HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-8-24, Page 6• THE WONDERFUL PILLAR. LESSOR IX, THIRD TER IN- TERNATIONAL SERIES, AUG, Q6. Wes* •r ale Lees. Neer Is. saw-Oees- � „ r•r.m as tm-(.lMw Tact, A dm. e-O•seaewterr by lees. Q ax. Wares IpaoOrsd from lemon Helper Quarterly. by __„Yuma •( LL a Roarer Philartph e• pakrrr Tia fourth book le the Bible, milled the Desk of 0.mt.ws, tells as in eke first chapter of tee numbering of the people after they bet Egypte and I. tbs twenty Meth shaper of the second aumbertq;, thtrt7-eight years later At tee ergs numbering three wen 100,35[+ n,.•u .t war C. ed; at the second own - boring there etre $11,710 moa of war tzivt, 611. but in the last numbering [Mere was not a man of them wbom Moses and Amos bad numbered at the ant, weeps (Nash and Joshua tint, M. Ms, all the WILMS had died 111 the wilderness immune of their un to mur- muring armuting against trod Inv, Jt1-311. VAS, "On the dr y teat the tabernacle was reared up • That was au the hers[ day of the first mouth of tin aacootd year; thee this rlood which hal already proved their guide, tbelu shield and their avenger covered Vat tabernsrlo, and the glory of the Lord Oiled the tabernacle ILL xL 17,1141 do also, whim the temple was completed, the cloud of glory filled the booms x11 Citron v, 13. 14.h It was • risible matlfastat1oo of the preemie of Ood "'The tent of the testimony," because In it was Me art of the covenant containing the two wawa testimony: the law testifying to the rghtwouswee whitih God demand, and the blood upou the mercy seat testifying to the atheism froth the eorrrsrlueune of • broken law and to Mt rirbtetxtsuem wblcb Uud provides "Vim. until the mnrntng.• To gin them light (Ex. En, X11. Hos spread • cloud for z emeriti*, and fin to give them light 1n the eight 11& cv, :•l Thus they had continual light, the win by day and the pillar of tire by nip+lot Jean atli: •'J am the light u: the world; be that fodloweth Me shall not walk in $arenas, but shell have the Ilgbt of life" "Until the moruing" a an expression that always arrests my attention. eine I have been led to live day by day looking for Him, J awing Ds appearing. Then shall bre "the fight of the morning without clouds,* when the mpnght,bah have dominion over the un - redly, sad when the joy shall come that ends all weeping. haemes the morning star los ✓ ime dl dans zaiN, 4: Pa Wis. 1.1; zxi. 6, k.ev. axe, las Are yob In sympathy, dear rider! Dues your Mart ay: "lily soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning: they that watch foe tis• morning; and to His word do 1 bops - I1 cxxz,b,41 lA "So It was ilway." "Lot i am with you $way.• "He hath said: 1 will never leave thee mar torsi:. teem, • • • for lie s Jams Christ Ur alae yMIeniny and to- day and forever. ► fl . "level journeyed • • • Israel W their talta" Nothing had Moes or Arms to ay 1n this Baiter. the cloud de. tided alL The soul that now waits upon God sincerely desiring His guidance and Hie w111 in all things will sorely he guided by His word and His proovideooe es plainly as Israel was by the cloud; only be domes end be just at willing to stay as tr. go, or to go as today. lie warned by Jr. alit. Mibi; be comforted and established by Pa mil, 8; ou!y $hems his riot in your heart • 18 "At the commandment of ties [.tied• Tains In this versa twos In verse 811, and three those In vers 81, do we find tela az- premien in our lemon: jus seven time, ig- dfyleg a perfect obedience. The rune le ns tamable In Ex. al. 19-88, in connection with mise erection of the Tauervacle. "ff ye love es, keep my oommabdmenta " "11 ye keep my oommandmrnta, y Shan abide te my love;' "this tdmy commandment, that ye love one soother" Nobe ziv, lb, z., 10, see e norms of the words of Him who we In all things the perfectly obedient one. 11 we would know the Joy and comfort of the spirit dwelling in us, we must be cheerfully Illioneeswwiling and obedisot; as Jesus add that He m,s,rys not to do His own will, nor sok His own Rion Nobe vi, 811. vitt, 50L we must be able in eomkm.wre to ay the same if we have Hie mirk ei NIng in to 19. "When the abed tarried long.• If tt was • very p*...'s* place, an Slim and not a Marab (ISL lv, 8}idl we may suppose they would be comets to tarry as long as Clod pleased; but if the surroundings were not aerrreabl, how trying it mint have been le tarry long in curb • place. W. often think we are content with the will of God and eves Ake del)ght in H, but He who reads the heart proves to li, by some rheng'e of dr- cumatanrs or by edging us to tarry long da unpleasant surroundings, that erif is still un - subdued In ua 21. 21. 2L -Wheel the cloud was a few days, • • • from evening anto 114. mor. - lug. • • • too days or • mouth or a year." How t.• aylain of the future, how depen .nt upon (kid, bow impaa.ble to make plans for the n. dove! Anil yet are not me taught that we ran only gn here or these, and do tblsor that "If the Lord wine* Jae. iv, lb. Fancy a visit to the camp of Israel and en Introduction to Mores, the great ieadr of the Lord's hosts. We aak bins, low long do yapen is.e remaining at this sWali ✓ campmentt eye turning toward the pillar of cloud be replier I know not Which way will yea journey when you 40 leave horst With eyes sten axed upon the eked come the roe reply, 1 know not Whew will your next moping ground bat and again the same meek reply, I know not And yet you, Mia•, are leader of this great WWI No. not 1 but Jehovah, who dwelletb among on In the Tabernacle, and whom glory yen es In the c $molt He redeemed this paw pia, He car,tb for then, He will had a to the promised Inheritance, and we knee may to trim and ober Hien. Rather ton tame a life for the busy man of today but what •ill you. (1 busy and elf eoaddmst one, do with this moaaand* "Acknowledge Him fn •f1 thy way, • • • Lan not sato thine own anderstandlmg.w Prov. Ill, 6, 6 THE TRIP OF THE SFIES.11 1[r Goode,,peiN druggist, not a book • Mesh room, The • First Symptoms 01 all Lung diseases are much the same feverishness. lues of appetite. • Mere throat. patio In t►m chest and bac:., headache. etc. In a few days you may be well, or. on the other toad. you mal be down with Pneumonia or " galloping Coneumpuou " Run no risks, but begin tmuoediately to take Ayer's Cherry Pee tor at Severs years ago. James Birched. of Danes, Cosa., was severely ill. The doctors said he was in Consumption. and That troy could do nothing for him. but advised him. as a last resort, to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Atter taking tits medicine, two or three months. he was pronoaaced a well man Iia b stth remains good to the preseut .may. .1 8. Bradley, Malden, Maas . writes •• Three winters ago I took • severe cold. which rapidly developed into Broa.'httie and Consumption, I was so weak that 1 could not sit up. was much emaciated. and coughed incessantly. I consulted several doctors. but they were power• less. and all agreed that I was to Con- sumption. At last, • friend broujbt tae a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. From the first dose. I found rel.et. Two bottles cured me, and my health has since been perfect ageot but ham the agency n Goderaeti fag Juhomtea's Tonto Bitters, which he L=AN X THIRD QUARTER. Pt- 1 as heartily reoommeod fur any cua- TERNATIONAL $E013, INEPT. L Phu" tw which a tout. wedtctw isap Cae1•bla Thi. va:uable medicine has r.. with and astonishingly Joud re- ' Test et the [er► W . a� 1raatoms7 sults in toms of general debility, we►k• •ew t7emmss ream amem-othsYea Test. nos, irregulantese peculiar to 1e0151*., Oats. d0. STeraeeeeer be dee. D. Oerrnr IC'sadsm a Irmo tames Us gearserty, by persam me r a a. as so... iii oMp14. peW+er•) This lemon. wtkoh mord" the sending of des twelve mesa to scarab oat the load before eateries Wee M. might well be sinus$ "tis sad work of unhand r for attboagr we are told that Boom sent Yea, and In the first and esooad values teat "tie Lord mean gam hoses; myth& wind thee mss,• yet the reams of this asrd• Ing le sem from Dent 1, ff, to be became the people dement ed It The word of the lore was, "Behold, 1 ham set the kaOd betters yam; go in and proem the tend whish tine Lahr swam antes year tattlers Abraham. Isaac and Jacob, to give 11010116.11M. and b IbMr even alter them" (Deet l S-S1k: ave *he w1y [blas for faith to do was to op up and poor. It 174111 Them vers give es the lustre&r dose of Mor 1, the twelve spies ere they set forts There was ass from mach tribe. every one a rater, all heads of the children of Israel (Pa 11, li It does seam to be a smolt, mean timbre. In which they wine extreme paleness, impoverishment of the blood stomach and liver troubles, loot of appetite, tied for that aenriat w. rte out feeling that nearly every u•. u troubled with at minert ,•f the year. D..o't forget the name J:mhaton s T•n:ic Bitten 50.. and •1 per bottle et Goode.* drug store, Albiou block, Uwlerich, sole agent. a isles MNesk'as. Morbus $abbaticus, or Sunday ism, • dimities peculiar to church mem- bers. Tum auwk Comes on every ?;on day ; uu symptoms are felt on `iaeurdsy night ; the patient deeps wetland seek - fowling web ; wits a hearty breakfast. but about church tone the attack C :r.rI .1* and costumes until rervi:es are ov:r for the m .using. Then the patie:.t Vela In the afternoon he feels much an 1 id may and eats a hsatty donor. able to take a walk, talk p .Mice, and read the Sunday papers ; ht eau a hear- ty supper, and sh..ut church time he has anotherattaek and stays home. He re- tiree early, sleep* sell and wakes up Monday mo g refreshed and able to about to engage, tomo whales lie lead were go to work, and does not hatesaynip- good a tied, tat or Nam..MB wooded or not toss of the disease un' it the Lilo wing f suns father ar taostlrMosld plea • gift sundae. of Pima emir ler emir cWdres. tow e07 The peculiar features of this dttease beet and most eoyrapr;mka that their tome aro w futloas Could suggest or eleven, is woaid sorely ase 1. It quite often •tled's members • f able so tee cbildr s 1f the Inter should wish 1`1e Church. to examine the gift before mooeprtang to am 2 It never makes its appearance e: ceps w the $abbith. t 1 1T r. i►idneye •ud be very Satering to the parents or credit. saps Is at, ter Thi. N the record of their lout•• •-• Th but t ter 10- i. 1; rot, Se; au they went �tirough the 4, It never lasts more than twenty- whole wenty whole land to tie extreme moth. Hebron or font i euro. Yams was Abraham's where o. It geoenlly attac'ss the :;std . f the he bulb an alto: unto the Lord a Lot war fwnily. separated from him Qua x111, 18) i there, *14. tits Lord and His angel. appeared to him a 6. Ni physician u ever called in to beset In the tent door in the lases of the day. and raked themselves ands the tree whtis they part000k of the food prepared by Abra- ham sad Sarah IGus. xvi10; and there fiend died and was bund in lbs cave of Maee- peleh IOes. mitt, 9-101. In that ems by Monodies d A is-abam and Sarah. Liao and Rebekah, Jacob and Leah Rion xliz, r•8t1; It Is shout twenty miles south of Jeronimo. and about half way to Beersheba. What a privilege to vide sorb a placed Had clime rulers hem men of teak bow that faire would have been.tr-setbened by she remembrance >t the promisee d Abridges. Miamad Jacob. It le evhdsss Mae Caleb neer forgot this visit to HMbroom, for forty eve years later be asks sad receives from Jambes tial. sums deism for his inberleam , estbleg dammed by the toot that the Aasblals were s - there aid OEM the elan were great and foamed, but saying, 'If the lad be with me 1 shall be ablets drive deem oat, 'Josh. sly, X16.1 W-af. They returned alter forty days Some dale w shall mo men Miss we do now of the eigalgsesmd that wonderful number forty. Ws "Mak aS meta Moses In the mount with God. �1}h visiting the manse asoant, Jews in do the wild Meets the period �w�Hiswwieorreadoa sod aeersdon, and the many ether torts of the nerlpto fie; bot who has ease the swum of significance 1a W d theme "Surely ft Noma watt milk and hooey. and this is the fruit of 1t• Jest as God bed mid, truly • good toad, and they bad noxi• lag to do bet march up at His command sad poem aid enjoy it It wee His gift to thea 'iLelr part was to obey and take It lie hrusg1 them oat, [bet He might being them to and give them the land which He ewers unto their fathers Meat vt, a. Abardana of pseoe, talipes d joy, riven d ple•smes. I's pasture, tease ae quiet- ens, quiet resting pieese-these an some d the fruits et er privileges el We Christi/to Ute whish we ought ao mesady to.mjmy, and the glee • good report of the redeemed land sad of Rte who brayed a tams 1>s. W. "Notterthslse, th.people be strong, • • • the aides wand and eery gees, sad moreover we maw the diadem d Aek ,ism • This wee shyly leaving God ogit of the goodies, and oo0mdmieg only Map owe strange& How meld they, with lies Tuber. nodi seeding di their midst, the pillar d aloud over it sad the promos of God In X then forget Him and talk a If tt was a quer tion of wise they were ar d whet they could dot Lel a with tae. verses aonskier also veno. 8118, and thea we will save the joyful song of verse 80 for the last "We are not *N.... 'bey are stronger thea wua We were be or owe eight a grim► hoppers• It reminds e d the wooed la Job xziz, where the penena "1,• "my.• ms," r'ebrTIng to Job, ere ed slime forty. five Mama. sed God le nsattmrd or referred to ad, Eve dais In Joh •� g, Or we beer Nee sayings "1 bees Mord of Tam by tae Marina d *Dame. bee new mine eye math Tea; urbanism/ 1 •beef egad, sad repos 1• dart sad ashes., Thea de we lteslth Yd rolls ed Iii lids Whether it b• IenMh r J•ia, wes the glory et the Lord b reme its& M time, there b M Wow r etsength Irfb t• them, but an their b whore we find them. teem Ml isho hsthe �A r Wiwi of Me great B ahyM. and the Wed el hs power and the honored We al,j.4y. he wee sae made to i<esg et Heaves le Odle to M them who walk M pile Wan. 1v, ap"g11. Ale gMday et tis Lard soots all bow bogy W beng14 Meal of men snail he low, wed' the Lard aloes Mad b• ex- alted M the My (L► *1, WPM Bbsmd ave these who ere wining now to scene down of ver were ..lard. =beak Ihes-eives to God. ork le theta to will and to do ofHis RIM good Mower& Theis moa rulers Ie boost, May had sees God's mighty w,0ehe M)egype. at the Ned ilea, and in the oedemata; althea$ God's presence was m ghee amidst, and sop W heard His voice trans else holy meaty, yet they Es w Hire so, oar teemed (a Hb•, nor thought of HD pevrbr s site sennas$ a their behalf. tdnhel: 1ef 1a She prey of land lad hard - end *heir Worts sad blinded their .yes sad W7 saw sty Mmmprable difficulties. tit 'Caleb mind the pepla" We nest b. stilt (1 we wea5 beer and know the Mad d Ood, and that edea ',bleb staled Me Harm is Helen. bap in en ages dined the soil thee Ms bola *Wog n W k 'latsad limo pill • elide Wt 1 may Mew Mee the word of had.• mid camel tMsaal and *n Mepetple Med. "rein$ still that 1 may meow with d Ule• but thle . nneehe done aafeiy if one yogi odere the lard.' Q 1. In, W: tell 1rJ Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, sr • Dr. J. C. Ayer k Co, Lowell, Matt aid by SA Druggists Prue Il , v Motes, r CTS UPON he etoameh.:.:c eel and their march. Lin and Itabob were a statim• teary. u t tee ams wutbevo and oartinrs [,deems with the sleep or appetite. attend the patient. -'T-Religion is the dry antidote TRE BLOOD WDLL GI lie amara• rr •MM5 LI.er s'ewendet Ner Imeadaehes ,resew. musts y. 13t.ra.L wall thole a, ruy are:.. Nr. .... ed,•:r•,:bf•bems enc to t tgurat••a the evade. 8. 11 is hec•sing fearfully pro, alert. F..r tele ty Jastes 114 01t117 d-7st. Dun and is sweepinr thousands every year gannon. Poor s.tssodei. prematurely to destruction. Dere Itetlaarka►M *0111. Four.d at ;sat, what the true public ha been looking for these many years and that is • medicine which although but lately introduced, has made for itself a reputation second to none. the medicine to Jthus,u's Tonic Bitters which in conjunction with Johnson's Tunic Liver Pills hos performed sane most wonderful cures impure ..r tm- poverished blood noon becomes purified and enriched. Billinusness, indtgettien. sick headache, liver complaint. languor, weakness, ere , soon disappear when treated by these excellent tonic medi- cines For Bale by Good, druggist, Al- bion block, Goderich, sole welt. (d deserve rove. we ID11141e Ass. W.--st Inst permits vele have peeled middle sge-M'. only • crtain arenant of rsmrve foruw, and all that me draw upon ha hurries le abstracted teens Masa which alarmist he dietrihuled thr.w:ge vemeinder tet life. The sennet of loop, i4 N probsbby .kill Ie ua es000mIdnr the ..owed vital meww5y as M make It Mt nut .n simnel period. Psr sees tette begin enema* eremite Is yaelh may admit their eoeshwr a, the habit. sad may thereby bold fie to %bele lin twee The Care e1 the rare. E.ehpw everything else exceptplenty of bot water, not warm or tepid water, but hot. The face should be thoroughly washed with very hot water every night and the skin well rubbed during the pro- cess. The hands are best for this. It is a mistake to um rags .11 sponges for the face. When the skin is completely cleansed by the hot water It may be washed • second time by the cold w*ter, w hich acts as an trvigorsut. Then it ought to be perfectly dried with a soft towel, but without friction. borne wo- men scrub their faces with a flesh brush, and afterwards rub them dry with a cane bath towel. I do hot know what t ort of skin those ladies can possibly have, but at any rate, theft modus oper- andi im not one to generally recommend. Hot water u the boat cosmetic in the wcrld, and it i11 one that everybody an have in unlimited quantity. It is far preferable to the finest powder ..r balm or lotion ever manufactured, and while I repeat that I do not consider the use of face powder without bismuth objection- able now and then, my advice i• to em- ploy it lase and hot water more. Never, however. wash the face oftener than twice • day, night and m•rning. After being out in the sir, where particles of lost are apt to adhere to the skin, the face may lie wiped gently with a piece of foe lineu-sn old handkerchief is the best -to which has been applied a min- u te quantity of almond meal. It is astonishing to see how much dirt can be removed by this simple process. During the winter months, when the skin is likely to become chapped and reddened. • little cucumber cream rubbed on the face before caprins it to the muter sir w ill effectually prevent the disastrous re- sults of cold and wind. As for soap, medicated or not, scarcely one woman i0 a hundred can use it at all on her face without finding that it irritates the skin There is a good deal of nonsense uttered about soap. For the purple of cleanli- ness hot water answers all the necessary requirements so far as the face is con - owned. (1i -.t rFFI'L-CUMF011,11150. PS'S COCA REMOVED! Rees Price 81, Son have removed to the mammoth store formerly occupied by Wm• Kay, next to Bank of Commerce, where they will be happy to meet their old customers, and as many new ones. REES PRICE & SON. 39r BOOTS AND SHOE: E. DOWNING, The Old Itstekffiebed:loot sad !tin. Man of ti.nterich. still to *he tru:.t with ver of the Larges Sts., kg is the Uomtnoon.. same*..i g EVERY STYLE, QUALITY, & PRICE. AN IMMENSE *TOM OF Ladies' Fine Goods 1a Button lntww• kt+slerwale Concrete. [Mord Ties. enroll d'fte:vr• .no.. of K.d Slipper. Me. up to any price u kite. Felt, Vona. Repp. Vrunri:r, carve:. WLrwilun tierue.n SI:ppers in prvtu.lon. OVERSHOES AND RUBBERS • site -very des.•.r'peior +.+shat a twos elan and Amentias maaei. I war-didalso tall lie attention of FARMiliad te that part of 017 stock species) suits 't.e for them, ouch. as BREAKFAST. "ley n :h rnu rb '.tnowled.ce of the nNCsd- 1.we which govern u,• opus: in .s tet digeM int► and ,,s1I, Mu. an,: by a ci vetnl Ipplicatios of Jte floe properties .tf well -selected Cors... Mr Epps has prov.ded our twraktsat table with a delieateiy 'Pivoted beverage which ray ate us r.t.tna heavy do:.rors' bats. it is bl mite n,11.-tnue one of stall ar.c les of diet that it ,:aatitetion may be credited!) buil, up aril +irony cnemis to rPNet every tendency to di,esw. Hundreds of artistic maladie° rte•S.rtln,caround u• reedy to at • tack wherever then N a Irak point. We may escape many a La:•1 shalt by/ seeping oime;ves well fortleed with purr i,lood and • properly nourished 1rasse:•'--' . icil 3err•x tlaorfte .. Made simp:'• with boiling, water or mils. Sold only In pikketg by Entrees. !shelled thou: JAM ii RP* s co.. llenueopsthtc them ksta. Loadus. unclench Yli4 1 r mot b s Yeti Patine Opiates fel wort far er7 day.Q s* . ei, 1iu write till essaan •30 ".1011/••• b. 1U.i4gig - "Ill* MIN and nee. that "Lt as ge ego atm a. alai palala ft ter w Aa lei mimes Nw Y!1 *reek driver Me nee well ah.e be wawtre Il• The alrar*ty UaelgM (M.tlmw*br to rtd.Baesetrok. In order to r.pert'wse Use earn ems WO1 1a W M„ d tee meal m A peewee mal f is throws bees truly said that me with God ft ales • majesty. bot the wend moans ape Oen IMOwee IM massa tow carpet gweed et this eaerume b ..Slimy emirM W,g,gjkrbrot,_ tarethe small WonI1e„ ptes*Is.lgalla►Mtr�es. and the rids he h the teergwagp d forth: d air erhr mese mt•es Wend mil sad Mom at aaje7 isle sod. w mom.. a illibesidea "U God be gar tlfd. aaageaww• t'eweitetrtek,' Counterfeits are always dsn7ernw, mom iso that they always closely trt- Tars Tee ot1014teL Ile •FP*AIA!WI •.n 1MAOL The remarkable semens achieved b7 Nasal Balm as • positive cure for Catarrh and Cold in the Head has ir- timed unprincipled notion to imitate it. The public are motioned not te he d,- a..vsd by nostrums imitating Nal Bala in name and appearance, heeried sash ems as Nasal Cream, Nasal Balsam, eta. A.* for Nasal Bala and do not take imitation dealers may brie epee you. Yor sale by all dr.goi51. pat-Mid en receipt of prim ( e and$1) by addressing Fel/ord./rem., Brockville, Ont. '• de -1h -ver ttaeied agile f SOOTHING, CIEANSIN6e NEAUN6. as shoes CATARRH, cal hew, NAY MEL Long in Calf, Kip errs.$ COWhiae, i�r BOOTS AND MOCCASINS. Deappituptrom 1 'Nasal passages EASY TO USE. into the throat end enoemlyet expectoration caused by Ca - task. Sold by Dnggiats, or amt pre -paid a aolwtpt of price. W. and ft. Address POLPORO i 0... Sra.Itv11N. Ont. No "hardly seer" sheat it. He hos as attack of Meat people all "biline. e ase,"and bre moil. was impnmible. Yet • [ran sway • 'sail* and .mile, and he a villain still, .tin he was an villain, het a plain, blunt, holiest man, that eroded a reused, welt es Dr Poem. . "Pissed Pregs'iy. Pellets," which sever fail to Mew bikos sw and diseased et torpid ver, dyspepsia and Amnia easstipa. 11*.. 01 druggist*. DR. FOWLERS .EXT: OF • -WI LD •r TRO/BERRY CURES HOLLER) olera Morbus O Lt I C'I» - RAMPS IARRHOA YSEHTERY AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS. i hate a line of Fel, Haws, my own [sake. acknowledged to be •L" Beet Felt 1%eot made is Canada. Protapt and careful atten:.on x••en t., ORDERED WORK AND REPAIRING. rtsrPle•ee bear three facto in mind • - 1 have he tar the largest stock of Finite std Stas to town; They lam of tis.• very tees: quality procurable. bane saMrby the tort esauutadarM. 1s Canada : And I will .veli at w.ws u low or lower titian aayone else. i-tuliclthba s.-onttnusaS. of your vetoed custom no liberally accorded me .'.,:r`.," te. pest fourteen years. 1 rentals, roars taitbfutly. E. • OWNING, Ctabb's H;... c. , Ise[ 11 sed' tiaeare. PARIS REEN, HELLEBORE,-, INSECT POWDER d'S RHYNA'S TI -E= =Rv. mac: -IST. 111111.11.111111.1111111 ATWIN viNV MyNi RICHLY Rewarded are these who read 111.11 and then art: they will find honnrablp empluy- ment tint will not not take teem from their home+ sad families. The prone • ate largo and verve for every isolastoions person. Many have made and are now making rveral hundred dollar. a month. It is tom for say sae to make $, and upwards per day. who Is willing to work. Either ere. ra or old . capital not needed : we start yea. Everything sew. No special ability reeeir•ed' yea. reader, an es it as well as say see, WrInt to es at ase for full p.rtiruhtn. while) we rail free. Ad- ams at union elk Or. Pertl..t. Mama mal. DUNN 1 set fore. lady's[ Ch/Mres ' �k * specialtys all days except t '• l;aaore and�daM.r. groLad. Ma 777 I -I T, 1044 West lhreet. two doom set d Y.O.. 0.duteh n m�.de of ti tress~ • '�. . '7 1oe =`v ▪ JOHN ROBERTSON melee Cres, teat r M tbo bey wa OS Wel ~est vev 0 ve. Elle% wort. •lie■es L s t NEW ANNOUNCEMENT 4 ,The untur per, wimp thanl'hug the pnhl:e for their Moral petr.aMe lesser apes him soca oemetesetea heels..., boor to anoo•tace that he asp pat dos■ Ill. mime to sex ?OTTOJi Flews, or wishes particularly 10 raft attention to Ole SpL NDID LINES OF TEAS from 10 cta * Tits per Ib, Maple Syrup, finest use Prunes L every pure Spieler celebrated Bacon, cooked Corn Beef, Cut Myrtle, Cavendish and Club Tobaccos, best American fine cut chewing Tobacco, fresh is and canned Fish, best quality. Mrs of Seep for 25c. 3 Scrubbing Brushes for 25c. ►Samaas. pongee. *11•ed (asap. A de 1 thee/owe rows Ma.. Maw Groceries, CrocIeill Glyn ttlflaheak prime lb .M fr 1014 1' produce. aVOC7WW 3071 TO C. L. ]t[•ZTPTOeH, Bleki a Block, the square, Ood.rieh. Ns Ooderich. tierce mrd. tela ..r..r..