HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-8-10, Page 3;" M. • 4100,8 •.‘'•‘; •.• ';,:; • ,Paor, So?4,4' THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, AUG. 10, 1888, Nast She steed ammie am while 1 Wire Gis order five • busimei . Soo &hi/44mM M. I said. -Awl put • bright bird's slag wpm b.' A member ef Apellehee esolets was ehe. Awl coils, were bee osassaaass made es worldly Wk. 111. e. rilta spoke about the helpless butte we, wick- edly were herring. She embed the mawake. mid tney really were &termites. She said iluet meant Hi. lade bI,4ai• bee in trees arid skim. And there was petiole in her voice aa4 tears wete la her mac "int surely la this beauteous wade you ma nue lovely theses Emmet to tr1mp:3,a hate." she said. -without the dear bird. wham." I mo braide her test Nuns day al her ewe homiest dimmer. i Angelic beteg t hit she was to entertain • sin tier lier wellappaiateil table grceeml beneath the ample spread. (vane renewed appetizing course. and hung Itee. But said no filename bootees. "flo hare • road bud. dear. I'tor airy are so delicate sed sweet at this tune of the 3 cer " -gee wheeler Wilcox. ILmUy IL adereSswd. The causes of surname complaint. diarrlere, dyseritery, cholera neurbus, etc -.ears the excemite heat ogees( greet* trust impure water. over exereon and sudden chill. Dr Fowlere Wild Straw- berry re an infallible and prompt remedy ler all bowel compleiata from whatever cause. ends Every bedy has heard ef Frank Millet He mints pictures and writes !ruagezines settees to oases of peace, bet when a wa* IS "un h• becomes a "war erre- @pendent,- and se likely to turn op in the Soudan, the Transvaal or the Ilse hates. But times wee a tints white he was tiot known. lie sent lectures tn Mealtime to be suremid good ones, bet no 'me peril any particular attereutn to to then' or mod auything &bent them tine day be sooceired an iclea: H. painted a picture of a lady in black sit - tine on • bright red sofa standing against & vivid yellow bacenritind. The efiect was just • tries $tartling. Friends who mei it in preemie uf production espeete- lated with hins, and asked what he was Rome to do with it. They were simply astounded when he announced that he was going to seed it to the exhibition. They labored ivith him, but in rain. They told hen that the critics would ''wipe the floor' with him. "They can't do that without mentientng me," aaid Frank, quietly, "aed they've never even done that yet.TO *4*. exhibition the picture went. It killed everything with- in twenty feet on either std. of it. It simply knocked rut down and held you there. The critics got into a towering peseien over it. They ',ruts whole col- umns about it. They exhausted the Engin* laeguage in abusing it. They richt-shed the cammrnittioe that permit- ted it to he hung. They had squibs and gibes about it, but every time they spoke of it they neeetioned Frans Millet. He suddeely became the best known artist in tewn. Somebody, because of the stir at had made, bought the picture at • good price, and removed it to the se clusim of hie own home. When the the etzt exhibition came if Frank had another picture ready, one of a very dif- ferent sort, ..td very geed, but no better than other, which had been exhibited be- fore. The critics had much to say abost it, mid "rooted with plosoure the marked improvemeet" that Mr Millet hod made "an evidence," as they modestly pat It. -of the sales of criticism, even thoagli severe lo a young artist.- And the them newer saw that Frank ha▪ d si compelled their attention by • clever k. Made ea Purpose. Wo ars taoght that everything is made to till some purpose. The reason Bur- dock Blood Bitters has seeemeled in be- ing placed in the front rank of modern medicines is that it elle go the pur- peer. ter which it was inteeded -that of curing dresses of the stomach, liver and blood. 2 Tablas tars .1 44. Waspis. And it is foolishness rather than 41- previti not on the part of the wee@ mew er but of the one who should know hsaw to take eare of the wages when they ars earneeewhich keeps ao any families at the struggling poor most of their liven If the soother has "no faculty,- if eh* is ''s 000r manager," her husband mind ehildree must safer with herself. People 'pima of her scornfully, as though it were her own fault, when it is largely her mar fortune. If as • little girl she had been treated se a reasonable and responsible beams being, if she had bees Riven so assay tents ....k andexpested to read- er a strict savant of them, if through the years of girlhood she bad been sot merely permitted bet obliged to take °replete chants of her own financial af- fairs, wbo can doubt that she would bate learned valuable lemons in the art a spending Innemy to the beat edema's* that would he of incalculable Gerrie* to her now 1 The batons of oceureey, order, punctuality end thoroughness, if Dot ma rowed in yoetb, are nearly impossible to gain et all. Tea ignorance of emohnoit hominess principle@ which women dospley as result of the wretched old 14.4.1 4. women's le- tterset helplessness sad bratalesoneem eed general worthlenness. Ham mot women two feet sash as well as mass 7 TM. why does nal fhb Individual women Isere ta stand on them, sad why oo.44 she not in ties* learn to milt aloes? Are sot our hands levee um to earn some, with, and our heads to show us the beet way to fe- west it 1 The Peet el all evil Nosy be made the rant of a great des/ of rood to tbowe wbe protease the bowel, •irteee 01 prediense, foreelhought mod diecriamina- Tao Said 011 "ddelltd 'nal best supplement of religicia t. eoneirsou seem After legerrig resolved to fulbll the hiebeet possibilities of uur aature, the Wiese' ovaries lies Its attempt- ind to risme' the mental end physical citiiiitiou winch rootlet mettle Intuit possible. A sense old lady, *hose dimly living wee like subtle Imbue, 5.4once raked by • aso ely young girl how she couki *Set - Oise sell milmeasad • ithust tine apporia.1 failure. ''My dear," sere eke, "the Ars& emelt of demat living is iu *be help atia sup- p.ee. we receiv• from abov• ; the atscusid tea it. taking care of uureelves. Whim 1 bud that 1 ate more than woolly satin - Iles to dui word. ot life, I bike halt an hoer alone and read a pleasant book, or •vett take • nap. If the chareA wheets jar in the gates. I say to myself, 'Cisme, mese, Mouths ' We Joust stop to oil up l' "When I was • etre I had a quarre! w ile toy Lest (need, and all because I had been up half the night before, ate: dub. t know etieugh to take a nap bete* Nadine fault web her !" 'Bet I should grow selbsh if I watched my se Ms in that way,' said her ewe ineed, discouraged. O. bless yea, it must be cione with discretion! Poetard your nese and bo lit as delicate arid complicated ma - climes which must be kept to order. leiu wouldn't expect Tour watch to esep time if a breadcrurnb had lolged among the wheels ; why should you drinaed gentleness and patience of this humane mechanism if you don't exert yourself to ace that it es kept in reeair ' "I once hail a lit of the deepeet indigo blues, which yielded to an orange, entire in • lorieit little room. The °Finite wwl sweet and the senItght Ito dazzling that I coueliet retest the eemetten gradually stmalsug ate that *hi. is indeed the •bset of all pueeible worlds," • rennet lanteasene is mode by Miss Jane Butherted, of Neils* Corriere, Ont., who writes -"I have used y. ur iturecck Bloud Bitters for Dyspepsia aod tit.d It to he the beet remedy I ever tried. H. li 13, is told by all dealers at oue dotter per bottle. 2 in Meager eif a Groat Illow.a.p. Clat 41OGIATI. Ail,. 1 -Dr. Ernst Weis. senbacher, professor of geology in Head- e!berg University, has arrived here after making a emit of scientific wept...eon to the natural gas well at Findlay. Ohio. The profaner stays that about 1200,feet below tee city of Findlay lies an immense cavern, several tulles long and in some places 10140 than half a mile deep. This erewdoil full LI gas, which is under • pressure almost inconceiveble. Then came anentl strata of reck, peresps • utI# in thickness, and thee the Ivrea( in- ternal bre. The last et the laeers which lees directly over the tires is melting away. Abseil ten miles from Fiedlay on either side *1*4 of groat thickness, bet.. it nears the tawn it grows thinner, the fure.ace beneath disintegratine and..., lessentng the Mimeo. From the trie mendous cracking which is to be heard by the sound instrument, It is almost certain that disintegration is gems oil with great rapidity, and the professor memo to think that an early catastrophe is not improbable. but probable. $aumemer Travel. is usually subject to dangerous and sud- den attacks or bowel complaints, diac- ritic*. dysentery, etc., caused by change of food and eater. The sovereign irsi- toady and surest safeguard against all "zit troubles is De irowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. Never travel with- out it. 2 114.Care ef Tinware. Many women speed a good deal of time tn trying to keep tinware brigtit by scouring it with some kind of powder etch week. This is a poor plan, as the less soeurine hewers softies, the better. It removes the outside coating, and though it be kept tookieg bright by herd labor, It will waver look as well a& if it were washed in cram, hot suds. To be sure, that whim the tidie stained the stein will have to be renonved by scouruhr, bat only enough should be done to remove the stain. Kerosene and powdered lime. the ham very timely pulverised, is claimed to clean tinware isierly, and wood mhos is also recom- mended for the game purpose. A better powder may be made of the soft white cinders that are usually thrown away. After sifting th• ashes from the stove, pick bona the cinders ell the soft skeet ones. They must be sift enonsth to crush between the thumb and finger, mad alter meshing up fine they are ready to be used. First wash and wipe the ha clean, thee with a flannel rub it osier with the powder. It is so fine that it does not scratch ur wear on the ooating, and elves the tin • beautifel polish. Never use lye on dowers, or it will rein it. Keep an old toothbrush for getting iota the mania mooed the handle and Moe. Never put vinegar, tomatoes or any acid substance in tin. When tine are new, first fill the boiling water sad le• stand for a little while before mine. To mend holes ia lemma. use petty, placing it on the outside. MR dello. Maw Tsar Illaarsatasedaatsas. Many (amen in the meatier; of Lee - nos and Addiegton were proposes, to petition the Goirernisest to relieve emu sad oats from duty and thee anew them to seems oiseap feed for their Marvise meths. The terrible drought Nas eon - whited many that essemsretal reefireagy woodd be of iesaleulable based*. One preetieal farmer puts his positimi in this way : "It I want to expert 11100 worth of emirs or bones to the States and im- port 11100 worth of oats to feed othe.., I am required in pay 1190 dety es the settle mid aed 1110 oe the este bought, them kletall SE/0 eis • COO treimeeties, miesply bemuse Osessassidel Dee.. beg .14 14... obeained." Ilattelea est The enteplexion is only reedited un - 1 sightly by Pimples, Liver Spots sad I Yelloweess. These *4 4. well known are mewed from an inaetive UV* sad had tion. 1 Mond. Dr Chas Liver Cale Ithe etbued and whole system Sae Re- Freesias's Worm Powders destroy sad ap, ea,k go, toilet poogion, mete sod yegoove worms without injury to *dolt ismissins si bee 14,41=7 tee On.. or talent 1111 IA )7 4 " • Tenetiont asegleadelm1111. Thank the lerd, all ye time min call yourselves healthy. The dap hall OM. by fur physically delicate This age deusaiiike He4jei. mil yowler V111111114111 with ample waive and veriteble unnele. tipeciimil fruit aed specked people go to the muse category in the popular taint. 'Iro the guirtiket, "how •r• itei today f I, fOr tees, always feel oleo replithe in the word., uf au eel Irish servant we once hod ((Jud rest her faithtul soul wherever be thus eitudy day 1., "i•irst rat,. glory be to Goa l s such • geoid thug to be well aud stroug, to feel that your soul is riding oat its way to glory in • chariot atia net 11, a brukeu doe u uki mud cart Talk about happiness ! Why, a welt beggar has a better tune of It than • sick king, any day. 11, then, like • Mate your strong ring teethe you •berti the counties., shafts .1 pent which that ;Arita old epurtansee, death, is ever aiming at poet litenanity. count yourself au ingrate if lite tioug ef thankegivitig is not always melee/ from yuur heert like the coustaut wee in • bubolieg smog fur tory joy amett the clover. telltale tore. A cure for Cholera Herein A posi- tive cup, ter thus dangerous complaint, sod fir all mote or Chronic furnis of bowel complaint incident to summer mid fall is lolled in Dr Fowler's Extract of steld Strawberry, te be procured from any druggist pr medicine dealer. 2 - - - - • Flarirelt at al To keep chichens out et ths fiewer beds, stick sheet sticks four trachea apart all the beds aud leave the tops from h ur te six tucbes above the surface of the rround. Cieceeto uot tweeter beds nxed in this manner. Any planta that have become sickly I Attune can oliet.,by the aid of few dimes of titral• of aala, be quickly brought to a porfect state of health again ; bat beiug very powerful in its action this atuet be usei in small quantum, a pleats about the wee of • Marble HI :awl enough Ir a twelve inch put. This forties's' has oleo the effect of forceig plants on much mere 4iumck1y than ...thee manures, ar.h is therefore rideable for assistiag those that are naturally of slow growth. A correspor.dmit of tee Itelleidierr/ Feuer says : "Upon a lawn which I re oently noticed there was *rowing a tante clump ef white PetuniAI, eirorgletely covered write pure, wh:te, blorienuis. The secret .1 their wonderful growth wee simply • bottomless earthen p t, seek into the earth taken from the ground where the pot was set. I newer Gast on large • Meth on • plant, or such an abundance of bloom. and tt kept its beauty till November." _ The Sell Water Bath. If you want to keep your akin 'ties this summer you will have to persist le, the hot water bath. I road a funny' thing the other day abut Mrs Langtry using slices of raw meat en her face to make her skin ..ft and white. I should ' hke to call it a campaign tarradiddle, only Mts Laagtry is not ruontag for pre- select. Her skin is kept Deft and white by he use of the very bolted c water and the giving ef a Intl* care to it "rhea it is exposed to the .un; some simple inntmeet, perhaps put a little 'timeline, as rubbed over It for a and aa for all the wonderful stuffs she is credited with seine, I doubt if they have touched that (Ur pure face. Plently of exercise, a great deal of bathing and even temper are about as itood to keep the Ono in order and to keep one young looking ae all the cos- metics erescribed from the the whew Cleoptra lived. However, when you are in the country, don't submit te the abomination of hard watet-I think it would ruin the complexion of an ele- phant 11 700 can't get rain water put a little borax or • few drops of aintr.onia in the bowl whenever you bathe your , . k 3 HOUSHHOLD HINTS. -- Advice is like meow ; the softer it NM the toaster it dwells upon and the deeper it sulk. into the meted. 'To thought and dereatioo which ask* book. serviembie, and gives a koala' mod vigour to the mind. A Gout, Sour. -A knuckle ot weed stewed in uzaalk, with rime very delscatele dateured with lemon peelmake* a boterishing brath when beef tre la die DI11.14',GTA CALL - Take one cup ot butter, two of white sugar, four of sweet creme, the whites of eight eggs and one- half temtpuonful of baking po•der driver with lemon or rose water. SALLY Li44:44 WITIKAST YIRAsT. -To a quart of flour add tier eggs beaten up with one cup of sugar, use of wenn milk, with a otblespeonful of melted but, ter in it, and two aud • half teaspoon - NU of baking powder. Bak• in "Turles heads" like sweet cake, bop serve hot for breakfast, putting it on the table A Petit Courorx. -Wipe, but do not peel the pears ; steam thorn until they are tender, take them from the steamer, put theta In a pudding dish ; ad.I enough waiter alm.et but 1101 .luits cover them, an.I a cupful of sugar to • quart of P'S. eet thern an the oven for wine fifteen te twenty minister. teeinees are ale. mos served in *hie way, only they should ee peeled and cut au halves. A Levee Pr,etpi Nil that is acceptable if served very culd is the following : Over one p:ut ef sponemerake crumbs pour our (plea ti milk. Stir in the juce and crated rind of one lesion, the yolks of three Vire a small cup of sugar and • pluch of salt. When baked, spread the top with eirrent jelly, and fret with the wheesllrowis in the oven, and set on the ice when *ed. 5. Or it Wee CANDY.--Ttiko equal quantities /4 sugar and eyrup, boil in a suitable pot, till when yeau dip • spoon in cold water it crisps like glass. Pour it 001 on a greased stone or dish, and as i; gets cool threw up the edges and work it with the heed, or use a hook, until it is glistening like gold. The hands should have a little 11 .ur on them occasionally. Drew it into sti:les, or leare it like rock if preferred. A Dee. 1te Don. -A pair of not very young filar should be cut up and fried in a saccepon, with butter and lard. When lemonremove the pieces. Add two tioely chopped univea to the sate. gravy and let them bevorn. Also seed and aim right or nine tomatoes, cut then an slices aod add to the fessie also half a green p .pper, finely chopped, Iso cupfuls of hot water or beef stock : season end let all boil steely fer half an hair, and serve with plain bi iled rice in a separate dash, ILLY T44V4/ /.411 BtEtKFi.41* -Grate about a peund ,.fceld boiled ham, twice sa much lean as fat, Season it slightly trith pepper and a little powdered nutmeg n' mace. Beet tne yolks only of titre. eggs, and nix with :hem the ham. Spread the mixture thickly over s'ioes of delieetely brewned toast, with the rusts pared off and the toast buttered while het. Brush it slightly on the aur- ae* with white egg, and that brown wee g red hot shovel or salamander. face. Oaf Way ao Ten. 'eq.( a gentleman may : 'Cons hyar, yin black scamp, ea' black mer boots, se' do bit quick, too,' I knows dat man's from down Soul', he gwine to rimme limpet), en' mos' likely a quartah.'• Thus • derkey bny on a Mississippi steamboat was explaining hie pnation u to sectoonal proclivities. He went on further to may : *nether gentleman say to me, 'filly dear rune culeid frien'. wili you ise se tio black my bootaf' dat from Gemara's te7 mountains or monomers in dat direction& En' inebbe he amine tor trireme a John de Baptis'-dat's one aset-but mos' likely he cwiester jig' give thigh& - 0111 sen •Yerape. It is mid that during the lifetime of the average man he will endure about 500 days sickness. Tile beet way tn Po - duce year average is to see Burdock Blood Bitters whenever the system re- quites a tonic regulahug and cleansiag modicine. 2 Items or totems& Printed matter r inesitured by •••eios" the !attar "me- hetna the unit. The following compilation is by Prof A. P. Lyon "The Bible eontains 3.600.000 'sass Webster's Dictionary. 20,000.- 000; Johneone Cyclopedia. 511.003,000; Chernbeles Encyclopedia, /01.000,0001 Applittoo • Cylopedia, g0,000.000, mid Eneyelopeilia 13ntanere, 140,000.000. One of the most remarkable niechani- sal changes of the day is *besetting man,* of amel and the aloption uf iron for some uf the most important parts of locomotive* on many railroads. It is enesperatively oely • few years since tile shadows was made, ea most roads, f nes ken tout... A queer old ehap in Ramon has &rot- sokmany years and • hiree fortene to the seleitioit of statistics which fin to show 1 that the more does there ere In • CO emenity the Wiekeder the people of that Pleee The &foresee between the Isere sad many of the small °hunches, said mosey lama and small people, is ism this : the dieplity of their pride is restrieted only by teem poverty, sad limited 'imply be their ability. There has been an ineresse of bawl ens million native enienuinlimoses ke • the Christian Oharehes In hissehos losib Es* the pest rear. Wee wipe Deers. Lusk two mimeos teem Uie shelf - late ri:taly bound and stamped wIth mild. The other, Use • liessar .41 le lestheradankas brewu and old. Iasi as domain the ohmic .iglit eliesee tbat homage to boos & And with elegers of dellalu. 'fait et set luau look& Soiree Illeales had Inbreed Kra 1 perceived tbe gilded husk. lads/meat, all my *pint burned Like taper taseiset I shut the book, with& sounding shim, l'hat should move, my *cern to all. Ant slipping tale elms the *Lain. Peskin,' in face agleam *be wall. Them. antes lea 4.111101 nook With shoulder 10the slani.iig tweet. I lost ere soul le such • hook A• wraps • poet like • dream' - - - Abut Women. There are pleoty of girl babies, and, according to ell ammonia, ao simmer overplus of puma* ladies; but where are the little girl.? It is superfluous tc 1.41 us that beys will be buys. We realize that fact every time we hear one 4 the number stamp the snow off his boots and yell at his enured* through the opera dour: "Belly for you, Jones, !" Why does not some actually good authority assure us that girls will b• girls. The blame should bot rest on them, but 4 n their mothers. It is wicked to insiaten• children under 12 years of age in the conventionalities of artificial life ; yet very soon after the girl is aide to walk alone she is taught that to be beautifully deserted te one of the two chief aims of ltfe, and to receive attention is the oth- er. It may be • pretty sigbt, as rune mothers insert, to as. a little thing of four er tire swathed in silks and laces. and alinust staggering under the weight of a huge sash, but to thinking people it is a depressing sight. It will be bad enough aweaty years hence for the tiny beam to be saddled by the vanities of so- ciety, but to deliberately dwarf the pow- ers cf mind and body by &senseless style of dressing, is a criminal act, that can be excused telly on the hypothesis that the neither is as ignorant as th child. The little girls of today imitate not only the dress and deportuaent of then frivolous elders, but their laitguage also. The simplest statements are 4 prefaced with "Don't you thank" and "would you believe,' and thee subjects upon which their cenversation turns are described as lovely or ghastly, simply disgusting or perfectly exquisite. The oonapiracy against girlhood is widespreai and for- midable, and it is only by the resolute example of intelligent parents that the evil can be overthrown. If hearts must be poisoned and minds dwarfed let it not be the heans and miods of little girls, whom lives should be kept ideelly sweet and stuip•e and pure. imam et Premature A. I Do women grow old naturally, or is premature age forced upon them by too intense Ws pour life too full and wear not the measure. A quart pot will not hold three pints, neither will forty years hold the concerns of seventy. More than tiro -thirds of the average women • time is spent to worry over her sewing or in preparing food. As though our becks and our stomachs were the ism- asortiii part of u.! What would you think of a gsrdner who shield give no Brecht or time to anythieg het the pots his slips were rooted is I Or of a musi- cian who shoeld vend all his tree polish- ing his violin and newer ono, sweep the bow acmes tea urines until the air is full nightingale. and heaven I Take one quarter the thee, my dear, that you de- vote to (main over the cot and snake of your variens suits, tearing around after bargaius (os though the glaring of two cents 0111 yard would compensate you for the wear and tear of the beautiful fabric of life!) icing cakes, or preparing fancy dishes, and druid@ it to recreation or a walk in the woods, and at 40 you won't look like • lost leaf of Pharaoh's parchment. N attire never intended that we should live as we do. If she had outwit we should rat puff potato, sloe would here grown it on souse of her trees ; 4 she had intended we should twist and drape and shuffle and distort twenty-five yards of goods to make • dress she never would have started as nut with a fie leaf. Th. first thiog she did with man and women, ton, waa to tarn Omni loose in. morden with the birds. The=eventiooe of the dead &molly at these free children of nature in fourteen room fur- nace hired houses, with servants to wear the patience and the thousand sad and drying ma the sun, The reseal lin ma non -essentials of domestie torment TOW I in wbich they are soaked should to precipitate old age before its titne. A be netted, as the least particle of soap or closer wei,treeet 10 mum.. primal ises my other washing compound is apt to m to diet nod 'outdoor living would 611 set the anima the world in time with • handsomer and hardier MOO. tare of Teeth. The aversze girl in brashicg lier teeth , puts the upper aud under sets closely to - h ither and tirusbes only the metre. This is all very well for the finishing palish, but befere that she should take a ; small brush, give each row its proper at- tentim and be certain that every particle of powder A* pute is remi:ved from be- tween the teeth. It it is absolutely necessary that a pick must he used, let it be a very small gill (toe, or It Is better 1 still, 11 ,4*. work can be ationnplished, with a thread of silk. Weuden tooth- pick. are not adt teed, inasmuch as they are apt to break between the teach and very often a great deal of chtbzulty fol- lows in attetupting to remove the bits. Gritty powder is not goon ; it breaks the enamel and lodges between the teeth in a rely unpleasant way. A powder re- commended by phystotans and very easily made is competed of one pert ot precipt- toted chalk, one part of powdered aside a -op, one part of powdered orris root. A very good soap. and every women ought to have a stood map, is just as gond for the teeth as it is for the skin.- ' in Philadelphia Times. Illawd Sadao. Remove blood otatos (mei lines by soaking the article in Mem, soft water over night, then washanx the meal way grawistas Pak ape's. Ws have removed the viiry worst ink Stains from earlier of very delicate eolore ty rubbing them with skim milk, and when they are almost effected, washing them with s cloth erer-lt out in boiling water without soap. Theo wirer the pima with a dry dish and let it remain for • day. emit wee gime. For a doh 'lath "par tzeellisatio," make • cloth about twelve inches egoism el four or are tatck news, of oommon white millionth,' netting ; then moo be. f01111 10111 back anti forth on the roschine, to hold it frail/ together Thus it is very soh and will hold rie grease at . IL - _ The two greatest ~aim to plants in pabi ars want of drainage and soar god. Perhaps the nes to the tease of this other. Many people do not see the esesseity tor dnueaue ; they do nod ailiderstand why tasteful gardeers pet all them emirs in the hoonel of a pin. In tbe mama way the um* people mem* see why farmers • rn 44:51 eItZethilt:a10.114"114441 atel.°1•01"1 len hirra a44:3:i soother is over. sraterfug ▪ new, k the soil in an eveseeet. *Er -shit,04 dep ; still another is potting eth. PeaD4 seng"od :74hich"dotii. lusemadStni°114 anew dm wart 10 perootate throes* UM es small pre as the roots will allow. Give too mesh ar1011a1111 rather than too Male. Owe e year is Ghee enough to repok. To darken light sashogeny and cherry, bit:Annotate of potash dieelved in water is excellent, sad gives 11 14*. appearance of age. A very thin met of what ia known es French picture Tante& will restore chro- nicle and oil paintings to their original brash nese. Where a daily bath of water is not well burns or not obtainable, a moil sharp rubbing with a dry towel best. To polish nickel plated goods after beaming black and not worn, use rouge or whiting on a rag with a little oil. Egg shells crushed and shake. in elms glass bottles hen filled with water will clean them luiehly. Belt and vinegar brighten breams ss well as auy sore modern and camerae. Carpets will look 'meek brighter shier sweeping if wiped of with • damp meth. Hang • small beg of chamoal • the mien water barrel to purify the water. A bit of soda dropped in th• ~OF 44 en oohing tooth will afford relief. A little noolsesse epee s meelber4 draft • phmeet Mimeos. A Everette Of one does. "Taos** sr- to any one semeling the best four 1.. • on ," the remeirkahle little ries for the Teeth and ALA ; .4r11,•st A Adiralle "Did n't Know 't was Loaded" May do for a stupid boy's *aegis's Whet CAM be said tut the parent who sees We child languahlag daily aad fads to recognize the weal uf a topic aria blood -purifier ? Formerly. a course el hitters, or sulphur awl seuresies, 515 14. rule la well -regulated families ; but itow ail hatelltgent households keep Ayer's earesperillIa„, which la at once pleases* to the taste, and the most sear, lilac and effectit e blood medicine river discovered. Nathan 11. Cleveland, 27E Canton a., &stow, write.: " My daughter, uow 21 'ems okl. was Is perfect health until a ) ear ago Masa she began to compeen of fatieue, headache, debility, dueness. anstigesitioa, amt Is of appetite. 1. on. eluded that all her complaints originated In impure blood. and aueucee lie r to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This wedt. 'system riatored her blood-mokatig organ* to hvelthy action. and in Just Woe reestab- lished her former health. 1 Cud Ayer* Sarsaparilla a moat valuable remedy for the lassitude end debility lnieleut to spring eine." J. eastrlibt, Brooklyn Power to Brooklyn, N. Y. says : "As a spring Medicine. I find a splendid riestitute fur the old-time coutpounds in Ayar's Sarsaparilla, with • few doses of Ayer's Pills. After their use, 1 feel fresher sad stronger to go th 'ough the summer Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rsiersagit Dr. J. C. Ay. & Co., Lowell, Mass. Friss eli .4*bieum ei. Werth ea • bow* sperstam. Eon no rielt in hi:One malicine try tse great Kidney atid L:ver regula- tor, made by Or. Chase, author of Chase's teatime. Try Chase's Leer Care esr all dmeasee ..t the Liver, Kid- neys, Seomach sod Biwels. So d by all druggists. The distreesing palebees often ob- served in young girls and women. to due II great measure to a Lug of the red corpuscles in the bee)]. To rental] this je itel_tes a medicine which produces i'Vsse necessary little 'oleo.' constituents, aud the krest yet discovered is Johnson's Tonic Bitters. Price NI cents, and $1 per bottle at Goode a drug store, Mixon block, Goderith. 5 -de a4etit, rbi The New York aldermen yesterday adopted an ordinauce providing a penalty 4e0 for each trip or pert of a trip made by any norm car net provided with both a conductor and drluir. Mt ea Tour Guard. Don't allow a cola in the head to siow- ly and surely run hit° Catarrh. whim you can be cured for 25c. by using Dr. Chas.. Catarrh Cure. A few applica- tions cure incipient catarrh : 1 to 2 boxes cures ordivary catarrh; 2 to 5 boxes le guaranteed to cure ehronic catarrh. Try irOnlyista23u sud sure cure. Sole by 411 ugg 17 The Central Bank liquidator are about to rake an application to the court at Toronto for leave to pay • see - mid dividend of 33' per cent. The liguidatirs expect to pay 75 cents and wand tho affairs of the batik up by June next ** NM never ilasthed Amin r No "hardly ever" about it. He had an attack of what people call "bilious- nees,"and to smile wait impossible. Tot a man may •liesile and matte, and be • villain still, still he was 110 villain, but a - plain, blunt, honest sten, that needed • remedy such as Dr Pieroes "Pleases' Purgative Pellets," which never fail to cure bilioueness and dimased or torpid liver, dyspepsia and chronic cimstipa- tien. Of druggists. Moths or any summer flying insects may be enticed to destruction by a bright tin pan half filled with keromeaa, est in • dark corner of the room. Attracted by the bright pan, the moth will meet, his death in the kerosene. Te the Ileelleal eriscaseue, awe till wits= IlletY mauls. Phosphatinis, or Nerve Food, a Phos- phate &lenient based upon Scientific Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin, R. D. of Boston, Maas,, cures Pulruon- ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner- vous Attseks, Vertigo and Neuralgia and all wasting disemes of the' human system. Phoaphatine is not a lifiedecine, but a Nutriment, because it contains se Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, °pieta& Narcotics, and no Stimulants. but *mg ly the Phoephatie and Gertric Elements found in our daily food. A single bottle 4. sutficiont to eons -ince. All Druggist. sell it. 111.0 par bottle. Lawam Co., sole steins for the Dominion. $6 Front dame ILA Toronto 10000 PRESENTS To WWII ARWLVITc. slaw 5511 11.4 We will wed tw 1-14,l s• sp. ltarlt. r it to each maples, otor or amk-owe le • tinnily — relay will try leo Ilettualmite4 SWIM NNW. Me the red corn- hero tier label and send st ir a letter lannew amnion atter F.ItOr, a 5, 100, al Oat May will seenre the gilt Ana grocer or atorekerwr assawa, w%ere to lei s t *Awl - AI.fee.— .C11131PIIILL 4 co-.Toitorrg Dwell CI kr Pitclifscastini Whoa Debt wee sieb. we pore bee Gatesele, Whet ele wee *PIS Me salad CaMaila4 Mao do bases lam obi Mese as Oetemie Whet oho Ita.1 Globes. aheipeve Ceemeo, -444 LityaillarrION It" "vet the lam t esetary. Ike tottemsell smear gat belwasdlar• at tavelei es p,- rim4.. toothed_ mod women ei week Met omm psteene54 ell ewe, the tapestry williesit niliteertil. my see ma 4o thefereettethr hip ii.. twerlame hem their beeper ~Is se et4, _. es appesei emlite al as seeded : raw Ir. iiitagiia-isis:. • Ohio met and room ta we mei sowill seed iron to51. eeepAitelost ot Kant mita loid W. perianoo to yea, that will stem yea Is Mal - tow, which wilt hriag Toe ht mere (11.111114 041111111 AM% Ammee an 4 ........m..... pied away. than anything Waal. the , • ou44.1•a