HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-9-7, Page 6-qtr- -" , tteredt,h tRe..effa, crate' a• Jonas, -M7 dear fellow, what outs le is .that makes you lout •o sup. got ems a tyeniele �s wstri, my I'm orm enemy. mode Aglow �that be to wish,Iw� 7 Smith --You stoat say la And bow did ou do itt oke oesse-Inorwaded him to have his stn Rgets Me e 7 by an amateur pbotograpber woad today,tr• IS= It Wes Dee, 1' Stranger tuidrr, shit an red colored bred - layer -reel*, wbon building this bourse Cedored Ericklayer-lir Hirshtatg LetuiLl c'e house, but Qures Anne she drawad ds rVn-- Harper's Baser. The Slate. epriag Drees. `Tbe 'oldlnj bed is algsaneetly unknown is The otiserdoyrrtallmittArcheri•erduit A. F. V. arrived in town, on a L"'s%'e•^»m•nt o(. See bent, and stink enareers to a Washing- ton boarding house. As it was the ,lull &mime theVfre:Wan ,sae quartered Ina large trout rotas where the bed fulled silently ul., like Lsnefellow'a -4 b test ft rihap;teael tett nee Virginia hnareei "Met wsu friends from Alexandria during the evening of his prat day to RI'aaaineton, sad when be reached berme the hour was late. Reaching his room be fell on the bed, boots aria all, and the springs beteg tetra tb. structure began .tot chase rep. The e'evation of he feet, however, did not trouble the new boarder in the least: be was already slumbering peacefully, and the bed, of course, did not close tighter. In the morning the absence of her new boarder from t.eeakfnst troubled the landlady to aunt) an extent that she went with for maid to in- vestigate. The Virginian's door was the mom undisturbed and the bed apparently r•n clewed. The mail, however, discovered his hat on t'.:o door. and then in sepulchral tones called attentiou to tl.e feet pmtrud1ug from the top of the bed. The terrified women puled the bed slowly down, and the new boarder, awakened by the motion, crawled nut in a rumpled state. "I beg your pardon," be said, in some cone fusion, but his Virginia politeness ,sickly getting control, ''I was feeling a little pearl last night and set down rather hard on the bed, and I-1 reckon I Carted the maln- tp:ing."-Waabington C. New Yet Pogo Ne•rottattose Ceased. The well known Arlington hotel in Wash- ington is in reality mode up of a rwnber of once private houses which were made over for betel purposes. The owner, who L lams in his ideas, believes that by waiting losg enough anything can be bought. There is. private bonse which still juts into likhotel, not yet having been incorporated =to it The other day the hotel proprietor came to the conclusion that 1t would be a good idea for him to get that house and add it to his caravansary. Su be wrote • keys as follows: tel desire to add your bons. to my hotel State the price and I wW forward cheek." The owner of tb. bonm happened to be a woman, and one wiser than tbe average of bar sex in bunnees •Mara Elbe replied with lira: "I do not wish to esti. but contemplate =- Urging my back yard. Please name the pries of your hotel, and I will remit" • Negotiations haveceased-Beaton Times A Victim of Maswpely. LAT -Poor fellow, you leek hungry and tired. What brought you to rets condi::oo f , Tramp-Tbe iron beet of monopoly. "Too bad! But you can surely afford to keep clean. though, instead of being so dirty find grimy." j- "Alm, madam, you know little of the full power of monopoly and capital. They here even conspired against the cleanliames of the .poor." '.Hare you not beard that a soap trust bee been formed'-LJnooia Journal. Tbm Lore Stew. Tremkrwr-Oone completely, SlgzJ Sigamunnd-What is itt 1 saw you an boar ago, and you were getting on swimmingly with that stunning Marsbmallow girl Tremtlow-tio I was, me drab boy, so I was' but just when I began to get over my bash Intuit= a little aloe turned around and asked one U I wouldn't like to come over and play with bar little sister emus afternoon. -Boston Joernal re Wender. ;' "Doesn't your sister Scat beantitaly1" ex- claimed Merritt in admfratioa as he stood on tie beach. ''Why 'boa:tint she," replied little Johnny, "when sin pads her bathing suits with enough cork to make • 1:fe pr•eserverr- Judgee Aveldiag *be ahoy. 1/ Tasker-h's very sad about Mls Uv - lien 10 She men play say mow 'Apelbi ebb means. rr tIrt r Bos Me injured hunwif 1 Pies Taedi --Ire 1 bet ire just trueosee to a esnnf etnrer of tennis good*, and woeid bprdly bs good form. you know. - Mae .!' t fI. 5 , •.t t . ti as x tiaF Wit ' _• . l ,•Ir e ore TAF HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, S F i T 1A84, A spasmed SS•se.... There was • group , 4 urea talking hors* k tbe cake ret the Hotel t'adailac w ben tars, were 1°1 tied by • stranger. wltu kept puttint; 1e hisser at ever) open leg. and who Saab, observed: 'Yes. 1 export l owned the asst borne whinb ever trotted • node is three minutes' "You( Usd y tr es rr po e • boner sharply queried nee of the gni* . "Ot (None, 1 did." ••A real honer "Ce-rtatinly." •'Plesb and Wi dt° "Yes, sir." "lex.k here my frieed. you've Leard of a navel oat a Lorne, haven't your '-1 should an 1 Led! I've cured demons of 'em." ben yea are just the man to settle • des puts. Do these marina break out in ten upper or the }ower nowt Demi answer a off band, but tate time 10 think -aa intact depends ou at Walk abvet • Late and Lc sure yea am right" The stranger got up in • daued way, walked to t'ae door, and as be tuned 4t eerie Leek Lease that his chair Mut trees Lied, ant that it was a wild cut on him. Where do sluts iu. Leak reit," he mutterer as i:e surveyed the a-roult That's a•core In;. If 1 eau git bele of the feller who made a fool of me spawns* w ill break out of bin it ten thousand d places at etre, an 1 tbeY'll M go•:t darned lel navies to boot." -Detroit Free Ness. Hew the Devil Tempted Jim. A gray beaded, weather irate,' n11 dart) rearmed Jim Short was arraigned before the criminal court of 1).catur county dna sec with stealing a ju.ey hang fes. i Halsor', store, After the state Oared the old '•Yet' wag pat u:0 to make his statement. "Jedge, I wus jet laastn' by an' Need d. harts. De debii say, 'Jim. deer'~ a nice ham take urn.' De Led env, '.;►:n, yous e LF+st•ed'Aer: deal you take tunnel Lurid J, Irv. on. When 1 gets down tie strut the debit say, •Jus, fist's er might) fine Lan,; ain't rte teic we.trbin': better g, Ism•k au' gin ern' Bless 4e laewd! 1 forges went bre say: 1 goes back -mind what 1 say - hit ens de ek•bjI's r.•rk-stuttcberl 1 b'un to^k um under nay neat alt gee's an' hair e behind Mr. Fordham'* stable. Den 1 teen back an' walks up de street to ewe U day nem um. Drs as 1 gets clots' ter 31r. Cowart's hat rot= tier perltre Meng he hat' in my codas an' say, 'Jinn, whar tie ha:nr Dat tuck an so on suddetit, bon*, dot 1 tells whir d* tam and be gins um" ----- "what kind of a preacher are your as1.d the judge. •'Pot helot', Lona." •'C: beet kind of • Keleher is that}' "BOSS, 1a's de fellc w dao stands on de finer and mete De big feller.: Fitt un in tie pulpit like su'eelf, Lut we Lttl' fellers we stand on de floor, an' der calls us pot beker preach- ers." His honor sent elm apex mo :ate "sort' io the chain gang. -Albany else News Tb. Aroma Ele'laor, AOINGRAM-U m Idaj Ducar drovevp in front of The Sicker ol1^e ie her doeca t yester•lay and called us out and eensie'ned es to the pisco which is hotter than this. She talked so loud and so vignrotuly as to at. tract a .•roved, and it Is only duo us that we explain. She sent us a poem entitled, "When 1 Am Dead," and expected us to print it. We found it one of the flat:est, *:)best eCusfona ever written by mortal hand. but desiring to please the lady we wrote • beautiful poem ourself, placed her titin to it. and signed her mane as the author. That was why she kicked. 81e hal the nerve to declare that she would hang herself sooner than father our pre. Oreo snakes and black tats! but:tee gall of some personal Do them a favor and they tern and sting you t Seek to belp teem up, and tbey want to crn.b you down! Mrs. Maj Dubar • poetess! We will leave it to any unbiased man or women in Arizona if she knows rhyme from jack rabbits! tr en we cbncked her poems into the waste basket ani set down and dashed off a dolici.ets little gem to replace it we expected a word of gratitude. In its stead we received insults ane abuse. Such aro scene of the trials and begirt aches incident to the publication of a great j carnal iu this wild west -Detroit Free WHEN TO 1EXTAACT NONIY Prwmtwws Apa Mue s.•* Opta+ser •' R'hea .ball ho.eys.mba ordinarily ho •xtroeted-when test z aaxlad, or when j asra'sd over. pertly soalad for mown. t lira► -In order to get the lariat returns in dollars' and tents?" salted 1M0,,iaant testify to the merits of this teedlci.s. lira. I jr..iSarah Burroughs, of ase NgbI coaled." street, South Easton, writes : •' My bum land hall takes An rem SaranpartUa, for Dyspepsia and torpid User, sad has been greatly beaented." • The above query was not kssg ago and variously arsweted by %Wartanc in Wowing. in 11oe Cult L R. Root says. -Wheal partly Dadant L Son When ripe, regardless rappin a." Charles T. Muth. • tlllecl they need not be capped .'• 111 Harrison ••That depends: ordinartl ::p and extract at Ilie end of the Jam•, I`ed.don and many others ena '.t mat depends." Tho editor remarks conclusion "It is a little slagular bow often It is Absurd Ver people to rape, t a cure fur ladies*. time, =less rhes r•Irela ken ..des what le unwholesome ; but It $aytbltl)g will sharpen the appetite and pre toga 1 to the digestive cepa*. k e *yeses Sala separtlta. Thoee+uds all over the wag When re. L y tier season." morel A Confirmed Dyspeptic. et C. Canterbury. .1 141 Franklin •t., Boston, Maes., writes, that, suffering for years front Indigestion, he was at last induced t• tri Ayer's Sarsaparilla ani by its use, vim entirely .cared. Mrs. Joseph Anbtn, of high street, Holyoke. Mase„ suffered for ewer a year nom Dyspepsia, so that also mold not eat substantial feel. because very weak, sed was =able to care for her family. Neither the medicines prescribed by physicians, nor acv of the remedies Advertised for the cure of Dyspepsia, helped her. until she CeIumeac'ed the use of Ayer's Sersapanlla. '• Threes bottles of this mtdiclne," she writes, cured me." words Tomo in, or sonrethi the 'That dek.ends.' Whoever produces Lenin or anything elso ought to strive to please Lir costumers. 1 confess to a very great I:kiee for honey left tin tie hive's until 1 ung after 1t Las been weals). But sup• p wo tete beekeeper wants his moues,, and I .ueptieo he dust not get as much Loney by tbir course. Dadant suggested. segue tiute ago. that one would get jot.: as much horsy by piling uo the count* la extra hives until the whole crop of the .:•awn was collected land 1 am very much facliuetl tot think he is right), and tine extract it at your !rtaurn long after the flow is over This is the kind of Lone)' for cue, even if it is a little darker in color than that thrown out just when the cells ars partly welded. It is a great deal mon work, uoeerer. to extract ti-a;t lust It has Let: Ito with tits bier. -end it ought to bring a linger pries. Like friend Musty, I am est ill for war' against raw honer or ?t.een honey. Let ui have it rile' nal rich, dried down nutil I- is *olid, heavy -•t,1 retie tem ell o4nr' :u.nehle iia ars.- . trro le very litre„ honey tri be bonelet mele ' I eaoukl 'all r.'ally 'gilt el;,Y•.' (, f c,.arx'. I am now epea::iny of extracted L;ue.'. rind 1 eappoee the relacilrl r• sown i. teat the lies kenrpere correct aCor.l to 1, t it seer rine." At i:re bee keepers' r eiveftion !samples r.f honey Imre been exiildk•.l :ipennl by ertiikiel means peramp% fully equal to atty. Pretense' rbc:: :.):teles to ILL) Let his report. Clots .tbeat Destrnyin' Wer -s. An tie rs:taut cpen:i•.n iu t garden and bathe d•s. sleet Motion u f wrens. Leber te 1 tomb. er stn: pore' -tiled m Ayer's Sarsaparilla, z rarrsan IT Or. J. C. Ayer I4 Co., Lowell, Masa. Prds.:t; a4 boil... $1. Worth OS • Mule, 1• °" gnat EVERY STYLE QUALITY & . PRICE. EASY i O lro t 'E. Ln:bv tlwret taouatro for aurmzlan reset Er ('a. ! REMOVED!' fl have removed to the mammoth store formerly occupied by Wm. Kay next to Bank of Commerce, where they will be happy to meet their old customers. and as many new ones. lei: t REES PRICE & SON. NUM tiC, sir���,►'.r�=res ,max Aur:s4 ' BCTS �AHD SHOES. U It ter+x CATARR;1, �-- !E DOWNING k►YT•Frs3E1. i"" • • The 01.1 gots .0 •h. B,,,.r land Waver >1•w e( liodrrieh. at111 'o rhe (coat slab sae et ilia Lariat k fl -.venial trete Otn. for 1N•e:nion, ox.esprwlasg mtnay will be raved it ell surf:ret expo.e•1 sen aro stirred ss fre'eeqqueetls' t tIto germinatinF, seeds of wtelsere V. before the planta adore..; tb-t'e gree It la Lsrd to retake title always, o re•mnt::lie Linear ca.•::3h in a large gatsttea to male it alwar.s erectl.able, etlll it is tee only t•- o, ct..x1 ray c, which t deal y-itls -reels. In the ease •;f purslane, for example, if the planta are allowed to bmtw krgo enough to matte any a•tiicar. ante alxnv ground. they have t , be hoed or pulled up and then r•'rnd into and carried away, or be rnad or btuied deop. c.r they will root agate after Hie prat ebowor, and the work will have to done over again. The purslane, the herd's purse, tbedilen weed and euranother %eeda flower and riper. t l eer seed in a sue. prisingly "bcrt time after they appear, and if the gardener allows them to any start of him his land r:i11 soon f 11 cf their seeds, which will live for long time under ground and germinate soon as cultivation brings them n enough to tbe surface. Thesreticail then, never should ire • wecel of any ki in a garden, but in this climate of L suns and frequent rains them will ale •y be more or kms. They should not oe however. to pigs. as is often done, as t seeds then get into the manure pilo and so inerea"e the work of succeeding years ge =miens Lore vegetables should. wher ever p•weible. be planter) is rows. au tire easy Ire saved iu eult!tattag them and in d•sttroying the %mens by tiro use of burse, power. of reesipt ret prise. 0t......' II. Mr: eau d TO .royla C 3.., RK •, .lteelt Ont. 11 red. r to i'ho+ be ajpp. Ret a aa oar td GPArEi'i'L-COiI(FORTINA. ted, erre w tL C 1111 asalsa.arss J•.•r noes t,.rr , "n.plegee .w -a iteaJ.rS,. �erewwa taraartty. :hr Apple lased 0,i'n:. ..cr 'ret. .. .. JI...IC.,�' toga! ) :4J• e ig,orarea the et .-r'.:. For sale Id• .hao.li )tea. draag:st, Etta proses. Ake.sstaend II. he PA'S COCOA. !!': F- AETA FT. "Bea there:le a eaowMdtteef 'kr mineral 1*, err. itt.;.-?- trot., ... ..a• mono. to-.• M dire"• hn and n'nr,t.w,..r.: b) •.•aref ! of t sAe ane proper es! •d w. ilwsi.'r:e l Velem. Yr £pphpR.'uM:: ion ..'s: eatee: • wab a tice:�.atv!:u) n!svvrei bea•`irat: which may sere 'a nosey 1.: ter dockers' bale It is bt tis.. Je.,liewas t-•: of ewe men lea of d.rt that a mow ,lWoe may be gradually belt up until :r. -r t ra wl�yyttt. to resist t.'adenry to d:,.N..e. Hsu:deeds at sweet mead nsare M.a'ir,garound its ready to at tscs wherever there 1• pp weak sing, Nee may e.eaee mane a Wait start keep.we ourselves writ ,..ri 1.d wit: pure 1. Dost awl • Iwssperlr henr...de i haver." -"t (1a:•tee " 314de siln!: w e's hetet:, weer er Mold nal; In 'a ' • 07jr. ,t• ars, I.thelle t tons' JA1/eet rl'{1FiA t'., kurn:sopstbic (Isere Mae L web a, b:'•,''- !e;. !1$ Srpeember rake. Following f; a list cf state and lade pen -lent fairn annouarod to occur daring tee month of September: Ayrieulrur•al aid Artsamociatiou, Tomato, . ufW1•) fair, Buffalo, Sent 4-14. m . alifernia, .lacrarnr.. Sept. 11. orane.•cticnt, lteri len,Sept. 11-14. 'n ota, Mitcb, 13.,;.t. i-'; Huron, SortDeiawtes.. Doer, i e' .1' tabu, U:ney, Sept..ti l -w. a:.s= Ten.:a, Se. 17-11. Lnt eine, evee:on, runt 11-14. 1'. Trade. "Look he e," said an Austin dude to a C news:Asper reporter, "you tell me a coeple of Dsk good john I want to get them off as ortgi- 19-1 nt nal, you know, at • utile axial gathering to. Iu night 1U lead you pee dollars it you do." l( "I don't think it will work," replied the 31 f Wapaper man, pensively. "Why not -nu so blamed pair that If I am faros with five dollars on my person I'U be sow ported of basing stoles times, and you are so Warned stupid that If you get off •joke everybody wWsuspect you right 0 good ."czas Siftters A Dresm leeerrrptoi The sea waves beat upon the shore ie never .14 Ceasing rhythm, and as the gold= sunshine 10.�_. () lit up the crest of every ware with a sp arkle like that of a diamond, Rosalind M'l ,uab Pe - looked tar maser= tbe water, and a da.b of Bee poetic inspiration seised upon her "Oh, how low delightful It must be to pour oat the soul io T verse when much • .meas this is unrolled" - "Hl, there, mho," 'bout= an old salt, "the tide is coming in. If you don't get off that rock,youll be drownded."-Hartford Poet Massaveteette ;Hortiisal.atralJ,$psbp,Eep1 Micb!gan, Jeckeon, Rept. 10-14. g�pMa.osMtinytesria, St Pac1,13ept, 1:1-13; :.oebeafite', re letfcs^.ate, Cl. Joseph, Rept.10•43. Itct,ras:e, Lincoln, Sept New England. Wore es.er, Seek 4-7. Now Jersey, Waverly. sept 17-.3. Non' York, F'.mine, Sent. 11-_' Ohio. t:.htmbi ; t;e pt. 4 to Oct. 1'). tarto. Canada exposition, Toronto. Sent tasba expns:tloa. Oreille, Sept. ^,-d, Oregrn, SalemIn-!. narylvania, �'bi..adelpt.ia, Sept. S-lil, els leant, Providence. Sent. -:-fee a. Seem City fair, &pt. :i3 to C:rs 4 I. Cam of Emergency. "So you want board and lodging here? "Yes, sir." Ant "What is your pretension strut - "I am a physician, and at preened acting itre; ca•oo.r." the f "That sof Well, so long es you are acting one o coroner, 111 board year for nothing.• other "Fax wbat reason r' Int^'.re "My wife has just beget a psol:ao a:le lova"-Lisoola Journal. with with moue. Sasur:.;e Bent. "r:.1 yVurnont. Corliagto., slept. 11-1A U-% kaa Territeny,8potaue " ,UqS Wheimaln rneteclal!, Rao's -a, tang- 64r and Madison, Rept. IJ -91. Wyoming, Cb vena., Rept :r% A [roam rade lee Chest. on the many •he'p end eerily coa- ted contrivances that rake good its,:es for pateat.nd refrigerators Is ',Unwin:; Take two dry retx1a tows, f when ion tnoneh smeller than the to leave a rpace of cheat Verne s ail ar o'tu 1 when 1t le pieced ho - r11 the space between the two sswdttst perked ciosely and cover a her y lil made t fit neatly inside the larger Lox. Insert a small pipe in the Is;ttore .d tae chest to carry off the rra'er from the meeting 1.r. and you have • very clown and tok'rably effective lee box for family or grocer's tree. )leve and There, rniecb hugs are rope, -'pd in nearly I "Per coun:y in the state of Kaunas. it seem+ probable that rho pesters e■ *ride, cuttings, bulbs and roots will be reduced t•., at least right cents a pound, h ane half of tbe present rate. George F. Mills. of Fonda. ee-pee♦ of the New York State vele:y. hoc herr' np ted b tips Hill ■ member of the bo.nl of coot - of the state e'Melirar ret statin to of }Jr. J. 8. Wurdwanl, rveiguod. S new elalmed that the mon•. pest Missed • Good Thiep A society Item says that pet dogs aro now chef in mantles with pockets for boldlatg lumr m of sugar, bracelets on their paws and a string of little sot r. r bells around the steak. Teou ands of nee:petal cbiklreu nomad • mighty good thing ty aot Laing born pet does -Norristown Iienekl A Reavy Colored!. A nVmb.r of a western company retired the Mist night of the eeeampe n.nt erten the whkb tide was out. He rote in the morning when tbo tide wee in, and exclaimed' "Jniw1I' Mr kits, men, bow it muster rallied up the si'lent creek."-Ckicage lural r•ranr Treee ,*� I trol place Perhaps tbe tr n. erro fax baldmen e a polar reabLeee Tb. African elephant that ' It s wandered to Riberoa became covered srttb In A bats. EaleMore tam prefer beldame bare t•• The bale at tie North P.M-, 1u s., Assam pre inted ns'ralfa 1. worse than the rabbit pert i DR. FOWLERS •EXT: OF • •WILD• TWBERRY CURES HOL•ERA oiera Morbus Lr l C RAMPS IARRH(EA (SENT£RY AND ALL SUMMER COMPLANITS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS 1T IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN CR ADULTS, RICI3Ly renwareed are thew who rise tb:$ and then a•:: ; t'ory •::I Cod boa,eabte employ runt that set: cant not tate them frnm tbr:r Mime sad fang.:ee.. The Lrnrna as. large sad inns' 1,r every Indw.trto„e perenw. Many ha mu!. and are tow m sting aeveral hundred doll•,. • month. 11 a ewe for any one to make LS and upwards per day. who is neau u re work. hither ret, rota* or old ; rapRtl not Deed.. ; w e .tart roe. cterytb, n BMW. No notelet *bury r.o!a,rel - yon, readgir. �Y .!o It as we!' •• ,in • one. Ki rite to us at rare hew /n'1 pent• nh... whirl. we mad free. £4. dress Si ironer k ('o , Portland. liaise. IR DUNN's BAKINC AN iMML''tec ?tom of Lad es' Fine Goods In Mutton Roare. Rafm•ealt ro,nt',em, Oefard Ten Often diSeren' s* .-• n,' Eat -iipper- froen tk.. tp to any paws• ens Nke. FHt, plash. Rem Prot. ego. Carpet, tt'e.wam sad Unman Slippers in profusion. OVERSHOES AND RUBBERS Uf srery Mrs.-r:pp inn .iweh c r r.sna.l!an and Amer:can musical. 1 w nul,t .1.o ca:1 rte” atIeatioe of FAtthl Eft'' t. that part of to, atavic .sen early sult•hie fur them. st:. L Lon" 13o:ts in Calf, Kip and Cowhide, • FELT BOOTS AND MOCCASINS. i have a her of Fc:: 1➢.'.ta. my own make, seknewledte.l to be the 11,-st Fel! hoot made 1a 1 snoods. Pron.m And careful a:tenl,on rise. ORDERED WORK AND REPAIRING. fo'ilesse bear three tacos In sear :- 1 have bs tar the Iargeat eta l of 'Mors Aad share is Moa : They ate tat the very 4ea 111.)117 pro.'•raule, ne:ag road.- by the best a..iouta..'tseers i. t'eina.ta • Aad 1 mil •ell at prows as tow e,' louse twin wy,ae,r .koro tteltettisg • ceetiaasace of yours gleed custom. so liberally accorded are during the past fourteen years. 1 retests, your. fee htully. E. DOWNING, Crabb'a Week. ('*r. 1...: et. and &sear PTJRE PARISGREEN, . HELLEBORE, INSECT POWDER - A � RHYNAS' Z': rvc70- �mstr_ _ 1VI\I; it I. 1:\1:+11111, grey /Lop ,u r he late. •tyle, lou: in Terse dew nereerI bain, r n o of t hem t i s cele '.re:ed Rug heater hit:ant lea ire'. sed ',iced • )otirneyman Wrt.,.r. we are n a I'".rt,oa to do neper Nark Ilan hereto - roe.•. footrest ('h l td rea' - Ilaircutting made a •p.,laity on all days .'rept Sacur'd.y, I:e-or- end Sr aeort WZ.z_ 11841 West Street. two doors east et P.O.. l%oderiob NEW ANNOUNCEMENT The undersigned. while ttaeklatr ileo peAl'e for their literal renown. bestowed upon bum Leer coem3i•saclew bwinees. hep to an•oence that ke has put dew■ hie prices to lour LOTTO. F u'defN2sj an wishes particularly to call atlentioa to hie SPLENDID LINES OF TEAS from 10 cts to 75 cts per Ib, Maple Syrup, finest case Prup� pure Spices, Lawry celebrated Bacon, cooked Corn Beef. Cut Myrtle, Cavendish and Club Tobaccos, best American fine cut chewing Tcbacco, fresh •alt and canned Fish, best quality. tl 12 Bars of Soap for 25c. 3 Scrubbing Brushes for 25c. THE waK'seFsrFRIEND p�ceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour, Feed F'}e''nch government commission sip - to inquire into the use of salt for saedoee In lag 4 The Ovens Ileseell. I oz. 2 Keay promisee to dales the mess! of kir u to evertor, wblel, N is etesglyr lar ounces Iit will eel mow-Fre'Mbnee Jouruik . tie animals nernmmead the follow ally allowans* For m mikh cow or ounce.; for fattenseg .tall ted on. 44 ounces: for fat tsOlagyine 1 to 1+ . few • lean sheep If to # onsee, SX a home, 1 ouam. - DEEP .sonde n ,roma. Dat as ear. 1y"Hlghtet Rim p414 fee tumor*. prod a rr. N pared M the rnarripilimol ref .twee') that moo whom. ie asset of pvoltefslr work qe•t ewa he dew. Ails lit ,nreet•o at Man• •hone at rad thnirw idows. to i(*LLiv a ('e.. hevtlandJOH ROBERTsQN • «neo and rewvhs rm. , fete Iwfo►wiatlww Awe either sea, of all e.ea, ewe earn form ♦S to 1 1 re en and ups w ver MeltwU • .-... .� _. �VCC>0�03R TO O. Ie. BC'Elff rr011 Ij eve �JIiiilTi tt�fi.�a� �ate'ti �ooi[, the Square, �1o�i a, lib All Mork*. Ifatl dial. 1Ar Vim•'