HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-9-7, Page 2VV/Val".."1"1W*
Arti.' •
49*••• .
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A SIMPLE MAIDEN."mu Ave of bin du. n• hated
virtual the pour, ai.4 he kept away frame
diem as mesh ies pussabl 11. 1104
A Sots settee la her Serer
le mote • hasitred etsaiyi ems. Wisral bare • four headed • year, sad
he Mod au horse Whaietrre ut belts' able
tee exchange it fur • more lucrative sae
lite was rio MOP& 1ar SO it seemed. too
Sneer out the matainder of his days at
Whiteepple 5.04 tied his last home is its
eheirchyard. He had bees twice ser-
ried. Hee first wife had died after • fee
years, Sans tem with mie child, Mar-
1'.. her, hams no rektor sometimes*
at the torso, he had been miabied give
• rosily good education. But sum. year.
hitter order • leg uf Iamb for tomorrow, I we,. *show manger,. woe mill .% 6011.4.
Solo Wade, this ',sine and see wheels-
roz TOO t °Mtge wit • litt • a•Pata•
, ' • Ise mid • peck or so suarrowfata.
';'4:"'..4134:Y"'• 'Bed someone to di "
"All which 1111106114 that you have in-
0 "Prestos', so A brother piestor
whom I easuutered in the Dale, mid
with whom 1 had dm pleasure of getting
soaked through in company. But III
tell you more about his .11.0
°hanged tity romple7."
The speakers were the Rev Dyke For.
sot., 'moor of Whiteepple, in the moody
of Derby, and bie &des daughter, Mat-
ter,. The rector wee • well-built, latuff
Woking man. *0 40* somewhere between
fifty wed sixty. He had strongly -mark-
' eied feature), drum piwreiug eyes under
bushy, peathoum brows, • somewhat
esgrueseve expression of countenance,
and altogether sire the air .4 • settle -
emu fanner than that of • elergyesam.
Margery Former bed tarried the corner
of her testy -first berthdeg • 'month be-
fore, but did not lock her age by • es
ple of piers. The of her
figure cased ber to seem talkie than she
really was, aa •• serviliglie augment
the yeuthfulisses of her appeases. She
bad large, dark, pat hetic- look ing en es,
with a sort of wistful, fin -away exploit -
Won is them which many people- ehist•
le of thee oppress sit -found sengulerly
nStenottert. Her features were silicate
sad Gately cut ; her hair was • Male of
short, black, glory curls, arranged 1114
way which, while to all appearance the
4annee (.1 carelessness, in reality owed not
a bask to the touch of art. Her cans-
Ildeeien was desiguated her sister Bes-
sie is being of the "stawberry-and-
kind-a drecription which. crude,
themeit it be, in lack of • inure elaborate
one, was allowed to pone.
The airi'e of stranger* to Whiteapple
.Rectory were so few aed far between that
Margery Fenner might well be rimmed
• for feeling wine curiosity as to the nne
gib her father had Synod to dine
- there on the morrow
"Now, peps, you most tell Me all
about your ran atria before 700 sit down
to your newspaper," she mid as the nig
ter re-entered the room, !making rosy and
emelt noble, "tisanes if you once get
buried in the news, there will be n.,
coaxing • 1144.11 ont f Ton till the lest
ardeertisetneat has hero read and di-
The rector gore utterance to • mellow,
unctuous laugh, ash as one weuld
• hardly have expected from so hard -feat -
end • man. "I am not aware that 1
as 'neon hieted at Siring lighted on
• rare avis," he said. ''Therea hissed,
however, and vibe'. I (.11 you that he Is
Maros av the Angler', Post at Warley.
test,. as h:estie-f so oreesed it, oo idl-
i ag away a few weeks sketching and
filling. your knowledge of hits is shoo
eni a par with goy nos.'
Margery wok the card and read: "Mr
"Nrot m ovation to be rot from thst,"
remarked the rector. "It may he the
see • foi great swell -there are Oas
coignes tu the Postmee. I believe -or it
may be dna of mene noginan out for •
holiday. '
"B,d what 's he like, papa 1 Is he a
rebtlenum 1 It he • young Men I Is he
good kOrkine '
"Ti two et lest of your cowries I can
'yes' with • West conscience. H.
i• certala.4 • egotimoso : tbet point
1 cann.4 ,be mistaken. Its age I should
take Aimee be &boat thirty ; and as for
good look*, you well br1 abM decide
that poen for yourself, but cerainly I
should tall bins • fairly M40480.1.4, 1101)
"Nbetever Mr Gasnigne ta..y turn
oat be, 010 • Mit him. old mire for
asking him to dinner. W11 hate uot had
estranger to din* at the rectory since
yoe troueht Mr Medway, set nearly
half a year agm."
"Ah pour air', this is indeed a harei •res and • very pleasant smile
heaven.formates bri • in which you are hair, Ward and moustache were of •
enndesened 1.. pas your days : said the , dark reddish -brown. Hes dress -suit
cantor with • sigh. • hich was but the I might almost be terns' • work of art, so
wow ro a yew, mamma* ariapmea. -Th.ra I admirably did it fit him. There were
1/61/11 pecolou icy about Mr Goo *toast traces of shyers* for the tirst
mostiss,.. es,‘ ,1.1 prisseutty„ "which I ftir minutes in his manner toward the
it mei he sa coil you shout.; be made ' 41housh it was far from hes. the
ant -mantel with f.maleatol. It is a , *hypes. ft( rneticity ; but n qackly wore
point as tai which I eta reedit! imagine •wer, end bef ire he 110001011 101 I
him to he peci.liar.y sueceptib:e, so much much .t his ease ma if he hsd bean in tbe
ow that ra,a • 1.. wok or e I habit of cootteg at the rectory f .r yeses
thoughtless 'mi.*, on *be poi of others, 1, It was then found that he could talk
• Op bie enough to cease hen pain I es imblv and well on • variety of topics.
eatiopece. Nature, when she set Mr ' H. had evidmitly an acxjaaintans with
liesaaffit• tato the World, Wa• evidently
le se of her sportive suede She con•
ferrel .op oi his the torso of an athlete
aeoli toe 'Alter watra.nitma of a man
w hose groeth lum Ibeam prematurely ar. ! • few MI. weeks on his hands, he bad 0
nimasid. When mr,Gessoigne is „mom sought Mil .1.eet nook where he waled I
pass sad nth friends- H • Issas eas
-. "Why, papa. yoe look as thuruoghly
thii,oith se d yea had been dlr./mod
throvegh the river. Do intake hams sad
set your clothes chemsed."
'*44io good ties. my dear. Yoe
sight to knew of old that l'as roper -
'nose to the weather, eel that aot all
the non in Deelthire ever erased ow
as mesh as • Mad tweeze. By -the- war.
wham the betcher's man cells, you had
5444 of Too h•v• 11140, 700 mitt" dn's he had merried sem. this tone fur
moos. The seemed Mrs Forusor
br .uglit her huslimid • dowry of sex
"lowland pound+, who+ in the comsat id
es many years vanished into thin air, the
result of cerise unfortunate speculations
to which the ever -sanguine rector had
beets inducted to embark, fascinated be
the ?Matra lures which bad been dammed
tat.tre bus spew' ical eyes.
Meanwhile he fouls d himself the father
4 three small daughters/end the hesband
of a wife who bad settled down into the
moudillon of • chronic invalid. The pour
recto( would have gone distracted at
this period had mot his daughter Mar-
gery mune to his rescue. Gael thwack
she was, she developed cepsbilities which
might have done credit to • 1111.01•11 tens
bier age. The rouse of management were
tpeietho witlidniwn from the nerveless
grasp of Mrs rermor, and all concerned
felt the henetit of the change. Mrs For-
tner, herself had never bees made eit
comfortable, never had her little whims
and tennis been • caroled, onisidered ;
the children had hewer been hooked after
as they were now; • reign a teceetony
in the household matters succeeded one
of waste and estrayagsnee while to the
rector home bad never seemed so attrac
live eines the death of Margery's mother
as oda.' now. Yet they all had • eta
*rouses Mat there von a •whip -band'
over them which woeld breed no nos
sense. Tbere must be no jibb ng, no
rearing, no kicking over the trees, other-
wise would the lash descend aud no
w ore, he sheen. Even the Rev Dyke
himself stood somewhat in awe of his
ourly-headed girlish -looking daughter,
whom wishes sod opinions he treated
with • degree of deters -We he had ittrielt
speeded to rhos .4 Saber .4 hie I/ iTSS.
And au the slaw months wirste.1 into
years, arid SA Mantes Forego,. bloomed
like • *ulnas nee in the weirdos dm
old rectory deep hidden among the
byshire dales.
Mr James Gascoigne made Iiis appear -
ens et the rectory in clue course. He
had *reversed the three miles free" War-
ier( in one of the ancient flies, of which •
sei.p:y was always kept ea hand at the
Angler's Rest. ti.e o'clock was the usual
diens hour at th• rectory, and OW RV"
Deke bad seen nu reason why he should
after it in the assent mstanue. He ac
corded his guest a hearty welcome, fer,
w hatever he might be in other respects,
he was genuisly hospitable. Three
ntinutes later Margery Glittered the draft-
ing -rams, accompanied by Mrs Jenrick,
• atilt havidsome widow .4 forty. who
lived in her own eery pleasant cottage
ornery, within • bowshot of the rectory
The vicar made the ilitroductions In due
form. and sc$rcd'y were they over when
dinner was ann.,unoed. 314nrery wore
white Oxley, hie only ornament being a
dents"( rose in the boats of her drew.
She triads • charming picture, and Mr
Oesoutene evidently thought ao. the pee
he bent on her so (messily betraying
as much adruiration a• was emapatible
with trstd breeding. Marorry had cau-
tioned Mn Jenrok, snd, as a matter 0!
owrie, neither ef the belie*, when Me
'et roduction took piano allowed Mt
0.solgrie for foie. ID sent to suspect
that they were c memos .4 there beeig
anithing oat of the common to his *[1
Mr Oso.igne at the table troths' am
ether men look : he est quite as hOzh as
4)15 host atid hie shoulder* were nearly as
broa.4, but had •ly one peened inkier
the tahM they would have seem that the
ows of hie t rees-oh.yes barely teuch-
ed ground. His features were good, and
hy many of the opposite sex he was
doubtless considered an eininensly hand -
Some Man. His Della tell• 1140111111111, but
11-.1 prominently ; be had wide-open
L 'laden 401 Panto while he paddled cer-
tain questions of the day after the fatillien
of degree of authority. Of himself per-
sonalty he made littler mentioa. Having
Ie ars sea, he seamed te derive arse
saataferama from lietewing to the awaits-
ei ma of the tender little seal -au fresh.
S i.41, ei isolated. with so ignunums
• Ide sad all is honking pests%
w hoa was at 4211410 amuses mad pathetic
lis the souve:o tt• expression. 11.
reser wed the widow, to ailtu a 111 JW
11.. by mosilight werjured ep r taken. 01
rheaus.tiou rasher theta et noses, bed
tteell deep in the gars of begot ie Ger
w ane Urine before hisgery--de slag.
perhaps, that .he had "miedesed-einosigb
0110 ereesiag--and her emairautou
treat 'edema • little hoer wine Slr
G/1004,1•110.11 Illy. The rococo wcung aa
easily *alerted proses Ins his guest
that this first visit should not b the
lauet, besides which an arrangement was
outs to for certain &sham incurs. •ise to
be taken is ceaspsny. '1'0 th•• Rev
Dyes, in ilhe loneliness aad tool. ti et a
Whiteapple, Mr Gessmigee, frwit from
the world of into or things, and brimful
of informatem, cans like a vetoed:tie
goilseed. arid he resolved to secure as
touch .4 his society as possible while be
bed the 'lianas .4 it. Besides. in ght
Out esetalu other pisssilightges Iwo 10
die f attire
When Mr Goecogne was gene the
rector 'swotted Mrs Jeurick ss fa* as *1.
irate .4 Jonquil Comore, $ tworantolif be
never pretermittid whomever the charm
Ing widow heuored his roof with her
presence. Indeed, there were uot warti-
me reads in the village to whisper that
whenever it should pleas Previdence to
resoete Mrs Former number two from
this vale of tears, people would tee have
far to look for Mrs Frifintre number
Here it may he mentioned that, sorb
• nouentity had Mn Ferraor misuse
two Dy this tome heranne, au.1 Ir.. much
did her maladies, real end imaginary
keep ber to the rooms set apart for her,
it had not been deemed necessary, aa far
as Mr Osectigne was concerned. eren 11.
allude to the existence of such • person
'•I would give something to know who
and what mar es friend really is,'• said
the Rev Dyke to his daughter on his
return from escorting Mrs Jenrich home
Yoe halm formed some opinion shout
him, papa. Ire no doubt. What vowel
yue guess hen to be f'
take bee to be a man of independ-
ent means ; not nocrosanly rich, nut
do to bee able ti,
w▪ itherit iterkias--• emilitio• ut affairs
I would gladly imitate were I in a peti-
tion to do so. He is a man who ISIS
lre•tilled. who has read, and who has
thought -three damp which do not al-
ways go together. He is evidently
worth cultivating. and we must endeavor
lit ascertain moo about hon. It • •
pity Dame Nature has played him such •
scurvy trick. But Igir that there might
hate helm - who kaows 4-a c'eanoe for
Margery Day. ' Ile pointed the tioe
his lingers together and smiled inesiug
ly at his daughter.
''Pette," answered Margery, who was
not smi ing at 411, "I am nearly sure
that I have fuuud out who Mr Gaecuigne
"The dicimees you have ! But how
did sou makathe discovery 1"
"That I wilt, toll you presently. If
I'm nicht is my unpposition. our visitor
of today is known to the world at large
sit the Earl .4 Chodsunt.-
The rector stared *gape at his daugh-
ter fur • few ne..ments as though bereft
of the falculty of speech.
"The moment 1 set eys on him." re-
sumed Mares, "I experienced an odd
seine of Mono( seen bim tionagehere be
f ore. All throes...a dinner I was puZiling
my brats trying to recall where and when
I had met him. At length the knowledge
caI.0 to nee in flub. You will remem-
ber that at different times Johnny Tran -
sem has sent us a oopy of 'The B mon-
holder'-the society journal that issues
cartoon, .f all sorts of celebrities. Well,
I felt nearly sure that Mr Gamic( erne, or
snot tom very much Ilk., bins had been
caricatured in one of the cartoons in
questitri. lYben we left the table I
mule ai,eteuse to Mrs Jenrick and ran
up to the lumber -room. Thera, 'fun
heating for a few minutes, I foisted the
n umber of 'The Battonholder. I was 10
search of. If lir Oascoismo and L
Coeshunt be not cue mod the seine per -
sr., theta must Nature in their case have
doce what she very rarely does -dupli-
cated -her baudioork.
" This is most extraordinary ! st
aelorindine ! ' gasped the rector. "licts
did not sty a word of Jour discovery P.
Mr. ienrick I"
"Niro what du yen take me for i"
With that Margery ran up Satre and
presently reappeared with the number .1
'The Buttonholder' contenting the Mr
toon of the Earl of Cb.sbuut which she
(are 14) her father.
The rector's hands trembled a little es
he pieced hie glosses on his nose. He
gazed at the caricature long and ewe-
estly ; then he maid in his most unctuous,
sclestastical tans: "11 is quit* evi-
dent, my dear, that woe have been enter
Weis, not an aogel, but a peer of the
rest, unawares."
'Which I hive no doubt is much the
santsbing in the eyes of • great 'say
' said Margery slyly.
The rector turned to the brief notice
f his lordship whisk secomprovied the
het appears as other men are, expect th.t likelch• 5-b• or Ile "n book in the "Thera is no more popular inirnher of
he I woks a hoar speattoon of hie knei
than eidinary ; when Mr Gew 'ions 15
standing upright, t he crown g4 hie head
gen 4114 ci” nitallo17, Ithtitli Wing 011114114
Accoust by anj body.
litter they had music. lisre attain
is shout on s level with my shoulder. Mr Oseteense was at home. Het had •
• greet pity: Timm b. s more Dissent. birtst refine veiese which had
or Imo &homed." ..0.1.,,oy 'wet, coof illy eultirated, and
"Not • bit ..f .t. A 1 his limbs appear be same wok taste tool feeling ravers4
tr. he se straight and well 4 rood as-- images's!. both liti•lah and Italian
mall, let 54 5.7 as mine. There is no Media *as M• -eery • oue epeci .1 seer m
illefurnery, bot simply an inomorristly,
sow half of hie body b.i.or so utterly do-
pe-p.m...tate to the other ha f Awl
sow I may. perhaps. bur allowed to reed
Nil •Irlmeb. in peace
Ttee See Dyke Fenno, soreist bore
laid. in hie nen see, that ismer* hod tibias the freigniace .4 • hundred bygone
,t), sewer intended hien fur • country penes, sessiesers see mei still to linger. The
see. "mired, ler • churchmen .4 sly reser and Mrs Jenriee, who were en-
earitaoty ineliwation tomi tools- ewe .4 lofiff stateeisee. move natersolte.
ler to An *Oh ebar f orf .4 his brine i4N11 I leaving the r..tieleer omelet to thriesselree
15. liod sall the snatincts .7 • soldier. vied 1 It 4 pressible Met lir Vise Mom felieits-
has how'. oiselft hei• 1... ' the I sod himeel nis Isis aka) io -*witty M•r-
foisted gold • melba, than sott1 . f. e,pore out ir awn h• pe9 '•*, w hit molted
Walt• • 1 • reetorp. He c.4 throw% hie fiver.. picow e.• &money by hie
defile. roof ; hoillre Med moo r, b•orso to mit .4 heremot-of her tilimento
keys ow -hem from th. Oro, sod woh her sepiratinne. her ignorance .4 Ike
mob 1111 reediest year by lessene woe resat word •trootti • Ito •illage boisadar-
1 diMastele te his He hated mousoa- •. •-,.4 .1 Ie.. ...n• • hid far from wt.
rorittar set 451 "caterryeal" es mach happy lite is the old rectory, Smellier -
bum t h clI &gime, ag bi elselleiellee; saimeed Ms (iseseigew
pliehment. *WI when Mr lissemigns
primed het playing, it wia c!oar teas la
spoh• from eminetton and .04 1,'... any
desire t'. Cots h. r Aft., that they
had • stroll by the lieht .1 the tortair
Moue la the evres-•melting gooses. in
of the Four in -Hand Club than the Earl
Cbeshunt," begin the notice. "and
few more skilful 'whim' than ha have
ever toded • drag between the Magasinte
on I Hu li 'hens 'Jimmy,' se his inti-
mate, detects' to call hew, is known as •
firs -rate jods of the whits of either •
nee--bor. er • odlise ; and 44 his kenos -
Wife ..f human natere hardly steals hie
knewledge id motets aegis and canine,
that is • little defect, 11 we is, vesture
to mill it to, shah *very added year wilt
tend to lemen. It 1.n open seers that
hie Imaiship's well-kanwa 7110d -nature
Nee /INS Oaken adverts* el on more
osetions than one in • way th.t fear pen
ple coedit he hkely to forme, and it is
mach to hie credit that he seam an whet
'mead of rendered raisarahrimies1 by d
hetff.t• he has hail to pet Op with. If,
es le well known, be ie posiallarly
Is in resort .4 • "eremite physical pe.
salient., he cum Mead the smisple 01
og• of his °wintry's greatest pewee, who
wes regally losteley' on the aware of hie
little peculiarity,
"That ea leedship 4. mach emiteht s-
hy mock stone mammas. Irma ',Uh-
1 net lit.sweieer that is. .4,11 M 1111 *Mt
WWI wholly sminettaabered, but i MA
the •mionoallos ems el hie loam mouesity
(be eats le o the title whim lei were
twelve pars old side up • lima wag
seta as. metaphorically speaking, mash%
i cease the mouth el any downers( with
iseernageahle daughters Ib water, bad al -
1 ssion justify her iii the adoption of amy
mesa which mend IMIMIte to utte ..4 her
breed the postioe of watt tu its forte-
nat. possessor. 81 far, however, Is
lordship hes *seeded in sloalt.or all Ors
deml• nod Seared Ohba% bars been sot
for boo, althoude bow tont he will sa-
ws to do so is itrobably se little kuuwu
to himself as 1, boy use."
"..) ! Madge, my derline," murmur
ed the motor •.th a deep sigh es he hod
dean the F111:let .111111111614.1104 0111 glasses.
The eyes oi tat her and daughter met.
There 01111 Ito heed for an-ther a vrtt.
It wae s mouth later, and 31r Jamie
Oftecoigite, other's/es the heir of Chi -
*hue', vras reuleig 111 ••ey chair is
his prioate illtillItine.111 at the Angler's
Rest, wail hi, legs stretched ein 130
sothee Ile Was seatating over • very
5-141.1*4 1111e4I1,11-1bd Moat 051 1045, in
tact, that lied ever c mfr. -mei tine. He
oart deegily 1. re with the daughter of
the teeter of 11- hitrespple, and the ones -
"ion he weis puttiug to himself ••• ;
Should be, or should 4.e um, auk her a
become tio w.fe ?
He had been bit through his arearoir
mow thrill Is days gone by. but all
[140*10140 hurts had beeu as scratches is
conseariwu was the wouod he was now
suffering fn.m. He telt that only she
who had isttl...ted the injury c...uld
at ; nowhere es was there any remedy
for hien. During the season just over
such a deed art bast Mee natrie at bine
from the tuatrinesiel point of view, thst
111 sheer diagust -with which, et may be,
a fear our mingled -he had throwe
over let, Cr thrill. Country -boos* engage-
ineuts in order to burl himself for •
time in this ut-of the way ep.t, where
not • creature knew him as other than
••11r thecoone."
Yet now It seemed se if he had more',
come here on purpose to emit the fate he
had lied trate elesirbere. Bet, then, how
differmit were the circumstance, ! At
length the secret dream of his life seem-
ed on the eve of reedistiou-his dream
of entailed 'rehear' .4 mem sweet girl
who would care for his, fdr himself
Sone And tie felt Dearly ewe that he
had so wen toe boort of Margery Fermor.
Hielf unconsomiely be repeated to hies -
self the Laureate's lines :
if my 1),•art by signs can 4.11.
Itai.i. I bite 04404'4 thoe daily.
And I Malt thou le•*at me well
That be mut desperately enamored w
not to heJetited.and yet he •hrauk,with
(reheat .4 timidity of which he was hal
ashamed, fume taking the final plunge
But thing, C..•Id not go on much lone°
as they were. One way or the other b
inun wake ur his mind, and that before
be was many days older.
That no.romit's pust brought hien
prwsmortg t .tion to join his friend,Ga
Frewin. 111 • trip to the Est, shoe
which Ole), had flute talked. Shout
hea • rite to eiii• and my that be woeld
joie boo in • couple of days, or shoal
he propose to the rector of Whiteopple'
Alth.ttItth he pot there questies t
himself, he had • consionewees that
was all but a forgone comilosion XIS
the ans•er to them would be. He wee
hound el toils from which he felt that i
was iatior•Piblat tor him to scepe. On
se pone N111 111110d es mad* op. Should
larger, Fervour accept ben, it should
ha ris plain Mr Gascregne. Not till after
bus marriage- -nay, not tall after the re-
turn foam the honeynins, should his
secret he d.vulgecl, if soyhow were
possible to keep it. Aud then the sur-
priee the eclaircisseinent ! More than
nice had he rehearsed it smilingly to
himself, erwlyind the actors is it after
the fashion of a tableau at the mind up
of • comedgetta.
At the tory time that his lordship,
tatting his ewe in hi• inn, was thus aux
neatly pondering • certain 91101114111tOUS
(peon the sante qiieetion was being
dIscussed by rect.., and hie daughter
from their poise" of view.
1,1 the c •urse of the day following that
.4 Mr tittroigne's first visit to ta. rec-
tory Alias Fermor strolled over to Jou-
Intl C Atter, ostensibly fur the sake of •
little gesso, with Mrs Jearick, hut in
reality with .1.1ite a different object in
•iew. She heti remembered that so the
widow's les knits was • volume of "Dud"
"Mich, a:thouoh it di t sr/ becksome tame
f an, would doebtless sop, ly
her •ith tte information eh* was so me -
thous to obtain. She had always had
the tim f Mrs Jimmies hookas*: fit
nos ^whin.: froth for her to choose a
hook out of It and tette it horse to read.
After she had taken down half -a dusen
volumes this afternoon, and bad teased
casually et them, she took down the
"Dod Chettine to the welts WAS •
while, a minute sulked her to find what
she wanted There enema other parti-
shire. she roof as .ers : '•Jriones Bo
ran Fitt Julian Oterotighs, fifth Ea' of
Cheehunt Born 17-; seseeeded to the
Mho 18 -. Beltock Park, Northrimber-
and Martell Hose, Ease ; 58
Travanion Square, L melon." The
mode danced beton Mareary's eyes for
• 111001401t or two; them, with • gentle
pub11inahillitselipinacel DP "HI yule." 11.41
Boeing. however, that on* eannot
too .me of one's Nets in matters of im-
portance, Margery wrote next day to
Johnny Trantion, son of the let* Dr
ransom, Whiteapple, Margery's play -
'flow in the days .are by, sod at the
resent a hank clerk in Londe*, sok*/
im to obtain fee her • pnetreit of Lord
Chshunt mod forward it with se little
delay as possible. She was (reit* aware
th.t was nothing in the world
Johnny wouldu't tn plume her. Fuer
days lets. the likeness- a eabimet-shes
hill Ilwitth photterrapti- ems to heed.
tinflonll wrote that he had heal mime
bun:4111t t';'Pher."1:4iitrnas."11‘..begeife A.44:adi.Pet.e, lati"ahheasilmiraeleetC1:b•hper-unt;
lin"1/Wmawilliiiirwe'vtv4 '11141ignlith"741.47"oftheitisilailirild:
moor or his daughter was new slava-
knee then. se 'wady meted, • moods
heel tome by
.61..leestreale perseetpip..1.....mat:tavvr,thet.111.r.4.(1.-. at
'atoll. *be air after," asid Miner,
roll • very lerimleurae use aid kg the
be her father. "Seam bees ea the sw-
am for the het week."
"roe will refer him to see, se • matter
uf awns r.
"Pi.du. me, pops, het I doe't ibi
I Simi do saythes et the kmd."
Tbe rector sand at her egheet.
'Bet, surely, 7014 1110 iset ems to re-
ject hes !“
"Nu, I ant nut going to twist bs;
bat, MI ibis Mete, 1 am out golog to re
ler hint to you.
-But, if. at the time he prowess, be
you vibe he realty is-."
"He won't do that, I think. It still
not be as Lord Cheebuist, but as Mr
oiasoigne, that he &OIL iiie to be is
wile. You dou't kuu tee 111•3I in• 1 do.
lou hare out amide • study ..f hum as I
have. 11• • straps cuopouted 41
shreednes •ud uneroroilinese, of stormy
common tome 111 6.1011 thiogs, and els
albyeet 04114114*• 1111111,lielly others.
For all he know. 01, 1•40411 About horse*,
and is such a siewlid 'whip,' and oast
tell you the eats of tee winuer 01 every
Mg ram for the last half -doss year-,
there is • vein of rusuanos and weitnneut
ais his compusitiou which few people
g ive bits credit for. He rid queer
Byron and Teuuyson by the hour, 11,1.d I
bars only to read the 'May queen' ti.
hi.0 to set him 'cremelik. any achod-
t irl. Although I behave bun to he
peousnely fond of ine, be is mare at-
tracted by the romance of the Stair tho.
he bimetal is aware of. He will go oa
prate/Wing to be Mr Gasolene ate long
as possible, and the saes imp'.icitly you
and 1 continue to sent hits in that
character the batter pleased Ma will be.
Therefore, cher papa, you iciest 10 1140
play my huh geese Meer my owe taso
ion, and be deaf and blind 'meanwhile
and ask no psalms. That I shat
literal hue to buck to the same el a dey-t
or two I do not doubt, and after teat --
w e shall see what esthete sem '
,to SS 4:01411st-1W )
• Meese sears.
"Deer Sirs, -For twelve years I suf-
fered ins dy•pepsis and liver com-
plaint, so was so weak 1 could eust Irate
may bed for eight months, and had little
hope of ever being cured. Three peon
ago 1 tried Burdock blood Bitters, and
am thankful to say 4 now copy ato
health, and I advise all elm ate allbetst
t try B. B " Mrs Harriett 11..bbi,
Muir Avenue, Brockton, Oat. 2
limed Day Is Sarvaandy.
A writer in the Epoch gores an inter-
esting accousit of bread -rusting in •
French peasant's family. On tolling et
• farmhouse, the trevellers were offered
a lunch, consisting of cider, goatsclaws
and hard, heavy bread. The leaf plaited
upon the tab:, we- one a half • d. seri.
resembling cart -.bel., which lad beer.
leaning &gaunt the wall, and was cut
with • small saw made for the panes
These hares were baked but IstICS a
month, brim' day to a Norman peas.
ant's family trocumthst resembling o4*.
ing day with us
Atter luncheon, the daughter of the
house took the radon to • pictursoure
stone building where the bread ea.
made, and where several pairs of .04' 'i.,
or wooden shoes, hung epithet the .all
looking as white as if they 1.4 beet
painted. In one corner of the place war
a large enclosure surrounded by Woods.
alech were shoo snoworhtte, This wae
the dough-trinigh.
Ose a month, the father of the
family and his hired man here se• the
yeast rising. Four and water ore
stirred torether with bole *modes
spades, and when it approaches the
proper consistency, the men put on the
sabots, jump in, and begin knesiding.
They bop and prance, stautp and kick,
until they bare no streogth left ; 8.4
when that process is finished, the dough
is beked its a huge oven.
"In America, braud•making is wo-
man's work... remarked • veetter.
"Ah," exclaimed the little N ewerguI,
girl, bow cruel the men are ! 1 would
rather shoe horses"
as OM froverlse
that has hep, pocuter with the prop!,
for 30 years is Dr Fowler'. Erroot
Wild Strawberry for all varieties .1
summer complaints of children ur adult.. SHING-LES
It seldom or ever fails to core cholera
niorbuit, diarrhoea and (limitary. 2
To Save Life
rivispbestly regains prompt asides ese
bous's delay weldor; Ice the deftest my
be setesard anti sense esesegneares,
esperially to oases of Creep. Pessimists.
and other thrust mid Meg ureeteles.
Ross, no family should be wishes' a '
hustle el Apses Cforry reelloral.
whic1* has proved Itself. te 'homemade of
eases, Om beet Zuvergeary Medicine
ever diecevered. It mores prompt relief
and prepares the way for a thorough
cure, which is certain to be elected by
its cognised use.
8. 11 Latimer, M. P., Mt. Verson.
(3a.. says. " I have found Ayer's cherry
Pectoral a perfect cure for Croup In all
caws. I have kauwa the west case
relieved Ws very short time by Its set
and I advis all families to nes it is sada
dee emergencies, for coughs. croup, dm."
A. J. Eidson, 111. 1.1-, Middletown,
Tenn_ says. " I have used Ayer's
l'berry Pectoral meth the beet Sleet la
nay practice. This wonderful prepara-
nen see saved limy life. I had a OM-
etant coUgh. eight sweats, was greatly
reduced Is fleak, and given up by say
physician. Om bottle and &half of the
P":"4.1 canal cnuurrialldiney .e"nougl: praise ex!
Ayer's Cherry rectors , rites
Braga's. of Palestine, Texas. "
lag as I do that. bat for its use, I should
keg since have died."
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
flummox/10 ST
Dr J. C. Ayer & Cm, Lowell, Maass
E•14 b/ &Wis. Mtn 41, 4*401110,75.
4,11 %Ram...
Fail ea. ise • ..: .eaten as
fop..• a ;
S.uth a• ..11 Mon-
day mud feet lay. Soto. 17. 18.
,,, ton. TI. tirade,
and Frid.iy. Sete. 19, 2 a...I 21.
Earter, on 3.1.indey mad Teased y Oct.
alio 2.
ti alecoes, oft Tevlay. Writ. eaday,
Thureoey •...I Filo., O.'. 2, 3 4 3.
Torooto, ot 10 to
l'rorinelal, at K. September 10
Western. at Looter, frost the 201h to
the 29th .4 ftepopotioe
Emit \l'aisarooli, at Delinres, (debar
8 sod 9
Hay. at e.a Theraday sad
Friday, eepte.obeo 13 .04 14.
East Hot..., Thum
,ley 1aLt1 OA -Lover 4 stet 5.
Soiniey. to Ito field. 2.1..ndgy bad
Tmoday,1 ).:',.h.er 8 node)
Morro, ti Bytti. on Wednesday sad 1
rhor,,o..,,, 10 toil 11.
Dr ea lex, Lewd.
Dol't .,l!. .w • titaIli i., the hes to slow•
2. sot surely run mt.. Catarrh, when
you can lw cored for 24wc. by wino Dr.
Chaves Catarrh Core. A few applies,
lions -.owe incepteut catarrh ; 1 to 2 bozos
Cures ”rdourry catarrh 2 to 5 b. les e
EU/relayed to rare Arorric catarrh. Try
't Oeoly arid one c..ra. Kold by
Artlievios ly
alte Lavas • Chewer.
It 1., My. t tor lams. Alen WI
your hr..'h',,. matto:wry. Very Won-
derful mai:homey It '9. 4 only the
larger sir pasiasel, but thr thousands of
little tab,* and stoke leading from
When these are stoned sad chocked
with siatter tomtit nr4 10 4*. lbw*,
your lunitt is t do Mos work.
And *het they Jo, they cannot do
Call it cold, r 4301. efflAr. p•A•13•Milia
CVArl!.. .ts yny .1 the
family -.1 throat and nos m. head and
Idea ns, all are bad A11
might *0 I, .1 rid of. There is test
one ore. say t•• :tot nu .4 thew that
is *eke Roachee'e tderman Syrup, whish
any drugei-t will yott at 75 Cents •
torteo. Even if everphrig else has
failed you. los may depend upon this
for certain eowly
Sir Charles Dike and Led, Dike will
ro to India in November, and inewereiny
Sir Frederick Roberta on an expedition
to the Afghan (nattier.
Purity of ingredients and *mosey '.1
ennip000ding, make Milhorn's Aromatic
Quinine %Vint, the criteriln of
No; to enjoy life bat to enopl., life
ought to he our aim snd inspiration.
Illeautta Telt.
Th. proof of the peeding is the sot.
in, and the proof of the extraerdivary
power over pain of Poison's Nerriline i•
I$) using it. Pelsn's Nerviline never
fail. to perforate wonders in 'testy cane
of pain. It cannot fail, for it is compos-
ed el powerful pain subduing remedies
It roes right to the bottom, and min 1-
beendied at ones. Nerviline wires •Il
kited of pain, internal or external.
to any drew store and est • bottle, and
be delighted by its promptitude in dolor
its work.
Over prayers are sometimes answered
when our &sirs. ars most opposed.
A sing's serateh may mese a festering
Voetoria Carbolic Seh• rapidly
heals ants, wounds, bruises, burns and
all sires.
leas eleasekese OWL
me at oist, what the trim piddle
has been Making for theme sassy years
said that is a medicine which altholielt
hee lately introdueed, has made far
itself s ropot.ti.. **Conti to ones, the
e ssidisine es Ji,lisene • Tnrsie Bitivrs
wIlob in conjonettra with Johnsoses
Task Liver Pills has performed sem
meet weederfal Mimi lis.psr. or MI-
proettrieload blood este bseesermis
sad «wished. Billiousneas, indorestion,
sick headsets*, liver 00111plaint,
11154*11*1.. 11' • , 1111••• disappear whew
treated he these itteellevit bade moat.
ethos. Fut Selo by Dead, dregoist, '-
use block, Cialediel, eels meld. [4
A l•r?..Cuant.t) of ersociame Deorgias Day
Cedar oLlooloo extra *hit knee,. are oa hiked
Moor esti:et nrasonal.le rates.
l'an 'tad 055411fte before purchaeles else-
Buchanan,Lawsoni Robinson
Children CI ftlr PitciefsCaloria
flf.Xf ttIrtG,r LW
oo; orra bo op -
prep!. 41451.• naafiieta,
A aft, nt.t.lacr Creh-,ave le
a who will try the
leteemaiumb tau Pewit*
t.., red the
4,14 at • lett,
.1,111lit .rtrtoo after
f.•. ',mt. ;Jeers b, )OI.rip
tyrt • (44 ft.
Awe cr.*, t cot t.totrt=
sul,titt rri
• t.!
(1171:CII:1.L CO.T01101110
I Ines ruby mem
54514, 115 gave beir CillhOth
wine tie was *MIL Me ailed Ar Csits1111
IDigs she liessms Ulm she dean Se OmMeta.
Vim ee• am chime... she 0111**1 calamb.
the wor5.1 flitting M. lein WI sentuse,
; haw isms 9.0. A •WIO•li• Oir InTrlit irlD PP..
Le."..."11.0rlealla iwmiwwiallfteer."1"Mtle• 04400.1"77Telk w""1""
,i 9e1a44
1a0rs1111etleac14.wertwvgo tmaa
ihsir 11005.4.Py )ftwri, neeaastre:am yeerrWe 00 45514J •i=mlt
bat wftdrnd IwrsaileiCot Ira iev,,r* a fte.3*pis r, Mwe.r
semeinles ef great value Sad les-
partaso. os roe, tkat win mar i eg is bum
was. which ..111
.1640 rt. •t tit., irlirpliZintio I. no
I Aaitoshi. Maine.
1*'......4111. fwqs. Address mai a ittlk
yt< •
; 4
" ' '4°
4 .1„,
, 7 "
71. 4c'r
, = , 1,14' • • .`74
. ,
. 40,(..v.amrti,4 oift
- -
'111111 -01111110=111 '.1r7