HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-8-3, Page 8JNTY CURRENCY. mod daia.oeingR from team Item all ever Mena teaes7.t'alled tapped and Gadsa•ed rem and Pawl The Fai of lbs beim hem est deasysa. 1 1 r Mr Gen. Popo, of the 2nd con., of Hallett, has • yearling cult by Keen- e/us-4h, that would be bard to beat toy. where. 148111) pounds of choose were sold to Mr Hilbert, for Ayer it Cu.,uf Montreal, by the Morro acrd Grey cheese factory. The prise paid Weslltcent. The cheese wa chi la•t Saturday. 1 apo anat. state that the prospect for the honey supply this year is had. The lotto epriog drouth cut off the sup- plies from the tees and unless the bens - wood trees cow* out well, honey moll be •eiroe, Or Sunday last Mrs Emersion, of the 3M eon. Hullett, had the misfortune to fa down cellar, breaking three of her ribs close to the backbone ; se she is op in years et will Poke her some ties to re - Corer. The Post stye : The law buineaa must be looking up 1n Brussels, as • new lawyer oasts to reside here oo Thursday of this week. The firm will likely be Sundae at Sinclair. Tbs younger member of the firm will probably officiate as "crierin the Court for a while. Let Friday Jain McMullen, of Win- tbrop,for keeping liquor for este without Noesis., was, ou information cf J. -It Miller, Liosnse Inepeator, assessed $20 and ovate and his supplies destroyed. The ogee was heard by A. Hunter and reeve McCracken, J. P'. E. E. Wade represented the Inspector, Mr Geo. Thompson i, steam sawmill, near W inghas was destroyed by fire at about three o'clock Tuesday morning, -together with about 800 cord* of hard and soft wood shins, sawn for firewood. feminismon mill is said to be $1000 ; lose about $3000. Mr Thompson and ire are in the Lower Provinces. Farmer, ate buoy M their fall wheat sod barley. The oats will be sheet i• this vicinity *snug to the drouth. Muse pesos' oe pensee have bees amos.ug themselwti tort echoed property, a School No 6. 1'bs trustees eller $10 reward to say parson who will give seat information that will lead to the /utvIMMm of seek parties. o Monday last, W H. Baer went to "ins father's barn, Colborne, to take the 'Radar out is start harvesting, and as be tksstfud hi. horse nn the floor, be noticed s j� 10 • plank : he stopped the horse to cover it op, and in an tnstaot the home weot into the cellar, • distance of ifest, sleepers and planks below rutteo. ifotas .vi1 disposed person or persists i have been amusing themselves by throw- iosR stones at No. 9 school bouse,Toeker- smith. 63 lights of glass have base )tsofren is the windows, and a panel out 'at one of the doom. The trustees have offered • reward of $10 for such informa- tion as will lead to the conviction of the ;silty parties. Mr John Thorp. of the 2nd concession Taskeramith, had a valuable heavy draught horse die on Sunday last from inflammation. He had been offered BOO for this hone. As :uesforttsnes seldom oome singly, Mr Thorp has wf- fered another considerable leas in having •sbout ten acres of flex completely spoiled by the drought. Mr Nelson Bingham, (son of Mr W. $ingham`'of Rkbmond,Mieh.,has bought the ('i0 act fans on the all eon. of Hui - lett, formerly owned by the late Wm. Wallace, paying therefor the sum =2.800. Mr Bingham spent fire years in Mani- toba, several in Missouri sod Michigan, and finally concluded that there is no place like Ontario after all. He returned or bat arday lest. Last Tuesday evening Josie Hunter, 'Brawls, while assisting his brother paint a buggy on the high platform by their shop, tell a distance of 1.2 or 45 feet to the ground. He fortunately struck on his feet and although consider- ably shaken up was not seriously injured. The cause of his tumble was that the wheel he was working at mute off the axle and fell with him to the ground, 1 Mr John Riky, 8th con., Hallett, had */serious fire the other day He was , eugeged in healing hay, and while light- ing ha pipe a match fell on the *tumble and set fin to it, and not being noticed for a while the wind blew it to some rak- ing., arid it soon 'Forted all oyer the field, and butted 40 rods of fence and two large stacks of hay, being the entire crop of fifteen acres. They had a bard time to save • field of wheat next to it. Les sea. Ice neat A*t regime there led gat hese ay rowdyism' or dsMvrbanee in this vil- lage, but ante the limas" eyetem Mare is • greet ohmage. We have a Reed look -up here, and our sonet•ble would twofer • public beoe6t, by potting tubers of peace tato it, mad give them to uode stand that they have got to behove themselves, arse though they du take toe mach whiskey, and thereby provost say rspstitiuoa of such conduct oat oar stt'erta. I'aralaaaat. NRx. 1,s�rae�-Is Ouderkboe the flltb July. Om wt of lmµ. Latinos. of • daughter. ■ARsit1. Llemliallaelt• -1n Ueda/Soh. car the tat Iset. W the Bev. A Pater, padar nI Va- lera St. le- leraSt. cbut►. Yr Joia R. (.Iunb. of na11. to Rose M. C4nleo. 3arabter of )(r William Malta. Uoderiek. Halm Orme - 1a ondericl. iso the bet Ismby IMospogo, e Reo. A. Potosi actor of VIo- teria-MI. church. Mr Robert Healy. OodeNcb Towasbls to teeth Las, daughter of Mr (im- Orcea. Uodertah. kober(sse 10 Colborne. ea July 311h. W. Reberteaa aged r l fears and a maths. FINE TAILORING !1 JIW sPBINO gowns NEW FRENCH WORSTEDS. NEW SCOTCH T11'EEUh4_ NENV ENGLISH EE14 NEW CANADIAN T1%E' S . TAKE A LOOK AT TI4EM. * B. MacCorml Cs Learn's Hien Fos a Tuns. -Mw Oluttou leaves bee for Edeas, to wide w ith her brother, Dr W. H. Clettoo, where he has undertaken the practise ul tadiciae. A large number of friends here will sus her w their social circle, and in the Sabbath school work an .IL • 1, faithful teacher will be much mtes- ed by the natant clam, which she has taught with great success fur several yearn. The Band of Hope is also loatag ear* of the chief leaden and earnest workers in latching our little ones tbe bumble of temperas**. At their meet- ing last week the juvenile workers in the good cause presented her with a • choice present, Miss Ethel Canonise making the presentatius on behalf of the baud, clad Mies Kate Lawsuit reading the following address : Data Moss CLurrox -It was with unfeigned regret that we learned of your tuteot on of severing for s time your con- n ection with as sea bunday teacher and also as the auperintendtot of our Band of Hop., your pleasant face and kindly helpful work will be much mined by us a11. We feel that we could not let you g o from us without saying how mach we appreciate your keine service. We would like you to accept this tittle gift to remind you of our good wishes, praying that He whom you serve may bless and keep you wherever you go. A suitable reply wag given by Miss Clutton, thalik- nig them for their kind present of a water set and autograph album, in which the names of 27 of the metubers of the Band of Hope at Lisburn, were neatly written in friendship by each little work- er in the good Dawe of temperance. Mn D. Fraser and family are enjoy' ing • pleasant visit here, the guests of H. R•iltos. Miss A Stirling is spending her holi- days with her sister, Mis Thus. Harrison, near Porter's Hill. Mr Whiteman of Tuckersmith is visit- ing here, the guest of Mr Joseph Geek. At the haat meeting of the 1. 0. G. T. 214, the officers of this quarter were sleeted for the new quarter, cummeac- isg in August. The new bridge built last fall on Butternut few by the township fathers, at the west end of Hope Farm, hee been mach improved by having the approach- es on either sides plowed and graded, and scraper deepening the ditch on each side of it. This work having made the road somewhat higher the Eenedicts try now and make it an excuse that it is not safe for them to take the baby carriages J ong, as coining down grade they may have • spill by getting on the track, and until a railing is put up they won't per- form this faithful duty. The fair sex aro fretting • petition on btrchberk for the councilor ie our section t a eve in at the next council meeting to endorse the married men's views that a ratlkog is really oecess•ry so thst their street talks won't be interrupted by a sudden fall of their particular friend into the ditch wl.eo crossing the bridge. We hope the township fathers will remedy this by granting the railing. Lest Monday at &trich, while Mr Henry Ortwine's bolus were running oat in the field one of bis two-year-old gotta attempted jumping stemma a creek, when it suddenly slipped and unfor- tunately broke its leg. The animal is row under the treatment of Mr Harry Doan, the esturprisieg veterinary sur- geon. He bee treated such cases eucc*ss- fully before, aad will liltly make • good job of it tan time. Knox church Cranbrook, was moved to the north aide of the lot en Thursday of last week by Des. Zimmer. 0)a Mon- day of this week there was a bee hauling 1 stone from the river for the foundation. Tee tear were in attendance. Fifteen fest sill be aided to the front of the building, giviag ample room for the The mamma coin mewed w ma Tsesday. Wm Dark ha the join When the veneering with Krish is done, a mew roof of and the so - aide and outside painted the courage - tion at Crenbrook will baye tory eom- imitable quarters. On Monday last Mr Wm. Menet, who ►iddea os the Alexander farm on the Srd concession of Tochensitb, met with • serious acoidest While esiherinw fire wood ea the river fiats he left a little oy sitting is the wagon. The horses got frightened and started to ran away. Mr Elms* soeeeeded in online into the wagon, bat could only get hold of one line as the other had dropped to the ground. He polled on thio line, tura- jag the heroes round, and upsetting the wane on Mtn. The wheel of the veli' els tiassed neer bre long and shoulder, brae init his Boiler hone and in other ways bmiaintr his The buy memos unisjered. Notwithstanding hie serums ninnies, Mr iCier.at held no to the httrs ea and peeveu it thews getting swig R. will likely be laid up far come Moo Dangsaaoa. Mrs Kay and dasghter, Miss Mary, of Lakefield, County of Peterborough, mother and ruler of Mn Hugh M. Duff, ars vetting relatives and friends here. They neem to like this part of the country. Oe Tuesday last we were favored with ',what was very touch wished for) a good heavy shower of rain. Sir Simon Pentland, a student for the rei5istry in the Methodist body, occu- pied the Rev W. F. Campbell's pulpit morning and eveniug of last Sabbath. He will occupy the same pulpit on next Sabbeth forenoon, and Rev H. Irvine, of the Nile circuit, will preach in the evening. Mrs B. Crawford, and her son, have returned from visiting relatives in New York State, having been away for up- wards of two months. She enjoyed the trip very such. it t. not every municipality can boast of as many ratepayers owning the cog. woman Mao as the township of Ash6sld ; then are in the municipality some two hundred and four voters on this years' list, and of these No 7 subdivision has sixty one of that name. Mr B. J. Crawford, of the firm of Crawford it Anderson, merchants, in- tends taking in the exo0nio0 to Manito- ba sad Northwest which commences on the 7th of *usual we wish him a plea- sant trip and safe retorts. Weather being very favorable fernier' are, with but few exceptions, nearly through with harvesting fall wheat Spring crops are progressing rapidly, oats and peas are looking well, and will be • pretty good yield. Oer dpety postmaster, has returned from a vet to relatives, friends and ac- gasintancee down Sas. He erjnyed bis trip very mach and feels quite omit Grated. W• are pleased to see him hose safe, and en mush improved in slo- pes/saes A standalone scene took place in oar mostly quiet village es Tmed.y alter - n oes. A se of rowdies from Port Al- bert bating the actor" in the disgraceful dmew We understand Mr Geo. Ham kine of the hive, the pnundkeosper, in en- desvo.rieg to carry out the ,...undage law wee assaulted by moose ponies who Lad defile umpoedd, and wished to take them eat of the primed by force, and in so5sagessee of which was obliged to kris" the potties up before Nene MJ. lough, who feed them for their conduct, wbieh one of the party again mm• led seek and battery oil the goatees Mr Hawkins sad brine prom 1 right Ware the Nair., was farther which we hope will teach hem to behave himself. 1 sight hero and now remark that 1 am Informed that deriatg n Mies Dottie, of Kiooardioe, is the gems of her grandmother, 31r, D, Pioche,. bliss Mary Wyle, of Detroit, is 'lett- ing at the old bomeetead. Messrs Robert and J D Murray and family have retorted to Detroit. 11ise M (' Hewell, of Toronto, is visit - lag in this place. Dr Towle is vieitiug his old friends here. Mrs W Murehisos, of Toronto, is the guest of Weald Murchison. Mn D Murchison is visiting in the vicinity of Stretford. Mies.1 Murdoch, of Wiogham, is visit- ing at her father's, Mr A Murdoch. Mr and Mrs E A McKenzie, art Bel- fast, are visiting in this vicinity. Mies M Struthers. of Galt, who was visiting her brother William, hu return- ed home. William Morrow is getting quits strung again. He was pretty low fur a time. Tuesday's rain has made the country look Ake Spring. The wheat is about all out and moue of the fsrmen are drawing in. Siena Sharman and Reid,uf Goderich, are doing a nice job plastering the new personage. The second cwt of paint on Mr Grumett's hoese looks tine. Miss Lottie Holmes, of Ayr, spent a week- in Nile recently wit► her sister Mr, H. Irvine. Mr A. H. Manning, of Clinton, will preach the quarterly meeting sermon at Nile nest Sunday morning. The Methodist church hes purchased a beau- tiful communion set from • Toronto firm. George Jackman is spending his holi- days at home this week. Sir Hector Lingerie will lay the cor- ner More of the new public building at Joliette on Tuesday next. Ths Newfoundland delegates are ex- pected to arrive in Ottawa nn September 10th, to discus confederation. The Custom. Department at Ottawa hes been informed cf the seizure of the steam -brig Domes, at Pa/rebore, N.B., for entering without reporting. A consignment of tees from Japan, via the Canadian Pacific Railway, tor Galt Bros., arrived at Winnipeg in exactly one month from the day of shipment from Japes. The New Jersey Supreme) Court yes- terday rendered a decision in favor of the constitutionality of the local option high license law. The{New fork aldermen yesterday adopted ase. ordinance providing a penalty of $0 for each trip or part of a trey made by any Morse car not provided with both • conductor mud driver. Two br,then, young unmarried Scetchmen recently from Glasgow, named Angus and Thomas Chalmette, were drowned yesterday while in bath- ing at Charleston lake at Farmer,ville, Ont. The C,ntral Bank liquidators are about to make an application to the court et Toronto for Igve to pay • 500- ond dividend of :13i per cent. The liquidators expect tit pay 75 cents and wind the affairs of the bank up by Jose next. He who does mit help us at the need- ful moment, never helps ; he who does not counsel at the needful moment, never counsels. CIIEAP EXCIIRSION! TO THE CANADIIM NORTH-WEST 3,2007:$28.00 TO 1OOSOMIN ANO RETUAI i2211 MILLS WfiT OF WINNIPEG Colonist Class Tickets will be mid at all station* en tur lht- tario t Attwte and Ifouseen Uirtswne ut the ('aaadiaa Panda% the Kingston r Pembroke u,broke aad tire wl frun c Railways, Promote. Uttawa and west thereof. Kort :Tea North- Western hallway. The Ewur$un w.n leave Turouto at 11.11 p.m. on Aug. 7e b. and Cr rleton June:ion at 1 10 a.m. oh Aug.. via North Hay an., the I'a Cesaadiaa ridc Railway. Partied should artaage♦to arrive la thug to take there totes, * D GFV$T 7tb, 1666, Tickets will be good t o relent until : h Oc- tober. and allow the holder to lay over at aur ration Witiatpes or west thereof. Tara:as la 1(0 UETTKI( TINK TyiiJF OUR Or Tilt: L5'(D FOR 5511`(0 000T 4:11l011 AMU) VOUTDO. Y'atg�A5. Return Tickets will also be sold from Wio• news toss' statins between Winnipeg and lJelonine. Portage 10 Prairie aort Iq e. t.uges- burg. and a Miasma west to Calgary. at BINCli•LE W.A. Ft 1E Or for those who drive across the country. one -halt rate will be charged back to Winni- peg or Portage la Prairie. Apply to nearest railroad agent for full par. Oculars and areggemedatioa la ('otosas sleeve's, which wW be reserved as ordered. 210.11 DARLING'S ALE & PORTER CARLING'S BAVARIAN LAGER (Bottled) For Sale by C. H. PARSONS 1111 ALBION BLOCK. UOiJBH1('H. Eraustling 'Bubb*. NNE GRAND TIU. N t:.all.tt Al'. Teaisearrive mad depart et Uoderich as fel- lows ARRIVE tMaill sad Zeman Wised MUM.- Mail ... etvAae. `........... 7.01 am. Mail and Express........ ....... 1.36 p.m. Mixed.. SRSp.m. C. F), Mt. BOOM TOWN PROPERTIES FOR SALL $100 AND UPWARDS I have a large number of Houses and Lets and Vacant Lands in the most desirable parts of time Town 500 seta toast. Now is the time ,o secure property before Owe Bir[ Hush. The 1.. P. R. is Doming mere, and lea short tome prices will have advanced beyond the Preach of many. (:a11 and see List and Prices before perebse• lig ealeewbeer. P. RADCLIFFE, Real Estate and General laavasre Asset. ( aoc Wes -tit.. third door trees Square. C. P. It Ticket and Telegraph (lt s.. bad. NOTICE. ruiuntran, E & UNDERTAKING �A is the Cleanest house In town for all kind+ of Furtltnre. Wilms ;rs a•diesetd b any 3:3_ CORN= ober furniture man in Ooderich. The Best Hearses and the Best Stock of Co*finand Caskets to choose from in town. at the mud reasueable prices. WINDOW SHADES & BLIND ROLLERS. Hartshorn Rollersare the Rest In use. Cbeaper thea aoy bowie 1. tows ppl4 Sewi▪ ng� ng MachCS.--" NGet'Nt4Viit YMOND" viewing a the word. CMS see for yourself before bu):HL trash in town. PICTURE FRAMING A SPECIALTY. Ma. bite,. lied At Lowest Living Price*. No botch work lite some Jack.ofouiredes ars Vola& d/MaY eat 05 11Y5 me a tall and weer Nosey. Don't forget the plan &- B_ CORNEI4L, Ilew,1. The Cl *.peen Furniture Mab la Town. Opposite DentistrR. , Legal. - 1111117 A NICHOLsON. L.D.S. FDWARD y. LEWIS BARRISTER. J `+ullr toss in P 1preme o DENTAL ROOMS. er Eighth dobelow the Poet U/tt- ce, e tet. Ooo*aocu. 1mL�t1 DR. E. RICHARDSON, LD.S, SURGEON DENTIST. Gas and Vitalised Air administered for pam iateestractingof teeth. leeeetal mantas I▪ ves to the preservation or the Na:urst Teeth. Otiee-Up gain, Grand Opera Hone Bleck. Entrance oo W sat -alt.. Ooderich. 1151-17 (' urt. Pr,eeor la Maras t'oun. (ANe s nest doer to Mafia's Neftel. Ooderich. Money to leas. 11. QKAGER & HARTT, BARRISTERS, te.. Oodericb mad t'un'es 4 all �uh ef- i time opposite lMenia's Motet.1Ftf C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, ties. • 14. Ogles. ~war of Boma y W street tisdericp. over ti isgrapit pans rate tends to lead et 6 per tett. GARP1IW 6t PRiI'DFI)OT, BAR HI:±'1'F.k+ Artoras-+. Solicitors. etc wL WOOLVERTON, - D. S. Roderick J. T. 0110/0.. W. Procdt,ot. 173 • Cl/.x•--Odd bellows Hall. Neth St.,1 Osderlok. Cbarres moderate. All work war-,o&Mn i.rERON. HILT dt CAMERON, t ated. Gas K titatirad Air given for p Sw- am Barristers. is fiancee,.ie.. axtractice of teeth lestSoder eh. R. C. cantina. .4-',-'-. 1'. Hull, It. -- I O. Cameral. C C. Rosa. 1731 Lae People's %utumn. Loans anb insurance. OBT.-ON MOND AY JUNE 4TH JJ betweea%Velline.en St. and S miles s utb from Godericb. on the Rayfield rata. • lady's satchel eeot•inieg children's wh.te clothing. collar+. Liar cloth cap with tong teasel. sad nae gold brooch. three garnet meninx. 1, metre. Pio broken off. site of broach about two Inches la diameter, braid gold chased., English manufacture. The dater will be re- warded b7 leaving it at Toe Siam at (AWN.. D. STEI N BAC H. Emrich Ont. 17- PITMAN'S SHORTHAND BO OKB, • -A limited another of "Teachers" and .'Mamma- an be,obtained et bait rata at Tru 8mt at. Mace. Legal Sates. FARM FOR SALE Aunties Sale of rateable tares proSerty Leder mad by virtue of a Power of tie. coo • Mined In • certain Mortgage bdiring dere the s/tb Jay of irecember. A.D. 1183. to the Ven- ders. sed which will be preduoed at tae time of sale. there will be wont by Public Auction, •t Martin's halal. in the village of Dungan t ea be lbw ('oanty a Heron. at one o'clock In tie afternoon. on Thursday. the 11k day of Merest. A.D. 1/08, by John Knox. Auctioneer. the following valuable tars propert7. name - le : All end singular that certain parcel er tract of land and peculiars. aieuate. leiag and betas to the Towaable of West Waimmesk. in the Coady of Heron and Provisce of On- tario. and ctmtainlog by adnleseuratient two hundred acres of land. be the and more or lace, and being composed of lot number twenty-two. is the eighth cow -mown of the said Township of Weto tt ewaoosb. A bout 00 scree of the above land is clewed ad tree trews waspe and therefore about 1u aerosol good growing timber. cutwsaog of Black Ash. Elia Pine and Cedar. There 1s • spring creek os. hand. The buildings remise of • hews log house with tram, kitchen. • new frame bank Lars and • frames tivasiary. The soil is • clay loan. The property is situate about 1 miles from 1i - sinew and abets s alias Pros laungaa os. sad about 1 Ttie Irma I' trh 131. Helens. above property will be meld enbje't to a airtpge. TERMS: Tet Mr cent_ down and the balance i• one maatb trete the dee of male. For tattier psrticuiers applyte (:AMKItON. HOLT a. AMERON. Vendors' Solicitors. Oedalei. JOHN KNOX. A nct10neer. Ooderich. Dated Isla July. A.D. 111111. fid:. ' FRe ))1 NOW TO JAN'Y Ist, 1889 FOR 50c. kr 00 IS THE BEST lamas la le • melba sellelltela Ow erases er os. saws mdse Ws... IM Me Mtgae/ ee Deessetes a ss et as emewwe was. s 0 THE FINEST BABY FOOD, THE BEST INVALID P000. THE MOST PALATABLE FOOD, THE MOOT NUTRITIOUS FOOD. THE MOST II00110MICIAL P000. IN Meds ear M Mums tier el .0W: A Gab* *bred !•e. Daws yt iveurve ewes bai fie 5t te see mom. fir fir gene ben maim •sem Ale s sedndme ree?esr on tlr Sand taaeae and neaps. Sala Mimes m. 85... Ne..'51.ae. will LEICNAROROM ft CO. HON T REAL. P.O. Age- Will Send to anyAddressIn Canada, United Great Britain for 500. Subscribe at Once. 50c. Send along the money and donfb rM send name PI -if lee aro shoofly a BaisMiber love onw mot to mow 0t tour tgrimel the for UM. THE HURON HOTEL Z-t:e this (� Tkle w,ll known �pop•Iwr ►et*1 kY hese U t Fullbids of this LJf BI 1•d aeeA en dariwg 1b, pia swims ah wr d aw seto none in gimlet, .+f sc mlee 0selation taw the era...111aq stelae (Mod aeesasaedsttow ter ! { a N . ('RA10e lite ti1sate. Oederber Oat. P .pvMIM. For Sale or to Let. 000 TO LN. APPLY 'PO CAOA MKRON IsoiLT t C AXERO .Oad• MONEY TO LEND. -A LA R G t amount eft Private a uhome tams ea •rs•cits ApRly 811 to°ARROW t PHUUDFOOT .D• RADCLIFFE, GT3UAL INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE axe MONEY LOANING AGENT. Owiv P rstelase Competence Rape srated / Muory to Lend os ara.tbt loans. u the lowest rote of in'ere•t goin., to as; way to suit tt. snrrower airorri 'x-+eoaid door from Square. W est Street. O,rdericb. ft Nt $200,000 PRIVATE Ft NDS To Mae ea farm and 'owe proper y at tow est inters -t Mortsionea pc:rehaaed. `o con a ma,n• chai•s�d .pmts for tbeTna and idea Compeer o! Cerada the taaada Landed Credit Cowpony. rhe Lund in Loan Compaq of Canada. Interest 11 tt and :per cent. N. B. --Borrowers cal, abeam mimey m dray. It title satisf.tcter] i)AV1.9. k JOHN.elON. 111► Barristers. 4.. Ooderich 3 iebical. DR -w• Jr . RO'M LiCILNT44TE OF sho female es of I'byslrrws, Edinburgh Ugh w ,t& South sale of Ham.lten.t. Wise DR. McLEAN, PHYSICIAN. FCR OWN. Coroner kc. haus and resides Onyx Street. woad goer west et Victors I Street 1eiHANNON R SHANNON, Ll Pnyaciens Surge ries. oceseekere, te. Mace al. lir. dbinaeia readout sear ibm mot Goiters.% 0. C. deaw5e5, J. R. Sues sew. 1131 rLET. - A COMFORTABLE owne on Steeley sheet, ouataint eOtt Mew bard mad soft water. ecce by lir Weivertee. Apply to MRK 811 H. U. ESTATE OF JOSEPH KIDD. As this entaM mast bt geld ata early date 1 as ,repand to acespt Were ter time term. Salt Nitons sad Saw MW. i shall sell the pane, brlek Mtawork buildings. dwelling! homes. ary. belting. Dalry Balt and Cooper ev thl b. her separately or col-- IsM va y. There ti Ir.rh tubing W worklag barrel. 1911 feet new 1 Inch tai fest Agh Well shear far C.A.aab. Liberaltonne w W be Nate ea hews. Apply 1e JOl. KiDD. is. 11-19. BRICK HOUSE t LOT FOR BALE ON IIT. PATRICK RTRZIT. Mai betiding. 101M; rear realties. 10x11. )We bonding osetatse s rooms. rear addi- tloa, hitches. pastry. wash -roma sad two rsns ep•uThere ere Y 1 of a sero et lead pasesbed, and ms fest of tbe adjoining lot. As no fully will be about all gums by oke to ei 'illy. 1 the pot need b large • bnese, se 1 can opus for oMrrs ter the sane tbe pusest5i5 eAgpp$1leasad beSn1. 1 Us5 pher sed. ANItL aORRDOtf. tb5 aaa5n1gse5 `sl. FAKM TOR SAL& -THAT HiGH- rem g. D. Codestrlborne, wwNr g 05 soras lot es. to o. whtel are cleared. and the reef good umber. it is situated se the gravel road, mad the brick schoolhouse 1• me the comer of the Iot. re, ppssrrttk'etlsre sod terms apply t0 CHAS. 11'000NO er ooOROS RWAKROef. of Ueda rise. TWo FIRST -CLAIMS FARMS POR cele. Oee 1r, the mereebts et wWW1 sentaan laing 1M scree ; sad e fa Nast Wawa geleg 1011 sena. ler gart Osiiseem Nen Oesseres, woes. 851 By Subscribing at Once. Liquors, 85c POR RA1.R RY G. H. PARSONS OW ALBiON BLOCK. 000KRIC11. itlwrtgltt. Uatuator, Plc. A. HUMBER, PAL 'Alii!'. MI wen", AtilLNT 4s.Act Ratiwtetee Mad* and Coniracta Taken for House H.atiag by the Ile Weser Byaem, Het Waterand Main Boilers, Little Giant sad ether Water tt heels. Agricultural la elements. Milt Machinery. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. �T T�VAAL�UATIONS 11 ADV.. slab. 3. N1L ' - 000*1ttI('H Amusements. ti3 ea- GOD Iuoe MECHANICSillS'I'T. TUTS LIBRARY AND RRAD1N0 R001111. ear. of Yam street and Soars ftp Opo from 1 to $ p.m.. sad from 7 to 10 p a ABOUT 2000 VOLS IN LiBRARY Leedity Dei1p. Weekly out Iltintr•twd Pnpra, Magazines, dc., on Fi:e. laNKBERNRIP TiCERT. ONLY 411 00. granting tree um of Library and P.oadisg Application for aeetab.r.blp received b Llwerla. in rooms. B. MALCOIMBON.OW). MTIVgve. President. Secretary Oedeieb. Mare% 11th. lM. IiUCtLOnsering. TORN [HOZ 0RNER,&L ' � TIO flaring hod hand Yaleater. 0ed,riaa t. oke.netlesr Ring triode.not espusesi• dhohsi s with tb he is lea molts* gyp% satisfaction ail cum elWoss entrusted to heel. Or'der's eft a Mart la's Hoot, se swat by malt ne ay Ooderfeh P. O. carotene weeded to JVH. I Comte Asstleaser. leaf t FOR SALK Wet k• t of pat twit Arthur Rurea, w,. anal Met A fl n-onse Lora, lel. 1Mt, t1.t, rlel Buret. 81. And Waar4, at. miser aBeeres and Rrftesa4 its•a Freese 11 5Ilwy bur es Reayo Nome aid left land. tfeveal lets In Hews Sump. ono*. thew Otwtnds. via Nes It m M, 34 a. M. It M. 0 AN thumbpvsit LOW RATIM. Ail` M DAVISON a 1011N-1 tis