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The Huron Signal, 1888-9-14, Page 1
4 4w19 GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1488. Nceit.1,1cotooloP1 masa. t CAA A VIAlt lit AlLiValls&K • Hew Ailmertimeggogla Ms Week. Mr C. Crabli has returned from a! New Orece6ee-04s. Illthet. plmisseit and profitable humus/lea trip! Nem ! - A. W. Morris &Ca., St °atria down Esit. -- - -..o. . Mn J. B. Keir left on Saturday Monsoon. 1 last for a four weeksroot with her pa - &lick - -Wabeft 44 --At 40. Siephee'm church. rents at tit Catherium i MMr Rad"' " %"*"i• 44101- II. Mr Charlie Crofts, u( London, was in K. iii„, to i'arrte Waktilleld. bath of •h. torinslitp. town Saturday and Humidity, and roomy- i ed many old soquaititonceships. ROW* - Is iflieterieb, on liciadar. meet. Rev. A. McKay, nf Lucknow, preach - Ink lent, David tiatta :lodge. aged years, ed an edifying discourse to the c 'egress- Youtnu Niagara rent on Tuerday. tints of Kosiot church on Sundry last. Kent. Ilth. Me. li....Latueth beloved wife of Ke.. JJ:in During the months of Juiy and August Morn W. end T. MoCleau shipped over on. hundred car loads of cattle flow Chu - toe section. TOWN TOPICS. 'Atrti•I'M meaty ye, tette' melee. 4 a' /girt *ea preset U. GleAr4 -Ortrips are aospoesalte at the phis tritriwile eturLo of tiesootte wart. You iserobe her Me camera tor it. • 00013 PRINIEtT.- The Seat shau! gift you can soot me to prise a Wirt Pea. Air Pit :0 D. ItClittlatudiry. agent Ciederich. • a T•,)1 -B. Maa'artatie has the finest assortment of goads for skirled and sum- mer Us. Leder from bim and lou will be Pleased w...; 3: and nor. 1Zetrarel given amen timer ben Maas of ed hi Medical Lake Raw Wire. (.0 to lielLitivray's averory more and mad ratio,/ thereof mad get tenloineiala. Wilar's Tint MATTica TMS COAllre•- 11A -TIM'', what • man mud the idler dley Wb oa he New the clot rusaloll ter Y. St a Prietiam'e. looking for Gabby IWO111 eat' heavy toiderwear. Lt-idtfon Ts.. Thos who were provost at the rented mee.tag on Wi.doiselae thought semehody must have been driakiair flationg .bike,. Iteiybo4y would 'eke waif 14- Quur Tea there irotild ao bigheads tied no hole Tits Waotirirs CRIttaTt•r Tr IIPIta•AfCit Varna will Inset revJsiiI for the tranientiee id bereaves .eery Tue.da, atter-sees at 321/ dchiek, to I(not cburch. Cirri womaii wrested in tee wort is cordially merited to stead. The electric ILeb *imbroglio thrteileas to be •canaer in the heart et ourinenie =Leda serporate sad to 5.• fotor siea ma sou mottle& I: is far better to he la a hesdion to teke photographs to the electric Rask olitmet dytiontima es it Me came with &dhow. the paotograplue artist. lases bargains in coal sieves at Seasiders it Poles are cousliimit with Tcri are rime eif every day. There are a few geed her- esies left. Call *arty sad me Ger stork. We eve special More is coat. A;1 the sieweet SWAM for isle SW* sass. for th. Osney suing end ranges. Toe oheepait beam tinier the ow 11111ILTLEfil. Clara Slmk is 'jading ro:atiette IS St. Marys. Mr. McPhail South -et. la Testis( fneuds io Detroit. Mite Lie. of London, is the guest of Kiss Nellie Vend/slip. Mei N.Ili. Streiton, Kast-et., is visit- ing friends to Toronto. Mrs Henry Cooke ie visiting her child- ro at Pinconniag, Mr Jon Adition, 01 Hamiltne, is via. hi. parents in this omen. Tee Stowst. will b. rot to say ad - diem for belasee of 1888 for 25 meta. Tut SOIlitaL will be sent to any ad- dress fur Siloam* 1)1 1861 fur 23 ruts. The regu:ar visit of lovernor Toon to thi public schools was goide un Friday. Mr P Malcom/Km has returned to Iowa, after an absence of a few wrofts Lai K. G. Pollee left ea Monday to mune her audios at Alum Coleige, St. Thames Capt. J. W. Grime, of the M. L. Brock, *peat • few days •ith his family kat week. Mes Mitchell, left on Tuesday after - slew to visit fromada w Buffalo and at goner points. Kim Ida D.oteon, of Seaforth, has him the guest uf [Mauves in town foe dm pee week. Miss Kahle V. Cameron left on Moe - by to attend Kum V.sLo. ladies semin- ar, in Toronto. Illra R. 0. Reynolds, left on Tuesday hat to visit relatives and friends in and wooed Toronto. Mrs Keith has returned to her home, Oases, after et s weeks' visit to her sister, Mn P. Holt. Mr Jas Kitchell, of the Stor, spent a few days in Detroit during Ike week for momperative purposes. Mrs Humber and her reagent me have retorned front • eery plereat May so Thousand Island Pia. Km John Limey and ma, of London, ire spending a few weeks with their softer. Mrs It Youeg, Mr Frei Pries iatemigle, we under- hand, to teke • pnettion to one .4 the herr drag establishment" of Meatiest'. liss 0. W. Berry, of Luekeow, has re- versed hoer after opeodiag s very rat time with her many friends is foto.. atoms Dowitan. -Herr' Is.. Rev 8. Wigle will occupy Victoriast. church pupit in the morning, and Nurtb- 11. charch pulpit in the even- ing Sunday next. While dining on West street last atone oder lugs were found as sound as an the day they were pot in the ground, supposed to be sumo fifty years alriCre. W. C. T. C. -All the members of the above union are requested to be present M Knox church, at 2:30 p m, next Toseday. Election of officers aud other lowness will be transamieL Mrs Clerk and her liner, Mn Ber- yls', of St Paul, Min., left foe home Weedy eilletnooe, ekes a z week.' • M 15. residence 04 their parents. 111r and Mn Hugh Hamilton. Our thanks am due to Mr Wm Craig, formerly of Cloderich, now of Glasgow, Scotland, fur copies of Glaatow papers °obtaining particulars of the gieena! vwt to the exhibition in that city. Res Rural Date Craig, of Cantos. preached in St Omorite's church last Sun. day, moraine and 'vetoing. Rev Mr I Toone, of St George's ofSoiated at St Paul's church, Clinton, on the same day. Mr H. and Miss Wilkinson were in Leoknow last week 10 1110,14 the wed- ding of Miss L McIntyre, of that place. Mr Dan. McKenzie, the well-known "drummer," of Londoe, was the happy 11*50 We are *mod to leers that Mr nue. C Wright, soil of Mr J. J. Wright, a Point From, has bees promoted by his empkyers, Meson A. a S. Nordbeitner. to a resposeible pueition in connectiou w oe their Nosiness at Ottawa. Mr Horace Horton, manager of the Huron, & Bram Loan sod Investment Co. has returned front as enjoyable trip to Dakots He had bliss ender the weather for some time, asd claims that foie outing has banished his ailment.. Commit -rap on Amicessa Courr. Maloulm Gillis. was charged before tie mayor oe broaday last with stealing four sheep from Farmer H ,04 Ushers, sod was committed to stand his tried M 5. tint competent wort of jurisdic- tion. Mr. H. Sewed kas received advice' from the Noethwest, which state that coesidierable injury has been done to his large crop in that ametioe by the recent frosts. We understand 111.1 15. crop ma - der favorable circunistaere was *Mimed ed to be some 4 000 bushels. Ilk• have received from Mr John sell, © 01 111. Australian a lane 64 - page paper containing a wrest deal of informatics about the teasel centenn;a1 exposition at Melborne. A handsome litbographic view of the expositioe round. was lemma os a eeppleineut to the Australian on the reseicie. LOCAL VI*17011P.-Taaa4.y was evi- dently as excursion day to the tows for outside lawyers. The Syme WY 1.11 01 there, and there wee. err walking around ..othe outside. We notieed,ansimis others, Megan. Wade and Sinclair, of Semeels, Traver. 01 Lnekeow, Veneta's, of Wingltra, sod limmisig, of Clinton. B*. HAD A GOOD Saonow.-1888 hes bees a good memos for visitors at the Pole Farm. That's what Mr J. J. Wright says, and he ought to know. "Yoe me," said ha, "if s hones ger a good name, and te properly advertised abroad 111.7. 1. no difficulty to ailing it during the evasion. Cliasoni, and fresh air are cheaper thee 'bodkin(' sod feu - end drapines. Th. Point Fusin coe- times its hold os the outside public." A witivaasate Saavicia. -Rao: church cbotr will tarnish •110 mere at the an- eiversery meeting in *.nonaction with Bethany elterch, anderich township. on Teeeday resins eget. Addresses will bedelivered by Rev Maseru Anderson. of Oriderieh, Liviagetone, of Clinton, sod Hill and Jamieson, of Bayfield. Tea will be served from 6 p.m, to 8 p.se. Os Sunday next the anniversary ear. Mans .411 11. preached at 230 p.m., mad ever club, of this town. went to °listen 4 p liredneaday mod iiefeeted the lemmas deli of that town in four straight frames. tee Robert Donau, has returned British Colombia. and le roadie( weeks •isine her old home, pr••• to taking up her resider. in D.- 13 Nichols, the Weetst. dee. makes the preservation of the seta- e( • sprialty. Gee stlininistered O • el for the painless extractioe h. Illitwoutat Saavica -Led fielthath .seeing. ter Rev. 0... Riehardene dooted a memoirist/ service in North -.L Methodist ekureh, in entrecteri with the darer of tbe late Mr. Charlie Sara. Rotor anponneine his text, the preacher mid : "I' do sot believe in mak- lee extended eulogistic remarks regard - big any of our departed Mime ; het, may my that Mater Rates was reverted whom quite young. This feet yielded her great oneafort during her laist Shark she die eet, however, sonnet* herself ow does the new triiI Orik• Yam r ash the visible ehur* a mina till af- a eiUstai at dieser. lately "She , tor hor gasmids unit* via t ltrellek 1•411 yet." allavarad " rig* din shove& Mr has bre a meet rale- iy -Bet ahe dose almost piety Obeintian, loved sod pried by di ▪ thing oho obo know her. My Amite tied enerealk- Rieharilion, who has eatahlelied s , ties at her bedside were most ettillete toe in this Iowa as a Meer, Mare I tory. Rho had a der seer of 0.4'. y for Trinity Medici"' College. Tor- fewer, and died es Mr lies1-• Wee where he llor hese peering • 1 Christian. No doubt her happy spirit of teed, fax the pest toe yams ' ire bider Ike throes" Mr A. ftaraspenter, piano tuner and li T. Wiagliam Times flies Men to aI / Messrs Nein mid Oilibees, of the debut:ily Ideated at the bardets • repairer. the only representative of A. A 1 former resident of uogerieh : H. p. 1 mi,:;:.q.,,,, r....,.. Detroit, leave this , with the other colors thei 11 t. 5') 11. Nordheimisr in this distri.:t, and le III ! Vnlid, of Hamilton, has taken the prim- it Friday . morning for todnie, atter having soliately tiopowitele to ne.. oomph. Goderieh all next weak. Orders left at 'i tom of ledoer. vacisied by Mr J. D. Ni- ( at OM • ov11;.I4 ..1 pleellat.t •we'all rillitilly .111 face .4 Ili.. 5 shoes L'I *et, ONO i's - 15. British Exchange will be pr imptly ; ch.!. Mr Vidal. a Mori of Senator Vidal, !I relatives and fr.eeds iii t,,en. I chains graceful v to it ,q16.t lisp -re awl attended to. la Serbia, Ire 4 idtf• to be a yoont sum I lif,voit's C,,ukT _...R ,1„,,, it„gse,„", f with her 111.0 ' lastaily wailtiAll..1,1 WI a Mr i;041. Elliott, 14411 added groceries 14 ability slid eroargy, su..i sklavtati to i, Coloorne, was ..ii Tour•day, charoed by i i''°4- Ta" clihu,rsistLeuf vieeethe sa. maie,dtoklistiL onittsdh I., .1tO.. ?lie oldestP4s7.:e..i.i..71sigureca.Tesis""lt:"eng17.rau.7 to the other business which he carries on , th° Imaktok "roohltai-nh i Hi HAA ST:tuelt • GOOD LEAD. -Mr II aTlb";"11 at Isia Ill•sr aurl teed store, H•nolto....eo or to the w',1,1, Allred J .sose ot /eels li• guarantees new goods and low prices. I T. II votEters, who tit 501 onvmpid . 'sureties fur future fj.b.)41 behillal..r. end ninon the public to call aud ex• !lamely to the fiehshipptur trade up Mr Ranieri McLean returned from a 11.1h:iiri't_iht4 :1"11,16dIlt:';:4,4%':':1101.411.deba."1:k"e. i'lletal.: Illato• quality sod price. bora, end who has been ehment since businem trip to the Northwest on Thurs. n'' ila it':eing7vett"0...;:"aisil latikigda iniatuirtraith51.hiaa A Nora Fill)11 THK NOKTIIIWCAT. -F. { the beginning of the arson, teturried day, of last week. He fears that much , „ . , K. Voting, an esteemed subserther .4 hLigia on vacation last week, and ie ii.jury hags been done to the e rain cool miatijoiro ...roes --meows Ilia border. „,1 the Northwest by Qt., regent were If T. lb.. cluef ti-oure “11 the back ia a cut of W. T. wider date of Sept. l'oh, that the associatel. 1 i• says things are "in wind frosts. I Ton SitINAL, WrItOs from Calgary. N. speeding a fes weeks in the midst of his 'toe new hoodoo; Th.. is the prominent crops in that part of the Northwest our- I his way- in the fob lin. up the Likes. Tgarratoorce.- The Y. W C. T. U. o:...elint,u,n7o'nt" itoh..-.41k 'Th.: Ithaeoew:tir i.bie.)t$11171 pees these of soy previous year. The !and he looks as if the business agreed will re -open its regular meetioge on weather is beautiful, end no fruet has I with him. Monty.___Sept..lith, at . h..... if -peat seven ! rtlf:tteptil,:el,thr oh4coeuirs: 'i'ifiirrki.rilundinedlit br;rcahern0.11-- been experieooed yet tide fall. WNAT AN Ot..-T+It,t-rt THINEA. -no o'clock, in the ;ierary of lAtiolL ctorcio hou representing commerce. justice, Ton "MoJoa" was to Tows -Major editor of the Limowel olOtiefool recently4 Aid the metal:ere aza. re o oy-,ed 10 : : est ono earientture. On the left Dan. Crone WIN 111 Wein during the week, paid a visit to Goderich, and 'when he Preeent for the election of ottiorre for the putting in a portion of his vacation. He went home he wrote, among other corning year. hand is the honk's easel and on the nght spent an enjoyahle tiros, vr• understand, 1511121: (hie of the moot striking fee- Mootoot,O. t hand Art. hose with bruehes sod pallet. I o orrr or a. - As the d i- I The face of the $30 not* show• Mercury with the worth else. brigade and other tore. of Goderich is its streets, *loch rectors are shout to 'elect books amain riding on a dolphin. To the left the orocies. The Major lookers ..f life i,th. are wider •nd cleaner and laid out differ- in the library, they will be gad to re- IfIrtf,11111 kinds .4 nartststuvn are Portree - Queen City was just what suited hitroand eptly from eyes of soy other town ir. eeme suttee...lora (rum members. Names i ed. History purities her vocation in the we think it does. Tut Sontio would Weeterti Outer,. Beautiful grounds ! of hooks for their cooeiteration may be right hand corner. The Centr• ptem of like to have interviewed him on Cleie- landi retaliatory bill, but time did nut permit. A "Cove.-- Last meek while the pipe layer* were working on East street, the earth for • dtstance of forty feet mid - dimly caved in. Foor men mho were working in tin portion of the trench, ried 14, jump out, hut were pinned in by Ise falling earth, there being Ivetweet, two and three feet of earth. The men were released from their sudden impri- sonment without baring received any material injury. Messrs' MILL AT TUL4SALON BURN - cu. -Wednesday, of last week, about soots, the large nor mill at Thermion, belonging to Diluent & Co., one of Goderich's large lumber firms, wiis to- tally destroyed by tire. The mill had recently been laroely improved, toid a capacity of 70.003 feet per dey, iind was estimated to be worth $20,000 There was no insurance. The work of rebuild - ng hes already Logue, and it is expect- ed that 111. 6,15 will soon catch up with the trade. Gorse ro Masats.-Mr Wm. Long, of Ashfield, and for mime poen past echeol n teacher at Pembroke, left Godech os Wednesday afternoon to Mks • roman- eible position os 111. Meziese Central R. R. He is as fine a specimen of physicel manhood •• MO be found between here and there (being 6 ft 4 in. in his stock - stout in proportion and straight as s\sepling and morally and mentally has rivers to oorreepond with his athletic baste. The beet wishes of THE Sitill•L ostionipany him ,to the land a revolu- tions. surround many of the private noolences. left w15the libratian Um rooms as. but the ugly hoard frkoces which enc. sor,o, to possible. round them ere an intolerable eyr-somi, oo and dolot n'ach fr(fllviing wire the town. Though Goderich has hen oL tho aPP•ararra °a 'Imre before Ids Honor Jiidge Tome duo. tote elowgoing the past, theft are at ism the week : Henry tostel s, hotio, cherged j will be countersigned by Mr Smith MA aamataota. The new imam present evidences A.-ainterprise in time inki, 44,4 town, among which may be inentioned Chown •as tried and sentenced to threat $24 73 a thousand. weeks' hard labor in Hen- Mr. H. H. Smith. cf Winnipeg, • the putting in of an excellent system of hao.dr. of Hay. charged with stealing former resident of Goderich, was in town watetamkg• the intt'''incti'41 e'eotric Nano, eroheffer's horse, cor-es up foo r n Thursday afternoon, se. ad has a b, light' boa exhibit" ground. and huPd- trial lion Tuesday, sera:. lAth. Wm tome shaking hands with u)d acquaint.ing, etc. The t..wn fliture prosperity 001 evidently invtie:y ierend up. n whe_ adMcLeodanzi, apsg apteapelairagthuimreaoirncoilniao (4545 isetircusesk. a Hue% lo.b,kaais awasaell ad 50015* to have ther secures tloi C P. It. and ths lake will appear for setirer.ce this mcrning on traffie expected to follow the connection onorcoonotOs Datioal,110,1 DAY - that conipatiy at Cos shores of Lake of the railway and steamboat service of elect to be tried oc • stic-oid charge. Huron. Cheap excursion tickets to Toronto tt Cusoro's Et:woo:toot:. PRZT•Saftnall Eabffnrio* September 156.14t11, 17111, Exectuto.-Sonie weeks ag.., Tus31',71415, 2frh and '210., 8-1 00. September N•L exposeu d the absurdity of Clinton 141,0due h acidilii9thsepotonlity '/0.4berd1,. W.51 vtrtsit bad passed at the recent exammations ernickete claiming credit for all the scholars vela, i. Fair, London, excursion tickets Septem- 11.14 there, and showed that the col bier 20th, 21st. 22. Ltith, 2715, 28th, $1 'JO; September 24th and Odth. 81 30 legiate institute f that town had taken All tickets good until October lst. credit fur pupils hot received their Tickets and full information can be training at Goderich, Seaforth and Mae - procured from H. Artaroreorto, City where. The Sesforth Erpor't traltin gets neon Agent, G. T. R , near poet office, after the pietatiders, as follows :-We are informed that instead of moven powGodench.o ing for second class certiticatee. only A Bro Coro•arsi -We were Omen on tome of those prepared at tbe Canton Tuesday by Mr A. J. Macger two large school were successful. Last year the managers of the Clinton school issued a circular which was pnvately circulated, and which made familiar tuterepresenta- non& As their action thee happened tc go unchallenged, they grew bolder. and this year make a similar movement in the public newspapers, and the PIN,- de• serves credit for beitot the first t, ex o, pose the fraud. The managers of the R. C. Kiri" ils101 AND n • I Clinton school in thus misrepresenting wederstead arrangement* are about com- pleted for the holding of a good exam gion to Goderich from outside points tor the holding of a picnic under the allspice* of tit Peter's (R C) church, Ooderich, which will take place on or about the 25*11 of this month. Amongst the at- tractions that will be offered on the occesioo will be an exhibition of rowing by William O'Connor, of Toronto, the champion rower of the world. Full per - treaters will be given in • future an- the rtbaLtilenn srPrvalled hut eh- nouncement. THE New Poetic BUILDluoa. - It ifiesse we were to error leek week in stat- ing that the new buildings would be of brick with cut -stone facings. The pro- posed edifice is to be of Ciseaph stone. of her. The people of Michigan desire two stories high brides the &tee, and , but it moat be peace on horiora- will have a mansard roof. It will uccope wenn. Le. England and cum. tionaiderable frontaas on West street, da distinctly understand that, though having two wide entrasers, one for the the united Stave dawn penes. it win sot ender any circumstance submit to an Customs and Intend Revenue Tbsi the $100 note is a poldiell sketch Show - Science, with emblematic Gwen about her. The bills are signed by Ks Henry W. Darling. the President, amill their Institution are not setting the young 504 riling meiteration an example such as should ernanote from sech • source. Tuesday last the thidfieliows .4 Goderteh tied Huron Encianipment held their de- coration day, when flowers were placed upon the Reaves of departed brethren who rest in Maitland cemetery. Theis were about up* hundred members of the order present, fifteen of whom were from Clinton, and the uniformed members of the Encauspoitent some conaptcuous is the march. Millie Area tarnished by the Seaforth brass batol. During the after- noon, from 3 o'clock until 6, the busi- ness places were closed, in eocordasee with a perclamatino by the mayor, sad many of our reisitionts accompanied ths procesaion to tb• cemetery. Rev. Bro. Race,. acted as chaplain aud Mr, fl W. group photographs, the one representing Ball performed the Atom of Noble the employees el 04ilete & Ca at the 44 are th• eautee of the tioderich onntir.gent cerry the nraabron rho wilv f4s•P at outside :rar:tedd• 'Somerville, Donald Mc - Glamors Mills, sod the other thom of deported brethren whose graves were de - the Rip,: Mills, of die same firm, Mon treed, The men were all in a cat, uni- 1”""na• J°hnarnm.,... A. C. form, furnished hy the firm, and pT0- Vrtn Sloth. iro atirrY Conk*, rated a neat and tidy appearance in W. Rutherford, Wen Churchill, W. T. every respect It the interition of the Hays, Robert Mackay, Alex Killer, compost to uniform all their hands at Malcilin McPhail. (leo A Elliott, Alts Winnipeg, Godench and Seaforth, and finnarlaar, sud NeibertalL A then,when they are all photographedore aresth of flowers was also pet dove tie are of opinion that the good looks of * woe*" 61. 10 inelu°17 Hui following banner. To. StoNAJC. will wager on the points : Andover Kerby, Clinton ; D. good looks sad winning rays of the CutPimill. Brantford ; Jaw Handel -400, DAntratinon Chas E. Sleight, W11101 peg ; Wm Dineratuond, Kincardine ; and Robt Whitely, Looknow. The kindiy offices of decoration were performed by the following members : James Robes - son, Alex Saunders, Wm Proudfoot, James Yates. W. R. Matthews, H. Wo Bell, Ph. Holt, Jos Beek, R filmannoe„ C. A. Nairn, F. F. Lawrence, C. W. Andrews, Robt Given. ani Glee Settee. The dowers Isere (whistled by hk Alex Watson. During tI10 proteges of the proceseioe • number of military evolu- tions went thri.ugh by the usi- formed members of the otilittapillaak After else return from the eameary Mae. fifty of the brethren partook of aa ex- cellent supper which was spread at the. Ocean House. CAN Montour,' Warr C . 7 The Goderich Mei. from the genial manager Detroit J•oirn./..l wishes to ascertain what to the duat-b.:y. the people of Canada think of 1110 sr" Tow o 00VID'IL Mitsui; -The POLO- aient made by Mr Torrey. Democratic ier wiewstwg of des teen ooeurtj was ii,ad rspreiontative of Michigan to Congress on Monday eventing. Present -the may - who in the debate, last Sstvrdsy *Pon i.r in the chair, reeve Johnston. deputy reeve Cameron, councillors Rtdoliffe, Smith, Colborne, Reid, Naftel, Heim's, Humber, Proudfoot, Morton, Nichol - s011. The gametes of previous meeting were read a,ad approved_ The tower- or's statement showed • balance of $i.,- 134. A we:manic-soon seam read from A. H. Smith, mechanical superiatendent of the G. T. R, stating Out in the neigh- borhood of 10.000 otillons a dsy would be required by the company from the waterworks A consinonitiation was read from th• mantle department. Mat - insult." Th. Detroit Joao -ears request ins that co provution had been made for la small nomPlead with. and w• "viol the piscine of $ fug whistle at C/o:tench AT THB HA &Wen& out readers to squander • postal card is A number of accounte were presented monntonestion to thet paper and there- and referred to the finance committee. by enlighten tier belligerent cousins with Moved by Coorron, rounded by John- amell'ilf 1.1:""ss,,.:,,,0 4rtaill..Ls..is "lb. Imisw. Nair ideas of the size of the job it would mob, that the same delertee who he, fur Michelin to handle Canada "ell visited Brantford snd Niagara, proesed altme by itself." It 14 dee the Detroit to stistford for fe-o.t.alzfomet,son re. jaunted to add, that that enteeprist"ng erecting *leerier lights Jour, root newspaper is more amused than fright- of the Ball rectric Light Co , was beard seed over Mr Terser's war progress. before the council. Cooped thee h ad- & .10555, Thick was built in Ondericb Ramones or A B•ex Vert. -Trio Oen- A Bitten OP rex Bor.-The tog .1. Join-med. otherwise getting her um good trim e the betimes of the arson. hot wieter by oar townemeroMr William ender' Back of Commerce directors do libirlton, and which was launched at our riot helloes in putting old aim* ta new The echeynor Gollhanter delivered it harbor under lath fav0rable esspicat last Mettles The rnagnitilwat see building cargo u1 lumber at this port last week. hLay,hes lire making s 'mord as a moo- es King mid Jordee-streta. Tininto. je The schooner Tudors with a eaten nil et. The Joe. heinnits to the Cloth flab- noodle amino' at Ito lop, and re order lumber for Mr H. Soros arrived in hat - Sig fleet, avid is elided by OaPf. A:tred to eiefoirin "th the pristine neerneoi 4 bur .11 Theriolay of last week. Chambers of this tpeu. The Warton alio betiding at 4 it* deem -moo* the gen- The steamship 1:tiited Empire mad* /Geo says • Qisille aar leterrotingboseitat denten at th• hest et the bash ordered this port on Saturday rooming on hoe r1*.. or witnessed hy of • oomplete set of emir noise wherewith upward trip and took on rserneen. a see* no Tuesday lam. seat time J. H. so ornament the coffer. The new mem late, firantity of apple* ',lipped by D. Jones end the a.s. Mon it appear 1 oneameeced Rolm/ Otto cireolation last eanielon. Clinton, lett shipped by W, that their bogie 6111111, 111100.114110 of each weslo A atIftir0t.t supply has nut 7.1 Camph011. hot aeon thirty sod Indy ether nets deys sen, snd tlia Jones got 'reseed from the pretties. len as 500$ $5 hones for the hootiere woods,aed missell- bag), lat., °Wiwi", as Ira stated, to the it dor, alineing rime for Ogoing, the eneoes roorchas.lter. ✓ isohisory not workine smoothly. Not otil room will he withdraws from circa- Tie 8h„,,....111 I, smi 10 „y .4,_ twine entisied, the Jeers mecluded to t*tion hie W ii.oith oho oodutoo apta. dress 111 ha1*ste...1 1480 for 25,044114_ Mee the bag beat *anther brook the Ins or, will the ...tared by • staff of fir or ,.,., k 44" e pporeviity. This weltered ea Freda, sit Meeks, eel it is ell:weed that with '". n4441. 3 0 Kplhaffa be"11111111 s We. es mho 8.44. was ow her down trip. thew, it will he severs' ,n''11. before ral'ini.11("17and .14". frUM W41111.' . ' The Jowls entered the all foo boon *ha *5. task of Sting the ts,untortign will be -"ril '43' '''''''' a load of fish. inineeliat ahead of her enmeleted. The deemaimatioas of the astagosiet, end arrived •t Kiag's Point, verw bine see lVii. I0., 20'a, and 100'.. Ilimeth ItioLiamiterm • Ihm011o. &host tee miles hem here. She wetted They are ail hartiliele. fitare• of the ea- Any person .icy Or rod poising..i rare% art, mad a coentetresiter will lied Noeviliee, the great pain can, would not that ab•Y ler• hai dereir se well se the be without is if it Wel tea dollars • boa - artist's delight. The 11.15. 01 the bills 11.. A good thine se work its weight is ere ommetted *it% as artiste himoinee of jgold, and Nominee is the beet remedy Winne every hind of lathe eneb err ift the so rld for all kinds of pain. It Germ imenvele Sae use on hank Odle. The 1 reralom in 11..• mieutoa ; reohoomm, ia hese .55 51.. eneingushed for the hese, este miser : lame hack at ono applies- ty of the eseri•teg tied the intriseey of tine ; hardsche in • few asonirom; wadi obis5. anaerierea are era hie PnrikilL ear -lived at the Onvierment docks the Or Arign. It would he time mieereet ail pions juit se repsdiy. Small teat hot- Tharee a aaallaaoa WI al Ovidh IOD Jostle wee .tightlyeeshied. This meeker for th e eireateefeiter to al teespt a room ties only coat 13 emote Why not try k the spatial amenneteletiou of iieterhere .on sr Ad, nf the Weirton host. gneiss The Lager f t photeittephy i• Vetisy 7 Lents butters K.5 emir, mid lb, ell the pmes. .,.h as J01144 DO 08 Wed- as the Reline is oalcalsted to he ono of 1 al., turtle,' ride The mellow tint plio- ell druggists sett country dealers- 0,5 trader eight. the frier heats re es teeth were, t tograplks ea "sky illora toes r ow so- . r--- - ;._. . J pa... 3.4:4 :CJZ%Ulie., hurrence of war and bit preference for peaceful methods in the adjustment of differences, but added : -"If peaosif el methods do not retell, then the Sotto of Michigan will take care of Cesada and made a couple of Danosoatic States out P. 0. Department and the other for the Post Oce will be situated on the molted floor, the offices of the customs and In- land Rivet, ue offices brag on the next door. The mansard will allow ot sell - gent accommodation for the oartaker. "An EvItIrl•ft Munroe Woalt- Ong of the Woman s ' ry Socedy. w." ---An estertairdZauanadaer the ar- o( Ooderich, will be held in, Nettle -et, Methodist church owda (Friday) raw nag, at 8 o'clock, when a an eon - aiming of addriemet digs, letter from workers to Olsson fields, and diner inesic will be Ritmo Among thee, who will contribute to the minas! and Wat- ery entertainment will be Mr B. ftlq &Aeon, th. weilknown tenor, Min Willtinison. the 'pleasing 'opinion. Thoa the popular reader, and Mr R. C. Belcher. the 'Alewife bran. All are invited. A collection will be taken up during *be evening In aid of the illi•PiA0 work. The chair will be occupied by Rev teem Richardeoe. leo A ROWDY AT Tillt Crit-SCIL -A sigma Illaned J00611, who is alleged to be vies - resident of the Rall Flietric Leith' 004. Toronto, made himself a lathe too °ne- oplasm's in the mama Member on Wed- needay evening. amid bemuse the fine which lie renvesented wee sot awarded the entreat, was filled with • desire to mop the Goer with the town elerk Jailor mid emedry eusocallove. JOIWG is a tic overgrown fellow, hat we believe there ate Iota of noes in Godenali who Gould omit iho Bowe mine alongside. whim Irmo treed him down of he had poseiMed ire gooier eon sieve tio. mem, rid hi km foetid' efforts to get top a light. As the roes stetted. It wee 'attain', • aeg- is eated. so eartable was pireeit ea Mr oil loom om or the onaftist lie Sao u1 ego 1 Joie= might her spent the rOt le the two hoar, bet weir their speed wee "aludaa-- ?ma Saallaa Ildtall Jost* gentreated die diferewee wee wet so tia go lime awd heariferth swifter to lomat T. two home ree emit aide by esioduell himself Ishii • deeset man, eves '.14. the whole len voiles, sod whew they The schooner Jane McLeod, with .. canto of lumber for Mr J. Wellies**, arrived in port on Morley moraine. Capt. McLese has been busy an writ renewing km tackling, caulking,. sad) 14