HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-9-7, Page 1Inenber for Mr 11 H•-c•W•I resolve 1 her • doek on Friday evening The ashooner Carter, with re eerie '- lumber he Dement C.., resertsi h or- II•••4-) bur ort *Way m 4.0514: spoken id as • popular priest. ' PraPriat°ra et the Clinton IV""1"it.ri• . important question : What ate you In. and to Jay Guuld, Jr., they eertaitily A Stiovasta - 711r Henry Taylor, of lima hie recant attack of loinhago. Ba Srssorrto IN Tii& Rini: - The dime- I brought the town fathers to a swiss 04 Minaret. 014 SiflETHANO. -The Stint- the "Anitalestan waltz, at the Ian „.„ Wel Onahfill to attend the kl8gsbrille tore 4 the (Irmo Northwestern Fair, I, duty in Tempest to panning • con by-law I lord 14,1,,n Nays : The looters on short- Caledonian Consort hnits in Gortersch, ria. 1104, tight, roil jut" thio Port Lie memo on WIIdElEldliT on that stx4-Inat. which will he held in floristic% on the ' It is peitirely surprising. nay, 11 1. die- ! hand by Mr Ttos. MeGillicuitily. preal• has been gnarl ....doh to bend us a ropy shelfrwv ow n1455 5115115015515. : ';':)(: Ifrs D Mellow, who has been suffer- i 2nd, 3rd. 4Ih and =loth ot October, Mittel graceful. to ewe bovines roallitag all corer loan of the Canadian eih. Khali.' 5 -clot'', of a peen .1 twenty mainee., otoithei, 'Tito stemater Hotoormgs willed in th.• ..,.. • • I deist led to offer the following priest for town at tOeir oven will, dirtying up the len evening, in the 1%,inits n' *h• Central "An Emittrant's Farewell to His Natieri pore oe her nitaierd trio, sail took on 5 roads rind aidewelke to the great iiicon• . Resinees Collets., was wail attended. place. after an Alsemea of Twenty large eniantoy 1 set, wise mid gomeral vonience end ditto inort of promenal ! Mr Metollienddy anon demonstrated the 'sere Mr Tay or ma very ne II . mercharolise. .ses. Ayr, which has not attained ti. 4 feet that be ••• no stronger to ib. sub. sad in the omree of his poem, which we t .yhe soboiener M. ,,‘itrook. ,jt a cool of the dignities and prominence 1 vie, and eta, tall, diesefitlinft the origin Imes reed with ***selecting+. dente with 1 a eerie. • f lumener f.o a Torwide &le, the nientwie and ellietinimi .4 the niftier, lrweeheol the a T. finch ems Friday galor- e( Kincardine. can oeveethelese give that ', and use 4 Isaac Pitnim, • 117•1•611, Itliv• a, '..! town an excellent 1)(40We 011 I):41 cowl few iaterestine points on "Spelling Rc- two, the veogrephy of the entintri, anti bylaw (libation. Cattle are pruelbstiel I forte.- On this be world willingly hare the lay one. .4 the "everleettng hills." i Th. .40(.666 &,,,, mciA6d. 1,es..o . .4,., from running at large in Ayr, and se • I spoken fax boors hen the time was se The ammo 44 emote rt the reoniineed tory, 01, !snow sue orbabt & 0.0.7a; .., , 4:4,_ , , .. Hensel', 2; Goderich. 141. mot barred Mrs, or 0 ins% eonsequenom the pedestrian hag 110 leer I Waited that he could re y tone it. The schooner N. again tr..tend fur '174777' - .„„co, 4 tvw,.. • ..1`. . nIP '1444 " • • • "' 1.o•O ••••••••' :44111..5• ••)O • o ),• 4e, • T 1,4y1 • • W 4" o efe. .•"( 4 to: 7 4 s") 0 EV oT "To 0 GENERAL - iNTELLIGEN Ft/ItTY•PIRST YEA... WHOLE NUSIIIEtt !ha i - GODERICH. ONT.. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1888. I D. ET. Pi. i •LiI.&YEAIIIWAtt.4t New agmeeseehmehes ewe woes Rohm, r.nen4 tithe was bilked MI ! Mr Thomas MoClees treseilailf lithippsd Mr thottir, of Stte ratford, Iglu. habeen 1111 Oooii J. a Reid & Inaon sturdy. Lama tare -E. N. Lest,s. UMW Gold Watch tres-mea Lost e Stooge. l'areshae -I' A. Nairn. Foe Nal. -J J. Wright Execu(or's Sate - Win. Harriess. ler so.. 041. Xot:ce -It L Welton l•udertatias thomlea. Window 8L.4..- e.B. Consen. AC akar L./ie Art -k. Iticksse. &Malaise la Leetn.rw, es Sig STth of An ilenifeof Mr. Jona Lioklater, of. !i daughter. .ji till:hit:1 ,,,ititAtubeau.11oirder tritr.mii.L:e, bursa r. I Sluts ot • daughter MAIIIIIILla. Minns. fuarray.; 'Wee st the Kielpshiridze picnic, (easel ' 300 heed ..f cattle fro* $I. Of i alipn ated inod •I ach noIIM S•tat , UP '0411ftest. Ib. Id Y • . ' od In towc 00 Fridiiy and assumed theI lira C. A. Humber and her yours Collector of emit , A. Farrow, was. duties of hie position un blondey. Oen age spending an eojoyable ton. at . willed fron. t.ien last Thursday to attend ; Mr and Mrs John Reid, Britannia Themend Island Park. the funeral of his deceased sister. ! Road, returned from • trip t.. the Limy - /hoc A. McGillivray who hu just see ?1r and Mrs Theodore Solitude are I stone City on Friday last. They visited termed from Montreal. 1. 11 iota's) 1 Mr D. Mc- • number of old friends during their wore: hy the United Empire to visit tbe Doustd, clerk of the burr...gate Court. i absoace, and gazed upon many old fa - old homestead near Pori Elgin. Mr Llionely Elwood reteriatly pained • • I. Dr M Nichohoin, the Weat-st. deo. ! highly cteditable second ioterineffiate ' RETURNED -Mr George Rice, of the tist mite. the primervation of tbe mutt I moininsation, it, low. No kind was ne- ' North American Chemical Works. re- • t ed I t w k f th States whither rat teeth a specialty. Gas administered sessary. urn as to non e Mr John Retain*, paying teller of the Hamilton breach .1 the Book of ti.sitreal wee in town during the week. the iolost of Mr DrUiliainnii, Bank 4 Montreal. Ile telt en Wedmeeday tut a. -%'•-We understand Dr W. Wolverton dentist, who has for the lest three yews and • half resided In lloderich closing up business here with the intaution of going int,. practice to Hanniton. We wroth hint worry suc- cess in his new sphere of action. Mrs Bedfeed rotor .ed Theredas lens after three gromit's attainess • u toms (fn."e at height. Brantford end Toma- to. She •CO•wile•6101. ilboo ille hy bee cootten, Woi MirE. mom. .4 Brauef wit, • former resident of titooen.et, • Mr J eden to peened top • Den fence ..s his primmer an C •Peaniege. It will matte au improveiemit to neat Pert 41 she too... We on.le000„,t, k, 11 bis tateenuti is the user Immure to tweet en open tom limed eine sit atone found/Atm in that handy. he had been recuperating after his re Aotionta Gonzalo Ft B01' APPRINIIATRO Citeseise erre .`riseuau Plost-Wee from 9 ono for the widows extraction 'Mtl.'4"1•H4°.barriste t indo o' We I _wit art, lo loam that Mr j..ta mcLana. at th..taraah. 1. ia alil sonstiug 44 teeth. was in town CM Monday. H• mays things C." """ in'all"e' a" 13 alie- Pleased Hugh McGretten. who had his riaht sir• lamming their 'menial condition thigh badly broken by the wheel of his over in that burg. wagon niunine over it •dh a:heavy load An agent of the Brush Electric Light Company wee in town this week tookin lino bas closed, an -i the students will of brick oa, ia, we am pleased to learn, . nowth hare a rest in e offices after the take the place .4 metheivatical teacher. treed. improvine. into matters conceriong the electric vie,' Mr C. Crasswelier. resigned. bot Setoo BoiMitelleo. -The Isere lightinst of the town. Denude action ha"haii. arduous labors of leen tennis cricket eta board at Whitby deternoned to re, ler agestiug .At school board tom held hes not yet been taken by the cooncd. lacrosse Gibing at.id other elliott, an old Godorich high school boy, trial foe moieties a ad front O. Gerrie. has had his salary In the Whitby icatitute end another 6,0. 4*... J4fI111.01, whine raised to VW. °sorter.s had been he eftern.rils ep wet of to Stoimpl Me - made to him by the (Whew& iziatitistete+Lnen. He_ Lae use_ yet ittested As ed to learn that he ham been restored to his old-unie vigor. VArATION KR. -The lawyers' Taco A mein:wird ..non in connection with 3,4ten4.s.hmori:.-41017.a.eti-usAttirs'aputthel;• Hotel." Ito deeth of Mrs Charlei Bites will be or preached in North-st. Methodiet cboreb next Holiday eremite by the Peeltir. Rey Goo. Riebersisoe. 842•Lueo. -Little Max McClean, aged three, elute Visiting at los aunt's, Mrs Widiata Achason'e, one day last week, Mclior -In Gmlerich. on Wedneedoy. Her- bsd the misfortune to stip from • pao - N443bYeallriSe.' allen. wits ar Mr. 1). Mr° I trig cage into • pot, 44 bottom water, mod manna& --la Goderick. ou TbnradaY. heel- Iv" severely "a14141. Mit. MINN Miasmas- seed.td yews. 1 promptly secured...sit (lidding. is month sad IT days. few way of recovery. i t sitoria-sz Sleth-ilist cati.N11. O. Sten- . shore. .4 Port Huron. to Lista N. sitewort. of 1 I iloderich tow uship. MM. i t Watson - la Troate. on the Mth of A . i!.... awid3or.ars arid te,41/1.4.64144. Inot, tieo-g, It • • in. formerly of GodMict. The funeral will take plane from his lat• residence. Cambria mires. on Saturday. Sept. Dir Thos McGillicuddy, of the °eds- ..; lite. al ate o -dock &ad proceed to the rio Agricultural Department, who had C.,1atholic Church. Filietids and animistanoes been taking in old eights and scones on " please soots this matire_. the boles of the Maitlan.t for the pre- vious two weeks, left on Friday loot (or Stratford, • few days prior to retorting TOWN TOPICS. to Toronto. He received • hearty wet- : _ emus from his many friend. in this esto thin. ealefs aqua, yr. takes' setew tAe smother lot or sew groceries very cheap rat Macbilltiv ray, Crsab's block. Gm. Stewart's but camera take* the "Ilk and it trim the pictures too. imam or Wher- e/M. every Male. 4 Grom Pairwawv.- The mow metal gift • you can make Is to give a Wirt I've. to U. McGillicuddy. mast Goderich. tie/until U wren et.° Ap- FINE TAILORING.. - H. Maeirorioac has tbe doe linos, good •Aioa, and will be sure p. pleased wall eit and price. 115 bill. The fees m printed in several &bitty, at Gadartah, ad, be bow ennething gives, and there is • collapse. comes recommended from St Au. (oon THINtis To Here. -A DOW lase, of ten dollar and live dollar balls was put into eirculetioo recently by the Bank of similar position at the British Eachange, Commerce Instead of the portrait of tlodench, left On Mouday len to visit the late Senator Mcfdetter President of frieuds and relative* in his native land. lain hint Godericlt boys comae 10 111. is the school lowly, on Monday ewes - hardships which the bare midured for front everywhere. Mg. 8 Ifeloo.uson, Eel , the cfteirwiaO, 0*Pt• Moore. who has been stationed the past 'month or 7two. It is to be is battings four weeks forlough at Clin hoped they will ere long resume their Notation.. Mornotoor CIPIIII. -Mt E , Proodmit After coceirusing the ons- et Bothwell deriver the pest six months, ton and Goderich. H• was stationed C. Belcher, Coelerecit's wall kuown oleo erantine the use .4 this gationt foe wonted vigur behind the disks. here when Capt. Zimmerman had charge. Tex Iloutorrze -The model school base., is noir leader of the choir, soil , the forthcoming mutters' inetinue, sail referring soma arc wits to the Conti. - clam comme work on Monday The ill*" °"dene° already of h'n"g hug" Mrs Sain• Wigle, of Itotheen, Easel („il„aing form the 186/1 clue :- Hattie successful in that line. A few more Abut committee, the board ad Piureed. 00s017, arrived Wid"e'ile1 'ant"ing 0° Andrews, Laura Baker, Jane Smother- (eremite voices will make this choir one of 1 000ttote M germ' pi -metro -ewe, -The the idealiser United Empire, to speed the beet in Western Canada. We were . reviler meeting of the town council, son. Jima Collies, Beene Kelly, Lotrie a few weeks for the esenette ,..f her health. ,Iohnaton, Rebecca Lowrey. Addis Mc- Clederich air has a wuederfel effect epee afflicted walla, Ninth Limiest( Etzento Trite*. -The pub lilted in London, the latest daily aspirant for public fatter. It professes indepeudence in politic*, gent, Sarah tOtafford, Titus lenechtel, Dennis Malone, B. J. Morrison. Thomas McKay, Henry thirteen, W. Smith. Deo. mono% DIY. - N Tuesday after000n at 3 o'clock, the Od.Ifellowe will march to Reiland Cemetery, tor makes • sperialty ot city news, and to • the purpose of placing wreaths no the clean, newsy paper. This newspaper graves of departed inemhers et the order. busmen* to like a etreet-car-there s al - It is understood that this encampment ways "roum for Ube 10Jr 2... members grill appear in uniform, and Foe IstLeou -Mr Joseph Coossehty that the town band will funnel+ suitable for some tint° Pegs hoggeoe-coesk at the melodies 011 11141 OCCE.111011. 11 le expected. Imperial Hotel Galt. at one time in • that Lodge 83, 1 0 0.F., Clinton, will also take pert in the prooesmou and ceremony. THS Towet Beot. -It is to be regreti. pleased to see Mies Ilia Wilkinson heck ' which was to have been held this (Fri- . I in her place nn Suoctity, and the 800/, day evening has been etponed until R. knows" which wsa rendered *IT Monis', owing ta the absence of Mayor her. was appreciated fully by the entire I Seeger and councillors Koichi* and congregatiou. !Humber, who are away on • committee A Fear Teir -IP, and Mrs D. K. investigation in the matter of eteotrie Strachan, have arrived home after • nett I light& to the Old Country. They enjoyed their A BINS Cotr. -We were shows en visit very much. and had an exceednely ' Thursday afterwein a hanthoonee Gott pleasant trip .01.4They C11110 by the ! netted by Mr Johniohan Miller, wkieh the fastest pee -sage on record between pellet*, means speed He s. galled Allen hue steamer Farman. which made tole lair to he a speedy chap, if a good Liverpool and Quebec. In the year 1'181 Acadia, anti to a wed bro•n, foaled in she •rrived in port on Friday, Septem- I 1881.., by Wilkie C .ins, dam by Idyl try her 9th, at 8.40 pm , which has not I Stephen A. Doutlas ; it.d. Dotty Patter - been bestows until sloe, sod that by her- • eon by B.Ily Memenger goe.d. Grey ,. self, by tiro hours and tifty-tive minutes. Nell by Ohio Coutinl, and was heed by I Toomey Bee. of Donkirk, Y. Ha • .,4( • oo.o. 4.04 ,5 *0 ...14 4- --77".,26"4" 4 • the hank. the larger bill has • helmeted J t --1.-...-.---------------, that all efforts to keep up • toes Sr Ponta e sw eeroto - form. The backs bear a picture ot the EvitNINi. wan Woaltalts IN M14- ed. Time' 111 materiel for • good band church. officsated on ounday last. There itaca. ana Mt Miller Paid Isot ,mother showed • 2.23 gait on revelation female head and the entailer hills female walnut hius a ptomaine lourney. band 1U Goderich of late years lave fail- Weetohe new pastor at St Peter's (R C etoe Ftette4.-An entertaiument ueder moos, Jot him sit nointhe ago, when be ems ouly weventeen months old. He has . Seem assortment of woods for swim and sem. n.. it And in hro, bore, but just biemt the time that eyery• was a large actenueoce, and the mow new hank building printed an blue on aser suite Order trona him sad you will be °ft t"e the auspices of the Woman's Miseioue thing 14ppears to be going &lotto smoothly prima made • good impression. He , In to be with the trout ones when IN lishn • The wind is already beginning to whisper colors. The notes are considered to be North-st. Mettsoelet church on the oven- The tows council ham vireo liberal aid teatime, his last parish, and previous to hooves -114 do to F. A. Pridams s. CANADA.% GRKAT FAIIL-The Toronto, o'clock, when • proeram *mutating zeue have also beau liberal, but the ais. waited upon him, and presented m Te She •Milintedle. . !I' weather Is at Mad Foe goats underwear of o Y. '.12 1.,.;.(4roR TZ•--0•••ci1 wobssley hati stated Industrial Exhibition. which rune from raddressee, readingg, letters from work- colt, obtaining • leader who cell keep with an outdrew and • purse containing through the trees. vellvilIctIal that 0001 eery handsome as well as desidrable.se Feld* 8 towhee 14th at 8 to.aris maintaioing a hand, private cite- his deportee,. his former parishionersitigrnaih• hi that no heavy merchine a good cup or tea 0.ir well known citizen, John M. fies .. le. "'- eat far ahead of a rattan et grog. The Li. Seitlit. lOth to the 22ad, will have, in ad- ere in mission field., sod choir matte will the rank awl tile in aulijectien fa 11175. THE 141111Nla. welcomes Rev Fatter lacd, better known SS Dr Hatesod, INS - , ,.., lgeor T..Lirn you sea buy from Geo. nay- dation to a very toll display of bye stock, be elven All are invited. A collection ha the trouble. Somethiug thou he West to Goderich, and believes he will Tim Wlall114111 CHRISTIAN TIVIIPRRANCI agricultural and manufacturing products, •ill be talmos iii) during the evening in done LO establish • good toe n band. • worthily till the place of his popular pre- ., __ Or the ban bread. secured trom the proper legal authorities °so,. will ,,... moosoly roe toetran,,,66,,,, • number of special displays of interest. of aid omission work. The chair will be in the Dominion of Cenada, Neefound- - el betoken every Tuercley afternoon at 22.0 Antony these will be • large collection of occupied by Rev Geo. itichardiam. Mo A LON41 - The oshawa Re deceesor. Leer roe Coarse:ea.-Rev B. J. Wet- beind_and the United Statee, Lettere Pa- biramingsc.,,a• nitaKthe'"Iwcoher ialL cordit"ailyw"l'ittedia- grain and vegetables from the Govern- .r. E. former has the following in reference to tem, who for nearly nine years past hae tent for his ineditml preparstion koown meet Farm at Ottawa, and extubos by aim r•SIWSLL Komi -Railway - • former resident of Guderich. and • been the Faithful pastor of Si Pets,'s (R. ma "McLeod's System Renovatoe." Since lOno.w. iii_one tone to se: out strawberry British Colunebie, Manitoba sod the du . plain, and not without - graduate of our hieh school :-Mr Comb- o( tbe habit of going into the ear wenbr, m,,,,,,,626,6,1 m„,,,,,,. of cish„i, C . church. left for los tiew appointment, the tannouncestient of this nuedieroe wee to Would. rz,,,nes,'"'etn,w.,:atrowa.:rthasittr.V7 crsolf: North West Territories mad Algoma of and blocking up the pa.g.s whiat high ebbool, 1,.. tendered hi. reeiro,„.. Corunne. Lambton county, on Saturday drat made, the ashes have hewn se rides - morning last. It is needless to aay that sive and front much • nide exteet of two Wet berriee SOL per hundred. strong. The programme of amusements hoe been I asking riga to the Board of Education, to take he leave* Goderich with the best wishes oountr as to 1 • h °James Vox • und -WiaMs knitter tbo the various products of three districts th• farenell kiss. It ea b ming „ ffect Lit a October, he hawing reoeivel y. also no on, 6,6,,,,,,,g 06, 2:-. • ewe -routed plants. prepared on • scale never before at- • downright nuisance and will yet lead e of all who knew hit rintardlese of creed. fano, mei they prove tbe• strongget en- ... Sauaders 3 AN hare stone great harrow' tempted in Canada. Exceptionally losto serious accidents. Ali trains are ron the appointment . f Head aster io ss or to the interests doe -Dement 4 ita high elating. The large a *stet. sod se coal leso cheati these who In rates will be given by the railways during ; fvoat on fast woo when Mho and star Easel Center high school. at a salary of a" Wila • flithhil if '' te sec...art heed camisole,. which they gearposseeeed of a growth of Dr McLeod's hostnees coolant tend using it for fuel shoals' usll 5writr and the Fair. the seat, Paws . 00 SI C II It (4 ha church. hit' on with a NO head or $1,1 per annum. r regime er as liberality a spirit and broadness of mind but be a decided hone& to many of oat Illetirc a stove Wore they all go. A One IMINIM on so that half a minute puts theta I been • vett Pallistsitiug and successful that toads him se general favorite with , citizens and merchants. ainit week. The cheapest house tinier the I will be • series of Salvation Army "Bit; "°•-- Th°t• I under wa Peeple who ' teacher while here, and his removal from 1- the clergynien and usenbers of all other It must be reineu.bered that Dr Dice mock or Delve,' nuke of ....if feeders on show StiLe•TION ARMY jump from ings held is Godorich on Saterday aud ' 1111.14- i • train eo started run a t risk, and Cinema will be much regretted. rienominatiotia. Our beet wishes go with Tsui does not go outside his own door Owlerich willow:in be muting en air* with Sunday, , yet it is done at every station along the Tem New Ponoo Borionen - The . professionally, neither well he commit isawarseed tuber insprovioseaM too nun, . edit Shane and Prof. i . 1.4 .4 Itn• and ''n neer:7 evert train- Why plans and specifications for the erection I bit.. ' h anc h iciaa Be. if are d - - eie waterworks, electric lights. competitive Sept. Pith and 9th., II -am Cannot all this ehaking hands. tee.. be of the new poet -office, customs house and Cr rot 8•11z1mTvAull'l • - Ibisiewirn wit P Y* • " 7 to mentioa. bet it w11 take • lone time , • - • axles. ing under treatment fro. the ntednial logort. any improvements mete to se made la ' done on the platform end save the risk, inland revenue office for the town of (fillies, charged eith 'Keeling sheep In tetrezotraerhwitlenrjrwaniltu appouvrie, riginwov of. , ing announcement of services • -"Satur- , 1 to my nothing of the animism*. Goderich,have been received and are Dow , Stelffien Winship from Jarcee Box memo . combos,. come in his hones AA he will rni for trial beforehie Imes yo by it. System Ramorater. That T. he printed proeranis maks the follow - mid ioniser of ilts- ci,iee. I 'hi' -At 7:3° P ila ' a "id walk l'ibd Evritioos EN ixiN %THIN -1he nest rei view at the clerk's I•tbee. town I rteekli aa". was 012 open sir for Jesus : at 8:10 p m., so end C Olegiate I stitut will be held n ha& 'Advertieemenui have been pub-I/111°0r Judie Tian gra remanded until Friday morninft Inc !ceesful in every came he weer took to s on Tuesday last, and i inewitor .4 this niedentle hue proven tote - 211111111.111*. Elosannah •wakeoine meeting, and ow- examination her mit to Hieb school Tn* '4116.1sAi telephone call, No. 30 roltimmt of converts : also dedication of fished in the Ministerial journele ratline , judgment. At the time of hie *reset . Wood. as the public welt known, and hie child ; Hosannah awakening meeting only Dec. .19, 20 annd 21. "As the pubic for leaders for the work net later than' Ifni It. Price is risittoz friends in schools re -opened on Monday the foplulowic- lei ed eh were found ehioh ; skill and seams/. net only here but in 10 col Sunday. -At 7:00 son , Feed - Seller tile aod v daily. • ing upon Christ • 10:30 am.,glad tid- ing hat 44 lemons front the authorized Mies Elliott, of Kinestos, is the guest ' Fourth Reader is given. on passages ings march; 1100 am.. awake to holi- of Mrs John Rind, Britaiia R mil.front which the ezetaination papers in nese ; 2:30 p.m., hallelujah march ; 300 ,,•__„„.... soil is..., ist cop.,- ..... The regular meetieg of the town i p.m , Lion of Judah In ' • "00 ........'*'''' - -- - ----- eating , , . p in., h. • Foci Against the Paue pp ot- .6 • Poured grill to hell this (Friday, even- • 'maim march ., 730 B Th ... P el'' artIcr° From the Deserted Village 80-8 6 inches in width. s depth of 34 ft., anii . with Dr lifeLestJ. The Sepporter weal ' Band of Hope organizer, is riettiog in i it ....111TI:•111.--Thn following, from the The clan stream 131-136 JON orit 41E Milt.t.glell New FLTIM.- PIHN---------OI. -Mr Edward Shea- be found a val ote *AA orients resned. Wingham. , it. codatoek Statolord, rioters to the death Scene from Ivanhoe 164-154 The Buffalo f'.. non • re ia'. A dnrrti or seys: non, stonemason. • resOloot of- Glederesh • i s • 61 le_ D6660. Di:. m Cabe o . pin or we, Mr Matt. Morrison, of McKillap, Was • of • former resident of Goderich, her Soo was s phantom of DrOieht 188 -The mahogany bey stallion Jay Gould, Inc the poet shirty years. and who re- hetet, Rapture es.1 ['terse Disordent... 4.. in town Saturday late, and dropped ia I brothers having been et rine time too- roe Demon „f the Deep 2116-271 Jr., 36041, foaled 11480, sired by Jay sided ..a the Calabria Rost died en I l•d • d • II • 't St Val married only a few months IWO, win course for public .4chools will he used, Int; dam Polly, the dam of Herm 2 28i. siliceous health, and returned from she ' . whither hie had AT TSB HARE;08. :04!4',7"!4,.• ; .4- '• • .4 boat the work reviewed in the other do- by Hamilton Patches XI , Was w. by y • the weaned' is not changed. At the en Buffalo parties this week to Jonathan bean to se•aboot some wont' that wet ! . ' trance exemination in July. 1839, • Metier, lit Goderich, Ontario. Jay mintemphition Shortly its, bis Morn I geeseeer lates000s se me ow.. mem, mom . ,...- . friends. Sem a t • guest o Mn ' . back te Woodatoce • fortnight or so be see. raper ou dot euhjeet of agriculture will Gould. Jr., to royally bred and ought to he was wised with rioleat spasm* avid the 41,11000 Oseatniet. -,- '• McCune. , ago The diatom pronounced het ease 1 broom the breeding interests neer in tbe • severe attack .1 vomiting. Aber •:',' el, - Miss Trainor, of Chiesgo, after six or. hopeless from the outset, and she viol- Tog Cow OWN THU Town. - The Dominion. He is a very speedy animal aufering acutely for some time he went The aehisabar marrtaa ito.14, with us .t - *even wlIeke. loinurn i" tean sa th° sally sank until yeeterday relieved her . Nil Kineard - /1 hi, had, • , , .2 horse of favored with ace kind of an op shortly after 3 o'clock, a.m.. os Them Pt and as banationie aa • picture. Tina of trot. a comsttee stets, ftod *spired Items 4 0..61 fur John 3 Past, areseed tai Thee of last wrest editor of the Ayr Reoweler r oil ciall meotiofted Kincardine, we would po 4 n • ed mother t.. 1111401,111 ME T. echooner Todm in with te twee of ---.. guest of Mr and Mrs Rey:odds, has rir- i ,4 all aufforiag. n. 444444.4 WILI • . "S . - - --- me- - - - -•---- eto'nity, ought t . iylshe an envialthe re dey. fle leaf ea a wife and 110101111 AO- - a 4 I.•.."• • *.1 the 15th of tIctotter rh• poone show and on Toesdoy. a . many parts of the ,inited States, hen to...-. so two story building, built of red brick . had "Potted Of. named poohard Wed. hut nettle • Oredit tO 004•141•1111. • 4,""'` with eut_stone facings, and mansard l.trairr ham rottorne. owner of the feur sheep, pre. Ellis skill has mate. physicians of seek great cities se St. Fuel. Memo and Is - roof ; and an examming warehouse one I mirror. story high on the south side. The main tented an alatieerance and laid. OOHS - will have • front...24.44 44 feet plaint aerialist Gilliam for having stolen disnatedia, Ind , sad retemets foe his them Th het we MI) (pr treatment are eniewooly pourieg in. L1010*sti '4 ,e• not of mitigation ineetiog Silver eollec • - t -Al The Battle of Bannockburn Seeger on Tuesday morning, and wee riphernia A. littieneen•e Lady Clare 128-13084-1 3ritiemexbermuiniinztwarehoose wiii 14 fi. Mrs R. Heedereon. the well-known all day."adjourned until Frid4y. and Triple Sepporter arse woe on gale. o J. hl 41Lao •••+-- to ••• THE Rion*, . toyer, .4 TN• SIONAL :-Th• friends of Th„, Forsaken Merman 298-302 Gould Pr. record 2 20t, ere 44 Adel. Thureclay morning, efter short illness I Zvogigitee Gedeeinhe Mr Robert Henderson will leave te- drawing No. 5 book of the drawing Gould 2 19 and twelve others in the 2 30 Hi• bad heen apparently a his enema r. Grant Henry, (nee Mies Todd,) irtio day hear with regret of her early death. Wm Warr.. linitilas a.d oiber Po i nts. I had no sooner arrived at her Iowa home Mrs 13. Berry, of Locknow, is than she was seized with acute tionsump spending • few days in town, vatting old tom. and aftee • blief stay eras brought turned to her hones. I rained ntrenher '4 the t7P`Kle*Ph:`,..al staff ' hove thought he had returnei from a potation ail • ttottitig sire, an 1114` Father MG", 01 "'sans' ha' of °HI "441fflr'i for 'Wm° alne-* Pia- I visit to Goolcrich. Hear hint :-"But Buffalo's has will be CenadOe gam. Inse. His tonere' will take Owes itt Wristagoalt appointment. He is high!, I blistoons edit her brother, one nf the whim we have Kincardine's newspaper Thu twines over the horsier lases • Plateviley Morning from St PIM,* (R.Cq men in band, we want to ant them anlhaPPl foculty of ticking up grad thick's, chorea, at nine o'clock. Rey Father Weet ties Tinos to her marriage, having kernel the o that you have nt4 herit • Vies. London. 5) .5 daughters 10 11 pert in /4,41. A. M p.,,.. 6 6,11 „ff.,,,ns She was only 17 years sod • hall of ate. jag, sentiemen, mg wit consunap i i husband and six children to moor i beprIStsllioe, anY mr• or is• -$20 (X), Sod If 1111;) 00. 3rd 810 00 ,• Stallion, any lige lots. ra- size -420 03. 2-nd 810 00, 3r.1 1115 00 • rich and Herman hese hall elate was , The Merit mite) between the node- ani is that have t ed for . publit. mono?. he . Maros Of Geldings,- pityred on the 'rounds a the latter elnh . 1st 815 00, 2rid 810 00, 3ed $O 00 on Moeda,. with the follow's" result : mairrale that have trotted for tsbIle died ill IrtidneedaT lest. She les.ws a! the speeding in the ring content: • plasm would Invok a Sasoeueich jaw tn herooy Op Frilay sight. The oehootee Carter lett prat Set. - day nigh', hawses • rioardity of suet oil Rev A. III•Key, Knee chore'' 1.0- owned end drives hy farmers only-. of any of theansoyances which arise front Matey let•featItie Wise •ore brought f. ,,..w, will esthetics palest* nest Bantle! 815.00, 2nd 80 00, 3ril 117. 00 animals! the unrestricted !ibertios vireo to cattle ward ta the exercise* Mimed on 115 with 'Rev D. Metitilivray. Mr McKay ibst haws trotted foe poblm atone, 1 is Ktoesrclias Borer* up. y• edtor• ; board, and the aedsence we woll pleas - d' preach he knot ehsreh ns • IthelD barred. Driving mere. mares or fld- you have a beautiful sown aad spteedid Irak the mi 1"." "ine 4 hicc dd h h f tid phr.,0100111 hot the Wel nt ha. 011 11141 dlifilanity in eieldiag throw to potry. The follostiscetuelt m the 7th trierint, WO tithe phasere in repreineing morning. Re, Mr Anderstei w 0011 MP -115 00 Stud 810 00, 3r1 V.01 :, streets : rtk• orrery measure to keep rip hooks an ere I he. aseiisobed l'amntenhile berme WM- , OpOrt tit In -hnth horses Its ta the pro- I the attractiveness and prognmeivenese of , n • admit speabee end hum .rous one el- Its venom' googol 51 les' • ../Ivee.1 per Di .ltii Praminn Hill. a• I Atten- dant the sorrier, in Ow erasing. - Urns Nolooll, F't nut - Ccdorick 1 yerty r.1 ono roan. A 'pieta' entry, the place. and let yogi' first step in this e, and daring the lectors. eneeptimeneed He ,..,„.. ow,, f nd I '• %haw no the ..n &.. rtors• in • Mower N1•14•0104. rorentlailm. alba% 10141. sod **It no return irtirakr. The crew of the Harriet ROM elide psrt on lanerday, street for higher gram- es. Theeapeam Itneevey doe mot mom - code the atrilters dentantlit h I net soak 122 115111111 erfth fee of 113 00 meat be 'made in 0i. a ed anent • • pile on the ref -Oder. Thie numblit' thia ease. All teets to he twice *mood of ,or eutogralks lied streets This hint -the Coliego ord se 'I hs had bot seem tlieir 1 o„et, gur vmaroey label sea aar14.411 qt Se re. ore ; . 'il m ell probability be fettling letwesiel the rime No prizes to he sainted or ta well mend, and we atitoli ate 1 iriove. ' neat in th 2 Tr. LW 0 .11eea. At 01i1 ...Om. one toom ; ed by eionseal who hive eignilled their sae alert wed* union+ three •Utrie• IV, %MU in adman for merely eillise wow- e!roe Re• Mir NSA moved • vote c t steel. it,i no isee:o apes. wet. is eTssealel Tnel urge. Otetosi. York. awan he 1w:1Pr nom,nr comm, btMoyet rcoil4 is Ilt• secetary, et4 fees r44 ties o what ei •ssittrd to s • ••4 thinks, edict Ia Ipasismayryror1:4ire:r Of %0graf" Od Boa ti IYakkproa. Ito. , • .... 7,, 'T -Z, ,t,r......Ift, . ., c:t , - , , .:: '1;0 .114. . tie-'0044 •,64' Waaltingese meal •nd mastery rinds, itsis tittered sip by • report that an Ilia. glish . Seer has harried the soarer sir e.'.: •.. -. .4c , :rit, Lo 21t :I ilia 3.10.4% " •,-__• air