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The Huron Signal, 1888-8-10, Page 8
.•r .a TBE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, AUG. 10, 1888. e COUNTY CURRENCY. Pencilling, and Soia.orings from Exchanges. Item. frees an *see Mares ee.wty•t eased alapp.d aced i'esteemed --Mb and ret.! Tbe PIM .t the erase fens ear tartmages. Two of Rev W. Torrance's .hildres, Walton, have been ill with scarlatina but are pnetressing favorablynow. The rev kentlemao, who u stilpoorly, has been advised by hes physician to take a rest for • month or two fr.,m his labors Advtd, run of Mrs J. W. Sheol, of Brussels, was awarded • lit echolarsbip for General Proficiency at the University of Toronto. H. sl.o took honors in five subjects. Charlie, son of Win Bishop, Grey, was also successful in writing for nedriculation, standing well W the fret. Mese Annie H.e.ui'e, d Godericb, visited her. this week Joseph Connors, of Kingsbridge, visit- ed Lauber* this week. Several lamps have been giving our residents • few frim* mills of late. time of them was anther a,Ibeeto sweep Naw/ ab. hews I0 • Harr, estee- the shimmer' lu the meighberhood, ..d mattes Meded Melee se Galt was deeply disappointed bemuse be ear newer.' o.'tild.'t get a job in this line. None of them wanted a job at harvesting how - NEWS OF THE WEEK. Latent Intelligfence from Pert* To WN OF GOULRICH. jlti 6eslTesR $ALX Or LAND• rat trireme news .1 seemism* he reeler tabs TA X a:,,. Plat Ixt4 Or OSTaatu. 1 By virtue of a 001 Tow or tk.nsatwl, `rant uader the haat TO O IT : 1 et the Parer of oke Town of Ood.rlch. Sad the *eel of the said Curpw.t/oa, Marisa, date 'tea ••woad day of Aagwt. A.D. left to .es dimmed. commuted - lag tae to hey spa the Malts is tin following DM of arrears 01 tsaes due there... solo• le hereby gives that unless the said taxes, to- gether with an oust are soosar paid 1 shall grvc..d to sen the e0Ld Made by Pulsate Am- tflooa or as much thereof as may be .uMciMl the paymaot of the taxes and rusts them- es, at the TOWN HALL. ta the said T)WN OF 0ODERICH. ea VRiDAY. the 't t INTY. THIRD dew of NOYrMIXER. I. a. ten Mar et TWO o'clock p... I Tim lands are patented./ ever. The genial and pleasant countenance of C F Straubel, of Goderich, Was seen a day or so holidaying oat here in per vicinity. He was the suet of H %ell - nor, gr jib w5om h• had waits a pleasant chat over the varier eveete in the V'ader- land. Rev D McGillivray, whu hu returned from Toronto after an .base of several weeks, pr.ched here on bunday to a large 000rr.r•tion. A man of Goderioh township entered the house of Mr W H Stepp, of the 9th coo., on Saturday last, and took there- from an expensive telescope. The same party had trotter see that it is returned without further trouble, u he was sere entenng the house. Mr Juba Ge.mill, of Turnberry,has a Houten: oow which has reason t.. feel proud of a recent achievement On vesting his barn a few days s,to Mr Cotentin found she had become the mother of Lwin calves, one • male, weigh- ing 86 Lha., and the other a female, weighing 83 lbs. The whole family are doing well. Mr C. E. Mason, of Bruoe6eld, has sold the best of the two year olds'.allions be recently imported from Scotland to •n American for the sum of $2 500. This ie one of the best melee that hu been made in this section for a long time. He is certainly a splendid horse but two thousand five hundred dollars is a large price for • two year old colt John Wilkinson while cheppinit un- derbrush on his farm, Morns, had the misfortune to give his left arm . bed gash. He was holding some under- brush with his left hand while he used the axe with his right and when the in - Ashman Mies Robertson, of Colborne. Ins been the gest of the Misses Blair, daring the last week.' Mies Minnie Kernighan, of Colborne. is the guest of her ocwioa, the Misses Sturdy. Miss Minnie Yates, of Ooderioh, visit- ed friends here one day this week. Mr Welsh, of 8:anley, is vuittng here, the guest of his daughter, Mrs Thomas Errstt. A spruce young couple from Ooderich paid • flying visit to our town 0o Sun- da last. Following are the officers of Maitland Lodge, No 304, I.O.O.T.-Chief, John Murdoch ; Vice. A Sturdy ; Secretary, Rita Beadle ; Fin. Sea, M Study; Tress. Jas Young : Chaplain, J E Cased. ; Marshall. E Errstt ; P. W. C., R Clam ; Guard, Leon Ethiug : Sentinel, Mau- rice Sprung. 2411.. Quarterly services in the Methodist church Sunday were well attended and intensely interesting. In the morning a gentleman from Clinton prwehed a atrument .lapped his arm received the first "clam sermon from glacial), 4 stroke. Hs will be incapacitated from chapter, 2 Terse. The sun of Rigbt- workiOR acme little time. eousnees." The avenge preacher of to- day could not present thought in such On Saturday last whilst two of Mrfo,ciole and beautiful form as he did. Wlitttlsafer' children were planing iu'We want him to eume moon again. his tannery, Blyth, his little boy got two I Robt. Holmes of the Ne.' Era, also of of his fingers cut so severely that the I Clinton, was the evening preacher, and Time. One of the meat ftogra'uog Knights of Leber lodges, to Wabash, Ind., hes e1 - palled Arthur 13. Everett because of his .theistic sentinsento The O'vereer-General ham written the mayor of Ottawa from Quebec annum his intention of visiting Toronto on Septem- ber 1015, and remaining two days. physician had to amputate one of them. It appears the little fellow was getting up on a block of wood The other child was playing with an axe and must not Tuve noticed the little fellow's hand on tits block he eau chopping and caught his fingers. On Saturday last the Warden's com- mittee went to Exeter, and then to Fish Creek bridge. which is on the boundary between Huron and Perth, conoerniog the threatening suit for damages on b. - half of Mn }licks, who had her leg broken at this bridge. some time ago. Her husband claims $1000 damages, and says he will take no less. The council of Perth offered him $250, ;without pre- ludioe)and Huron offered to increase the amount, but it was not accepted. What night have been a fatal accident occrred one day last week to Mr James Stewart, oonceuton 2, Turnberry, Mr Stewart was engaged in grooming his entire horse, when the animal eucdenly seised him in his teeth, treed him in the a r and was proceeding to demolish him with his feet when a couple r.f gentlemen, who were standing near, 'rasped the bridle and managed to cheek the horse's Lary and rescue Mr Stewart from his dangerous position. Fortunately the latter sustained only slight injuries, and he has reason to congratulate himself that he escaped with hes life. A short time ago the old and faithful horse, .o well known to moat of the peo- ple in this vicinity, and which belonged to the late Rev Mr Ross, Brucebeld, mat with an accident which resulted in its death. The animal had been tethered in the orchard to feed upon the grass. and in some way got entangled in the rope by which it was tied and in its struggles for freedom broke its leg and had to be killed. It had been • faithful servant of the family for .bat twenty years. With their characteristic genero- sity, the members oil the a,nrrerotioe purchased and presented Mrs R..ns with another suitable horse to replace the faithful animal that had come to so an - fortunate en end. Dotgaaadm. was listened to by au audience that ap- preciated highly hie exposition of, "The lite that I now lin is a life of taith in the Soo of God." Rev S. V. Pentland yreaches for Rev H. Irvine next Sunday evening. J. H. Gay expects to finish the Methodist particoags on the 9th Inst. It is the beet parsonage in the Guelpb Conference, and is a credit to the Trustee Board. The house is to be best- ed by hot air, and the furnace is already bricked in. Mr John Elliott, mathematical teaeh- er in Brockville, and Mr Robert Rtotho. mathematical teacher at Ottawa, netted our hamlet this week. It is worthy of note that both of them were brought op in this county. Quite a number of our villagers whose wives are visiting friends in other parts, .re making up for their loneliness, by camping oat at Kintad. Mr J. K. Crawford, started os Te.s- day for Manitoba. W. are haring rein. On Friday evet- btig of kat week• we were fivor.d with • heavy shower, and also on Tuesday night the spring crops .re c ,nee luantl7 Repent. rapidly. The stem. thresher ie on the wing, gad ready for senna. Some of the far- mers are intending to thrash the fall wheat immediately so as to make roma for the spring Rosin. A Ire which originated in the estab- lishment of Mies Anderson, fires.. key, one day ISN week, was f.ntueately obeekd M its ineipieney. We are woe reminded thereby of the necessity fer a Ree amities. There was a tweeting of the direeteee of the West Wawanosh Mutual Inger- ease Company, herr nn Tuesday last, with • la •ttsndane• of thedtrerts. Cee h..trred and ens epplie.ti..as ger. made, elvish shows the progress of 15$ atter, The ws.wioipal meson of West Waw•- s-n.h, p.rensnt to no.ioe. m.t in No tomo hall. on Retarder the 4th iast, Members all present, Renee .Ja meso b. the •hair. Among other bssi•tse trawl.trill, Mr R B. 'And. rem, woe ppgointwd enilwelo, foe 1810 it M g.w.d •ppotnttNot as Me A n repels* seep, the •$!spay" .."11717W7 Wright editor of the Lube! Reformer, has been appointed as lecturer under the scheme of *Caution recently inaugurated by General Meter Work- man Powderly. There has just died et Birtley, Der- ham, a woman named Man Long at the efts of 110 years. She Leaves. a sister aged 104, and her brother died a few mouths ago aged 100 years. The two deceased were blind and so n the surviv- ing sister. There arrived in Quebec on Sunday as part of the cargo of the steamship "As- syrian" two Kerry cows, imported by His Excel:..cy the Governor-General. Ther are exceedingly small, plump, well shaped cattle and the first of the kind ever landed at the Levis quarantine. Robert McCorkill, arrested for berg• larixing B. M. Britton's residence, Kibg- ston. made • strum attempt to escape Sunday night last, by cottieg hie way through a foot sod • heli of slid oaaon- ry. He had picked a hole thruogk with a window hook when discovered. He was then put in irons. A preacher of Rice county, Minnesota, arrived at New York from Rotterdam, Friday. He told the customs ell ease that he had no dutiable goods, but a false bottom was found in kis trunk where 5000 cigars, an Indian shawl, Esti- !Ws cutlery, ladies and gentle.». s underwear and a .•sbkin cap* wets stored. On the day the Emperor William started for Russia a skew by the Car was promulgated that will result in in- creasing the effective strength of the Remise army far above that of the mili- tary organization presided oyer by the Kaiser. The annual contingent has been in:reseed from x35,00) to 250,000 men. The Emperor of Ramis is strenuously exerting himself to bring •host a recon- ciliation between his brother-in-law, the Duke of Cumberland, and the German Government. The portion of the late King of Han..rer'e private fortune that has been kept. by the latter in its pos- session for overtwenty-two years exceeds $15,000,000. Robert McIlwain, nor genial post- master, is giving the front of hu more two omits if paint, the painting fever is catching. It is a deurehle infection. 1f it spreads to a number of other dwellings it will improve the loot of ear growing village. John Bailie, sr., loot his valuable roan horse the other day, it had just Dome from gingham, and at. too mach fresh hay. it was • fioe animal. Miss Maggie Bailie, who lives in Wingham at present, has been very sick with typhoid fever. She is convalesc- ing. DUJI102- The rain of last wash by everybody. Our former resident. the Yorkshire - run, spent several days here lam week doing some harvest work with hie self - binder. The meeting between hies and this Itishmas was ccrdia! and affecting, both having quite a graod talk over old times during the formsr's residence here. Mrs S Gibson, of Ooderich, a former resident here, visited our burg last week. Alice and E. Caaamiog are .ejoyieg a pleasant sojourn in Kingsbridge with their missies, the Misses Dean. The jovial laird of Lansdowne farm visited Kingsbridge this week, and was the Rust of M. Dean, having quite a eoUal time with his host over Commer- cial Union, and he intends the next visit then to explain the assessment question thoroughly. CASOaLTT.-The other evening as M. Dalton, of Kingsbridge, with H. Chis- holm. of Leskinen, were driving north- wards, their pleasant ehat was interrupt - .d by the mere of the former bolting ort the road .t the top of the hill, past the wied.itl, and roaming with greet aped slowm the kill, se as le !peel the baggy is*, the ditch at the West aide of the ..Ivert, 1. spite of the firm hold on the reins. Both occupants landed on mother .arch unhurt, and the mare was .leo uninjured. The shafts of the baggy were broken, and other damages meats - ed The architect and other residents eases to their emistanee. and another rig wee seat Mr Dalton to premed op his journey hos.warda. was weiooseed am, woozy., 11 g i 11 file Ru•.hg NumMre 14 .1. 14 111• « 1.4 INS Hi t t7 7 14t',sa W p >1t OS l� tt s OS '• 14 13$e «16 117411. •' M 1t.er.11at7.. I li 1 t 7t t .11 rt.7' 74 is S 1 at;711600 1 at. t�S{ 7 . a l% 143, 7 la I d 14 •• i id $>a d TM W. I.. NORTON, Treasurer Town el Ooderie .. TrwaeeeLgns°11t tet.1111. tut-Ut Supplementary crop reports received at Toronto Monday night trete all parts of the province of Ontario show that all the :cops, with the exeept.on of spring and autumn wheat sad hay, will be above the average in yield and quality. Previous reports stated that the outlook was had, owing to the general droath which prevailed, but since thea run has fallen everywhere and instead of a scar- city there is likely to be an abundance of everything, A few days ago Meade Boucher. of Chaboilly street, Montreal, get op dor tag the night to take a drink of water He went to the tap ie the dark, and hail jest taken the cup to his lips, when he felt something tickling his month. H. seised the object with his fingers and threw it on the door, and was quite horrified. when having lighted a match, he found out that he had earrowly escap- ed swallowing a small rIske eve inches long, which had come .p thro gk the water pipe. The purchase of the controlling is- teewt in the Duluth. South Shore sad Atlantic railroad ty the Canadine Pnoi- le, which was reported about a fortnight ago, wee followed on Friday by the elec- tion in Now 7urit of directors represent- ing the interests of the two properties. Sit Ge vivo Stephen • Sir Donald A. Smith, W. C. Van Horne, J. W. Ster- ling, R. J. Cross. of Morcott. Buns s Co., and T. W. Pearsall will take care of the Canadian Pacific interests in the board, while Samuel Thomas, Gioia F. Brice, Geo. I Story, and John J. Moore, of New Yostlt. and Janes Me - Millen. of Detroit, will a,ntiaue to look after the property right. of the absorbed reed. The directors slecteJ Mr Me Kilian president, Mr Brice, first visee- prmid at, Mr Vae Horne, sewed vise- pr.side.t, W. A. C. Ewen, treason r, east L M. Schwan, secretary. A personal friend of Mrs Lulttgtry fur- n ishes the information that after the entertainment to be given by the Lily at the West End BOW, Aus. A. she will go .t 0555 to her ries* i. California, where she wall be joined shortly byher husband. They will mooned hemeiste- l; to have • business .ettfeamet Sad d. - .d. apes the division of their prd*srlty, .ed Mr linglry will ammo* to a di wick will be granted em the groue& d awe -support. Beninese being <oompkted 1 Kr Langtry will mil for Australis where Ise has ..de large i.v.stttsteeta Mr Oobh.rd will thea go t. California. and the wedding will take plasm is Mrs Lang - try's Gauntry hose Sept 24. Bede - icing t ►et. 1.11 M. 1...gtry will play se arieere.wt of ten weeks, atter wish .he intends to rest the ,omaiader el the e.w,n. The trea..seu i. Whig g entad. at Whitely'., ii 'trader. sad though wetly. will ha simple 55 to style ..a eeSaucy. Pool will ferwi.k (iekh rtl's foments it is ru.nerd Oaltior,ia w411 M ten foto. ben of r sod Yen 0.b ward. . l CANADA'S GREAT NEW SPRING 0001)5. NEW FRENCH WORSTEDS. NEW SCOTCH TWEEDS. NEW ENGLISH TWEED& NEW CANADIAN TWEEDS. TAKE A LOOK AT THEM. B. MacOOrmaO. a GEORGE BARRY, The billg u1hll1ll ealer, Ils. removed aext door to Ws old 'Street. ouewill be t to art his e5 eesternen and many new one.. Tbepublic shldremember � he keep; the eaStillieT ail. Mg*T assortment of Furniture in the County. rrb.It1Taatfi is all its breathe. promptly &Handed too. Clive him • All before buying elsewhere. Oeerge Barry makes • specialty of PICTURE FR AMINO at leets: prices. i C1-=0.. $ARRY M Hamilton -$t., (Iodes'ok. Dentistry. 1.111. hiiCHOLSOJI, L.D.S. ! DWARD N. LiWIB BARRISTER. 'AL. - F., brier 1. taw teari Prett.r UsNTAL ROnHN. M...nme1ourt. .estdoertoMantae Eighth door below the Hast Odin.. Wi5'•m! .0odrr ci Man y to 1500. it. jf tkwwca. qty TORONTO SEPT. 10th to 22nd A ART?,BARRISTZR!! DR. E S£A(4EK .k a a • e. Mlimits Mama O.d mel- Q HAPS, SoUCTTOR, !a R. OMo.. ooraer tit Square and West street, t)odrrt.•b. ut►r telettr&pb e/ce. Ptl vete Yuede 101504 st 8 per cent. 0 . RICH ARLSON, L.D.S. St'ROPON DENTIST. O•. and Vltaltsrd Al? admiot.tered ler ;>alttwssrxtr•etina of testa. $pest&•. attention, ;tree to ten resnereatiou of the Nature' 01110,- Isatta.or out We.t4A. OO•de L h.ra HoutW41-17Mock. L WOOLVERT-►N. L. D. Et. , .Greater S5ti OOU PRIZES Geds.twt. -t e � is than ever , _ -.�� u.. or 1 I She repo's'e tahu Ilan. Lochs's/L. 00 Friday Wt the wife of Kenneth McDonald passed quietly away to bar permanent Meme. The femoral task plus on Saturday to the Elated osss- t.ry. The family and friends have our eyespothy. We are gid to be able to state that David Kerr, of Hemlock city, is r'Mo,- ering from a seven attack of i0flamma- tion. William Matheson, of this plus, we are sorry to sy is on the sick hat, but last laments stated he was wale better. W. had se seeellent rain oo Friday AND SPECIAL ATTRACTION'S New Features end Grated Exhibits. The best ata.ctims that mewey .ma moms leer Prise Lata sad Programmes address tea eeereeare. ENTRiE9 CLOSE AUGUST 1eta. J. J. WITHROW H. J.HILL, Prealdeat. rano.. TOWN. () Net William Wilson, jr., of Rens town- ship, while returning with a Iced of peo- ple from • berry picking .ap.ditiow lest week. almost had • runaway while paa.- bag through oar little village. We lease that • lady's bat blew o(, swim the horses. Mr Wilton while ds.wb.g the horses up broke the leather es the ..dh- y.t., •Ilowisis the tosses' of this rig le fall to the ground. Th.e the hay work started ; he .weseedd, however. in directi the hernia to the home aS ether �� betag dame Shea the Impagne THE I11 ON 1OTE. iia wen -k Mwa t♦� selteat awl the rm.ra...ls.m.t sal is emir te MOW le .es...aedttsa t w Tlw flea. eisonia. oat. Erauelling $uiae. otAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Traise active Sad depart at Ooderleh es fol- lows:. Mail east �Me • .. ...... .• • • ••..... .1.1r p.m. ... ......-.. te7rm p.m' Mixed Mixed........ .sra$T. Mail ... ..TJ. L . Mall sad lt.pnee. ............... 1.16 p t. Mised •.. Lie p.m. &MEW 0. P. R, BOODt TON PROPRRTIBI FOR SA46. $100 AND UPWAB.DB I have a large member of Hamm Sad let. mad Tama' Leads la the Isom d.sirable parts el the Town -PIM waas 104Ai. Now ie U Mee to severe property here the Hyo Re.5. Tbs C. P. R M semina sous sad 1e • short time prises will have ahasgsl bayonet the reeek ..1 aIsoy• Call east see lila sad Praosa betere porches - lag elsewhere. R. RADCLIFFE. Real Estate and Gemmel 'apemen•• Agent. (3.os Went -et.. third User Wrenn &quer•, C.P. R, Ticket and TJwp.M Ots•s. suit. NOTICE. litPiilKd FROM NOW TO J A N'Y 1st, 1889 FOR 50c. Will Send to any Address in Qanadar United States, or Great Britain for 50c. Subscribe at Once. 50C.` I Y a 0111na--4)dd /.lows Hall, North 41.. I :NM ext rear ion of teeth. wen LOST -024 MONDAY JCNE 470 bet a sesta rtltnetta 8t. sad S mine souk pax.erlck. on Ow Bayfield road. • ledf's ontalninat .Mldreo s white doth bine .:tote top with tone tassel.east ems goat brooch. tame garnet la •.errs. we broken off etas e1 breach Moot two imam n 1.4..udartisiv. diameter, • gager wilheight geld l chewed. be r` MIN leavteg I' at Tea N1eaaL s ee. D. IN BACH. risk Ysl PITMAWS BHORTIUND BOOKS. -A liIsmed .amber el Wr sates anis I+t..lr tmsea tt..ese end at Tis SmoAi. e4e► Bend along the money and don't fbrget to fiend name and address with it. �D y00 075 already a Rubseribsr bays o ow b.Jam.. d some d low brigade r ten Legal Sales. FARM FOR SAUL Aictcorn 4.le et valuable farm property Under sad by virtues .1 a Pewee of Sale coa- taimed ia• coma's Mierepets bssstsg date the 'tib lay et D.eewm.r. A.D. tam. t. the Yes ders, att� whish ail atuted...4 as the time oft sale. tlkw will be eyti by wen. A fiction. M Mart Wait. to the vumA a iso ek In tow. in the ty of Rama. as soh the enemies. eve Them the Ms day of Attempt. A.D. talc, by J0** Awettoessr. ti. followtsg valuable Wei props t�r..e■nam Sti ll Seta stage..iw r RIOiesa mews sit livings cel d et .a ..a Townships. t We•Wa.reeeeb. being ( tie Township et is the ty et Harm gad Freebies of Os Mario. ewtalaiwg y5 it mere or two hand acres of Isw0. be u amber es, and balsa Lot Wawa -two, t�. w .c�eee..Aae. of the .ani Tears Sip d W W laid b "geared Ahoel Mame et she wbove lead wad freshens etyma aid there a+e sleet M woad mood pawing Aber, ©e''.' e1 Slack Y1.�.�aim. Pine awe Cedar. 7 he haOiNsgs mer d a Mse owa tog home with frame ltftrtOno. s mew hems bank bars wad • trans. gr•eary The .d1 is • ol.r Woo The property is N tuats Meat 8 miles neem Loeksnw and about 5 Mass fe}a'a 1fuw oessage• sad •b't t mem .bre property will fret fit..sista wbe sold subject to T • meccas. TERMS, : Tey par cent. dews and the Mimeo In owe month firms the den of .ale. Por Rusher perimeters apply to CAMERON. 7 `eliettest ,tk,deleb. JOHN KNOX.t71•deAoh. D. 10ml0JAisetimmerar. A.D. Mho ds•tt. Bet Pull Benefit of this Oft By Subscribing it Ong t. CARROWArt& Peru.ysROCDFOOTicbNrs, BAR 51147105 , 8d, eta Oedeleb J. T. Harrow. W. Prendfeet. 171 CAMERON, HJLT & CAMERON, 8•rrtsters. ttelieitery 1• Cbsatieery. It Midweek. M. C. Cameros. Q.C.; a Hub 0. Cameron. t C'. Roes. 1731• Loans iite insurance. Ne TO .LOAN. APTLY 70 .:ERON HOLT&CAMERON. teed. ,. l7M MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE amount of Private Funds for investment' u towest rates ea ares -awns nertga,as Apply teOARROW t PP.00DVO(?T ID I�. RADCLirpm, GENERAL IYRCRANCE, REAL ESTATE Ann 01'0 MONEY LOANING AGENT. MP limey to Lead on 1s.ight loam. aiCempessitee r he lowest rote of interest getwa. la Say way to Butt rt. nerrow.r. orrT('F. -*mooed flier hem Square. West Stmts. Oederkb. scs-tt For Sale or to Let. r.- cru LET. - A COMFORTABLE beam ea crud* street. mists lat ramie, 501514 d soft water. twee by Welvertei. ANSI WMRB. tante . ILL ESTATS OF JOSEPH KIDD. dm dila rotate meet be meM at sa early este I amsores s. far the rm. Nall Waiteale w L I midi the pees, WetIrma, eweiMag hews. �sas.r.bmai,aM. 5.itm. mnDairy Salt and CommImti,•1y-yThere it. either ithe or est t end wartime turd. gen fest saw Hash tecta` lag. Iter Cash. Liberal tMs test A.k wren Pates will 00 55 ebeap tenseqs Apply te JOS. KIDD, Sit. tsf dL BRICK MOUSE & idol' FOR SALE ON IT. PATRICK STREET. M.1. Wilda& tent. ; rear aeeltt55, urn. Mats ties kitutmkMas eealee mesas. rear Mall- wash -Bess. •gal two V m�r..me ` st ea sere N Mad tee �.f the W edb the S .1ti ea hr,m a ba... se tel oomeld be glom site illes Ohm the stallf Joh. b SAKI[ FOR SALE. -THAT H1OH- ftems beeves Tolet ea nesi trldeb GM Mewed. sats a.. ver geed timber brat t is a.b b sail the � ter.Isee �:grg. r of tthhe to elsI I w tORAit ,wAN&. t.et Cot $00,000 PRIVATE FENDS To tem on farm and town property, at low est Intrreat. Mertg•gee our -abroad. Ne mem- mission c **eats ter len Trues sad leas Cnmpsay of Caaada. the Camila Leaded Credit Company. the London Leas remewag of Caasds. Ittenat. 4, N and -per tout. N. B - Borrowers can obtain emery es day, It title s•ttatsc DAMSON 00OHN'STsk, tdr. Barristers. d._ 0.tMrtek TWO FIRST-OLAF'i FARMS FOR Oe. oasssaalr M cs r rIsetB.w'rrodnat rwt.wo.. . r vLIsnea. Deinsie shos SIM riel TRebical. DR W. K.RoH te OSS, LICLIFT1ATIOF wear Southside f m1l CollegeRawl idle= MnL*AN, PHYSICIAN, SUR L 0MY, Ossw.er !r. (glow sad realm Street. sowed deer west of T ur Street Td'. Wino, Liquors, ago FOR BALI n 1IRS. SHANNON s iliLAN1W6, 'erethic Surmises. Aseencbers. t.. .dues at Ur. tlhaseen a medium he H ► (a .Sol ederin. C. ein•etom, J. trim 3tt#lllfuright, Uaiusffir, dos. C. A. HUMBER., MILLWRIDaiT. MACf1AM�EE,�1'. VALUATOR. AGENT de. iiRimatee Mab sad Cestreets Takao for How Hestia, by the Hot War System Game sa etWater « Waterer Wheells. Amieulev.l ka- plesseata.Meli hacblaery. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. VALUATIONS MADE. Wuxi". xi". • - OODSfieln� Amusements. GODWtrfst IIZORA31eW INSET - TIM LiP A1Y ANA R1ADlttt0 M. ser. of East street a.4 Square Sup Opel treat 1 to a p..., ane fat 7 to $ p.m ABOUT 2000 VOL'$ IN LIBRART Lesdiy Daily, Wie.kly end IRtut,.ld Phynn, Ma:vanes, roes, de., en File. MEMBERSHIP TICKET. ONLY N.N. w g att.g free w qt L5." tad Resehs Aml{eattee for mem fp reesev.e M Libraries. In reome. S. MALCOMtoN. Ally. STIllassm President. 0.i..teb. Marc), lttb, tog. Aucttonsermg. TORN KINOX, 0*W$1ALROC- 4 TTONEER sad Leal 1ahns4r, Out_ wt. Harty had o•eM satd4 sag rl1R.p tdlssen.ves w ins da M w ada pts t mlssa. loest rstedd to him. i)tim'r Merab'u Remi. or Beat b4 met Mgr Y.ew1 iek P.O.. carrefulcarefully•!Mars M. 001.11 Awml-- . • The td• CMS ty ti their vont tract to ti had see stall the 1 lens' td ti rep. soon At bum Gude Isoet PHISr n e sail d1 tr Tim oho 't:odsl reed• Mr 0.1, dittidt comps clam, thurou that e from knows last pi public pie o< ly in Brew Lietom sestet to cos 4;oderi aid as the 0. ''.oto had p, the ro Goderi from Limos the in doing roast' Guuelpl and ani should tion of of Mr has be of age within lag wi decent far as (Mr G tobe11 ors IX DOWN the air •.d Ps y55etK for the e on los 105.00 in this Ta▪ nta of los that ,4 FOR BALI mebrink an of letb.wther dictate. oft ectufsw tat. 214... Mgt. SY�..a.. e see`�Rama sae *ham names. . atlfQilead. been as Werra _ cart. it Rain Bine,. imposes" .ew G .- H. PARSONS wfAm .: �s1x� l,` iii°;..... a ,_: r„c,uii�,vtirtl•!�a ti:lg{zt.: DAYIUD$ t JO*INTO$. r,L keen 0 leertise eau vas bdmd1 sad bids. esatidis aloe, b Mt Via .euld b palterslately Mr P -.._� ,.k df M..ir..._ a ....i.,. .aF..--a