HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-8-24, Page 88 THB flITRON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, AUG. 24, 1888. Fj hf `I & ?,arars SCHOOL OPENING issa. FREE 1 FREE Slate Pencils Rulafad Peas Given Away cluing the First Week of School Opening . a - , On TO THOSE WHO PURCHASE THEI10".'s111r•s SCI1001 ildS 1111 Mai Snpp1ie FROM ERASER 84 PORTER. The Largest 5c. Exercise Book Sold. " 5c. Scribbling " Sold. " 5c. Bottle Ink " Sold. And don t forget We give `late Pencils, Rulers and Pens FRET to Scholars whip 10,1' their School Books from us. HEADQUARTERS FOR • res.• __i is 14h, Pubic, Model & Separate School Books --w 7Anc I.•,. k n',t in Stick can be procured on shortest notice. STORES: --CORNER NORTH -St. is SQUARE, AND CENTRAL TELEPHONE EXCHANGE. FRASER & PORTER. COUNTY CURRENCY Pencilling- and Scieeorings from Eecbanges. t teat. frees &II .ver Maros ('.umtl• r milled l lapped add 4 endeared -PM dad rani The PIs* .r the area frees ear Lu eases. Sas Lid), for some time pest the effi- cient sod obliting freight clerk in elin- -'1ii,gr,`Alikiter. promoted to Berlin, and left for dotter nn Tuesday. His place here has teen tken by Mr. Thos. Rum- ba'', formerly aststamt. Mn. McD,etdl, Seafortb, mother of Mn. Wm ('atn.chan. left recently for Virden, llatutnbe, to visit her encs, Messrs. A. G. ,ed Was. McDougall. It r s long journ.y (nr .o aged a lady t0 take, but with tks present facilities for traveling she wilt est through all right. Sam Pollock, of the Bauble Hoe, met with au accidert last weak which caused the Iona of his thsmb. As neer as we can learn a Lappenel ■tile ia the act of no unng the cog Meets his thumb was naught between tea and turas So had]) crushed u to cotes the Ino qt it. Mor Maggie Rol said, daughter of I►r. Maodoald, R P , Willigbaes. ob- tatned a sae ,odel a oeltlleate at the recent exateinetkr a eleedetd, stand- ing seeond on the at e1 Lits Ivo who passed. The rem lady 4 -1.1 siatan Tan of age, and twitagglos is exceed- ingly creditable to hs Mr. Henry Fresh., FilatMlles. a hew day. ag•• had no loathe dipitaww kill- ed The farmers of COgegipaleolad form a vigilance onmmittes, aid if any maa is guilty ..1 keeptq adet test kills skimp. tt.ey ..oald pod take the dog and kill him in frost J the msn's ha.4 and gore him a suns orbs Rood horse- wbipptng. A yew opei letie.e of this hied would pet seep : p tvegilk &seep killing. Sadly on Fans. Wilmaotang Beek .n old men named Wilma •f Bey held. met his death sly a eolt out to pasture As { ,{ - return when expected wine try Agee dot to Amid for int. ted e o bruised. lyime d with h'. t .the l r br when it is scop• rd to limos kicked him. He was abet g0lwrs s�tlp end a gelid innfkr%elee tea 4 b1 the (mamma, of list was member. The Logien G,sr. Cavalier snieI , Nano, DOOM' Ise terse, Esther of Ken., d 7 el Me tows board,in els. Msesfes, both of this tee,�hwhg wee ewes, hie friends hswtrrka' mei week took his depaeten Teo* at.6kg for his odd knme. Mr Aati►apaiet, ins o web pissed with the hit d t he arae - fry f• this seetioa, aed aw , , is a e' ..,er use he would hits t in jgsstiug here • !be eines leosW . , - , of W Welker, out es u•.„wale raw Blyth, 1.11 with such force with its head against the door the other day as to oom pinta, stun it. After partly recovering it was seized with a severe tit of vomit inn and for some time it was thought the little thing would expire before getting relief. Mt. and Mrs. James Ritchie, of the 17th onncomion of liowick, returned home from a vial of about two months to the "Old Sod." Mr. Ritchie brought with him five fine entire horses ; three of them ars two years old, and two are yearling. They are exceptio.ally fine &signals and show that Mr. Ritchie is a good judge of horses. This is Mr. Rio chic's second lot of horses within the last twoears. We hope his enterprise will be abundantly rewarded. At a special meeting of the Clinton Collegiate Board, on Monday week, the application of Mr. McMaster, as science master. was accepted, provided he would aessptj; 00 per year, and in caeehe would .ot,the application of G. I. Laird be ac opted at $300. The application of Mia Stork, at a salary of Ri00 was also accepted. Among the numerous appli- cations was one received from Mr. Gen. Sharman, at the same salary as Mia Store, but the board thought a female teatime would be preferable, and acted aeeordinifly. This may proveadvantage- ous, bet then are maoy who doubt it. Os Toe da afternoon, Mr. George and Ewing aMes Misr Ewing were driving through Herperhey, and when near the residence of Mr. Brewer, the horse got its tail over ons line, and getting fright - eared eoatemsesd to run. Mr. Ewing is a Rood heraa.as, and is generally equal to es, elesep[esep, and seeing that he coat sot eostrol the aaimai with the use Mau he drew him off to the nne tide of the reed. sad it ran up against a barb- ed wise fuse., upeettine the gig and thrown( the occupants out. The horse got its foot caught in the fence, and was thea held until Mr. Ewing got on his fat, and wes enabled to get control of it. Both himself and Miss Ewing were pretty badly shaken up, but .either of them wee eariosely injured. The kens was considerably scratched by the wire, but no further damage was done, and they were aloe able to get their rig re- onnetruoted and torp home, deeming it advisable to prrtpine their vigil to the oaentry foo that day. Our busy little town was all .icite Mat ole Mender moree.e leets @eys Vie Blyth Sand ted, when it became knows that Misers Andwreoei .f Rider's Mos h.d bees baedar red .oWe tires betweee !Wendy nig t and Monday morning. Tbi thieves had considerable cheek ; they proceeded to lasers Slater d Sime, segos &takers, and took into their peerectiee tools enough to aseomplish lbmh puup i is oM.idMR 5.1 .nee iste (list fin► wbiek wee Abend tkroegb the melsr deer. No doubt the •eoeedrels' •WAit was inswey, as they visited the Ods. bet, to their digt.Mt, "got left. ' althea risemeeked tks b..� gem.a timeless/ Me lo silk ,a,,aa, �asad gloves, M t4 et Aim &Me They wife et a& itigA, hew- er/Ire to lases the tr..l, wed air we old par of suet. Ocrietahle Davis hes bees Isms1 » �riq o b.us Memend the oseed is Resewla. The KinesQlt*rd. et Mobil., Al.b.- ma, ase the bevels d their gr..Maiber, lir Job. Kerrie, Cdborae. MIN Ills Pointer, of Brampton, is the pert el her aunt, Ills Hoary M.•r- ria Bo tryieg was the d t this sea - mer N the bele of J. Moral. that six waffle love out. With the aseietatw of a wand el witch bassi maid the veteran pimp leakage and wef-dtggtrs Weller it M.rti., or Ooderseh, Joe sad his cattle now rejoin in piety of awl, clear tester. GOdy�� HotusAug. 13, 1888. Cuuacil met to day pursuant to ad- loernmeet. Members all present. Min- u tes of last meeting read and passed. Letter from county clerk read, aid stat- ing that $3,634 60 a► required from Guderiob township for the present year for county purposes. Moved by John Beacom, eecooded by Thou Churchill, that • rate of Si mils on the dollar be levied on all the real rateable and per- sonal personal property in the township for county purposes, that a farther rate of 2i mills on the dollar be levied on same property for township purposes, dad the amounts required by the several school trustees for their respective '.c- hose be levied on ante property carried. A bylaw confirming the above was reed and passed. The following acoouota wore paid, viz : Henry Cook, H. road, P. M., for lumber for culverts and shoveller" for gravid, 810; Peter Cole, use of scraper four days, $1; P Tremb- lay, one month's board of Mr and Mn Bray, indigents, $10. Council adjourn- ed to meet again brat Monday in Octo- ber. Jut PArrox, clerk. Here is the Arab teat of a good horses which every farmer eon apply. It i, simply to observe your horse whoa he is drinking out of a brook. If, in loisg- inpr down his head, he remains square without bending his limbs he pemesses aterliag qualities, and all parts of hr body are malt symmetrically. Of the results of deborning. & corrs- poodent of P41 and Arm says : Twelve of ny thirty cows that were d. - horned Let elute aborted their calves in the spring and fire out of the thirty died. 'Moue that bare lived are not worth more than two-thirds their Gomer value. With as good and even better feed than they had last year they do sot give more than half their usual flow of milk." NEWS OF THE WEEK. Latest Intelligence from all Parts. crisp Itt•ms et latent ger People Who Want the Mews to a Marry -inter seat. Milled Sawa N Salt Oar taoae.sa' Time. Wm. O'Connor won the professional sculling race .t Sturgeon Point yester- day. Major Berttelot and a small force started early in Juno with supplies for Stanley. Changed of allows made by Emperor William have caused discontent in the Wortemburg army. A Dundee man who can't sffcrd sum• mer wanderings says he stays at home and wanders in hie mind. The next annual meeting of the Ameri- can Association fur the advancement of Science will be held in Toronto. Tuesday evening's cyclone killed move. eel peoplo and destroyed a large amount of property in Maryland and Delaware. Mr Miles Oversold, deputy registrar of Wentworth, was stricken with para- lysis on Tuesday, acrd is dangerously 111. As old mazim says : "A straw shows w hish way the wind blows" A louse - fitting draw hat is not • bad indicator either. It u expected that the ahe.t crop of India will reach 260,000,000 bushels, which will inure an increase w the quan- tity exported. Winnipeg advice. state that the weath- er is very favorable for the crop, that the harvest 1. well under way, and that the damage by last week's frost was slight. The construction of the Joggins raft aved 515,000 in transportation expense. It is pproto retest m the experient, as it Meiitatee the ale of Canadian tim- ber in the United States marls* Seth Green, the noted plsie.kuriaf, who died on Monday, woe born in Rochester, Kroh 19, 1817. His satin life was devoted to the artificial propaga- tion of fish, and since 1534 he bad fol- lowed that pursuit at kr famous fish hatoherias at Diledoniu. At the time of hie death Mr Green held the position of State S.peri.tendent of Fisheries. Dur- ing his experiments he hatehed artiflc- ally the *pawn of about twenty kinds of fish and also hybridised striped bass with shad, shad with herring, bronk trout with salmon, salmon trout with wires fish and European trout with Ameries° brook trout_ He was decorated with several medals in the country and IJrrp. lir. Green had bee. married etaee 1038 sad leaves fear children. new Ad,Maseseesi. This Week. Osla Day -IL flt.Pha.. B.r.e.t wa&d-Mea Kay. Maisel Oeselsc-Frost • Porter. Cosh waagi---NIL J. T. Oarruw. vetoes' Low -3. N. Rlesards. Omelew. Chep ■seenM.a - A. Strait... O. T R. �glyawy1e-es a11 Monday. AMMO is Of N. 'awls.Baerlsterot- w, a Situations Uacant. CIO�r�0KWANTKD..a-t 00�0i) MAORIlffs[ i. f. ns:aw oMwtw Aub e WANTED IMIENDLATELY. - A est M>11e.KAY. Mt, vyIS re,.erS.L Cell' neige. jai VOTERS' LIST, Lelia Mihir pafity u/ Me Tuarouitip of (. Ntio Lie, is Me fsrwi.ly q/ Heron. Notlo. 1. bere►r gives teat 1 have trate muted or delivered to the peewee maatiumed is the 3rd gad (11 '-cubed ado Vetere' Litt Act. the maples requiresa kip section to M tresstuittod or deliveredid the Ma made Pori; *east to this Act. of se perms, &Moaning y the Iger revised amese...t roll of fee said M.niotpallty, to Its mailed to tote In the said Municipanay at Meesimes for Mambas of the the Lealeleave busy, dad at MinitcJmi Ehotloas. and ghee the said Wet wad nrei potted at my la theVillage of Carlow.,n {Lalli day sad remains then fur tespet1sa. are called upue to =main the nadir'. sad H lay on.ir'o'., or other esters are fogad to tate unwrdime proeadllea to base said error. cvrrr;tcd +.a carding to law. J H. 1.1cHARDA, Clerk. Dates/at Oarlow,':w Ord .has et hugest, lel 51.h OF SEPTI, 1888. GALLA DAT AT KINGSBRIDG E. URAND ROMAN CATIWL!C PIC -NIC CONE ONE ! CONE ALL ! Who shall have the Gold -Headed Case t Father Hoehn or Father West t 'The Pocked Ten' of AahOeld. agaimit "The Picked Tea" of the Wawaaoebem Colborne aedUederich oomblsied are incited to decide itlaa TUG OF WAR ! AV ter Father Boast. and the others Fatten W e.L BY Order of Lite Commmittee. wit N. McPHOC. HARVEST EXCURSION 1To THE CANADIAN NORTH -NEST -BY Ti3E- Cauathau Pacific ily. * W SPRING GOODS. NEW FRENCH WORSTEDS. NEW SCOTCH TWEEDS. NEW ENGLISH TWEED& NEW CANADIAN TWEEDS. TAKE A LOOK AT THEM,- $. MacCor:iia. Dentistry. M.NICHOLSON, LD,e, DINTAL ROOMS, Matti deer below the Post O • meson. HOOOICW ak034y DR, E. RICHARDSON, LD.S, SURGEON IIKNT1 T. Gas std Vitalised Air Mmtniatered for 1.C. HAYSSOLICITOR, Ae. eateris:treeting of teeth. Special snootiestesnootiestR iffiest to the presort alien et the Natural OSlo..rt�earmer of Agn tt adad enc raph if PS urtica -Up stain. Greed ores. House Mock. v11114ad+ s tto s4oat 6 p.rm r� veld- ��~ioOJ- Entrance m \I est•JL, Ooderl,k. sial -1y -- 1 • Odlue-CWC Fellows Hall, North Si.. I tiderleh J. T. °arrow. W. Froudfoo:. 173 Legal. EDWAIID N LIMN BARRII-ITIR, h tis (neem, =1'41. rnulIs Bart Os4.rMMk Mu�.l 1. bgu. to Marti■ SIA0ER A HARFT, BARRISTERS, tc-. Oederich dad t'iutoa. Oedsrlcb (t- .oa epee. t. Martins meet. oto-tt CARROW & PROt'DFtIOT, BAR L WOOLVERTON, L D. 8. T klITtlt9 Attorne Sollelton, eta Uodes•ite. Cl moderate, An work war- ranted. Gas or Vitalized Air given V for .ala- (`tAMi.RON, HJLT d CAMERON, ler extraction of teeth. 1ML Hsretetees dolicltrn la Cneer� to•. 3dertch ]I CatuaroQ.CM.: O.oCsmtrsm C �. a. P..r. 1731 - She People's Column. THE HURON HOTEL. This well -Resin and popular betel ha boa rented .d a.Wpsd dude. the peat seems. ad Y sew aaafasrad to awe la qiof to commodaiee the travel Gadaccommodation for 'ranafe.M�y�uaaq The &years. Galerieh. Oat. P 5.w. IIOST.-ON MMON1D1iY JUNE 4TH betwee' W ellisetea St. .ad 3 tulles meth from Ooderieb. en the mortar rleid road. a lady's satchel neatalaisg cniMren white clothtus�g,, collars, blue duos trap with curet. tai eau gold two:was. three eases* esu Lees is centre. Pla broken WE else of broach about two inches in diameter. bright gold chased. Magni& manufacture. The tinder will be re- sarded b Ionia& tt at las Siesta take. D. OTKII.HACH. Zweich Ont. 37- PITMAN'S SBORTHA 1'D BOOKS. 1 --A limited surlier "Twchere .d "Manuals' can he.obtsteed at tat: rates at Tots t•m.aa *M. For Sale sr to Let. HURON LA.NDAGENCY. Look herr. Great bantaai40 aims et deed improved he.ry .Jahod lretesaaty.3200 NFRS28aO0 orchard. Cur cetms, will 1a very vtte bisJotnl 131111:S. Good*.fess -TO- LA.NGENB V I?1G AND 1C-r-c-FtlsT COLONIST CLASS.' Tickets will be add at all Stations os the CANADIAN P CIFII-. the KfNntrrON AND Ptunkoss, aad ()RAND TRUNK ti.eest. RAiiLWAYS& Peanut*. Ottawa dad West The Excursion will leave Toronto at ILO p.m. on £ u.*' and Carleton Junction at 1.10 a.m. Ants.' h, via North Ray and the Canadian Pacide Railway. iAply to nearest railroad Agent for full elders and accommodation In Colonist moors. which will be reserved as ordered. CANADA'S GREAT INDIISTRIAL FAIR TORONTO SEPT. 10th to 22nd than ter ,�O 00o Il fiver )PBISBQ AND SPECIAL ATTItACTIONS New natures and Orad Exhibit*. The bee attractant that mosey cos Wool*. hoe Pride lista .ad Programmes address 'be ttecretary. ENTRIES CLOSE Al -GUST 10th. J. J. WITHROW H. J.HILL, PreekleaL Sec_ TORONTO. el -td Iiiiponaiil P0 Fariiiers The Subscriber would rwpertfolly aa. downs teat he Intende opening a seed .tore es the wetted. of llamlttonatJ, the bulWfyt lately occupied by Mr. Harry. or whish dee make will be ghee la this paper further os. Ws will have in store byTch% cert, three t of the bevarieties of alleawheat grows. 11, : SARFIEIID, Haired ldItmrnvall IN SURPRISE. whish we otter for seed prtrpesea We have ooh bees able to retire • limpet (.eatit of U. lest awned. Thew wheat. tier mining properties hare tin sup O.ed r seha. =time from gems of moat prow - wet faresMs no the float and will he geafaateed free from aur dirt whatever, sed ire* to MTs. WILLIAM SURVIVE, a.&(- 111.1AN. TEN CENT PACKAGE DYES or NEw Gobelin Grey, Moss Orem, Peacock Blue, Lyon's Blue, Sapphire Blue, Heliotrope, ()rushed Strawberry. CALL AND UEC HAMPi-LI. J. WILSON Prescription Drug Store. to divide into town huts wham Oran paetda comes in next year. Alta lot adlMdsg L Ringbani's *sly 1130 halt can. Moan to leen at M per cwt. b TO LET. - A COMFORTABLE house es Stanley street. s room. bard Appl,, to RR& *1 ES'T'ATE OF JOSEPH KIDD. As this eatate mit be at ole 1 ant prepared to accept M `Salt Mork...., yaw Mau 1 e�flalft�is j )ItK SHANNON & SHARRON, pans brick work. buttdfnp machinery. belting. Dahl Big dad a 1pr rhos of Dr. 8Su neons rietdeaoi .�-e lb* er n &bopr er thong. either all Y. L'. tl r s goal Galeria BArmelp. J. fi Hyl. Iectioely. n.3011feet Ming soar. Mt and working barrel. eel fest sew ml..b N►>` 1 . Ing. tees feet Ash Well Pim cheap for Cash. Liberal tonin os farm. Apply to JOY. KIDD. >a Loans ant, insurance. t�+500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CAMERON HOLT k CAMERON. Oode rink. 1730 \{ONEY TO LEND. -A L A R 11 E �.A. amount of Private vends for Lav*cesest t: lowest rasese. "ru(-taw llorttla.se Apply to°ARROW 2 PRO t:!WOO r R. RADCLIFFE, GEIVIRAI. INSURANCE, REAL *STATEAND MONEY WANING AGENT. Only PfrsfaJ.as tbwpetes kepeeseated di Mosey to Lead ea strai,th• luanf. at the lowest rate et interne going. 10 dap way to su 11. atrtower. torOFFICE -&+coed door from Square. W.. Street. Oodetich. sae -:f 5900,000 PRIVATE FUNDS To teat. as tarns and town property, at Mw sae latenh.i Mortgages pure embed. No nm. charmed agents for the Trust and Leda ' 7 of Canada. the (panda Leaded Beaapsay. the London Loan Custpaer of • latereet. t, ii an.! 7 per act. were cam obtain atoael la day, It Ht a sottttfact DAVISON a JOHNeTON, 1311 Yarrraets. dm.. Oederieh 3 leeicaL D" -K. ROSS, LICENTIATE OF Royal College of Physicians. F.dtaburgh. Odie on South side of Haaulton-st. LW-dmo DR. McLEAN. PHYSICIAN, SUR O0ON. Coroner ftc. Oda lid reelda Memo. Onset. sound door west of Vlctdrf ham 1731. BRICK HOUSE A LOT FOR SALE ON ST. PATRICK STREET. Main bsildire. 3.x10: tsar idNtlos, !MIL Male bead's. costate . rooms rear adds tion. hitches, pantry. wash -room and twirl room. upstairs. There is I of an acre of Iaad .ruched, and tee feet of the adjoining IOL Ae my family will be about .0 gets by that let of July. 1 do sot need so law a hers. se I i ant open for offers, roe the sums pu� se... *weld be given any time after the let et J Ap►Flicat*wa to the uaderapied. DOL 1 FARM FOR RAI.F -THAT MOW iy desirable Arm knows as lea M ass. 11, L D. Game.eoatalat•g Ile •meso N which are cleated. and the rat soldtimber. It 1s Nguema a the gravel tram, dol too brick echeethemse is oe the earner el the 1st. I nor particulars dad tends via to CitA$. rich`a or GtOROE tltt'.Nl30)t . 7wat TwoFIRST-CLASSFARMS FOR rade. One la the township d Ashe.M, containing 131 acres ; add nue In Fra Waw. nosh. .-ostalnlag 1/& sere. For particulars y Itly to camera'. Nett t Cameral. tie& Tl►WN OF GODERICBJ. TRKASI'RER'8 PAL(* OF LANDS roR TWERP. Pint t*ca or Orrtaato.) Her vote of • war- ?owe ar?owe or (io..arcw. east soder the haat rowre: joftheMayer etU. Town of Oederloli. and the sal et dm MN Corporation, h.arntag dose tae Peee.d dal of August. A.D. 11R e• ed. tatememd- Eng me to levy appeee. the h the !st{ewf.� list of arrears of ..011.. fe herein give thM wlem the said mese, e 'ether with all WA we stoner Imam proceed tease teq salts lade be tom erfor thepas amok eldtbmts.f se tag hw� or attune RICWHHlta%it t $ WstlTHIRD da d' itom. at the bear of TWO e'eloek p -m. r rte Depute ere imemeeL, d et rest or Marra, yes Running Namber, IIN ,. 1111111 1M. :: 117" 1177 IIIM 12 Reed's Aare ow •• 34 lie N 1 Amusements. GODERIt: H MECHANICS' INTI. LIBRARY AND READiIO ear. of haat street sad square lee Op.s Met 1 to • p.m., acct herr 7 to 10 p.m ABOUT 2000 VI tL S 1N LiBRARY Leedi•.g Lui/u, it .'elle end Ilfaatrafd Pape -s, dlra�a:rnu. d, m, rise. MKSIPEP•!HIP TICKS?. ONLY 411111. granting t: re use of Library add Raiding Room. Applioa:ioa for membership received b, LJSrariaa. in rooms. s- MAL.COMION. OHD, sTLYRMe. President. btpsetery Ooderich. March 12th. IN. Auctioneering. J'(HN KNi•X, GENERAL AUC- s or. IHHatii ng had ic�onsidrbValuator.experlesco 1• the auctiuneenng trade. be i+ is a peausei dieeharre with ,borough satiate*. all aces esfmlons tetrtstrd to him. Orsure bet .t M&etia'a Hot.:. or soot by mail W eiy � P. aJ . 'e r!nlly standardm. J OIill Xillor.nty .lcccieeeer. IMl-t FOR SAL.L West ha:f of lo'. ill. Arthur "tee t. wit► small •.rick cottage thereon. Ruli m . Lent.- 15.. lea. 244. 113, Sirs street, +t. A,.drpw• Word. 431. cot ner of Hume and Prosser Road. Frame 1 story hone on Keay. Street lel and half Ital. Several tots in Reed's Purvey. eppsaiss dew mow Granada. vis Nos 22. 11. a 30. N, An the above at LOW RATS 01K pet)to DAVISON Lt JOHNSTON. Crauefing foie*. GRAND TRow& UNK Trains arrive and de RAILWAY. lows : Wn a: ml.derloh r t1i Mail aid lzpesescesn Mall ................ Wised ............. ... 1111.4......... Mall timpani. "lard wi... •i 2 NI ill • F'• R. BOOM[ . = YOU PROPERTIES POR UAL& I i + 1 l00 AND UPW&SDS Low 14 --- sibs Te Loads to 1.hem • large soaker nf n iesMabl. per the oar Rthe t Slit ,u 12' bows *d 1a & abort hemi pCr P R. F aimlit sa y billet* *bar tserh g( � � h•~ advewe all add ... U.t ,stat•l• log Meow hem Proses wow maw. Tt� �aw. ti.(oeleh. '1 remens% nese. Ila -est Angst lel. SOIL 1W13114 Liquors, itto FOR MALE leY G. H. PARSONS 2"A ALi lO'1 LAM 100011Cf RADOLIFFIR T.ebet rural eel Brats 0 ted M~i.211. • r deer E EI ES. s