HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-8-10, Page 7JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY.
- -
(retied ary apeilegy.)
Ttiw leu‘t Rehm% len lor the ei oilleCi
•1441 11.0 te St cu s tor bill •moor.,
IMI 1..11 need 1.. and 51
Opeetnione iliertnaleg "The Arisen* &haw Biala *lii.. Ir ion a disordered astir, •re
without elcsptl.,“ Johowist • T User
bees of The Arizona Kicker:
W. esuea:48..u."417::::wilreaug 6"traso. gh. lest )Piphit:
lessen recon
knew, Kicker has almost entirely ab- ri.h. bolo t. d alias in both-
stained from publicly criticialug the evil.
II kWh all know to mast under our roma We -
tlillmorne Aromatic Qom Se Wino
die o oily superior to ant idler as mu
&pp 16•11011 tunic WWI 14.0'1110.1% 14a
Ta.. brdheri. p.m../ unmarried
tl how imegne
"Ova Pubicir -Heretofore, se der rusted te.•de, draggle:. 6. 4. Ur). "a"'" Ag. 1.1"64.
1'1 lig at l'iirleetu lake at Framerswille,
owe sloainoi pater •
ton in thisikie' of him LI
0.1lbet a
tbe night 1. Mrs s
tur to tee talks in
AL' we set up, oattl day-
light as [bro. leticorn. unet MOS
.1 a hundred Wags that autglittil la -
t rut you.
141(5.1 the thisgs is rag: Int ollf that Mall'. Day 1.. nosed
boyish gem •• W e have ecratrhad but name Mr the list.
Itecilatiom recited io • so.lbeoce .4 tue. and if be &weal mitt lying about um we'll
llou 1 laugh, I maid the kinitud 'sal Da' se us
smack Imo iseresesoff the face of the eartd
to be min-
ts I pot to tblathe 41 Lau au' that ioitit -A" tfi thr lt•-•urth ••I July, ids 6 i'r* bon&
townie aa that day As to IdIrldarul. 6t '6 g°4 I
More lia our hide than old Mere aped hold
'flies he'd Lied v.' RUA nOnnelnidais• we'd settle hi wh,„te body The miw. who bahmies
Jaw tut,. upoa ase aria, „D.... that we (*Ont "IOW our hat off every tone we
&ma • .1.-11,
I hear the came of George Washingtsm le •
'flout the time I went Fraokh far the Mama* liar Pod • ilUn. Oast Our eallorl61 °nil°
wUen foldnO F"urth was 11 solid chunk of patriotism
/.11. tal stretch nky mouth a.:rust tuy fate, all e eighiug twenty -eve pounds, hut was
I Uri.
have become tared aed dia.,,,,usems1 with our- • II ...Jeered tersab. I
ail". fox
ill" lack a •Puhk• 'IndDa" 1"i T,te iat ...mit • r“..,. •,.. . a
, .... that Piave Itoelate the Lover and Bowels 1y the
we mhall open • red hat campaign um a ;oots..ioog tuot ... ii,. noulily ,,, ow 'Salmons sat of Natiotuil 1%11*, dory are
"The mayor, 1at
I'liii ...snemun eintaid, .
"The lire department,
" All ni-eret socielass,
'''Insi sabres, for l..14.•( eg d ki.fury iluorm,..., and al --
"The gambling dens, Illuu•olwell L. i.orti ltotipe, L,„,. iiihd , 11. at is to my, ',or longs. Also all
"Awl uti:van...1. other 0111•0•8t14•10 Mid ISA It; ilet t 1. S. id by di ut uwits. y...ir breathinz inechtnery. Very iir.an
lualotattom nakiag with eorreption. , &Jul machinery it is. Not ouly lb.
"lt will la a ',Icy new. It will make _ , -
1 i •rt air pumices, but the Ohmss tole of --.-.
more than a tou of human hair stand on end. , h'Ile totem and ca. dies leading fr.ou
••Order y.,,ir weirs ...vim at (Miserly date. •
And what ti.. y do,
well. they ,...ehiwt co SPRINC MILLINERY
11 wall make u ti....,em lid Israels thump like , Wean.
pile drivers. Chicanery, Jeri a . by pocrisy, ' M heal these are ol. geed and chocked
properly tagged off and the tecs pinned to Illih nattier le hiCh ...121:t tr,t t.. oe there,
your lungs ea A hail do there 0.4.
theft, robbery, anion an.1 inuokr will be
the right ....At tail-.
Advertisers should rend in their oupy by )
Call it co'd, cough, troop, pneumonia,
ttatuntimy Ikeil neglect this golden upper- mist fit, consumption or any ot the •
" ! 1 I • d •nd
uosil 11••• 1. too i oe iusetiye r'1110.6ble•
trie a tau 11 OA tat .umw.AluiPro diaeased. --
lir. L ‘.-r Ci.ie liaise specially rive Yawns • tbaree.
7 -
s irtair °T:t
Greatly Reauced. Prices,
men, articles of erbick wig he at and
1111 • "CIL
]E3T_J•c3-W- CoS
miss e:dimieb.
tautly, Another sissy neYi r come. of throat and twee ant e •
man. who lias e %end 1111101 1.451:41 alluded be
-Ammer° HIS Parge.--Oid Stine Bridge -
in Arizona. lim sl.oppel his paper le.aiiiie we
in them misname as the meenied white nem
did not Lave • rolutun editorial cm the Fourth
ut Jai). He rye we aro 110 patriot. and that
a nian who vial t whoop '.-r up fur ludepend-
ready frr the }Ara. . crowded out to snake roues for advertise- eed
ut bb..* beaach off tr. a ritt.ry ' awe ass is well m ewer, end car
b""t IN• 166" I niesita. We know our gait and we think we lefii eery airdID adi
s4 dos . poog m 'beg
w °rivers- lama, know tbr great seed of most a oar towns- rue sow so well."
leattly eaderelead pi.iple. As lo old Steve Bridgeman, we are Oilleneplete of am avid* ern free tette Inaba
• eny bistie tam aim year
'Mat. mama you Meowed toe ..W.witers," yi.st c'd
I i.'d brut myself a...salient.% ti., r...ta •tet atm 1 fuiPwrt•DC tom of &knit a 61. di 'ur arr, - -
..... mill- wives to drop is on US any day and formai
Sti I re to thielne of hiss ad that. Labe et /Med um mime powerful good reading matter
Cleveland's 141/II lb the three but
ID Umps• trifles, ld• and the Aurora Cosatreir, In WM wig
of Mp. A. I Dart, usburgh, Y.
Lag •ogint the Mlle Mai neetbill
end as I meld get as other nod that
with Men eitesemeetdmas=
toed. It helped these
Lactated Food
'slabs. ,L, Don't he %messy. Ittepk_.-well get to you Rae bid root for haelleibi babiea it seeps
.1 ace es edeigir d 100-11kaNuat Plick.SW pw A it itch Weba
- them wed and Is befam than nichaine
ohm IMF Me sick.
I a few days."
MOO- laitilleu.- • are no ter. re
Tor Man. Wit Os es feet la dreams. is shalairks
aritaer tbr auld WI. II° nni6rie Wmaim "De TIM MOST PALATABLE,
is sine. We always linurkie nukes there's a chance , NUTRITIOUS. and
Ho w aorkta• like • toower. ie.-turnhere ar torus" We admit to • dome Whinge in the OICRSTISLE F000.
lecture' teem bet three month*, and in every awe we were 1 - WILY PRIP•ilID.
Au' a weeds on the railroad care, la tames- ibe, „ay os,„ wii„, __-
want to webfreeed.
e the coyote
•vrf • "doom At OrugUsieta, 21$0.. 110c., 11.00.
. "lkkonever, we er
Primate' peen. la the paper*. epeakie paves et i is d tl teTat Ben Axe Mum Eean
totuc. FOOD.
the Mink
An' bum ea' wee Irene/a% sow then. &rowed
le pima;
as' be esmined to thkeli 'at he was an account at
all - hie AIL
1 got to dodge' A lank se' that might at Sksiby•
other night that the worm will turn. We i SO MO11111 for an Infant for 11.00.
aro the worm When we turn he had bettor etitte,,,,kobie meow, 05 ...fte Nuteihes
/sok out. We can be kicked, cuffed, in- rsollavalids." ass co sppilEssoo. f
inked and abided up to a certain limit. How MIL gums & DI. wirrim. F.B.
tar of the Mud is we don't know. but whist
we teach It we shall be • bad, bad meta le
1 got to thialde• of him an' the happy -llays t014 vistb."-Dalleld Frei From
gee. bv."
Tell the sweet faalis..wed Rosen weetued
Miami ries awl do:
An" I beer his talk ogle about :IV bride that Is
When he'd cease to • Airigsby guano- jeet to have
a aught yeti Me.
I kin we him watts* down agua, to Mire the Prince
• rock.
Wben 'The frost aim ea the pumpkin an' the
corn was Is tie otroot ."
an' 1 beer • laughiag voice I keyed, eith UMW
Is it. trill -
60 I got to thtsLia' of 6.-n, as' that siTtst
Bo 1 set here as' I ood.r ef I know pet whst k
When 1 am 'eat prima kw ppery in all the maga-
As* 1 nee him no the platform with the James mad
As' hear the people soya'. -He's Cie beet one of
An' I keep • risk's' back the teirs tar make my
fool eyes Mine.
Fee I couldn't feel so prouder ef he'd hen a boy
.4 'Moe:
Ter he's jaw the same old Riley, an' he'll he ithe
same Jim
As he w.5 the night hit ben ars' ert up at Reel
--Robert J. aunbate Illieetlyn Each..
Afraid at iharRIOS•
"llio you nabs, young ma," he laid
solemnly. "that when you (1. 40411) at night
yd.. may be called before the rnurniag
"No, sir," replied the young man, "I fell
quite safe at night. but when I get up in die
norabig 1 realise that 1 nary b. called before
the setting sun lights up the western sky."
"hot exactly so. sir; I'm • bageball '5 -
ire." -$w York Hun.
A Weather raper'.
Panenger 410 strangee.--8o yen think do
are to bare • hot minuner, girl
Stranger (pounding the ..at*-Thbiki I
don't think anything about it, -I know so!
The whole country , sir, will sisals until snow
Paimenger -You seem tr. be positive.
fitamager-Poeitivet Why. I am as Pureed
it as I am that I run the finest hotel in the
Dogskill Mountain! Put that eard in your
pocket; It may @eve your lite! -Life.
Elbow to Wiles . MAMA More.
Takes number A shwas of new white parr
and writ. &dory on them. Any story will do.
Oct our Amid. barreled shut gun and bed
it with fine bird abut
Flu your stay upagainet the Idea • barn,
stand off about twenty bet, aim carefolly
and let both barren drive.
If you find tkat there *5r..% been suf-
ficient vowels knocked oat, repeat the oper-
ation.- Judge
Usherettes In Miseseri.
"What are you doing Now, Sooshyr
"Tearhing sehool."
-Torching 'chord! Why, yea can't spell •
word of two syllables."
"1 know that, but I nen licit any two pu-
pil, tagetber."-Lincolo JonnsaL
Rory to Opeepeto.
"What's my bin r Inquired a Chicago dele-
gate of the hotel fleet
"Number of room r
"I debit hare a room 1 slept on the
billiard table."
"Ob, sixty condo an hour, plassa"-Thos.
A Wider Tuserfsess.
Thunley fwbo Isis given Fatherly a cigar
from his private hoz)- Pee sneaked Agora
etraleritality thole. Psatharly.
-Yews, Darnley, I epos* yna
have; but you nanst reeessehd` Ibm you aro
am oidsr non than! ani.-Lifa
Jed Leek.
Poimapr-anhoc• wrong t
Brekamaii-Tbe train behind as condole
up. Tberiell *15 55 awful collision.
Painsugpr-Aati be killed. That's Just
hire sty belt I was foolish anough to buys
reams skdost -Detroit Free Prue.
A Question ef Timm
Young Henry -1 was knocked seneelows by
a polo hall two years yrib.
Old Soppy -How long before you expect to
liobson•s Medea.
1•1141 oi at t uc I e he, all are bad All
Wight to be got rid of. There is just
alio *WO Way t., get rad of thetathat
is take Roschee's German Syrup, which
soy druggist *ill tell poi at ; cents •
tune1 jou. you :tiny depetna
ld uls this ort
b dile. Even if everything else has
TA( latest Not e:ties of the 51 1505 Can be
end everything to be found ir a drvt-clame
Ira Outdo ro ly
• Prelliabie Life.
alen have a.cotnpliahed the sante
amount ..f work and good in this vor
as the celebrate' Dr Chase. Owe(
WO OW of his works have been sold la
Csoioli alone. We want ewery person
ttoul,!ed with Liver Complaint, Dys-
pepsia, Headeche, Kidney ,,r Vim).
Trouldes, to hu. • hurtle a Dr CSases
Liver Cure, it will cure you. Medicine
sad Recall:6 Hook $1. Sold by all
bend ea tee North side of the Seuttre.
inithaery establishment. A new Use of
ham bees added. Call and esainim, the stoat and get prioes. Agent for Parker's dismal
Dye WorIa. To
1 111i -Sen MR-
SELAILI-.PC 213 72) -
i ronto.
Id ' _
ald1=01 dr•Wleekel_ ...IrldinffeeMMIIIWWWWWWWIt
I(14EA!) made of tics Yea•I
tor It t Piss. at Ont.:,
14,.• • , stP7•
emu ladies hese wriit-,
10 say that st •vristioits •97
vs, mood by florin.
It nukes 1el, lightest, whitt•t,
sweetest berwl, him and
Moir, in warty esery tOwn
hennie are lows it.
• G14_10B A RRY sells cheap for cash ; Its will sot ba.undarsold.
EVERY ono shoal(' call ou hitu before purchasing FURNITURE elsewhere.
ONE and all can save money by buying from GEO. BARRY.
BARRA.- maks@ • specialty of UNDERTAKING and Picture Framing.,
kLL kinds .1 FURNITURE kept on hand. Cell and see his Stock of
RocKING Chairs, Tables, Parlor Setts, Mattroseea.
MEMBER that GEO. BARRY keeps the Stitt Stook of FURNITURE in towns.
Bedsteads Easy Chairs BO.
yor should (mill and get his PRICES befure buying elsewhere.
G=Ct_ =3.46A.,RIVY
Effunilton-St.. Goderick.
,,.„.,,,..ntera arid ElPeOratOTS, la.D.N5.0T• toll.
hare begun the sprout ettindimn• awl
SF' now prepared to fin all orders In Paper. I
Ps.ntine. Kalsomieing and General De- 1
Ir.•.•r• left at the shop en Kingston -St., or 1
cow .tle
sot ly mall will be promptly attended 10 51
re..sta.ss,,le rates.
I have just returned from the cities. and am now
_ _ ! receiving the latesr lines in SPR/NG MILLINERY.
Get Your Printing My dressmaking debarment is also in full work -
at The Signal. ;ing order.
WORK HO PRICES CONSISTENT A call is respectfully solicited.
Samples & Pricesk A. J. WILKINSON
on Application.
V..., 4 (.•:,. p!1 c‘. -E 2 I
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M 1 all f
"What! Leave them cool breams for •
empires. in Canada!"
Well, my bellyband is there -and" -
••0...t Did' The idea at kb going there!"
"Well, be preeerred Celestial° Sing Sing."
LW, •99151291146
P.991•0•111" -YOU earn. Ito your emelt Whir
id, 0511( num. Can )ou alpinism 113
dz. 1 g. Is had rat sad
•--alit Bev,
One wore Disappdatwesaa.
ibispioyer- W Wool, you Wive now wonted
for me Wee years.
"Yes, sir -
"And 1 have always 10504 705 industrious,
painotaking and booed"
"1 have tried to be, sir."
"Now. 1 .1547.10 sbow that appreciate
your fidelity "
"Thank you, dr."
"For the next two months yoe wark
me the books until 11 o'clock every night. I
do not fear to Wave Ton in the dike akin at
all. 1 have • great &al of conildwird in
yon."-Lincolu Journal.
• Dodds Joke.
Fweddies wardrobe suffered eevesedy lu
thy ere at the Southern hoist Nis Mend
mestleg hint on the strait, observoil:
'Good gmormous, Fweddis! Mmboed' have
you done with ynuah good clothed You
look like • tyrant). "
"Dods boy, my clothes MO *naked '"
"nosh we! Didn't know you were in such
straights, wiy boy. What did you get au
them r
-rritt.h! H5-ba,.--cafeaao Tribune.
- -
Why Ho Ilitele•t Want It
"Derringer, Inv* you a half dollar that
yea don't dente'
"Why, certainly. Here it le."
The next day:
"Nay. Derringer, that hell allay you setwe
‚5 41555 counterfeit."
"Yes, Breusley You said sir It Iliad •
Ulf dollar that 1 didn't wanL"-146& '
A Suggestimn
A Now Tart physician says that dere soi-
1 den &add take plans as Ike fourth 605. 01
haiklings 10 that city la ono year than ia an
other parts of the hours deathbed_ la view
at this alarming feet, architects dicitild make
it a paha to emelt the fourth lone whoa as.
signing • is or sight dory building. -Nat-
ristoyra Feral
1 As Iffeemmewservi
Tramp -Madam, will yea give an
thing to matt
Ilcdans-L tan GM Ira NI OM VMS it
waist II.
T:=---Iladasighs Sri
NIXON STITRDirS People's Grocery.
Fa ROM 15o. "UP.
CI- 0 13
No old Stock to work off, but all Fresh and New
at Prices to suit.
inibeut (ask Pelee few Beveler sun Eggs.
ttemember the stund -Ou the &mare, next to Bingbaun's Restaurant. ash
Jur Received d the NIsdical Nall by 1. JORD t%. and wilt bp sold as petee46e7m1s
Hind Tinter Call and see dem before making your horologes
P. JORDAN, Medical Ell, Goclerich.
The new full Roller Mille at Port Albert cuing the
will be Tunninadias116;lint vtiltet'e I 2tA84.1:of
rial. ' ost
SAXES littAILUPY, rzopriet
Amu" .1111#1,
in •