HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-8-3, Page 5I. THE HURON SWLtL, FRIDAY, AUG. 3. 1888 After the dull times are over, The Waterworks now have begun ; CaII in at Fraser & Porter's, And They'll show you how business is done. DO NOT ]DELA.Y" het ewes with the erewl and soca AN OIL CHROIO, WORTH H 00 FOR =1 00 Y Y :i 00 75e. Y 00 50e. 1 00 " 25e. Y Y w Alae Steel tegvavi■p et same reduced protea. LOVELY PICTURES, estsbie ter framing. worth UM/et 1St. and 100. WE WILL SELL AT THESE PRICES FOIL ONE MON'TM3 ONSY_ Cans, Cup and Saucer*, trait Plates and Porridge Seta at lees clan wholesale prices. Photograph Albums. Ptpst Purses and Ladies' dat,ciels. at pr,.,s w low you will he agreeably surprised. Express Waimea, Croquet. Ring Tues and Fort et ant yr., e. WE MEAN STRAIGHTFORWARD BUSINESS. A large stock of Musk Books and Sheet Music, vocal and instru- mental, at Half Price. Jest to head a magalacent line of NEW WALL PAPERS, UTEST AIIEMGA DESIGNS ANO moss, In Freizes, Dados, Borders, tecc. BLANK BOOKS, MEMO. BOOKS AND POCKET BOOKS, Bt'SINESS NOTEPAPER AND ENV EI.l1PES, Also New Lines in Ladies Notepaper and Envelopes. AGENTS FOR THE Aiiiencaii Frult Freseriu Poder & UqiM ___ Specia1 szri Tia 5 S. "OREGON." TWENTY FIVE -4.„2 Toliet Setts NEW PATTERNS. NEW SHAPES Prices to Suit Ereeybody. CALL ANI HIM THEY AT CHA8_ A_ NAIRN'S. OodeMeb, .iprUes I& tate:. tai SALES MEN'flurwi Laid A2OIICY. wAfrai prewn.M pnglr1 ath 0ALaar Abe/ 11111 faM atilt Any determined man rise seeeaetl wife se. Peculiar ad matey* te begs■gees. Week oestplete. Ire lading missy fast tallies Up00lal- atea. Oulat flea Address et ewes. (Name this pepr) DROWN RUOTHER$, Kt necsvass, of a.wa•11111tt X. T. ANCHOR LINE Missile Mattress fan ice. LZVZZ?COL via QV11113 lTOV*. Strau..blp'''ITY Or 1ttMCtrom Aew York rl'►t,.awa,.t. AeR• fa 11.p1. 5. Ott 3 .Jot. 311. Largest said Iona gassiest aware sarins Wall OW OM .ad 5103. wcead-ales. tot. tiLAUGww M RTOCM. Steamers every batunty from New York 1. GLASGOW' and LOXDONDMT. ('ahie Purge to Glaegow, Loadorderry. Idv- erpuut or Pella/it. galeed BM. snoewd-olam.2300. Meererfe. outw.:d oe prepaid. either esrvlee 501. Oak os exetttsioatickHI at rod mood rates uUafTrseenurlkr.alIry(iArorw10ulwrcruss .1at(lorelwiestt, Tlakets aft BROTH KIM. New Y . arta HENDEW.OcaadNrther inform/awe r TI454m ARCH. DICKSON. Gederleb. NSW SPRING GOODS ! DAILY ARRIVING. THE TAILOR, has a Sorge assortment of beet goods for cZEd ,rxGiHERO'S SUITS sAI_ SAUNDE!RS 8z SON have derided to clear out their satire stock of NOTIONS 1 JEWELLERY ! FANCY 000081 PLATED WARE ! ANI W"ILL ..1\ Meat, sated N mac it a* he seam ie rr, .-.-ed. ERASER & PORTER 0t+ Ceatnl Telephone Lacbona• sod Cor. li.r.h et. and Square, Goderich. The ropwt e.lipue of the mos was watched closely by two claims of Cupid of the seventh eon. on their way from seeing their charmers safely home, and whe, were overtaken by the deep dark - nem of the night. Both kaythte, hence- forth, we enderstaad, are going W take • costes in the study cf astronomy, se that in future the change in the lights of the hlavesty bodies won t overtake them .o that they will have to keep a lonely vigil when returning fru.n the happy duties of courtship. Dories this week sod last, many of I toe youthful cherubs and bl.,oiLing maidens, not forgeting the ItttdewlvM, bare been busy picking the anneal s.pply of aspbsrtiw for making not- ary's. So sow the pedaloes bag 14 sit dcwe and have a lonely diener. and at night complains sadly to bachelor friends that there bas bees quite a rws oft the wood piis for extra stove best, sad it bests him altogether to art fest owlish to furnish feel for the preserves. PtesesAL.-lar sod Yrs f1. C Hy.d man, if Mpringside, Ayrshire, BMthlad, who are on s tour tbtosgh Ontario, vasit- is`` among s large aisle e1 Meads end relatives, were the geese. of Mr Hyod- mae's sister, Mrs R. Wifliess, last week aid ibis. Wes Phipps visited at Du■gonouo last week. David Corbbet of the dth, eon, Glade - rich township, gave oar burg a visit this week. SHINGLES! SHINGLES ! SHINGLES ! A 1 eoastity of ds rst-elaGeorgian Ila! Cedar wollbais. extra thickness. are on Land at our mes Ul. at rwoonlrle rotes. ('all sea ezeoiseebelere purchasing else. where. Buchamn,Lawsoni Robinson 21313 I CURE Ri116011 �}a M M m* lruasw a..a . EPILEPSY:P PALLING VrMtirtCi• 11$ 0001. It w_ ewers. p 4* 1 . e. BOOT. 57 Togs in those lines until all is fold. Call and see us at Tie Cbeapcai Hamada the Sac. LT TSE Cash Store you can boy Fililt Glass Fniit Jars b., a.,ee.s, E.de ..".2.. ENirELore S Wheat. (Felt earl 1 hush seS A M» . Whist 1rsu sew .• whoa, Z .... 1 0 0 10 S e« 11 111"0 Mb M w w�.••• wt ....00.... .. 100 2Is. zeal t cnn.. noon babes. • cwt15 0 2 IS )1s.r. I per.. wt M 1 � : Oats,r�.: Peas.,, .......... rip• 50 0 81 RI 0 Ms U i511100 pt 110 sorrSgt, Mt 0 • ON" 110 X:va..: EMa al M231%::::a awl"s a. Pu;toes.•►11afi. ..••......... Hay. a hes ...................... Butt .t f .. ................... Wee ltlesa s wsgaetd • ee .. eHess 1 .1 PATENTS C�11n, MMI r..HSIMTI Musesa, hthe vias feet of vi. as t• ty hes .f - awd v,e i , 1 1 UNL io'- T�j the a/sg tw of tis fer.ae to d l ■Tewe airs hells se ty.�wwrliM 0 11MIN Pwatt0S4 waoi�illtglss D. O. BUT ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, LETTER PAPER. BILL HEADS, ate.. ate.. at THE 31011L Pal 11111110 Kitt at the following prior • 1 doz. qts., Old Measure, $1.20 1 doz. qts., Imperial Measure, 1.23 1 dor.. pts., Imperial Measure, 1.90 OD hand, at the old and reliable stand. Ween Si.. near the Hank of Montreal. 204*. 5130.11 DUNLOP. Sprinj Goods -GREAT YAIIIETY- -AND AT PRICES TO SUIT 14. ! -AT THE - TORONTO CASH STORE. NEW LIST OF LOTS FOR SALE. GILL hEP 311 NIL sHems licit Het wall be sold at greet ` We have • wetnaW 1st at the Harbor ter sane at . very Sew Hesse. Nine T e■M■d DolWs te leu at are and a heat per nest. 34.15. P. ODEA 1 have a very large gets sea Family Groceries. PRICES REASONABLE AT SIGNAL Meters eau get 5Nr itUI HeY1a• 1/MR �g� ea, pelaAoMai•11artbbfu des t.r (7s. astreieet ~sei gA 0 ~�iili•4 GOOD WWI IS NONE AT SIGNAL which I am belling cheap. TRY OUR TEAS, FROM 11 CENTS UP. and poull ..T les better thus yen rigs buy for double the teosey from peddMm. A CALL SOLIOITED. G.H.OLD The (1rwner. The 1pisare, Geier's& lea► FIRE! FIRE ! FIRE! 1 am now offering the best HARD COAL is the market, for present delivery for cash . --AT- $6 PER TON Piece your orders at esteemed save mosey. WILLIAM LEE, General Dealer and iTerwaeder. a► of the ettesearla 1kersb Weak. sod LeJwe- lisenhtstr y Vegetable. Highly ariae..trated. pl.aeaat, agree sal, este .41LESILFO R DR. HODDER'S COMPOUND. Tube ss. .1St.. geld Everywhere. Prier. 73 minas pee beeW. DR_ HODDEIVS :151- MANAGER NASAL CREAM COLD IN THE HEAD, earwax,' ?Tf.ZOE. - 25 OT11. J. WILSON Prescription Drug Store. THE PRINCIPAL COLD MEDICATED. Hun Omer, 115 Yo*os-e?.. Tenon -re N. WASHINiTON, N.D. L.Q.P.A.O., Eminent Throat and Lung Surgeon. V V V Y 1i liar L L V M Y V V LJJ I gold every where. Price. 25 cis. and 0 et per hassle. Proprietors and nza■nt...* - ONION NION M4DIC11tiC Df4. • Ova Magnelie Iron Orc ,.11, adaptr.l lo, Morn.. al a of 11we111Wt Itou.r. ,that Ler w__ awl alum. eltural ,wpleuwata of alt COLOR 1 RICH BROIL, eestslaiug by analysis 10 of ores. 11 M aro prea. waist puwfsdtag. er tritZt maasmalesl. aid possess= tale,. �0*resgtb el say other uv,de r the For larrker psrttcalata apo to SCOBIE 8 CAMPBELL, DO\ 3.3.4 tnrtoh COOL 17. CODERICII BOILER WOPI3 Chrystal & Blaen, Itanufa. t were of all laud. ut STtTtiMEhf. MARIAf. UPRIYMT Ale MIKA. BOILERS. SALT PANS, SMOKE: BTAC)EB• aid all kinds of Sheet Iron aura. STEAM MID w U LU rare rrrnasla constantiy on hand. Ou baba. ready for deli. erg 1 ale ■.r. hew Steel Boller. 4ewtpye1e., 1 311 /.r. nerved 11a■d feller. la Lee/ eerier. AI*. a 1t ■.r. 711611110 and Ether cyte.. b..d. le Hoed testifies. Mail orders will receive prompt atteut.oa. Weeps t app. t:. T. 111.-11044/011. P.O. BOX 381 Goderlcb May Saab. 1318:, I AM OFFERING} sua��Ea, ILLI N ERY= MILL Y!SIT GODERICH, ALBION HOTEL, AUG. 20TH, IE$$, AUTEafslelt. And Ogee a Meath Thereafter. Masco,' TataTm.-Catarrh of the Heat .d Throst.Catarrh.l iMat■es.Chrrsle Bron- chitis. Asthma and Consumption. Also Imes et Voice. Sore Throat. Enlarged Tiling. Poly- pus of the Nose removed. COME EARLY. CONSrt.TATiON FREE CATARRH THROAT CURED. These are a few of the man who bays boas many prominently cured by Dr. N. Washington), Method • M.8, Dean. Ridgenorth. Ont. catarrh, bead and throat Mn Jos. Eyrie. Kimbelb.Out, musevls* growths from sone. Mr leven.on iboi er ell. Petrone. Oat., Mlau M. Cornish. W Oat. mom, and Mrs Mclandresa. 1 st esrrb e5 the theeea Mn J. Limning: 0sd estewhel EdWsesneste■ starch Mrs Ralph Chamber. Aylmer. Ont. catarrh Mrs Jae. Emb,'uon` t O■t.,ireachItie, lonJohn A. Little. Dundalk. Out.. catarrh. Jobs E. Kersey2Rageroes�mP.O.. Oat.. esfarrb, badA. D. U lls U so.. W allaoetows, Oat. c aerei head and throat Robt. Mesrfers.Warehaat. Oat. Mrs F. Soots. Stirling, Out.. eetarrb. threat. hong auditor. Edith Piave. -Mtrey. Ont„ enlarged tow W. uneasy. Petrone. Out . catarrh. sen John Tait. Tyler. t.. catarrh bowl sad R. Keble jeweller sale. Petrel* catarrh throat. H. mewl. P.11.. lkrwthrwy. Oat. bvesehe W. 111. r. Kw..arewe,1Res A.Owa, Write a: ask wwa emraetteetwriww IIPORTIIT TO PIRIBRB. -eT- Greatly Reduced Prices, =toy articles of which wUl be at and BELOVT CO ST_ MISS C+R� HAMr 531 The Square, Gefrr.ch, SPECALDRIVES. �✓ DRESS MV$LIN3 8T 6 CENTS 170-ORTI3 10 CEITTS_ INDIGO PRINTS AT 10 CENTS WORTH 121 CENTS_ BARGAINS IN EVERY LINE As our Entire Stock has been reduced in Priers. J. C. DETLOR & CO. REMOVED! Rees Price & Son have removed to the mammoth store formerly occupied by Wm. Kay, next to Bank of Commerce, where they will be happy to meet their old customers, and as many new ones. REES PRICE & SON. There is no Mistake About The public verdict is that ALEX. MU'NRO has the right Goods, right prices and in the right time. I want to emphasize the fact that I study the re- quirements of my customers, and have made a special effort this sea con to procure everything New, Useful and Fashionable that is worth having. • I make no specialty of low lines of floods, I aim at keeping rod articles, and at prices commensurate with quality. If brevity is the soul of wit, I will not exhaust patience by particularizing particulars, but will merely say that in all .lepartmenta there will he found a choice aleartment. • s THE MOWER'S FRIEND, noted your mew103 whine hie the geallien"ls mod ens et sew 'm"' ■owethe toAll GOODS MIMEO IN PLAIN FIGURES. AND STRICTLY ONE PRICE. /� ARKTi1 {■ the bur. alai ra 11 yeas a�■ repair .t1s. .1�..lvig_ MIT RO 1 7 .ad 080t10e aid sharps■ the lutes whoa r•- 111ew"4lIt hem the ys 10. R't■dsitve� bed eiw a.nlw■hler115.s. k r het It ie were0 Its "103. to to every ewesv of . sewer reS�ta*P.. _ ■■t e.11. '~ViaWaw a a Ap11e�irr weieM. �a , .,�`eJCZ'y l�aZ! � $>11�216� should Set a dew+beL..t.4b. irimema his Oboe Stationery Prints& EMM- Draper and Haberdasher. s 1 1) 1 l; II