The Huron Signal, 1888-8-31, Page 3•
Tse tWrtlem Time et AIL
Them are days of demise strew
la the ., ue our 111e ;
There are wild. deepairl'g ase -e. .
There ere were et mortal arida
Thon aro woes of stormy •snssh.
Whim obs teare rete to fell ;
that the waiting tune. my brothers.
le the Madam time of sill.
Youth sire losu sea loft impatleat.
necking thugs beyond their reach ;
And the hook grows stet with hornet.
We it Imre what lite emit Mash
Vim btse. the fruit be gathered.
We must see tir bleemer till;
And the waiting time my brother..
litho hardest time of all.
Leviag seer. sad lovitrg ever.
It M end so watch for years
Far the light whose fitful .Maine
(dates s rainbow et our tear..
It to ted to toast at morning
All the haunt. errnter-fall
U4 the waiting elm* w) brother..
Is the hardest of them ell !
Weems ..ear the Nat of omelet.
Though the sudden, crushing Mow.
Besting hark our gathered tomes.
our • ni.iiral lays us low.
We may rise spin beneath it,
Nose the waster for our tell :
Mt the wailing tissue. wy brothers.
Is the hardens at them alL
Frit ween the ea.,:er epirs s.
As the salt were* wear the stone.
Aad hope'sgergeoea kerb grows threadbare.
TW for brightest tints ere ,roue.
Tap. amid 7outb's radiant tresses
tttbnt snow begun. to fall;
iib, the waioag we. my brother,
lathe herer.t tune of all.
Vet at last we Ware the asses.
TW UN kaownth what is beet.
Aad • attest resignation
Maks IN spirit calm and bleat ;
Yet we know • day 1s coolie
✓ oe the changes of or fa u,
Whoa our hearts will th•ak slim meekly.
That he uutht us bow to wait.
I had always bus led to think that for
ser Bate would merry Bert Evers, my
'* eosin the habit of running in to see
a st all hoer, of the day, and they were
:reedier • good deal.
That was before Mr. Helm began to
all st the bolos. He had been very
.ad to un after father died. Fused
•oil- (or ss both sad male pressed* to
lochs, but it mode me envoy w see
:m w 0001 .1001)4 my meter. I thought
na was not behaving right toward Bert.
:: serer occured to me that oke did act
!Kern his lore.
Oo• day Kate comes to me in • great
sate of eactemeeot sed Isis • letter in
It lap I .se that Bert hes spoken at
ort sad my other awpieioss are stilled.
:nen the letter and tied an offer of
marriage. signed "Mortimer Hope," r.
as lents x e a_5Z 5 r.1ebte
dOwl motto 1.• lie.wee lies law
7 emir* tee eetrutbal "led . Rate a
'Kate." I exclaim, " I didn't think
!'i geoid marry an old mon for his
Ins money !" 6b. stamweme,
.hr, I have bees in love with kiss all
.cog. Where have your item beim r
..,king a: into in ••tusabmat- When
Fare they been, indeed i 1 kiss her
.:l.iitly and steel into the garde, won -
Wag bow Bert will take the news. He
jest coming to the gate, and • anvile
ons km frank face se be sees me. The
tii$edrnges to gravity as I tell him of
Nab ssgagemebt. That is the only
AM le gives that what I say has power
sieve bus. After a while he says
',esus Kste-hen should be s
fate. I hope and treat that it
walked .Jong silently together for
, then be said abruptly
mit, I am going away for a
1 came to -day to Ind you ell
the brave fellow ! As if I did sot
ough hu trsoes% roes. But
worlds ssteepen
aimed 1 base him st epe
now what is pommies is his mind.
ally schooling my tense to quiet
nen, 1 otter • few commonplaces
1. sad is a short tiron s we aat
goes. sad after a while Mr. Reps
W. .5. bine very titan, and it
rod a before I acknowledge et sty- complaints among children, and I think
s1f t notwithstanding he is forty it u rocnmmendwd none too highly.
weds ate is but eighteen, her love sod Able A. Reath, Victoria Veli, Annetta -
pride to kis aro only equalled by his tis Co., N. S.
actuation for het.
As I watch the lovers se intense long
1.1ing comes into � heart to be loved my
self, one as oy master is. But ley glass
shouts' h
. a pale, plain em sad a small
wt figure, sad the evietios is
forced spun me that not foe see& se I
are this eerie's richest ble.iais.
Oise afternoon when Mr. Hope olid
Kato ate out driving L wander dews to
liffs to
the bosh sad Member op the clichee-oustedthe *arrow ledge of lichee -ousted ruck,
whist' a n favorite ewe r.g
I til and think, that the
coining are eying, and that before a
wrest .bile to remain will be buten
with dearer. i think .f the pest end of
the future and of how lonely I shall be
when fey sister shall have gone to make
the light of another home, and then my
mead tars en Beet, seri/misting cit► his
• voice $revs me , loosely I
• ' M.tpree is that you 1 W
The ewe takes the sound sway, bet 1
keine that lied has heard my ere, acrd
that driller -eon' N at hand.
Un r the hosTiug eaters u. 'bis prated
ledge a rock 11p..1i which I mend ceases
• bust. Thos I feel myself enetcbed
from my pentose poritt..s and soraiesd
for au Umlaut 0440 w • warmly baiting
heart, while Bert seise :
"Saved, my darlru;1 Thank OoJ that
I was not top late !"
Theo I know too inure till I make 1..
e •*.CI..usaese, Nand myself wrapped in
my mother's and staior's loitt.g em•
ti. it is that 1 find that it is little,
plain 1 that Vert loves after all, aged has
loved all dung though 'Making trout
The Clare of (Nie resets u
to asla.. aarwes.d.
A pleat that wits gives fresh earth is Yens Orem., sea ,ine of the taboo!
spring, and h6• been kept in a pot al eumwtuee lou the town wf Brtar*eld, and
e emesee, will not seed potting now. It pea of hie hobbies relate) u. the study of
ls better, 1 thank, W dig swig as meth ge,grepby. He contended tint very
of dee upper part of the soil in the pot se little time .h..wld be spent t ter 6•rrigw
e.a ba rvmov,•d stteecut dteturbies the eouatnes. but that asci pupil shoo d
nr le, .1141 .u1 -trete fresh soil, than it is leave • ememow sebowl with a clear said
to tura the p:amt out and lay bare s accurate kuo• Wee of kis ..•n :States e
et ted share of •h. roots, se oat secess5n- resources tend topography. Not e'er wee
1, hos to do elms complete changes are he devoted to he theory. but he lost a..
node. I fi"•1 tt nest 19 e.sturb the op:rortuutty of proetulgstir.g 11.
rets ea little as rowdy at this seao.b if V feting •oh.r,l ole dy, .uh s e il-
eo./ would bete flower* in mud -wester. le6(en who venturedtoo Bider with Aim
and tut is something must grime's of ou ibis pint, the minuet uudertu,ok te.
t.ww-plaints lire roakseg an attempt to illustrate his views by practical example.
hate If there sbtsld be indications be- Sol•cting a p.rtioularly bright little girl
fore next •pii a comes, that the nourish• in the geography class. which had been
int „nwlities of the s$11 have been es- reciting about Africa, be said to her --
hammed • •powufsl of ammonia in s pail "What do yea know about the source
of :Nle r'
Th'the latch maid thereupon gate • vivid
acc.urt ,•f eaplorstion• and hardships,
at which her teacher waled .pnotingly.
"Du yos ton. where Liberia is 1"
She answered pi poly sod correoey.
"Can you tell me anything Maus the
anoint city of .11. Rendes 1'
It proved that she mold tell • great
deal, and when she had dssttugurrhed
himself in the ayes .•f her classmates, by
enlarging upon it, the minister suddenly
chwi;ed bra tactics.
•'What town in our State manufac
tures most cloth T" he asked.
The child bung her bead. She din
n ot know.
• Hos mans mountain. are there over
three thousand feet high 1
She had apparently never been t
The minister looked triumphantly at
bis friend.
Nos, you ere,he went on, 'this
child doesn't sees know enough about
her •awn State to utilize its advantaitee
when she grows up. Tell me, little Kiri,
if you wanted tso to from your home 1..
New York, what line ..f railroad you
would cram.'
"I don't know, sit,- sorrowfully re-
plied the child
"Then ynu see yoerself dist you don't
knew anyteing abet year ran !tate,"
.aid he, determined to drew. the question
Nogg*. •• Well, i( yon wanted to take
w eb a joorne7, what abontd you do 1"
The child was driven to the wall, and
lik• many a weaker creators, she torted
tit boy Her eyes were fell .•1 tears, and
her lip quIvested. but she milled barely, 11•d mud Wu buried in lbs cloy. of Mach -
"I Jewel just ask my papa to tike me Petah diad seely foal. la the save lay
W the ovation, and boy mw ticket '
the bodies of Abraham and"tarsi,Mae sad
She was questioned no more that d.y 0ebee*k' J•oots sad Leah IOe . ilia. t) -$L;
It b •1001 tw,mt7 1 11ee et.ri of JI *sales,
Mare Remarkable )tet/!. d about esti way to 0seneha. titre •
F.,ur,d at Mist, what the true pit blic pmtrtsaw es serf$ atieh s ptawl gad rises
has been looking for the many years ralwsbomam50t ,b.webMfMes wvsld
and that n s medicine which alth•.0 Y h e~1 rissdbyte rameobrww
the ptmmlese W Ahrahaaa, least clod J.o-+ik
lit ester mice a week, ,.r •n app minion
my habitual welmnes 01 manse! toward of some it..,.d fertiliser like boom meal.
biro i he aunLuted it to indifference) that dug into the earth shout the routs of the
I die not care Ger him, he had newer owns, wt11 atiwulets them W a healthy
dared to put bis bops into words growth.
Ile had returned just as the storm had Most plants are kept out of doors dsr-
• riwu, and 1 had been missed, sod, ing the summer. It se nuorssery to give
knowing my dominoes for the ocean, had them coin• •rant$,•. when traseferring
sought me with a heart torn with uta then. to the hour.. All decaying leaves
lona apprehensun. should he removed, and all weak growth
All's well that ads well," and that should be cut 0u1
it u well with Kate no un. as doubt tet hat, made • straggling
who ..e. her to her se.tsly boom, its M
loved mistress and weenie. ; while that
it is •1s•. well with ine I oast safely
affirm, since do meal reign • geese, toe,
ae num noble, losing heart !
11h. sags..
"It always soled like magic. I had
scarrels ever need to give the second
dose of Dr Fowler's Extract el Wild
tttnwherry for summer ensepl•iuts.
Mrs Walter (;uwenluck, Ethel, Ont. 2
k laL. se Adireisihere.
When an infant. os a wash -day I fell
over into s tub sad went straight to the
bottom of it, .15710; there ten minutes.
till felted and jerked out. I often think
when 1 .bould hate leen boarding to-
day had there been any water is that
tab ! Whiles slsptng in est:-stury
in the Far West, I awoke N the erg 0f
tin and plunged nut .•1 the window. would have hesitated and Mia
last. Bat life is sweet and firs is awfully
hut. I have often lain awake and tbooght
of that terrible leap which would have
dashed me to wean had not my eswm
beet en the first doer. I once stayed
two week• in • faahiwahle Boston board-
ing-house. but was resened, std after -
.reds neatest any health. While hand-
ling a gen in which I co sure there was
no cad, I blew iota
1 f
growth .h,•uld be trimmed into shape.
and when the plants are being br'.ught
to their winter q•sarters is a Fwd time fe
do this, as you hare • Chance to 0.51.
SUMO varieties will be infested with
aphis, which pest donot, trouble them
n otch while Out of doors, but as «.0 at
the plants are into the house, he
sets w work with an energy that wouldti
be commendable under certain condi-
tions, but which ,. grower of house -
Plants twill nut he likely to appreciate.
The aphis is • prel;ic tial rapid breeder,
and in a short time a plant will be cov-
ered with his progeny, and the effect of
their work on the tufestad plant wilt he
seen ire the yellowing leaves. and the
eestenl sickly 'ptomaine which will
take p...s.e.iou of 1t. It N • meet ex-
cellent plan to give .11 plants • thorough
f umivation with lettuce stems when they
are br.ught in. It may be that there
aro no hoe on them. hat you will tree
safer after having done this, no the prin-
eipte that en ounce of prevention u
worth • pound of cure. Doing Ilk' now
may save:you • great deal of trouble bgy,
and by. if thew ah,,old be any lice
nn your plants. T•. fumigate pie" mist
effectively. they ahoul'. be shut up in a
small close viols,no
, r a large Moa which
can be cl,.eed that the smoke will he re -
roamed long enough :o kin the aphides.
Kristen your tobaec•' stems before put-
ting them on the tire. which st.wbl he
oats et !treated., rather thea u.ythiug
likely to produce fame Let the plants
remsfu in the smoke f .r half an hour.
When y•u take them out, shake totem
Twee ref sem Lemma. Maim Mat. t MOIL
CeaN seem. ne-11 *-.M1
..m TestMasa.•a. OMraw-�mr •I M.
d Usrus
IOesdomses num LOP e " pOwes W
p.rrr..rt d r 1110111•1110111•4*rs.
Trus twos. .5las ,*sued. Lim citing
dspiel a tminims spiel sew& eat the
Mad beton enemies naso K might emit
be entitled 'the sad wort of aahedid'
tor w
although e are bold riot Mseat th
sod In e WM and ssmomd venom
that "um Lord maim moo Ma.e, saying.
mad rhos e..' yet she realm of tab it•
Mg .sng b veru tram Dear. 1, lye es he bs.nme the
m 11
people dadsd t$ e ward of the Lord
was, "Boid. l haus tot the load Wore you;
posses go to tied the lead width tee Lord Yr
some unto your tethers Abraham and
Jacob, to give ease themand te *Me mem
afar tem' Oast. 1. 5-41,; so the •ah Wog
for fait to do ems W go up and poems" fa
17-11 Thea sires gree 5 the tasetros
dose of bthey
Vlore a the twelv..pies ere
There see earth. Twas otie from met tribe.
every air • raise, dl heath of the ehr1dns
of YtrssL Ma 1, 11 It dose seem to be •
small mean 05.. b widthey were
about W er Ube rd engage. to so wbetbe lawen
good or bad. tat or teawee wooded or not
U Odor lwORker or .cense should plan • R
d great value for ter .blither., the very
it lied most appropriate Mat their lore
could magas or devise, u rms
would ewly e
be very flattering to the parents or aredll
able m re
the children lata.bould IMOeli
to mamma the gift te esasnsee'g to as
meet 1x
VI, aro This ie ;be reseed of tb it Ogee
5 and n
7 d their seared fin and Rebuts we
the southern and northers bound• Jost.
se, 1; Ms, al, so they went through the
.tools kind Wo tsurest' north Hebrew w
aware we/ Abrabamti tuo
stinggrod, wen
e built mailer sato the Lard after Lot was
swannedsanned from Wm fa lewill, larms
; toe, ale bodied saves sa•ppOm sared to Mse
beat in the teal door to the est o1 the theosophist rested ttheosophist under the tree while
they part000k of the hod prepared by Alms.
b Rea. tt
bans and U•rav04, and there' Sarah
it, with my
but lately introduced, has made• for he' ending etre °die saver 111(1* tab
it -el( • repteetcon seeuud to unite, the visit W Heieres. tar fbah Ve
ty-$v. rum he
.hit on medicine 5 Jt h.s.e's T .enc Bitten b eso Ammo sad r.erfrom e• lata loam•
the lar. coma the snot slipped. I well. to d .lodge such .•f the pints a mar which in cuujvneteon with Johnson's Henrys for M e
mrtemo . a-SWag damaeed
woulldd hose sworn it sea not waded.edd. and may Aare 'ellen •es000c the leaves in a Tunic Liver Pi 1s has performed sonar or the tax that me ♦emus were ne111 Mere
ri an instant- is t found I bad thought d. stupitied oonditi,.r., but are not dead. now wonderful cures Impure ..r tm std rags to crib, sew, gr+•• sad tenesd,
right. That in the way swan low fuse:- Thea 'prince -net sprinkle -the plants pn•.ruli d blond stem becomes purified but aling..•If the lord be with ase 1 eta
psct.e chopping is •erne down, it area- and lunched. Billiouan,es. mil be shins° Jrivo obi= vee.• Nei elv, la -allyl
gxetdly (loll open tie. W..nd ckcppen thoroughly never
with advicleasable
eater...tly21. 1b.y awtar9•d afar forty Gaya
sere the victims et m+ny disastrous scot- It u meter sdviyble to take plant* in- sick headache, liner onwplsnd, languor, atom lime sea seen .ms more thea wed° sow
to the house sod put them in a annoy weakness, eta , sewn disappear when of eheslgnf.5.5.1 *al w tti
ciente Instead of allowing the tree to t Dimitior
iliii r t 5 ce a tori ; it, • 11- t•atiow In • room -.whereItI theta is • bre, treated by these excellent tonic meds- fat? We dunk fan awed' Mose in the
_use• •i : t .L A7, 5 Tza..a e 1 >. ria - f T : •'•" this, they get ton i eines. Fur hale by Good, armpits!, Al- moms asza God. ILejau wtmom the ars
tossed it owes( are: ne ..
ilei. Bet .at mesh beat and nut enough fresh air. bion black. Gude.ich, sole •feet. id sJamcant. Jam b to wttdse.tts the wild
if tbs tree had ban Ger fast ! Aero coin them to the change gradually. beams. the pored db resarremlos
No „,oder 1 shedder at the rdz slbction Be rueful to keep the window open as and camrdon. and the many ether forties of
Al \"ieksbuu' I not down on an old •hell, much se rouble thr•ugh the day, sod yemen w
sptus, out Ms
lobus It •ccideotell ex ,dad. lasted do not have • tire in the room, unless it y d h bre of sign Luce m x57 of tame
of going up 'brooch the top of the tent, is "0'1 'MAY necemery, for et !east too-. •'05rety it Bower) with milk end honey,
1 1«okd down and saw tem the weeks after bringing the plants io h sad the' 1s the fruit of lot• Just as Clod bad
sRg Plants that have been growing in the said, truly • good lead" nod they had matt
.hill bad • Side cblckvo in it, which sd. was open ground shoo:.1 be lifted before tog to do bat worth Sp lot LiY omata•nd sad
this Doll .tote of as that !tot ktlied. It frosty weather sets in, and potted, sod possess and enjo7t 1 It wee die gift W thea.
h• Dun • lull in •
ample 1.11e test ger ! btidrew.
Hippiness u the natural condition .d
ever normal child, and ifthe smally
or girl has a peculiar facility for any .ane
thing it is fur self entertsiument, wi
certain granted ooudtuorr, of route
l)n• of there is pbnidl freedom and •
few rode end simple playthings. Agret-
was a t in stomps •g allowed M remain on the veranda, or to
battle 1 careless) a
leaned up avenue the i able occupation is • great nbeyen y for
muzzle of • cannon, when all at nice it 'Oma sheltmrai place, 5ott1 new roots i children as fur adults, and beyond this
went oft. When I was pickd up 16,nd base had time to start. If you were to almost nettling can be oontributed to the
h that thenit had gone off was pot them and take them int.. the hoes. el happiness of • child.
die, especially if you were to take them l happy,•• said • mother, with a sigh, one
day in despair At her eff,-t le.
that the dries bad whipped rep and the
naso •t once, most of them would be likely I's "I try hard to maks my children
canaoa had Inas off with the horsey. No
wonder I am setting bald-headed, and
that premetnn age begins to show on my
clothing. Whoa • Ley I totted • paper
••f black sand and threw it into the
Move. I did 'IA know that it wee pow-
der. All of • redden, In et•etseeeesly-
it didn't go of Bet I shiver wen I
into • room in which then was a 6re.
Such ssd.len and decided change. are
too much Ger them.
.ver ase.
"I take much pleasure in stating that
Mote using Burdock BI,•d Bitters, I
Their part less se obey and take It Be
brought them o*a, that lie might beteg
tem in and give diem the 1•.d which Ba
. ware tun them embers (Deet vi. 1>t
Abundance of penes, Mem of jay, riven
of pleasures. grins paseaew, wares of outer
D esk quiet rope( rause-fbss• are some d
W fruits of or privileges of the Mrietls•
"Stop trying," exclaimed a pridesl hie wait* wemen cumseao=y soespy. mid
friend at her elbow, "and do as • neigh- lbws Ilan s good eepart of tie rdta d loot
hoe of mins •lues. „ and d e
NW who brought as there
"And how is that!" she asked, dole- ` fR' lrewersMr>, hepmopim a edww(.
1.11,. • • • the dtiaa WSRdt•54 vwr'7 p.*.
-Why' she simply /see her ehilJra and t.....ever we saw the children d Anse
Vora" Tib was shape, leaving lied out oe
tbihk of the rsnsequene s had there bees have entirely recovered. i suffered from grow said develop naturally, roily direct- the „num, sod • inti d•mt•R •a7 thdr owe
any fire le that fatal Move. We are onw impure hood and had over 500 Mils. I tog their gruwth properly. She has a:- eewogtt. pow amid um,, wage that Tabor.
boa half tb h bosee-eleaaieg and I can confidently recommend B.11 B. to ways thr.wn them, as far as f racticable, my ing to tbdr wide.. 5 ptRar d
A Famoos DOctor
Once amid that 1ha secret of rod health
coseieted to keeping the heed cool, the
fist mem. and the bowels ops.. Had
this cmlaat phystder lived la oar day,
and knows the weerfta d A7er+u Pill.
r eat a4.s sM. v would eerW#ly have
reoomnladed them, es loo nosey d las
dtatlegal•hed wa000esors are de atg,
Tee celebrated Dr. Fareswortk, N
Norwich, Cosa., recommends Ayer's
Pills se the best of all remedies tar
"INenaletes.t levers."
Dr. 1 fie, Fowler. of Bridgeport.
Coss.. says: Ayer's Pills are highly
sad uahorsally spoken of by the people
about bare. I make daily use of them
my practice." •
Ili. Mayhew, of Now Bedford. Mass.,
says : e lfavtag prescribed many thou.
seeds of Ayer's Pills, In my practice, I
ter oakesitattagly pronounce them tin
bast cathartic 1. use."
The lieeeache err! State Assayer,
A. A. Hales. certifies : ' I have amulets
careful analysis of Ayer's P111e. They
contain the active principles of well. .p
known dt'ugu, Mutated from inert mat-
ter, which plan 1a. chemically speaking,
d great importance to their usefulness.
It Insures activity, certainty and uni-
formity e1 effect. Ayer's Pills contain
no metallic or mineral substance, but
the virtues of vegetable reaeedls• In
skilUul e.tabtaation."
Ayer's Piles,
Prepared by Dv. J. C. Ayer k Ce.. Lowell, anis
geld bye W Dealers Is idedlst.a
IML sew..
Fall *hew* will be held this season se
follows :
South Huron, at tiedotth, o n Kora-
day and ruddily. Sept 17, 1e.
Cliiston, nu Wedneday, Thursday
nod Friday, Sept. 19, 2.) sad 21.
Exeter, on Monday and Tuesday Oat.
1and 2.
Gudericb, on Tuesday, Wednesisy,
Thursday and Friday. 0,A. $, 3, 4, 3.
Toronto, Sept 10 to 22.
Pwsisaidi_M iKirgs*ms. iapt�Mr IS
a t rots.
11 A Mier wenn' Fritts any sufferer from the •,m• complaint." - spun their own resources, taught thens diced over K and W prewseos of Clod la 11
many servants she had -and tee a melon: tom d whet they were or whet they coati
that I am tem -foot years ott1--Ted- their own pleythiugs Whoa she returns dor lot es with them versos consider also
vetoes >n and thou .e will tars obs joyful
Bits, song d verse eV for to leer
•• W e are not able . . . they ere stammer
Than sea Wal were to our odes sight as grass.
suppers' It Iniad• a of the record Is
Job sal. wen Mm promisees "Lie "my,'
**um,' referring to Job, are need about forty
M Hess. and Clod b mnstloed or miens&
os mly five lime\ la Job sill, A S we that
Islas impair: "I eve heard of Thee by the
bearing d the ear. best sow moue eye meth
Tie; wherefore 1 abhor armpit and repent
In duet and whoa' Then do we gel henna
end prospsrfty twettred a um W bseer 11
es Isaiah, r Daniel. or Joliet when the glory
d to Lord b notated a rises, lien b se
booty or strength tett In these. toot o their
lases ha the that le where we find ted
Wen Itabochadnresrr talked of his great
gfsbylon, and she might of him power and W
loner el Maw be was sown mots W
mow these to of Reeves r arta a
ahem these woo walk le Ands dire Iv,
110-112). Miss N.5Aay or the Lord mono al
lofty Loots and sanghtlus of own shall he
am st
n •.ata ay
through half whet I have ecoid Law. David F. Mott, Spring 'Valley, Ont. 2 to .sat upon themselves -Do .0.11.1 hew rias forges Him and tslk d Bwee • mew
been dead • dozen times. No wonder
The het eta; le areas.
Flowers are much affected this season.
Fur riding, driving and walking special
bodies bouquets bre provided by the
canteen of fashioe, and • woman who is
muck is society now orders as many es
three for one day. Tiley are far larger
then they sed to b.,•v.n for gentlemen,
.ho cues more are sot tb.•o.gbt to be well
dressed 'reboot a botgen. For dinner
parties, the DITectoire wreaths of 55101.J
dowers have fuuod great favor, sad they
aro .ec+mpanied by • corsage bogey
they fit in 'tact!, wit* the rolls and
cote in which the bait la now arranged.
It is consistent and fitting that a pretty
woman should bedeck herself with floe.
en, triton's jewels ; in doing so now she
u 1urthervaore following the prevailing
mode. The floral combs are beeowins,
and minimize the difficulties et hair
deeming, ; the dowers are taat.nd invade
hoose front an &Mance they •wait bet
line thing-tltetr mothers kiss. What-
ever has been brought for them is .be-
stowed when the needed times comes
Nothing exciting is allowed to them at
night, and they go to bed and to sleep
in . wholesome amental state that insures
nodal slumber. They are taught to
lore nature, alsd to as the lily t:f the
field, the bees and the bnttetIies ; then
is nothing so mean as • 11e, nor anything
so ensemble as diaobeluenem ; that it is
a diegrees to be sick, and that good
health, good teeth and plenty of sleep,
and being gaol are desirable
I■ order to:brine children empire a
certain amount of "lettit:g chat." Se-
Treme faith in the mother, few toys, an
finery. plain food, no dreg., end early to
bed. are the best thibgs fur task's( them
Testing Mt dose Troth.
Sin. I have found DrFowler's Extract
Wild Strawberry to be the hest remedy
I ever mead for dysentery and all'sns.tmer
1 drew wy thew! eleeer around ms and
nes to go, but I bed that .hole 1 have
bees then aloofly muting, with noise-
less, approach the treacherous
tide has rise
Is an instant • full tealattion et the
terrifying teeth burets upon me. The
water Md emend the narrow ilege-oath
by .beth I came,t 5 even look-
sag with hungry so cf ' the
reeks beneath ta5
rnees epos the add cyton. I
with upraised hands pray es i
1 beforei am eft yoseg to
rte. Father is Heaves have
to ay
sink, &u,
mr. Relent and tire. Neveasea.
Kneen -ex, Aug. 18 -A Nep.nee cm -
respondent gives the following as the
correct wellies of the Bowel! breach of
prumisaeasee:-About the middle of les
sense week se ore. is Newham wrote to Mn
Jamison', • daughter of Mr. Bowell,
letter containing • number of things 5N
very•ry to Min St.veseon.
Mrs. Jemiesrn forwarded the letter to
i esu stood for help : it is my
last lope and a feeble ane, fur i know
that i1 they hese not ied me no foe
..old hear my trains sisters the ram of the
. ement.
The mann eries .tiji hailer, sell •
"'waini*515 *wpn jos ' 1I embt.15 ewer
my feet AswthR 1 *5a mote e1T
" 11.41 hate r" 1
hat !attar at Oaawa. with, npotl 'ill 1.- the curved top of the comb. It ems be
o.1 meltemeltstarted fur diplomat awd 1 placed straight at the hack rr sideways,
laud the letter before Mn Stevenson, It laud hos a most engeetti.k effect.
is said an •erisosirws diseuaainm (dlow- Bode ..1 Ise., of moron, ••f (Others, or
.d sod Mr. Bowslf pr,toeedd to Belle- ,a tibbra are in treat favor with English
wills. This w es Thursday sesame women, who wear them N all seasons of
Mnsntia Mt- J•mieeo. had been in the year, and also throw then amend
Norm" and atm" • dal is t.sestitat- the neck while wearing Inw full dre
i5gla 5.
, and it ppna.d that • (*wit.s
, 1.ora6Res ge the (pets or •1 er.oiog part -
is Belleydle too Fnd.y, cal!
e, was a held ids gee y,
at •beth air Rowell was tr
p•o•3ed to
break the eng.m
geeut. Be that se it
may, Mr Stevenson en Saturday mane
tag received • letter from Mr. Rell,
this► stated, in substance, that he lied
diseeeered his mistake and declined to
preemie .it* the marriage prep•ratinae-
Arehd..en a Bedford -Joao also received
• letter raw Psterday atoning stating that
kb services would not be revered and
vg him es MnM. $ r
for p- s good i ss
%inter. Of goatee when the story eases I -
est on Salvers"eveeioi everyman, less a 1.10.*uepprise& Today we
woe to have bees digT'w men have •etrrmpllshd the sae.
"Kidd ay. vete Mr. Bowan) i• a ►ie amount oChime.f work and good in this voviil
r• the re&.1w.tei Dr Che. Over
600,000 of his welts hare hewn sold to
1j -, ads alone. We .ant every perm's
tro.bis4 with Liver Copl•ist, i)ye-
Nwleehe, Edney or Utley
bbs. te bre. • bottle c f Dr Chases
Limit Care, it will eon you. Mediates
and Rosie* Book *1. Sold by all
Unif..rmam w ::y in drextending ea-
slf, and the last ides is to have enema
serenest with flowers which accord m-
eetly with tkw arse worn by the Maines
if she wears white, hat mew hese only
white dowers : if she selects yellow, then
yellow lionise are the deec»tiona, silk
possibly an aigrs!b, of • llinoeeoire
wreath, o- bdtoe bregeet rf the seen.
binoos. Tbis is on American notion, aid
wap W British O.M.M., while Mre'
Stereos -a is stip Ties ill. it is stated
that she M prepeisg • Manmat for the
ptvel\ The het ie recalled that a few
menthe age rwsai► is delle•ifle was bony
with Me ltowetll'. Mane in roonee1ion
with that of senthet widow, het family
Oneti m5e', if seism, wedged In between
the ~Wee pair }041 the match wee Ae-
plsabased tree* Mmes.
to 16.
Western. at London. from the 20th fon
the `29th of September.
East Waw•nwh, at Belgrave, blot. 9
Hay, at Zurich, .•n Thursday and
Friday, i pt.mber 13 end 14.
East Huron, at Wallets, on Thurs-
day sad Friday. Oct,t►ar 4 and 5.
Stanley, st Bayfield, on JM.wday ad
Tuesday, October 8 acid t►.
Morris, at Blyth. on Wednesday and
Thursday, October•10 sod 11.
eve Theta A Chase'.
That is to way, year lungs. Also •11
your breathing machinery. Very wus-
derfsl machinery- it is. Net only t►a
larger air passages, but the thousands of
little tubes and cavities leading fru.
Wheel these are slagged and chocked
with matter which ought not to be there,
your lunge comet half d.. there work.
And wbat they do, they cannot do
t�s11 it cold, cough, comp. pneumonia,
catarrh, onteOmption or any of the
family of throat and nose and bead and
Ions obstructions, all are bad. All
ought to be got rid of. There u jest
one sere way to get rid of them. that
is take Reecho. s German Syrup, whish
any druggist wilt sett you at 70 outs •
butyls Eva if ev.rytbng else W•
failed you. you may depend upon this
Ito comas, suety
Some yowl; ladies who have attended
cooking wheals during the aviator hey.
collections of their tar...rite receipts The
little boas. made Ey their own hands
and illustrated uta water colon, are finite
unique. Ti. °ever of one has the pic-
ture of still life, apple., nets, raisins and
• clam of wits'. oldie another has the
p..rtnit of • dainty eo-,k. with sleeves
Balled above the dinp'ed .Iboes and
tumbled curls peeping out from beneath
• leo frilled cap. In woe book whsoh I
wee permitted to look at the lemur,
that ullasentes salads is a lobster sod
lettuce laws b.rd. • cup of mwterd
and bottle of pepper, with • Waggons
lying near tilled with salt. Shoe t.f
lemon and called lettuce leaves form a ee 0.10.. W h all ages 541lad the sem seas
br+r4er, in sad out t f which receipts are hobos wnLag t. W to nomad ems WM
*rima in rhymes The pintos d • • IAA. the l toad wow the the wed of
salter os is amber hook is a gemeiae lined,' sold Rosen W Saul; and to tee pool*
work .l art. O.rtms little r:Migns at- Ie loam. "Woad AIX erre 1 may noes wise
me.mpsny each r.elwpt, and the pretty j Be still and Insole that 1 6m tied' le • lofjr
We do not shake off our yesterday*
sad sustain no further rel•tr,n to them ;
they folios us, they constitute o0r lib
and they Rise accent and fume and
m.hing to our Iresent need*.
Cis Cr) for PiiciefoCastoria
made low, sad the Lord Woo snail be m-
alted In ries day dm. f4 L1.11. tbea.l are
theme who are willing sow to mime down or
their own arrant. 5.55515 t emmtvs so list,
sadist Him wart m teems to will and to de
cf Hb goad passes Theme tee ret•.. in
1resk although they bad tone timer nighty
works is Key" N the Red 9... and in Me
wlldreeme alehe.gk Oafs prweases was to
es* 5dbt, end they bad beard Hie voles
from the hely enwen1. let Roy kart Him woe,
Sar teemed In ilio, ear the gbs .f Hb
pss often esenitemnd es their. basIL
4rii.f le use womb= of /'d ted sant-
owed vslr brine said blinded tbeir .ycs and
tbry saw *sly 5 ..prable didlesttlem
M ••C.Mb milled the psupN.• ti. ma*
be Mill If sew Wolk& bow stud toe. the id
of Med, and that mi.aebleb.tilld the eitefth
affair shows low meek skill one notarially 1 foot etrarF d•1� vert /al if the halidemenn yrwlsw Wee."fes. 55 sass -Um en e.sp M coat mad peme s far w
• real 69,141111 dteh of •eeelb,1d I see swfl ebb ss ev rewme It" the seuam*p
rev •5 (9.whh»d she f yle pre report toms tasnw ene Yb Mud H M6
mw Trek Ron. I bas Indy weld thee the with Owl I shear •
tan jerlty. ins tlo world ammo am dose
it is wholes'. fault 1f be he tolerate- 11yr7 weeds* ebb etewense b walght71 M
(sl, bet is mise if i di not give. T. i b N.. leedue45 et Namh, .f sew she mom Od
isd ewe thankful w, 1 trill jot. sod Odd "r r 105u1tis.0 tied he fit
MCI 'Ltaxe notsa. 3111-1bS_"�1t011 -010.•-
before the lord.' d tsar. 1t, IN; all. ted
1.) Ilan arr1IA-G. 5 MILS TIT WOW
M'e ..;l rend h.... i •e sr
onepnate te emit maiden.
wif ov+Cher .w coot --.wee In
a 1ar::.;)-w O wilt try tt.e
gnasseggh Snot iawmca
l ret the red circ:. Iron. the
label sell .end kin • freer
mamma homey opinion suer
hairy il. F.tther alS, 1Ooe se
mitt ire will ..cure the OIL
Antgn'*'r'r nr et.n•rkeeper
knows lettere to net it 11 aid
for by you.-Aldenr-
CIU3CHELL h 00-.TO1011)
WU. baby was silk we gram bit rOtaten,
When .lo wee • OM . she weed he Caassub,
Wire Mee have lase. the Masi ts O elleel,
tFM the had CMdfres. *1s.5554 Gestoses
IIITVEPirr Iatif
the wor54 during the lame half C5r:ury. Not
least swmeow the wooden of iavewtl•. We-
i • • method heel al seam of .1.5 1hMat
Vpts iw ed all over the country within* `
r+keg the workers trent etheir tsmeem
rtipIlhseal - any are oma 4o tNb
he Iwork :.r
sea. young or d ; a•• **etasl sauce regweted.
Capital not weeded . you are started tree, :.
Cut this act sad niters to to sad we will esti '.
you gree, mowetehet of areal rale* wed= I'1
ptrtaee to yew, that well start you la
war. which will hrl.yeu goo Moro mart 'fid
right sear. thee anjt\ g mgr In the .
pend outfit free. Address Taus 11, '.
♦lint.. male*. Ig►
000 •111117011 DI LIMN r.O.. fit.
lacy uu. I .
H7 wife seared ter live yeah wllla
that dMeresettw Ahmssm, assort. flee u
ease w owe et to were karma is *Ma It
Iporta ante tried all M air tamrlrh reuse.
Awes 1 tree taw advelrtb6d, tied they wow
se se ear• p.fhtmlty mewed • Mole of
ureal Isatin. cite Asa tool ewer amt Isle
et 1t sed Mw flea Ne • sew pitons. 1
trot 11 my duty en say that Nasal PAM=
mimeo be Ten 0N►NL1 reosww5erdeot
foe eater" traie►e5. •ad am s M sod M
heti an seek sufferers *sew 11r.5g* he
the they will resolve Imhst relief seed
c::...1. L:::::.;eerie
r --
O.. ..-o..