HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-9-14, Page 4.11.41tr •;- -'--. •r fie furon fignal ne resumes EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, AT TUB OVVICa: NORTH STRRIEJ. GOLICRICIL 11 ki • wide:Awake local se . de Med lel • oesinity wan the timer en la ante *et steentarnos a IM• year 7be. forourothie, 4. for niusiths. Hike d aot mak he senses eueleoriptise w be charged at IM 4 nil year. ittaboute nerve s low one ether casual adeartheeniento le. pm we ter Wet lisesetioa. &ad 3 testa Per bLe tor each suleamougat insertion. Memnon by • neaseared wale. Loom mesons in nonpariel l)pe 5c pee Lee. ewe. Lerma settees In urdariary readlas type ic pe year. Ilegaseas cards of ale lanes aud under 33 Per Advertisement, of Lod round. tinges, Situations Werest. nitwit:on Wanted *IA buslawed Wanted. not expending 1 lines aos el per month. Hawse on Oak. and Farm. on Bale. sot to teased dikase. El foe drat mouth. Ser per sub. magnetic Larger ad i ts in proportion. £0.1 mewl hotted the object of which to the pedianisry bosedt of any lade yertheniest aed c =1:rtionapen . to be coneidered as ad brred to. Them mamba will in .11 odes be strictly ad - t bpseial nesse°, larger advertisements. or advertisements for extended period, made *noon at um °Mee of putelication. ti11111118 DEritaT1111117. A NAY equipped Jolograo °Ince is earned • na in connection with the ordinary newspaper badnes,. where itrovelges work its turned Ow 01 reasonable rated Everything in tha pr:nt- lag ban as be done on the overawes: trout aa tualnated poster to • visiting card ic AU dun m unication. must, be addressed to 110._/EdIREILAtrgellgg._ • a Sanwa TUX Telepbees Call Wm IL ftedesegeOst. fiURON SIGNAL.. t• tektite.. kmap molten nis thisk thel • "Segueet" ie dome toward the Met eif the tisane when a gatberugg of weekss is stalled. But • heroism to the beat thee • colunial ma est. sad, ail It brings here dity with it. it is perhaps • better ow foe • man with • peuesuy to perpetuate his name them by cutout/ it 011 a tree with • jeckot nee, se tee wheel -boys are is the habit of doing. Taut Itituiree, however, dues not think that the 'meal statue of Canada has bees inspreved by conforrine • baronetcy apou 8ir Charles. TOWN COUNCIL AIMENITIE8. Now. I know 11% not • r:ght Mtn miestme gent fo call another 1111•0 an tee -at karst to a teen : Nor shornd the individual who happens Maui% Rep!) beaving rocks at Itlin-to any extent. tor • he- m be great -Bret Hart. %Viten the poet uf the Onseent wrote the above, he had in hie mind s eye • select body of men who looked upon the neelres as somewhat saperior to the scenneonalty. They bad funned itou • complay fur mutual Improvement, and aII things •ppeared to move serimmiegly metal the element of discord entered in tee shape of • scientific diseussion. Toe parallel between the Society ut the ., Stenislais and the Goderich counel it h Ads well from • good beginning to a I h THE ELECIIIIC LIGHT QUAMInton Threshed On! OP 'Wednesday Evening. mare resseensese Owns see iseesess- The Whew and fewora Goa se gagger. beads Isparlasamosineryease swage Indliahad S - • 4c Virgin Saw Wsuessoate Sept 12. An adjourned meeting of the council was held this evening. Presest-the .,or in the shier ; reeve, depely-reare, and councillors Radcliffe, Semliki, Col - burns, Whitely, McLean, Huinber, Proudfout, Murton and Nichohow. The asayer explained what heel been done by the special censueittee appointed to an to dafferent petals to weause 1ato the working of the electric light, and strongly reougazuelideJ the perches* of the Reliance light, cf 'Weeford. Mr Radclade endorsed what the sisayoe had stated. Judge Wdoe and Mr Cor- rie a tftratford, and others had spoken strongly to the Be11 light. H. had no doubt the Hall system was a good 4:00 ; and •0 Rail the Reliance.. Mr Humber esti Judge Wood had stated he w..uld not take the Reliance 'dem for a gift. From his knowledge f electric light plant he did not meads: wise to adopt it. The Ball light Wag eld up en .very sad• •• being the beet I• ght. He (Mr 11.; ounteuded that we elin should pt the bast, and • few bemired Ora dollars sheuld not deter se Irene get - t7' pantiagy,its.ntITtills.atR•waelianat!poeinatIPatlinaYt. ahh.oweldes •,,,, isfunoul, wail not an incorperated com- p' be taken into censideration when the er wet of puttiog in a plant was onoerned. Mr Corrie endorsed the °panne& of Judge Wood -in favor a the Bell system. The mayor, in reply to Mr Humber, said they had nut attempted to give the full text of what was said, but gaily the salient point& The statement of Judge Wood that be woeld not tak th haws system as a gift, was merely • ece of extravagant talk, and was owirie be Len th et the Judge was prejudiced inst one of the members a the brio. he clerk then proceeeded to read the re that had been submitted to th• nee. Whoa the last communicate the Reliance Co, was reached,reee nston objected to the reading of it, he ground that it was • sew tender. he meyor ruled teat the reev• was of order. Mr Johnston -1 want te explain ; I want to record my objectioua. 111 have !themayor and the reeve, the latter took 1 1 m7TAl'Ilateheireernipot•im;enolif-:Mktberenr.dIc.rogs:hnonsti.torinnarabougthwto: the chair. know better than disregard tbe ruling of his seat. I Mr Hunsler mid the last proposition ' of the Reliance Co. waa certainly • new tender. as better terms were wade than in the original tender. The mayor granted the town to re the benefit a the improved terms. Mr Cameron mid it was nut • ne tender, bat that the Reliance Co., be cause a b,eing uew, wanted to gin ad ba I endow. Along about New Y preeent 0301USOTO a the council w sort of • mutual admiration wens and the mayor, reeve and their other sociatesont cheek by jowl around the mu ieal table. Since that time bower, en•ientitic discussions have been fit order, nd tfie hydraulic pressure upon (arks pipes, the difference in the wont 'a 29 and a 26 inch cylin der engine, ie relative merits of a 1,000 end a 2,000 oldie power electric light, and other pert .mestions, have warped the good FRIDAY, !SEPTEMBER 17th, 1888 .1801-T al ring. The caree for titles widish peen& a.wonget the pofiticians 4 us ?Iey P•g• ty leads us to examine info the nature of these trainsplantings of feud•liern. 1-e to the tune of going to prom the highest iwe title that has been rioferred on Cain. .055 dian "celenials" has been that held by I Pie the late flar George Carom. and that re- ' the I neatly bestowed npon the present Sir igle Charles Tupper- Baremet. As some of Sa ant readers may not exactly understand ' fair the conferring a this title, Tee Sieve:. tAci i the amount of exaltation connected with " 1' has looked the matter up, and no. gives I, Poet fall particulars. Ti. title of baronet 1th• which is the diminutive a berm, is the lewest degree uf hereditary honor in the United Kingdom. Baronet* were insti- tuted, fur the first time. by King: Jaen" j Ls' 41 I , on the 2214 of til.y, 1611. The '.°r l ostensible ohjnet teas tr. promote the i The plantation of Clete', in Ireland, with land t English and fiattish 'milers ; but AID s stab real sini was to raise money. Each ronet was la. and te rneintein 30 sot gegiliooli of couacil. not fee active see- I tee°t'n I • had. diers in Ireland for those years, at the j el", Peelle), bet as a goarantee of r not Mow 1 rate of Si per diem for each man ; the ?Leith that he wi", not be anent if want- oliffe. t wages ull one whole leer to he pairt i ed. TO. co:pitiable cei'..1 have beee 1 the Rd itliy a ch. pstrut. The sum thus ' ine hist, if only peasant to see thet M- essner:1. with the fees of honor due to I Jontio othe shietro 'eget Won, (lid n,, be call second the officers, amninted to upersitcle nj 1 injure to himself of. any one else. C11000 on each potent. li is • striking psool of the ion f .r hereditary die- I WHAT is the National Policy doing Pi nature of slimed every man in the coon- t c 1. In addition to that, fate s.tiines, aga aid unpruduotive ones at that, have T turned eteli individual inember's wine to y.neger, ito, when tha matter calmi- foot, natied-on illr-i-seeday sight in an open Job rupture between the mayor and Meer, on and armed neutrality amongst the other ontr saber of the council, the grand climax reached, and the perallel wee cum te. It is not our autention at present time to ester into the rite or demerits of the ease. this it, that we emisiJor the •f- an unfortunate occurrence, aud ne reflecting no credit upon the per - pants. We puhnsh a f they full ro- of the eet-to in another column, in hype that when the saying* and do- ings appear to cold pilot, the partici- pants will feel that, even in the discus- sion of scientiOr euestiens, it is not well V how rees to an unruly toague ull vent to paasioisate fee1ing. re is one sveeestion we mead make, hat is that, hereafter,tbe town Coa- le be informal thee his pram:ice is reJ at the tewis hall darin h be __- be furthest wain* down in prism., Ind 0 alattanit tia lbw town would result The Renews mut sot.. imourporeted mem meaty awl could °ale giv• tedivideal seserity. The Ball, os the Whet head, ems a first-cleas esompany. He was *di- me to gn to tie people un the ory ecouoier, anti he belerred in re -tannin the tenders die monseil wield be best sarong the peldia. Mr Mertes wee aot is testae a throw- ime out the Rehaseem leader unapt, be- cause it offend better than waa asked for If sash an offer was made to him in his private tweaks he would sot thru• it away, and be failed to see why Noes should act differestly in pellets matters. When the Waders were epee - ed the Reliance repreeeutative was sot here It was thought that the extra utile and • half of commotion would be wanted, and the Ball and Braude representatives sanded their tend era in that regard. The Reliance agent had the game option given him. and toade his Wader $4,560, whin was considerate, lower than its competi- tors. The Realism* was • gen com- pany, and at first he favored lb. 11.11 system, but now that the additional guarantees bad beeu offered, he was disposed to suppert the Reliance. Theugh a root* *lucent and ouineer aired, the financial standine of the inem• berg .1 the firm was wood, and the light was a must astiafactory oae. Mr rue foot said that so tag for new tenders ad • osetai W55 oincierned, the watorwork tee had aoted precieely the now calied fur, in the J. A. REID lis BRO. OFIMMEE OUT A.... - LARGE AND CHOICE STOCK -OF New Fall Goods ! Look out for new Advertisement next week. Balance of Summer Goods away below cost. J. A. REID & BRO. Gioderice. Rept. 7. - 1 that Mahatma. I only need it beasuee 1 thew much Lott" C "eel" I'll t If wanted to put • e.haritable construction tbe republics... gain ::n Ors •ona 1884, wont! his actions here tonight ' !he rewil,li•-ant :ha Senate eel. regard Mr Johnston -I del aiot call ran • it as a. and peeved t„ "coward" until yam had iissinuated tbst teed. their substitute r the Mills tad!, 1 and others were unduly influenced. which III te 1.0 tepee -teal seem. th, The mayor -Your &miens during the i ; .1 f • .e off they abandon fee es een. evening OOPS such that I thought that 'their pli...1t•ot alike •-'i.rovu at ..nre 1 a amp I by speaking of you as I did I was taking :ire 11, • f.•• y st• ry. for ttat's those A commie. • charitable view of ib. case. 1 recall 1 ohm u is, pot al I got it. .1 du nut i wanner the statement regarding your beimg veuch fur h. cionstreeteem Mr Jobs/goo-I won't take that as an Ito Noir look soierdey. and n is esi'dl. 1 the tenders fur the 1 the engine Loose. Mr Humber stand that new were also &eked for in reyard pumping 1101111/111011. Mr Johnston -The council data of the standing of the se of the Reliance company. Mr Morton -They can get t ligation from Bradstreet. Mr Nicholson said the Ball stated what they wanted to g the other didu'e The amendment was then peat Fir. Johneeen, Smith, Humber, foot and Nicholson -6. Airsioat aide, Colbone, Whitely, McLeod ten and Cameron. -6 Moved in amendment by Li seconded by Mr Prondfoot I tender he accepte4. division by • vete of 7 to 4, Sir Proudfoot asked for further mation. Tbe mayor -We would be able to the people -- Mr Proadfoot -That talk about accountable to tbe people is all r ' too niece of it tonight Mr Nicholeon maid that these men who 000 talked so mesh about economy shoved 8500 win iiiii the pumping engines. The mayor -It seems to me that there are members here who are standing in the way of the public, mid wish to thwart levelness. Mr Juhnston-If I am one of , referred to, Mr Mayor, you are t ltaken. I want the right to dime - !der, 11 7 tol Ilk& I lic matters, aad won't be crowded O The mayor -Order, Order ! - Mr Johostos-Yes, you can can e mayer--Order, or I will lea Johnetda-Do so, and I will d business will fy0 OU as well yo.coponjoi drunk. Pestmaster. t :erten I Dick Moos we t epology. I want to hare my rights, and ',mood with hien • revised wee ef Mr tenders 1 -- to the The mayor -Sit down, sir. 1Cleiolami s letter of acceptance, to be Mr Johnstoo was on his feet and ' seimairted to the natienie committee 'wad Mr 3 huranen hie no about to continue the altercation when embers of oodepuoutztrowad adjourn. It Itlaamovedaeoondthedat. atnhde anld "aeseerozt"sitr.741,44111"yurdbwiltruputiMeiutLuletehoels:c4 b. iLufur. the a"Yer declared the °alai° cerri.d. Ctih"7:neoaleAfreer.e8cfrict4i.Insinb711.114.1ThIlYey:711 mu: company brok• up. that they did not keret, such • hill was la iv*, and erateuce until di learn mous pewees by the Howe. Senator Stewart wants • emenottee &repented to negotiants the worknage of the General lend Office. Both parties are arranging cash contributions to the randente a vraajw,_00,. and ieft the chair. The emoting then I and puebeng throwth the Been tin, and 1"t FROM WASHINGTON. I Proud- ed of its new - -Red. bl'a. Whet is Going on at the Anteri- can Capita wake. that the SI II infer - Pelee ConertbsitImas Cleve - &mount - wades •eeesNassee, Wed feinadlasi ilelhalgeeksa TheI%0..,.newer emestime Ileforti 011101110111 -Tbe PelleSeal asseastese-reas. being 0*, and I Prom mar own correspondent. Waehington, Sept. 10th, 1888 le The Cen•diao retaliation bill hes il peened the House with slight opposition, to receive feed intement clerks especially. The President's letter of annta was at last rendre public this lemming. Opinions differ as to its merits &wordier to the political affiliation of the•party xpressmg it. But viewed without wee udiee either way it is bly nese titter upon which meth ewe ine 10 - towed. It is mu° tory to elf WI will strike pokiness bees. and will prebably have the same good lock in the Senate. The speeches in the House oa this measure bare been very a amusing to • person who arm not pirejud- I kid in favor of either political it e republican would get up and, taking the! - thole 1 bill for • text, "mold prove, to the sate- twie- faction of hinmelf and party asmocuiles. P I as Pub- that the democratic party was • party a to oat. cowards and frauds!, and that Me Cleve. to land waa the greatest coward and freed ., tor or a them all ; then he would annouses I hie purpose of 'tenet for the bill. A Pr° A LITT'S," PIM OHIO. fteilerbb Tells new Leer Veva' are Pale tei is see ewers. The follow letter from a fernier toyer of TRU SIGNAL • Pie Of nal Elliott, Penn st... eon( give • pewee to our local men of es- pruie and the town wend towards gaoling a genuine boom is Godwin : the Editor of The Kenai. Mecoss, Onto, Sept. 10th, 1888. Dr it , • this opport ressing you to let low hbug ditioual guarantees that were more fay- rh ratable te the town in the matter of in- chair ensued security. Mr The mayor thought it would be better it, •n to do thingedeceetly and in order and rued that • motion should be before the e before further ctimussion was ed Morton, seconded.by Rad - hat the town accept the offer of hence Cc., and take all the guar- offert d. • red in attendrnent Proudbiot, into the Exchopier en the paw eetieleyeel Woditesday eve:, et.ten° tinction, the. 200 pees •ns were f fur Strati''rr; 7 W1),0 it 0" i'llnriratad accept lb. h. nor on wadi terns. it „spas a city vt had • peptilatien 14 ewer . • a ould , now, nutsitlettaielleg the be part of the hareem that no t tl h ted I 10 000 souls - vestige of 1.. T. R the assess - Went roll shows tear 9 93. Wnetre has the natural iecrease g to ; Mr 5 R. Hoesen, ret up &lid Captain. wee between • baronet and a baron, and that the number of ths I former should be vertenttee to diminish 1 as the Lowlier. 011 the original 200 diod ed by Jehnston, that new tinders Ir up to October bit and in the meantime that the effer of the Bell Co for lightnig the exhibitioi be ac- cepted. Mr Bluetit: was uf opinicn that we would refrain more Oen rift, light.. an! was in favor 4 hewing new teuden called • vi the democrat would follow and from the To 1 same text prove that there was only one j bac* patriotie party ir. this country - the de- ' with- fa you. The mayor -1U have you roomy Mr Johnston -No y. u won't. are a coward or you would not we maks such an exercise of your a Ias Teti are making. The mayor -Y00 are drunk. Mr Johnsteen-Yuu are • liar. 1 The mayor -Nobody but • dnua 1 man would act ail you are doing. ' Mr Jobnatou-you ares liar, and 1. r. Cleveland is the add purest, bravest, and most patmtic Pres- ;Gm ed. ident the country ham ever had, and that , the You ' he is just dying to lick England. Mol-;sbn 1 7v1 In tiply thew two cases by the number of I ogn• tahweitY speakers and rao can imagine the fun Ion they furnished fee the strictly neutral . in s spectator. After heariug all the speech- ' ceed ken Ithat Amencen intern se on both sides, I feel quite setisfied Gee . party. In feet, I 71" enthitayt still un !erre firma, and, Cohens( t a few line as to my present where- nuinenwilutiod ynoUtb.. ananitniteOlthww etnpnloyed1051. a paper called Net/urea fica, published Istimee. Zunis Cosotv, Obi°, aa se- ine!, pietesaiit mid flourishing sky. et •ells of natural gas have bees dio red here, and are being stilton for p poees of light and fwd. The sity bereogbly piped, and at night the is are brightly illumineted with the Natural element. Nine of these welts are earned by the city, &ad to any indueery that it, emitted offers free 1. 1=4:1 fres to ie. here. In addition to this they oilse reel inducements, and priest* efti • donate free saw ter bona Ale in g business. As • °nein sews lecturers of a/1 kinds are locatiag We already have woolen mins, ng raper mini, grist mills, factories and several aw.aller tadpo- le, the way Mr. 8 D. Madden. mediate kb located his immure r ard bieder works ben this week, proceeding imom•disktir to erect wf ac t i II o, YeenploWy "25; iineuf.nli oHall 't f Pert Huo a, leave also toasted heetarelic snmeleticaugy wisortrdeecanideridoilly rem in,- and has a rifest (store before receive Tout filt;MAL every week, ruse its °Monne witii Aware -lis like • long letter (rota home, me posted on mat sod mattes, yreeeic.h71,tans.itanfds;ariestailiarideepi.siIihat;ragratitycouli iriedanfor j holet e for your future Penorge. ye the honor of being, Years sineerely, W. B. Ewen bi ISDITOR'S TA_RT now The your je Mr The grouldn •I Mr J ! Mr Center o thenght the matter had 'can't b I I been duly •diertised, land uoleee some Mr P Igood reason eeuhl be shown, the council, last off as custo.'ians 1Pf tee public funds, were addition hound el accept Om I .le 1 teed . t reeve w was with that teeentiou the committee tion the I was sent t.. Stratfurd So tar as the al tend* Rehanee C.,. Vas concerned, that firm ; cific and had (Jeered better than was .eked for, der whic and at the leen% price. It had been our busi maid there was ne tender- instead . Mr Niehelsen-I my there was 'withal we tooter 1 sever he Mr Cemeren- Well. I 'ra epeaking to Mr Ce I gentlemen .4 understanding', and not to name 0 rm. Contiouing, he said that • bow Mr N fiel, tender had been made at • reasons- , me for i We price. with ample security migrate ! The WI 4,0d, WWI! he bel.eved it would not be '35 -light newt dealing if the Rehaece uffer wen be seed ot accepted private li Mr Pr....Wiwi said the conned had 1 to nos of ked fer oenei., tenlers. and the 84- would be lance C., had I/Wi tendered is *nerd- lights 00 sonsally he but boom Ors., whic guarantee". the three Mr Rad eafficient i1. mayor -You are a diegnce »Rion. Jehnaton-So are yne. mayoe-If you wereu't drunk 't sa go Annie -1/00 re • liar, and 'illy me. roudfoot minted t.. know if er a the Reliance Co. was not al tender what was It? se correct to his cinemai coot t the latter offer was an additi r. We asked to something( • the Reline, Co este in a h implied that we dad uot lin nem They first offered 70 14 4 50, and now they are maxi should ta,ke 106, which mig necomary thorns didn't know • third d as needed. icholson also said there was t. ayor stated that there were to dynamos. 25 street lights won net there would probate; be 1 ghee. If an ;evident happen the dYmanins, half the town in darkness, se some of the old hare tO be pot foil Per- ked favored the Bell system Id not et. batik au the Reliance h wee eheeper, and had onod FIe favored the purchase dynamos. doff° thought two dynamos out thus enhance the ealee of the title 1 __ _ _______. I to those Oust reisaosed But the latter I WHY Cherlie Itykert got the I r apiece t eupgiaturs ea. ‘ery opoeddy departed put on fruit baekets is now ezp'oreed. 1 froom, and • new C,M11.1011611 was ap , rhe total revenue f •r the Lnancial year I p anted to fill the vscst:t places, and evei. : ending 'hi"' 3°.th luit wok rili.B4i4 454; to meet with neer applicants. "loch was :1 the expenditure was tee,698 00:e !see- the origin a Eihrliali baronets. Freon I lug • deficit of 4113.3.3,511. It will null the date of the [Teem, in 1705. these tee, et3,361.100 !smarts at a cent each craned is Eugland and Seetland were for duty to even up the debeit, if no baronets ..I Greet Britain. Irish baron- slits cottony' effioers see put on eta were created until 1800. since which I roe. ;__,•••••••••••eteeete.e.7.1...- t period •11 baruemoses .re of the Unitol I The Goderigh Renee seri : 'It's in b Kinadoes At *geometer* there se a . the nail.) September, sad a fall eon -coat ti as not out of p ace / Which seems to oaresemy. The rank is onmionniseted indicate that Ole editer has am se yet ilo by patent oe writ, issued under thee au- 'Wets able t.: rm... the hands necessary to 1 1 tbority of the Crown; ihe fees of elle* rel"" hui "me.' tr°01 thw h you • din the hand of eithe:. are PerinCtil "fe leVO t at there would be but te t !one party if American interests were to really threatened in any swings waye-10,,,et After tbe final pasesge by the Senate 4 'hoot, the retaliative bill, we shell probably ' TOG hear no more about the matter until the bog new administration opene diplomatic ne- pito you gotiation for its settlement. tinan The most diseraceful piece of erns Sion that has bean railroaded th I the 'he en Coregreas for many years was the Chineee ' mama d n restrictim bilL T'here is berthing wren' here. .a. about the bill ; it is • law that should ; Imam °I3- there been on our statute books lone sen, 'glee. 'P but but it is the indeeent manner in which it triee. 1 W -. ••••• • V$ s rushed through before the scums of / • Ca • tee unmet** government on the treaty 1 mow, nal h31 was known ; that constitutes the die- 1 and is e , 'race. It was unwimously passed by 1 hie gre nt ' the House without reference to • tom- , thin h !fatties or debate, simply because no ' Laird, 7' 1 member of the many in both parties who 1 their m are opposed to any such methods had the 'finery I", courage necessary to ebject for fear that • "Lon I the ohjectien would lose cotes for his 111. 1 ° I party in the wining election. In the r a lid pee Id Senate it was little better. .There was ; To me 0 I an effort suede to pnetpone action ante. ' keepine oa I Pd141 bets hie. Thom ez. „se. suunele..piNk.nowe :9 Hthewntisimeton to sea tionryour ewes in the terries on which the bower e. lee won's attempt disprove the fact recipient according el family efeeten• wee bueinese, as well as in every cater dew:tads feuenste4. orrhellt. hY the !that under the N. P. times are Lard in etonege ) tiniantienca. secording pe - whet the viatica wanted. There was no tosider. Their offer wee getuivalect to savor this council didn't know its bueinge. They 4.17er two 35- bt dynamos, when we advertised for o Of 25 'Ight power. Poo le 4.451 ual.y get more them they ask foe es - there :s an oltenor object The Moved dors should tempi, with what had Morton, tit n r, sod then we would know the three d t ere were dein,. Councillor Cane- Carried. Os stock armament was that we should • moo ,.1 t'‘.. ple's money. hat that 10 us tent, the reek is windily/I to direct heirs- I ti..rernmett. T.0,7 piper.. hosmosr, ten ono thet r,: specially bemused by reel male ; sometimes It 'millraces heir.- reeler bap ote pmct ..nut tourteon _jaw enehea eelkteral ; and omaminies, in default of tor thmerionfin prietierc. eon oty..mt"- to heed• ef beiroleinele. BOrMiete bola oat. swa.4.11y, smoothing definite was heard from the with Oa Chinese government, but immediate ac. /11 eve. I day, and it was paean in spite of the ' teen was demanded by some of the Sena , when 1 tors, and it wa• roily the lack of s quor- ! well, ail 4 um that prevented its immediate pas , ny, I lis were There was • quorum present Fri- ; feet that • telegram was received from I ger minister to China, saying trust the I treaty had not been rejected...only pest poned for further information, with oul I three voters against it Senators Hoar, 1 7 , ward Senator Blair moved a reconsidera. "Plowilwie Wile." of lo. and Drown. After- le 76 0 .t.do,f orh.,,ff.....14ngfurati athm.ent)dninrPenn.t 'toast hhie ' Kr..:1111te."nealtti bill postponing ita taking effect foe grit, titan°q t days. Pending • eettlenernt of this en„, lotion, N time the Beasts adjourned until today. llonet, the direct male heirs, it tine.441 141 the heel - supply them «Leon with beaver ever. mit residence 4 all kniehts incept thaw CTV of the leerier, basin...roue •nel privy- suessilees. The wife 4 a baronet is legally celled Came ; Met iei emenson spageh she is feller' Lamy, and addressed se 'Your Lodyehip " Tbe rank 44 The wet _ poem We could take care 44 the r.ao- coot. s• Mr y intended fig. eleetioe per- steseeed in,.11•7 beet by net having anythisig twain tot e• by Colborne, 'wooded by at the questeon nf perchaske pianos be left is abeyance. - - - I forced opon se which we elide gall for. Al: ascii., ger ing IWPW' mils bills prolted •I Mr Celt...roe wanted to hear the ten this up to the tide ot on's. thin anee...liate a fn.• notice .aseroe.1 ders read !Iwo that •n opportunity foe Anctien sale .4 farm et, mrk wit! it-vpie- b. hid expressing an iatelligreut opinion could Manta, the prepeity el J H M• Tata W•TellW011iti. erworke ennumettee was procure more Wpm low Doe Gartehore. tit Hamilton, heel hied with the supply. Alin rig TWO nAlta011. A report that be had Unmet Wes saot raise • pergola •buire . t premien. lot 9, oats 6, E too- ' the donee a weenemee ; bet many johe gang, sert...neer. t beironenitte bare, to worse 44 time, ben meowing at 1 roe,. ek p In.. on Friday. f heritable wieired br peen which lee- 11.111 ni SePt 1811111 The clerk then proceeded to read est the terodors. In:es which it ameeme11. d te Penh Light Cei bed mode •n Mk" f or Sr t 1 tu be eget WI the 00Vornin40151. 1 esse tho ...tensible mamba,. p. eriyi Ammer t eta -- Mr Isaac Melee: I, N o 1) te. ile 400; the Royal bed made eriwiltere sine maid : no, oot b... Th. frees Jas Aeldiento stating taken the obarectieme out 01.1*. barber, aged thee the channel wae , new Invertible few the lamest vessels eve I read. A eopy of the report wee enend See peewee 500, which was subeeretectly • oventscor or ratmeas. UMW:a LIVIIRO bat. Urilheript and Alit eotittinlin AIc kir ff : Parallels te Hos:rienne"a in Urges* Today, sad The Is - 0 Celebrate the Fresedi 11:: etimee ; Mary gnarl in iyitBrnmeari..**111.161sereniaylliel::eieeedend : ;I:selin empi4ulabieGeedggipsuiP"-4 Campbell fibeirp. Maresaftwijur : her Francis Doetle's Pestle reentief ; Cosfessiess el a oerniCL:IdThda...411.!;11.1ttpeeteritli*isrjrforAnilli"1111.1; ilkill• AnliallaWifhwil• Race of Palestine. )1eteirs ; with instal - poetry. swats 14 "Nat '' sad one wogs," and 11. Deasocratic leaders of the House p1. 'ho Teneriffe, have decided that the rdmiessorJohn lingee an re for ad- ticernment anal be wade by the llhaeate. I believe that if it were poesiNe withoet the °anent of the leaders on either aide le wet a reenlotion providine for an ad- journment in two weeks tune Wore both Howes that it would undoehtedly plea elt sod Ile on both seder, ea both want to get away. Thrs . 'amended (4 ...eh we not needed before Mr Johneenes rose to • sonstion Houma. adosisamtrator fee the Templetoe, tele 3,04. ems pastime en an tins be seem dent • berme,' oneness the bes issernoted m H te. sn eller of Sb Cate) T a ron that • mink* ram, Fenn meek, meplerement and farm land the Relesew ,sia Miles 4 wire), , Ise Bali Itleetrie Oe amino te ewll the Metres and a hall eallas .4 wiry). 8111,0110; dose to • *ars. a brnobbit to • break er predates of the she,* nevem eatate. The 1 $4 100 Iafi erganett• to as mon : mad whoa es ''`.• .11) '''" owe en the premolar, lifr .1..laaten th eight need& 07 1140 gnaw that awe um 6.4s tea vi....nta, isterthe hattlf of to: 13 and wrath hell a lot %al and kelenee ne ameaded oases bed wiser SSW Forsoserte eillItertue passe ale aidiel and raalapa toy paeleastaiya. • 5-.Aciere Writ snout saaed for there wend salkel nee • -smart" I wish le MA noir f, p vs. IL egeopenee ousting • fair slew. if . sett moiled., atm ruing of the chair, mad . • wee ih fan, el all ; semi wee drink maid he bol refund No gel marcrileses, sad earls. tad dykes sted ;is 'Plans 147' •"' bii.deeede. 7' (hit hmen 1•••leod H &meet .5 1 1 etstod t • t less desalt th net statement is false. sod Shat I lia.• the matter etrenbteeed to • frestiosi of privilege, urea tt king sealed. The Mayne -1 did me say Ille Jolla - pokiest situate°. here jest at this " evening' .1.-61116-6 1. einliatedY aernularken renahl*brithInarideed ma: sweip.."indesitre..1.." eismoseieriannid4ousiestilyylisioNditvlitildethet7t tioiteetesitseryasLiiirtiorengswia7sh • wilhoeree. • or fifty • .wn ',embers Of legt7-14eur tares torn "eh (or more then 8.3110 Pave • 70. 1, , uph11, saimeripttes prise MP iftk. 1450 --d coo a the A le i"r 310.30 pi= G 1 1“.. „I. weskit., ogee Ile Ihst the needs, is Main will determine ma re is se 'bought er needy politicians heed Listen .1 Co saw, on No iros/ ,0fer • year, both Ilielegigadt weservt-O---