HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-8-24, Page 7441171W. -1140411144'16.441P :J .........r........ ....vow.... 4. .0, .•-.- .0 ... . 4 T1IE 11URON F[h:N Al•, } RF )AY, AUG. 24. 1888• FARM, FIELD AND GARDEN. INFORMAT'ON AND PRACTICAL AD- • VICE ON MATTER. OF INTEREST. lsaarnesing frets Ames the Apple Or enemas .t Osr C.a.ary-h. Innen ens B.m. Te.e. is Apples-Yartea/er Anapaest t. Da/se.at ••stews, This country is so vest and the sell ad elim•t• so parted that • total failure of any one of its agricultural productions may be considered out of the question. eels the asrtoalturai wilier of The Wood, from which the Renewing interesting statements ars taken: Tbe last year, however, resulted is such a general shortage le the apple rrvp that. comparatively, it may be maul to have been • year of failure. There were still • few ssettcas. notably oat. in Now York, war. s crop ems exceedingly abuad.nt, but the were except/me to he teased t The at year been regarded ded as likely to be a fruitful mime di. the or- et.ards gesesally, on the principle of beer - tang and non-bearing years. But bearing _years are subject to •amender that aur TH[ WASE11 OF FARM tASOR. Tette OewMs eS twessslRrAb.s rose• b 11. Itsitleemt Deoese..e.s .1 Ae rIsetter. For imay remora • sousidersbie Sudo- adios and dtfereoos is the peke and sup- ply of tarn labor night be expected to oc urtis country. swims to *In Wyatt sad damages from one kind of tanning se mother. TM result .1 mesa toss es of wages of tars Ia►sr node by Xhe agricultural depsrt- set at Wasbtnstoe. Is almost identical with that et three years sgu. W title boa' dtfbre.ees occur, the averages et the geographical sections or groups of states le nate about .. thea TM avenge per mooch is • few coots lower iu the middle and western states ad !0 4dllornla. end a very little higher is the south .ud to New Bagl•n•l As to the supply of labor, there seems to he sulliceut in this country as a whole. although there stn localities whore scarcity 'estate, te, and others that have a superabuttd- -aaoe. There ate row, as there always have been heretofore, tendeaetes lading away from ram -ultras la the country to employments iu the towns and cities. la esrtalu portions the tisaiag and oyster In- dustries compete to atm. extent with farm labor, in °tate, lembse lag and other toast induration have the Nose est. In tomo of the mutinies states the trees to cast tbek fruit when !tear tis the demand for labor Re the oaastraetioa psrtod of harvesting. thus greatly leeese- of railroads and pebble works has in some jag the supply. as well es climatic eases Maws to •a iswonvenleut extent on changes that by tasty •.veetly and tiro- the agricultural labor in their vicinity In longed existence amuse the rung trot; to a few pees wIeesuch works Lams been drop ass emu as it is fumed. Agars. the completed the supply of labor hes bem locreasirg hordes of insert pests ass -eon• tinually committing tisk savages. and unless •eflst1. itiy combated destroy the sesta value of the erupt Te prevent this, the beat preventives tow knows. to- gether with dtmtlotu fee applyi•g them, were ssoenfly given es aids peg., le pew localities hi the east that were vis- ited by the Ilerch Wizard sad subse- quently experienced a seven, avid pro- tracted rainfall, trees that boomed well now Did fair to be failsoa, as the young apples have almost endrely Wien ol[. 'itis. however, may sot be at all general, and It is too early to determine with se - lett eugeetxbundaat. A considerable number of reports from the Atlautk [wast states and front some further west wastion the migration of !ebonies as eaL•ieg a noticeable reductio& in the supply tit tabor. This movement Is generally wily a westward drift of popular tlw, but there .are some special move - meats. though sot of au extensive char- =ter. such ma ae-heogo of colored laborers in lfiesiastppi. Louisiana and Arkansas tom the thin upland soils to the riches river bottom lauds of those states. Where tries severe droughts or other causes farmers have been unable to aoatintte em - curacy the trait prospect ter the whole pp&kotvieg labor the supply has drifted off. country. ieavwg a preen scarcity.Another cause Not many decades ago tbe;popular earl- of Ionil d.Adu rcies in tnewer portions sties of winter apple* could bt counted on of the'lorttweet is the Inability uta: he the Angers of ores head, sod numbered en to employ labor tbrou�sjbahs ea the m.et desirable of these were tmaking it necessary for teepTissine Roxbury russet and Rbods.1alnnd green- it from other IueIIties diming the Ss Mg. Thee still remail. but in wily • ' season. tow favorable beaddies aye -they able to Where a diversified agriculture is poet' some Into competition with sewer varie- ' sued such inequalities in supply and ties. At the rawest tinsel/ha iielderin is ' demand do not often exist, especially rehab'y tire most highly esteemed .d where the self binding reaper so goosed y distributed apple of any or largely supplies the labor for variety that can he namd for the eastern la Arkansas. Louisiana and Minds - states, where it has • bigt reputauou as dppi acquiring land of their own an excellent whits appy of fia•e le !rad by adored laborers in sons eases eo- flavor. In states wast et the Allegheny maims a sensible reduetkm in the supply mountains 1t becomes saw of a fall than of labor for hire. On the other E-nej _ is of • full whiter variety. Era southwest- districts where land can be had under the ern and southern dates tote Ben Davis Is homestead act or otherwise cheaply. a favorite, and of the lain. a list of old labor is sometimes abundant, owing to and new varieties sew in cultivation the the presence of poor settlers who lack two named deservedly take high rank as capital to farm their own claims and are 'osmneal Tie advent of • new glad to work for pay while .equiringtides American •ppl. that would combine maid to their lands. It is worthy of notice that t:f the good qualities of this king of all in sow of the reports from tbestateo and fruits, such es sire, color, flavor. good territories of the further west the labor keeping and together with ea of this Indians is referred to as a prol- tioa to the di Barret climates of the inent factor in the supply for farming • growing states, would be a boon to purposes. Immigration alas furnishes a t country and the wuree of miliiuua of considerable supply of farm labor, though revenue. not always of the moat elScieat eharaetar, Already the expert d apple, to foreign �� ass >latas. eklst countries has reached large proportions m and is destined 1 lnarese. rapidly. More An expert in batter making Josiah than 000,00e barrels were shipped last Shull. of Ilion. N. Y. gave the t&Aowing year, Groat Beltran the principal rales at the Ithaca Dairy inat.itute: 1. To customer This was a doexve•ae of mitre make butter the milk from healthy cows than 100.000 barrels from the previous only should be used. L. Avoid excite - year. owing to scarcity in the crop of 1N67. meat of the cows, produced by chasing intelligent oreh•rdists an the eastern and with dogs or in any other manner. IIar•b northern states should keep the foreign treatment lessens the gnantityaad injures markets in Med when noshing .elections the utility of milk. A Cow.sboald have for their platings. an abundance of suitable food and per, No heeseh of tamingis more profitable water. and salt kept where they can Lave or conducted with less lair than orchard- •occas to it every day. 4. Cows thread be ins when the products can it sold even et, kept frons all foul odors, and not be • moderate price. a'si`des this, apple allowed to est or drink anything that will trees easy be planted os land too rough taint the milk G. MUking should ba for root or grain cnitt:i k, and high Wu- done at regular hours, with dean hands tads. are more exempt from kliltog by and clean udders and dean stables, and frost than errhanis in the valleys and the milk kept from contaminating odors. lowlands. borne of the states, notably 6. Milk should be strained immediately that of Arkansan, are rapidly developing atter drawing, and aerated to e'imiaate into fruit growing regime, and that state any objeetw able odors. T. Mllk vessels is now the home of promising new trade- should be thoroughly cleaned. scalded ties, among which may he named the Ar- with boiling water and aired to hoop these imams black. Elkhorn. Crawford, Siloam. perfectly sweet. Shannon and many others- While the �� western and •oatbw.etere states will be . Tae" lis ides, ata disadvantage as records the foreign ' For the benefit of farmers who may trade, they will control the purest in tiewant to tan and color sheepskins with the great dues of the interior, and these with I wool on is given a fore:lila advised in The the numerous towns wW require • cost. Mos and Loather R.porier: Tan in alms atantly taera•dnt andissolved in water. Proportion, one potted shipmate Area shipmArea t e peeking should alum to one gallon water. Tera wait be mneb the same se fee the best hos. wool clean with plain soap. To color, use trade. The trot two courses should face aniline of any Aimee you desire. Dissolve the bead to be opened and they should be ens antis' in two galloon water; tightly pressed to prevent snaking In straM before using; then float skins la a handling. New barrel's sbonld be used dye box. wool down. See that they lin Sat. and let remain till color or shads you desire comes. then take out and rue through clear Bold w'at't and hang up la a hot room to dry. For plain whke, wadi the skins well after tanning .. described Above. 11 not white enough, bang up is a smell room and bleach with powdered sulphur. set in a mil in minter of room burning. Be carevi to have no escape of the sulphur tames and here the room air- tight. 1n preterenee to second hand odea as being more attractive and astable, besides this It is generally believed apples do not keep well in barrels that have been used for other purpose. reoen 'tree Sweat The borer and the yellows are greatly interfering with the cultivation of the peach in many sections where It was for- merly profitably raised. This taaect seem - tines attacks young trees In the nursery M as to render them unfit for transplant lug, but more eceneemly whoa they have some into bearing. The eggsbtsw he m depos- ited in tsumer at the r• of the trunk nest tee seller. whore the bark is soft. The best preventives ora watehful- seas and ears la keeping that portion of the tree in . eosdition that is uninviting to the pests. Serape away the earth in the spring and occasionally swab the col ler of the taw with stress soapsuds. eve of Itself will be • sa>seleat protec- tion U frequently performed •t the right semen, eidsmgh the keevomo dmn whisk is she en easily prepared. Is usually recommended for the purpose. After the borers have made an entrance the proper thing to do is to pick ties out wfh (Lo point of a knife or kill them in their bolts and prevent future iambi W the manor stated ohms tllssres Coni t1l•Ib . The •[tent to which the corn yield le reduce M hart's stalks. says PT,fe.ssar bfotr, of the Illinois State eniveredi, is grester than 1s generally wegpossi. Tide lees varies from year to year, se wee m to dtIwe t vedettes. Violent storms wises tea earn Is in bloom sty the fwtilhsttlos ul sway erns- long of asetai, wosea be prevented 10ot Pro. fame Marrow believes that w pnodos- ttwmaw of any variety tarp he isereasd b.mate aafsb1r1osastnvesi boy, thetheptwnls hem thew or by vatting swap the made esttreh en eons as H 1s dheovered that nn ler Is (eMia 0061110lop'ae tisable g� iswtl ML miter*t ora IN applied � k MSS Se� Mena at Leet Way le Wane a Coos reel. An excellent way to arrange fen a este pool la to dig • hate is the gland six feet deep and reignt jiver storms, stems up the sides and cement the neons together. The doe of thewill se vary, eoediag to the needs ofr poolthe owner. The pipes from the sink •honed be of tbs cement drain pipes. The pipes tbat'..mart with 1t should be told throe foot below the stir free. The pool should be w.exed with a trap of bards, sad over this pods laid. 'ltiia pool can Is orally clamed out and can be constructed at dight expense.- Massoehmitts Penman, A name of teat lar be'e'r A home of rest for horses Is • .ureses of English scheme. 'Els eblef object is to ggi{ve temporary rest to the horn of cab irhers ase poor traders, who in meet asses are obliged to kelp timer boosts at work natal past help. mhos a timely holi- day wadi restos w pow awturea. Every comfort .art eenreslsoo is at hand to =she Mie *oast and easy to the old Law. 1110.01s01 1106 Ase Tsai Dv Ape" 1. the seas' se sea its easy sr* out and inepSheepaa Bosomy i1 InotAd sinaM is � eetis bogls. Mae Americas Adtioetuttot'etlasts that a „sow held may have IS atop of hook- mafa w, d this before *No is cadger of freesv„sy be turned ands. se a grows elaanM Alwrdittg to Preform A. C Pamela the borer in geese is the comms as tend in the apple tem red should he dMtwsd in the same masher. people We Tutt► Aber•. 1fn Leland Stanf..rd'e jewels are salami at • round mdhuu. Walter Lon, M. P., will reereit Ag, strength ty • ,kart to A',erica. lotto R ebiswm. the veteran .hc,wteaaa. left an 'stem valued it $3.000,f Ain Nelda Grant's hueb.nd t,se ttsc..me tion tbmugb tie. de.th of hie brother. Elizabeth btewmrt Ph refers to isioreull es 'the arrasi.s of .teroal 11s„t is we .fax .0 •.peva f..r a young Aserlesta Maser sassed Sybil Madame Enema escape still .traria that M i,. Kadelott will warty Jusoyh Cbamberiniu rasa fell. The Empress of Brasil trade a pilcries- adw to Lourdes Lessen of the ewperur's recovery. Queen Victoria and Kaiser W.11iam are, to me..t at Bade.. -Baden at the end of September. Tee Doke of Merbbweegli has bought Lord Brownlee s Inasreiw. iu Carlton 1e: - race, Loudon. It poet the Emper.•r of A.utria $000,- 000 to entertain the (sir fur three day.. at Krernsier n. lb63 Oildinal Mattnmi's friends will cele- brate his jubilee by prr.salm t bon with • tettimuut•1 of SWU,t1W. The Duchene .4 Monty. • vire married her I. band in Drib. exactly y before reweeELLIOTT & FRETTY years before her 1 r mut husband born. 7 THE KEY TO HEALTH, Tti.00l:s all the clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Luer. omrr�- ieg off gradually without weakdniugg the systorta, all the impurities and foul Munro of the seers consi at the same thee Correetngr Acidity oR the fltomnch.8 aches. Dizziness. =burn. in. � OTmnese ol vttdas, Janniltos. batt Rheum. Ih& Heart,,.Nervousness, ..ndo ln,g01 ttoorral, SSDebiiity; all these andmany other similar Cow lainta yield W tbo b�ap►w� it fltnenee of $jjRDQ(TZ LOOD :aPlwrEBS L MIMES t O6.. Presrlden. Tisane PAINTING ANL DECORATING. FOR OLD PEOPLEJ 1. old reply the serval! deem weekend, std that meet be strengthened. One of the axes premien* medic writers of the day, m speaking of the prevalence of rheumatic troubles .meg CM aged says: var The ious peirs,rbee- tsstic w other,whichold people ohm complain of, lid which materially de mb tiler casket, mak free disordered aM.ii." Time it a i1 • --libel ere seedicise for old people muss he s aerie toxic. Old people tow beset web eomrgKion, fislttknsy, drowsiness, diem rater edginess, theematia, seealgie. the Painters and Decorators.tsuceeseon to H. Cinema* bare begun the spring campaign. and are now prepared to 1111 all olden in Paper- ing. Peintinr. Salsoniiuiug and General Ira °orating Orders left at the shop on Kinston -8t.. or rat by snail Urate..wl be proeiptly attended to at taccaonablr Olen ELLIOTT It PRETTY. GEORGE BARRY. , T6c Leadi9g Undeilaker and Forn lure Deaior, Nee removed neat dour to I.is told stand en Hemfltos •reed. where he w111 be planed to aunt all I.1. old ..•aonery and neer new oto.. The psMir should remember that be keeps the LARL*.T ora ager amurtu.rnl 01 Furniture la the Comity. •gt51MMtTablAa; in all iia branches premeds atlrtadod tea Ole. him • all before buying elsewhere. Winne Marry wakes • specialty of Pit -TURK FRAU !NG et Iowest pries. C -EO_ 33.4121t.121ZY, Hamilton -13t.. ()oder ich. I AM OFFERING 11.. balance of my Nook of S1�MER M ILLINERY= N The Square, Uoderich. A T - Greatly Reduced Prices, puny ■rt:de s .1 which will be rt and BT -JO -W- COST_ MISS GRAHAM, NEW ENVELOPE8EriVELOPESI MRS. SALKELD'S. WET ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, LETTER PAPER. BILL HEADS, i:tc., Etc.. at THE SIGNAL PRINTING OfrICE. These disessss are d annex argil. Fine's Celery Cesep000d, •r pest nerve tonic. is almost • specie in these disorders, sod by as repining Mime co the liver, bowels, sod kidneys, re- move o-move. the disorders peculiar so .14 age. Old people fid it sheukling to the vital an a digdeof appetilt, d • os. Sold b inieststs h es SEs for fees, Seed cur sigh -page payee lurk stay win wenn ken aermas. meditated. lid agded pee . pls.mho Id.. rim..'. Gaup Compound. WELLS. RIC14AIS DSO N • ow MONTREAL. i O. PRICES REASONABLE AT SIGNAL Mercttaeta out set heir Bill Heads, Letter Heads. &c.. tc. printed et this ollIce fur very little mere than thee geeer•11y P for the paps, d it beta to advertise their Otrtaea Can restd tree samples sad get prima GOOD WORK IS DONE AT SIGNAL Samples & Prices on Application. SALE OF LANDS R TAXES. By virtue of • warrant under the heed of the Wards ek the Corporates of the County of Huron. dated the 8ixteeob day .1 July. 11M1 Cameoadlag woe to Lery upon the lands here- inafter described for the arrears of taxes respectively doe thereon. together with the coats; Notice r hereby given that mane nob Taxes and Cysts .re sooner paid 1 Shalt is Coto- liasce with the se sment Act. rap. Ilk It. 8. 0.. proceed to sett by public Auction. the Sae Said lands..e so mach thereof a.play be tar torr,y to dt.charge the same. et the COURT I1 HOUSE. fa the TOWN of UODR1!s . on TU&BUAY, the TN KNTIETH day of y13V KM. BNIR. IMe. at one o'clock In tie afternoon. 'Masseur or JaMI/mLU. DESCRIPTION Lor os Peter Brnster oft Cow- ACHES or Ler. ces.Ios. E. lx N i 6 is W. rt. 17 TOWXanir 01 n0W11-g. West part of EO 1 11 1 11 100 5ILLAOI or ro&Dwtr'H IS nowte-u. Part of Park 11 Part st *111 Reserve and part of a Alla* 91. death Pan of 2 Patrick 8t. L 8ervey BL Arirew. Savoy Meltns•Id Purvey Mcre[oe fey McCaughey Serres PA os Y Come TortL's g emir 1 ere. Pat• s 04 tis . II Pet'd 12I 5.3 S t 1M S2 111 117 the 1 I Pars prd • le 17 id 9 1 vILLA0i 01 cows IN MOwlcg. !the 14 paged 11 1 r 1 N t-ILLAGE or NANCnsa'rak IN sl'tie7T. 6 i Pat'd 73 1 R 1• TOWXAMyr OF 110[a01 Ssetb Ewa 17 6 M Pat'd N 39 1 M 42 TOW1t*K1P 01 Kt-[1U.OP. S. W. eraser >s t + I'at'd S is 1 M 7 M Notch i f 14 aei n M 1 M la le - 5 O/ aTANI.ZT. North part of 6 B. R. S. M Pat'd 10 the 121 Il If rILLAO. M wiwoee. is Traa.RAY. West 1 (71 West 1 173 UN Neth +162 Noris 1 !U 154 156 256 !11 141 VILLAGE Or 1AT?IfL111, Aim M. Ass Ste itoNemles M. 6.1 Bra MY Cm. t Mews 1. ii Hers• M. fit TILLAeg OF ILTTL M feet; P.M4 Pan* viLLAon 0► taverna. 11f Sl. Haat i i gravel tit. South 1 lie Warr St. r11 Lao. Or wile! frsL PPe EL N�bst leat e. \t. (lemitarsersi roes Cave. eb, AeMwat ilia, 1056 •Natal 1 p+nv f7 M 11 16 111 IS n 16 t7 t? n II !N 111 18 M 1 43 342 114 1 M 1 IS DM tIS 4 74 ifs 1 17 9 71 2 10 aU SN MN 10 6 St x73 9 71 711 t 75 4 et 1 71 1M 2w 11Mt 2N 1 2 IS ISM she It 1 51 17 61 1s Th. latest Novelties of the satesn ora be found on tar North aide .f the yusrop AUNTS, SHAPES, RIBBONS, GAUZES and everything a be found Is is fkteaelaes millinery establlahMt. A sew Ilse of CRAPE AND TNI 'S VEILING W been added. Call sial •:awls• the stock and get prices. Agent for Parker's Steam Dye Werke Torsoto. 114140 f MRs- s 31O CHICAGO HOUSE I have just returned from the cities. and am now receiving the latest lines in SPRING MILLINERY. My dressmaking debarment is also in full work- ing order. A c711 is respectfully solicited. A. J. WILKINSON. NEW GOODS, FRESH GOODS, CHEAP GOODS, ZT NIXON STITRPTS People's C c , TFROM 15o. UP_ No old Stock to work off, but all Fresh and New at Prices to suit. lrURSbese Comb tutee tor Marlex arae 110/ - Remember the 8tand on the *lune. mixt to Bingham's tteetaerant• 11 11 11 M 1111 1d 11! iN 11M 1 11 l0 1iit 17 N R, N ip .ltpl, T'eeswnr cent, of Rem. _• _ D&UGS PERFllhIllY AND FANCY &OODS Jest Received at Tines..(Mail oedsia ame them befor:aod nekleity W p�ereyaas�Oesia wit F. JORD.at, Medical Hall, GoderiahU FLOUR! FLOUR! The new full Roller Mill* at Port Albert using the LATEST & BEST MACHINERY will he running shout the 28th of February, elislly invited to give thein fa trial. OHOPPING DONE Ems, Y Farmer; too! JAMES MAHAFFY, Prcprietm; 1144 4. 1