman IsiHepteraber. lye winter use tales Looping t he weeds dews betwore rows), tine, • tot wit at one end of tiro ro use mamma store etriag; kir mend tan around this stick, then tern noun aeh ideal, tyiug all tbe leave, tight ; your rows are LW long toilimosehearif tigh 14 7041 paereed drive in g sad tighten up to that, loon to the erd, the object Leung to get en b plant eaug and tight. %When finished run a plow along one side, dews* the tither; do not lay than down as we do potatoes. but gradaally inierease your !eying up al sell. keeping yoer plants perfectly erect; tlie saves whet is termed loandlMir--that 1. drawing up the oarth With the hands on each i•ide. When finishe4. rut the etrio8 ita chfitrivi.t Flamm, aa it Rill out pat 14 rut np ;eat as it That with atojti beard plow. That intenda'd fur wring roreuiree no blanching. In storing nriery for winter, throw two mold board i,:eles together. Sbovel tip a ridge as hiyh as the length of your plant, pine the raw ts a>, close '..ocetncr am they will t . root end on Lep, leaven et tot tone pier-. straw lightly reg.tinst t Lein no you eau soe the piano,. nother now on the', and so on, on each side, until joie bare it at uut tem feet wide, then ete.'er ell over with ctn6w, than earth. keep your earth abott twelve inirthes all over, pet op loon.; avoid tramping aa you 15,,1l41, the inoeer tle moll tire more frost it will reteet. In cpening. begin at cue end, take eler.o acmes it; Odes will mond like a cake. If • very cold winter. cover this teeth over ground pit with leaves, laying VW brush to keep it 1.11, or ever - /gem hremeine. Your commiseion we - .611111"°;41 bleev Jest 110w1011111111S- gait up. to 11.11.• 4 1441..4 . 1.31 ,...gg .00e.tii,•• tie be* to preserve the ewe- st•': ewe you. Machu,. plezien. bold hy all druggist t and !twerp' Leak #1. Beld bi .1 the obey Grocery Las, ka atal.asey • big drib. lh Tem. This Meese Itima In sli druegiste efillwAnor5ineiE 0-1Z0eene°°"=. ni=s46 if 'illEADMAKE always on haod. and at prices Hsu cannot tor Rawl en. r ibmstead let deer west of Hence Hotel. Deed& dellvorsel Mali parts ot 'notelets e o• ail kinds pareboeu at beet market tetra. A Geed Rees Numbered with comperct ively hew ad- ditirns to the net of useful mere • Papa teenier" MOO* to be growing in feet r on Lamont of its many good qualities. Hume fault Lasbeen toured with it because of its having lost too area* cf its ewer foliage altiriug the latter part of the ter, so as to redder the plants rather un eightiy. But tetough this feature Lae Levu uot:ord in • number of est.,., yet it has nut born proved to be a chassetenatie Ike variety, because there Sie teeny xreptioras to the rule. Immune Mosaics t is quite possible that the plantar may have Itten overwatered, nr perbspe they may have been kept too warm; either cf Lich would be likely to produce such a result &never. the fact remains. that Papa Uiontirr will he largely planted. aid ill also be touch used for summer new - erne. both out 01 401,1. end under ghee. The Sowers tar not only much larger, but ve much more substano thou the old sad popular Bon hiker. A Word About rnieuty. September or October is the beet time sow timuthy. The best soil for 11 10 11 bottom land Timothy is tbe stand- ard of comparison ea a hay grass in the nurtin but is not so well adapted to the mouth an mine others. It is not • pasture grams. se the roots benne bulbous. reps eially.on epland.sed ltd... not ben gree- n( well nee drought. But it yields very ey crepe of hay per saw. Sow about fteen puunds reed per acre on a well narrowed serfcee in September or Orfo- r, Febriary or Mardi, and let the next o elver the seed (toed stable 0*0145. a roir.post of stable manure. <eaten seed meal and kainit or • first rheas Ea - misted. pc:truth fertilizer twill do, using 3)to 200 llamado of the fertiliser and wire or three then as much coorpost ac- cording to coneenteation.-lhoie Farmer. Peet Le' sa le tiarerp. Foot rot is • disease most &Re to et- ll'at tack 'burp that are in luw, eit 6 ovum'. It is comparatitt-7; unitt.own on he 417. ithieJle soil. American Age:a-taints% gives a French ctode of treatment fur foot nU 101 141 sleep. la France the mill of lime has been found useful 5. preventing the spread of Mt' the disease, and for the erre of I I eases Shallow tanks or nays are placed 1I af the door. .of the cheep Gam anal Co anl =We am they go out or in. bathe their for in !lie liquid. These tanks are alsou ten fere long. and of a width suited 10the dcves of t be sheep barn. The .ides are .bout four inches high. sad there are strips nailed crosswise on the bottom t prevent the animals from slipping as they pus through the Ird. Lumps of qukk time are pined tie, which, 01.1 the ad dition of water. slake. Mil =era. and Mesa Deere. IRS. DARTS TRIPLET& "sadist Cleveassers Prise /or Me three bast et the Aware County*My, to weg riameet= de mem triMa lets he Ids of Wm A K 14,t,kt, she write* " Lott •ugua tke Mae WIT erk, and re I coed set no entsrulbg meld mil thee. 1 ccormallaild .is dLm.i010y004 Ii neipre teem Inelleastely, tad Mayhem tree as well as mem14 1 onm dim I____bege'l Alt In ths Pd it1W MS meru-isel 1 '' 111114111116112 at va• Ina, marimbas.'" _ -4 sai err Om eier Lactated Food bibs bra Food ix botUe fed babtes. It teem then well. eded Is better than modlegis nen they an =a THE MOST PALATABLE, NUTRITIOUS. and DICESTISLS FOOS, Lia/LY PREPAEED, At Druggists. 211e., 1111.00, sae new *of Ma* onctexat rooa. 100 Moab far an Infant for 111.000 aW A valuable painiSlet on "Th, Nutrailla • Waft medlars/ids" Mae mapplipaucsa /LW MIMI It M. INTIM& fib 'or l• ote- • .• R17, 4. • tdr. cs :w Rsueva C.7.1Z 11.?7711E214 ' f • UT; fr 2 JA."L • 7. OF THE HEAP T. ',NTT OF C? st. "NE ITCSA;.^.Y, L'Ed1,72:,r•.; L NEU A:4W VIE, W THE SriN, s..eloweet Vrtt. • t. -2.h, al "et tee.' ,9 'qv see arlsto new IlOWL-Ilt is 4 E f 40 • ••,?. is , • T. num E cf. ```"ItZerre A rel•respoodent in Real New Yorker ___ write", 1 have wondered many times while traveling over the country why it is ' o that ell farmers will stick to the old prac- tice of putting the large barn doers ou the - outside. covering them with a roof - interred against the board., thee en- deavoring te make the tern storm tight. ail f door covering. en water runniug (Iowa itivide tbe barn Why not put tee done Pi onto ee' a wr-Ta.s. •uslia: the hand of tam 'Werke el the Corporator of the County tw,,idoe 1 would do it ii, taw way. mama jelsitisterrte! ripen 14e e.r..... t. 4.1 oti.ely. NW Celaialladialri= LOY, upue tiri lands here - dew *iteet 'r. - Use a' • ear. '4 see respectively dee t t. together wi the owes : /airing ("It the frank"' Pat at er(141 Ill. to I Nto-oce le Is tel'y .„-,..,0 e AA n the Iv .011 Taxes and Cone are sooner paid 1 Shall in Cum- eorm-,pned with the ewe to be ocrupied 1 pionee with 1 he A mossmeat At t, Vey. 1, R. M. 0.. proceed to sell by public Auction. ate by tom, door wboo opsit ma amt. jog ow 1 s.tsimi :wok „. "'mho I., re. 41W mar toe rieroacary to discharre the tatel", at tbe 4.20URT outside mill back et this point about two n011 K. io toe 'I. in "4 ... isofrdetril..sn TUESDAY. the TM IC NT1ETH der of IN3WEIR- inebes. end she tu gin at the top es the hen min st *Mt v 4.4.-.4 .I. I...e •afterstaes door. Now board down from above, let- 'TOWNSON? OF 88IIIIELD. ling the boar& project below the girt Pref. DESCRIPTION 14.? ne PA VT 81*ItirT no r.).1. ACRES OS Tsx CS Clunk TOTI.. three or four inchen ranee the door track ni, Leer. 10 Vra. D. Varrti $ Veil $ r1$ cll.. to the girt so that the door will slide put li. r . IS 30 Pat'd • 04 1 2 II le bark of tire boards projecting down from above. A strip nailed across from board woo, pert ofT01761117 OF ItOWICII. 1 NI Pard 122 ar 5 • tat 32 te board at t1115 bottom opposite tbe fin 1 11 142 - 11 71 I r; IOW make.' • apses for 48. 4...- to roll in, and an venal ran get a Anent° take the doer VILL&011 or faatwial Ix 111011Tex. off of the hasps. Whoa it raise thePart el Pork 23 1 Peed se 1 st 1 se water Will follow down the upper hoards Pak are kili p,,,,,, a. 0 pact ut fl Aline Si. South nie Pard s 13 I • 0 • 1 Copra' 51 m 1 45 17 54 over the outside of the Mew and thanker inn of 2' Pottfoti ftt. down the door ter the gem& This plan V111.110a OF swum le noekca. IS 14 Pat'd si 115 1 57 dues array with the seed at • roof over the doer. tit:Lacs or g•xcIalTiat IS IICILIITT. =Wag with water form the of lime which Is smother name ter whitewasth. I the sheep on ramie; oat being litter with them this should he reeroyed from the lank by means ef a rake. Where this dismiss has established Itsed the sheep tenett be treated individually. The dis- eased horn of the hoof most be rut away with • sharp knife. and all alters ailinessed. A oonerstrated solution of aul- plats of copper (Woe vitriol of blue Mine) or a caustic. oiatieeet sone Wad itheakt be opptied. A favorite ointment of tide disease oossimsts oir • liaely pow- dered bine vitriol. one pound; Enely dered verdigris, Leif. pound; hawed oil. ems pint. pine tar. ores quart. The feet ere thoroughly neared with this. which is not it imbed oft, se a solution would be, by the wet grass. • Tbe result is vez soon • leaky, rotten Cr, Owe Wefts, Orasego. 1 write to recommend rye for whiter grazing and slater cutting The arionnt of green food obtained from rye is surpris- ing. The only labor is putting in tbe seed and the cutting of the grain. Oats are hemming quite untrustworthy, in consequent* of the "cold swaps." which = r to have become chronic with ua. Iwo or three winters the theetno- aestei drops down to 10 dogs. or Re ..lgb. horhood for one night or sena spa the telt oat. are badly injured. Many are aban- doning the pleo=olfrcets In the fall In consequence hs objectionable from Its beard and requiring very rich soil. Ry. Is MOOR hdy than oats and. when well manned. will give satis- factory rettiras.--Soutbern Cultivator. Th. Illestaleg Int The mouthing bit le the Seat and oat] one that sheuld be used with & young of hematite tate the use id the hit, lit horse during tire first year .1 111. traluiliz shape. fat ildIng or drivin4. or until 8. 11. 1, be that the Bettereby Pi. la • pot to lobi feasort imp meddle or bernem is his treatise am Hi, also yam b lag horse the evil veto 1140 feared 18 orbiter,. or ("Win/ of the, rotrueni of lb mouth by thilipernev• at • bog bit sod I� the purpose o1eseathhie- 0.0 110 itrobtlialltd& Nita No fruit shade 1. waste Allot moan be should bot emperatel .r of the many 'styles Gni' oreggegtorg. traria whent14sI10 or • tossIbe berrisa all kinds, sells at hatter mien a: • Isom evaporated.. sad la urdyile use due*/ trialit. than dried. 1 BREAD so* _of we Yeas took 11.1 Fast relate at Oman, sEensi ree. esseerea Over okras MUM berm mimes , to ray that k serpanses aay pee • *-1" cur Lard hy diem 11 maltaw the ername old** **co* hese& roils, heir ard ock wheat pancake. It.a.ers an sararIT eyary area is Canula ant naing It. PRICE FIVE CENT, tus NIXON STURDY. GEORGEBARRY, AND The illadill°1 UNINIAlier Oil Dcaler, DECORATING. ELLIOTT & PRETTY .1.. ters sod te,oratc isoceremen 10 11. ••• lyre *elm 51,- ear Laos:arias. atilt el. 1.4.0 T.:eta/al to 1111 nil 014,:a In Mawr - Mg. Pa.t.teag. Resumintng and General Lie - Omer Mg Oroe.otett at tb.- shop on Nteesionlq., or met by molt win be prontptly attended 10 01 ransom . stes. -Mem 'LLLIOTTE-PRIETTY.- - EliVELOPES 1 3itrr ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, LETTER PAPER. BILL HEADS, Etc Ma, at THE • PR' STIRS SWIM 4:1511Ir PRICES REASORIBLE AT SIGNAL Merchants can get belt- its Heads. Letter Heads. /cc- a,. printed at Hos Milm tor vsr Ittle mere thee the. nesserslly pry for tee paper. and It helm to advertise their busisees. Call and nee taxmen *414 151 prices. 6000 WORK IS DONE AT SIGUL Samples & Prices on Application. WORK AND PRICES CONSISTENT LE OF LANDS FOR TAXES• seine. soma Cam. A fernier who has not failed to hen a perfect etand of men in tea years ra- te:Mont hie good leek to be *011404 01 saving and cora. H. p418. best sad earl iret ears as soca as am gland. Liss thew up and dries by Seeking that molt tarmaers spoil their good seed by drying In .a est tosibileg; them the cob La not dry when .'sr -hard besides weather area, taliewed by sett span, whkh eleakeye • yowl et the vitality. se that 11 (14. sena sleet. it Mobs vigor. & Surrey roar warm woneasa Termite ave a favored savored crop fee fields from which one crop leo &beady been taken If the fans hones well is nerd fee • ow. hien-etre for milk, liestne„ meat, eta, k should 11. kipt deo& and everything pat Wk. 1 thend he obsoletely mesa, bash and clean. lay 1 median has herd, takes the plan et damp trearidag fear the sehrey Oust. The &eta bssp is absolutely ter fowls. Mormons their IsisrariZ gads frees vermin and impurities. pea at. Eattorlalts isstrasaaasai pewit* lieoaskaiar or Ala ainaticea, sa e 11.5148 "'Vivo Portiot is WW1. am., mat by seal V51111. 5414 aminsiss 14boa isa. sarlhalt. • tiS aohttat tb *Ibis pm - yaw ass bah bib as way ta ea bag to * raft sitiplidli= tb. that say am* War liway sow. last WWII Ilbossas of taus sitt diserrapall osislisda. One plea ma sillsks aria Asa sbratatableutis Yak bib otbst sossys WAS o:::•• t A ailmwe Sarre, 1 You'd n or *35 rowirszir "7 11101tRUI Swale UM 1-7 6 U Perd 60 311 2 • 42 is TOWItalltr OF IICILILL01. 11 W. mann no0 4 Peed 5415 135 735 Nora 6 14 354 2525 115 3517 10358111,07 IITANUIT. Ptos-$lpsnofs 15. R. IL 0 Peed 1035 541 1) 37 mist: it ne wlets MAN 111 TIMUteltallte. LSI W.014 174 • eat 175 221 sc. 355 North 11.2 heath 4Xs 1144 lag 37, 11711 114 rs 1113 1/4 11116 lei laseth part 1 • Rana i• m name 11. Kamp X. .11 Peed .• Me 141.14(11 Off DAC 'TELL Ass St. Aan PM Kopbesrla 14. Play Grid Coo. V1ILLart Per. 511 on • Weil I. Fe 0',.I 0. mutat Or Inttliallia. tte Wos e▪ L ewe.•ala ars Pk - 1111.14.:11i or WIIONSTIGIL 7. North 41 Piottaat taill • ecriah Mt . W. 104 11 IS XI al.VTE. 35 1.15 14 retre ' 45.401 1111. Mt tea- ta • . h - 1 1 Pet:d IA 1 • 714 425 11 6 31 335 1* '15 6 dr 6 411 ‚4. 173 se 15 15 15 01 11 11 35 15 • OS 30 I 11 IS 14,1 1*,1 14 1 le 1 • Para • as so • El I • I PI 1 17 Pare is m 4 3 Iti '15 210 21 411 10 411 50 35 . 4,4 .54 ;s 75 11 'IA 0714 11 1;, • 1211 '35 fa t • OP 425• , 5013 5351 1425 "45 3 51 17 • 4 vs N 11 • 50* IT • • '7.4 W. ROLM RR Tmeespar eleessey • Rome. et* .•• - 410000110.1100hhoh.,,Onft .11,0 Ilan r, flan, ed neat door to his old et.oul oa transition Street. '.1,,, be will be planed rei Ilimr, all 11 5. Wel t "aroa,rtr. aryl inanj now wane. The Mad° Ilhould remember lieu be Lisle the 1.1114:140T era allaT assortment ut rerun ere IR the Couhly gat ratiaTtlashei in all its !-c-ontimil itrceaptly attended ba. (''r him • call woe baying elsewhere. George Harry makes a specialty of pit-ruity 10115 St INC et lowest pricer. 3-=0. 33.e1/4..,R="2".• Hamilton -St., Gaetano& 25 The Square. Goderieb. .oniesse AM OFFERING s-d1"ifiakkR, M 1 LL1 ERY - Greatly Educed Prices, many article* of vrbich wit' be at WWI COST MISS GI- R.A 1--I A. M, SPRINC MILLINERY MRS. SALKELD'S. The latest. Novelties of the serum can be found On tor North aids of UN &'.m MOUNTS, SHAPES, RIBBONS, GAUZES, and eery-thuto to be found in •' firs -chase !whiner,. estaldiabaseat. A new Imo of CRAPE AND 1>TT-TI\T'S M. been added. Cell sad examine the Nock and ret prlees. Avast for Parker's goer Dye Worts. Tomato. 111144•1 Edna- 1341.1..1C1E1..re. CHICAGO HOUSE I have just returned from the cities. and am now receiving The latesr lines in SPRING MILLINERY. My dressmaking debarment is also in full work ing order A c2I1 is respectfully solicited. A. J. WILKINSON. 0 _eigL'eYdr, ases:z e„air • S. - s e",./":"•4 112 pERFutor ma FAIR Goes JosReceived at Ms 35idies1 Hall by P. JORDA N. and will be sold at Prig Hard Timm. 041 sied see thee Were oakum yen pantheon T. JORDAN, Medical Hall, Gods:rich. FLOUR!.FLOUR! The new full Roller Mills at Port Albert using the LATEST & BEST MACHINERY will be running. about the 7.84h of February. Fortner. cot (bay invited to give thein a trial. OHOPPrINTO- r:•02•TP, ENTIEIrt JAMES MATIAFFY, Proprietor. II a ' • " • Sk 46• • I., 'it •