HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-8-10, Page 66
THE HIR. )R 8I6U11LL, PRm tit. AUG 10. 188. ,
• tglee.si4 r.fftDwrttla Tett the ewes
CN OF CATTLE 1 Don't Wait
T Ia war. Mad tom; ltswvrt/Mea,
Almost d stockmen have beard of thus
disease of cattle its • many have seen 1t.
But tow people know as yet what it pully
ulcus thluk it is au impactiuu of the
mat .1 ten. ossa tea. svt t -to -c.a cr«.wt ts.t« his pause sae Cheese 111"" third stomach. due to eating corn owls,
, ewer le--theldon Test Bea. ta. s=• Ina Atlrwved by w Ceeeeessee .t limas r stubble's. whitened or frown gram. Storms
• Ose'e'•eWy b7 11.•. u M. ra..r.. teen, memoObese Was to Formulate fgue'ee . leaves. want of water. etc. la-
Ipt„trr,r,a nose lama Rare, Qaarsaay. by
r e'l..adard for Uatry leedeets it it is true that such causes may end
de bring about impaction of the third
pewees, d H tl nudism, l'ht(addpbis, At therp•rtel convention of dalrytmss stomach, sad iii aau4'►tLen of obis and
Fathom 1 recent) 1 et ['ties, lf. Y.. whose pees- 1 other mmpas1m.ots of the stomach and
v. t •Tie Lied spate." This sentence . ip.al u et Mto mimingtig ihv was to that with this malady malady theman furor of
✓ lsekl always commend often meet reverent formulate • '4•414"`"fur dairy goods. the d.ldrtun. eliau snug ateduees to some .'x.
flea, w•ea wast to how our tand•••.:i,lttitt.e on butter reported ao follows 1 tent. but the tree cases of mad itch are
len is important that the cows should bo entirely different. says the Miesoun state
wieptesd to the purport., The feed should veterinarian In • recent bulletin iesurd
contain the proper elements for inking from tutu Missouri Agricultural college.
butter. As proper feed we recommend a Be rat's
ntiswrn of bran. curs, oats, militate' and fin tar as i have been able to Inrush'
peas. with a email amo'ent of unseal and gate, I have c'xue W the fo!lowiag con-
rotteus.wd ureal. Thee feed should be elusion: 1. Mad hell. so called. is it blood
milted in proper proportions. The cows
should be ted and milked with regularity.
The water should be pure. the stables
well ventilated, tbe cows kept clean. Yid
the most careful and painetakunt can
Ind in all places for c1.anliness.
The cows should be milked, if possl-
hearts in loving subntteswwt anal say ••Speak,
Loral, for thy servant I.anteth •
-Tee death or the 1woONO uf Aaron." This
was beater of due laa ltesee (1. 1). they w,U
fully dal what lied hal commanded them
sal hid. • Fs. ::s, ?band fire from the Lund
&vowel them
• ffen.I baton) the Loot" All onr
poen. •eve s• Christie -is IS before the loom anal
mete to be unto liun in the puwer of the
Spiritall else to as aranpe era
V. e -Come not at .11 times within the
•ail.' for the way into the hulk= of all was
nut vet made mewled, but wig we have bold
nes' to enter at all t i toes into the bulled by
the Nerd of Jeer. (Heti Is, e; a, Ie.)
"The cloud upon the mercy east.' What a
glorious new and living way it le that not
only gives w swam to, but permits to abide
In slim who is our Art and Esrey Haat and
cloud and Holy of Holies. in wh.:ni se lace
redemption not for a year, but eternal re
disease. due in all probability to a ape isle
Mor ferment developing its water.
. or field. or yard under epeeist] condi-
tion. of moisture. ete. 9. The svmp'.tnns
of nervous disorders, the matinees. la
other words, result from eitLer the cvu-
gMstien of nervous Center.. or ttte a• then
LL•, always by the rasa person. As intim them of a special poison. gee -rated
w•.0 as the milt is drawn it should be net by the gertm in their growth in t!.r holy,
for the cream. The utensils should Igen or such s •mptotus may be due t , i ••' h
welded always after being used, and kept these tauten -es. 3. Impaction of tLe
erfertly clean and sweet. The cream stomach, or iu6am_a•tiun of any part of
Until year hair becomes dry. thin, W
gray before giving the atea1oa needed
to prexrve tae beauty sad vltallty-
Keep w your tones -table a female el
Arora Hair %ego,- the Daly deeming
you require for the batr--sad use a little.
daily, to preserve the natural color sad
prevent baldness.
Thomas Muuday, Sharon Ocoee, Ky.,
!rakes : " Several mouths ago my ball
epamenced fslaag est, and in a few
tdesks my head sees aimed Mld. I
tried many remedies. but they dud no
good. 1001'11y bought a bottle of Ayer's
Haft Vigo,. bd. altos Mang oily • hart
•1 eeateeda. tiny bead was covered
with a heavy growth of Bair. 1 reroiu-
stesd your preparation as the beet har-
restorer in the world."
• My hair was failed and dry." writhe
Mabel C Hardy, of Del•van. 111 , " but
atter using • bottle of Ayer's ILtu Vigor
It became black sad glossy."
Ayer's Hair Vigor,
bold by Druggists sad Perfumers.
Pimples and Blotches,
So disfiguring to the face, forehead. and
ehouht bereis•d withintwenty-fuurhotus, the alimentary trial. 1* not mw'e•aary to neck, may be entirely removed by the
atter which it should M kept at a tont produce the reacedy. aithou .h suc.t'un- use of Ayer'sSarsaparilla, the best and
p•rtttrre of 4•t degs until tb+c ri,cuutg ditios.a ma favor it. 4. 1'Lu alfeenoo safest Alterative and Blood-1'urtfier ever
proems begins. To perfect Lhe riprui moot revere mad itch is hytlruphot.:a, �
dompuon. tHeh 11, Lit ng
V. S lbws shat Aaron come Into the warm the cream upp to a tem ratur• of or rabies. due to bites of mad dogs. But d. __e
Molt - SSs well Is.lt 1.ndlswxta1)i this Imam 62 uses. and stir h frequently. Then the fact that cattle only seems to suffer Dr. J. C. Ayer it Co.. Lowell. Mass.
by 1.wktng tis unurr the tolbwtne ben.' .•htlrn at a temperature varying from ri 1 from mol itch dues not favor the idoa Kelt by Dreensia; el. ala betas* he p.
!age: I. the person of Aaron: 2, oho Digo to O$ deeggss., according to the se•sott and 1 that 't is identical with hvdrophebin
floes for himself and bus twine; r, ole sad r' sit rr..uutling tempn•ratnre. No create
floe for the people; 4. his eutrwc'e to the +h„old bt• added after the ripening proems
bolw.at, 5. the d'enmeel or the 'geed, 4 the has begun. N'Len the better has cora
dispua'.i of the on offering. 7, the disposal ut about the bile of kernels of wheat, draw
the s-1paetrst, 5• the burnt suede`; 9. the elf the buttermilk and put in cold water.
gram' mean,.
1. 'rhe person of Aaron -Verse 4 am c• that
be was to ware tits time In water and put on
holy liuov garments-t.reech.'a, cwt, girdle
and miter. tins signifies that be put of the
beautiful gannrttbs orlinanly worn by Lim.
pend desvited ID `,L :Sc11i. thus be sterols
before us typitytne the Lord JCSUR. who uud
nada all his glory and beauty and as the
holy spotless one beta1Ut aur eut•etrtats. 'I be
garments of glory and beauty rEt.:artil. a
speak to ns of the present work of our High
Priest tasking coetutual inter :mem for ua
Rehr.:::, to gives us the significance of loco.
W A Fart. oh.. 17, 11. mile why dime •ears
The word sweat b only found in two other
places in S'rtpture-lien in, IP; 1 .i)te tct't,
41 --end the lemon is ea the surface for
opened eyes.
J. The sacrificer for Worn and his hoose.
-These are food in verses,. e. I1. 24, acid
Weill:ha t.oth a In eftcriug std • Wont of
twin;,, which were explained in the Iasi loci
sons. Feeing s sinful ran, he had to -offer =o-
mace for himse1t as well as fur the aro or
obs people IHeb. ix, Z. but our High Pried is
body. harmless, sadefiled sad separate from
sinner,. L The sacrifices for the people. -These are
found In verve, 0, Z-10, and Mau included a
an offering and burnt mitering. The burnt
Miming in each orae was • ram, but the an
offering was, for Aaron, a bullnrk, and for
the people, two goats: the reason may be
II1r1ur i.. • mbar detect l..f+ erxr " ' in remelting
inowK. ae.a reaeere. there are
few Uu).urtr,•..iraw 'tor 1 1• swo testi ...w.f.d la regard to lige Baa re Msg. tutelar. w hlch to esu
nrb'I. s«tree r• rttt.e terit! .ser ell Me :
I. 1!e•tra .r. Ma Iw fltn.ls+a•'1 or •b.wtrr ,y„ve Thaw b.t err either ..a.n un•.
'tr{er- ,eft w 1.1. mica, • a i.....nn 1.• Olt. d tii.,i«p wrtogas
: gar ti Nma.gut."fury. Thea is t'ie•
rest 45* 1.•n1 calm. tt. he cm deleted •Iwrlw.t Ih.•
S ieschine. though _will. hi u.ssoully with- 5 ma 14 r rehere.
•ively of ateri..n.l Sa 1hr.•
hoe better stent" wand w.'rk.0 efos 5.1 tb.s a rt found ss v s� Nhe.11wg to boaster.
L 1 erg net a ole• r•1'' L roan, oast cow Owes- • li.r meet •ture...e. rhe sue .•
tyl:.o.:h.. ,.r.• !meads. '.•.e west read. t/t!'. • u, 1 of r.
Yrru. 1 latae the L rat. a•
,mail. w.} anv/N• • •Y b••, ren ...�irw ;Det•eater.
piers foe eet•lells'Mad Mum of any sena•,.;
!13e Ir. ST 2- .CHS- 3
„• . e pica.'.• r "time acne .1 1'cM re- of ell king:., of .'•Iselin
hie low•
.Ise if I •, 1... 1 .n•'se-• se tile nude are
a t - -I
Again • tbo duration of the disease Ls, it -
memo to me. too short to admit of this
hypothesis with our present kncwledee.
fig To my mired, the symptoms ettggest
the name of spet'i6e cerebro meningitis of
Sgitate the butter a little, then draw off cattle. Posse v. tM egh, fnrthcr stoida
the water. and repeat this pro.e•as until nnny suggest mottle r mane.
the water runs clear. Ta:u' the batter As the dlre^t result of there tetceetlga-
„e:t ••* refu lly and weigh it. Then picrn it tions, the authority in question says. W.
aro put in possession of i¢portc.;;t prude
cal points in regard to the prevention of
the disease. and be recommends the fol-
1. Remove all the cattle from the place
where the disease appears from the mo-
sent one ie found sick, and place thereon•_J T ` : X... spat* Fitted
dryer and higher soil.
on 1110 v.urker and salt it. ocr .•tier.• to the
p Mer& Thou work the salt it. end pack
th•.t butter lmmevliat• ly.
'fhe c.immittee un chte_.e reported a
e.aieral basis for cheese for export.
1.1rst. the milk is supposed to be of a
u,rmuat standar A. The• tempt -noun. at
which to add the retard sh•'ul.1 be 441 t•,
Oil dere. Use sufficient rt•nnet to coagulate
its fifty to sixty elinutee. 1 h time to not seem to be • necessity ire-
rued le whets it will split clean and Hessen*..__ -- 7 „tanner. tee, .t.ts t.
free from the leiger when put pato the In it be Shoo' or indigestible food tLat
epee Agitate the milk slightly until .1• , t'1 ' i.-COetteeeriNn.
S 8. Clean puede as often as possible, say
4. Do not allow cattle t'e +'.rink the fust
water from ponds that had dried up oe
become low.
8. If the disease appears in feed lots, late ILKFA:i:
erg • tomitlb.'1'.re.�..r.: !is t'r. 1. r..•sour n+nra.
Logo .• ..' s .we gpa.etil) ...0 .w sun;., s...
►eP-11 ,Faad. M,'! Oa. 2•1111 re eel! awe r .1 ..1 tt. S , terta•at.. fteles.ch.
•e'eneet:.l.le I BOOTS
p `a..r • ''t atz
*11/"w are*
5.. ps ..ten
sick re►=Ja
to m m' y.
, '..•, .%I C••'. er.1.,•+.ytetCMa aD*.t••
'3 Change kind of water and even food , i, ,rn'. , Ii. •,stem.
if possible, although this latter pfeoau- For a;e 11 !,owes flpt? av dreriat. hes
Ir I
The lt'1R•tat!.•1..'d/1.c•'ani11 L.Man et islinen (*n.nw.•,.re-rieloinng.• • •.'rahone o.'tl..l..ra•1
signs of .angulation appear. . ter gently
with the bp'thttnt vcmipates M•-
fere heal ds ap Apply n' heat gen-
tly. uaingone our t9 bring' tie heat tole;
dews. in summer and 1011 digsin the at-
ttimn. Stir for tem minute titter the
these is heated to the desi en {milt.
Teen stir ocraually until thcards
seem well cooked. and are firm to the
touch. Now remoee the whey 1f the
mailer desires to use the curd %ink. let
hl now throw the enrd into the
where the a ndltion of the yard may ••Ito' •r thou' irh'.rrowledr'•of tete nat,ral
aSertd proper o til for the germs. practice Lava weir ,t•.t ern tbeupeeat:.,..s of .tinealiut•
retrieval of *Loci: seal r..lrr..:mn, sad b} a careful apelacm ion of
• be ::,.e a. 'series of M..U•Iel••-test Cocoa, '.1r
F :gi0 -sae taro. idg•d our brrakl.st I ti.re w.th s
Ticking sad Foreleg Gr.lea drl..ately eay.,re,t hevernec which 'nay sive
In a recent isene of Vick's Mararine, a as Instil hr.yl' dIt Ise: Aching. It is be
the ):ula:ou. ne:e of s�uel• •rlMles of
A'� [MehNett'FOCI: or
la eStM*�ant''a, 1ta1n1Y. s+.. creeps -ea. Oafan 1 Tr.. epees diffeeremite'.
raw' eir, *thee1Kid Elippme
Tru.;l at.1. ap '0%37 pn. e . •w Oke. line.'. 1'Itsh. t',epp.
IX it Masi .tel tieesss Mimeos 1n pruf•iaun.
c' • . cry delve, teem �.•':'•+ u' •'•u.. Ilan end Amore -an Awakes, 1 wo,:id silo rad .he attention
er F.ARXMI:Stu; .a' part of fay Nock . mertiatly settee:4r for them seer a.
Long Boots in Calf, gip and Cowhide,
!ink aped pct it drain. Stir it well, neo i whe-h describes the careful man- buil the: t • aa••trn•i ming"n m..y be mattsaily ree7f
and Tteep fmm matting until neo in wh.nh ggrrssppeeeare picked and packed bu;l'ru* rat It ai g a ougedtnd rods'
WitteI here •line of Felt Hugo., lms own .:•1.make.1 g 51 ;t+ t `• ` the Bee Fell Boot a is
ready to applythe salt. If the maker at an estaidisltment in Chautauqua inahadt„a.-IL,.IjnZarourad ni ready b a- ORD`R _D WOR K AND REPAERiNG.
1 t d allow it to pack in the counts N. 1- The work is fluoro by care- firm!: rotre•er there is • weak peter. iPe
are not allowed to may ens^ape• l; '•.al opal, b7 keeping t?INease Isar three facts in mind 1 have by far ripe la-ite. co.:. ' hint• sail Shoes to
Ice ha ds bei t0 nutx:. re writ t.rtiaed w rtL pure' bldw)A .l_ s town - rl.ey arc of the re -yr fes; yual{t7 procurable. ming mail, oy 10. 1•ewt ;warutatt..ren in
A at tort
+uiirit{r.e; a g ostintener or your valved ctI*tona, sic liLera:;y a wrd..l as tunas the pact
vatIM O t1 o
vat ur sink. After the degree u•f acidity ful girls. The pickers
aesd r my comments open its last le..tort ie.ired is reached, the curd h; to is cut tour t r um-
nc wi pro(rr;, nourished frame. -- t len'! b. rrlrr
t The entrance he Hobert This re d and 1 The salt can now be tip- handle them by the stem. In packing. e) 1-'tu ..
in renes
f h b h hes tint n
u, t - .* tip ;gerund.
1117. R a mast under- i i pn either case the card must be the cluster Is lifted with the th'imh and tl•.!e sOwi ly w ith hotline water ar milk•
scribed 1
stand the arrangement of the t.l.r0ecie,
snip remember that Into this room went the
high prima Moore and only once every year-
(11eb. it, 7.I He was b take the c neer of
'owning coals from iter the golden altar be
Core the rail and carry tt, within the rail,
Apply the presnuru gently for the first n, imperfect and bruised berries+ ars __-_ t
Lour. Keep the cheese in the press until deftly anti rapidl removed. The bloom , -- ---
after dinner the following day. Keep all of the grapes is thus perfectly preserved.
rltla, followers and hoops clean and Of 10,000 baskets sold hot season. the
•1 he po ural. 'n ptw..rrs b1 ter
.v .
rpt warm. Lo not let it get beluw 9v Lunger of one hand, and wit t 7A ,iia Ft,1,y on ,•„ Algol ro1.•t►ec cheat-
a .
dogs. Prat to press at about X10 degs. pointed grape scissors its tee other, lents p.o11elon.lralaod.
,None l•'w;led thua'
c This is averagewe' ht was 8 2-10 1bvAwe, asket.
beaten email, that a cloud d Incense aught necessary to keep • clean. bright surface. The peckers soon learn to in the
Dover the mercy seat, that Ice die not Tux Keep the cheese shelves cleat. The tem- clusters so to to fill the baskets even and
precious truth of he menus of Christ e,. • peratnre of the curing room should be level. The Concord is never fit for ship -
tweet 11)001150 before Clod an oar behalf will krj:t at about 70 degs.. and the room well ping long distances witho:tt being caro-
till our souls if we only receive it the not ventilated. yet no wind should be allowed fully picked and then wilted before peek -
t, blow on the cheese. Know that your ung.
thermometers are correct. To make home Oce Way b make t"Isa=ac.
made cheese, set at low temperature.
nee; lighter. stir less and salt leas. Make One pound of honey and cote ggaalllon]e11
it a point to retain moisture in your water
r w iitll make
honeyest producer.fc TLar. t aim
cheese. _ •
twenty-nine pounds of honey will maim
t•oaetrete doable Floors (water being added to it enough to fill a
Good stable floors may ole made by first regular thirty-two gallon ) 0110 bar.
paving with broken stones and then env- rel of the beat vinegar. The vessel 1
ering with concrete, and finally laying used to make it in are common alahed
the whole with plank. The punk, ex-
ists. Country (lentlepaa, will be easier
sting on the Sr. handfuls or sweet incense err et Heald them every da tg
acquainted with this day's services might
think from reading *Heb. ix. 3, s that the
golden censer belonged within the vol, but
that ehapteer has special reference to this ore
day, and the meal place of the golden censer
1a loupd in Es. xI, 4, 5; xxz, 1, 10.
It Tbe disposal of the blootL_Tbsa was
the an Important part of the day's work.
Por the life of the flash is to the blood. •ud
1 hive given 1t to 7011 upon the altar, to
wake an atonement for your souls: for it is
the blood that makrti a/ atonement for Wel
tool.• (Lev. sudden 1L) Verses 14-10, 1a, 10,'
tell as what was dots with the blood; on the -
mercy tent and seven times before the nosey
seat, on tW harmed the altar and serene ttmn
JO the altar.
fl The dlapawl 0t the sin offering& Verses
LS, 17. al. The fat burned upon tlealter, for
even in Christ as our sin offering bearing
our sire then was an eacelleocv that ontj
Sod could appreciate: the bodies burned w ltb-
out the camp. f. Wherefore Jesus ala., that
I1emigbt sanctify the people with ills own
blood, suffered without the Loofa• lot us go
forth therefore unto Hun. without the camp,
tearing His reproach- For bene have we o0
000tinutng city, but we rick one to aims."
(ilea :Ail, I1-14.1
t. The disposal of the soup egnat (Vo.
-20.22. 38.1 Two goats were taken for the
peoples sin offering. One was slain and
the flood sprinkled. es sem hare learned, .•, sand. Them should be as 1 he water supply for the rows moat
the Mead of the other, as these verses t, clee°..teary
as The priest laid both his hands aril . i.tcllsa1iou of two oe three inches from not be forgotten. A mileh cow meat ewes
nestled all the ineenties, tranegreesions seg 1 the manger to the drain• which will be plenty of water. Eike capnnt wait until
ane of all the people, putting them an the neeassar7 mama 70* keep a large supply ' she is driven up at night. The wetaG to
bead of the goat, and be was rhes led sway , ,.f litter to •beorh all the liquids. Coarse • necessary constituent of the milk, and
leas sand i• best. bat finer will answer
perfect) f from foreign matter.
roe the animals feet than the hard con -
erste, and will prevent the gradual injury
t the concrete ....4. a by the animals'
ry may, however be prevented in some keep the dost out and let the air in.
saw out one of the barrel heater and paint
tside to prevent the iron hoops •
the ou
from being destroyed by the vinegar
11 The barrels and vinegar are kept in my DR•F
feet by lying down and rising. The he house cellar, no covered with burla, as to •
Uev ton"
Biome i•.O.. Out
May lith. her.
Ey w!7•• suR^red for the years wan
that dtstress.na dreae., catarrh. err
cane was one of the sent knows la them
parte. She tried all of tae ^,arsrrb reme-
dies 1 ever saw advertisers. but they were
or no em. 1 fleetly procured • bottle of
Nasal halm. She h.s used only one half
Of it. and now fetus like a new person- I
feel i; my duty to say that Nasal Balm
cannot he Tu0) HIGHLY recommra.Ied
for catarrh Boobies, and am pleased 10
have a'1 such sufferers know tarovgh i'•
Ilse they will receive (natant relief and
CG It B• CHAS. ]1CGILL Fernier
1 .
n1 .aura by keeping the hand fluor w.►1 One year converts this water an honey
littered. Into the choicest vinegar. More age will
Tbe first thing in pace is to see 121 make it sharper or more acid. but et nos
the perfect drainage of the earth. for year old it is fine enough for any three.
w-tter in the soil w ill be likely to spoil the Sweetened water from washing honey
whole work. Drive the stones solidly a pings u the most common waste -of the
and comrw•tly into the soil. and cover apiary, and to utilize it is presumed to to
them with a ►ayero the desirable matter in eounertion with
f smaller stones. Thea
mix, thoroughly, good water lime with
two or three parts of clean. sharp sand.
mit wall with water inveigh to make it
run between the steam by pressen. The
top payee of concrete is then added. the
best of which men be made with Portland
cement with two tr tint'.. times as moth
honey vinegar Still with the low prior
of honey, free keepers may find a reason-
able outlet nor some of their pour honey,
such as is unfit to sell as as article of
delicate luxury for table use.
Water OW lows.
into the erilderness' bearing there al into • r
she must have it daring the time the milk
is ban manateeta ed if deprived of
land not Inhabited. if 7 see
!. The burnt offerings. (Vs. 71, 211 The water luring the warm days her supply
whole sin question having been now attended Care of Yeses/ Turkey- of milk will fall off.
no Aaron again webs himself, having put 011 Turkeys need special care during the
the white linen garments and put on hos first two months. They must be kept sere and Therm
•EXT: OF •
olera Mo
O Lr 1 C'e,
t•utal• ad 1 will Il armee as Mew er ower then amen. rl•r
I feed prtndpat:y to l errs, says i --
other garments, and crenae forth to offer the from tie wet and ort rat tins dew at night.
burnt offerings for le mwt2 and for the pee They are the moat profitable fowl to raise, • writerto tea Ohio Farmer, sad can
diZph, and rake an atooeaxnt as they command • ready market at all i winter a sow in good enough h
0. The Rend result "Clears from all reit.sewesas of Use year, and after they are ! condition on four quarts of wt rots,
etas before the lard" an tnlqulti. tray l;r.s safe over tins porno of the first eight ' enc pint of meal, twine a day. and whets
Mae and sen borne to a land of steam weeks they take care of themselves, o*ly thus ted hogs regain) no water. Takla(
ti's. (V.. 21, R.'1, 51, all What • day it wan' expecting rations night and morning. ' one year wit another oho earns, of la
A day of •Alictlon of soul, but no work Sour curd and baked food are the beet I rshisn pe about 3f cents a day per hos
might be dose in It Their part was pent- praparetlems for them when little, ad , and If any one known of w r food I
bard Chopped o fine with trosid 1s pleased to Lear from him.
IV. 1 1 Thy n p y r the use of cam-
from all an was God ■ gift to then, sed the] Reno ha he7 sO°n pnawtial tcrtillawrs, ni 1ndieated D] dd/tea
through the work or another and by the se.- oat of obs way of nesdtngaviegr^y math at- � rat tipaV. l.. cin obtain aet • fair pss�
e lkle of • soUtitute How glad they must tension• shanks but 11llatlist.' dt!:edr roost] are
t fuer pain, than by potatoes. free f disease
and blear
have lean: west peace awl ream -e11 sin. for- totes andany other means known a
sivea I But It was only fora year. mamma put op stet of reek of "eh attweb they � him.
might ease ":Gest year 1 meet go over all the aro pratt mfo. A few st ►.U. ball(
urkeys en- • A Nebraska woman eayv daces ars
&Sulu.• On° tar the pa"p" m(gbt sesrny aroad Dee kitof the of ktfosse 1 greeds bids and will overeat 11 th•T fly
have bean c ower PurPo d klI warning g ( time She le no• foaled
la tla da
laces The prise' work nes 10 snake at. -n. bodied ewe len
many and In Ylat 50 wea perfectly 'inn. platy of gravel 2r pooaded 2aoek.r7 tot I A hf ssaahasatts fzreter claims to have
did of lid Wm in an sea a f0000dd dt weeder, will keep them in ii goo I learned that b7
semhaatt ut ora
cleansed till M mesa ceras sewn
7ttme giving shoo a a
to the priest with an offering foe Way maw - d Eoeia art• of they standee tat eft decks or geese, they are too dirt'
pato cvimgb(tte1L But our "sacrifice has lyse wham quite, their petard style.' in their halide to 1a •grec.h1• to have
offered earn for all* "('lean every whit,' d.r is them in the rude now then home.
pe says to all who aerate Him, and that ' Newly Floated Ts•esa I ninth amoal eneetlag of the So -
blood, ones shed' would continually for the Promotion of :�
clean., frown all do If we would but walk in elle ass* rare given to grossing tte�e m will intoe �. icy .•>�
t he tu;;ht "S.netifted through the offering should be bestowed 0n O.w1l d�4d Lgeat
of the body 01 Janus Ceram 0nee for all For trees. Th. ground tenet he stlrtsa and O. Protester of 1:o81atbtaK �.s
by ono offering He bath parterted tonere kept from halting to a brielt like mass of 1s secretary.
Nem that are meet/Sod' (Rah. x, 10, 11*.go.lay. Is many Instaaees 1510 aka ha (Nve tinn or a drat that win ttayda t
Tea pes{tese.e le oar park and even 11attte bymdching.but cnitursoftramp.511 muse*. sad rot tat. Orales
spirit works in es; full eluate.. has 11a. gait 1. far Pr• me.Die, foe an okb.r oats, nil meal and .wb Asko .n food fable
time to prevent the harboring of the oors afoul reedyto tat
nut for t o and freely ey tires l "ere. ft�s a and vends INS WV pr...r•.
curer will' T=II- ft 1 bear . the bs.. Mr i sm d woman petrltr7 raiser reenSe1IS
test the crest d bnd7, that pe may r (len 0oittLek for the ssittlMn d- hod meted with .nlphnr as a parfait Mena
return err Israel's „eetoraum and tins solve i =�Ireea ith an ftp RMtuedty err ilraly logs to tow
dies nen the a sells ,
Mutters year*. 1 rearm. rams ta.thlef ,
1 rabh', I1.... • . .r. 1..a5 ha. sad Suture.
T �I 73 -GI ST.
read thJ •ad
ten act : they d m em
✓ ept uta: will set set take tease r
a e tante and
homes and families. Thesere for -
every ape making mayoral M nyhutiara
an wishes particularly to rail attention to his
made as
dollars a wealth. it is easy for any one to
salhs fl• sad upwards per der. who is w idlers
es work. tither sea.yeMat Offold : capful
P ot "'did we start you l'amin'as new. from 10 cts to 75 cts per Ib, Maple Syrup, finest case Prunes
my shop in the Imre
stype. pet u Thee
Jew nsrbeel1•Ma,
two of them thereto
Melted keehester
Tiltiag 4 ba.rs,and
hired a journeyman
Writer. we as is •
peetees te do Wetter
wawa than hereto -
Ildy's a Cli'Mom' •
litare itttag rade •
specialty oa •11 days
except Saturday.
Kamm and tin
5)11 Weer merge. two door, east of I•.O . Goderich
The nndersigaed, while thanking the aablie for their `J'oral patronage bestowed
eon him since comnmeing business. bouts to •aneonee that he baa put down his
prices to
IOCR 'erro)"(COINS,
No seethe entity required' � '►.•der. ran
do It es well ae thyme. Wove N w at one.
ter fell particsiore. wbiek we mill einr ete.Ad
dress ST mime Ce.. PartLM-
3AK1 N C 12 Bars of Soap for 25c. 3 Scrubbing Brushes for 25c.
pure Spices, Lawry celebrated Bacon, cooked Corn Beef,
Cut Myrtle, Cavendish and Club Tobaccos, best
American fine cut chewing Tobacco, fresh
salt and canned Fish, best quality.
1..... (lane's. Mixed Candy. A No. i I'hoeoiste. Drops. etc.. etc. Seismal
pea ts1.«+era exist on'hen a:r1Whet pric.
sawM of fert'ra Anterr Merdlw�.., tshoI1i T�`1t;JOHN ROBER
wart that raw ten
clone at odea
•�• 1440 1.wtlasd
� ••41ro�nyda�lla�lnwforssatloe yea
a ay ....
.d_.FNM ilb.r. from 1 • to .
ser 'ileo 11 re,
b ;44, f»e. (•apUal nes � 48.171
ry _Meet 511.1.11,4;1748.17O.,
.:nate d.^ a
kis Werk. llwew.e• >•
Crockefy, 1ssuro. Floor, Feod
IstrooIms®011t TO b. L. M'TIQTORB,
Blske's Block, Lb* equara, Goderich.
O.derich, Sarah tad. sten. its