HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-9-7, Page 4W
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ran Ilona' ( A aoasber of oar euetemponriw, Re-
form and C,aaarrativs, are le a stats of
.dr ?tai urr►ca:
1R is • wide-awake local newspaper, devoted
•!ghatsR swes
'sod the dr•aia•tlof am
tatltlte r t'ik (UrTSN
lost a year . tic. for ex monde- : tec. for
tree aaoatba It the subscription is nut Qaid
adva•ae, sttkr.ripttun will be asoma at
tbs tate se Kele rear.
AJ•t7NT.•1,1. s'Tits i
Iwai and other somal ad•ertleetneats. Sc.
ppa.rr line far gel a
l trrtion. d 3 con!. per hoe
furMch sa►sa�eattwa
at Insertion. lured by
• upareil soa7a
local notices in simmered type Sc per line.
Local &ounce LA anther, reading type Ir pe
Easiness cards Max Ilan and under AS per
Advertise est. or Loot, Found, e•rayrd.
W tn•tloae Vwoaol. etteatloo Wanted and
=i'b.ao•s Wanted. not exceeding t
pared11 per month.
Homes on reale and Faros on rale. not to
exceed n lines, el Metre month. !i0c per sub
sgoent month, Lamer ad\t• la proportion.
Any apesW notice. the oblert of which is to
pmeelote the pecuniary benefit of any iudi-
weasel or rompoay. to be mouldered en ad
yertiaement and charged accordlnwiy.
These terms will ia.JI omen be strictly act
bussed to.
Special mea. for Ismer eel vert terrorists. or
drtlormente for ratended periods. made
own at the ogles of publication.
- All BIM l6N/NTUENT. _.
A telly equipped Jobbing Office is e.rrid
s In connection with tae ordleary sewep•epo
beakers, where first-clsm averk is turned not
at r•e•onable rates. B•nything In tbs print -
Mg line ran be done on the premises from so
Wheels►ted poster to • viits.ng card.
All uuttmuntcatiou, mur. be addressed to
. Ne/:ILLN•t1MNT.
• I;ditorot Tng Bm♦aL
e teab-N Can No L. Ooderirb Out.
is lie Mild September, and a fall
seeress* is sot oat d plass
Witten tits matter with Mr Hugh
Macdonald that his father doesn't Ret a
baronetcy 1
Snug of the good people in the tictni-
ty of the warlike editors ought to sit
upon the bellicose aerobes while the ez
atement •11 discussing the retaliatory
measure of President Cleveland eon -
tames. The editor o(the London, Eng.,
Standard and Sem Hughes, of the Lind
ray Warder, shook be taken in hand
at moa or they will get us Into In-
ternet tonal didleultire Rather than
have trouble, w• would suggest that the
two editors Hawed, be put into s hall
with old Senator R•ddlrhsrger and John
Finerly of Chicago, and allowed to set-
tle the different. be. Green them.
mind because President Cleeelsed bee
seen fit to seed a message to Colognes
askte( ter powers Of retaltatwo attunet
aaad., should the laws that now prevail
it the matter of the fisheries be enforced
by the latter.
Lost year an effort was made t..
elr•igbten out the moonshot* wbicb exist
on the fisheries quostbaa, nod ea aro,
ran/gement was coma to between the
plenipotentiaries who had the matter in
hood. The treaty agreed to was recent-
ly submitted to Congress, and was re-
fused ratification by the Republican ma-
jority in the Senate, on • purely partisan
vote, President Cleveland's message
lir ret•I:at►uo was then prepared tad
submitted, but at the time .of writing it
would seem that the additional powers
asked tor by the President will not be
granted by the Repubasn majority io
the Satiate.
That u the substance of the cane in a
nutshell, and why our confreres should
wax eloquently wrathy over the matter
is something .e cannot understand. If
the old treaty worked against the inter-
ests of the American oshermen, and
Brother Jonathan was getting the wont
of the bargain, it was right and proper
that sere one should be arranged. This
oda- __.atenioe of the British sad
Amsriwo Governments when the Fish-
eries Cnmmiest..n was appointed last
year. If, after s new treaty had been
agreed to by the Commiesiooare, it was
rejected by a majority of the Senate, on
purely partisan aruonde, small blame
an attach to tits President it he seeks
other methods to neutralise the efforts of
his opponents to make parry capital out
of the rejection id the treaty.
At present Canada is all right and eta
interests cannot be materially interfer-
red with, but • hot pot has been set s•
boiling owes of the other side of the
line,which will not ouol .off until after the
Presidential election. President Cleve
land has shown that he is able tc check-
mate the plans of Sate opponents, and
that on no oseasiun and under no circum-
stances will he hesitate to do so.
But there is another phase of this
go.et ion to which we wculd like to direct
the attention .4 mur readers. Away
tack in 1878 the cry. "Canada for Cana-
dians." was raised by the Conservative
party, and the leaflets and rank and file
have almost shouted themselves hearse
from that day to this. Now, if the
worst results possible were to obtain from
the President's retaliatory message, a
system of non -intercourse commercially
would prevail between Canada and the
United States. In that case Canada
would be for Canadians, and the states-
men anti their followers who raised the
shibboleth would hare reason to rejoice
that at last • system of exclusion pre-
vailed that would certainly give them
complete control of their own markets,
so far am te
was concerned If pr`States
prohibitory orytand
is nght wbiuh kips out • large portion of
necessary • rt tc's, so t hat local manufactur-
e rs
•rs may be secured from foreign competi
tion,suroly non intercourse commercially
between Canada and the United States
ought not to vex the spirits o f the re-
If the present discussion of the roma
tion of retaliation does nothing more
than opera the eyes of the reetric ionists
on both sides of the lino to the fret that
the interests of the tau 000ntries run on
similar lines, and that the closer the
commercial relations between them the
better will it be fur both, we will not
bare cause to regret the action of Presi-
dent Cleveland in making his retalia-
tory menage a subj.-et for debate at the
;present jaacture.
President Cleveland's Bold 1Love
Commented Upon.
tfe. Mlemsee W sae trammels Treats --The
r...Ms ,tel tseriatle faelsesaa
Was as sloe t.pMd -TM Mew
awe wows** ser sae tea's
Tame/ asu-
THE Inesa freak of tariff stupidity
came to light reoen•lj •bee one of the
Canadian Wimbledon teem onlett000k to
briog from the Ohl Land t trophy whieb
he bol woo. He was stopped at the
Canadian customs house and made to
per IE'=.• in hard cash for the privilege of
bringing bum* the or •phy. Se.r•ral of
the team who arrived a Nth him had also
woo prizes, but as these were in cosh,
0o ,_tion was taken tit tits customs offi-
cer. Tu be consistent the tax mollectore
at the port of entry sb omb' have levied
tribute no • 1 the prix a won at Wimble
don, or on Pone et all.
Tea 'hest. m t.o the position of
bse•net, which was recrnt'y the p..:ti,oi
of Sir Charles Tepper, once more makes
8:r John Macdonald take second place
antoig.t the titled noes of Canaua. Hie
first superior was Ser George Cartier,
who received the h.r•ne'ey because he
would not take the inferior title. The
title of baronet v hereditary, •nd 4,,-
condo to the eldest son in the i ireet
line of issue, and Thiheaul!, in his "Life
of Sir Charles Tupper," states that when
the Colonial Secretary, ohjeeted to con-
fer the title rep• 1 Sr George Cattier,
on the ground of its h•relity, the •.tote
Sir Charles Tapper pointed out that S:r
(ieoroe iris an old ,ran without a .on,
sod for th ,t revs .n the honor wi old not
become • t!xture. Sir Charles Tupper,
however, het no leek of male issue, and
the tains i. likely to be p.ermitla•ed in
Y..oag Charlie Tapper when the elder is
gathered •t hie (ether". For
To.. -vs kir Marten Tenter,
A • Y..eset (' herles Tupper
1- eld 841 -Myles' eon :
A red Volum •'barter Tupper
W.•! rape -r
Ween 04.1 Sir ('bevies se gone.
I Aar hessian the duty m emiell fruit.
was remitted by the Gorentteat, and
some of the Ministerial (rem., attempt
ed to claim credit fon the echos Re -
gently • clay was poit upon the fruit
env.' and baskets, and although the
amoent thee aspected is earl, the to-
eceseMMnee and awn.la.te• ioeidamt to
ite collection is great. i< thee the Govern-
ment was right in llarinr fruits on the
free 1•4.1 o• they were noot. if !tight. then
the itep eiri.on yf the duty ..s the home
1..r••M. if the tax ••a the Mase ie
tipbt, then the (lnehrne.het might ais
well home retai••ed the original duty one
the fru,. The paternity of the Iter
pp... ..1 toxon"* eel nest gnawed at,
anti! Mr Jobe Charlet R,•kert. of Lin
grin, pcbti.h.d • satese•nt Chet 11.e
little tubemao hod developed in Am Main
The here of the Louie !Lets episode hes
sen) dr. d•.wu in ow" dosis i( Ac Th. scsA ser►ntisf CAhtresl, who has
J pp.djun 'weed he 162 .4 ttwrhd•y. ie f.il-
solve audit f. r the keposslices Ph, i i- a.g, and it sat espeeted that he will
iim es fret beast► hap through the Mudge.
11i HAS THS f:It:llT li.Yler.
Daring hie recent auxesaful northern
tour Mr. Thurman, the Democratic can-
didate for Vice President .4 the United
State., confined himself almost exclu-
sively to a dimension of the teiiff, and
e atiaf.ctoaily showed Coat the keeping up
of the war -six was tnttnteal to the in•
tereaa of the toilers of the land. This
is how he des'.s with nae phase of the
ganglion, and it applies to Canada as
well as t.. the Sates :
"I have heard in • long polutiesl es-
pnriwnr. • areal many attempt t° hum•
hug the pe -p'5, hot of all the attempts
that .ter 1 have seen or beard the pre-
tetain) that a protertire tariff is for the
beerht of the laboring man is the wre•st-
ant bumber. What is • tariff i It is a
tax ; • at ler sd b; the !,neral Cotvets-
m.s.t upon t;.e conm ditide that the
laboring wen as well as .wiser men use.
it is ■ ax them takes • oold t,.1 every-
thing fewer the or...n of your heed to the
w ise of your feet ; that taxes your hats,
v-ar moats. your vr.te, y...r bre•eches,
ynnr hoots, y.•ur *emit : that taxes every
rep amps! *hall 7•.0 gee in y..ur nae-
i asiuesl and agncnttoral "pent i.ins
And now to tell me that to take a 1st .w-
t:.g man aid as him froom the top of bis
head to the solea of hie feet, to tag him
.oa e•erythise that he sees in his trade,
and to tea bum homily. is a loaned! to
Mm, seem' to met. be notion/ales than
& Worduty. "
ssv. 71.1. WArrsam.
s.a.. Leeway eradsrleb Nr thee,.«
lemesessesea new •Atlee...
Os Friday syringed last a deputation
from the oun.ttr,tatiuu ..f St Peter's
March waited up.•n !tee (rather Waters
pewvio.s to his oeparture for hut uew
pariah, Curuuua, Iwobtun oouuty, arsd
enemata.* tine ..th a well tillsd per's,
sad the fuilue.u: address. The eddres.
was read by Mr P. O'Dea and the pro-
testation was made by Me J. lis Ms' -
dimwit' :
Data re, tl irrsam.-Oer visit is a
sad one. We ootte to say guudbye,
and although Tule hare been .iib ua
nearly U years. a year as believe lunger
thou any of y, or preJeceesom except the
lameeuted Fr. surlier, atilt we would wish
to hat • you 9 wore, yr during your Id. ;
but the uareet friends must part and
we must submit to the authority of
Holy Church. However, we are pleased
to ko.w that you will be tiger us, and
ce hope you till come occesiunally to ewe
OS. We will always look :Liu you as our
good ktud pre. -.t, and will never forget
your genet .ata feth.rly care sit our pour.
We present this puree to you, der
Father, ■nil ask you to. ac. pt it not fur
its paltry vales. but as an endow* u1
the good will of all your people. We
know we can rely oo the cuntimmoee of
your prayers for us i0 yosr new pariah,
and we will erer pray for you, and our
little children. whom you loved s. well,
will join us in asking the Almighty to
blew and .lore you, and graut ye-
length of da),. On behalf of tbe parish-
ioners .of St. Peter's church. Guderich.
$. #(!sass.. _ ...
P. !►'Dass
B. Mao•Coturac,
D. Canto.
The rev zenilema., who nos much af-
fected by the token of good will and af-
fection on the part of his old parishion-
ers, replied as follows: Dear friends -
your visit to indeed a lied one to Nue, fur
although going 11, a miwu0 when the
adherent. ,.f our church are far more
numerous than here, and where, in •
financial pinna of view, it might be enn-
sidered better, still havine been with
you w Iou;C and liking the people and
the town, and having many very warm
friends merong my separated brethren,
iwhom I always respected fur their char-
tand nohtlity of cheraoter, 1 feel that
' although 1 have been with you now near-
ly nine years, I would really like to re-
nnin with you for the rest of my Isle.
When 1 t sok charge of the parish of
Godc:ich 1 was told by sly predecessor
that you were • good kind people. 1
have found hie statement in this regard
to be correct. Y. KI were obedient and
exemplary. and always reedy to eudsrur
to help my every effort in the advance-
ment of the inntreats of the church. You
say that you aro pleased to know that I
will be bear you ; let tee say that that
help. t.. Lessen the pain of remnral,knuw-
ing as i do that I will thus have easy op-
portunity of visiting you from hme to
time. You kindly refer to my cure of
the poor, and, thank God, I think I didij
my dutv by them A good priest always
looks after the poor, knowing that Chest
always to..k are of the poor, and Gored
to be am:ingot them. You ink the eon-
tiouance.4 my irsyere for you, aid I
promise sincerely when offering the h fly
sacrifice on the banks id the beautiful
St Clair,1 shall remember you and yours,
and pray God to shower hie ctoieet
blessings nn yoe and your children. Do
teach your little children to prey far me,
for if the prayer of the just men pierces
! the clouds, surely the prayer of the i11no-
1 Dent child, free from So and harm, will
be heard by Almighty God, who loves
them ... tenderly. I have Po adequate
word, to thank you for your many kind-
nesses to me in the past, and the present
kind address and the liberal token of es-
teems with which you have accompanied
it, make me feel indeed that the lips are
always almost sealed when the heart is
full. I thunk you all from the bottom
of my heart.
nem our ewe ecerspoadent,
Washington, Seel 3J, 1I1111.
The rejective by the Chiaese Govern-
ment of the new Ottawa treaty, which
was receutly milled try the Senate, has
sol created even • ripple upon the sur -
los .4 affairs hent. No of inial whom of
the nyeo*It c lea yet beets received by
the State Department, bet the was to
eons dosed authentic. Santora and
repreeeotattvs trona the Pemba swat,
Who are more directly iutereeted no the
queetiuo o f China imaitgratioo thee
those from other sections of the country,
'spree, no regret on aocouut of the re-
jection, as the must of them believe that
legislation furnishes the best remedy fur
mho evil. It a extremely prubahie that
as soon as the i dieial notice is placed be-
fore Congress both parties will begin a
headlong race to see which an got up
the most stringent measure to keep out
the Chinese. The °mania mama to be
g eneral hero that tb. rejection of the
treaty was brought about through Brit -
Mb influence. Mr Cleveland's good
leek has not attended him in his treaties.
(hoc week he hoe • treaty with England
',jested by the $asst+, sad the next tea
treaty with China, which had been ac-
cepted by the Senate, is rejected by the
Mr Cleveland and his fishing party
d ept iu tents during their thew days
star in the Virginia mountains.
The wrangling which hu been going
on in the House over the new C,mere.-
atonal Library building u deprecated by
all gond citizens. This is a great and
wealthy euuutry and it ean well afford to
erecta magnificent building for this, the
largest eulleetion of books upon this con-
"Sunset" Cos tats ilW Ji T
will surely go Democratic this time. Of
carr, Mr Cox does not speak entirely
without prejudice.
The cotton -bagging trust bee been
looked into by the House committee on
manufacture., but what conclusion the
committee has reached has not yet been
When the bill V. pension Mn Gen.
Sbendan was intrudued in the Hausa it
was not thought that a single member
would object to it■ p..ssag., but when it
was called up Friday evening by Rept*
sentative Btngbam, Mr Chadle, o.f Iudia-
ens, objected to its consideration, and
later, when it wee attempted to make an
arrangement lo have the bill voted on
Saturday, Mr Killg.rge, of Texas, ob-
jected, and stated that his reason for
objecting was his opposition to the pas
rage of the bit at the time.
One oent letter pustage may be a long
way off, but it's coming. A bill has been
introduced in the House taking letter
postage one cent an ounce.
Chairman Gorman of the Democratic
National Committee was here for two
days last weak. He called on the heads
of nearly all the departments, and the
cause of his visit created no end of ru-
mors. He said he merely called to pay
his respects to the gentlemen he ririted.
This was true , probably, as far as it
we t.
Senator Colton' made a speech in the
Senate charging that the employers of
the Chicago p.atotce were regularly as-
sessed far plmical purposes Senator
Vest retorted by sending to the Clark's
desk and having read several letters
from 11r Cotham to Mr Dudley, when
that gentleman was Commissioner of
' Pension., asking leave of ailment*, with
pay, for a peo.on examiner, in order
1 that he might gn on stomp in Illin.oia.
I The 3a.ute's substitute for the Mills
bill is to be reported on the 10th inst..
the Republican caucus having settled all
the points of difference. Soma id to be
set 32 per cent.. and limber and wool
are to be let alone, except that lc. a Ib
is v. bre added to the duty 00 fins wool.
These were the roily two item, upon
which there was a difference of opinion.
S oma amy thasttte Republicans will not
attempt to peel this bill at the present
sesion, but every Republican Senator
states positively that the bill ha, to be
psased if they have to remain m cootie
mons session in order to do it.
The Loll giving soldiers who served
ninety days of longer, and who were
discharged on amount of disease coo-
tracted in the lige of duty, the tame
bounty to which they would have been
entitled if disch reed for wounds, hs
been favorably reported to the Senate.
"•A anufecturers sympathetic move-
ment," is the definition for trusts given
by a witness before the Situate finance
A bill forfeiting all lands, except right
of way sod slat o0 Reminds, *ratted to
the Northern Pacific Rulway, which be -
beg to the portion )4 the road mot com-
pleted at the passage of the act, has been
favorably reported to the 8e.ate.
S-cretary Vile, Imagoes went to make
campaign speeches.
Incl Stanley will visit Kingetoe Pm
'anis) Fair on the 12th inst.
The Ohio Centennial Reposition was
opened Tuesday in Cincinnati.
Ruffalo (all's reminiscences will he
published simoltenensly in Leedom •ed
New York next wittier.
it is understood that the Tnr.ntn
polies •uthooritiee have cabled to Fiordland
Yard to arrest Gideon Israel Barnett,
who is now in England for eons icily in
the wrecking of the Oeetrs) Benk.
A 1.4. nam.wl Moror•n. of New Yoe*,
wee out in • host near (:anarux1M when
the bort spitted, .red eh* lost tan dia-
mond nnga, raised •t several tho.s•nd
dollen A diver tet bees .ng.led is
arch for them.
The (naaral of R4eht Rev Resew! 8.
. _ Hanes, Bishop of Miehigee, mob plane
Tee.day. in Detroit. The se►vleo, whieb
Tbe Q.swnsItad scouter, Mve rw.u- was ast•nd.d hy immense s.mhme, was
rood.eled hy Reshop Wnrihiwpon, el
4.hn•ks, ssi.ial 1.y Biab as Oilly. iet
.d Western Miskl est : P.tslrbtw,
Wm/ Vargieht, Mei a bele acholoe, tsf
J. A. REID 114 BRO.
New Fall Goodi!
LOOK out for new Advertisement
next week.
Balance of Summer Goods away
below cost.
Cheerio!. Sept.:, ISM
a Wood •r swot, Otiose tlrw YsWsealleea
TMs Save lase. le Naiad.
TUE c•\mirttobter NAUAxnt
There are un les than five illustrated i
articles in the September number of our
only Canadian literary monthly. The I
engravings, which are • specialty of this
mre agssiue, aof very superior merit, i
especially the oe "Renaud About Eng-
land." desribiog chiedy the enti,lur
nes of York and ether piece is the (em- I
ow North Riding, and the very fine en-
graving of tthe accompanying ••Lsnd-
marks of History." A touehing "in
Memoriam" of the late Setator Ferrier.
by the Res H•,gh Johnston. with por
trait ; also a brief sketch of the "Forward
Movement" of Methodism in E.igland,
with portait of the Ree Hugh Price
Hughes street preaching, will be read
Cot salt. Meath,;. -The c\m:seal met
in the township hall on Saturday. Aug.
the 25th, members all q;reecnL Manatee
of last meeting read and affirmed. The
following jobs were passed, viz : L
Felker, contort, $11; Samuel Potter,
cello -it, 26; Statue' Potter. inspecting
Barker a culvert 50e ; John N.eilel, re
pairing culvert, $1 58; Jas Strewthan,
inspecting and graven's., 813 75 ; R.bt.
RoJgeram, inspecting gvn 'eti..l en
Glen's road, $1.80 ; Mn Webster. for
medicine (eberhty purposes). 82 23 ;
Cisrk s order fur spokes, 33, : 1 11
Million, culvert and cedar, $2 6(1; Hart
of C.,, stationery, 81 60: Signal accost t
for printing, $41.23; Wm Mcl'yre, 67
loads gravel, 83 35; and A B Cornell's
ae000nt was left with the reeve to settle.
A communication from the County Clerk
ata read, requiring the sum .4 52422 *7,
for county purpose. The following
communications from the dif orent
school sections wee reed regninng the
following amounts for the respective
••cures, vis :$4 8 No. 7.$530: 8 8 Nu 2,
870'•; No 3. 82'913 81 No 4, �3; No 5,
$4'?0. No t;, $37.5; No 7, 5110 n 8,
tgbi(i. Waw.nosb Union, $121 22; Ash -
Union, 880 38. A. Malloymoved, 'w-
ooded by Jos. Taylor, tbylaws be
posed let yin/ 2 tattle on the dollar for
county purples. and 2 mils on the dol
her for local purposes on all the rateable
property in the township, and further
that the following rates be levied to
raise the respective amnlenta req uired by
each school .eetion, .is 2j male nn the
dollar for 13 8 No 1; 4 mills on the dol-
lar for 8 8 Ns 2: Y, mine on the dollar
for S 1 N° 3; 2/ ladle on the dollar for
$ 8 No 4; 2i mills ton dolor for $ A No
• 4 mills on dollar for $ 8 No e; Si it
dollar fon $ $ No 7; 31 mills on dollar
13 14 No 8; alai If mills ..n dollar apeeial
rate for 88Nr. A; 21 mills ondolMr18
few W (T; sed 31 milk dollar for A U.
Carr►.d A awmmltfw Iran the Cul.
herrn. Arrteniteral AoeiMy asked the
board for a grant of 840 se aid amid so -
o-eiety A Malloy mewed, seencded by
Nathan Jnhe.,thst the Ginter,' Agriea -
term' s.miety he grscid the $40
Gamed. The board them adjourned M
!meet es Oeteber the IOtb et 2 o elnik.
Mens. Abs. Wien sad J. R
Roberta, of the Sesloveh teem. won
.e..►sl pima et Ube °markt Rifle motel,
bow plat Wolk at, TOWN,.
near Dun an non. how been very ill, but
thruu:h D• ire -amen'
she is eopwreom ly e,wi,r, . I.., nu 11s4111 ,
rhuuugh upw..di of wweety yen. .1
!!ler N i•Lin1t.e. E hent and wife bate
ret ae. h o.mt- f:,..., . r.r Min( 1 our 41
Point E Iw.r 1 M :Isitus •i-1 .other
pop01111.6.fees :i h. dwt.,;'.tud with their
It is pleasing t.. he aide 1.. state that
Mr �t'a. Vrre-w, Who hos been wruwely
ill for some tom, is through good ttuat-
meat sod coustaut attention of kind
friends. bru.imiig coot -element.
her fay.o lretn, hotel keeper is aphis
able to attend to twitness as usual.
Pgsoo.AL.-B. K. Alkn has ►'turned
from his second trip across the deep
waters .1 the Atlantic, after au absence
with much interest ; as elan the graphic sit seven weeks, purchasing three cutin
sketch of life end adventure in the burl..." baring a succesful cwt 10 I
lend . obs Pharaohs. The wri- the old Country.{
ter carried hie tamers to the top I Mrs Allen, peat last welsh in Bruce- j
of the pyramids, and to their rock, I field, 3211.1M188 ell her Meter. Mm's Gloss
heart, but in one place he had too Marton.
much ight and in
ther too little!
hitect itod
notwithstanding ng thetbecaundess.t Pea- worker bu
dding lding the new school
nesium wen supplied by the Arabs 1 which is to be ready at New
Greet attention will be attracted by a , Sinn. he started t•• build two owe scholars
sermon preached by the "Ofd Man Foto. I made their appearance iu the new sec -
gt:snt"-the !veered and beloved Dr. tion which promisee, we think, to have
Doustas, who is at once the Nestor mad no shortage .1 attendance, and the
Apollo* of Cmnedian Methodism -it is is trusters may have to advertise fur two
• vein of loftiest eloquepte nod tender- teachers instead of one when they start
est feelings. There a also a amptivatieff the new school.
and mom readable eto•ry by that popular Several „t our residents tools i the
writer, Re. J. ,fackam Wrav, 0° exconroo to Port Huron and Toronto.
"•$.lain Harness of Crowtborpe Hall" -
will excite iu meal interest as it draws r••Ideot hen fur 1"111. "'at", so ring
In the September Wide-l.•w:.., Rev -
H. 0 Ladd, President of in. Universi-
niversi•-ty of New Mexico, describes the Rama- The leap year dance that was held at
na industrial School at Santa Fe, and Mr Mathew Foley's farm, Marlewood, on
the R,moo• )femoxid Hell, •beautiful Friday of last week, was socially and
school for lodao Clrls wbicb i• being pleasantly enjoyed by all present, and
built au a atonement to "H. H•" The the bachelors with their fair friend* beg
Wider Awoke children are invited to to thank the bard of arenagemeet,
bui'd the Refectory in the avoid. siring 1 Mita. Foley, M. Bogie and Annie Bar-
t.,...) n«t,. n .cork for • year. This dining- rocs for their kindness and attention to
hall i. to *let a thousand dollars, and 'el all their gueete,which made the party the
to be known as the Witte AWAms RE- l germ of the .ree.mn, A. Thorlow, J. Tag-
FKCT'iay. The tome of the "Rohe- igsrt and F. Hawkins being the violinists.
tory Thootand"-the given -are to he I Davina the last three weeks in August
hung in the hall, and are alio 10 be ' no lee then pre girls were bore in our
printed in I4'i.4 Aiteke. D. Lthrop i section. K o thiuk our little neighbor
Co., Hutto°, Maas, 1 hood can beat the Wiarton record, none-
wTLL1AW sLY.•t, T^mn1TO. led by THE SIGNAL s few weeks ago. If
We hare received from the p.Masher • in atter years wive in that part of the
et py of an intereting novel, entitled !world should he scarce, we think Lee -
"A Mere Child," by L B. Welford, au- burn could supply the want.
thor of "Mr Smith," "The Baby'si Ps, C;-rnsc CnAmnot .-Mr Sb r-
Arsndmnther," -Nan:. A0., &C- a key and Alex. Birley, who are ow the
book is of Wm Bryce's Canadian ' staff of Bow Park Farm. Butternut R•Sw,
copyright edition, and is on Bale at the I cut with the scythe 12 acres of peas in
bookstore*, puce 25e, three day.. This is the lent record of
pea cutting we bare head of in the her
•Du= 0=- vesting season of this year, and is fax
The oarsment of the Word's Supper ahead sit the leg pee-c.ttiwg ads is
will be dispensed to Erskine church hen 188,1 by tiro awelocaunix' champions who s fee a
cballsngc 10 tau Kunio' champions for a
on next $sblsth, the lith amt , ssrvit* , test of muscular power with tits
ammenencing at half past 10 o'clock. Mr scythe, bet the Knifed men eoulde't
Moore, • teacher in the high 'drool,
Guderich, and a student of divinity, is
expected to assist on that occasion.
There will he a preparatory semis held
in the chun:h on Friday the 7th, oom-
nsencung at 4 o'clock p.m,
e Yorkshire story. Orr serial story tienrge R. Watson, who has •
d M 1 t "Thefrom liver *complaint, went to T to
to a cl.os, an t it, selections
o for medical treatment for it a few
Iligh'r (.ifs" woke this s .doable num-
her. The Rev E. Barras, M.A., give Weeks ac°.
Hemorrhage set in, and he
eery important information of the Eng-
°� oo Tuevday monitor last,in his 36th
Pith, Irish, end our own Eastern Como
year. Deceased was a resident of s-
fenncea Pries 52 • year ; 81 for airs nth for many years, and brother Mr 1
tn./tithe : 2tk a number. Toronto. �m ' Dixie i arson, turesny d nephewG ericb ito Mr
Brier,.tI of Regina N. W. T., and
wipe ♦watt t R Williams of this place.
Any person desirous .4 having his
life ruured can do an by applying W
Mr W Lane, at Dungannon, agent for
the North American Life .lamuratts Co ,
which is mid to be doing • good, cafe
and reliable business with those who
avail themwlse of the benefits to be
derived from said company.
come our way. Michael sad Alexander
did this work in the time noted, and can
du it agate in 1889.
No. 5 8.8 Beo otixw Famous -Re-
gsrdtcg the item lost week in your Town
Tortes, anent the young authoress sad
whinwhines Mies Linfield, it is only jetzt to
my that she also gnd.ated fro
A meeting of the directors of the Ash-
field and Wawaeosh Agricultural Socie-
ty has held in this village on Saturday
afternoon, the 1st. when it was deeded
114.14 the annual exhibition at Dun -
fruition, on Friday the 28th day of lien-
temt,er. There well be upwards of two
hundred dollars distributed in prise
money. We hope the weather will be
f.vorable,and that it will bee soocessfel,
if not mon en than on former oeeaeiow..
The municipal mooed of West Wale..
nosh will seat in the town hall on
Saturday, the lbth day of September.
We regret that Mrs Davidson!, relief
of the late Roobt Davidson, has hese in a
very poor .tate of health Sins the de-
cease of bar hesband. We hop that
through the blain/ of Pmvidewes, she
may boos reeover and be able to mesas
her household duties,
Mrs Resents of ibis willow, ie visitant
her sots and other relative at Wieg►sm,
Te..sw.ter, and other pouts
The West Wawanoeh Meted Fin in-
surance Onespsay bold its mnethly meet-
ing in deo eoertrooe hen ow T.eday,
the 4th lost. Comm. Girnie, EM-, pre -
..ted eves the meet►ng, The Compost
i...atll flrthere pro•Oa�i.na by an its ss
.t/ peoliesiw baisg posed. There was
q.ite a aeons el pennies present es
!lest nenasius.
Mrs Tories olio resides with het anew,
Matthew Teasg" esu 2, W. Newtaees►,
m No. 5
school motion, Colborne, soder the
tuition of R. E. Brown. That school hos
already protduxd a promising young
medico, a rasa*, obemtot, its present
faithful teacher 1'. Stuart, sed the well-
known T. C W•irht, now a trusted em-
ployee of A. & S. Nuedheimer, Toronto.
Mien M. McIntyre, who hos been
visiting in Kincardine for else last mew
weeks, returned home last week.
Mr Rola S lie reture.d from his trip
to the Old County, last week.
Mr R Shultz. f,oroerly of South Oaro-
lioa, left here for Toronto, hoot week.
Lord Hartinlrtoo will visit Belfast nn
October 19, and address • public meet -
Emperor William has espoused a de-
sire to visit Prr.ideot Ca root as IHS way
to visit (,Lees Victoria
The Manitoba L.gidstors wee pro-
rogued Timothy by 1.1.01 iiovertaor
llcholtm with appropriate eremoeiee.
At a repre.rstetiee aeeMi.g of ritisene
of St. John, 11. B., W.deesday mors-
ing, it wee standee to hold an .abibillss
next Tsar.
A !few Ea/lama reales, scarlet • py
meted het and tr.ndling • wheel
ono chief sands an antique Flew deehed
Mess., Carta. n. M t He taps thatwithe
plow i. the .dde•m in Irameehesetla--
over 200 voce old. Be heves op sense-
ti••.s ter •a it.... she gather to en hist
end the rice said the- limes
4 its
..'.1.. __ 1�.. __..,wow-�.,i.n-
woo►•+ ....*••o.+.
*1"4111W esteem.,