HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-9-14, Page 64
o. • frO , ,t
Ter or The Lareas. biasn. as. 1-17l--Cenr
WI Tyres 7. 11,-Dorre Tors 1 Own s•
6--rowirsentory by Doe. D. Pl. Meares
Woodyard from Lesson Retest Quarry, by
siertnewas ot U. le lloirera.
puisaber I
1. Tho drat verge of our later anal the
MPIPontheni in our Inst lemon Dili, re
ce more at lead/ate pwhere w
m e
Thirty -Wien years have prised siace the
epee /*arched out the laud, the forty years
from Egypt have now about expired tore
pare xx, et, mid erre 20, and they are
again et the borders ce the promised Wad.
Of the beery of err thirty-eight years we
know almost nothing; 11 was HEM 10111 he-
ceiume of direedience, and they bave made
progrene Here is brought Ware us •
weighty principle which we would do well to
censeler. %Then Abrams *ft Brehel and weal
dewu to F.gypt became of the tame» be was
iset of coniniuniuu with God, *041 feral ouly
trouble until be got beck to Bethel. (Oen.
xii, 10. Ell, 3j Whea he listened to Sorel
coneerning licear, which was esuggesteun
of the nese, ere find a Week in I.im her
of thirteen years. (Gem xvi. 16; xvil, I.) 11
yo ni would morello the apparent discrepancy
between the 4e0 year. of 1 Kings vi, 1, and
the 513 yarn ot Acta see, 17-21, pins David's
41# and n Solonsua, total 523, you have
only to wel np tho lost time ot tbe captivities
of Judees 111.8, 14; ir, 3,3; v& 1; ate, 1,
which gives von 03 lost years when the ne-
ther was out of fellowthip with Gal because
of sin; this subtracted from 7.73 elves 480 and
proves both moor& correct. When we can
look at thieves from Otide standpoint we
shall -Oral ali the arryinrent-rontreehretons
/emir ture vanish Gi nest before the scn. la
tbo law ef the Narrits Noui. vi, l when-
ever be wee defiled by any nueleasuirvi, the
days of les detiletre•t were lee; lo every
..lay or boar in hick we twit tot practically
-separated to God is jute tnne lost, for all Was
Jest dust is not dom. in fellowship with Gal.
2. e No water, • • • they gathered
itesinst Meer." At Marsh the letter waters
had been made eweet, cud at liephidim
abandware of water had been brought from
the asettee rock for them .1ex. eve retie but
they were so forgetful and unbelieving.
-be& eVeoteel' Gal that us bad air."
Them v biseem 50 aneroid for teeth are not
always tie most ready wbea it cores, and
those who are r,aliy ready for that great
change are genernily content to have the
time and way to Hun who orders all things
for the best to thaw who love Here "To die
is gran" for all thee u he can truly my 'for
me to live b C=" To depart and be witb
Christ is far th•ui ouch sufferieg as
Tine oe The Lessom Deem imate. 1-111.
Corrie 6-7--Deletee Tom Tor.
le. -Thrasieeoury b7 ta... D. EL
(Costarred bur Lessem Helper Quarterly. by
permissive et 11. 3. llosTmaa. Philadelpbse.
"And Mors war sp." Many a Um* bad
Moses gar up on a mountale to meet and
talk with teed, but never bare had be goes
up mot to return. There is something so
saysterieus about the going out of • person
trona the tabernacle Ira which or bas so.
jourtard us earth, either for tow or many
years, that though or may have witnew.,J
maey saes seers it is ever a most solemn
ftp When the or called upon to depart
11112 etiserfuey say, g14011 su, Fatber. 1 arm
ready, *id quietly arrange all earthly inae
*ere then joyfully await the call, it is indeed
• girous eight. Breed Defeat that He has
taught us in Ile ward, and by the hew of
miry of flis saints, tbat it is ponsibie, and
our privilege, auto walk with Him bere tbat
we tuay lone all fear of awe\ and daily re
jeice HMI prosper of beteg absent
trent the body and proym.t ith the
Lord whenever 11. shall se thin our
work bens is Cenral. Moses bad long
ugo fursaken all the pleasures and
aunties of this world, choosing nither
Wier affliction with the people of God than
to e.sjoy the plwoures of sin Lora room, es-
teeming the reproach of Cher ereaer
rt:brs than the treasurer in Eg....1,t;ousi for
at Wait eighte years be ha41 euderol, as NW.
ing Him wbu e dieb. xl, 24-e7).
But now he work in • mortal body was en-
illyer•Reet WaiteiteW.
Hes iota Bei.... Meows -ire yeses
.4 bodes wok, leer tat. espeeereis
of sumo. h 04411 sirs. h Sad 1•1111•1%. 1..ii
*Whet thiel aej ewe
neve, aid v la and et it 111 their
sliced Wilgus. and 1114•11a
teseses Deer Pig - Hake in deep
emery isuatt.re. °Deb., f ,,4
.1micsr sod butter creamed tee, Os..,
Add tito lour of tee . raneee. 1).. ',e.t.a
reel .4 eue and b..- eggs errors •1 14
Mt s It • l'tdot.o• -1).:..t&
4 a cepfui . suit .r. thee tetesepoeneo.
of nielore butter. Ulla reit before self
uoe cupful tuek. one pea.. .or.' d
fht,e tAhlrep,...1,11.illi 141 bakitei vender.
Put ..:.heli of tire a...1.th in a posh:dot
dish, c.,,,rrd with Heck twines *fel adJ
the feet of the deugh.
• 411! eltEkt1 CUNTiielo. -.!t1r1r.
it. a eeh erir • kettle boiling • ••
o -r. oneemirth •.f a rake etuelo.
and add to • toilet crime& .e .4 •
pert of utile, the yolks of five rugs. 1
eiblespeeefult ef sere, arid two thbe.-
.1.....efels .4 corn -starch. ltsksr ia et pa
atid rile meringue of the whites .4
0. ere eygs owl tee half .4 a cupful t4
uter. Pt Poore.- Mit together step
*n.1 Ire half :tureen ef pc federal snots
efted tin,...) aud sop,* .4 Nee
wall one reasp"oldul ..f end* dilleolved.
Athlone plot ,4 dour $ fted Onsioi;
one trap...idol ef cream of Mater, PP •
tableapeoefuls 14 melted hotter. the
sheet of three eggs beaten st.ff, sea wee
t•hle•po.ui!ul .•f Bake iu a ittailf
II.ertallliarl" PIS --It ..ke oio-o &he.:
..4 pastry, one large eopful ei stewed
eeeselerties. etrned to taste, .td
„tree eller baking reel powdered surer.
iskriete wearer sievands mootleof thebee ---1,4-319-1--F-P-IATer-- 1".11 "'tiler "-
teat year ainee they 1.11 Egypt (wet i. 31, peen .4 ester -, -ani jiiiii.--i-tr 111iiiTiii4..t.i..
*nd.L6 h*d reh.14rsed t" Uwat 1111 th. "Y bY "he larli• clei).i:11, a‘ild.fe.lir‘vurt.taanibleil:',447fail:
witieh they had been led, end all tbe eme oetaes to a
nt.u.,....le.fsta of (be Loot; he had geyeu them •4 c..111-11.01rCh. feel until thee: ere
=other wee, and had blared the tribes tuba e.ur nee a peddine di.h. Mae., the
text:, seethe both sons and Wowing reach- 1 itieringee .4 the is Imes a three eggs are
in e era to the time of their, to us, st..:, future brown,
elore; be had appointed his successor reed
laid hie hands upon him, tied givesi Lim e
charge in the sight of all the congregation I
attar writ, L1-231; and now he is to be galls I
wed unto hie people.
lee eAu4 the Lent stewed ben all the
land." He is now shoe trithetteletlet ...
ail telt behind. his earthly work Wel down:
but Dare be ...Tarts from earth he is per -
meted to see that goal laiel elude oa ac-
count of sin, he was not permitted to enter.
He had beemeht the Lord to et bini go over
and see the Lind. but the answer was, 'Lot
It suffice thee, speak no more unto me et this
matter; thou shalt bebold it with thine eye.,
bet lbw shalt not go over this Jordan.
Paul eaditued, and pe Paul was willing to Alert iii, 33 -ere When Pant besouget the
e admire, knowing that "tee sufferings of this Lord thrice for the afft.01111 of the thorn in
present time are net worthy tu ho empanel the erre the Lord's answer was, "Sly grace
with the glory which shall be resealed in us." is sufficient for Uwe." In Panes owe the de
G. "They fell upon their faces; and tbe re of the request and the continuance of
glory ref the Lord appeared ante them." the infirmity was lest he abould be exalted
Thus did Moore and Aaron, and tee is nur above measure; in tbo Calle of Moms, his re -
wisdom in every difileulty. We rest on Thee, (Welt Wall dented because of his sin (Nem.
0 Lord cur Gal, let not lean prevail against xxv.i, 11), which, although forgiven, still
ust was the cry of A•13. 0 our God, we have left a present unpleasant result Fourteen
no might, neither know we what to .10, but hundred years later Mows did stand m that
oar oyes are upon These 550 114. prayer of gond land, when with Elijah be talkol with
Jebeiiiimphoit (it chron. alv, 11: az, 14, audit' Jesus ut Ile tleCea.S0 about to be SCCOlh-
«inch casae there was • great victory. More Pirdled-
Imitating ot self in the dust before God, and 4. *This is the land whiels I swore unto
whole hearted reliance upon inlet, with • Abraham," The promise had been made
reedinems to do whatever He my i or be still nearly 50e years before (Gen. all, 7), yet Abele
and amit Rini work, will cause ter ruore often ham hal received no inberitence in it; no,
le. see His glore. not so much sato est his foot on (Air vie 5).
7•I*. "Take the rod, speak unto the rock.' Rh weed, which has Crown from One to min-
Tbe urd•rs were simple, and all that was re. ions, is now about to take pospeosiou of It, but
gulled of Motes was simple and implicit they die not, pewee it fully, nor use it well
obedience to thew orders and the results when they got .t. end uuw for more than
would surely follow. just es the Lord said. IAA years they bare been mit of it, ac.1 yet
Th rock 1 I been mitten at Repheinn end it is their land and God will make good to
----1111evalsebeistis They Leek Wer.
• women dile!. in regard tr. tart
kind uf wen they tient 4.. marry. hated
there germs to be very ten w ho hare
eucetedrel iti getting the 0110 fan:, had
fart them. No eteile sere
I,.4 Una minds wade up te warty au
ideal, but when their fates witne...ierie
the 'Jett was fergetten, and ta only re
called ea au illy t.i.ey. With IY.sue
11..1 be mere armies. Fur itlitelier.
those OS.. abanaened ehetr ideals bee
maimed reties sue we:eters creatures s.
the sore of Meat Theft, tlaf41•11.1.1•aita
often recall the hnsimuds they /fed tit the
miudei eye, or the worthy yr:0g met.
whom they had snubbed because thee
were peer. "I am an old writes
a correspoudent, or at emit I am clam-
ed with this set. My pain fully justify
the peeler peeple iu giving me • heel
seat. I hail an ideal. St. fully wse-I
unpreeeesi eith the tdes that s tial,liask •
hsteisome wt werild come to
tue that I would not allow myself to care
for any one of the many geteleinen she
were animus to become my suitors.
Well, he cute one day, and I was cote
tate that he had been sate by my co4.11
angel. I lured hint at sieht, an..1 w era
hare married him wi•htn • month. It
was not long, however, until I foued Mit
that he draek and gambled and del mane
other wrung thief's. Then I gatherer;
all my strength, and said r.o. • He pro-
mised te raor.n fur my sake. but rain 1
said no. If he would tedious f,r
own ..le at. frout princip'e he weuili
net reforn perciateutly for me. Ile de.
thew things because it was in him dn
them. 1 take te, stock to thew seeti-
ineetal reformations. They ..!dm out-
last the heneymeon. My ideal was not
ItatA in tiedine reeler angel fur wee se
• ike he reheated. A year after thed
marriage she was the moot misstates,
creature i ever ktiew. He died a (sta-
bler, and one a rerrcw-stricken wife 21111
MOther. I wou'd Say to all young led!** :
Have ideals, but resolve to Marry
mina but heree, indettrions, sieher.
manly Ince. Study to inak• pestle vas
flume cempetrions for such men, aud
you will 111T0 no troulde in eluding .eh.
My ideal man lieunts Itie ; yet ec.060
I see tine that res.:Wiles him I shudder
and shut my eyes. - great was my gur-
prise, and to bitter say disappointment
when my ideal eiteshed, tied I nater
hare had the heart to think seem if
O •
Water 10 &,'j04ante had flown forth; that Abraham, LOW ar! Jacob, personally, his
water went with tbern, and it there was any personal promis, to them. God lives, the
defleiency In tbe 'apply it was bemuse of perems live to whom tbe promise IMO ride,
their sin, to prove them and lead them back JOLOP lives wbo died and roe again, ell the
to Him, fee llo would have to draw our sup- pruner. of God in him are yea and in Ilia
pee from Him daily. Christ our rock hoe amen one day is with the Lord as *thousand
been mice smitten. once for all, and the sue years. and • thousand years 51 050 day; be
ply ot living water is atrundrie Our ani patient, be trustful, he steadfast, be fully
were laid ou Him oil Calvary; He made pro Perywoird. and rP.iolco In hoPe of the glory
pithitem for the ere er tee whole world; tie of God; the resurrection will make it all
now I teeth to make intercemion for all whc Plain, tee thnt you tat• Part in th• Ent am
accept the forgivers, thus obtaireet There 5 "8" Mosolethesereaut of the Lord, #111•L"
1*00 more laying sins on H im, no more brute Although before the deluge people need
lag of Him: but if we trimegrese and the seven, eigbt and nine hundred years, yet in
stream of gnaw rune low to us, we have only doe tiros they diet "It 111 appointed unto
to speak to Run In honest confession and men oocr to die" (He& ix, 27), and yet there
is a common saying to this Alert -cibe thing
tree sball be cleansing and restoration.
e. _mom tone eh. rod fro= beton, te, is Wu we newt all die -welch is not cur.
Lord." After the retellion 01 Korah, Dm, rect., for the Spirit says through Paul to
1 Cor. xv, 31, that we shall not all
than and Ab.ram, the rod of Aaron which
budded, and brought forth buds, mid blared Wel* Or dist, hot in the twinkling
bi and ymekel aimonde, aJI m of an eye be changed at the sound-
nigh up before the Lord to be kept hig .4 the trumpet So ys the Spirit
for a trot the rebels and their mule she in I Thera Iv, 15-18. All true believers
who are elite when Christ returns shall for
muting" (xvii, 14-101; 1141. rod MONO
to take in his hand as a witness against teem His sake 1.e seemed from keeping their ale
when he went forth to weak to the rock. point, and being instantly changed,
shall las cameet Christ in ti
he ar.
10. "Must we fete.h you water cwt a this caught op to
rack," Although they bad been on their et "And 11. htueed him" Meet unique
faces before God, they still prove themselves death "it burial erer arzeorded to Mortal;
hot weak and sinful monies; the flesh, tbe God and angels welcome hire to ths spirit
old ?nap. is not reckoned dead, and the Holy world and Ow Lord buries his body. When
Spirit is grieved. .11110. MOW. and Aaron* we bury tho bodies of our loved ones, though
that ever 11,5.1 could not fetch a drop .4 w• lay away the form "r• bete looe•ri upon,
water of any reek, but God hath said:
"Speak, and it shall give forth bit water."
The sun gives Its Hee and heat, and the
doe& give their rain, but all the philosn-
pbers and wieners of the age manta fetch
either tight or beat from the son or a drop of
rain from the "loads. (hid hes gives to us
Ilte Son, and in Him eel lemmings temporal
and spiritual for time and eternity. We have
only to own to Him that He may 0011110 *11
and feast. us with Hie fullers,.
11. "He smote the rook twice." A melons
God tronli not let even this rebellier people
suffer because cd the sin of Hie servant
Mows, and so "tbe wary came oat abun-
dantly." One has said that "Grace
triumptied rite of Moir' failure," and 111#
not Just so every day! W bo is there that
serves God without sant And yet He pee-
ler mooh sinful measengers as we are be be
'cheerio of Wooing to °time
114 12. "Y. believed tne nee to satietIty owe
The eyes of Isnot were by tbe want* of Meese
our friends with fOrfr and features just
se real bave pawed beyond our reach; are sled en any particuiar day or days of
and from the dust of Use eorrupt- the sleek thins on the others.
ibis) body shall come at the regurrecUon "Now, %delay is sleeve • pretty
an Immortal, tacorreplible body with the rood day, herause on Sunday the stereo
!°27U11..(.1 are closed and perple have ter to thath
"""' Whr't _, "ram uP 'ea just wh .t they teed and to. 1.y their
el.ns for the week. If women oenelude
t.. make any nee attic!. fur wear drew
the week they al.neet itivariably do their
shopping the first thing Monday morn-
ing, 110 110 th-y can get to work st them
as euickly as possible.
Tuesday e not as geo4, for T hex.. no
tical that there is always an tieusual
Dumber of lathes settee around the store
that rimy leek ing at greele, hot they de
Whew Ladles ale sropnling.
'1 -es, 1 have eienty of opportunity 10
study human retie, and to tind met
Just un which deys people like to do thew
shoppiege said a 110.4-esIker W,tna-
mekees grind depot tu a Philadelphia
riveter yesterday, in au roaster 1.,
the questio• as whether iii•re goodie
Don't Wait
Until your hau becomes* dry, teen. seed
gray before WO leg the attention oared
to prepares Its beauty aad vitality.
Keep ri year tura-tare bottle of
Ayer°, Hair Vigor- the ..ly dressing
pm requite fur the haw -and use • little.
daily. to preserve tee mural weer awl
prevent Waiters.
Thomas Monday, Sharon Grove, Ky, ,
erne.: Several mores ago my kir
err Rented friths out. and in a few
week* nay head was almost bald I
tried many wassidies, but they did so
good I dually bought • bottle of Ayer's
Hair Vigor, and, atter using only • part
of the contents, my head was covered
with a hoary growth ol hair 1 recor
read your preparation as the beet ler-
restorer la the world."
" My hair was faded and dry," writes
Mabel C Hardy. ot Dolmen, III.; "*1.1
atter ue. ng • bottle of Ayer's Halt Vigor
it became black sail glossy."
be rewarded ter arteite done in the mortal
body, he at the marriage of the Lamb, and
then with Christ reign over trowel. How
Ion the body et Mouse resained buried we
are not told; but tbat he bed the risen body
on the Moont of Tranigiguration seems evi-
dent from Jeri* ix, for not only dew' the
devil hate to eve Ilp • SOW to Christ, bat be
also hates to have to give op tire body of a
▪ from the grave. And if the Nati Child
of Rev. zit, 5, ine!adet the risen mints of
IRMO, IWO 131141fT1O4UPI 11111110thitla of the „et 1„e„ many pemi,„„. They eve 1
cause or the wet heaven (•b•r• "Own°
between the same two puttee dently ilrup in mute to spend t he time
than t.. bay. I have, therefore. acquired.
& "The childreu of 14rael wept for MOM
thirtv da" Ilia hetet ,4 sailing Tuesday "sitter s' I
gaited by their departure we cannot mourn day. W. -1'1°614a! 114 (me the best 45)1
sod Aaron directed to them, and rot to th•
to if mons mad Aaron wero giurplyfrig I for them. "If ye loved nie--anid j401 0, of the week. as., Or Thursday, whieh
sTuarased. it es wrie.„, sm tee Lord; the relit of his betrayal -ye wont.' bare re. . fs Called "Ittsfirt's dey out. Their
_ al, and agem, ens si•, 2E). If we believe that our loved rat are so many ef them that they went et,
IP•••°_,_,_0,F""•-n, 1.1 hm. glory in te.„ eAnr are with Christ la parries we cannot but be nevertheless. Friday is the ',fleet day
Tee_ Ii07. whemeasr as asseems 4„ glad for tbem. We marrow bemuse nt our in the week, for while th are always
1:Zerberi Lae eyes at the poop. sa lova and b-C.1111/P rd this enemy death, which • 'Teat many leder@ out on the day, w hen
rest 00 50 or our tablets or our wisdoms we I hums" c't sin "'MI's"' its fearful work with the weather is favorable thee are tree -
are them ram" asertury eh. lewd wow, !•bodies of men But Ye as look up, tor ly eut fer s walk, and dost do mach
three wad diequalllying ourelThe to be their 1 death ttert:f 141•11 In destroyed.
that it my maw, and my priory ein e " jeered beeline I gn MAO tbe Frier" (John purcheare are usually smile brut they,
11. 'loser was eel oe the vire of wee " "h•rei"re eldrogoll it Till+
mo emi failure ey sias „nos of 1 Ina the giant ot God (Oen. 111, ores
"e•- was saveetifled Le thent• What- dm.° ernken " "ne In rp-ror-ened-1-11'11. rio-ne-rin Kast eta'''. but Sid
leaders, dine- A.. There ei
00‘ isu moll seventy were appointee to amid God i the purchases for teinday meet he mein
tatainuort,"*b.:""guwv a his itamma-"rbaa „pi is took of the Sprit that wee us -u% him and pee on this dale It leeLes the beet of the
61 71a; lt I1*514us.
reereelealLard Irtasideseir'S-7irramn„,'" obilliteilmenTab.eneewiththeinthei.the7KFirsiziween: eprvaisie64.-eliefoa: week.
• terdeviest 'Drama. •
im woos is • u ems, to moo boot to to voice by the Spired, the Spirit spoke eta TIN larger organ, sad ono thetniplays
owe int esa aad rosa,e ta--- the sposties had to wait at Joesessissos until body is the Rohr If torpid ire intuitive
i'tbiraw 1 , , woe eta•".....,1 1,.. &gm, wrought all ilhal IMO RInwell( aril and did; • Controlling part on the health the
rlibr h., ni hod on ea as win, and tas, 1 they ~rived th• baptism ot the Spirit; and the whole system beemiefie alioessed. • t .
Ayer's HairVigor,
s...1C by Druggists and Perfumers
Pimples and Blotches,
disfiguring to the face. forebead. and
Deck. may be entirely removed by tbe
re of Ayetes Sareeparlita, the best and
latest Alienates end Blood-Puritier ever
Dr. .1. C. Ayer & Co., Lows% Mass.
Seal aY tallegailai $1, en bores ter
Rees PrIce & Son
have removed to the mammoth store
formerly oc...-..upied by Wm. Kay,
next to Bank of Commerce,
where they will be happy
to meet their old
customers, and
as many new
....T -RS PO R
7'; erse
Xg ere *mewed fer 51.., years wire
thee 4!sterseaw Dee
• 11'411. INS id • $4•••• 1:44 •1
is •If • ,t •./.. a sta.'
dila • •`Vetlt al ••••••“.." the. • •
tet eri ewe lf ewe./ preeered • Were iot
,..t.+1 &Wu. ma:, 5*- noel air .45,1
•1 P. wet ter twee lir t paw person. 1
altatot 4110 1%)) :telt Y rah... • • I
go; .r.seeti 11,4414 . .40 poe...itet ire •
trenv .teogain
use leer trill erosive se.el teller god
Ct: It ee, LILArt. Mt tl:e7. Yaraer
be 4,)! lietabliehee Beat .• • 'fa" et Orellertelt.MIS rillefilint with or of the Lenges
eee Is... the Iteasseire......bwo
r73t2.-:;47. eerytele uT
• .rg
IVtVII-.•1.. .
e;17• 7 - ..t eery steien•sp, me I twio • 4, ••• • ova ato..-'oar, fello I. 1 a!ilo est ihe strain*
of VA It I t• s. 4." of oly re, eldidi'•4113 4491itde tot thrin. tun a•
Calf, Itip and Coixrhide,
ol000l •
In 11..g.•„(. !torte, 011.atreall. iftsford Tire. '-ero .•'.-i of IS' ni Slipper-
..... r tee -erg lee nut. ...a. deli*. Shooed& Carpet.
t"%torr•sel Getatea Mier.. au puldi..1•1•4.
t'.• • •
ea ' " ' . 1 have a het of rclt s .e., met ackneeleiged to he the lieu Felt Hoot mode 1.
us °i. eau s 'gift ts
',....,:i.",...'• -;;;;sr, I ORDE3ciD WORK AND REPAIRING.
• ThrYlere bear tLr•se .1C:.* t• sat 1 hare 'sy :sr 14•4 :ante -4 stork of Sows and Shoes .s.
-- ----- -- -- --- - ---- low.. ; lam' are la the fvfy Ira. e toki..• precera ..e. ring nestle by i re beet manufacturerr. ii,
Grad'; Amid 1 will roll at peer an 140, Of tOilitlf nen •••.,vune elte.
9 i fot,a.tiiciytirtgi .• rreitistaustm... 7.1,tsfr.;-tlit:-.if.44:nred evst....e. so Elwell: isecord.d int during the past
• D
. E. DOWNING..ik_ miaow
BAKING _ - _ _
f:l• f S.: 1.-4:03eFeRTHIO, HELLEBORE,
liar• r: •
"kAgt-Itel'UOL 4C:4". -•f' • 44 tee unit
lees weice eirrern re eopeese ot Com. we
sr.4 teirr.tioa. ates • ai•Pt••• fur of
ere tee eropeteiee 44, :see. t'orne.
tershas proveled eesehowaIlear tier with a
4 ireeitee Nee eel wereite eke% may 104.0
"tele weir, hes •••:- eireate. pre gy be be
bu.t• •;:u• g 9G4 40
• dis y diloo7., it Imired. warm
ino.adrs are thee V' 43 • .ns leo e re.
teee =tee, e. 1' a .411..: cese We
tert illee tem=
WA, 141410. 11 rem; Matt
OtWfWeif aoetired treuse -"Cirri *Mu
br were. sbeeriellelek;:
2140.• timely u seiter or
wit .4% tIbent-
te, tarlded. Pi&
•EXT: OF •
olera Morbus
nct,..Eorr POWDER
my shopi. the Wee
style, put la Three
eel, Orr bee Choirs.
two ot arm the eele•
bested Rochester
Titter C h • ra. see
hired s jourrneyWout
iterlsst. tor are is a
pfleItiee 1,20 ggerel.
W.14 than barrio -
Lady's & Metre ie •
Haireetthig made •
specialty on ail days
emotive isieseday.
R.Lzor• sad lietwors
RAM es eat Street, two doors east of P.O., Gederiek
ni1 *remelted. while sharking reale for their liberal warmers hestowe4
neon him err voraitswiug briars. beg. to 50.1;,lner that he hes put down bis
prior to
SENTERY „Sem Berrox Ficeliesp
he etomseb. Ler
417, Vi•": sia
an whirs parterelarly to nth afteetion to his
from 10 cts to 75 cts per Ib, Maple Syrup, finest case Prunes
pure Spices, Lawry celebrated Bacon, cooked Corn Beef,
Cut Myrtle, Cavendish and C!ub Tobaccos, best
American fine cut chewing Tobacco, fresh
salt and canned Fish, best quality.
12 Bars of Soap for 25c. 3 Scrubbing Brushes for 25c.
*4,14 ri.A•Murtere Ledidda. Orde*.d, Mired Candy. • No. 1 Chocolate Drees etc *to. Otsfral
ItiHr • es.
1.116l F.
Procones crockery, Glassware. Flout Food03t5S..4*Id 415
Por by Jaime Melty d--1117".• Due
e aftese. Pre ewer $L
lerleiree price paid ter tinesent produce.
.7,te=ss ft bad arm; ! there nt barrels soil 1/11111,1114. for Liver and KiAsey if ell NIt Yourirer in ing
ismeomd ed entre est today err Ilned with the IMO Dr. Chase's Liver Ours is Reds aperally
lltfOT0*5. 511113 lliy Ills holy llama fel In Hie tervir reese. •
IFeefeeteed eurc al.*/ hank "" at -rile oignal
bed we 514511 1»
medicine Sl. 13eld ar Cragg:a.a
marsh SW, UK
the Squarik. Oudot**.
us IP