HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-8-31, Page 41-.' �c iuren i$nal W r olarenwe &VERY FRIIM' ,Y ,Ij0$N1100, AT tt.i emit! t wumrm STRICT. o01DKlt1C IL it le • wide-awake lead wwelaMr Mveted 0 oeasty aeon sad tM dlaamla•tt�e of Ste► tel ka.wlei/.. • •ATI. N INFINC IPee.g s 111-30 • fear : rte. for;Ms. tomer Mrs. swaths. whamsf seIbmort$IIss wthis secasrfsd •, at tM rate of KW a S eaw- AettIRTw1tfe RAMS r Lowland oiler casual advertisements. he. par ilse fur Ent t.sertbo. sad 3 vests per line for each tw5 (0Si.Ss .1 SrtleMeasured by • t Loral nonose is so.psrtsl type Sc per uue. Local maims to ordinary reading vile le pe THE RURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, AUG. SI, 1888. T1I3 PIACTICB u, fwuRTHAND It is salon say that the practise o1 eherthaed W some greater m waes.meet h this eosetry denies the past tea pan Mee is all the prosedieg time A single dated. ago then were bat • few seat of tAawograpkees in the Dominion ; to -day they baa be emoted by the \oedrds. The law oBsss of Tuamotu employ • eegim.et of ebortMad writers of both saes, sad 1. the •u mm .sial establish - meets • ►oat of prang is.. and mono e re to be toned taking dome iu pb000 g raphic character the Letters daily di sated by the best' atenaster•, to wbnm each hoer at time sawed repteesets dui - word. Tapeta earth of sits liars and under tS per pear. AdrertistmsN1 d lost. Found. Strayed Situations Vomit. Situation Wasted and $phew Cks.een Wanted. not exceeding $ limes uo.p.rlel el per month. Houma as dabs and Fares se Sale. mot to *weed Slims, $I for Art mouth. ScSper sob peeusat most!. Larger adrts in proportion. hal .peel.; metros. the object of which Is to promote the peosalary Dame&t of ear imdl- vidualor;merman y to be considered as ad verttsement and e Thea. twins will 1* all cares be strictly M- itered Se. spacial noes ter larger ad vert torments. or $dverti.rreenta ter extended period, wade Sumo at the owes of publication. J888118 DEPARTMENT. A fully equipped Jobbing Once la carried beaesinees. webers rA,.t-cl.ss.wert TT Is turnedaeast at reasonable rates. Sverythtng is tis print - ng line con be dose on tine premiss from an Illuminated poser to a visiting card. AU communications mum. be addressed to m. INOPILLIMTW011f. Miter of ibis Bassi. Oodericl Oat HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, AVOQST Eldo LfNB. CAITADt••• look upas the propend " Retalistioe " over the fisheries mater as•cod. FROM WABSINGTON. Frankton/ W.v.lhnd•. said YIMI Commented Upoix. The Meels.am thews• ftetweee Mad meg w.ser-Tb. *.esaMM0 .1 tensors M.e.Pe---Megan. sad aprsesrts- Yens - AdsYeaaSN..l reed. Frees ear owe l ernsmenient. W as►ttgto m. Aegust 17, 1888 Ameneasiem .srtsi.ly has the call Just uue. In the diasul.•iun of the &h- arm treaty, the Republicans had the Deet of it with the public, but Mr Caeveked, wbu seems to have either luxe of look ur the pawls*" faculty of hoots - tog Jest what will piecee the puWso at certain times, hes turned the mule. upon them by bu message 4,0 the rejected treaty, sod our Ksusral religion with team de. Whether Mr Clinton(' is in earnest ter not In his professed deur. for farther authority to retaliate upon Cam da for her treatment of Am•ric.0 b.hiog and other interests, tt 1 not my province to decide, but that the mew.e was a shrewd political more made just at the right time, c•oout be doubted by any uitellyleot persue who h.s carefully not- ed to effect epuu public opinion. The Republicans were reaping tau much ad- vantage Irma their anti Eogli•h uptowns, or alleged opinions. something was m- 0e•a0ry Iran a Democratic .taudp-Mot to stop the Irish deesrtwoa from their ranks. That susetbiog Mr Cleveland bas supplied. That it involved • com- plete change of base on the part of the administration .Iattsrs sot. The R pub- licans may truthfully charge that tbe must of the authority for which Mr Cleveland now asks was granted tum sienna' mouth. cru, and that he has never adv, the *lightest use of it, but then will not prevent his mom•`e from being popular. The message crested mon ou0ater0atiou among the Canadians than it did among the Reputlicam hen, for it stew. than that both of the great political parte in tba country are gov- erned by the American idea, and that further imposition upon Aiuenoau in- torwst$ will not be tolerated. Tne effect ufet►n message upon the Democrats io Congress him beso electrical. Maly of than were apathetic towards Ckvelaod, now they .11 regard him as another An- drew Jackw.o, and that its effect upon the rank and 61e of the party throsgbuut the country at large will be beneficial, cannot be doubted. What is to be ite real result cn the relatious between this country and Eugl•nd cannot well be told at this time. That Mr Cleveland *111 be given all the authority be asks from Congress I do not doubt, and his action when possessed of that authority, will ac - ad. wbether we an 1) have war or ed. Many of the deepest thinkers iu this coun- try have Long been of the opinion that it was ocly a question of time when Cana- da would be annexed to the United Slates, and that England will ever allow diet annexation to take place peaceibly, I, for one, du not believe. The decision arrived a< by the pen- sion committees in both House sod Senate, to reduce the .mount of the pension which it is propui.d to gine Mrs Sheridan from 05,000 to $3,500, seems hardly fair .hen the eminent services of (Moersl Sheridan, nil the fact that tht widows of other men whose services were certainly of nu mon volae, receive pervious of 115,000 • year, are taken tutu °onside'ration . The fact the House now in a deadlock over the Deficiency appropriation bill, for want of a quorum. and the Demo lava. The development of the stesomrepbsc art and the introduction of the erotism machine ►ase opsoed sp an 10rltiwg amen for women to enter es bread win- ners, and in this new calling many already oasnpy positions of trust, emolu- ment and respect. The young mss who poseesesa • knowledge of shorthand is addition to the other requirements of • business or professional caner u almost aortas to gain the lead in the race over his lees happily equipped competitors. Hie nimble petal serves bin' as • second memory-• minable auxiliary, indeed. Apart from tie advantages as a means et winning bread, the seedy and practice et shorthand is o_lttL9.4asi bomb ss an eduestor. There Is sotbing lik•it es an aid to the art of .ospositios. The men as of tvsu1oribism shortheed motes is an exercise that salts into opsratioo the leading faculties of the mind-mem• ory, imeginstioo, taste and expression. To be continually recording the spoked words of ether, and re -uttering them on paper in the proem of transcription, is to be fitting the writer to utter his own thong►te. The good reporter is not a mere amen phonograph ; he does not givebeek all that is spokes -the blunder• s.d•tiue lapses as well as the well turned sentemMs. If he is • photographer of speed, he claims the photographer's privilege of " retouching, ' and so flat- ten and improves his subject. And this implies the possession of something "acre than Sts mere ability to writs with the speed of speech. Those who are in the habit of proper ing mattes for the pram, tie pulpit, the platform or the hails of parliament an painfully swore of the fact that their beet thoughts on the subject• they have dealt with have been expressed. Splen- did tides. have presented themselves when ordinary longhaud writing would be oat of the question. The most bril li•11 thoughts of the literary man have often proved to be too evasive for long- hand to record, and memory has also been too weak to bold them. The glor- ious fancy of the night is taw frequently but the dim blur, the a.mt-defaced image, the half-forgotten, spiritless mem- ory of the morrow. Perhaps it ISM escaped never to return. Kahan, to arrest • vagrant thought by the slow process of longhand writ,sod Da. Woo says that •• Clevehed has esohrsd the Republicans." The Presi- dent is not playing *ochre with Canada ; he a hewing • genie of b1if. Oi'a canna' along the harbor Croat are l••ade4 with .tones, chips and abandon- ed quids of totaling), and yet Retaliation is threatened. Who .111 advise that ele- gant warrior, Sir Adolphe Caron, of our meed of artillery inspection. E. S. Cox, the wrecker of the Central Back, was arrested at Niagara on Sun- day and taken to Trront.. on Monday, e nd placed in the police sella. A crowd re ft the tallest financier at the Tomato wharf and hooted him ss he was led to the oells. Ir that eminent colored Cen disn, Solomon Peter Helot, were to give an opinion on the Retaliation message, be would doubtless remark that the whole affair was mon thou ever before. matter of "de bait" both: in the press and in the ..nate. Holt. J. 8. D. Tamara. has been created • knight. Mr Tbonipsoo's work to connection with the Fisheries Treaty e nured him the distinction. He ie oer- teialy one of the ablest met in the C.bi sot, and he has had • lot of hard work to do uue* he left the bench for politics. Stn Joan Rost, a former Canadian Finance Minister. and a partner in the gnat L ondon Banking Home of Mono's, B'nes .t Co., dropped dead on Saturday while firing ata deer in Caithness He was at one time a school teacher, bet drifted into b•uking, and was regarded in Reeked as • high authority ea mar- ten financial. A rea.mx signing hinted( " A Canad- ian" recently sent a subecriptioo to the Toronto Benyon, and •coon p.oted it with • axe t•ytog he was filled with disgust at " any paper that trim to belittle its own country forthe sake of • few dol- lars." The absordity of the whole •L..ir Ices in the fact that the fellow resides at Springfield, Mass., whither he wee driven by hard flaws std the Tory trade pokey to seek • h .1144. Rct'. De Wan -rt. WARD, • enor.rted .1,•w, reared in Jerusalem and familiar with Palestis., who is sow Inturilse sad pr..chiag is (loderieh, protests anima the **ores of Christ as rendered by the lutea masters. Thew pictures re-t.r.11y depict Jesus as swarthy, with h.gh cheek bones and • heavy cost of townsman. 0n Sunday erasing Dr. Ward pre • word picture of his Neal .f Cnrid, t• which lie sketched the ioniser as of • [tette, almost effeminate type of .uantea•eee, hearted, and with the bat, beautiful ashen hair that marked the x ..rite. "We mind see by his veer Isla," said the preacher. "thy then was pi.t with him ; eat the grid (1104 betske.ed sorrow over fellers, tat • oriel that told that he wee is deep bele e:t► ease see, sad that the leve one Stat Mom.* ref erect." Although Dr Ward hes sharp dark ,.as, be is 1. dem Isspeete a Melded bleeds Lm Ms is sea ideal Jewels, daub mg Iw/ keemeil, with leisi.eea eyes. BUDDING V :7831I.a Seam sr Memo team. and i 1tseses 0.w Tertsw.a0. llwarmi11*. The following is o tut e1 mw-prafes- atueol teachers .►u will mood the Goad.rish and Clime' Model $ehouis demi the current year Gloomier Huta. S' nom.-- Andrews, Hattie ; Maker, Leen ; lirvtbesotuee. Jane ; (,alder, Codi.. Outline, Joan ; Kelly, Beagle ; Joiertun, Lotus ; Lowry, Rehear : llcKeetue, Carrie ; McEwen, Addle ; Stafford. tler&► ; swan. Haggle ; Walesa*, Els•uur ; Jobvatos, Bouvet ; knoehiel, Themes ; Murray, Thome ; heloma, D..nis ; Murraoe, B- James ; McK. Thor ; McCrea, John ; Smith, W.. � Two Wanks. -Casey, M.4. Cuxrox Moon. 4mooL Gregory. Mary ; Kain. Robins ; !McNair, M Morrison, W. Jigsoh ; Pesten, M. Nellie ; Plummer, (latitude ; Richard - sae, Florence ; Ramon, Elisabeth ; Reith, Bella ; Water, Belk ; Bower - tog, John ; Fowler, Fret. ; Graham, IS Wei ; 0e*uuuill• Wet ; H.urh, M. Samuel ; Rodrigo, C. Robs ; MoT.visb, Juke ; Sbortheal, Gossipy D ; Seat D A ; Sponte., Alma ; Walker, Daniel Last Two Wi6t*.-11tiro Jennie ; Blackwell, H. Omega ; Brows, M. J bre Bora, A.J1ta the chances are that it will take leg e rstis le•dtwu of H"use en ants ,u• and disappear en service tan be Parisi-1 to pass theMl1 giriugtb. lir Cleveland the funned. But the writer of shorthand I authority asked for in his message, has has & swifter, yet folly sutbcrixed method u J caused the Hottse peereeolutin of procedure. He is empowered, lice.0oulliug ell Icerft extocept ths aw grented PfOeadp° for actions. It is expected that • qeo- mas-11k., to arrest vagrant fancies on the spot, quickly and securely manacle them with the golden gyves of phonographic character, and thrust them in the inner prison of his library desk, so that (to 000:iooe the police -court parable) be easy at his own good pleasure bring the whole vagrant train ■p ler soutane -or sentences- -giving them such periods as their case may warrant And Skov, to sod the passage of this resolutiuu would quote the guest British bard, the literary; do (t.sa work.r who poesees a 'malady, of I The report of the bill to prohibit the shorthand is of • truth enabled to "Oleo to airy nothings A local \sibilance sad • same." 0o1T.alelie. FAiiu. Rci ylo, -On the aftetn000 of Thursday, Aug. 93rd, about sixty of he intimate friends sod relative' of Mr John Morris assembled at hu rmideoee Morriad•le Faro: to celebrate the .ereuty-eiebt anns•srs•ry of his birth - Jay. A pleasant afternoon was spent is playing gooks and croquet, and after partaking of an .10.11.01 supper the large company gathered in the parlor, •het* s good preens of music, sung sod recitatives were roamed out. Mr Morris addressed his leanly in feelisx terms, •Iludistg 11 the feeling of 00117 there has sleep* been among them. After aiueinq "1014 Lang Syne,' dh. .seryl family perp broke up, wtebing Mr Mona any happy returns of his birthday. Among those of the family present tram a didancewen Mr wad Mrs Harvey Howell, of Buffalo, N.Y., sod the Mires Mani* and Annie Cld- ford, of Mobile, Alabama. BIG BARGAINS' J. A. REID & BRO'S. SUMMER GOODS, 10 P.C. BELOW COST. AaTiora. Mr and Mrs Dobie and child of Wis- consin, paid a eying visit here last week, the guest of his father ltr Jus. Dobie. Mrs Isaac, of this place, has refereed from Arthur, when she had • most en- joyable time rutting her frauds there. Re. Alex McMillan, accompanied his parents on their way back to Scotland, as far as Toronto, where the re. gentle- man will speed his vacation. Rev John Young, of Niagara Falk south, will preach in Knox church hen next Sabbath m.oruing, fur Rev McMil- lan. Quite • number of the farmer. in this elation have flashed harvesting. Ed Downs, of Clinton, is yisinag friends here. Mrs Whitley, d Clinton, is the guest of her sister, Mrs John Sturdy, of this place. :Dome say that Her Ins: preached the best germ in last Sunday *wooing, In Main -at Methodist church, to a large congregation, that has ever been preach- ed in tear town for a long time Ha took for his text the fourth command- ment. This paper will be sent to any .d - dress for the next four months for 49 dots. Mr Thea It .tem, of Varna, cot down • rem will be present by the middle of be tree; the ,ether day, expecting • sweet this week. hod. When the tree was dawn, muck A inlet resolution has been introdeoed to his disgust, he fogad neither beet nor in the Hoose, that should booms • law, houey- bet unfortunately it feared it will not. The Etel.r Tnaera has just entered It authorizes the President ito roto ape upon its sixteenth year, and a under the leiitems m appropriation balk. 11 has same management that first floated it. loos been a custom with •certain class The neve u • good load paper, and de - m Coder leen to put items of • dubious .lrnm the hearty support it • to elleracler in imputtant appropriation 7 PP'o PP••fe Mlle. The hetet should be stopped. "J07. It a estimated that about 4000 apple barrels are already delivered through Stanley township. The apples, on the whole, are a good crop. and this busi- ness has developed into immense propor- tions within the peat few years, and leave. with the farmers what is badly The ilex mndemrp. The flax crop is reported to be abun- dant end d good qts elity this year, the growth not being too rank, which fr*- gsewtly graft the Na* overs. and unfit fur first -cans tow. Flex growing a get- tir.g t.. be • very variate .tiv industry in Horns, sad amen whose keel a adapted bit are p•yieg anon attention to its ssitivatios now than formerly. The Mallen demand fur binding cord has orated a demand that daring the last two mimes the supply has best us- able to Ill. The oil peodooed from the seed k pet to many more mesa thea for- merly in the m•.sf•dare of d1 cake sed other compounds lased le rear fives 0m where dairying k earned on extensively tied the milk 1. pet to other purposes thee feeding 1.o mina. As • crop there a no doebt that it calmest. the lead more tepidly than any ether cereal emm- monly grown ie Canada, mid farmers should we Brest .are le seeing that the lard k tot iespoveriehed by the too !re- gent erppint with fax. With other grains the roots and • portents d the straw is left in the form of stebble,whieh is plowed lander, Est it the e.ltivtise of 6x the whole ere k taken away send not one partial* k returned to the soli, to replenish it. This form of *shanties if allowed to obtain too. largely weed twee impoverish the best of sod and peeve • loss Mtsm .f pit to the farmer.- llemeas Pert. es Asmms. sir Ina MN Welk with be ad Iib MS the See �gseettltlle s lar Mos thaw x11. . leave Ids NM 'jai:"' ear. tttb. e.es . and tins away, te •e0ttend tnnaportatlun of adulterated food from me state to another, contains food for thought. It says : "Recent ineesties two in the Department of Agriculture of cheese deceptions, frauds in milk, &dalt.r.tiona its beer and spirits, in spices and condiments, and other things is daily ase as food and beverages, em- phasis. the necessity for prevention or repression of these diarepotsblejjprstigr, stimulated by the greed of gain. Liquids, perhaps eves son Recently than solids, are subject to this sehaticatioa. Aged bue.diee are wade from diluted, only adored end flavored alcohol ; cheap wines are mixed and manipulated to imitate expensive brands ; been are doctored to avoid the use of expensive bops, and to cheapen the trodect or simulate 'tome desired gealtty. Teas are mixed, colored with poisonous mine- rals, and *pest leaves are dried and piaced a second time epoch the market The animal inasetry which asks for pro- tection proposed in this bill, reaches all the levels of life, from the millio.aire to the day laborer ; it embraose mon then all other ind.striee in the country owe - Weed -the property of the poor." Parr. Goma Cameo a BtaLI,etR - The Berlin Neat, mere that • Berlin met*bant advertised fora wife sed e*- e ived T, i answers : 71 photographs were enclosed and 31 of them represent- ed very pretty gira The ogee ranged free 16 to M. sed L1 d aim were widows. it this be tree, it argon • vary great Iners..s of olber time b..eeehold industries. In a ooentry where any fur properties of Metros**. had some other ..canons, tradeer professing' then that d hsesftee, so oche wean wnald k. likely (.be harmed with a ieano to that attar" Why didn't Nett ss. serene sad publish the aeons of 31 very realty [iota" 1 That weed be in tewmey. We don't care sheet the widows. Weeder if any of Gudertek patter girls meet their phone to that Berth merebset 1 Dor, Mr Nets, rind egg something snare me thio letereetietp o.sr its\ CALL AND INSPECT. NO TROUBLE To SHOW GOODS. J. A. REID & BRO. Ooicricb. We*11 Aug. UN. lleleg4Ah ?.waehlp. I, Wyse of foot testa Moved by H. OIr- -- I tic, eec..eded by .1. M.•Kenos, that au Thomas *nerdy bee jest arrived home action bo token at I.reeent too open up from the old vagary bringing with him certnio argots, but that the council three fins speci.tens of entire horses. I meet at Port Albert on the 15:h day of O.* is a magniboant thin hone weigh- !September uett with poen to open sp ing 2,300 lbs., tired by the heaviest irxrtam streets eh. old the council deem horse in Britain. This is • certified ped- ! u neoeoeary for the coureuieuce o1 the agreed &signet possessing its • very large neighlrort..i d. me•tun the Inding characteristic of I A by law am d01y pulsed fitiag thy ha race. Another of Mr Sturdy's Ow county rate at 2 1 10 mr11s, and township prweans& Y • gemmed purpose two year rate at 1 tea Agog/unto p4sd--l1 Kee - old represee otteg • alemloeutly adapt- 1 ver, repairing groper, $1 00 ; J. E Sal. ed foe crummy wit► the ordinary mares of ; liven, np.irtt.g T. R impsite lu4 14, the country to produce good roadsters or 111.00 ; K Graham. gravelling sear Port farts horses. obs third animal is a bus Albert, /3 AO ; J. Stevenson, culvert oe upstanding Irish booty, just the deem T. P. , $8 00 ; V. Alton, grovel at 8 eta of horse that will make a desirable sire peraril, 1112 l4 ; J. Kilpatrick, bridge of 'lofty carriage horses possessing both on Nine Mile river. commission 8 and 9, spirited bearing, elastic movement •ud 8380 ; H. McKay, repairing scraper, 50 staying qualities. Mr Sturdy u to be ( ata : E3. Hannah, work of Taylor's hill, euogr•tulated on his judgment. '114 00 ; Wm. McMatb, work us gravel road. 11.08 ; Thos. Stewart, work in 8 R- 304, 02 00 ; D. Issard, bu*rding Jas McBrine, who is enable to work wick broken arm, 110.00; money to be left „der with Jas. Mahaffey ; Mrs. Mettle, them ity, *5: J Newary. travel. d 8 eta per yard, 89 68 ; J. Lute, Suspecting (revel- ling. =1 00 ; T Lochesd, inavellint a 8. R. 9 and 10, i00.00 ; D. Mcl.tyn, iisp.ctiog same, *2 00 ; J. Cowan, r damn va • Revs Geo Richard_.. Pre- Pairing culvert 8 K J and 10. 82 00 A Smith's Falls botcher has refused to supply meat to one of the town coun- cillors who moved the repeal of • bylaw w hich prohibited farmers selling meat in town in lea quantities than gs•Ners. If the baker weld only fiend some men of offence, what a Ilrely time the poor oosocillor w,i.M have foraging for grub. e nded- hard gash. Neon Uro Tarr..-Tnastin the Dwetote-At the late anneal meeting of the Indiana State M.dical Society, • telegram mss received fries Bill Nye as !cytoma :-" Sony I cannot be there. Kay yea and a•r.eietes matinee to take life easily as heretofore. -Bill Nye." This was received with greet applause, which commenced as • murmur and in- grained to a roar --•s the joke gradually pmn'rl• ed. Neaten ML-smwlowti. -The meah- rtam market, 5.y. the Stratford A.oroe, is.nsa.neisg to be satire and pickers •n akin, regular trip1tes� Beyer* should be emoted that .e IoadNnola are mixed •p with these, and palters sbo.sld ext - .i.. dimities le int them 11 yon have any doable 's 1 their being mesh - nom, try aid peel diem ; it will p5.) they ah seashroome- tool• will real ;cel. Meet people as distin- guish • sndronse by its p*sulur pink lief wnderlea1L People who do .et kion them had better have the pithier of them to thew who do Cates of fesepie being piemt1 by lerdslnok are reported .req year. hew adverassesaw•s Thea W.5 O..a.I Servant wasted Mrs A. M Ram Tensers ler MOM Wansed -A. watses. Wesson Fsir-mow.. terata Vena -- Jamas Coma. Wronger. lsape1ra.1 •• ..-Jeb. Isles. r.,.m►ed Apresew ti t w -TW Ossa. el.ett. Dosi'aaiM. HAtvs'r Hoes.-TMY.ra1 Hist dinner in auseati.L wh tiffs church, Dontt•onnw, will be held on Thursday, September 64, in the grove of Mr Tho. Antietam (Wawa*osk side). A choice program will be rendered. con- sisting of speedos by the following gen- , e ideot of Geelpb ensf.reses, Kenneth K McLean• culvert and break water, McDuea1d, of Ashfield, and the local clergy,,- viw_t►.rspuesed by mimic t. or the Oodesd Quartette glob, of North - w . Metbodiet chunk, with Mies Trim- mest rmman as seeumpsni.t and reciter. 1 hot dinner .111 be served at 12 o'clock, .harp. Program to commence at 1 30 o'clock. (lames will be opened by ben ball match between marred and single men at 3 p.m ; also • foot -ball match, croquet, pions, .wings. A.c., will he as 9. a 00 ; T. Richardson. oak for Noce the ground to afford planers and amuse- ow dtvi tion mad D. L . 83 00. Collect' intent fur a11. Come sod enjoy yoareelf. meet .gain 47th day of September next Adamson 23e,.biidren seder 12 Jean -W. LAitt, Cloth 15e. $42 0u , J Mahaffey, lumber to path - masters, $3 l:i ; J Murphy, balsam on work in D. L . $13 00 ; N. 8mitb.plank- lig advert T. R., 1111.00; P. Assns, work on road between lots 11 and 12, T. Rant., 8t+ 00 ; J. Dunn, crayonist es T. R . 117 76, (county) ; J. Brown, importing same, 13 00 ; wm. $basalt too, impeding spite driving and making divisors road at riser, .nee sioo 8 and Leobara. The feelings of the fair sex in this me- sion wan in deep dogtrots to bear of the a^eideit met with by the white charger Muurp. Mr and Mrs Audree Thompson. el Bay City, Meal., are visitiag here, the uses of D Lawson, Lnroaide farm. tf the tell laird g.tu.,f burly eot*d oo iwtr frauds bere�ed, of Detroit, it the tore abo.tder by eon» cattle, nod hope M5.1 skill will radon It ogee tteao The pais -brush, *My 6004104 by W •o they esu drive he1isd it attain to the Pbipp., bas .►.aged the nro6nr d the chimes of the sleigh bells.raudetce of ti Horton Into a bright red Jaen MaHardy left tut weak oa • color. visit to the lard of the hesth.r. 1Ve Nim Kate McDonald has roue tc bop. 6. *ill here s good time 004 pies- task• a stay of some weeks i0 Canoe. ant sail across the blue waters_ TheBaud of Hope, since the holidays, meet on Saturday afternoons at half past three in the Tem Hall, sod since the departure of its Clutton to Edgar farmyard to another. Will is jiM the has been seeder charge of Miss Edith b •y Vo nbvw Brother Josat4o how n HadcoA., 100 an foa,ina Mie mna organ, a fourteen year old Tac Taltesaixo.-The shrill whistle Our jovial engineer, .ince his truest! to Michigan, in attached to a tbreshtni ire as engineer, running • tr'smtion tat one which draws the separator from tea girl of this plan, drove the bender for her uncle, Henry Gram, during harvest. The yosng lady, it is said, handled the ribbons and the handsome Saha in capi- tal style. Ceoar-a Norms. -Service will be hold ea Sunday at the old hoer 11 e. in. The of the Legl. s threshing summer triad tc drown the saw mill whistle, Tindal morning of Let weak, soder the tom mond of Geo Burrows, frees Sheppard toe, soppurted by his old comrade Vl Pierce. The familiar countenance a Jostle► Thompson is not with the ata/ this season, but it r replotted by Jame Rev. D. MaeGillivny. B. A., will Woe- Hcggarth, (rum near Dungeons. Fall dam iL-The inhnt 0150 rendered wheat tttreebed Sha year bursa only vent h the Bsodsy B.Aon1 bl tke turning out 73 bwhek to the Stere. B•1 rseit tri ism tel Ham Clsttoo, hse ass ley black aced ewer giving fur Morn. teaehy Mia• McQu&rri., of Dunlop, std whet oat. were tbreahed brought forgetter e000setod with soba school a botint,fel yield. as ea ong farm forty several years ago. During the past weak shocks yielded 89 boatel.. The ors that were threshed were free from mast Tb. program of thrashings was made re- markable by a furious contest between two ea0iem, in which two fair ladies armed with those well known household weapons, • broom sad mop, plied the handles of their backs of the combatants with such forme as to break the handles, but to quell the fray. The waken en the straw rack saw the .fort• of the kir odea were sw.oihnr, and esu of their n umber pistoled off the stack tea kat In height, end with several hard blewe sot ha pok phe muga, nnab te Shu relieicbff tetrthespmolasi.L( Our merheeds elf a load ofardreketclw, wk►iekgnu, hos wevw, dal not impair his ideas ea the tsott Act in srgoan*,e with Ltiekerw nrtors, and I.t.t M, aid.4 two ler r. Irishman, he expt•iitted tbentao�bl1ito Gttorre tbereeest treaty with Uwis"a on the fishery queries. the Rev Mr Anderson made soon calk among families wbu attend her. and from Dunlop some non-cborb-goers were reminded that ea yet he had sot mics their faces is the pews since he had nom menced his deities here as a pastor months Mme ago. ssalleld. Farman are getting pretty well through with their harvesting in this vit.'sky. The fall wheat, in swine places, has turned bet pretty well fur the quantity of straw thrashed. Potatoes and roots in geaer•l have greatly improved One the recent heave mina. The farmers are geltiog their fellows reedy for their tail wheat. There will not be such an silent Men es in former years. Mr Bowies' home, 11th acne, with the greater portiere e-1 its contents, was eon . steed last week. The ire woe n 1t nn - tired until it had too moth of a head- way. Then is so ieser.nce either of tending or outsets. Ed. Aedrews jr., sed Alfred, Rit.his have ghee to Manitoba oe a trip to as the .weary. Mr Thus. Allen of, has been .e�taged to teaob i• Cherry Greve bawd111 11. and of the year, ie the plan of W. H. Johnetnn, who bee neared • good situation near Fader. As mesh fall wheat en .vet k boils/ .nen this year. feed and .t tweed! nem. All members patriot. Meow fit bust meet - is! pad and mesei. Mored by H Getxriet owededby H. Chambers Wee the silt property d Mr. Jess Mahaffey ie Port Albert, be esempt fano taxeaf.. la the iftl lest_ the wits freer the mill is PIM- Kerr y, se raw pso IMO et Vt. N. ism et The Pest* el a drub sen wilt 'Misr daeimm the w Yule The new well we non v! kat wt.tdug was ekossn by personal obeervatfe.ItMr Jos Morrie who did not ase the w , sate The depth deg down .rsely 13 feet, pelting in the curb of A f.4 nv. tA• (ism oaf Weller k Martin nom Who difficulty. elea.M. TNS. The pond of the pecking k the eat- ing, and the proof of the ettrild"1617 peso over pain of P14.0.'. Nedlies is in wing it. Poison'. Navin atop faits to performs wonder. is .eer1 ease of pain. it .ssnnt fail. few its essr►o•- .d of ptw.rfsl psin eublnini wmtdies. It tom right to the bottom, rad Po" fa bnn*wes hed at e. Iletvihse sews _Ls hied of pin, interne) or ..tt.. 1- do to say dryg .ton sad the it bat* awl he delighted b Ie. prousptitids is deism its week. ca .r".t t Ase,' - - e t. *., 1111111!`