HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-8-3, Page 7p"*- r 't+•- r T1BURNT OFFERING. ljegeoIs VI. THIRD QUAINTIR, ttl- TF.A$AT1ONAL Wt11111, AUQ. 1. gas• da as 1•••••••• til•. $ 110-4Mernor ..Inas ♦ a-geM•a Teat. tea. Ya► L ...Imaeawry be Men. la la carro am loos. are. 1 mepeiewises m LL a aesee.e. reweemeale,le pn.irber.) we laws bete three bona •arced no to gen prestos, book se living Monter d the wutb as K is la Jams. 01 the Sue e0et• 1Mr dtstsrbsd d the hat mem dap.* w beep ern thin •r hoes en the burst o6 iihr. mi ems we nowt of a• emttp gla.o at Use tilers r order a emldentemei that Tie i offering teas raw wbat we are, and plats a lee CAr.ra wbo sift muds els for sn • Oer. r. the treepam offset** .hews eye w do se the malt d Om min la tie, and purser bees who bon oar aye la Nie sem body ear the us. d ha a. fi: lll, Ig.l 'he beret off rest .bows m Christ prrterdy d reg the Pneher's wad aad gulag Rimed an ~as and • ..ate*s to tied for s .war e.amg••ry aka.., a; .*dtkfe pr roI- twg so tied as worshipers them wema slits 8s b*. a tie meat oArring.bow. ear Jame Oren In Mie pars sad boly nit., doing siwoye thin. *hip this phase e.,the Pother .a Juba t. SII . mad the pram oaoffering brings Wars es the Wtnnd twit of as kis toll and S mith tool t. tlo; Rena sI, Lt In this tint diaper of Leviticus we hope tate burnt offering as a buloni, a bsmb or tar and • note dove. or Meth, but 1n ears me* u is mid to be "a harm wardlok en of ferlog .lads by lin, of a sweet aver unto tlas L.,r'd • Motif/07.i These different credos so to grab of afinags were to wet the stahV of the pima •ffara*g; and le abeam o f tit eat offense, if the pawns we not able e being dome or preens, he might bre•* a Intl. a*. I. and bin ea was doomed for r If be bad brsfgbe a hush or two tern. dome wr Monk. (Limy, 7- til Dues not this meek is that. though a preen may ins miry heady sppehead the mesio* of the ssesii%e et Obrht, yep If with true psni•nioe for cif Step bat to June we tar *ltbentese with ever se Noble 1.1584 torgivemom is thane as mace as If they understood mon fuayt 1 'The Lord calked moo Mem aid epg e into him out of ebm tabernacle of the peer ppegtsr«+s' As fie dwelt is the Holy of Holism throw the Mira, amid i10..• the cherubim i!z. mit v.>a. o He spoke from off the mercy sat, hot es rte bid epoens the want. of the 1ge from the korona& a*•kkall Int. 1310.1, het from the pe.pittakory, • type of Christ. 1 "U thy alma of yes brim* *s edbrtsg ado the Lord." /to the b ocespialled to mea, bat -whomever wap' may ems, sad "Gam that eoodh" ib the appointed way e' .sand tact he win la no way he Out oak 1 'A male withal* kt•tslei• Whether n were of the hard or of the Beek the' it bed to ha; type of the Lamb of Osdtwythout teems& mid without ape* 11 P. L til, who will in des time prurient faithless Wore the premix* et has glory with exce*110g joy as who put their trust la Hina iJud. Jet Al - those) sorely tried by me and demon. eves Judas 1•e•riot had to say, "1 hese betrayed Itm,.wht t.lood," and the degauss trolled that He watt the Holy Ose d Ood. Truly et that, and of Miss ealy, could rat b. mid, "Is Hum *se, ..n, ire taw leo m•. M. dad •o dt4 Be wee .taunt dm" -Of Hr own mdarnery'ri15 * con.- oyg the tepee dowa of Hie life be said. -So alma merit) u trots ate, but I lay it down of my- dt • Juba a, 1a► e, -Ile .ball put His hard upon the band of he burnt affrtng. • 'flum rally klestifytag 1lmatf with it, a tt to ay. '•1 deserve be die 'or My on. but Wb el.ime .neriine takes My Item, to coffer in My staid for My ata whish have oonneitLd • • "And he elan !till the bailoek • • • ad rprt*kie the blood" Without shedding 1 blood lager is .o rtnlmiar tiled Le, MI: gad although it e' not pesdt& for the blood t bulls r of rate an Hake away an df.8 ▪ e,, the blood of Jams Cbrbt can and dose Manse from W sin LL Jobs l R ad e lm to whom it te embed, that M ala wbo mane identified with Him by faith In Dun. Q "HeeboU Say the burnt offering and ars into his poem' C. IL M. says on this thee it wag .o tarp surface work with Christ; es more the depths of t were es- boredmored more early wee It made wants es that pan dowdiest to the will of Rh *her *ad .prods door. for Hie glory were e springs of action in the great) anonym, of e burnt offering; not *sly as s *bole, but all its parts, wee tie wring sem to he 'about blet.hla• T. Fin upon ties eller, • • • wood to .der span the era• Wei t8sk a[ the nary nano in Gar xxik and pea Isaacs carrying le wood, well. Masbate carried the he cad tats knife; thea, a little later, we ami the u•r bunt, the wood laid 1a order, aad lane ound and laid upon ths wood ready to be L in and c•wpumal; but the knite deemed" De upon Isaac, h. b Wand, sad at hit dad .e lamb is data sod consumed. Ood spared x his own Hon; he carried the wood of tee coo. res nailed to it, and actually dial eb es . An offering and • burnt offbrlag. ben on the breams altar spooks to es of oil's holinees weeping the .,crier* se • reef savor unto Him eke burnt offering. est offering spud pesos ciferbag wen sweet 'Orria. ; bot the rep w ebniumed t1.. a o51 r g Li speaks tom of the wrath of (rod mien No Jesus was both our de tering suffering for oar sins, and t o our borne offering, mobs* us Imptabls to God- It 1. mho worthy of note connection with t4. lere tart the womb .d la the Hebrew is reference to the bets it no the akar, .ad the burning without the mels. are entirely diadem word,; the drat reifying the horning e of dasae, and the Jeer the horning as et the which i. se- ined at •"The bead and the est." Even the fat ' the de oMug wee boomed up= the altar a wont saver (Les. iv, *1), km.•htng m "▪ rile men while euffering far our sine. The and indicates Sh.dnW hew t, tally eerre.doesd O. "'Rh wards .mond and apprecia•edW legs Alin biles* .akar.• The tubing with water made 7,0h101 neat Jesse Chiles woe ka ant "The pilo* shall here an ea tats .lie • ala et the mom ollherhg *ad the pears ItateurOMNI b the labiales, bed were e the Area; ft was •11 burnt wan *•1••/. W to nod. Jae third us whish • .morn r,, with RM • the 'retllesses e( rue efesOrrto d Cbrirb so `maraca That whisk view eamb.rrd as alar signifies that wad este Ord eta ptrestath "A mess sever ewes the Laid! The t'nse "Unto tit. Lore eau! "Nam the 0'A• b ,tem 11, $ I, R WI war hes w 1110 to me. so estl*rn. all Wd.y and hew *4 t• Ipsrawm m sbrM easel, r eiserfeemi, W win mild W me este Red .oil to Mieelighle M wldks as aIts eithr D• ea-nsel ee wllk Ws Imes to might the law et the betstefailall la hrok wt. bei THE ENRON SIGNAL. }eRIDAY, AUG:S. 1816- T 11 $16- The W.lrti Moe tire. Lours Foe Tow tit. -Sera ieeab�e t .'opo may tie made bl t.kiag es.tmtru tape ! MN an melt M width. double a, or run .11" u..urd a the I...rp 'should be about itwo uncias soil a half Ioug, and the pada .hoeld be securely stitched to the under aide a th. top heal ul tit. towel. A Nrw Tsai.' Specs'.. -A Mite r$eenI.y .i.cuted was of ea• d Canton d.uu.l, used with 'twilled side upp.ruurt. The diatom wad I• rayed Limonite, leaves and tendrils, nod the stitch employed e•. t.uttunh.,le .nth. Thin .arch has been &motored Ito be eery useful to et..wring large mal - Gime, tat. stitches nano' pl..ed only ecum enough tog.th•r to preserve the I0 alar of the euabr..d.ry satinet the *awns. Flea thread ie also recommend - 1 ed for title work. The ordinary rule by whawh the saw buttu.b.de *melt r endi- ve' s that the duta..ue l.taeen limo 'must rimy ue.rly wiped tune depth of tl.e i put thea. Duette* --Turns ..1 cheep. cloth. 1 mak. the very ben -.t dusters. Hrut 15 • { wires and have a lerv. •spply. More i •cun..a,iCal and lust as useful duste.a limey be made of old aft print ; pieta !torn too squat. 'hap* and beamed ; then they soil out get mislaid sup torn. (Goole - The ant try in • glove shoold be mended at un.c.', wing a very i tit.a, is aedl. sed eosins wlk for this pure pea.. A tear o Iwo so easily repaired. I First'Perk ground the edges in button bole stitch, then draw these stitches ter *ether to Ito, centre, working over and over. 1f th1. Is dm* neatly the ter , .111 hardly h. moaned. -- •--•-- -ter car 17 Iltsped aloe dm H.11 Ila badly .Li5.. a a ..tithe ILA are ilia surra.* •4 the yowls women .d toiler .em 1 -from their Ming pet witted wkr I bey wen. ohddrea to .u.:k their ing u. One d the {prettiest wuweo in o•n h a .0*ea, tk.ck lupe, that tt.ere ir.H* huvIoa beau &Howm 1 when rhe was tut n. to ale ep o put her thumb i0 her .*outb. - "lildt'.' Letter. 11 then • .nything w the world that sill to aplre . •,,tato •itla a det.rintlwd di sir to learn .h,•rthabd, t u to find stn •e g Iter hu.l.cn.,'s ;asp.•. . a char. lull of myetert.,.:a wi, sly mars, tot.np.n- ed lora sod there with the initials if the woman oke dorso' lora A very good iw.,tali.ru of steed pa.s- smeiterie as effected by stringing cryr- tal ►rats ,.0 ideck thread, s• the 'trysts! catches the h�bt sad the thread rives tit a'pearsnesi rat shadow When steers in loops it is d theuit to toll the 'oritauuu from the genuine .rl tele. la Stir t. saw seibe Feted. Dyspro.la is dreadful. D+ord.,ed Uvea is 'instil. Iudl,lestton is a foe to good wt un. The hurtle!' di:metire spparat ue is One .d the rapid eou.plie.ted and w,,oder1111 thing% tu ezi.te,ce. It is eu.11y put out ut order. (iteesy food, tough food, sloppy food, bad co...ery, karma) worry, lata hu.r., irrerular habits, mod male' other thirst$ whichought us t ' be 1.+v. m• de 11 ie - - --- - 1 A tneric.n people a nation of .I).pepttcs. Nswatiea Ar$Meeree,. N., aristocracy wee ever more plainly marked by nature than the eh:efs . if the Baseman oaten. They .re very tail, very corpulent, usually stern, though wood hearted, p;. -.d farm sod a detelop meat of muscle that would entrance the e)1 of • sculptor. These •pualitc.uofs, as such they are thueght to be by the nati.*, are probably partly inherited and partly the result ..f their habits. They always have a large bomber .f retain re or attendants who fan them, brush away inseda, and drew their Bair ar,d persons. When the chefs are very tired. lame, or hate pun an any eete1al part .4 there body, they are lumilumted by persons wt.. are especially trained to this art. It Is a Lind .d luzuro>m kneading of the muscles, alternating within tnaretant pourdtng on the parts with the under .Ide of the flit. Sometimes O. patent him taw duwnwud, and the one wbc 'Wilke runs up and down the back. spin. and limbs ; sweetiwes, if the pains lire eery base, as after • long horseback rad - booty in rheostat ism. t he severe ntsnipelsa ttoa o1 is. muscles and joints will muss the patteat to try out with laugh tae, aching pain. But, strange se it easy seem, this treetineut rightly per- forated, invariably removes any wait, lanienese .r fatigue, and after it the patient feels rested sad refreshed. The chiefs used to M Imoilumied when they were to' lazy to ez•rcis• all the musette and gives them reit from their rec:10ieg and tiresome positions. ' Tbe glee .r ineeereets7. magma* fmagma* the value of elec- tricity In restoring beauty. The trouble is that alma rte effects are lees people always thiuk they cannot h..e tux, much ori st,end stimulate thromeslva to danger - use injury. People differ so greatly in 1 entr the deers* they eau bear that e deli- i tate women will take a currant whichmu otereoee • stronger but wve sensti,e ' one. Some persons cannot tome near M electrical machine when it u working without disagreeable sensations not et all insagruary. A very Rent le currant daily applied. with tether Dare of the geelth, ranks the force and adds dash and color like magic. I wrote this fur sensiblew w.uet, out those who, aware of its aid e to beauty, rush of to buy a battery. they would to buy a bog of face powder and nes it without restraint, a they do choral and champagne. ltlectricity is w. tame cat, bot en able fool killer or a nn.•g agent for good a dt u rightly or wrongly need. But Grveus August Mister has done • *onderful wotk to reforming this sad basal...as stud oukir.; the Atueri.su people.., healthy that they mu .ujoy heir in ...Is and he happy Rewensher :- N.. happine.s without health. But Green's August Flower brings health and hatpins* t.. the dyspeptic. Ask your druggist tar • bottle. Seventy -live ceote. lowly PAINTING DECORATING. 'ELLIOTT & PRETTY tie Painters and Decorators. ,.ucceaaors to II. . have beaus tie .prise campaign. aad afe for prepared to alt .0 omen i■ Papa -- 1 lag. ('alati.,. K•keo i1r..ng and Gemersd De- cornu.* errurn lei .t the shop nn Kinnon -At.. or sent by marl will be promptly attended to at mamma We rates. tp n. ELLIOTT 1t Pitr'rrv. Get Your Printing at The Signal. WORK AND PRICES CONSISTENT Samples & Prices on Application. T. Wash else User. When it becomes noweseary to leash the hair take the yolk of an ego, slight- ly beaten, and rub well into the routs ; when Dearly dry nose the head in tepid water, into which b poured a few drupe of ammonia. Theo, by the fin, rub the Mir with towels until perfectly dry, brush and part the hair with the lingers. The egg reed.n the hair dee and mikes, god the arm..nia prowpe.tee the growth. Or, t0eteed of the ere. use cogs tea ; poi two or three spoonfuls of sage tato a pap sed pour bolting water over it. When the tea is oold rub the scalp with it orad riot as above TN ttt$el'• tar. A dark brown scurf sometimes 'When oe s baby's head, giving the child an en - oared for aad dirty appearaooe. This may be easily removed by rubbing a little ...cline or sweet oil upon the spot, and letting it remain for a few hours ; then open washing it in warm water and soap and the offending dwdrufl will disappear and the little head be l.11 olam and white as any part of the body. We Mum Herr hies. For 'torn ashes without milk or sada, pat a piseh of eat into a cupful of 3oro meal. thee maid; add the yolks of three eggs and owe t.bleepooeful of &our ; best t..rether and this with .old water. After beating the .bites of the eggs very stiff, fold there) lute the mixture gently and bake. The goer can be omitted.- Howakeepina. k shade of rosy hessder paned wig - theft takes the plasm eat heliotrope, shish hoe dropped tet., disfavor. Pink end silver ie a isvorits combination ; ionised all the newest fabrimm for emetine wear have a glid.nini er sparkling effect. Yellow damask interwoven with thrads of gold hes lite the appearance of cloth of gold. An advantage powered by English meteor milliners Is that they an go to say millinery es egbllebment and pwr- •buf r.edyuinds trimmings This Y, rm! pellet pained for thaw who ere u.- the seerseity of doing their owe milli.sry, as these bows peewee all the *.S5017 mad lamb 1t prde..inual •n - Warr oieh t►. Wort bees fa keel, Had til.. tt4 .S 8 • • 8 s • tr d • • d y It 111 .•.hv bland • .144 o he ebbe to WI the aim of sheep. A. e. 0e year 'Use are two tarts. isle... lu the cootie tit tate pier, sod t.o are added each year op VD Sys yeah, whew the sheep is mad t . ben • fell mouth. After the Ito ago asnut b• turd 1.1 the I ,,.,b, cud swims the animal M timorous It bee nearly p.r- ltwed its aelulwres, sod should be pr. pard for the bobber Nut many be: 1 ender looms mu tell 1..■ many tress teeth a.heep lies iu the uudsr so. i hesle time added. 4`.ez 11 and mistime the stock ails get pr:u.e. Agent tar Parker's Stews a ne s Dir=kcTorata elerf G EO. BARRY ..11. *bay for dash 1SPRINC MILLIN r EW MRS. SALKELD'S. The latest Novelties of the eases. nae be touud on roe North side of the &fears. MOUNTS, SHAPES, RIBBONS, GAUZES, awl cvery thirsts to be bund is a Arm -claws mill.nrry eetabl abaleat. A rte Use of CRAPE AND NUN'8 V EIL IN MLas. •dlh.X.. _ ; r1 VERY oats.►wld gall oa him before pur.hasing FURNiTCRE elsewhere. OmOund XE and all no ease mosey by buying from GE.i. *ARM". `- 1BARRY makes a specialty of UNDERTAKING and Ptctots ALL kinds of FVRFITCRE kept on hand. Oall end ere his Stock o4 ` IROCKING Chairs, Tablte, Parlor Setts, Mattresses, Bedsteads, Easy Chairs, /La until Ner.oar p.a.eratlea,leerrer.M..m REMEMBER that Gilt. BARRY keeps the test Stock of YUKNIT C•RE in town. oche. Neuralgia, Nene.. W edt.aes, gt =„ t.1 w �yaeca "ad" W VUC •hou!e. call and Ret his PRICES before buying elsewhere ♦ NERVE TONIC. G=O. �ARR'Y Hamilton -8t., Godes ick. be will sot b, eadusold- For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. 6sosas W novenaees*wa*n, okra , ezre e, "lot two ream I aka • aoH+.e from nervosa d.• silty, and 1 tarok not aad tba elaao.erwr of tit rateable hound, that r•taE. Cassa. Coa.rer.a I OMNI oar. a u • mamba .+.adv. 1•ew mal .1 n -- - -- - _ _ Ins Wass as write ie air ter d.lma• 1{.011110 dawort, Warman, we -.11+e: I. CHICAGO HOUSE. I .eim htxs`s Causer Oce reefs mare p tresis• mems to bona 1*.ar••t blare are reed e t terau'.51.eh.. eem,.aoa.tom --' to baste The eruption la rapidly Mahn,. I sad leas aro be.dhd per neat. MAW ever, war •• A LAXATIVE. • C. name. Werra rtilrvyt fewettew. 7? . .7e `.years bees bane fwa I_ky ed*limunrra ki.Maik wiz! d ad CaaCow-oral) .ewsm thootaseawelante mild ma Null 1 eta Sky ratty alb mi. A DIURETIC. eSions. Amon. Storm CrrT, kirk am! 1 bale tar ening l..s.1 Creaser Mseeeve W n W dos M more good fa kidneys lei hose Irak lima any atter sedirie• I have war folia Denerees at Iaanmool 4 hast bees reserved from pennon's .no bane acrd the tweer web reeserlaW beset. egad for synch. him 11.00, odd Sr Drearier. WELLS.RICHARDSON *ICO.. PropiM4r$ Montreal, P. Q. • AN ALTERATIVE. I have just returned from the cities. and am now receiving the latesr lines in SPRING MILLINERY.. My dressmaking deartrrent is also in fill work- ing order. • A calf- is respectfully soir7ed. A, J. WILKINSON. SOOTING, NEW GOODS, CLEANSING, - MEAiJN6. FRESH GOODS, CHEAP GOODS, 1t Cures CATARRH, coid RAY `. NIXON STVRDY'S People's Grocery. i7tfit's Kasai paawges EASY TO USE. into the throat aad etemdve espectaraflae caused by Ca - tank. void by Druggists. or sent pre -paid on menet of pries. Ivo. and it. Address FELiOU$ & Ones Ele ankvIkine OM• Of GET TOUR PRINTING AT $IURL No time wasted dipping Into an Ink bottle. O 0 a c z a 0 a 7 0 a a 0 e i 1. 0 0 0 P4 j FROM 15c. UP. No old Stock to work off, but all Fresh and New at Prices to suit. Offflgneu rasa Mee per Mss.. ase rags. Hemember the Mand On the t4t..re, nez 'o Bingham's Iteetsuraft. Me 1 FLOUR! FLOUR! The new full Roller Mills at Port Albert using the LATEST & BEST MACHINERY will be running about the 28th •of February. Farmers :cot c ially invited to give them a trial. CHOPPING DONE VERY DAY. JAMES MAHAFFY, Proprietor. • ALE*_ MORTON", GODER1CH, MANUFACTURER OF FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGES. II8IIG&, PEIIPIIIERY AND FANCY GOODS Jost Received at the Medical Hall by lr. JORDAN. and will be sold at Priem*°mit Hard Times. Va11 aad dee 18*. before making Tour tnrabsaas P. JORDAN, Medical all, Goderich. CARD _ THANKS T23111 FIRM OF Y'A=p .. .CIISONI having been dissolved by mutual consent, I beg leave to thank the customers of the late firm for past favor,, at their hands, and to intimate that the business will hereafter be carried on by me at the old stand. I intend to carry FULL SHELVES OF HARDWARE • and in every line in which I .teal I will make it my aim to s. have a full aortment. New goods. coowtantly arriving. and goods not in stock onkred at �t notice. The public's obedient servant, JArME$ YA.TES, H•ecwe• to Yetis it Adios= WOR11:1t, Yr, Opposite Oltifs'ss Rotel, Godeg'ich.