The Huron Signal, 1888-9-14, Page 3I wruee/
Tim roan •u of seu.t.u.• and oxyen
t.• h .Iib w,
wee tie at all uuderstJ a
wt•t+M mts.lew•)• (esiatery ayes Y.. u,+e Yue. that it .y
t7mss, sp a• used September. haymow of the air that pit rad.d the •,est.
taw remember.
one It•dt•d of .ts toilet.. matter. mud that
Al�ltsrwte•�ry fr.rl� M • eteohme "a" the ..:•• •t. -'aryl env .4
by the
torpaaelee read c •„ rrrrd tltr••utth troy
..Inde.' tharadsr.
The eyes, the oust e:' •1441St features,
are m►ut•ture •Indo*• tannish lshteL
emery demure, permit aid t:upuiw
leas out, mod d,fisr widely tat color,
►rtghtiems, Avila, shape •..d eziore.,n.
r.,r litemt Ave, a lar(• L.1{Lt 5,e donut..
yuck +rue• sou. &tot .s tadteatne of
54i••Iwa•r seta ■myfes tlegattmietept.u•:,ty to external tud•.enew, The pato Mort. of heavy whew wa,lleu Never feed a baby •tarehy food hole. •
Tenet w set ranee N • est k..ew the disnfeceiot p•wrr oaf shale mm.:,, .pII, •unauu eyes en I re- ' with s heavy gestaty of tenet' curate• you dour, to kw it.
ip,a„t, .•xy55u out .•f t'.e tu,dy, s..•r. 441.411 Isms tarn twineseems longer. liwut:fui eyes, ' are,tats the c. -crest thiug for tier Her-
twee recently, that Inv s.snehlt.e itself ••. ,,,p with toady etched elelJr•e.t, whet foutut lest costumes atuose the younger ladses ; 5** that all feud is will e•wke) ;tat
Veto, lesagt ..1 the ?*111• lent of rt frett,but trot en exoe.s,aad
end atl+rwsy exeu•wrgt Ll, utgofectatee to tattoo., I1. a luau, maleate u..• of truly melted the buy raise..: Laud !set for the Ira( plenty i••
at •ed pet • tam
Within late ileo ■e 'pan lwoc..4 tittt "•Lu arte.ta0 nat'.r,, and •sue wit•. a s1. rid f,tl:rAv if you travel wore typ!lu/d fever radar,
lYhw •real asor 1.o •let 1 ) dnuk *ogee ..r tea wily.
out tethelead; e•u.r.> o u. Jlm.awo are rutty un re eu ardent ad.3l:st and ayprace•tdye lo•ar of The p,'p d,.cted ..mesh in brileht test•
How they wept &toed Ir glad •ams. l sAWe N "petal whoa 7 J. •1• I ors Ave .ore wnh • bduese lseutl u
:SH plt3H1ONd
Some Bar Harbor etotemes are very
chic title sewn.. parte:Wetly those which
are ,:.•,..duJ for bwut.41 Whit• is the
t&" -rota oertu•he for WAS Sit door purpose'
5414 •lihou.'s* flatfeet le the fwsuttte lab-.+ Tube end parts wall rrbhed wit, sly'
Wkoae It worth* wolves, onelose part '.i lit+ system 1.•t bae iu it• cowrie* 1 Y etc II
Te cleanse a settled toeing* ate lesion
have and lukewarm water.
t 1l of lavender sprinkled aroand •
room w 11 rad it of fleas.
1a that tar oati••dW puss-•• chernl•al proseeme
cerise wt 1 not shrink.
rah., and loos I e elegance and 11. ..hoose elan- f the Have the rooms well ventilated, let in
Yyetyytf.att rads other's .are. treated le steraut, Chao .3 our tey
r er•hal•l**c. Who" oeautaful eyes I color of tn• ••t. also wall • ew
ft att of the pure fresh *sr every de, end you wt!)
Pea into demur monde was tlpeedtm: » tomes omp-t
hes or hwplt•la ; sod we *re more with 1uely ,arched eyebrows are t,•o.nd to
of tit, asme and our the hr,tuoeK pc table be to ubled no more with murouug
aa plan• d taring.
anmocr1 for the w.•I:
util•ron .4 m •.a•: they d.nudenote4 • real -soar r.
aewr fu.! I hal( dream teatuusaa otuter ter youug girls and lassitude
Ili" rhe! Awcnd •s1 d maiag tad tu54fale.d,
w 44411 d •51181.41* and sego,'A:omSra andaremre
flow. y:r.u, SID *d .•:I:er I ,r old Irdtes A cistern pnti.d by plating 8 sock
Hew they tou414.84 •miked &1.I rN ward , chorales. prefarrihe the "
Aad as r+eo•d tech mbar tusdlo mese at our how• fair *loepuet not
levetetne.du :
We ars build.••, our cif with wider L+rto, 41111 ado. tvawuehltug •cot , :the hip' ►1.d maku.g • tory elective he-
, tat hopeful tn.wiamary drew•, and pr.rulu.g t., deer', •r• to -too:+, f r hmrl, rtup:J, :rurt5- I,eh a the tory prettiest Jersey men at Dunne the summer months meat la
E.•o+••• ►•as °with Wide. j ah•iilne and pen ail is. . ss.. pules I Neil• t• ,: un, ani the In •g eta[ of much _ ) p,
�+r Hsrba this Geeeon. The white 1.,•t • ueomru ,and perk and corned
T. comO amuag ecu penD:B raJ to labor by I IA* err, wore. vat. deo:anal w m••re epee mal .ores h ikh e... auJ apprehaa- J'mys •rt' the [stunt, with any ort of Iwo[ should be 1811 severely alone. Many
..helm eels. +stunt+G-: and fauLtul plutnbaeY, aunt . ate" v048 Jed Ile w:.teraat:o•n With a,atume. perwua eat thew meats mud drtuk ice
Ere his boat h*J Iota 14ed the dry Wa lw•eine( out Netter for the n.',4ities e f i 1"u-1 Y+ ion bathin suite •re eorhethmoB water all day, then solider "whet wakes
cellars. But a hi.- vomit n A 'reals mouth neL•..a to a cuarte,rul- { S totem foal w yuser.
Sprinkle ca mite dower, in the Iola
and the fleam will leave. To drive a• ay
des fro Hu dugs mild cato,wtura:e • solos
To a place 1.t peace sad rest. ih+t. Am ertcmu ■ursh i. said t ata r
with ..l of y.euyro; ml and us it around
Wend h I Lips . •t the otter 11. .1that aro thin I 4.
finny •:Jt' 1.t, trtut•c p tnu,u, slthouch at 1.e... they I Trey Inky which sods in • heavy
a I atm u.dl •:;J+ of •cruel, e,vhful t:atan eebl. cord fnruli141 the must !toe below
of charcoal tel tn. water ; if • the I lar
gets very low and a no longer whole
IM/1145, toil it before moue.
]tYy statism et the edam % wares to bel
(tushed forth into the apia•biag p
him wife 10 .b0re
Ob' how tenderly they Imre 14154
the hien •e1 what a tmeeible •:r drsirabl.. ¢•r p•t•ott ..ipe with. a .:harry redoes,, ' Ur" lua the, seaa4u,
In this Getter Lomat a 'testi:ouw d app..rsnce, It -1' Lb( shades trimmed with white are those
The .t1e•i;• 4: 1' "r i for April :l has to domestic rater,., f'n..i •.f kissing tied 1 which tial favor with all .14'. men attera
suggestive article u•. the waat,ine weva,.1 caviar they ute'ce .ti !Lanae.. friends I to put se much capital into this sort of
n k
♦•d red 6154 to the dainties that the on our ^ase t'-ps. :oat's •'l.nart d tont• a •vert Baal u( tea F eontr •1 *red a m• at cotufertab:e bathing suit, as it them. By repwune this appllcatto
the. p•sesea84.
His heart wax full of gratitude
1n that sew 'outliers latitude.
.. Ihyh,qulty cant itJ• ewe
srchtttdur 4does no: •hrtnk, and t• of wit texture,
thnl f u 'n 'A tt i t •t. 4ud�•:a•a,n ••f .;44:.1.•eas sod unt.cir• y
Iter •1 e e a..U,rri4 a , eerie"
every twelve or hftreu Jays tit• fleas WI
of hon h 1 . York, hil'ty You have often sasn p -••pee I•l:,c.. t.revec:s tt from clinging.
mere Tremble May be Gyrated.
If you Jo nut bend the warnings of n8 -
ore sad at ]rice pry attention to the.
amsiutainaucs of your health. How often
contrive nes designs fur then and • ,• e n .,u•{ we se a person put of .'roto day to day
pf .1' the purchase of s medicine which if pro -
, r i I teat f•ct.••s ln lila c+syra: msk•up of a 1'• so
se ceps on this Wand-- New
f f l tr d ' with their Ilya habitu.liy open Vl•.1,,
indu,r proteawr. can ere alio add tam- they tt.1,ag to a claws that thirst 'for co -
Asd et*ay aleemingS. rich .ad rare, be hasped -w' t .at r. u sin• w r 1.r► u In • 'r tug i
Het keit w kimono their inanities tree,ally useful, at certain semens. by .8T .td. 1 surety, &pl laum sod c..mmeudsu'51.
Tale comas opt of, ..•rtd.•or recrest:•.0 &rot 1•r, tea'ttun fieuer•Ly seeaksr , they ss dam:ten t to
H• would Imre stayed on board tea ably said (nen invalidism : Csonot the some skin I iis..t'.pa sad e.uotenna
---� u 8ta\siar their )lc l+e• t1a f the more sent and imper-
epee their head;
+•a mot e•.0t atones f 4124. uta 1 lig"
Vow, a oil n bio Gee the
cry K I Hop's chase'..• a the n ,m. Wren tared at the ootaltart of a disease 1.W
piny -.+alum and wnutnR mums. rld.ptro foe / halms remedied i. alines! immwlutrly
Yet, we add not draw the e:urUiu. our the w:nrrr le Jon. but s•• tut.o.nrd � 'role aid pn,miurut it indteetem • e..aY- r �
Now if Johnston's Tonic Liver Pails
But 11. lou see how aatrrrdiuw sea• tine poor lacier str.•ut In to cunt olein told one that tone iaterm byre► can be excluded p' been tab•& when :he brat uneawa.ees
ruai • escape : � in somm•r • � drterw.iael to aecanmyhet. ev*rythul;t 1.0
Through • foolish amputation. In them ,r• a ui area dwellings, the Jettalie12 I1.dicstIeu as it u of $ c •m-' = apfasannce the illness would
.rt P g have been •to ped int the bud." Johu-
A les tio loot and upper !loons would ire revolun, weal : I utercttl nature, • p o-voi with •to h a �•
nom wo,lld matte a 4's'. outline., 45.x41. •.-.'s Tnnie Ihbed and L:ror Pill• err
ventilating shafts introdt nal : l,rosd ier,Jr II the best med,mne un the 40u-
wiudo era mode to rail the width of the I wht!r the opt •situ type of nue.., 1 e .iter y
loot for gerrral tonic and incu;aoretinq
i1. hut- PropertiesP:iL 25o. per bttle. Bitters
u 1 toy to a ruu afforded •n •: totem ,10 osuts and .. per r tt,e,
• of these teems &Lade atiesoi. a to I tees' pursuit'. When turned up it de a (Toted, the dal g tot Albion .
children and tnrulds.
'• A pleasure revert onettemIlf Should d w be tLr reverse however, t.t,•t l
Aad now • task our graced the place where
tome his own adorned.
Per it keyword is this mm.tor
That •fst..,us Doctor Tenser
Mistook the somber of Hee bed wherein the
patient lay :
And this 1•u'klers missionary.
house totlt (trial atoll *er : ready aeees• r"*". to tiel,catira , f lot her an amm.nate
b l h f 1 t' character e't.. a Creat 3eficaercy
Poet note" • Entree at d inquisitive char&, 1 g lock, sole
ch �b
o1. s :,,,
Who was uvt trimmer one. - !s confect ass
1•, m5*
•, Holtenen eagles beach, logia
each residence :.erg
}.k,, •r
t'ousd himself • member
minim ere fhe ruingoat for the poesemer of Rauh a Proboscis.
mitis,, the 'set+, mad turf and towagea
of epees.. ,, ,t• M he u ,xcaediut, re•uflfefnl, uevar
Cream for coffee may be manufactured,
enl the forego" 'seldom detected, by
beating the yolk et an egg with one
tablespoonful of cold ••ter, heroine the
milk and pouring over the egg. stirring
c•ta.tautly arid still stirring when the
bulliug hot coffee is added.
Mp:. la the %or•1beM1.
Know from experience that l'utnani'•
hoodoos Corn Extractor a the only re
moldy to be relied upon for the extrac-
xtrastion of corns. Thu is the wee every-
w here throughout the D .n - "n. Be
sure to yet Putnam's sere pep torn tan.
At dealers everywhere.
1 .old by 1 aline./ fee PIs51'f'.
Jam imagine his vexation
And his Imprimis ettuetloa.
I.:fe seemed to him • dreary
"clpla►. ITin t then .
How hie every fond ambition
Seemed blighted sow for life.
Through hie unlucky nu54brr
aeon's dreadful knife.
Hat at proved to 1.. blessing
la his earl plight w distention's.
e'er whom the melees tame •ad made their
true intentions known.
Thou. paring ea & dire or two.
l le eeotly pre them est.
Among t14.•'spine satires who werrgatbred
mead about.
waste elide
and the sur
Their Iwke of terror and surprise.
Thew parted laps and steaming •Tee.
Gave vont to exc1matiosa load cad varies•
signs ot fear :
The sews went fort ► at lightning speed
And ere the even ing acme
The as,.%es all for mt:ea around had sass this
mw of fame.
G lad reader. let es draw a reit
o'er thread. issnesuminn tele.
And let this simple lemon here Mak deeply is
Tour kerns .
riot however sad nolame une
..r the slash in: doctor's knife
,• divide et cum memento, It may prolong
our IUB.
K. A. Loves.
Lepton. Judy 2leb. 110n.
tr uul.
-For the Maher orede e 1 tenement
houses. each fresh air feedlot." w_nli
probably he hai..ed etch delight by the
inmates. Sommer moon ieht •vomit es
could have • nen aspect . and round a
t*mtly-heiitern greops eight gather, t.'
real', sew, 1.r engage in carne*, and thea
• hnmei It pleasure enc:d -1n e: restlya
manta,eing Taint ::$0.8, or illicit
C.s•emp/1ve T..deerlr•
are after inherited, but the disease itself
nosy &sin • foothold through lmpura
blood, bad diet, nuteutt:•tei n oma,
keep the blood pure and the c•rcnletien
perfect by owns of Borluc: Bloom{ lett-
tars, 51.41 the. ward off coa.utipt+on.
which is an:ply scrofula. 1 the 2
?ai .ft,NCE ITZMds. ✓
(urgrtting rm wj,ry, sa•3 never Go ti
m:n{ Ti. test iZiy ot rite better tunas of
nna. It is ars•, twit,- tore of a quurel the pes't'le, •e�, rule is. the' Atlanta tis
some dap.stuo•t. Thr chin is soother never leseu more pr spree's ta►u doming
guide to :uaracrer. A bowed, foil one the too y -ars 113der prohileuio a rule.
er ! d
anteruty, lacks to w ty that. homesthere ...a been lase
A chi.. is au *dJ ct to a what. 11Sn.. lhAn. wa. ...r before known tr
"hews etroOg unehanelut intmet• l4. 4.341 The war.ctug cls..• have been better
• .saves our• while t4 s " m"'• seoiiisd e:ad haw lied .tore south rt to
,w and cnrrua _ rook•
and =teeny* r",aracter. The 'ware. 1 the telt''• ht.t•'ry, •1.d an kusas UT -retail
••emir• chin, tImegh, *lithe indicator of i nwiaetr Le" been fn,re pnsprruas. time :
a strohR,JetarrrLutei poor. Terse
yereutent char- • tmpn,remen: hm tr.•mts a.. nutietrtb:e that
atter, and flue possessed of great .t" it ought to *treat the atteurion of 511
ptr. Terse are the ,:nes that aehe•e 1have041 a 8.4400 in tit• a;o;►e0*8Mng e'e:
succ+in this wend, arid have strums" testi wt. , here s::
os. I: is the almost
Cooler lake Co•r tedelibl upon total otal dtsappearsoce of the hobo of drtuk-
ruerrun.n+s, the mono tote and the time+ tug &moue the petite eau .•1 the city. A
to which they lived. Every nne has • few • f •'nein nu7 still c,•n:luue the habit.
style of gait peculiar to, Lenself or !ler bait if they .I.. it is bee wee they haven't
. mit, denoting brmamt, edecision of cue wt:i p mer to disc mons. It, and ob-
ficklr:e+s acd tn,tabiiity. TI -1-"'w in .a - tv auto taioualy satisfy taeir
attar, {
WM:t', waiting in the railway etatien for
the arrival of the Dingwall train, says a
corresp•nd•etat 1ltr.thpefier, I .dies_d
abs • doom gentlemen strut! around a
railway them Mr Thom -
sou, of Clorenserds-and they were with
kern eyes watching the mental working.
.f a n. 1 •be.rbad in the fullowlus
e rithmett.xl mental wleuletlou. .. gen
denten had prepared and read out this
question : -"Sty that in • line of • daily
newspaper there are 49 mitten, in each
column 190 hoes, in each pig. seven
columns, and eight partes in each paper
hew many letters fur a year, taking 31:;
!awful days r' 144 the corse of • few -
not more than from two to three-
minute* the sneerer was out -139 873,-
440. This, I was told, h*a *nice been
' tested. I asked the Beuren to be divid-
ed hy 25, and in • few seconds he called
off the figure• as 5 394, 937 15 2:x14•.
1 Hs corrected me in taking down .one
figure, and the extraordinary way in
I his c•Icul•tious seems unknown to him.
self- his lips may he seen moving when
eepersrl*l. wit, step firmly sty he reguded M nos appetite for it. Tae great mass of the
( h I '
sense. a firmnru 51.1 edidtt u c arac him mind m .ban• 141 in rehe.dttoo, and
A visitor to a faehionab:a ei:la school ll 1 yo:ng, howevAr, e 1 . a.u.a, did .t atm ry.t.,re he is duns his forehead and neck
f our large CO.*** lately esu act ter, while a 1igh: step fun ilexes that the ply brc.usa r w.• tan,wq 1.a their rat become r wet with pereptrattun.
wt,GtisJ to admen the /yeah beauty and r J lel' T e IrrrtNg
d ease, apt to `s secretive. t. graceful step Fie d:out :1.a: •unlit', r..,t because tory figures as if he were reading fries off a
c tool[• -- a Pa ls :ranesc i wattted 4•, but beton*. it wail the cos- I
put made "+archtsg tra(uaw• as :u their tins in an ea. mac err Tate beak, roar- hoard. A question such as the above
acyc.remerta 1 Wm to do en. ' fdiwes him, and he refuse" to tutor
War there any pool m►ti a tsatiefsna id .•Ikea u s ,tera••r: rt ..lube:ion, soar -
into hest ref rm, •f tl.t* earth came
the f a ,urn another for an a refuses
He him-
? ••
to one u p' ' t3 the Isar en t atarl rooms. .tee m
-u•se•s.r is o' • c..rt:: 1. s >•u n d•1 644 answer he speak" out the
harmaug grace o f the graduatingF ohs hist
The .first Symptoms
tH all Lung 41..--• eat+ tenth the wine 1
leverteetesee, hose d appetite.' ears
throat, palms la dee diem sad tta*a.
Itat.daa-Ise, etc. la te Mw day* yes salty
be well, or, on the other hair'. you my
be down with Paenalsni* oe "g*l1opisg
Coneumptios." Beit Do ream, bet begin
tmatedtwiy to take Ageeti Ci•rry
Several year* ego, James Ithohenl. •[
Darien, Coen., wad severely ill. The
doctors said he watt le Coasuaspeiea,
*1.d that they conk' do noshing for hi..
kit leirlsed him, as * last resort, too try
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Alter ts41ws
this 54eslicf*., two or throe tsuatbs. 110
was pro*ouneed a well loan. Ma \colt►
480451ns good to the prem*' day.
J. S. Bradley. Maiden, Mas*., writes :
"Three stews ago 1 leek a severe role,
whf. h rapidly developed tato dn►achltie
tad Coinuwptioa. I wee so weak t11*t
I could not sit up,'w5 mach emaciated,
aa.l toughed ince•eaatly. I consulted
several doctors, but they were power.
leas, mad all agreed that I was is Cot.
sumptioo. At 1••1, a freed brought slS
• bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pe:tor.L
From the first dose. I band retest.
Two bottles curet! tem mid my health
hat since been perfect."
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Pantile° ■T •
Dr. J. C. Ayer k Co., Lowell, Mass.
geld M impromptu. Pi s$& : gas e•••••a, M
"Pial have • areor •a'• le my din
trict," mints r sell %nose - irn,ttlst, ``than
III .other pill on the marirt, mad give
the he.r s..ta•f ••••6.n f• r sock rad•ch•,
biloiownees, indigestion, etc. when
c,•ra.t' woo J..4s.••1•H• •'1'••.IIC Bitters,
Johost..n's Touio Lover Pills will per-
for40 •hat on nthsr usteliettre has 4••n•
before for sutfurine hua.anity Pills
93 ante per teeth.. Halt, re 53 cents
and S1 per teat le. leOrl hy Goode,
Druggist, Albion block, Goderich, mole
t • bus-
y ar►a hnl.yfllnses, whoa •• through waste see storm and doubt send 1t cells it 'practice.' He had been
among tits'. shc@iirag gait sot al: tont to emery case
'Nu. They hal a gyri knowledge GI • pant.: the sun Itaa.f •..x44 tt tiara 1.0 threatened with the Lost of eywi;ht, area
arithmetic- emote& t, keep their se- traitors, u•ually.renrtant to ores'ou sod
each nay wastes the. raliarce of the rno,w he �• prReticed in this way for the peat
count*. They were not likely too here a stratagem t. •cCumpluh tame ends and boos the marlttht iron the skew, fourteen yea.
use for al4,bn tied geometry u the - - -_-. -- but 4. unlock the earth froth the _
daughters ape wives of wesahr sec
"Any thorouth ip'$Imtaw
resew! Metals.. ( "They all play fairly sell. A w. scan
,a •r
' I was very sick with bowel complaint of a kety nano. expected to mug
lam summer. I tried other medicines' Aar •i e a p
W T d I Yes, enough to please their ft ends
was like • Stroud, man (leers+ bably. an liana 'night laugh.-
Pmtt.euck, Stroud, Out. They bed studied, to a genera: way,
history and literature. For t)e res:.
n ew to Trost se nye "(feta •'•ender In It. they talked and mored with grace ar.d
but all w*1 no use until I tiled Dc Fuw- "Cuu.d they paint or draw ?"
ler'e Wild :dferentrry. ho next day
H with as .occasional sketch. st which, pro.
A .correspondent writes as (tubes to I quiet q••od l,re*dins. They ware rutin-
im .a. sensible girls, who •,..:J
Seer a D.A. rasg\t Cold.
A 511m yotrog man In the height of
fashion wa1 violently sreeisng is a street
car, wheu competitor. remarked, "A5,
Chew:e., dash boy, now d'ye cat_b the'
dw,adf;a cold." ".to. dealt fellate. left
my cane to the lower hall tether day,
and is $ucktn4 :dos ivory handl.*, so
Jweadful cold, it chilled me almost to
death '• I( Charles had used Dr. Har-
vey's Rid Pine Gum his avid 'tumid net
triable hem very smuclt. For Gale at J
11.1aou'l prescnpuo•n drug store. ti
clasp • f ntget 4r d plant the ears sore I gat •Fever a type v[ catarrh hiring
t fl n Behtr d char { e It is attended ! y an
suit, as bei..r,d this movement, *5 may un0,med condition of the lining mem-
tea our+ there moues the L .ret (. ,d -\I• i hew''"' of the nostril", tear ducts and
noghty, Mester and Nater of this too -
in t :a opentue' :aa . pecu lsr sympnxa.
851.1.') of • Weed.
11 seemi ancrelihie this' it w)a nrt'a a
little 'Iver forty year. tq.• that the tele-
vr•ph was Invented and pot in precticsl
lige 11 mar not he severally known
th.t tits alb,ny ilr•.unf J•,•4rrdi' gave
Ott word "telagra•aa" too the worlJ. In
its tiles .d April 43114, 1851, the following
was priutod, and fee. this psrrgrsph
ass droved the ..rd "'elegem*, • now
found 1.o evert. lactte.uarp :
"A New Woe', -A friend desires Os
to give rouses treat he will elk limes st
soneeoaarre"mit to IneT 41*05 a new
word into, the v..wiwlary. The object of
this proposed t.nwatiu• ie to &roti the
1)00,55117. how ruling, of using two
word*, for which there is very free{r:sot
troesei on, where one will answer. It is
teleerwm ni.tesd of telegraphic com-
mueiOalwn or telegraphic dispatch. This
w ork- is termed according to the striotsst
laws of the frets whittle its root
comes. Telegraph moue to write from
• distance, tel: jrem, the writiett
ea•cutwd (colo a distance, Moontram,
logogram, etc., are w.r4e formed upon
the same anal• tty and in good accepts -
term. Our friend, moreover, says that
the Hetes lint. if disposed to Its precise,
should call their r,Inmnntartl"n• tele-
types, ei they ate printed, not written.
In a gweirOus spirit ,f ta.l.retion he pro-
p..e no action npnn the last.a.RteStios 3
but as to everybody alt, except the
empt.y*ts and customers of the Houle
line. he wtuid have them "held and
firmly lo..und" u. speak. write, print and
teleorsph telegram. its•te•d of any two
words •ign.tytntt the wow thirst, under
ienalty.f being culuid•eed ?elbow end
throat, affecting the lungs. An acri 1 tees oma.
fru.0 wit we land the spheres are wttc.u, •secreted, the dlschargetaste•.in-
verse. •
rolled t thele orbits, sod whose ..,ice vetoed with a burning sensation. There
hoe been the huer.ony of this world since a 8(0 Severe spasms of ane.ning. fr gneot
the moratsg the stare sant together. attacks of headache, watery and ia8rm-
"Why shnuid I arrest him, since by •d eyes. Ely's Cream Balm is a remit-
rstttug drunk he sepl►•erta the ':,,vent- ely that an be depended upon. 5Octe.
meat 1' Titus was the answer a native a: druggists ; by emit, rettirtered, 60,K..
pelicemen returned t.. s mtubtnan who Ely Brothers , Druggists, Owego. New
had a.mi•latned *bort a drunker., dot- York. lv
•• ■e 8.8.8 fOosev4 anefa
Nt. "hardly ever" about it. He had
Ilea attack ..f what people all "bilioss-
eis e,"and to smile vies impossible. Yet
*mon arty ''$•redo alta senile, and he •
villain still. still he was no ratio, but a
plain, blunt, bont•'t man, that needed a
remedy such as Dr Piereea "Pleasant
the Ve•1,. el Summary :-“Nine parsons ed, • p which
out of tan with • cit.der or any foreign probably 611 their places well as *ivss ; o
i ■ Mp.eata Beteet./ I t f the G ,sped 1 P sure
fat! W
oderiy .aIle... Puntstno F ,Ilea, w
substance in the eye will instantly beret. and mothers 1.l luxurious uvea u un not a minister c.111 sbewr o bdyspeww ac -1 distad or torpid
to rob the eye with one hand while hunt• I But if the homes seated to be luxnn• S .me mouths se° s gentlemen had the wish 1 were .I:ul,fied ment.l:y end mor Fell shows will be held this mason u ver, dyspepsia and chronic eon•tipr
ln¢ fur their handkerchief with the other. Iona 4 , all to r,ec!• the G,e 1 . f Crtra; to tate follow.. - titan. Of druggist...
They may, atoll soiuettmes du remove the flat visitor prrr"eceted hu enquiries ^• 40ufcrtuue to Lame ha wife, s I::+vary people. p if I were, and if env member' Q. .I. Hurnn, s• ti*sh,rth, on Iden•
Mon -
offending cinder, but more frequently 1 the clam which had left the sehe'1 tori lady of soma repcati.1n. After gritty-
t ty eon�regati'oa should.11411 by hu rot+ 1 day and Tuesday, Sept. 1. , 18.
they rule until the era becoltee i,Mtm,J, I years h.f. re, from the same reek of trot a number •d weeks • hriyht ohm or example or 'too girl toil wino. CIin44 1 on , ednerid , Thursday
hood a handkerchief ■ronn.i their bead wealthy families Several of the 411 mound the heed of the widower. He tion t.• tits saloon .71 5m 1.t this a -witty. 1 and Friday, Sept. 19. 2tt and 21.
d bee. Th 11 Thea were now d.penelara on their own ..lone thought he could do w'nettling to lessen he sits n:d hot -sleep in my Church cos fixeter, o0 3ionday and Tuesday Oct.
h 1'ed
*n q" to u u a wrong.
bet net t b the ye j for their daily broad They were p:e• hu wrruw and. that portons
e c : Vut.dAy. i,ttt&hter , I would not let l mod Y.
ter way la o r1. e
with the cinder in it at a11, but rub sant Ionto, 5.140112• hat they had rot • upon * lady of a •equal, mace and
re• h dodge the -44.4-4 •hon'.* know
the other eye u vigen•usly as you like. l einRie emit er knowl,dte .t'h wtl;h t• {Meted ...peak a word hr p 'heft he stood. That kind et Christ-
'sem T`iu.k+ne she Wall ening to re, I with the
salvoes; :1.t h Goderich, on Tutteisy, Wednesday,
r ire r- _
A few year. .ince 1 was riding on an en- I ern money. when wart came 1., ,o , vowunity
which harm ,LIE a .Thursday and Friday Oct. 3, 4, S.
Ries. The engineer threw ..peu the front as an armed mac. zoo,' a pr.phal r`+e lady prepared to !vacates 1117* d.y is melting .ore t14. " h.- . Toronto, Sept. 10 to 22
window and 1 caught a cinder that gave There is no country in w' l h eeai:h is I iuteu •ith due resignation. 1 d• than all the B.5 Ingersolle ie this
Provincial, at Kingston, September 10
wow- '•Myrh'. ' s*.d he with do.ncs•t eyes 1 y
Ise them a excruciating pain. I t►apaa more . Avert that: it n hems, yet o: *sty •eller lased "-St. Jelin. tc 13.
to rub the eye with both hands. 'Let en 'are eertatoly not hotter guarded as he Omit her hand, ''you keels 1.:y ! Bs,itia church at Ocala, Fia., has I Western, at London, from the 20th to
that eve alone and rub the other eye awaited its !area than ate women .. the wife P. i *,palled all to ntemben who have signed the 29th of 8 tptemb•r.
(this from the engineer) I know you Old World. Heoce our .hope, ne opt .,y,ta" petitions fur liquor lice55* Feat Waw•ou*h, at Ilelgn•e, October
doctors think you know it all : but if D•p•e ^��• and eesploemegt sl eitci+. ..l; a not Prod form man to be alone.' I V• t
you will let that eye alone and rob the everywhere are crowded lsith needy w" I "Perhaps
mer rod,tt upon that pert ed the Io vote of •mma oa .tereeper ' net to gruuhi 8 Hay, et Zurich on Thursday and
other oast, the cinder will be out in two ! men and their train 4.f hnnery e`.::inn ` h•
minute,' persisted the engineer. I be- looking for work which,when fo•und,thee J
wan to rub the other eye and soon I felt may not be able to d•
the cinder down near the inner owtbe How many Eire. daughters of .oll•tn-
and made ready to tako et oat. 'Let it do fathers, who reed this pa;e, pose•ss
alone and keep al the .eU eye. shouted a sefevnard cosiest possible poverty i
the'loetor ••r.,, tem I did es. for • mo-
ment Tong, and looking in 8 gloss he
&ave me F fodnd the offender on my
cheek. Siete then I have treed it many
times and have advised many others, ani
i have never knows it to fail in orae is
mases (unless it was as .harp se a piece
of steel, or something that eut into the
ball and req.ired an operation to remove
it). Why It is so 1 do not know, bet
fist it is e, I do knew, end that one easy
be saved munch suffering if they will let
the injured eye alone sad rub tbo well
Mom Me5.artsabls 58111•
1..w Fouad at :•et, what the trot pmblis
t has barna looking for these many yw•rs
and that is • mediate.* which althoeth
het lately inerndlreed, has mode for
omen • reputation second to none, the
medicine n Johnson's Tonle Bitten
whisk in ennj)nnettan with Jnhnsnn'e
Towle Liver Pills hes p•rfermed some
awe wt.s.Imrfsl chew impnee nr tm-
pe•eri•hed Mond soon 41508e.5 purified
end.adiobed. Rinh-mineos• inditrotl"rl,
ash M. glut•, liver complaint, languor,
wewb`esio Ob.. sons dwppear whew
treated by these wxesfeet tante medi-
cines. Fur tial. by (io.•d dregeist, Al
I. Mvt.f• *ad le lea roost.
Dyspepsia is dreadful. Di• nfered
liter a misery. Indtgesttoa is a foe to
Ron•, nature. 1 Rs preys•, the lady'* hand and sighed.
The human digestive apparatus is one she returned the Jrenore end ales ma;
of the most eomplicsted and wonderful 1 feral s sigh as escxto her
things is eximewee. It a easily pat out i -M, dear,' he •aid after • long pans*,
of order. ' ' •I':1 e -,my to the pr'"at at once. 1 hive
Greasy food, tough food. .lops'' food, s proposal to marts
had cookery, maga! worry, late hours. •'A prntmsi
an toy. a.+ ai
Nide. mer M
es •ige
Wone smewasein
ease. •east.,•' Pwdi si
5. Oso a•• mw•
... 1• I••seey, y m
mew e,iw,.l,•. non.•* 44 .8..41, • Ir55
•••••61.• art •..r ,rel wa:w*wa..• •alum.
110•a •••*•a•••• wee 5'ar write nowe •...e•s sew re•
tate. sort sr". n ret. are•• 5. • Mir ow show. OMB
*OA* •1* •••• a••' •.•flown aw.t.' r.R eta• w.m••rm
m y traab ., .,ase 1.a• �l •.i. rad*. til. afLf
•••a a• area ••• a'aMlitr ...•s.. s.••.. r M roeety 1
0.••••41,1•• b ••t ,.••net, rr. • .erJu Ito • •Yr gra••
• Aver • eve ma. •e.• •t•• n • 1.•illy M • 1.~18.eyA
•I• •••t•:., P b..• ••nee t• •a a►e h I ee•'•.54 tail
A,,.••eleg 4 ..toy Tay, ter seat w .real i. Ave.
mean•✓• 44•••111 o�a m Mr •ertle•r. ►4,•.•.•M
'• Dirt • more fl a •
***Owl •* ••a•r* •••1 Ara**. eves M sass,
{ 1 Friday, `tepwwbet 13 .red 14. �••••••"r'w',a.w. las k.w+wrare
of the manage e.errWe which r• .res that, being euh wK t., .mural by 54 ; ar yr.e,,. •e.�'•.a.a.....�...r•.at.r...ta�
soap'• to cies•e unto each other Utah T. he can not be a ettixea n! any , •.T• -e'.•...+ ►ser ...r as•art•y.n •r4r seam
Etat H mean at Itrrtemh nn Tines nova a o• Avow. .....a t ^.. w o w.. r•..a■.. ea rpm
n & t
i1 'i W. I* 4••••• seeri ma
day and Friday. Oct ober 4 and a. •' "u "•"" r• ��••..•r �•
e..a matt w.... •• foil •.. •.•e4. tnata elm awl
ata. +
death parte thecal r''I'.. cam. has qo:.e luta the s
' I hire." Whatever the courts may ay the stern, ttuni.• ■t B. field, on IMood•y tlmf� eiel"esi.i:�,m�'�'se.
esteem n
':I have nRnn n4tacted apnn it my mn`,b•rn (oat remains that the pretcller y. 7snrmeaoa,aseeaa t+nq
Ave;(. No • de s_ h has na_-tel nie fr.•m I referred to has been fu too nu:0areds a - Tuesday, lhtohrr d sad !l, aesstme!
my wife aid l (eel verse la.nolv.•' �ot:ash for the lo••salo.w keeper. Treat'• Morrie, at B'sth• ton
W edMN flash
"I should thank it likely.- I what trnu%lre the bat-teadar. The par- TuurSdal, I t:t-ober 10 and ll.
"I think I must do something to re- Iwo is apt to be the tetteeuut kind of .
Clildrea Cry for Pitceettateria
store to me her kind armee:adore, and caisson, • ntotee 44f 1.o mean city, free-- p.r
• et•te.
the rnemory of her men, •titles " I
ant deer g hu ..Rau of 1t•a8tstot It" nn tick tel hui1.q 'Akins' but i
only ler dost theng • f t t the great Kidi el and Liver rag
V habits, and many other thin•a i .,yes ••
nut too t 1,"t .14'47
indeed a part 1.l u. It hatea•er the . Inn• made hl Dr t`ir,e. ■nth.x of Ch•■11•' w►.. 1ta\yw a lila• welfare beramerem,
likely that the
may thno k epdesalt. It is . race.. T Chang', Trivet Cure Ica' W►webwes•C&M.•bserdaroetemeo
likely that the parson will keep right ..n f ys, ` w- ..tea Womb Yya Ae'Mg *agyey
sonnet tees the some, cod when "the' "ii dlewse+i .41 the Loam. Kidne
1tenmar:h idol 8' 'els. told by Jame wkea,dydCleita•,obitmy*t,emCmeMlss
people.' and "alai public -ace- sod "eha Wilson, daugtut.
soldiers hkewi.s" come to the pulpit for
• their proems they will get it withnnt ens , Te til* ...dual reetet•tom• .so sat "mesa ,
lrt'ewa ► + It ma) re
which ought not t.. he, hare mad• h d I noodle, 1 reform r tin mill orator/see. 1
t • •'A6'" she
nid. bl•ahtnt an elver e, ant. er nrm.,
ice. he aahr,a-kse •r will have to lull his rhos hating. or Nerve Ittood, • rhos- �5'•
American people • nation 4.f dysptpt int her face with hes ►ands. `f p p t3stentt(tc
gat Or•*n • As&41st Flower 644 done i ere. xtneleded t. waste ms wifes shop to pay the mete. The parson isn't 1 Oats Lflemamt hosed upon
.owd•efel work in retortion* this tad hi•.eraphy. Now, i have not little skid) halt through m4ug yet Hee just be Favi. Formulated by Pnofa••or Austin. 1
1 ba54nase sad snaking the American
people en healthy that they an enjoy be
is literary exercises, sad if you will c+r-
tettt tory mtouwrrtpt and erste the hes.!•
of tit• chapters we Rive yon
ton. � P of n, b1a•s., enres Pmhttllora-
miry Consamptena, flick Headache, Nor- 1
-samesaesse- serol Car-. .o,e Attacks, 'Vert ito and N*'unhtia tt
- human I
She serene from him aids and key eyes To Ten ft I hav • prettily.
interval Isar tem ph,sphatiue is nota Meletin,
ed with sag** Wen that I have • prsitie• wed ( )"
Isar reale and happy. 1 tisRs &p I will Jl and all wasting dummies of the
Remember 1-N., happiness without b
health Ile. (ire•.'. August Power' 4 h
brings health and happiness t., the
I al hoe yet heaved first sad then
dyspeptic. Ask yomr drezi;ut fotr,, • ' woa't, you-yns-
I bottle. Seveatyi•s cents. witty ( She left the twos. tease Mitis ems to
A Rswiun 1N nna dates "Talons i 4rek b' kit and west home.
iv" to as one ..ndin tea best four lit* t
y �` the rauaathehle -t d tan hares to try Fra man'• I
i•apvses last rate. The widower aghed, 1
re '�r taut a \utriment, because it contains no I
lh• shoe mimed disease. It, lea Wendy
gee thousands of hopeless awes Ate.
Pawn permanently eared. 1 'halite" Read
to send awn bottles n1 my nwnedy free
VI 54.y .34 7n1r rw*dors "the have 'into
serr wti..w. if they will send rot their Ea-
p-wi and P. O. address
fttoipectIo117, Ds. T. A. Swoon.
ly .. .:3Re set.,,
Arne nes "Tgea5R*T. sen n
'little `em for the Teeth and Ratti Ash worm Pnwdsse if y eh Id 1
1 1
Wow block, col_ 241 ..t. �� 7Jsr - ,,,tit or si..lees 14..
nna 1 NI al tate.
,J► :f Lat1, L*w•..-,...,w.
Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates
1 N treotice, and no Stimulants, but simpi I
ly the Phosphatic mid (iar'trto Elements
found in our daily food. A single hntt:e
Iie aut%aiunt to weariful*. A11 Denigrate
Iseal it. Sl 0.) per bottle. Lowrie A
ant• scent* for the 11•olminlnn,
rEJDt -tr„It;t Ep,it Toronto.
SHINGa ■a•■S 1
A lams. emta*ttry 0f 1E44are Ye*ralrn Orr
Cedar Awoke.. sews t,teksem, an
_a ,mai
to nay mill. sr •sn
oe rates.
met .•*mise b.f..• pareka4sa slew
w b. rr
Btehanaa4LaUon1 Bobiuea
tl lei