HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-8-3, Page 4The Bowen, of GoderW, win play
the Sba.reis, of Cantos lief* today,
et 1 30 doltish.
Mrs Robert Gibbose, and Miss Thor -
bore, elf Deiroft, are the guests of
Sheriff Gibbus..
1Gss Belle Matheson and Mi.. Jewry
Lawmen, have returned after a pleessot
Trip os the lakes
Mrs Gape John Melees and Mise
lien Bedford returned from Kiasar-
di.e w Moodily last.
C. A. Vaunter and IL Dingman, 01
Sttetford.took a roe op to Gaderioh, last
week. They returned Monday.
.-Mayor Bottom r srossd again, at -
stove •.erste, and setas sod soot's are
sande, free ; wee% yew give as that T'
Tin is not on the platform ; whisky
"It sakes limber for •.r homes, to
keep se wars, fires ; won't you favor
that r
Nu. I .at M legislate to warm the
laser mess, not the Dater o.e. Give us
free whisky."
We might add tbet whisky also has
the pretenses for abatement of results -
time with the Tory Governseat is
Goode. Here in Herm, the eyes of
the farmers are being opened rapidly to
the discrimination that sits between
their eon and that of the distillers. If
s lythiss were wanted to fully oouviow
them of the disadvantage soder which
they labor, that wast has been more
and Mr Smith, who W bso swat se a
espelatioe to 0•wsd•,
ythese for the He
said the ¥Sri..$ . alwepa saeeseded
ie edlestiw sosy...d thought they
ma►1 to do the some. It missed oat
Met they W remind no mosey in Can-
ada, tomb they get Ella for tr•veltj*g
.nooses (latigbter). Well, if *soh of
the 1M',000 men who were gedag to light
ter them had given • larding apiece it
would amoset to £166, whisk would
amble teem to bring book, over sad
above their trsvelhsg espeess, a sum of
£37 (taugbur). The cosbleeinn there-
fore ma that tbese people did not ears •
farthing for their fellow Unionists in
Nfun fignal
7 •it
m rvssaatmm
AT TWA emits :
l i told.. akaide tealWtea of w
BAUM N $.a7erTNf
111.111(. peer ; 7ba tsr mwehs ; Na ter
t �eMbs if thew 1e not pard
sattscnptiss w eh•rt;ed •t
• yaw.
ANI*TiYttt. MATO n
e.� gther casual ad.ertlaemwta, le.
lar im i.esrthoa. sad 3 .pats tis► 11..
m `e..tisssrUo$ restored by
s�mO.e..rlsnielleessss In seaport& type Se per Ilse.
'-ffelipl aMles V tmil•Ary reading type lc M
alrImss Dards of els Iles sad under is per
Mt Lost. Found. Strayed
awn, ste•tioa Wanted sed
Obeli es w Dot mooed'.. e
laud M per
meals . �me�mmtsh.
es Rale. sot to
g �iOl and pont Ilia per sub.
mtamer Leser advse to pr. >
t.eeyl seams the.tint.1 wk1oh M to
the peeealarl basiSi et Ill Isdl-
er WIWZ y l0 the .aa ad
iMis Menlo will ll 1...idcalms be strictly ad-
IIIPte d ratsa for larger midrenl.entente, or
ter ezteaded period,. made
Eillise Mlles et publication.
�m JOS1111111d OEPAIT■EOT.
�naRessawuse h Melobbor Officordinary a Dented
with Me is carried
.resoles work is torsed mat
��rye 1.tes. por
Iverytht.g 1n the pi -w-
ean dere oil the prods.e from an
plater le m vfsltlrg o.rd.
ASerme.M.tleas Moet be addresed to
D. 1lees*LLMtU.T.
Sditeret Tom Swim.
6eeericb Ont.
lie atoz<A'. was rer stly taken to
task by a couple of Americanized Cana-
dian for stating that the chief question
at fosse between the Detr.oer•tie end
Bepsb3ican parties was "Fra Trade re.
Free Whisky. We showed that the plat-
Suss.s d the rival political parties
Wm es full •ithority for making the
deteement, and since that time we have
Simard seitber "yea" n..r "nay" from our
morrsaposdents on the subject. Since
eer last article on the question we
ban some upon • portion of an
sddres by Htn. S. S. Cox, in the Hous
Ireland (loud laughter) The Moes is Iter a awls ol r►eemeatie post. H• stall
which the Nationalists were ooseertt•d pots some dependance epos his walking
was • r
hod and rtgbtevea one and
tbocgb holy and rig moue causes had Mime !;...miner, and her sinter and
sometimes failed for •time, it would be mime, Mn and Mw Cesen.n, d Ne-
braska, will speed the summer in Gude-
bliesMabel Hyde sad her sister Ethel,
— of Hamilton, ars the rents of her grand-
parents, Mr mids Mrs JamWatson),
Dr G. A. Rwbardsoo, of Stretford,
wasin tows during the week on a visit
maker, to wbat they ascribed to the
than 611ed by the condition of again Ruler tf the universe if their cause
that has existed daring the peat few should fail ultimately
years, it has been de.uestrated that
wisest greying is no longer • prep upon
which depend000s can be placed year
after year in this section, and es • result
the more progressive farmers have tura-
their attention to horse and cattle rais-
ing, for export trade. The present sea-
son, owing to the drouth, there is •
shortage in almost every cereal growth.
and many farmers who have gr.m largely
roto the beeline' of stock raising, find
themselves hampered by lack of "fed," i
owing to the shorts= of the crops. 11
it should happen, as it undoubtedly will.
that, to keep the stook over, a quantity
of American Dorn will have to be import-
ed, the farmers will have to pay duty
upon all each importations, although the
stock is being thereby fattened for an
export market. In the can of the dis-
tiller, American cors will also be An- Stvrs i. moues have psasd aims 11
ported, bot whoa the finished article, in was focially announced by reeve
the shape of whisky, is exported, a re-
bate d the duty paid when the corn ons
imported, will be allowed. The farmer
who imports bis corn and fattens a steer
for export, gets so rebate upon bis
finished product for the duty originally
paid ; the distiller is refunded the
money paid is duty just as soon as his
finished product is exported. The far-
mer and his work don't stand in such
favor with the Canadian Government s
do the distiller and his product. And
the farmer wbc doesn't see bow he is
discriminated against on this line de-
serves to be taxed to death.
Mr Dewdney has been appointed Min-
ister of the Interior, and Mr John Bag-
gart has been made Pustulate/tot-General
t will now be in order for the Tory
papers to clap their bands with glee, and
say no better men could be gut to fill the
vacant positi.ss, but it wtU be • little
hard en the rinsppointed aspirants
Tet: Hamilton 'Spectator is beginning
to know more about the doty o water
wueks pipes than it did formerly. Tbe
Time of that city has succeeded in driv-
ing the question home to such an cahoot
that the Spec. hs taken refuge is silence
And s is the use with water pipe duties,
so it is with everything eke that is im-
ported and upon which a duty is paid.
The consumer pays the duty every time.
of Representatives, and as it bears out
our previous contention, along the line
of "Free Trade re. Free Whisky," we
mow publish it for the benefit of our
Americanised Canadian correspondents
sad our readers :
A taxpayer inquires of you : tional League, is their offices, L Aper
"Have not the American people paid O'Connell st., Dublin, Mr Alfred Webb
in sixty yen o 020,000,000,000 in the
bopeo( getuogtoeels cheaper by -and -bye, in the chair. Amongst the speakers on
atter the "'feats have ettaind their ant" the occasion was Professor Galbraith, of
'.111 b Whet, .l Republican brother, Trinity College, and we reproduce some
will you now do ?"
of his remarks to show that the muzzle
The brother answers, "Free whisky.
"Has inveotioo done nothing fur tier
asks the impoverished mechanic. "What
de you show us as the result of our
American genius for a century in me -
armies f"
The answer emus : "We tender you
the worm in the dill, the fined inveo-
doe of the devil It may take away your
beans and impoverish your families ; but
protection moat stand ! We offer you
untaxed, cheap free whisky
Another inquirer asks : "Why do you
toot take the tax off my coat of 'reversi-
iie he r
„Protection first,
The sneerer vomer :
bet always free whisky.”
As old ledWestmust Virginia asks
I ay 60 coots
with meekly,"Why W7
,y addittos to every dollar for the crock-
ery frons which 1 drank nay samaras
tem"Ale r gays the protectionist. "is not
whisky MAW then tea r'
• series of gestions and answers
IIht be grad of in the following order :
Are you gong to allow teat rdao-
tian proposed by the Milk bill from 47
per coat duty to 40 on carpets 1"
'Igo, bet we will repeal the tax on
elgpreeteS fur your young boys, sod add
bee whisky."
virou t yore support that reduction of
10 per sent. oil ootton goods r'
"No, but I would love to lower the
whisk nal r'
•'Won't you redoes the tax on castor
oil below 194 per cent—its present
ttsl- $n, 1 nowt condescend to help any-
body bet those who want the oast of
"PPliease�h�on to reduce the tax on
ebsp woolen cloth from 89 per Bent to
IO per cwt, ea Mills proposes --nil) you
sea r,
"No ; I do not want to enrage in any-
thing eke till I have takes the tax of 90
meets • gallon from •whisklest amort w 'edam
Weare ..kin,
the Arty ere wool %t. from 53 per east.
�Mga� beim Won't you help as r'
salvo, air ; the Republican platform
deeg.'t say sorbing about cheap bate. It
deer dvoste taking the tax from whis-
ky, sad I stand by the piedmont."
"Tim wonted goods foe .y Weft is
limed M per east Help •e pull that
deem to 40 per met, will you sot r'
"So. sir ; let roar wonted goods go to
yeas 1 Whisky is more then • dollar a
��a��tk• I went to take thole -met a pi -
]o. Re of 7 Me the Mills Ban pro-
••lfe., ray trlorti.
to take eleven sed one-half .dawns
im � of ,�,r ; weal yes help ss to
pass it r
'Igo, for it deal propose to eheapen
• "Ittym kses sok tine. Won't Toe favor
thatle salt whisky f flats slat i. oar
"• It •makes the tie, d wW se lis
Notwithstanding the efforts of Hon.
Arthur Balfour, chief Secretary for Ire-
land, to suppress the Irish National Lea-
gue, the meetings of the subordinate and
central branches continue to be held with
,their accustomed regularity. The last
copy of United Inland is studded with
repurta of the subordinate Leagues, and
• lengthy account is gives of the regular
fortnightly meeting of the Central Na -
New Drees Goods, in Newest Shades.
New White and Ool'd Dress Muslin. sand Lawns.
New Cream and Ool'd Seersucker..
New Prints and Cotton Shirting..
New Whits and Grey OottonL,
New Parasols, Hosiery and Gloves.
Best Value Ever Shown in Goderich.
Highest Price for Butter and Eggs.
Goderit b. lath Jus, tees.
b -
to relatives He was aoeomp•ni.d
kis wife and son to call the attention of the Lioeese I. I
Mr Noone, of Toronto, is at pre Spector, to the feet that w far most, it
snit retweisg Mr H. Boluses, of the I not all u! the hotels in town have faded
Beak of Commerce, who bas gone far to comply proeerly with the provisions
two weeks holidays w the (loaf of 8t. of the Act regarding scrum and window
Lawreoee. bliuda in bar -roods. The entertain-
Runcimea Bros aro busily engaged meta committee are preparing an at -
fitting up two mills, one in Peterburo, to tractive programme for the test public
be completed by the hot of October. meeting of the League, on the 14th inst.
and another at Bloomfield, to be finished
by November 1st. mi.* of It.
Dr. M. Nicholson, the nest street Never before in the history of the
dentist, makes the preservation ,.f the world was there a remedy for cores s
natural teeth a specialty. (:as adminis• site, painless, and certain s Putnam's
tared from 9 mem. to 4 p,m. for the pain- Painless Coen Extractor. It maks so
lees extraction of teeth.
sore spots and acts speedily. Try Pot
Knox church S. S. picnic eau held on nami s Corn Extractor. At druggists
Friday kat, in Bingham's Grove. Then Sure, sate, and peerless
was a large attendance of children mid
Mew the Priest. '
rents About 5W sat down to Ms,
Johnston sad town clerk Campbell, that a°d everybody enjoyed themselres- —
Goods at lea than oat price. J. A.
the plane and od b. io on
for the new Reid & Bro ere now offering their entire
poet office would be view ,.newt stuck of newt gods 10 per eat blow
week," and yet they lorry 554 ioN w oaks doom fur fall Ronda. Call
oomettt not. The general impression is on them and secure some of the ber-
the work won't be initiated until �Y� A B othCoerrnell, adcertiasltihissouther furni
the murmurs of a general election ere in ton std.
od specias in
the air. solemn, He is snaking a special effort
in window shades and sewing machines.
lits Toronto World is endeavoring to and is bt.und to push them at cheapest
boom Mr B. B. Osler, as • fit and pro- rater
per person for the leadership of the Re- The Huron Hotel, which has recently
form Party. Mr Osler is a clever, been enlarged and improved, i. t.ow One
of the Bost complete ttostleris in town.
level-headed lawyer, and would uocmP7 The proprietor, Mr Wm Craig a bound
a front rank in guy procession that he to make it • necessity to the travelling
mew tet to march in, but who on earth public.
delegated powers to the World to Dwain- Dr Tay tor, wbc. has been toaftTerorontohis andno. -
ate leaders for the Reform party 1 The othecentr sepverei itsnasrecupo., retureratingned home Toss -
Toronto ressriotiomist journal long ago (ley evening, once on/mowed in health.
"saved iia boat," •) (far as the Reform and will at 0 ce resume the practice of
party was concerned.
his professloe.
The solo. Jane McLeod left Thursday
A teethe iJeway Ticket.
An intereetin case has recently been
decided in Euwland Ay the Master .d the
Ruta u, 1110 C-ourt .•f Appeals one
Butler h.d loot half Ism return ticket on
the Mai cheater and Lincolnshire railway
and refusing to pay icer again he was
forcibly .leered hum the arnsge. Tile
Jnative Court held that he was rightly
ejected but the Master • f the Rolls de-
er. that "there is no law which enabl-
es • man to put his hand forcibly upon
another for • breach of cuotr•ct, melees
be is stupid enough to agree to that be-
ing done." A railway ticket is merely
evidence of payment, like a re3eept; and
no mew is ob:iged to pay hie fare over
again sourly besese he lest los ticket.
We are planed to learn that Mr John
Story bre succeeded in obtaining • pa-
tent in the United States, fur his im-
proved carpet stretcher. The marbles
u • very iogaiow and useful article,
and no doubt Mr Storey will snake a
good thing out of it, as he deserves to
do. The drawing and specifications
were prepared,•nd the busies in the U.
S. pates% office attended to by Mr Y. K
at Bl th
Ar a recent podia seating 7 , she will take en e led of wood tor De.
morning for Richard's Landing, where
Mr Pat Kelly ands soma gratuitous re trott Capt. Mclean is putting forth
ferences to the people of Goderich, and every effort to keep her canvas spread is
amongst other things said that there 'Pete 01 the dell meson.
Waterman's Iron steam yacht "Cuda"
"wasn't a man in the county town worth droppedinto port Touradac morning with
a tinker's curse ! ' Mr Kelly tea only W. Watermmn, Com. %t asuman and
speak with authority about the people of Penator Davenport and wife and Mr.
the county town with whom he associates Foster and wit. oa bnard. 011 heir wa7
w Georkiao Bay to Mackinac.
when he cpion, Care, and Mean. ill 00 Mr Jams Regan,who formerly tanght
atop, Campion, Campbell rf Ili, will oo Goderich township has been re-ap-
doubt feel flattered by the opinion
which the cultured reeve of Blyth bolds
and gag have no terrors for prominent �of them.
Home Rulers :
He said they were engaged in . very sew AdverMsgaenes TbM Week'
Huron Hotel -W Crete.
rreraeatt.s N tam. sesta..
Previous to the departure of Mr and
Ms Beesley for the Nurtbwest,tbe latter
ws promoted, oo behalf the mission
school, in whisk she heatable a Isedieg
partever since its eepmi stioe M Gods -
rich, with a neetly.bMpd BIbISL lg.�e�
panted by the following.direm:—
DeAa Mite ItusLtT, — We kthgnc
with regret some time ago, that is the
wear (store you were to lave we to
Seeger. make your home in the great Northwest.
The time hs ocm* fur the separation.
Taos weal. We aro sorry toyert with yon, bat bow
Tie indlstry known se the City Laun- In bumble submission to the will of God,
dray, eeeasr of Waterloo and West met., who, we believe, a raiding your foot -
has Deni in operation in Goderioh during ,tees we will Nis you is the minion
the past cis months, under the manage-
ment of Mr Thom A Vndeen, and has, we
are *seed to note, bseo w suoossfd
that the tanager has been fueled to
adopt steam power to kap up with his
work. W. are desired to state that there
is DOW ample aocommod•tiou and Dower
to attend w .11 work that may be mut
in. AU goods turned out in a thorough
manner and satisfaction guaranteed.
■y eseaeol.
A sort pleasing and happy event took
place at the residence of Mr Wta d•slts,
$stet., on Wednesday morning, Au-
gust 1st, at 10.30, which was 1be
marriage of his daughter Rosa M., to
Mr 3. R. Ciente, of Galt. The bride
was assisted by Ilia. Georgie Martin,
M. E. L., and the gross by Mr Wsltet
Ssults, brother of the bride. The bride
was dressed in a beautiful brows travel-
ing cosutume. and the brdesmaaid ion
in white lace. The promote were nosier_
pointed principal of the Blake school eta, costly sod beautiful. The happy
for 1889 at 'an increase of slary, the couple left op the 1.'6 train for Bawl-
ealary Dow being $450. Mr Regan took ton, Toronto, and other points amid the
charge of the school at New Years, and hearty coogratulatiotm and best wishes
has given entire satisfaction. of sant friends The oeresouy was
The following is from the Ferris Ad- performed by the Rev Mr Potter, of the
porafe : Rev I B Walwib, of Simms Co., Victoria -$t church.
preached two excellent sermons, io the
Methodist Church Int Sabbath to large
congregations. Mr Wellwin, is very
highly spoken of by all who know him
end for oratorical ability be has few
Nitquals. He is expected to remain in
sus for the nett few weeks
great contest. which was noble itself, and
was not without danger either. But he
believed in the w• the contest had
been carried oo by Mfr Parnell and his
lieutenants to Parliament, with pru-
dence and moderation, and they were
nearer to winning than many pmole
might imagine cheesy If any great
damage were to befall the movement,
they would only have to begin again, but
that would be no new story for Ireland.
However, he was far from anticipating
such an event. Their great weapon was
the franchise, which had been wanting
in other contests, but which they had
now, thanks to Mr Gladstone (cheer;,
and in spite of the opposition of Lord
Hartington and the Tones in 1885. The
result was that the Nationalists had 85
representatives out of 103 in Ireland, or,
he would my, out of 101, for he might
exclude the two gentleman who repre-
Dented the University of Dublin. Fo
many reasons he thought the University
ought to be disfraochi.ed (hear, herr
and laughter). He was opposed to all
fancy repreeentations,and believed in the
principle of "One man orae vote." The
(machin was a powerful weapon, and
one out of every ail -and -a -half of the
pot elation was entitled to wield it. They
suffered in this country from many evils
—misrepresentation was one of them.
They remembered the p•regnph in the
Med about the bogus outrage at Wood-
ford recently, for which the .Moil
apologised. That was caught up by the
Rea,adurd, and the erroneous statement
-- he was going to os • shorter term
which would oot have been polite (laagb-
ter) --was elrcnlatd through Lrorieed,
with the result that it was read by May,
while the contradiction only reached a
very aniallleportion of them. With re-
gard to the Commission of inquiry into
the Tim., libels, Mr Parnell was entitled
at last t•. Ilk for fair play, and that the
(,'Asap kxcars ..--C. P. It.
House tri Let—Mrs Roberti'.
Me and Porter—O. H. Parsons
Wines. Liquors. ate.—O. II. Parsons.
Bib Sale for one Month Fraser & furter.
Furniture and t'•dertaking A. B. CornelL
"A rt iel'a awaap re. takh ' woes,
a' faith Ar 11 punt
le pon"•••••ar for a g, great .aloe in teas
AK- MacOillty my • Creed's'Mock.
0416001■Ian $eeel rrtratame.
The Head blaster has received word
from the Education Department com-
prising the admission of .11 the pupils
bl k who work at Godench, and who were
gads and ass tc., call on McGi11R ray. palmed or recommendedby the local
For real value in new sugar and other exami•
Crabb'. block.
Oleacta. -This 1. a spacial 11oe la ohoto-
remrsphss. that is sow worked la big shape by
George Rtewart. Hamilton -Mt.
A (ton IResuNT. -The: most useful gift
you can make is to give • Wirt Pen. Ap-
ply to D. McGillicuddy. agent Goderich.
FIN. TAILORING. B. lfact.'ormac has the
finest assortment of goods for sprint/and sem- is ..f 8,300 tons burtben, and driven by
mer suite. Order from him sad you will Ir
pleased with nit and prim. engines of 14.000 knee power. Sha is
Hare you seen the views from the "Soo" is
utm aatt tfsm .sere..
Mr Geo B Cox, of the "British Ex-
oge," has just had framed and placed
is reading rocs a couple of large
ars of large omen enamels. One
is the i'mbria, of the Cunard line, which
520 feet Tung, 67 feet broad, and 40 feet
i'ridhame' window t aad hare you seen etre represents she Cit a''L1
other attractions that they keep in their storeeeP• The other rey
in the shape of gentlemen's wsariug apparel 1 Rome, of the Anchor Like, whisk is the
If not, why net / the Iargeot vo.el dost with the excep-
Lt-ttcoim Tea. 11 doesn't make any dlf- tion of the Great Ins ter..
foresee who port tae ditty. for that is not a
gqaaatios that esters Into the drinking of 1.1 -
Qum Tea. What you want is the beat. and
too an get the best at Geo. Rhyne'.
Tots Worsrr's CHRIITIA• Toar0aMers
Uulro'a w111 meet regularly for the transaction
of Monsen every Tuesday afternoon at FM
o'clock, in Koos ebureb. Rrery wemaa ls-
tereeted In the work Is cordially invited
i attend.
Foie Hor Weaning. -Saunders *Sea hare
received soother lot of those preserving
kettles, in graalte Iron. bra., sad ea0Nsl.
the last lot went off fid. Also a stork o< fly-
traps sod uimolise and rnsl oil aurae. The
drape* house under the San.
The waterworks *petering is drawls, the
attention of the pubic and various se,gft.ioes
are glees for and ageism the ss1Mi .N-
pteyed. but when It cameo to hamlet, pletees
or taking pboteweps there le only ono Idea
ea the work to oust by k. R. /gallows the
Commission sboeld not he onmpused of 41141.44*$4- eneQeJt7e
men who were his political enemies There a .new echo enure M fawn.
(chess). He (Profe.r.r Galbraith
treated in the great /mange and 'realI Mies Marion Ralph has .turned
THE •ALr't Or o*AWne e%VrATRY. Mr SJ. Greer, of SsitfurJ, left o0
On the 12th 01 July there was • meet I Wtdnssday for Dakota.
lag d Ora.geas is Dublin. at which 1 Mr Charlie R.ith, of Toronto, Is visit -
lin tfwtle.an from Canada, Mr Fag lag relatiwer is town.
Mr and Mrs Bee Smelts, of Blsevale,
am visiting relatives 1. Godes-kis.
Miss Mo, of Aylmer, eneney Elsie,
d d
is the geeMrs E- Richardson.
Several bieyelewere in tows enjoy-
ing our gold rod d.rlig the week.
Mr Chas Crabb of Chemin, is the
mist of his father, `gr C. Cruise.,Eigie-
prudes** IA their leader in the matter.
g•e.ld •md brother Clarke spots, serer
lag their hearers that there were 150,000
mea in Canada ready to fight fur the
some of the U sio. in Ireland. Rut they
mid remember that two or three meet
important proeosaee.esla were made
by the L.ai.Wse's of Ontada, whin he
preferred to regard s oely rspr.ssti.g
the pesp1, in while\ they p►titomed the
Parliament to greet Home Role
be Irobed (.been). At • amelias of the I Mr D. McGillivray M. A., wail remise
Ulster lgr Loyalists' 11eel - W DrIKamKam leveeing. ._x
3111api aesaa
WOO. icier, Tenon.
is Periling ahead his Caesdisn copy-
right edition of the latest sonde and
other works by wellksows seniors. He
has just issued "The Iros.•ster, or
Lore and Pride," by Georges Ohnet, •
trsnslatiao fres the French, which has
now rose through the 146th edition, end
"Geoffrey's VIctpry, or The Double De-
ception," by Mn Georgie Sheldon, the
well knows authoress. These works an
be had at the bookstores et 30 cents re-
t anwnM' ge.tNwte t>t0emsag.
At a meeting of the direoton of the
Machismo's institute, hold ea Wedses-
day evening. Mr K. Sharman was ap-
pointed • director is pktoe of Mr Swan-
son, who has sairreed. G. Stivea woe
.ppntated .•.rotary in rens of Mr A.
D. Diekesn wbc shoo resigned. The
8.eretary vibe inetreeted to apply to the
onas•il fee the easel groat, and to have
all seeosnts eolleeted immediately.
Com.ittess for the different depart -
meds were struck. and isetreel.d to re-
pot at the next .soling.
What ee e . 0.ss ps»~ 550 tads.•
A joint m . tog of the various ease -
natures of the Temper/owe sad I'rehi-
hides Leaves was ►old is the basement
of Werth St. Methodist dorsi os
Thursday .mania( knit. (Meese were ap-
Ppointed sad arraanampe a smile f..r _ 11
semi work. The 0a robley.ef the Law levee stag of . 04 ...t a en to ter., on
Lttcmeesnt OomidWM0 Obi loseested bat.Msdity badtildi.g ►t,.intr.s,
school. Your devotedness, wtiring
energy and the deep tsterest your have
ever manifested is the epiritsal, as well
se the temporal welfare of the children,
has been noted by all, and appreciated.
Will yon please accept the accompany -
tog Bible as • small token of oar appre-
ciation. And we hope you and y,sr
companion may be long spared bo lire
and teach its truths ; and whim car wont
t n earth is dons May we meet in heaven.
Signed on behalf of the school, by
Jas Bre . , Sop''
J. W. Akitartlox•t, Sec.
!f airy RAILo.
Ooderich, July irate, 1888.
iswb.elt-4sMrieh v. *ilea.
The Gedericb Baseball Club went 1.3
Blyth Do Thursday, July 2Gth, and play-
ed • frieodly match with the local club
mad woe a very close and exciting game,
the score at the finish showing 10 to 7
rues in their favor. The Goderiab boys
were tither unused M playing on such
grounds s they had at Blyth, it being
fall of thistle', and 'hen a hall was
knocked out of the infield they woad
wait for it and tend that it would not
come, awl even if the hall same that tar,
the fielder would get his heads full of
Masons( s*.. .Maws thistles in picking it up. (ioderieb west
The thirty-third anneal meeting of the first to the bat, acid very aoapi-
Masonis Orad Lodge of Canada, wadi eiomsly s ten three ,start",_.est ters got to
hold in the Grund (lpersiHowe. Toronto, Ent bas nu belle, making the bans full.
July 20th. The tenoning grand :(hoer. The next batters, however, were not
were dented fur 1888: equal to the emergency which left men
uo base.. 00 the other haled, Biyth
o ver got a man to hes, as the three
6tet batters could not find the ball at all.
Quite a groan was bard st the end of
%Lia ionise. The Goderieh boys broke
the ice in the second inoieg and got one
Grand Junior Warden ; R W. Bro., wan across the plate, while the oppo-
Rev T. lis Stratton, Kingston, Greed I nest. could not get one soros. The
Chaplain ; R.W. Bros, Edward Mit- boys were never headed by Blyth •t the
shell, Hamilton, Greed Treasurer ; R. I ("Id. of soy innings, and pi1d up 5 rune
VI, iBre., J. J. Mason, Hamil ... n the 7tb. In this isoiag they batted
M. W. Bro., R T. Wilkens, Q ,
Kiorstou, Grand Master ; R. W. Bro.,
J. Roos Robertson, Toronto, Deputy
Grand Master ; R. W. Bro., John A.
Willa, Toronto, Grand Senior Warden ;
R. W. Bro., Joseph Beck, Godaricb;
Grand Secretary ; R. W. B. A. Kevan and nn bees..plendidl7, a three base
Hamilton, Grand Registrar ; R. W.
Bro., Colman, ()wen Sound, Grand
Tyler. R. W. Bros, W. A. Doff, lies -
forth, was eketed D D. G. M. for No
4 District, or South Huron. k. W.
Bro., E. E. Wade, Brussels, was elected
D. D. G. M. fur No 5 District. or Narth
Heron. The next annual er•mmunica-
ttou of Good Lodge will be held in the
Town of Owen Sound.
An Met Modelle% feel.
The WVeder's ltrifuk American, of
Chicago, of last week, has the following
about a old resident of Godericb, whose
relatives still reside hen : Charles F.
Stokes was born in Goderieh, Ontario,
in 1848. He mane to this aide of the
bus 20 jean ago, located in this city,
and entered the e.ployseat of Wilcox
t Gibb Sewing Mackie' Company. He
smbs• isently traveled for the Rieger
Company from their Cincinnati Branch,
and later wen appointed manager of
their city business at that poit.t, holding
that poetical for nine years In January
of this year Mr Stokes became the West-
ern represaetative of the "Springfield
Roadster' Bicycle, whish is known as
owe of the bed hill .limber. dads The
territory represented by Mr Stokes
.Duces the wide West, indtiding Illinois,
Indiana, Iowa, Wiaooeein,Miehigan,Hie-
.e sota,Dakota and Nebraska,aed in thea
States he hes the exclusive right to mill.
Mr Stokes is • tborong► believer in the
exercise of bi.ydiegrmd hoe foursome are
alt goad riders, while the alba, Charlet,
is use of the c,.ieg *heelless of the
Wert. Mr Stokes is • ..sober of the
Ft Doaehsre, the Aimee and the Um -
min llgM. Chbs He ie • gentleman
d t*Iwdid assume.unity, mrd me me
et tads bet IIB le kerma as Dee
d the gelid bemoan w of the eity.
Hit eM and salesroom are bated at
28Rti Wabash Ave. news he smpbja a
bit being made when two tem were on
bases. The chief fielding features were
• one -handed catch by Cooke, in short
left field, two double plays, one by Her-
bert Robertson and Hilton Holmes, mid
the other by Hilton Holmes unassisted,
and two good catches in left field by
Hodgen., of Blyth. The Godericb boys
speak very well of the way they were
treated, except in regard to the omepprs,
who wasjeered and taunted by the Blyth
players, and mon especially by the
people who were standing behind the
catcher, and wh000tht to have keowa
bettor. He umpired the game very
squarely, indeed even allowing one of
their men to strike over •yin .iter he
was clearly out, sod his detester)* on
balls and strikes were very good. The
Goderieh club has played 5 matches this
year. and has won 3 and lost 2. The
score by innings is as follows.
Blyth 002002120-- 7.
Goderteb 0 1 3 0 0 1 5 0 0--10.
Bitter for Blyth, H. Symon. gad
Leib ; for Goderieh, Dudley Holmes
and Percy Mskemmeo. Symons stroek
oat semis of tbs Goderieh, while Holmes
struck out 141
Umpire -Mr Wm. Swanson.
The eleb would like .11 thorn who are
in 'array interested in baseball to come
down to plseties any aigbt lifter moven,
as it cannot be imps to win emery
throe melees outside meosragemest is
romonmsptle. NOW rvred.
To TSB f{erns :—Pleaso inform your
readers that I have a positive remedy for
the above wed imam By its timely
am thoesssde ofbpals.s ease hen
been ps mememb e..M. 1 .half be gy/
to send two b .i .y remedy bet
to .my of year readers who hone ane•
omelette', if they will send Rte their *1•
gess tamed P O. address.
p,,.......sot T. 1. Pt" ••tri
4 Ire Yee. M.,'Ii mat Ogg